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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.Warehouse;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.FieldSchema;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.MetaException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.Context;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.ErrorMsg;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.QueryState;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lib.Node;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Table;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.session.SessionState;
* A subclass of the {@link org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.SemanticAnalyzer} that just handles
* merge statements. It works by rewriting the updates and deletes into insert statements (since
* they are actually inserts) and then doing some patch up to make them work as merges instead.
public class MergeSemanticAnalyzer extends RewriteSemanticAnalyzer {
private int numWhenMatchedUpdateClauses;
private int numWhenMatchedDeleteClauses;
MergeSemanticAnalyzer(QueryState queryState) throws SemanticException {
protected ASTNode getTargetTableNode(ASTNode tree) {
return (ASTNode)tree.getChild(0);
public void analyze(ASTNode tree, Table targetTable, ASTNode tableNameNode) throws SemanticException {
boolean nonNativeAcid = AcidUtils.isNonNativeAcidTable(targetTable, true);
if (nonNativeAcid) {
throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.NON_NATIVE_ACID_UPDATE.getErrorCodedMsg());
analyzeMerge(tree, targetTable, tableNameNode);
* Here we take a Merge statement AST and generate a semantically equivalent multi-insert
* statement to execute. Each Insert leg represents a single WHEN clause. As much as possible,
* the new SQL statement is made to look like the input SQL statement so that it's easier to map
* Query Compiler errors from generated SQL to original one this way.
* The generated SQL is a complete representation of the original input for the same reason.
* In many places SemanticAnalyzer throws exceptions that contain (line, position) coordinates.
* If generated SQL doesn't have everything and is patched up later, these coordinates point to
* the wrong place.
* @throws SemanticException
protected void analyzeMerge(ASTNode tree, Table targetTable, ASTNode targetNameNode)
throws SemanticException {
* See org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.TestMergeStatement for some examples of the merge AST
For example, given:
MERGE INTO acidTbl USING nonAcidPart2 source ON acidTbl.a = source.a2
We get AST like this:
"(tok_merge " +
"(tok_tabname acidtbl) (tok_tabref (tok_tabname nonacidpart2) source) " +
"(= (. (tok_table_or_col acidtbl) a) (. (tok_table_or_col source) a2)) " +
"(tok_matched " +
"(tok_update " +
"(tok_set_columns_clause (= (tok_table_or_col b) (. (tok_table_or_col source) b2))))) " +
"(tok_not_matched " +
"tok_insert " +
"(tok_value_row (. (tok_table_or_col source) a2) (. (tok_table_or_col source) b2))))");
And need to produce a multi-insert like this to execute:
FROM acidTbl RIGHT OUTER JOIN nonAcidPart2 ON acidTbl.a = source.a2
INSERT INTO TABLE acidTbl SELECT nonAcidPart2.a2, nonAcidPart2.b2 WHERE acidTbl.a IS null
INSERT INTO TABLE acidTbl SELECT target.ROW__ID, nonAcidPart2.a2, nonAcidPart2.b2
WHERE nonAcidPart2.a2=acidTbl.a SORT BY acidTbl.ROW__ID
/*todo: we need some sort of validation phase over original AST to make things user friendly; for example, if
original command refers to a column that doesn't exist, this will be caught when processing the rewritten query but
the errors will point at locations that the user can't map to anything
- VALUES clause must have the same number of values as target table (including partition cols). Part cols go last
in Select clause of Insert as Select
todo: do we care to preserve comments in original SQL?
todo: check if identifiers are properly escaped/quoted in the generated SQL - it's currently inconsistent
Look at UnparseTranslator.addIdentifierTranslation() - it does unescape + unparse...
