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org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.util.HiveStrictManagedMigration Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.util;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;

import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine;
import org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser;
import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter;
import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.cli.Options;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.FileUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.LogUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.ValidTxnList;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.common.cli.CommonCliOptions;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMetaStoreClient;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.IMetaStoreClient;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.TableType;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.TransactionalValidationListener;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.Warehouse;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.AbortTxnRequest;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Database;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.FieldSchema;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.MetaException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Partition;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Table;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.TableValidWriteIds;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.txn.TxnCommonUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.txn.TxnErrorMsg;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.txn.TxnUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.utils.HiveStrictManagedUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.utils.MetaStoreUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Hive;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.session.SessionState;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.shims.HadoopShims;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.shims.ShimLoader;
import org.apache.thrift.TException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectReader;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.yaml.YAMLFactory;

import static;
import static org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.TableType.EXTERNAL_TABLE;
import static org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.TableType.MANAGED_TABLE;
import static org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.hive_metastoreConstants.META_TABLE_STORAGE;

public class HiveStrictManagedMigration {

  private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HiveStrictManagedMigration.class);
  static int RC = 0;

  public enum TableMigrationOption {
    NONE,      // Do nothing
    VALIDATE,  // No migration, just validate that the tables
    AUTOMATIC, // Automatically determine if the table should be managed or external
    EXTERNAL,  // Migrate tables to external tables
    MANAGED    // Migrate tables as managed transactional tables

  private static class RunOptions {
    final String dbRegex;
    final String tableRegex;
    final String oldWarehouseRoot;
    final TableMigrationOption migrationOption;
    final Properties confProps;
    boolean shouldModifyManagedTableLocation;
    final boolean shouldModifyManagedTableOwner;
    final boolean shouldModifyManagedTablePermissions;
    boolean shouldMoveExternal;
    final boolean dryRun;
    final TableType tableType;
    final int tablePoolSize;
    final String fsOperationUser;
    final String controlFileUrl;

    RunOptions(String dbRegex,
               String tableRegex,
               String oldWarehouseRoot,
               TableMigrationOption migrationOption,
               Properties confProps,
               boolean shouldModifyManagedTableLocation,
               boolean shouldModifyManagedTableOwner,
               boolean shouldModifyManagedTablePermissions,
               boolean shouldMoveExternal,
               boolean dryRun,
               TableType tableType,
               int tablePoolSize,
               String fsOperationUser,
               String controlFileUrl) {
      this.dbRegex = dbRegex;
      this.tableRegex = tableRegex;
      this.oldWarehouseRoot = oldWarehouseRoot;
      this.migrationOption = migrationOption;
      this.confProps = confProps;
      this.shouldModifyManagedTableLocation = shouldModifyManagedTableLocation;
      this.shouldModifyManagedTableOwner = shouldModifyManagedTableOwner;
      this.shouldModifyManagedTablePermissions = shouldModifyManagedTablePermissions;
      this.shouldMoveExternal = shouldMoveExternal;
      this.dryRun = dryRun;
      this.tableType = tableType;
      this.tablePoolSize = tablePoolSize;
      this.fsOperationUser = fsOperationUser;
      this.controlFileUrl = controlFileUrl;

    public void setShouldModifyManagedTableLocation(boolean shouldModifyManagedTableLocation) {
      this.shouldModifyManagedTableLocation = shouldModifyManagedTableLocation;

    public void setShouldMoveExternal(boolean shouldMoveExternal) {
      this.shouldMoveExternal = shouldMoveExternal;

    public String toString() {
      return "RunOptions{" +
        "dbRegex='" + dbRegex + '\'' +
        ", tableRegex='" + tableRegex + '\'' +
        ", oldWarehouseRoot='" + oldWarehouseRoot + '\'' +
        ", migrationOption=" + migrationOption +
        ", confProps=" + confProps +
        ", shouldModifyManagedTableLocation=" + shouldModifyManagedTableLocation +
        ", shouldModifyManagedTableOwner=" + shouldModifyManagedTableOwner +
        ", shouldModifyManagedTablePermissions=" + shouldModifyManagedTablePermissions +
        ", shouldMoveExternal=" + shouldMoveExternal +
        ", dryRun=" + dryRun +
        ", tableType=" + tableType +
        ", tablePoolSize=" + tablePoolSize +
        ", fsOperationUser=" + fsOperationUser +
        ", controlFileUrl=" + controlFileUrl +

  private static class OwnerPermsOptions {
    final String ownerName;
    final String groupName;
    final FsPermission dirPerms;
    final FsPermission filePerms;

    OwnerPermsOptions(String ownerName, String groupName, FsPermission dirPerms, FsPermission filePerms) {
      this.ownerName = ownerName;
      this.groupName = groupName;
      this.dirPerms = dirPerms;
      this.filePerms = filePerms;

  private static class WarehouseRootCheckResult {
    final boolean shouldModifyManagedTableLocation;
    final boolean shouldMoveExternal;
    final Path targetPath;
    final HadoopShims.HdfsEncryptionShim encryptionShim;
    final HadoopShims.HdfsErasureCodingShim ecShim;

      boolean shouldModifyManagedTableLocation,
      boolean shouldMoveExternal,
      Path curWhRootPath,
      HadoopShims.HdfsEncryptionShim encryptionShim,
      HadoopShims.HdfsErasureCodingShim ecShim) {
      this.shouldModifyManagedTableLocation = shouldModifyManagedTableLocation;
      this.shouldMoveExternal = shouldMoveExternal;
      this.targetPath = curWhRootPath;
      this.encryptionShim = encryptionShim;
      this.ecShim = ecShim;

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    RunOptions runOptions;
    RC = 0;

    try {
      Options opts = createOptions();
      CommandLine cli = new GnuParser().parse(opts, args);

      if (cli.hasOption('h')) {
        HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
        formatter.printHelp(HiveStrictManagedMigration.class.getName(), opts);

      runOptions = createRunOptions(cli);
    } catch (Exception err) {
      throw new Exception("Error processing options", err);

    HiveStrictManagedMigration migration = null;
    try {
      HiveConf conf = hiveConf == null ? new HiveConf() : hiveConf;
      WarehouseRootCheckResult warehouseRootCheckResult = checkOldWarehouseRoot(runOptions, conf);
      boolean createExternalDirsForDbs = checkExternalWarehouseDir(conf);
      OwnerPermsOptions ownerPermsOptions = checkOwnerPermsOptions(runOptions, conf);

      migration = new HiveStrictManagedMigration(
        conf, runOptions, createExternalDirsForDbs, ownerPermsOptions, warehouseRootCheckResult);;
    } catch (Exception err) {
      LOG.error("Failed with error", err);
      RC = -1;
    } finally {
      if (migration != null) {

    // TODO: Something is preventing the process from terminating after main(), adding exit() as hacky solution.
    if (hiveConf == null) {

  static Options createOptions() {
    Options result = new Options();

    // -hiveconf x=y
      .withDescription("Use value for given property")

      .withDescription("Show what migration actions would be taken without actually running commands")

      .withDescription("Regular expression to match database names on which this tool will be run")

      .withDescription("Regular expression to match table names on which this tool will be run")

      .withDescription("Location of the previous warehouse root")

      .withDescription("Table migration option (automatic|external|managed|validate|none)")

      .withDescription("Whether managed tables should have their data moved from " +
        "the old warehouse path to the current warehouse path")

      .withDescription("Whether managed tables should have their directory owners changed to the hive user")

      .withDescription("Whether managed tables should have their directory permissions changed to conform to " +
        "strict managed tables mode")

      .withDescription("This setting enables the shouldModifyManagedTableLocation, " +
        "shouldModifyManagedTableOwner, shouldModifyManagedTablePermissions options")

      .withDescription("Whether tables living in the old warehouse path should have their data moved to the" +
        " default external location. Applicable only if migrationOption = external")

      .withDescription("print help message")

      .withDescription("Number of threads to process tables.")

