hivemall.optimizer.LossFunctions Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package hivemall.optimizer;
import hivemall.utils.math.MathUtils;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* @link
public final class LossFunctions {
public enum LossType {
SquaredLoss, QuantileLoss, EpsilonInsensitiveLoss, SquaredEpsilonInsensitiveLoss, HuberLoss,
HingeLoss, LogLoss, SquaredHingeLoss, ModifiedHuberLoss
public static LossFunction getLossFunction(@Nullable final String type) {
if ("SquaredLoss".equalsIgnoreCase(type) || "squared".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
return new SquaredLoss();
} else if ("QuantileLoss".equalsIgnoreCase(type) || "quantile".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
return new QuantileLoss();
} else if ("EpsilonInsensitiveLoss".equalsIgnoreCase(type)
|| "epsilon_insensitive".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
return new EpsilonInsensitiveLoss();
} else if ("SquaredEpsilonInsensitiveLoss".equalsIgnoreCase(type)
|| "squared_epsilon_insensitive".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
return new SquaredEpsilonInsensitiveLoss();
} else if ("HuberLoss".equalsIgnoreCase(type) || "huber".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
return new HuberLoss();
} else if ("HingeLoss".equalsIgnoreCase(type) || "hinge".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
return new HingeLoss();
} else if ("LogLoss".equalsIgnoreCase(type) || "log".equalsIgnoreCase(type)
|| "LogisticLoss".equalsIgnoreCase(type) || "logistic".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
return new LogLoss();
} else if ("SquaredHingeLoss".equalsIgnoreCase(type)
|| "squared_hinge".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
return new SquaredHingeLoss();
} else if ("ModifiedHuberLoss".equalsIgnoreCase(type)
|| "modified_huber".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
return new ModifiedHuberLoss();
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported loss function name: " + type);
public static LossFunction getLossFunction(@Nonnull final LossType type) {
switch (type) {
case SquaredLoss:
return new SquaredLoss();
case QuantileLoss:
return new QuantileLoss();
case EpsilonInsensitiveLoss:
return new EpsilonInsensitiveLoss();
case SquaredEpsilonInsensitiveLoss:
return new SquaredEpsilonInsensitiveLoss();
case HuberLoss:
return new HuberLoss();
case HingeLoss:
return new HingeLoss();
case LogLoss:
return new LogLoss();
case SquaredHingeLoss:
return new SquaredHingeLoss();
case ModifiedHuberLoss:
return new ModifiedHuberLoss();
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported loss function name: " + type);
public interface LossFunction {
* Evaluate the loss function.
* @param p The prediction, p = w^T x
* @param y The true value (aka target)
* @return The loss evaluated at `p` and `y`.
public float loss(float p, float y);
public double loss(double p, double y);
* Evaluate the derivative of the loss function with respect to the prediction `p`.
* @param p The prediction, p = w^T x
* @param y The true value (aka target)
* @return The derivative of the loss function w.r.t. `p`.
public float dloss(float p, float y);
public boolean forBinaryClassification();
public boolean forRegression();
public LossType getType();
public static abstract class RegressionLoss implements LossFunction {
public boolean forBinaryClassification() {
return false;
public boolean forRegression() {
return true;
public static abstract class BinaryLoss implements LossFunction {
protected static void checkTarget(final float y) {
if (!(y == 1.f || y == -1.f)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("target must be [+1,-1]: " + y);
protected static void checkTarget(final double y) {
if (!(y == 1.d || y == -1.d)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("target must be [+1,-1]: " + y);
public boolean forBinaryClassification() {
return true;
public boolean forRegression() {
return false;
* Squared loss for regression problems.
* If you're trying to minimize the mean error, use squared-loss.
public static final class SquaredLoss extends RegressionLoss {
public float loss(final float p, final float y) {
final float z = p - y;
return z * z * 0.5f;
public double loss(final double p, final double y) {
final double z = p - y;
return z * z * 0.5d;
public float dloss(final float p, final float y) {
return p - y; // 2 (p - y) / 2
public LossType getType() {
return LossType.SquaredLoss;
* Quantile loss is useful to predict rank/order and you do not mind the mean error to increase
* as long as you get the relative order correct.