todo: consider "WHEN NOT MATCHED BY SOURCE THEN UPDATE SET TargetTable.Col1 = SourceTable.Col1 "; what happens when
source is empty? This should be a runtime error - maybe not the outer side of ROJ is empty => the join produces 0
rows. If supporting WHEN NOT MATCHED BY SOURCE, then this should be a runtime error
if (tree.getToken().getType() != HiveParser.TOK_MERGE) {
throw new RuntimeException("Asked to parse token " + tree.getName() + " in " +
ASTNode source = (ASTNode)tree.getChild(1);
String targetName = getSimpleTableName(targetNameNode);
String sourceName = getSimpleTableName(source);
ASTNode onClause = (ASTNode) tree.getChild(2);
String onClauseAsText = getMatchedText(onClause);
int whenClauseBegins = 3;
boolean hasHint = false;
// query hint
ASTNode qHint = (ASTNode) tree.getChild(3);
if (qHint.getType() == HiveParser.QUERY_HINT) {
hasHint = true;
List whenClauses = findWhenClauses(tree, whenClauseBegins);
StringBuilder rewrittenQueryStr = createRewrittenQueryStrBuilder();
rewrittenQueryStr.append("(SELECT ");
String subQueryAlias = isAliased(targetNameNode) ? targetName : targetTable.getTTable().getTableName();
ColumnAppender columnAppender = getColumnAppender(subQueryAlias, StringUtils.EMPTY);
columnAppender.appendAcidSelectColumns(rewrittenQueryStr, Context.Operation.MERGE);
rewrittenQueryStr.deleteCharAt(rewrittenQueryStr.length() - 1); // remove last ','
addColsToSelect(targetTable.getCols(), rewrittenQueryStr);
addColsToSelect(targetTable.getPartCols(), rewrittenQueryStr);
rewrittenQueryStr.append(" FROM ").append(getFullTableNameForSQL(targetNameNode)).append(") ");
if (source.getType() == HiveParser.TOK_SUBQUERY) {
//this includes the mandatory alias
} else {
if (isAliased(source)) {
rewrittenQueryStr.append(" ").append(sourceName);
rewrittenQueryStr.append(INDENT).append("ON ").append(onClauseAsText).append('\n');
// Add the hint if any
String hintStr = null;
if (hasHint) {
hintStr = " /*+ " + qHint.getText() + " */ ";
* We allow at most 2 WHEN MATCHED clause, in which case 1 must be Update the other Delete
* If we have both update and delete, the 1st one (in SQL code) must have "AND "
* so that the 2nd can ensure not to process the same rows.
* Update and Delete may be in any order. (Insert is always last)
String extraPredicate = null;
int numInsertClauses = 0;
numWhenMatchedUpdateClauses = 0;
numWhenMatchedDeleteClauses = 0;
boolean hintProcessed = false;
for (ASTNode whenClause : whenClauses) {
switch (getWhenClauseOperation(whenClause).getType()) {
case HiveParser.TOK_INSERT:
handleInsert(whenClause, rewrittenQueryStr, targetNameNode, onClause,
targetTable, targetName, onClauseAsText, hintProcessed ? null : hintStr);
hintProcessed = true;
case HiveParser.TOK_UPDATE:
String s = handleUpdate(whenClause, rewrittenQueryStr, targetNameNode,
onClauseAsText, targetTable, extraPredicate, hintProcessed ? null : hintStr, columnAppender);
hintProcessed = true;
if (numWhenMatchedUpdateClauses + numWhenMatchedDeleteClauses == 1) {
extraPredicate = s; //i.e. it's the 1st WHEN MATCHED
case HiveParser.TOK_DELETE:
String s1 = handleDelete(whenClause, rewrittenQueryStr,
onClauseAsText, extraPredicate, hintProcessed ? null : hintStr, columnAppender);
hintProcessed = true;
if (numWhenMatchedUpdateClauses + numWhenMatchedDeleteClauses == 1) {
extraPredicate = s1; //i.e. it's the 1st WHEN MATCHED
throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected WHEN clause type: " + whenClause.getType() +
if (numWhenMatchedDeleteClauses > 1) {
throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.MERGE_TOO_MANY_DELETE, ctx.getCmd());
if (numWhenMatchedUpdateClauses > 1) {
throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.MERGE_TOO_MANY_UPDATE, ctx.getCmd());