      .withDescription(String.format("Table type to match tables on which this tool will be run. " +
          "Possible values: %s Default: all tables","|"))))
      .withArgName("table type")

      .withDescription("If set, migration tool will impersonate this user to carry out write operations on file " +
        "system. Useful e.g. if this tool is run as hive, but chown-ing is also a requirement." +
        "If this is unset file operations will be run in the name of the user running this process (or kinit'ed " +
        "user in Kerberos environments)")

        .withDescription("If set, migration tool will expect either a YAML file on this path, or a directory " +
            "with YAML files in it. Such YAML file(s) shall contain which tables in which databases should the tool " +
            "care about. The value here will be parsed and handled by Hadoop filesystem, so absolute paths with " +
            "schemes are required.")

    return result;

  static RunOptions createRunOptions(CommandLine cli) throws Exception {
    // Process --hiveconf
    // Get hiveconf param values and set the System property values
    Properties confProps = cli.getOptionProperties("hiveconf");
    for (String propKey : confProps.stringPropertyNames()) {"Setting {}={}", propKey, confProps.getProperty(propKey));
      if (propKey.equalsIgnoreCase("hive.root.logger")) {
        // TODO: logging currently goes to hive.log
        CommonCliOptions.splitAndSetLogger(propKey, confProps);
      } else {
        System.setProperty(propKey, confProps.getProperty(propKey));


    String dbRegex = cli.getOptionValue("dbRegex", ".*");
    String tableRegex = cli.getOptionValue("tableRegex", ".*");
    String controlFileUrl = cli.getOptionValue("controlFileUrl", "");
    if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(controlFileUrl)) {
      if (cli.hasOption("dbRegex") || cli.hasOption("tableRegex")) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("No dbRegex or tableRegex options should be set if controlFileUrl is used");
    TableMigrationOption migrationOption =
      TableMigrationOption.valueOf(cli.getOptionValue("migrationOption", "none").toUpperCase());
    boolean shouldModifyManagedTableLocation = cli.hasOption("shouldModifyManagedTableLocation");
    boolean shouldModifyManagedTableOwner = cli.hasOption("shouldModifyManagedTableOwner");
    boolean shouldModifyManagedTablePermissions = cli.hasOption("shouldModifyManagedTablePermissions");
    if (cli.hasOption("modifyManagedTables")) {
      shouldModifyManagedTableLocation = true;
      shouldModifyManagedTableOwner = true;
      shouldModifyManagedTablePermissions = true;
    String oldWarehouseRoot = cli.getOptionValue("oldWarehouseRoot");
    boolean shouldMoveExternal = cli.hasOption("shouldMoveExternal");
    if (shouldMoveExternal && !migrationOption.equals(TableMigrationOption.EXTERNAL)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Please select external as migration option, it is required for " +
        "shouldMoveExternal option.");
    if (shouldModifyManagedTableLocation && shouldMoveExternal) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Options shouldModifyManagedTableLocation and " +
        "shouldMoveExternal cannot be used at the same time. Migration with move option on " +
        " managed tables either ends up with them remaining managed or converted to external, but can't be both.");
    boolean dryRun = cli.hasOption("dryRun");

    String fsOperationUser = cli.getOptionValue("fsOperationUser");

    String tableTypeText = cli.getOptionValue("tableType");

    int defaultPoolSize = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() / 2;
    if (defaultPoolSize < 1) {
      defaultPoolSize = 1;

    int databasePoolSize = getIntOptionValue(cli, "databasePoolSize", defaultPoolSize);
    if (databasePoolSize < 1) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Please specify a positive integer option value for databasePoolSize");
    int tablePoolSize = getIntOptionValue(cli, "tablePoolSize", defaultPoolSize);
    if (tablePoolSize < 1) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Please specify a positive integer option value for tablePoolSize");

    RunOptions runOpts = new RunOptions(
      tableTypeText == null ? null : TableType.valueOf(tableTypeText),
    return runOpts;

  private static int getIntOptionValue(CommandLine commandLine, String optionName, int defaultValue) {
    if (commandLine.hasOption(optionName)) {
      try {
        return Integer.parseInt(commandLine.getOptionValue(optionName));
      } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Please specify a positive integer option value for " + optionName, e);
    return defaultValue;

  private final HiveConf conf;
  private final RunOptions runOptions;
  private final boolean createExternalDirsForDbs;
  private final Path targetPath;
  private final HadoopShims.HdfsEncryptionShim encryptionShim;
  private final HadoopShims.HdfsErasureCodingShim ecShim;
  private final String ownerName;
  private final String groupName;
  private final FsPermission dirPerms;
  private final FsPermission filePerms;
  private final UserGroupInformation fsOperationUser;
  private final HiveStrictManagedMigrationControlConfig controlConfig;

  private CloseableThreadLocal hms;
  private ThreadLocal wh;
  private ThreadLocal oldWh;
  private CloseableThreadLocal hiveUpdater;

  private AtomicBoolean failuresEncountered;
  private AtomicBoolean failedValidationChecks;
  private final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(new YAMLFactory());
  private final ObjectReader yamlReader = mapper.readerFor(HiveStrictManagedMigrationControlConfig.class);

  private void readControlConfigs(FileSystem fs, Path path) {
    if (!path.getName().endsWith(".yaml")) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only .yaml files are supported as control files, got: " + path);
    try (FSDataInputStream fsDataInputStream = {
      controlConfig.putAllFromConfig(yamlReader.readValue(fsDataInputStream.getWrappedStream()));"Control configs have been read in from " + path);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Error reading control file: " + path, e);

  HiveStrictManagedMigration(HiveConf conf, RunOptions runOptions, boolean createExternalDirsForDbs,
                             OwnerPermsOptions ownerPermsOptions, WarehouseRootCheckResult warehouseRootCheckResult) {
    this.conf = conf;
    this.runOptions = runOptions;
    this.createExternalDirsForDbs = createExternalDirsForDbs;
    this.ownerName = ownerPermsOptions.ownerName;
    this.groupName = ownerPermsOptions.groupName;
    this.dirPerms = ownerPermsOptions.dirPerms;
    this.filePerms = ownerPermsOptions.filePerms;
    this.targetPath = warehouseRootCheckResult.targetPath;
    this.encryptionShim = warehouseRootCheckResult.encryptionShim;
    this.ecShim = warehouseRootCheckResult.ecShim;