* @link
public static final class QuantileLoss extends RegressionLoss {
private float tau;
public QuantileLoss() {
this.tau = 0.5f;
public QuantileLoss(float tau) {
public void setTau(float tau) {
if (tau <= 0 || tau >= 1.0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("tau must be in range (0, 1): " + tau);
this.tau = tau;
public float loss(final float p, final float y) {
float e = y - p;
if (e > 0.f) {
return tau * e;
} else {
return -(1.f - tau) * e;
public double loss(final double p, final double y) {
double e = y - p;
if (e > 0.d) {
return tau * e;
} else {
return -(1.d - tau) * e;
public float dloss(final float p, final float y) {
float e = y - p;
if (e == 0.f) {
return 0.f;
return (e > 0.f) ? -tau : (1.f - tau);
public LossType getType() {
return LossType.QuantileLoss;
* Epsilon-Insensitive loss used by Support Vector Regression (SVR).
* loss = max(0, |y - p| - epsilon)
public static final class EpsilonInsensitiveLoss extends RegressionLoss {
private float epsilon;
public EpsilonInsensitiveLoss() {
public EpsilonInsensitiveLoss(float epsilon) {
this.epsilon = epsilon;
public void setEpsilon(float epsilon) {
this.epsilon = epsilon;
public float loss(final float p, final float y) {
float loss = Math.abs(y - p) - epsilon;
return (loss > 0.f) ? loss : 0.f;
public double loss(final double p, final double y) {
double loss = Math.abs(y - p) - epsilon;
return (loss > 0.d) ? loss : 0.d;
public float dloss(final float p, final float y) {
if ((y - p) > epsilon) {// real value > predicted value - epsilon
return -1.f;
} else if ((p - y) > epsilon) {// real value < predicted value - epsilon
return 1.f;
} else {
return 0.f;
public LossType getType() {
return LossType.EpsilonInsensitiveLoss;
* Squared Epsilon-Insensitive loss. loss = max(0, |y - p| - epsilon)^2
public static final class SquaredEpsilonInsensitiveLoss extends RegressionLoss {
private float epsilon;
public SquaredEpsilonInsensitiveLoss() {
public SquaredEpsilonInsensitiveLoss(float epsilon) {
this.epsilon = epsilon;
public void setEpsilon(float epsilon) {
this.epsilon = epsilon;
public float loss(final float p, final float y) {
float d = Math.abs(y - p) - epsilon;
return (d > 0.f) ? (d * d) : 0.f;
public double loss(final double p, final double y) {
double d = Math.abs(y - p) - epsilon;
return (d > 0.d) ? (d * d) : 0.d;
public float dloss(final float p, final float y) {
final float z = y - p;
if (z > epsilon) {
return -2 * (z - epsilon);
} else if (-z > epsilon) {
return 2 * (-z - epsilon);
} else {
return 0.f;
public LossType getType() {
return LossType.SquaredEpsilonInsensitiveLoss;
* Huber regression loss.
* Variant of the SquaredLoss which is robust to outliers.
* @link
public static final class HuberLoss extends RegressionLoss {
private float c;
public HuberLoss() {
this(1.f); // i.e., beyond 1 standard deviation, the loss becomes linear
public HuberLoss(float c) {
this.c = c;
public void setC(float c) {
this.c = c;
public float loss(final float p, final float y) {
final float r = p - y;
final float rAbs = Math.abs(r);
if (rAbs <= c) {
return 0.5f * r * r;
return c * rAbs - (0.5f * c * c);
public double loss(final double p, final double y) {
final double r = p - y;
final double rAbs = Math.abs(r);
if (rAbs <= c) {
return 0.5d * r * r;
return c * rAbs - (0.5d * c * c);
public float dloss(final float p, final float y) {
final float r = p - y;
final float rAbs = Math.abs(r);
if (rAbs <= c) {
return r;
} else if (r > 0.f) {
return c;
return -c;
public LossType getType() {
return LossType.HuberLoss;
* Hinge loss for binary classification tasks with y in {-1,1}.
public static final class HingeLoss extends BinaryLoss {
private float threshold;
public HingeLoss() {
* @param threshold Margin threshold. When threshold=1.0, one gets the loss used by SVM.
