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 * Copyright (c) 2010 Haifeng Li
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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 * limitations under the License.
// This file includes a modified version of Smile:

import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;

import hivemall.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import matrix4j.matrix.Matrix;
import matrix4j.vector.DenseVector;
import matrix4j.vector.SparseVector;
import matrix4j.vector.Vector;
import matrix4j.vector.VectorProcedure;
import hivemall.utils.collections.arrays.SparseIntArray;
import hivemall.utils.collections.lists.IntArrayList;
import hivemall.utils.function.Consumer;
import hivemall.utils.function.IntPredicate;
import hivemall.utils.lang.ArrayUtils;
import hivemall.utils.lang.ObjectUtils;
import hivemall.utils.lang.StringUtils;
import hivemall.utils.lang.mutable.MutableInt;
import hivemall.utils.random.PRNG;
import hivemall.utils.random.RandomNumberGeneratorFactory;
import hivemall.utils.sampling.IntReservoirSampler;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2DoubleOpenHashMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2IntMap.Entry;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2IntOpenHashMap;
import smile.math.Math;
import smile.regression.GradientTreeBoost;
import smile.regression.RandomForest;
import smile.regression.Regression;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException;
import org.roaringbitmap.IntConsumer;
import org.roaringbitmap.RoaringBitmap;

 * Decision tree for regression. A decision tree can be learned by splitting the training set into
 * subsets based on an attribute value test. This process is repeated on each derived subset in a
 * recursive manner called recursive partitioning.

* Classification and Regression Tree techniques have a number of advantages over many of those * alternative techniques. *

Simple to understand and interpret.
In most cases, the interpretation of results summarized in a tree is very simple. This * simplicity is useful not only for purposes of rapid classification of new observations, but can * also often yield a much simpler "model" for explaining why observations are classified or * predicted in a particular manner.
Able to handle both numerical and categorical data.
Other techniques are usually specialized in analyzing datasets that have only one type of * variable.
Tree methods are nonparametric and nonlinear.
The final results of using tree methods for classification or regression can be summarized in * a series of (usually few) logical if-then conditions (tree nodes). Therefore, there is no * implicit assumption that the underlying relationships between the predictor variables and the * dependent variable are linear, follow some specific non-linear link function, or that they are * even monotonic in nature. Thus, tree methods are particularly well suited for data mining tasks, * where there is often little a priori knowledge nor any coherent set of theories or predictions * regarding which variables are related and how. In those types of data analytics, tree methods can * often reveal simple relationships between just a few variables that could have easily gone * unnoticed using other analytic techniques.
* One major problem with classification and regression trees is their high variance. Often a small * change in the data can result in a very different series of splits, making interpretation * somewhat precarious. Besides, decision-tree learners can create over-complex trees that cause * over-fitting. Mechanisms such as pruning are necessary to avoid this problem. Another limitation * of trees is the lack of smoothness of the prediction surface. *