    // Make sure all --hiveconf settings get added to the HiveConf.
    // This allows utility-specific settings (such as strict.managed.tables.migration.owner)
    // to be set via command line.
    if (runOptions.confProps != null) {
      for (String propKey : runOptions.confProps.stringPropertyNames()) {
        this.conf.set(propKey, runOptions.confProps.getProperty(propKey));

    try {
      if (runOptions.fsOperationUser != null) {
        fsOperationUser = UserGroupInformation.createProxyUser(runOptions.fsOperationUser,
      } else {
        fsOperationUser = UserGroupInformation.getLoginUser();
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Error while setting up UGI for FS operations.");

    try {
      if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(runOptions.controlFileUrl)) {
        controlConfig = new HiveStrictManagedMigrationControlConfig();
        Path path = new Path(runOptions.controlFileUrl);
        FileSystem fs = path.getFileSystem(this.conf);
        if (fs.getFileStatus(path).isDirectory()) {
          for (FileStatus fileStatus : fs.listStatus(path)) {
            readControlConfigs(fs, fileStatus.getPath());
        } else {
          readControlConfigs(fs, path);
      } else {
        controlConfig = null;
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Error while setting up control file content from path: "
          + runOptions.controlFileUrl, e);

    this.hms = new CloseableThreadLocal<>(() -> {
      try {
        HiveMetaStoreClient hiveMetaStoreClient = new HiveMetaStoreClient(conf);
        if (hiveConf != null) {
          SessionState ss = SessionState.start(conf);
        return hiveMetaStoreClient;
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    }, runOptions.tablePoolSize);
    wh = ThreadLocal.withInitial(() -> {
      try {
        return new Warehouse(conf);
      } catch (MetaException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    if (runOptions.shouldModifyManagedTableLocation || runOptions.shouldMoveExternal) {
      Configuration oldConf = new Configuration(conf);
      HiveConf.setVar(oldConf, HiveConf.ConfVars.METASTORE_WAREHOUSE, runOptions.oldWarehouseRoot);

      oldWh = ThreadLocal.withInitial(() -> {
        try {
          return new Warehouse(oldConf);
        } catch (MetaException e) {
          throw new RuntimeException(e);
    this.hiveUpdater = new CloseableThreadLocal<>(() -> {
      try {
        return new HiveUpdater(conf, true);
      } catch (HiveException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    }, runOptions.tablePoolSize);

    this.failuresEncountered = new AtomicBoolean(false);
    this.failedValidationChecks = new AtomicBoolean(false);

  void run() throws Exception {"Starting with {}", runOptions);

    ForkJoinPool tablePool = new ForkJoinPool(
        new NamedForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory("Table-"),

    List databases = null;

    if (controlConfig == null) {
      databases = hms.get().getDatabases(runOptions.dbRegex); //TException
    } else {
      databases = hms.get().getAllDatabases().stream()
          .filter(db -> controlConfig.getDatabaseIncludeLists().containsKey(db)).collect(toList());
    }"Found {} databases", databases.size());

    databases.forEach(dbName -> processDatabase(dbName, tablePool));"Done processing databases.");

    if (failuresEncountered.get()) {
      throw new HiveException("One or more failures encountered during processing.");
    if (failedValidationChecks.get()) {
      throw new HiveException("One or more tables failed validation checks for strict managed table mode.");

  private Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler getUncaughtExceptionHandler() {
    return (t, e) -> LOG.error(String.format("Thread %s exited with error", t.getName()), e);

  static WarehouseRootCheckResult checkOldWarehouseRoot(RunOptions runOptions, HiveConf conf) throws IOException {
    boolean shouldModifyManagedTableLocation = runOptions.shouldModifyManagedTableLocation;
    boolean shouldMoveExternal = runOptions.shouldMoveExternal;
    Path targetPath = null;
    HadoopShims.HdfsEncryptionShim encryptionShim = null;
    HadoopShims.HdfsErasureCodingShim ecShim = null;

    if (shouldMoveExternal && !checkExternalWarehouseDir(conf)) {"External warehouse path not specified/empty. Disabling shouldMoveExternal");
      shouldMoveExternal = false;

    if (shouldModifyManagedTableLocation || shouldMoveExternal) {
      if (runOptions.oldWarehouseRoot == null) {"oldWarehouseRoot is not specified. Disabling shouldModifyManagedTableLocation and " +
        shouldModifyManagedTableLocation = false;
        shouldMoveExternal = false;
      } else {
        String currentPathString = shouldModifyManagedTableLocation ?
          HiveConf.getVar(conf, HiveConf.ConfVars.METASTORE_WAREHOUSE) :
          HiveConf.getVar(conf, HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_METASTORE_WAREHOUSE_EXTERNAL);
        if (arePathsEqual(conf, runOptions.oldWarehouseRoot, currentPathString)) {
"oldWarehouseRoot is the same as the target path {}."
              + " Disabling shouldModifyManagedTableLocation and shouldMoveExternal",
          shouldModifyManagedTableLocation = false;
          shouldMoveExternal = false;
        } else {
          Path oldWhRootPath = new Path(runOptions.oldWarehouseRoot);
          targetPath = new Path(currentPathString);
          FileSystem oldWhRootFs = oldWhRootPath.getFileSystem(conf);
          FileSystem curWhRootFs = targetPath.getFileSystem(conf);
          oldWhRootPath = oldWhRootFs.makeQualified(oldWhRootPath);
          targetPath = curWhRootFs.makeQualified(targetPath);
          if (!FileUtils.isEqualFileSystemAndSameOzoneBucket(oldWhRootFs, curWhRootFs, oldWhRootPath, targetPath)) {
  "oldWarehouseRoot {} has a different FS than the target path {}."
                + " Disabling shouldModifyManagedTableLocation and shouldMoveExternal",
              runOptions.oldWarehouseRoot, currentPathString);
            shouldModifyManagedTableLocation = false;
            shouldMoveExternal = false;
          } else {
            if (!isHdfs(oldWhRootFs)) {
    "Warehouse is using non-HDFS FileSystem {}. Disabling shouldModifyManagedTableLocation and" +
                "shouldMoveExternal", oldWhRootFs.getUri());
              shouldModifyManagedTableLocation = false;
              shouldMoveExternal = false;
            } else {
              encryptionShim = ShimLoader.getHadoopShims().createHdfsEncryptionShim(oldWhRootFs, conf);
              if (!hasEquivalentEncryption(encryptionShim, oldWhRootPath, targetPath)) {
      "oldWarehouseRoot {} and target path {} have different encryption zones." +
                    " Disabling shouldModifyManagedTableLocation and shouldMoveExternal",
                  oldWhRootPath, targetPath);
                shouldModifyManagedTableLocation = false;
                shouldMoveExternal = false;
              } else {
                ecShim = ShimLoader.getHadoopShims().createHdfsErasureCodingShim(oldWhRootFs, conf);
                if (!hasEquivalentErasureCodingPolicy(ecShim, oldWhRootPath, targetPath)) {
        "oldWarehouseRoot {} and target path {} have different erasure coding policies." +
                      " Disabling shouldModifyManagedTableLocation and shouldMoveExternal",
                    oldWhRootPath, targetPath);
                  shouldModifyManagedTableLocation = false;
                  shouldMoveExternal = false;

    return new WarehouseRootCheckResult(shouldModifyManagedTableLocation, shouldMoveExternal,
      targetPath, encryptionShim, ecShim);

  static OwnerPermsOptions checkOwnerPermsOptions(RunOptions runOptions, HiveConf conf) {
    String ownerName = null;
    String groupName = null;
    FsPermission dirPerms = null;
    FsPermission filePerms = null;

    if (runOptions.shouldModifyManagedTableOwner) {
      ownerName = conf.get("strict.managed.tables.migration.owner", "hive");
      groupName = conf.get("", null);
    if (runOptions.shouldModifyManagedTablePermissions) {
      String dirPermsString = conf.get("strict.managed.tables.migration.dir.permissions", "700");
      if (dirPermsString != null) {
        dirPerms = new FsPermission(dirPermsString);
      String filePermsString = conf.get("strict.managed.tables.migration.file.permissions", "700");
      if (filePermsString != null) {
        filePerms = new FsPermission(filePermsString);