assert numInsertClauses < 2: "too many Insert clauses";
if (numWhenMatchedDeleteClauses + numWhenMatchedUpdateClauses == 2 && extraPredicate == null) {
throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.MERGE_PREDIACTE_REQUIRED, ctx.getCmd());
boolean validating = handleCardinalityViolation(rewrittenQueryStr, targetNameNode, onClauseAsText, targetTable,
numWhenMatchedDeleteClauses == 0 && numWhenMatchedUpdateClauses == 0, columnAppender);
ReparseResult rr = parseRewrittenQuery(rewrittenQueryStr, ctx.getCmd());
Context rewrittenCtx = rr.rewrittenCtx;
ASTNode rewrittenTree = rr.rewrittenTree;
//set dest name mapping on new context; 1st child is TOK_FROM
int insClauseIdx = 1;
for (int whenClauseIdx = 0;
insClauseIdx < rewrittenTree.getChildCount() - (validating ? 1 : 0/*skip cardinality violation clause*/);
whenClauseIdx++) {
//we've added Insert clauses in order or WHEN items in whenClauses
switch (getWhenClauseOperation(whenClauses.get(whenClauseIdx)).getType()) {
case HiveParser.TOK_INSERT:
rewrittenCtx.addDestNamePrefix(insClauseIdx, Context.DestClausePrefix.INSERT);
case HiveParser.TOK_UPDATE:
insClauseIdx += addDestNamePrefixOfUpdate(insClauseIdx, rewrittenCtx);
case HiveParser.TOK_DELETE:
rewrittenCtx.addDestNamePrefix(insClauseIdx, Context.DestClausePrefix.DELETE);
assert false;
if (validating) {
//here means the last branch of the multi-insert is Cardinality Validation
rewrittenCtx.addDestNamePrefix(rewrittenTree.getChildCount() - 1, Context.DestClausePrefix.INSERT);
analyzeRewrittenTree(rewrittenTree, rewrittenCtx);
* This sets the destination name prefix for update clause.
* @param insClauseIdx index of insert clause in the rewritten multi-insert represents the merge update clause.
* @param rewrittenCtx the {@link Context} stores the prefixes
* @return the number of prefixes set.
protected int addDestNamePrefixOfUpdate(int insClauseIdx, Context rewrittenCtx) {
rewrittenCtx.addDestNamePrefix(insClauseIdx, Context.DestClausePrefix.UPDATE);
return 1;
* If there is no WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT, we don't outer join.
private String chooseJoinType(List whenClauses) {
for (ASTNode whenClause : whenClauses) {
if (getWhenClauseOperation(whenClause).getType() == HiveParser.TOK_INSERT) {
return "INNER JOIN";
* Per SQL Spec ISO/IEC 9075-2:2011(E) Section 14.2 under "General Rules" Item 6/Subitem a/Subitem 2/Subitem B,
* an error should be raised if > 1 row of "source" matches the same row in "target".
* This should not affect the runtime of the query as it's running in parallel with other
* branches of the multi-insert. It won't actually write any data to merge_tmp_table since the
* cardinality_violation() UDF throws an error whenever it's called killing the query
* @return true if another Insert clause was added
private boolean handleCardinalityViolation(StringBuilder rewrittenQueryStr, ASTNode target,
String onClauseAsString, Table targetTable, boolean onlyHaveWhenNotMatchedClause, ColumnAppender columnAppender)
throws SemanticException {
if (!conf.getBoolVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.MERGE_CARDINALITY_VIOLATION_CHECK)) {"Merge statement cardinality violation check is disabled: " +
return false;
if (onlyHaveWhenNotMatchedClause) {
//if no update or delete in Merge, there is no need to to do cardinality check
return false;
//this is a tmp table and thus Session scoped and acid requires SQL statement to be serial in a
// given session, i.e. the name can be fixed across all invocations
String tableName = "merge_tmp_table";
List sortKeys = columnAppender.getSortKeys();
rewrittenQueryStr.append("INSERT INTO ").append(tableName)
.append("\n SELECT cardinality_violation(")
