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package hivemall.optimizer;
import hivemall.model.IWeightValue;
import hivemall.optimizer.Optimizer.OptimizerBase;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2ObjectMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2ObjectOpenHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.annotation.Nonnegative;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.NotThreadSafe;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
public final class SparseOptimizerFactory {
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(SparseOptimizerFactory.class);
public static Optimizer create(@Nonnull final int ndims,
@Nonnull final Map options) {
final String optimizerName = options.get("optimizer");
if (optimizerName == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("`optimizer` not defined");
final String name = optimizerName.toLowerCase();
if ("rda".equalsIgnoreCase(options.get("regularization"))
&& "adagrad".equals(name) == false) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"`-regularization rda` is only supported for AdaGrad but `-optimizer "
+ optimizerName + "`. Please specify `-regularization l1` and so on.");
final OptimizerBase optimizerImpl;
if ("sgd".equals(name)) {
optimizerImpl = new Optimizer.SGD(options);
} else if ("momentum".equals(name)) {
optimizerImpl = new Momentum(ndims, options);
} else if ("nesterov".equals(name)) {
options.put("nesterov", "");
optimizerImpl = new Momentum(ndims, options);
} else if ("adagrad".equals(name)) {
// If a regularization type is "RDA", wrap the optimizer with `Optimizer#RDA`.
if ("rda".equalsIgnoreCase(options.get("regularization"))) {
AdaGrad adagrad = new AdaGrad(ndims, options);
optimizerImpl = new AdagradRDA(ndims, adagrad, options);
} else {
optimizerImpl = new AdaGrad(ndims, options);
} else if ("rmsprop".equals(name)) {
optimizerImpl = new RMSprop(ndims, options);
} else if ("rmspropgraves".equals(name) || "rmsprop_graves".equals(name)) {
optimizerImpl = new RMSpropGraves(ndims, options);
} else if ("adadelta".equals(name)) {
optimizerImpl = new AdaDelta(ndims, options);
} else if ("adam".equals(name)) {
optimizerImpl = new Adam(ndims, options);
} else if ("nadam".equals(name)) {
optimizerImpl = new Nadam(ndims, options);
} else if ("eve".equals(name)) {
optimizerImpl = new Eve(ndims, options);
} else if ("adam_hd".equals(name) || "adamhd".equals(name)) {
optimizerImpl = new AdamHD(ndims, options);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported optimizer name: " + optimizerName);
if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
"Configured " + optimizerImpl.getOptimizerName() + " as the optimizer: " + options);"ETA estimator: " + optimizerImpl._eta);
return optimizerImpl;
static final class Momentum extends Optimizer.Momentum {
private final Object2ObjectMap