    return new OwnerPermsOptions(ownerName, groupName, dirPerms, filePerms);

  static boolean checkExternalWarehouseDir(HiveConf conf) {
    String externalWarehouseDir = conf.getVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_METASTORE_WAREHOUSE_EXTERNAL);
    return externalWarehouseDir != null && !externalWarehouseDir.isEmpty();

  void processDatabase(String dbName, ForkJoinPool tablePool) {
    try {"Processing database {}", dbName);
      Database dbObj = hms.get().getDatabase(dbName);

      if (createExternalDirsForDbs) {

      boolean modifyLocation = shouldModifyDatabaseLocation(dbObj);

      if (modifyLocation) {
        Path newDefaultDbLocation = getDefaultDbPathManagedOrExternal(dbName);"Changing location of database {} to {}", dbName, newDefaultDbLocation);
        if (!runOptions.dryRun) {
          FileSystem fs = getFS(newDefaultDbLocation, conf, fsOperationUser);
          FileUtils.mkdir(fs, newDefaultDbLocation, conf);
          // Set appropriate owner/perms of the DB dir only, no need to recurse
          checkAndSetFileOwnerPermissions(fs, newDefaultDbLocation,
            ownerName, groupName, dirPerms, null, runOptions.dryRun, false);

      List tableNames;
      // If control file content is present we ask for all table names first, then remove those we don't care about
      String tableRegex = controlConfig == null ? runOptions.tableRegex : ".*";
      if (runOptions.tableType == null) {
        tableNames = hms.get().getTables(dbName, tableRegex);
        LOG.debug("found {} tables in {}", tableNames.size(), dbName);
      } else {
        tableNames = hms.get().getTables(dbName, tableRegex, runOptions.tableType);
        LOG.debug("found {} {}s in {}", tableNames.size(),, dbName);

      if (controlConfig != null) {
        List tableIncludeList = controlConfig.getDatabaseIncludeLists().get(dbName);
        if (tableIncludeList == null) {
        } else {
          tableNames.removeAll( -> !tableIncludeList.contains(t)).collect(toList()));
        LOG.debug("{} tables remained after control file filtering in {}", tableNames.size(), dbName);

      boolean errorsInThisDb = !tablePool.submit(() -> tableNames.parallelStream()
        .map(tableName -> processTable(dbObj, tableName, modifyLocation))
        .reduce(true, (aBoolean, aBoolean2) -> aBoolean && aBoolean2)).get();
      if (errorsInThisDb) {

      // Finally update the DB location. This would prevent subsequent runs of the migration from processing this DB.
      if (modifyLocation) {
        if (errorsInThisDb) {
          LOG.error("Not updating database location for {} since an error was encountered. " +
            "The migration must be run again for this database.", dbObj.getName());
        } else {
          if (!runOptions.dryRun) {
            Path newDefaultDbLocation = getDefaultDbPathManagedOrExternal(dbName);
            // dbObj after this call would have the new DB location.
            // Keep that in mind if anything below this requires the old DB path.
            hiveUpdater.get().updateDbLocation(dbObj, newDefaultDbLocation);
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
      Thread.currentThread().interrupt();"Cancel processing " + dbName, e);
    } catch (TException | IOException | HiveException | ExecutionException ex) {
      LOG.error("Error processing database " + dbName, ex);

  private Path getDefaultDbPathManagedOrExternal(String dbName) throws MetaException {
    return runOptions.shouldMoveExternal ?
      wh.get().getDefaultExternalDatabasePath(dbName) :

  public static boolean migrateTable(Table tableObj, TableType tableType, TableMigrationOption migrationOption,
                                     boolean dryRun, HiveUpdater hiveUpdater, IMetaStoreClient hms, Configuration conf)
    throws HiveException, IOException, TException {
    switch (migrationOption) {
      case EXTERNAL:
        migrateToExternalTable(tableObj, tableType, dryRun, hiveUpdater);
      case MANAGED:
        migrateToManagedTable(tableObj, tableType, dryRun, hiveUpdater, hms, conf);
      case NONE:
      case VALIDATE:
        // Check that the table is valid under strict managed tables mode.
        String reason = HiveStrictManagedUtils.validateStrictManagedTable(conf, tableObj);
        if (reason != null) {
          return true;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected table migration option " + migrationOption);
    return false;

  boolean processTable(Database dbObj, String tableName, boolean modifyLocation) {
    try {
      String dbName = dbObj.getName();
      LOG.debug("Processing table {}", getQualifiedName(dbName, tableName));

      Table tableObj = hms.get().getTable(dbName, tableName);
      TableType tableType = TableType.valueOf(tableObj.getTableType());

      TableMigrationOption migrationOption = runOptions.migrationOption;
      if (migrationOption == TableMigrationOption.AUTOMATIC) {
        migrationOption = determineMigrationTypeAutomatically(
          tableObj, tableType, ownerName, conf, hms.get(), null);

      boolean failedValidationCheck = migrateTable(tableObj, tableType, migrationOption, runOptions.dryRun,
        hiveUpdater.get(), hms.get(), conf);

      if (failedValidationCheck) {
        return true;

      String tablePathString = tableObj.getSd().getLocation();
      if (StringUtils.isEmpty(tablePathString)) {
        // When using this tool in full automatic mode (no DB/table regexes and automatic migration option) we may
        // encounter sysdb / information_schema databases. These should not be moved, they have null location.
        return true;
      Path tablePath = new Path(tablePathString);

      boolean shouldMoveTable = modifyLocation && (
        ( && runOptions.shouldModifyManagedTableLocation) ||
          ( && runOptions.shouldMoveExternal));

      if (shouldMoveTable && shouldModifyTableLocation(dbObj, tableObj)) {
        Path newTablePath = wh.get().getDnsPath(
          new Path(getDefaultDbPathManagedOrExternal(dbName),
        moveTableData(dbObj, tableObj, newTablePath);
        if (!runOptions.dryRun) {
          // File ownership/permission checks should be done on the new table path.
          tablePath = newTablePath;

      if (MANAGED_TABLE.equals(tableType)) {
        if (runOptions.shouldModifyManagedTableOwner || runOptions.shouldModifyManagedTablePermissions) {
          FileSystem fs = tablePath.getFileSystem(conf);
          if (isHdfs(fs)) {
            // TODO: what about partitions not in the default location?
            checkAndSetFileOwnerPermissions(fs, tablePath,
              ownerName, groupName, dirPerms, filePerms, runOptions.dryRun, true);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      LOG.error("Error processing table " + getQualifiedName(dbObj.getName(), tableName), ex);
      return false;
    return true;

  boolean shouldModifyDatabaseLocation(Database dbObj) throws IOException, MetaException {
    String dbName = dbObj.getName();
    if (runOptions.shouldModifyManagedTableLocation || runOptions.shouldMoveExternal) {
      // Check if the database location is in the default location based on the old warehouse root.
      // If so then change the database location to the default based on the current warehouse root.
      String dbLocation = dbObj.getLocationUri();
      Path oldDefaultDbLocation = oldWh.get().getDefaultDatabasePath(dbName);
      if (arePathsEqual(conf, dbLocation, oldDefaultDbLocation.toString())) {
        if (hasEquivalentEncryption(encryptionShim, oldDefaultDbLocation, targetPath)) {
          if (hasEquivalentErasureCodingPolicy(ecShim, oldDefaultDbLocation, targetPath)) {
            return true;
          } else {
  "{} and {} have different EC policies. Will not change database location for {}",
              oldDefaultDbLocation, targetPath, dbName);
        } else {
"{} and {} are on different encryption zones. Will not change database location for {}",
            oldDefaultDbLocation, targetPath, dbName);
    return false;