.append(StringUtils.join(sortKeys, ","));
addColsToSelect(targetTable.getPartCols(), rewrittenQueryStr, target);
rewrittenQueryStr.append(")\n WHERE ").append(onClauseAsString)
.append(" GROUP BY ").append(StringUtils.join(sortKeys, ","));
addColsToSelect(targetTable.getPartCols(), rewrittenQueryStr, target);
rewrittenQueryStr.append(" HAVING count(*) > 1");
//say table T has partition p, we are generating
//select cardinality_violation(ROW_ID, p) WHERE ... GROUP BY ROW__ID, p
//the Group By args are passed to cardinality_violation to add the violating value to the error msg
try {
if (null == db.getTable(tableName, false)) {
StorageFormat format = new StorageFormat(conf);
Table table = db.newTable(tableName);
List fields = new ArrayList();
fields.add(new FieldSchema("val", "int", null));
table.setDataLocation(Warehouse.getDnsPath(new Path(SessionState.get().getTempTableSpace(),
tableName), conf));
db.createTable(table, true);
} catch(HiveException|MetaException e) {
throw new SemanticException(e.getMessage(), e);
return true;
* @param onClauseAsString - because there is no clone() and we need to use in multiple places
* @param deleteExtraPredicate - see notes at caller
private String handleUpdate(ASTNode whenMatchedUpdateClause, StringBuilder rewrittenQueryStr, ASTNode target,
String onClauseAsString, Table targetTable, String deleteExtraPredicate, String hintStr,
ColumnAppender columnAppender)
throws SemanticException {
assert whenMatchedUpdateClause.getType() == HiveParser.TOK_MATCHED;
assert getWhenClauseOperation(whenMatchedUpdateClause).getType() == HiveParser.TOK_UPDATE;
String targetName = getSimpleTableName(target);
List values = new ArrayList<>(targetTable.getCols().size());
ASTNode setClause = (ASTNode)getWhenClauseOperation(whenMatchedUpdateClause).getChild(0);
//columns being updated -> update expressions; "setRCols" (last param) is null because we use actual expressions
//before re-parsing, i.e. they are known to SemanticAnalyzer logic
Map setColsExprs = collectSetColumnsAndExpressions(setClause, null, targetTable);
//if target table has cols c1,c2,c3 and p1 partition col and we had "SET c2 = 5, c1 = current_date()" we want to end
//up with
//insert into target (p1) select current_date(), 5, c3, p1 where ....
//since we take the RHS of set exactly as it was in Input, we don't need to deal with quoting/escaping column/table
List nonPartCols = targetTable.getCols();
Map colNameToDefaultConstraint = getColNameToDefaultValueMap(targetTable);
for (FieldSchema fs : nonPartCols) {
String name = fs.getName();
if (setColsExprs.containsKey(name)) {
ASTNode setColExpr = setColsExprs.get(name);
if (setColExpr.getType() == HiveParser.TOK_TABLE_OR_COL &&
setColExpr.getChildCount() == 1 && setColExpr.getChild(0).getType() == HiveParser.TOK_DEFAULT_VALUE) {
UnparseTranslator defaultValueTranslator = new UnparseTranslator(conf);
setColsExprs.get(name), colNameToDefaultConstraint.get(name));
String rhsExp = getMatchedText(setColsExprs.get(name));
//"set a=5, b=8" - rhsExp picks up the next char (e.g. ',') from the token stream
switch (rhsExp.charAt(rhsExp.length() - 1)) {
case ',':
case '\n':
rhsExp = rhsExp.substring(0, rhsExp.length() - 1);
//do nothing
} else {
values.add(targetName + "." + HiveUtils.unparseIdentifier(name, this.conf));
addPartitionColsAsValues(targetTable.getPartCols(), targetName, values);
String extraPredicate = handleUpdate(whenMatchedUpdateClause, rewrittenQueryStr, onClauseAsString,
deleteExtraPredicate, hintStr, columnAppender, targetName, values);
setUpAccessControlInfoForUpdate(targetTable, setColsExprs);
return extraPredicate;
protected String handleUpdate(ASTNode whenMatchedUpdateClause, StringBuilder rewrittenQueryStr,