* When threshold=0.0, one gets the loss used by the Perceptron.
public HingeLoss(float threshold) {
this.threshold = threshold;
public void setThreshold(float threshold) {
this.threshold = threshold;
public float loss(final float p, final float y) {
float loss = hingeLoss(p, y, threshold);
return (loss > 0.f) ? loss : 0.f;
public double loss(final double p, final double y) {
double loss = hingeLoss(p, y, threshold);
return (loss > 0.d) ? loss : 0.d;
public float dloss(final float p, final float y) {
float loss = hingeLoss(p, y, threshold);
return (loss > 0.f) ? -y : 0.f;
public LossType getType() {
return LossType.HingeLoss;
* Logistic regression loss for binary classification with y in {-1, 1}.
public static final class LogLoss extends BinaryLoss {
* logloss(p,y) = log(1+exp(-p*y))
public float loss(final float p, final float y) {
final float z = y * p;
if (z > 18.f) {
return (float) Math.exp(-z);
if (z < -18.f) {
return -z;
return (float) Math.log(1.d + Math.exp(-z));
public double loss(final double p, final double y) {
final double z = y * p;
if (z > 18.d) {
return Math.exp(-z);
if (z < -18.d) {
return -z;
return Math.log(1.d + Math.exp(-z));
public float dloss(final float p, final float y) {
float z = y * p;
if (z > 18.f) {
return (float) Math.exp(-z) * -y;
if (z < -18.f) {
return -y;
return -y / ((float) Math.exp(z) + 1.f);
public LossType getType() {
return LossType.LogLoss;
* Squared Hinge loss for binary classification tasks with y in {-1,1}.
public static final class SquaredHingeLoss extends BinaryLoss {
public float loss(final float p, final float y) {
return squaredHingeLoss(p, y);
public double loss(final double p, final double y) {
return squaredHingeLoss(p, y);
public float dloss(final float p, final float y) {
float d = 1 - (y * p);
return (d > 0.f) ? -2.f * d * y : 0.f;
public LossType getType() {
return LossType.SquaredHingeLoss;
* Modified Huber loss for binary classification with y in {-1, 1}.
* Equivalent to quadratically smoothed SVM with gamma = 2.
public static final class ModifiedHuberLoss extends BinaryLoss {
public float loss(final float p, final float y) {
final float z = p * y;
if (z >= 1.f) {
return 0.f;
} else if (z >= -1.f) {
return (1.f - z) * (1.f - z);
return -4.f * z;
public double loss(final double p, final double y) {
final double z = p * y;
if (z >= 1.d) {
return 0.d;
} else if (z >= -1.d) {
return (1.d - z) * (1.d - z);
return -4.d * z;
public float dloss(final float p, final float y) {
final float z = p * y;
if (z >= 1.f) {
return 0.f;
} else if (z >= -1.f) {
return 2.f * (1.f - z) * -y;
return -4.f * y;
public LossType getType() {
return LossType.ModifiedHuberLoss;
* logistic loss function where target is 0 (negative) or 1 (positive).
public static float logisticLoss(final float target, final float predicted) {
if (predicted > -100.d) {
return target - (float) MathUtils.sigmoid(predicted);
} else {
return target;
public static float logLoss(final float p, final float y) {
final float z = y * p;
if (z > 18.f) {
return (float) Math.exp(-z);
if (z < -18.f) {
return -z;
return (float) Math.log(1.d + Math.exp(-z));
public static double logLoss(final double p, final double y) {
final double z = y * p;
if (z > 18.d) {
return Math.exp(-z);
if (z < -18.d) {
return -z;
return Math.log(1.d + Math.exp(-z));
public static float squaredLoss(final float p, final float y) {
final float z = p - y;
return z * z * 0.5f;
public static double squaredLoss(final double p, final double y) {
final double z = p - y;
return z * z * 0.5d;
public static float hingeLoss(final float p, final float y, final float threshold) {
float z = y * p;
return threshold - z;
public static double hingeLoss(final double p, final double y, final double threshold) {
double z = y * p;
return threshold - z;
public static float hingeLoss(final float p, final float y) {
return hingeLoss(p, y, 1.f);
public static double hingeLoss(final double p, final double y) {
return hingeLoss(p, y, 1.d);
public static float squaredHingeLoss(final float p, final float y) {
float z = y * p;
float d = 1.f - z;
return (d > 0.f) ? (d * d) : 0.f;
public static double squaredHingeLoss(final double p, final double y) {
double z = y * p;
double d = 1.d - z;
return (d > 0.d) ? d * d : 0.d;
* Math.abs(target - predicted) - epsilon
public static float epsilonInsensitiveLoss(final float predicted, final float target,
final float epsilon) {
return Math.abs(target - predicted) - epsilon;
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