  boolean shouldModifyTableLocation(Database dbObj, Table tableObj) throws IOException, MetaException {
    // Should only be managed tables passed in here.
    // Check if table is in the default table location based on the old warehouse root.
    // If so then change the table location to the default based on the current warehouse root.
    // The existing table directory will also be moved to the new default database directory.
    String tableLocation = tableObj.getSd().getLocation();
    Path oldDefaultTableLocation = oldWh.get().getDefaultTablePath(dbObj, tableObj.getTableName());
    if (arePathsEqual(conf, tableLocation, oldDefaultTableLocation.toString())) {
      if (hasEquivalentEncryption(encryptionShim, oldDefaultTableLocation, targetPath)) {
        if (hasEquivalentErasureCodingPolicy(ecShim, oldDefaultTableLocation, targetPath)) {
          return true;
        } else {
"{} and {} have different EC policies. Will not change table location for {}",
            oldDefaultTableLocation, targetPath, getQualifiedName(tableObj));
      } else {"{} and {} are on different encryption zones. Will not change table location for {}",
          oldDefaultTableLocation, targetPath, getQualifiedName(tableObj));
    return false;

  boolean shouldModifyPartitionLocation(Database dbObj, Table tableObj, Partition partObj,
                                        Map partSpec) throws IOException, MetaException {
    String partLocation = partObj.getSd().getLocation();
    Path oldDefaultPartLocation = runOptions.shouldMoveExternal  ?
      oldWh.get().getPartitionPath(dbObj, tableObj, partSpec.values().stream().collect(toList())):
      oldWh.get().getDefaultPartitionPath(dbObj, tableObj, partSpec);
    if (arePathsEqual(conf, partLocation, oldDefaultPartLocation.toString())) {
      // No need to check encryption zone and EC policy. Data was moved already along with the whole table.
      return true;
    return false;

  void createExternalDbDir(Database dbObj) throws IOException, MetaException {
    Path externalTableDbPath = wh.get().getDefaultExternalDatabasePath(dbObj.getName());
    FileSystem fs = getFS(externalTableDbPath, conf, fsOperationUser);
    if (!fs.exists(externalTableDbPath)) {
      String dbOwner = ownerName;
      String dbGroup = null;

      String dbOwnerName = dbObj.getOwnerName();
      if (dbOwnerName != null && !dbOwnerName.isEmpty()) {
        switch (dbObj.getOwnerType()) {
          case USER:
            dbOwner = dbOwnerName;
          case ROLE:
          case GROUP:
            dbGroup = dbOwnerName;

      if (dbOwner == null) {
        dbOwner = conf.get("strict.managed.tables.migration.owner", "hive");
      }"Creating external table directory for database {} at {} with ownership {}/{}",
        dbObj.getName(), externalTableDbPath, dbOwner, dbGroup);
      if (!runOptions.dryRun) {
        // Just rely on parent perms/umask for permissions.
        checkAndSetFileOwnerPermissions(fs, externalTableDbPath, dbOwner, dbGroup,
          null, null, runOptions.dryRun, false);
    } else {"Not creating external table directory for database {} - {} already exists.",
        dbObj.getName(), externalTableDbPath);
      // Leave the directory owner/perms as-is if the path already exists.

  void moveTableData(Database dbObj, Table tableObj, Path newTablePath) throws HiveException, IOException, TException {
    String dbName = tableObj.getDbName();
    String tableName = tableObj.getTableName();

    Path oldTablePath = new Path(tableObj.getSd().getLocation());"Moving location of {} from {} to {}", getQualifiedName(tableObj), oldTablePath, newTablePath);

    // Move table directory.
    if (!runOptions.dryRun) {
      FileSystem fs = getFS(newTablePath, conf, fsOperationUser);
      if (fs.exists(oldTablePath)) {
        boolean movedData = fs.rename(oldTablePath, newTablePath);
        if (!movedData) {
          String msg = String.format("Unable to move data directory for table %s from %s to %s",
            getQualifiedName(tableObj), oldTablePath, newTablePath);
          throw new HiveException(msg);

    // An error occurring between here and before updating the table's location in the metastore
    // may potentially cause the data to reside in the new location, while the
    // table/partitions point to the old paths.
    // The migration would be _REQUIRED_ to run again (and pass) for the data and table/partition
    // locations to be in sync.

    if (isPartitionedTable(tableObj)) {
      List partNames = hms.get().listPartitionNames(dbName, tableName, Short.MAX_VALUE);
      // TODO: Fetch partitions in batches?
      // TODO: Threadpool to process partitions?
      for (String partName : partNames) {
        Partition partObj = hms.get().getPartition(dbName, tableName, partName);
        Map partSpec =
          Warehouse.makeSpecFromValues(tableObj.getPartitionKeys(), partObj.getValues());
        if (shouldModifyPartitionLocation(dbObj, tableObj, partObj, partSpec)) {
          // Table directory (which includes the partition directory) has already been moved,
          // just update the partition location in the metastore.
          if (!runOptions.dryRun) {
            Path newPartPath = wh.get().getPartitionPath(newTablePath, partSpec);
            hiveUpdater.get().updatePartitionLocation(dbName, tableObj, partName, partObj, newPartPath);

    // Finally update the table location. This would prevent this tool from processing this table again
    // on subsequent runs of the migration.
    if (!runOptions.dryRun) {
      hiveUpdater.get().updateTableLocation(tableObj, newTablePath);

  static void renameFilesToConformToAcid(Table tableObj, IMetaStoreClient hms, Configuration conf, boolean dryRun)
    throws IOException, TException {
    if (isPartitionedTable(tableObj)) {
      String dbName = tableObj.getDbName();
      String tableName = tableObj.getTableName();
      List partNames = hms.listPartitionNames(dbName, tableName, Short.MAX_VALUE);
      for (String partName : partNames) {
        Partition partObj = hms.getPartition(dbName, tableName, partName);
        Path partPath = new Path(partObj.getSd().getLocation());
        FileSystem fs = partPath.getFileSystem(conf);
        if (fs.exists(partPath)) {
          UpgradeTool.handleRenameFiles(tableObj, partPath,
            !dryRun, conf, tableObj.getSd().getBucketColsSize() > 0, null);
    } else {
      Path tablePath = new Path(tableObj.getSd().getLocation());
      FileSystem fs = tablePath.getFileSystem(conf);
      if (fs.exists(tablePath)) {
        UpgradeTool.handleRenameFiles(tableObj, tablePath,
          !dryRun, conf, tableObj.getSd().getBucketColsSize() > 0, null);