String onClauseAsString, String deleteExtraPredicate, String hintStr,
ColumnAppender columnAppender, String targetName, List values) {
values.add(0, targetName + ".ROW__ID");
rewrittenQueryStr.append(" -- update clause").append("\n");
appendInsertBranch(rewrittenQueryStr, hintStr, values);
String extraPredicate = addWhereClauseOfUpdate(
rewrittenQueryStr, onClauseAsString, whenMatchedUpdateClause, deleteExtraPredicate);
appendSortBy(rewrittenQueryStr, Collections.singletonList(targetName + ".ROW__ID "));
return extraPredicate;
protected String addWhereClauseOfUpdate(StringBuilder rewrittenQueryStr, String onClauseAsString,
ASTNode whenMatchedUpdateClause, String deleteExtraPredicate) {
rewrittenQueryStr.append(INDENT).append("WHERE ").append(onClauseAsString);
String extraPredicate = getWhenClausePredicate(whenMatchedUpdateClause);
if (extraPredicate != null) {
rewrittenQueryStr.append(" AND ").append(extraPredicate);
if (deleteExtraPredicate != null) {
rewrittenQueryStr.append(" AND NOT(").append(deleteExtraPredicate).append(")");
return extraPredicate;
* @param onClauseAsString - because there is no clone() and we need to use in multiple places
* @param updateExtraPredicate - see notes at caller
protected String handleDelete(ASTNode whenMatchedDeleteClause, StringBuilder rewrittenQueryStr,
String onClauseAsString, String updateExtraPredicate,
String hintStr, ColumnAppender columnAppender) {
assert whenMatchedDeleteClause.getType() == HiveParser.TOK_MATCHED;
List deleteValues = columnAppender.getDeleteValues(Context.Operation.DELETE);
appendInsertBranch(rewrittenQueryStr, hintStr, deleteValues);
rewrittenQueryStr.append(INDENT).append("WHERE ").append(onClauseAsString);
String extraPredicate = getWhenClausePredicate(whenMatchedDeleteClause);
if (extraPredicate != null) {
rewrittenQueryStr.append(" AND ").append(extraPredicate);
if (updateExtraPredicate != null) {
rewrittenQueryStr.append(" AND NOT(").append(updateExtraPredicate).append(")");
List sortKeys = columnAppender.getSortKeys();
appendSortBy(rewrittenQueryStr, sortKeys);
return extraPredicate;
private static String addParseInfo(ASTNode n) {
return " at " + ASTErrorUtils.renderPosition(n);
* Collect WHEN clauses from Merge statement AST.
private List findWhenClauses(ASTNode tree, int start) throws SemanticException {
assert tree.getType() == HiveParser.TOK_MERGE;
List whenClauses = new ArrayList<>();
for (int idx = start; idx < tree.getChildCount(); idx++) {
ASTNode whenClause = (ASTNode)tree.getChild(idx);
assert whenClause.getType() == HiveParser.TOK_MATCHED ||
whenClause.getType() == HiveParser.TOK_NOT_MATCHED :
"Unexpected node type found: " + whenClause.getType() + addParseInfo(whenClause);
if (whenClauses.size() <= 0) {
//Futureproofing: the parser will actually not allow this
throw new SemanticException("Must have at least 1 WHEN clause in MERGE statement");
return whenClauses;
protected ASTNode getWhenClauseOperation(ASTNode whenClause) {
if (!(whenClause.getType() == HiveParser.TOK_MATCHED || whenClause.getType() == HiveParser.TOK_NOT_MATCHED)) {
throw raiseWrongType("Expected TOK_MATCHED|TOK_NOT_MATCHED", whenClause);
return (ASTNode) whenClause.getChild(0);
* Returns the as in WHEN MATCHED AND THEN...
* @return may be null
private String getWhenClausePredicate(ASTNode whenClause) {
if (!(whenClause.getType() == HiveParser.TOK_MATCHED || whenClause.getType() == HiveParser.TOK_NOT_MATCHED)) {
throw raiseWrongType("Expected TOK_MATCHED|TOK_NOT_MATCHED", whenClause);
if (whenClause.getChildCount() == 2) {
return getMatchedText((ASTNode)whenClause.getChild(1));
return null;
* Generates the Insert leg of the multi-insert SQL to represent WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT clause.