  public static TableMigrationOption determineMigrationTypeAutomatically(Table tableObj, TableType tableType,
                                                                         String ownerName, Configuration conf, IMetaStoreClient hms, Boolean isPathOwnedByHive)
    throws IOException, MetaException, TException {
    TableMigrationOption result = TableMigrationOption.NONE;
    String msg;
    switch (tableType) {
      case MANAGED_TABLE:
        if (AcidUtils.isTransactionalTable(tableObj)) {
          // Always keep transactional tables as managed tables.
          result = TableMigrationOption.MANAGED;
        } else {
          String reason = shouldTableBeExternal(tableObj, ownerName, conf, hms, isPathOwnedByHive);
          if (reason != null) {
            LOG.debug("Converting {} to external table. {}", getQualifiedName(tableObj), reason);
            result = TableMigrationOption.EXTERNAL;
          } else {
            result = TableMigrationOption.MANAGED;
      case EXTERNAL_TABLE:
        msg = String.format("Table %s is already an external table, not processing.",
        result = TableMigrationOption.NONE;
      default: // VIEW/MATERIALIZED_VIEW
        msg = String.format("Ignoring table %s because it has table type %s",
          getQualifiedName(tableObj), tableType);
        result = TableMigrationOption.NONE;

    return result;

  private static final Map convertToExternalTableProps = new HashMap<>();
  private static final Map convertToAcidTableProps = new HashMap<>();
  private static final Map convertToMMTableProps = new HashMap<>();
  private static final String KUDU_LEGACY_STORAGE_HANDLER = "com.cloudera.kudu.hive.KuduStorageHandler";
  private static final String KUDU_STORAGE_HANDLER = "org.apache.hadoop.hive.kudu.KuduStorageHandler";

  static {
    convertToExternalTableProps.put("EXTERNAL", "TRUE");
    convertToExternalTableProps.put("external.table.purge", "true");

    convertToAcidTableProps.put("transactional", "true");

    convertToMMTableProps.put("transactional", "true");
    convertToMMTableProps.put("transactional_properties", "insert_only");

  static boolean migrateToExternalTable(Table tableObj, TableType tableType, boolean dryRun, HiveUpdater hiveUpdater)
    throws HiveException {
    String msg;
    switch (tableType) {
      case MANAGED_TABLE:
        if (AcidUtils.isTransactionalTable(tableObj)) {
          msg = createExternalConversionExcuse(tableObj,
            "Table is a transactional table");
          return false;
        }"Converting {} to external table ...", getQualifiedName(tableObj));
        if (!dryRun) {
          hiveUpdater.updateTableProperties(tableObj, convertToExternalTableProps);
        return true;
      case EXTERNAL_TABLE:
        // Might need to update storage_handler
        hiveUpdater.updateTableProperties(tableObj, new HashMap<>());
        msg = createExternalConversionExcuse(tableObj,
          "Table is already an external table");
      default: // VIEW/MATERIALIZED_VIEW
        msg = createExternalConversionExcuse(tableObj,
          "Table type " + tableType + " cannot be converted");
    return false;

  static boolean canTableBeFullAcid(Table tableObj) throws MetaException {
    // Table must be acid-compatible table format, and no sorting columns.
    return TransactionalValidationListener.conformToAcid(tableObj) &&
      (tableObj.getSd().getSortColsSize() <= 0);

  static Map getTablePropsForConversionToTransactional(Map props,
                                                                       boolean convertFromExternal) {
    if (convertFromExternal) {
      // Copy the properties to a new map so we can add EXTERNAL=FALSE
      props = new HashMap(props);
      props.put("EXTERNAL", "FALSE");
    return props;

  static boolean migrateToManagedTable(Table tableObj, TableType tableType, boolean dryRun, HiveUpdater hiveUpdater,
                                       IMetaStoreClient hms, Configuration conf)
    throws HiveException, IOException, MetaException, TException {

    boolean convertFromExternal = false;
    switch (tableType) {
      case EXTERNAL_TABLE:
        convertFromExternal = true;
        // fall through
      case MANAGED_TABLE:
        if (MetaStoreUtils.isNonNativeTable(tableObj)) {
          String msg = createManagedConversionExcuse(tableObj,
            "Table is a non-native (StorageHandler) table");
          return false;
        if (HiveStrictManagedUtils.isAvroTableWithExternalSchema(tableObj)) {
          String msg = createManagedConversionExcuse(tableObj,
            "Table is an Avro table with an external schema url");
          return false;
        // List bucketed table cannot be converted to transactional
        if (HiveStrictManagedUtils.isListBucketedTable(tableObj)) {
          String msg = createManagedConversionExcuse(tableObj,
            "Table is a list bucketed table");
          return false;
        // If table is already transactional, no migration needed.
        if (AcidUtils.isTransactionalTable(tableObj)) {
          String msg = createManagedConversionExcuse(tableObj,
            "Table is already a transactional table");
          return false;

        // ORC files can be converted to full acid transactional tables
        // Other formats can be converted to insert-only transactional tables
        if (canTableBeFullAcid(tableObj)) {
          // TODO: option to allow converting ORC file to insert-only transactional?
"Converting {} to full transactional table", getQualifiedName(tableObj));

          if (hiveUpdater.doFileRename) {
            renameFilesToConformToAcid(tableObj, hms, conf, dryRun);

          if (!dryRun) {
            Map props = getTablePropsForConversionToTransactional(
              convertToAcidTableProps, convertFromExternal);
            hiveUpdater.updateTableProperties(tableObj, props);
          return true;
        } else {
"Converting {} to insert-only transactional table", getQualifiedName(tableObj));
          if (!dryRun) {
            Map props = getTablePropsForConversionToTransactional(
              convertToMMTableProps, convertFromExternal);
            hiveUpdater.updateTableProperties(tableObj, props);
          return true;
      default: // VIEW/MATERIALIZED_VIEW
        String msg = createManagedConversionExcuse(tableObj,
          "Table type " + tableType + " cannot be converted");
        return false;

  static String shouldTableBeExternal(Table tableObj, String ownerName, Configuration conf,
                                      IMetaStoreClient hms, Boolean isPathOwnedByHive)
    throws IOException, MetaException, TException {
    if (MetaStoreUtils.isNonNativeTable(tableObj)) {
      return "Table is a non-native (StorageHandler) table";
    if (HiveStrictManagedUtils.isAvroTableWithExternalSchema(tableObj)) {
      return "Table is an Avro table with an external schema url";
    // List bucketed table cannot be converted to transactional
    if (HiveStrictManagedUtils.isListBucketedTable(tableObj)) {
      return "Table is a list bucketed table";
    // If any table/partition directory is not owned by hive,
    // then assume table is using storage-based auth - set external.
    // Transactional tables should still remain transactional,
    // but we should have already checked for that before this point.
    if (isPathOwnedByHive != null) {
      // for replication flow, the path ownership must be verified at source cluster itself.
      return isPathOwnedByHive ? null :
        String.format("One or more table directories is not owned by hive or non-HDFS path at source cluster");
    } else if (shouldTablePathBeExternal(tableObj, ownerName, conf, hms)) {
      return String.format("One or more table directories not owned by %s, or non-HDFS path", ownerName);

    return null;

  static boolean shouldTablePathBeExternal(Table tableObj, String ownerName, Configuration conf, IMetaStoreClient hms)
    throws IOException, TException {
    boolean shouldBeExternal = false;
    String dbName = tableObj.getDbName();
    String tableName = tableObj.getTableName();