* @param targetTableNameInSourceQuery - simple name/alias
* @throws SemanticException
private void handleInsert(ASTNode whenNotMatchedClause, StringBuilder rewrittenQueryStr, ASTNode target,
ASTNode onClause, Table targetTable, String targetTableNameInSourceQuery, String onClauseAsString,
String hintStr) throws SemanticException {
ASTNode whenClauseOperation = getWhenClauseOperation(whenNotMatchedClause);
assert whenNotMatchedClause.getType() == HiveParser.TOK_NOT_MATCHED;
assert whenClauseOperation.getType() == HiveParser.TOK_INSERT;
// identify the node that contains the values to insert and the optional column list node
List children = whenClauseOperation.getChildren();
ASTNode valuesNode =
(ASTNode) -> ((ASTNode)n).getType() == HiveParser.TOK_FUNCTION).findFirst().get();
ASTNode columnListNode =
(ASTNode) -> ((ASTNode)n).getType() == HiveParser.TOK_TABCOLNAME).findFirst()
// if column list is specified, then it has to have the same number of elements as the values
// valuesNode has a child for struct, the rest are the columns
if (columnListNode != null && columnListNode.getChildCount() != (valuesNode.getChildCount() - 1)) {
throw new SemanticException(String.format("Column schema must have the same length as values (%d vs %d)",
columnListNode.getChildCount(), valuesNode.getChildCount() - 1));
rewrittenQueryStr.append("INSERT INTO ").append(getFullTableNameForSQL(target));
if (columnListNode != null) {
rewrittenQueryStr.append(' ').append(getMatchedText(columnListNode));
rewrittenQueryStr.append(" -- insert clause\n SELECT ");
if (hintStr != null) {
OnClauseAnalyzer oca = new OnClauseAnalyzer(onClause, targetTable, targetTableNameInSourceQuery,
conf, onClauseAsString);
UnparseTranslator defaultValuesTranslator = new UnparseTranslator(conf);
List targetSchema = processTableColumnNames(columnListNode, targetTable.getFullyQualifiedName());
collectDefaultValues(valuesNode, targetTable, targetSchema, defaultValuesTranslator);
String valuesClause = getMatchedText(valuesNode);
valuesClause = valuesClause.substring(1, valuesClause.length() - 1); //strip '(' and ')'
rewrittenQueryStr.append(valuesClause).append("\n WHERE ").append(oca.getPredicate());
String extraPredicate = getWhenClausePredicate(whenNotMatchedClause);
if (extraPredicate != null) {
rewrittenQueryStr.append(" AND ")
private void collectDefaultValues(
ASTNode valueClause, Table targetTable, List targetSchema, UnparseTranslator unparseTranslator)
throws SemanticException {
List defaultConstraints = getDefaultConstraints(targetTable, targetSchema);
for (int j = 0; j < defaultConstraints.size(); j++) {
unparseTranslator.addDefaultValueTranslation((ASTNode) valueClause.getChild(j + 1), defaultConstraints.get(j));
* Suppose the input Merge statement has ON target.a = source.b and c = d. Assume, that 'c' is from
* target table and 'd' is from source expression. In order to properly
* generate the Insert for WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT, we need to make sure that the Where
* clause of this Insert contains "target.a is null and target.c is null" This ensures that this
* Insert leg does not receive any rows that are processed by Insert corresponding to
* WHEN MATCHED THEN ... clauses. (Implicit in this is a mini resolver that figures out if an
* unqualified column is part of the target table. We can get away with this simple logic because
* we know that target is always a table (as opposed to some derived table).
* The job of this class is to generate this predicate.
* Note that is this predicate cannot simply be NOT(on-clause-expr). IF on-clause-expr evaluates
* to Unknown, it will be treated as False in the WHEN MATCHED Inserts but NOT(Unknown) = Unknown,
* and so it will be False for WHEN NOT MATCHED Insert...
private static final class OnClauseAnalyzer {
private final ASTNode onClause;
private final Map> table2column = new HashMap<>();
private final List unresolvedColumns = new ArrayList<>();
private final List allTargetTableColumns = new ArrayList<>();
private final Set tableNamesFound = new HashSet<>();
private final String targetTableNameInSourceQuery;
private final HiveConf conf;
private final String onClauseAsString;
* @param targetTableNameInSourceQuery alias or simple name
OnClauseAnalyzer(ASTNode onClause, Table targetTable, String targetTableNameInSourceQuery,
HiveConf conf, String onClauseAsString) {
this.onClause = onClause;
this.targetTableNameInSourceQuery = unescapeIdentifier(targetTableNameInSourceQuery);
this.conf = conf;
this.onClauseAsString = onClauseAsString;
* Finds all columns and groups by table ref (if there is one).
private void visit(ASTNode n) {
if (n.getType() == HiveParser.TOK_TABLE_OR_COL) {
ASTNode parent = (ASTNode) n.getParent();
if (parent != null && parent.getType() == HiveParser.DOT) {
//the ref must be a table, so look for column name as right child of DOT
if (parent.getParent() != null && parent.getParent().getType() == HiveParser.DOT) {
//I don't think this can happen... but just in case
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Found unexpected db.table.col reference in " + onClauseAsString);
addColumn2Table(n.getChild(0).getText(), parent.getChild(1).getText());
} else {
//must be just a column name
if (n.getChildCount() == 0) {
for (Node child : n.getChildren()) {
private void analyze() {
if (tableNamesFound.size() > 2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Found > 2 table refs in ON clause. Found " +
tableNamesFound + " in " + onClauseAsString);
if (tableNamesFound.size() > 2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Found > 2 table refs in ON clause (incl unresolved). " +
"Found " + tableNamesFound + " in " + onClauseAsString);
* Find those that belong to target table.
private void handleUnresolvedColumns() {
if (unresolvedColumns.isEmpty()) {
for (String c : unresolvedColumns) {
for (FieldSchema fs : allTargetTableColumns) {
if (c.equalsIgnoreCase(fs.getName())) {
//c belongs to target table; strictly speaking there maybe an ambiguous ref but
//this will be caught later when multi-insert is parsed
addColumn2Table(targetTableNameInSourceQuery.toLowerCase(), c);
private void addColumn2Table(String tableName, String columnName) {
tableName = tableName.toLowerCase(); //normalize name for mapping
List cols = table2column.get(tableName);
if (cols == null) {
cols = new ArrayList<>();
table2column.put(tableName, cols);
//we want to preserve 'columnName' as it was in original input query so that rewrite
//looks as much as possible like original query
* Now generate the predicate for Where clause.
private String getPredicate() {
//normilize table name for mapping
List targetCols = table2column.get(targetTableNameInSourceQuery.toLowerCase());
if (targetCols == null) {
/*e.g. ON source.t=1
* this is not strictly speaking invalid but it does ensure that all columns from target
* table are all NULL for every row. This would make any WHEN MATCHED clause invalid since
* we don't have a ROW__ID. The WHEN NOT MATCHED could be meaningful but it's just data from
* source satisfying source.t=1... not worth the effort to support this*/
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ErrorMsg.INVALID_TABLE_IN_ON_CLAUSE_OF_MERGE
.format(targetTableNameInSourceQuery, onClauseAsString));
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (String col : targetCols) {
if (sb.length() > 0) {
sb.append(" AND ");
//but preserve table name in SQL
sb.append(HiveUtils.unparseIdentifier(targetTableNameInSourceQuery, conf))
.append(HiveUtils.unparseIdentifier(col, conf))
.append(" IS NULL");
return sb.toString();
protected boolean allowOutputMultipleTimes() {
return conf.getBoolVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.SPLIT_UPDATE) || conf.getBoolVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.MERGE_SPLIT_UPDATE);
protected boolean enableColumnStatsCollecting() {
return numWhenMatchedUpdateClauses == 0 && numWhenMatchedDeleteClauses == 0;