    if (!isPartitionedTable(tableObj)) {
      // Check the table directory.
      Path tablePath = new Path(tableObj.getSd().getLocation());
      FileSystem fs = tablePath.getFileSystem(conf);
      if (isHdfs(fs)) {
        boolean ownedByHive = checkDirectoryOwnership(fs, tablePath, ownerName, true);
        shouldBeExternal = !ownedByHive;
      } else {
        // Set non-hdfs tables to external, unless transactional (should have been checked before this).
        shouldBeExternal = true;
    } else {
      // Check ownership for all partitions
      List partNames = hms.listPartitionNames(dbName, tableName, Short.MAX_VALUE);
      for (String partName : partNames) {
        Partition partObj = hms.getPartition(dbName, tableName, partName);
        Path partPath = new Path(partObj.getSd().getLocation());
        FileSystem fs = partPath.getFileSystem(conf);
        if (isHdfs(fs)) {
          boolean ownedByHive = checkDirectoryOwnership(fs, partPath, ownerName, true);
          shouldBeExternal = !ownedByHive;
        } else {
          shouldBeExternal = true;
        if (shouldBeExternal) {

    return shouldBeExternal;

  void cleanup() {
    if (hiveUpdater != null) {
      runAndLogErrors(() -> hiveUpdater.close());
      hiveUpdater = null;

  public static HiveUpdater getHiveUpdater(HiveConf conf) throws HiveException {
    return new HiveUpdater(conf, false);

  private static final class TxnCtx {
    public final long writeId;
    public final String validWriteIds;
    public final long txnId;

    public TxnCtx(long writeId, String validWriteIds, long txnId) {
      this.writeId = writeId;
      this.txnId = txnId;
      this.validWriteIds = validWriteIds;

  private static class HiveUpdater implements AutoCloseable {
    Hive hive;
    boolean doFileRename;

    HiveUpdater(HiveConf conf, boolean fileRename) throws HiveException {
      hive = Hive.get(conf);
      doFileRename = fileRename;

    public void close() {
      if (hive != null) {
        hive = null;

    void updateDbLocation(Database db, Path newLocation) throws HiveException {
      String msg = String.format("ALTER DATABASE %s SET LOCATION '%s'", db.getName(), newLocation);;

      hive.alterDatabase(db.getName(), db);

    void updateTableLocation(Table table, Path newLocation) throws HiveException {
      String msg = String.format("ALTER TABLE %s SET LOCATION '%s'",
        getQualifiedName(table), newLocation);;
      boolean isTxn = TxnUtils.isTransactionalTable(table);

      org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Table modifiedTable =
        new org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Table(table);

      alterTableInternal(isTxn, table, modifiedTable);

    private void alterTableInternal(boolean wasTxn, Table table,
                                    org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Table modifiedTable) throws HiveException {
      IMetaStoreClient msc = getMSC();
      TxnCtx txnCtx = generateTxnCtxForAlter(table, msc, wasTxn);
      boolean isOk = false;
      try {
        String validWriteIds = null;
        if (txnCtx != null) {
          validWriteIds = txnCtx.validWriteIds;
        msc.alter_table(table.getCatName(), table.getDbName(), table.getTableName(),
          modifiedTable.getTTable(), null, validWriteIds);
        isOk = true;
      } catch (TException ex) {
        throw new HiveException(ex);
      } finally {
        closeTxnCtx(txnCtx, msc, isOk);

    private void alterPartitionInternal(Table table,
                                        org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Partition modifiedPart) throws HiveException {
      IMetaStoreClient msc = getMSC();
      TxnCtx txnCtx = generateTxnCtxForAlter(table, msc, null);
      boolean isOk = false;
      try {
        String validWriteIds = null;
        if (txnCtx != null) {
          validWriteIds = txnCtx.validWriteIds;
        msc.alter_partition(table.getCatName(), table.getDbName(), table.getTableName(),
          modifiedPart.getTPartition(), null, validWriteIds);
        isOk = true;
      } catch (TException ex) {
        throw new HiveException(ex);
      } finally {
        closeTxnCtx(txnCtx, msc, isOk);

    private IMetaStoreClient getMSC() throws HiveException {
      try {
        return hive.getMSC();
      } catch (MetaException ex) {
        throw new HiveException(ex);

    private TxnCtx generateTxnCtxForAlter(
      Table table, IMetaStoreClient msc, Boolean wasTxn) throws HiveException {
      if ((wasTxn != null && !wasTxn) || !TxnUtils.isTransactionalTable(table.getParameters())) {
        return null;
      try {
        UserGroupInformation ugi = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser();
        long txnId = msc.openTxn(ugi == null ? "anonymous" : ugi.getShortUserName());
        TxnCtx result = null;
        try {
          ValidTxnList txns = msc.getValidTxns(txnId);
          String fqn = table.getDbName() + "." + table.getTableName();
          List writeIdsObj = msc.getValidWriteIds(
            Lists.newArrayList(fqn), txns.toString());
          String validWriteIds = TxnCommonUtils.createValidTxnWriteIdList(txnId, writeIdsObj)
          long writeId = msc.allocateTableWriteId(txnId, table.getDbName(), table.getTableName());
          result = new TxnCtx(writeId, validWriteIds, txnId);
        } finally {
          if (result == null) {
            AbortTxnRequest abortTxnRequest = new AbortTxnRequest(txnId);
        return result;
      } catch (IOException | TException ex) {
        throw new HiveException(ex);

    private void closeTxnCtx(TxnCtx txnCtx, IMetaStoreClient msc, boolean isOk)
      throws HiveException {
      if (txnCtx == null) return;
      try {
        if (isOk) {
        } else {
          AbortTxnRequest abortTxnRequest = new AbortTxnRequest(txnCtx.txnId);
      } catch (TException ex) {
        throw new HiveException(ex);

    void updatePartitionLocation(String dbName, Table table, String partName,
                                 Partition part, Path newLocation) throws HiveException, TException {
      String msg = String.format("ALTER TABLE %s PARTITION (%s) SET LOCATION '%s'",
        getQualifiedName(table), partName, newLocation.toString());;

      org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Partition modifiedPart =
        new org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Partition(
          new org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Table(table),
      alterPartitionInternal(table, modifiedPart);

    void updateTableProperties(Table table, Map propsToApply) throws HiveException {
      Map props = new HashMap<>(propsToApply);
      migrateKuduStorageHandlerType(table, props);
      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
      boolean isTxn = TxnUtils.isTransactionalTable(table);
      org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Table modifiedTable = doFileRename ?
        new org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Table(table) : null;
      if (props.size() == 0) {
      boolean first = true;
      for (String key : props.keySet()) {
        String value = props.get(key);
        if (modifiedTable == null) {
          table.getParameters().put(key, value);
        } else {
          modifiedTable.getParameters().put(key, value);

        // Build properties list for logging
        if (first) {
          first = false;
        } else {
          sb.append(", ");
      String msg = String.format("ALTER TABLE %s SET TBLPROPERTIES (%s)",
        getQualifiedName(table), sb.toString());;

      // Note: for now, this is always called to convert the table to either external, or ACID/MM,
      //       so the original table would be non-txn and the transaction wouldn't be opened.
      if (modifiedTable != null) {
        alterTableInternal(isTxn, table, modifiedTable);

  interface ThrowableRunnable {
    void run() throws Exception;

  static void runAndLogErrors(ThrowableRunnable r) {
    try {;
    } catch (Exception err) {
      LOG.error("Error encountered", err);

  static String createExternalConversionExcuse(Table tableObj, String reason) {
    return String.format("Table %s cannot be converted to an external table in "
        + "strict managed table mode for the following reason: %s",
      getQualifiedName(tableObj), reason);

  static String createManagedConversionExcuse(Table tableObj, String reason) {
    return String.format("Table %s cannot be converted to a managed table in "
        + "strict managed table mode for the following reason: %s",
      getQualifiedName(tableObj), reason);

  static boolean isPartitionedTable(Table tableObj) {
    List partKeys = tableObj.getPartitionKeys();
    if (partKeys != null && partKeys.size() > 0) {
      return true;
    return false;

  static boolean isHdfs(FileSystem fs) {
    return scheme.equals(fs.getScheme());

  static String getQualifiedName(Table tableObj) {
    return getQualifiedName(tableObj.getDbName(), tableObj.getTableName());

  static String getQualifiedName(String dbName, String tableName) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    return sb.toString();

  static boolean arePathsEqual(Configuration conf, String path1, String path2) throws IOException {
    String qualified1 = getQualifiedPath(conf, new Path(path1));
    String qualified2 = getQualifiedPath(conf, new Path(path2));
    return qualified1.equals(qualified2);

  static String getQualifiedPath(Configuration conf, Path path) throws IOException {
    FileSystem fs;
    if (path == null) {
      return null;

    fs = path.getFileSystem(conf);
    return fs.makeQualified(path).toString();

   * Recursively check the file owner and permissions, setting them to the passed in values
   * if the owner/perms of the file do not match.
   * @param fs
   * @param path
   * @param userName  Owner of the file to compare/set. Null to skip this check.
   * @param groupName Group of the file to compare/set. Null to skip this check.
   * @param dirPerms  Permissions to compare/set, if the file is a directory. Null to skip this check.
   * @param filePerms Permissions to compare/set, if the file is a file. Null to skip this check.
   * @param dryRun    Dry run - check but do not actually set
   * @param recurse   Whether to recursively check/set the contents of a directory
   * @throws IOException
  static void checkAndSetFileOwnerPermissions(FileSystem fs, Path path,
                                              String userName, String groupName,
                                              FsPermission dirPerms, FsPermission filePerms,
                                              boolean dryRun, boolean recurse) throws IOException {
    FileStatus fStatus = getFileStatus(fs, path);
    checkAndSetFileOwnerPermissions(fs, fStatus, userName, groupName, dirPerms, filePerms, dryRun, recurse);

   * Recursively check the file owner and permissions, setting them to the passed in values
   * if the owner/perms of the file do not match.
   * @param fs
   * @param fStatus
   * @param userName  Owner of the file to compare/set. Null to skip this check.
   * @param groupName Group of the file to compare/set. Null to skip this check.
   * @param dirPerms  Permissions to compare/set, if the file is a directory. Null to skip this check.
   * @param filePerms Permissions to compare/set, if the file is a file. Null to skip this check.
   * @param dryRun    Dry run - check but do not actually set
   * @param recurse   Whether to recursively check/set the contents of a directory
   * @throws IOException
  static void checkAndSetFileOwnerPermissions(FileSystem fs, FileStatus fStatus,
                                              String userName, String groupName,
                                              FsPermission dirPerms, FsPermission filePerms,
                                              boolean dryRun, boolean recurse) throws IOException {
    if (fStatus == null) {

    Path path = fStatus.getPath();
    boolean setOwner = false;
    if (userName != null && !userName.equals(fStatus.getOwner())) {
      setOwner = true;
    } else if (groupName != null && !groupName.equals(fStatus.getGroup())) {
      setOwner = true;

    boolean isDir = fStatus.isDirectory();
    boolean setPerms = false;
    FsPermission perms = filePerms;
    if (isDir) {
      perms = dirPerms;
    if (perms != null && !perms.equals(fStatus.getPermission())) {
      setPerms = true;

    if (setOwner) {
      LOG.debug("Setting owner/group of {} to {}/{}", path, userName, groupName);
      if (!dryRun) {
        fs.setOwner(path, userName, groupName);
    if (setPerms) {
      LOG.debug("Setting perms of {} to {}", path, perms);
      if (!dryRun) {
        fs.setPermission(path, perms);

    if (isDir && recurse) {
      for (FileStatus subFile : fs.listStatus(path)) {
        // TODO: Use threadpool for more concurrency?
        // TODO: check/set all files, or only directories
        checkAndSetFileOwnerPermissions(fs, subFile, userName, groupName, dirPerms, filePerms, dryRun, recurse);

  static boolean checkDirectoryOwnership(FileSystem fs,
                                         Path path,
                                         String userName,
                                         boolean recurse) throws IOException {
    FileStatus fStatus = getFileStatus(fs, path);
    return checkDirectoryOwnership(fs, fStatus, userName, recurse);

  static boolean checkDirectoryOwnership(FileSystem fs,
                                         FileStatus fStatus,
                                         String userName,
                                         boolean recurse) throws IOException {
    if (fStatus == null) {
      // Non-existent file returns true.
      return true;

    Path path = fStatus.getPath();
    boolean result = true;

    // Ignore non-directory files
    boolean isDir = fStatus.isDirectory();
    if (isDir) {
      if (userName != null && !userName.equals(fStatus.getOwner())) {
        return false;

      if (recurse) {
        for (FileStatus subFile : fs.listStatus(path)) {
          if (!checkDirectoryOwnership(fs, subFile, userName, recurse)) {
            return false;

    return result;

  static FileStatus getFileStatus(FileSystem fs, Path path) throws IOException {
    if (!fs.exists(path)) {
      return null;
    return fs.getFileStatus(path);

  static FileStatus[] listStatus(FileSystem fs, Path path) throws IOException {
    if (!fs.exists(path)) {
      return null;
    return fs.listStatus(path);

  static boolean hasEquivalentEncryption(HadoopShims.HdfsEncryptionShim encryptionShim,
                                         Path path1, Path path2) throws IOException {
    // Assumes these are both qualified paths are in the same FileSystem
    if (encryptionShim.isPathEncrypted(path1) || encryptionShim.isPathEncrypted(path2)) {
      if (!encryptionShim.arePathsOnSameEncryptionZone(path1, path2)) {
        return false;
    return true;

  static boolean hasEquivalentErasureCodingPolicy(HadoopShims.HdfsErasureCodingShim ecShim,
                                                  Path path1, Path path2) throws IOException {
    HadoopShims.HdfsFileErasureCodingPolicy policy1 = ecShim.getErasureCodingPolicy(path1);
    HadoopShims.HdfsFileErasureCodingPolicy policy2 = ecShim.getErasureCodingPolicy(path2);
    if (policy1 != null) {
      return policy1.equals(policy2);
    } else {
      if (policy2 == null) {
        return true;
      return false;

   * While upgrading from earlier versions we need to amend storage_handler value for Kudu tables that might
   * have the legacy value set.
   * @param table
   * @param props
  private static void migrateKuduStorageHandlerType(Table table, Map props) {
    Map tableProperties = table.getParameters();
    if (tableProperties != null) {
      String storageHandler = tableProperties.get(META_TABLE_STORAGE);
      if (KUDU_LEGACY_STORAGE_HANDLER.equals(storageHandler)) {

  private static FileSystem getFS(Path path, Configuration conf, UserGroupInformation fsOperationUser)
    throws IOException {
    try {
      return fsOperationUser.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction() {
        public FileSystem run() throws Exception {
          return path.getFileSystem(conf);
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
      throw new IOException(e);

   * can set it from tests to test when config needs something other than default values.
  static HiveConf hiveConf = null;
  static String scheme = "hdfs";

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