* Some techniques such as bagging, boosting, and random forest use more than one decision tree for * their analysis. * * @see GradientTreeBoost * @see RandomForest */ public final class RegressionTree implements Regression { private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(RegressionTree.class); /** * Training dataset. */ private final Matrix _X; /** * Training data response value. */ private final double[] _y; /** * The samples for training this node. Note that samples[i] is the number of sampling of * dataset[i]. 0 means that the datum is not included and values of greater than 1 are possible * because of sampling with replacement. */ @Nonnull private final int[] _samples; /** * The index of training values in ascending order. Note that only numeric attributes will be * sorted. */ @Nonnull private final VariableOrder _order; /** * An index that maps their current position in the {@link #_order} to their original locations * in {@link #_samples}. */ @Nonnull private final int[] _sampleIndex; /** * The attributes of independent variable. */ @Nonnull private final RoaringBitmap _nominalAttrs; /** * Variable importance. Every time a split of a node is made on variable the impurity criterion * for the two descendant nodes is less than the parent node. Adding up the decreases for each * individual variable over the tree gives a simple measure of variable importance. */ private final Vector _importance; /** * The root of the regression tree */ private final Node _root; /** * The maximum number of the tree depth */ private final int _maxDepth; /** * The number of instances in a node below which the tree will not split, setting S = 5 * generally gives good results. */ private final int _minSamplesSplit; /** * The minimum number of samples in a leaf node */ private final int _minSamplesLeaf; /** * The number of input variables to be used to determine the decision at a node of the tree. */ private final int _numVars; /** * The random number generator. */ private final PRNG _rnd; /** * An interface to calculate node output. Note that samples[i] is the number of sampling of * dataset[i]. 0 means that the datum is not included and values of greater than 1 are possible * because of sampling with replacement. */ public interface NodeOutput { /** * Calculate the node output. * * @param samples the samples in the node. * @return the node output */ double calculate(int[] samples); } /** * Regression tree node. */ public static final class Node implements Externalizable { /** * Predicted real value for this node. */ double output = 0.0; /** * The split feature for this node. */ int splitFeature = -1; /** * The type of split feature */ boolean quantitativeFeature = true; /** * The split value. */ double splitValue = Double.NaN; /** * Reduction in squared error compared to parent. */ double splitScore = 0.0; /** * Children node. */ Node trueChild; /** * Children node. */ Node falseChild; /** * Predicted output for children node. */ double trueChildOutput = 0.0; /** * Predicted output for children node. */ double falseChildOutput = 0.0; public Node() {}//for Externalizable public Node(double output) { this.output = output; } private boolean isLeaf() { return trueChild == null && falseChild == null; } private void markAsLeaf() { this.splitFeature = -1; this.splitValue = Double.NaN; this.splitScore = 0.0; this.trueChild = null; this.falseChild = null; } @VisibleForTesting public double predict(@Nonnull final double[] x) { return predict(new DenseVector(x)); } /** * Evaluate the regression tree over an instance. */ public double predict(@Nonnull final Vector x) { if (isLeaf()) { return output; } else { if (quantitativeFeature) { if (x.get(splitFeature, Double.NaN) <= splitValue) { return trueChild.predict(x); } else { return falseChild.predict(x); } } else { if (x.get(splitFeature, Double.NaN) == splitValue) { return trueChild.predict(x); } else { return falseChild.predict(x); } } } } public double predict(@Nonnull final Vector x, @Nonnull final PredictionHandler handler) { if (isLeaf()) { handler.visitLeaf(output); return output; } else { final double feature = x.get(splitFeature, Double.NaN); if (quantitativeFeature) { if (feature <= splitValue) { handler.visitBranch(LE, splitFeature, feature, splitValue); return trueChild.predict(x); } else { handler.visitBranch(GT, splitFeature, feature, splitValue); return falseChild.predict(x); } } else { if (feature == splitValue) { handler.visitBranch(EQ, splitFeature, feature, splitValue); return trueChild.predict(x); } else { handler.visitBranch(NE, splitFeature, feature, splitValue); return falseChild.predict(x); } } } } /** * Evaluate the regression tree over an instance. */ public double predict(final int[] x) { if (isLeaf()) { return output; } else if (x[splitFeature] == (int) splitValue) { return trueChild.predict(x); } else { return falseChild.predict(x); } } public void exportJavascript(@Nonnull final StringBuilder builder, @Nullable final String[] featureNames, final int depth) { if (isLeaf()) { indent(builder, depth); builder.append(output).append(";\n"); } else { if (quantitativeFeature) { indent(builder, depth); if (featureNames == null) { builder.append("if( x[") .append(splitFeature) .append("] <= ") .append(splitValue) .append(") {\n"); } else { builder.append("if( ") .append(resolveFeatureName(splitFeature, featureNames)) .append(" <= ") .append(splitValue) .append(") {\n"); } trueChild.exportJavascript(builder, featureNames, depth + 1); indent(builder, depth); builder.append("} else {\n"); falseChild.exportJavascript(builder, featureNames, depth + 1); indent(builder, depth); builder.append("}\n"); } else { indent(builder, depth); if (featureNames == null) { builder.append("if( x[") .append(splitFeature) .append("] == ") .append(splitValue) .append(") {\n"); } else { builder.append("if( ") .append(resolveFeatureName(splitFeature, featureNames)) .append(" == ") .append(splitValue) .append(") {\n"); } trueChild.exportJavascript(builder, featureNames, depth + 1); indent(builder, depth); builder.append("} else {\n"); falseChild.exportJavascript(builder, featureNames, depth + 1); indent(builder, depth); builder.append("}\n"); } } } public void exportGraphviz(@Nonnull final StringBuilder builder, @Nullable final String[] featureNames, @Nonnull final String outputName, final @Nonnull MutableInt nodeIdGenerator, final int parentNodeId) { final int myNodeId = nodeIdGenerator.getValue(); if (isLeaf()) { builder.append(String.format( " %d [label=<%s = %s>, fillcolor=\"#00000000\", shape=ellipse];\n", myNodeId, outputName, Double.toString(output))); if (myNodeId != parentNodeId) { builder.append(' ').append(parentNodeId).append(" -> ").append(myNodeId); if (parentNodeId == 0) { if (myNodeId == 1) { builder.append( " [labeldistance=2.5, labelangle=45, headlabel=\"True\"]"); } else { builder.append( " [labeldistance=2.5, labelangle=-45, headlabel=\"False\"]"); } } builder.append(";\n"); } } else { if (quantitativeFeature) { builder.append( String.format(" %d [label=<%s ≤ %s>, fillcolor=\"#00000000\"];\n", myNodeId, resolveFeatureName(splitFeature, featureNames), Double.toString(splitValue))); } else { builder.append( String.format(" %d [label=<%s = %s>, fillcolor=\"#00000000\"];\n", myNodeId, resolveFeatureName(splitFeature, featureNames), Double.toString(splitValue))); } if (myNodeId != parentNodeId) { builder.append(' ').append(parentNodeId).append(" -> ").append(myNodeId); if (parentNodeId == 0) {//only draw edge label on top if (myNodeId == 1) { builder.append( " [labeldistance=2.5, labelangle=45, headlabel=\"True\"]"); } else { builder.append( " [labeldistance=2.5, labelangle=-45, headlabel=\"False\"]"); } } builder.append(";\n"); } nodeIdGenerator.addValue(1); trueChild.exportGraphviz(builder, featureNames, outputName, nodeIdGenerator, myNodeId); nodeIdGenerator.addValue(1); falseChild.exportGraphviz(builder, featureNames, outputName, nodeIdGenerator, myNodeId); } } @Deprecated public int opCodegen(@Nonnull final List scripts, int depth) { int selfDepth = 0; final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); if (isLeaf()) { buf.append("push ").append(output); scripts.add(buf.toString()); buf.setLength(0); buf.append("goto last"); scripts.add(buf.toString()); selfDepth += 2; } else { if (quantitativeFeature) { buf.append("push ").append("x[").append(splitFeature).append("]"); scripts.add(buf.toString()); buf.setLength(0); buf.append("push ").append(splitValue); scripts.add(buf.toString()); buf.setLength(0); buf.append("ifle "); scripts.add(buf.toString()); depth += 3; selfDepth += 3; int trueDepth = trueChild.opCodegen(scripts, depth); selfDepth += trueDepth; scripts.set(depth - 1, "ifle " + String.valueOf(depth + trueDepth)); int falseDepth = falseChild.opCodegen(scripts, depth + trueDepth); selfDepth += falseDepth; } else { buf.append("push ").append("x[").append(splitFeature).append("]"); scripts.add(buf.toString()); buf.setLength(0); buf.append("push ").append(splitValue); scripts.add(buf.toString()); buf.setLength(0); buf.append("ifeq "); scripts.add(buf.toString()); depth += 3; selfDepth += 3; int trueDepth = trueChild.opCodegen(scripts, depth); selfDepth += trueDepth; scripts.set(depth - 1, "ifeq " + String.valueOf(depth + trueDepth)); int falseDepth = falseChild.opCodegen(scripts, depth + trueDepth); selfDepth += falseDepth; } } return selfDepth; } @Override public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeInt(splitFeature); out.writeByte(quantitativeFeature ? NUMERIC : NOMINAL); out.writeDouble(splitValue); if (isLeaf()) { out.writeBoolean(true); out.writeDouble(output); } else { out.writeBoolean(false); if (trueChild == null) { out.writeBoolean(false); } else { out.writeBoolean(true); trueChild.writeExternal(out); } if (falseChild == null) { out.writeBoolean(false); } else { out.writeBoolean(true); falseChild.writeExternal(out); } } } @Override public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { this.splitFeature = in.readInt(); byte typeId = in.readByte(); this.quantitativeFeature = (typeId == NUMERIC); this.splitValue = in.readDouble(); if (in.readBoolean()) {// isLeaf() this.output = in.readDouble(); } else { if (in.readBoolean()) { this.trueChild = new Node(); trueChild.readExternal(in); } if (in.readBoolean()) { this.falseChild = new Node(); falseChild.readExternal(in); } } } } private static void indent(final StringBuilder builder, final int depth) { for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) { builder.append(" "); } } /** * Regression tree node for training purpose. */ private final class TrainNode implements Comparable { /** * The associated regression tree node. */ @Nonnull final Node node; /** * Depth of the node in the tree */ final int depth; /** * The lower bound (inclusive) in the order array of the samples belonging to this node. */ final int low; /** * The upper bound (exclusive) in the order array of the samples belonging to this node. */ final int high; /** * The number of samples */ final int samples; /** * Child node that passes the test. */ @Nullable TrainNode trueChild; /** * Child node that fails the test. */ @Nullable TrainNode falseChild; @Nullable int[] constFeatures; public TrainNode(@Nonnull Node node, int depth, int low, int high, int samples) { this(node, depth, low, high, samples, new int[0]); } public TrainNode(@Nonnull Node node, int depth, int low, int high, int samples, @Nonnull int[] constFeatures) { if (low >= high) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unexpected condition was met. low=" + low + ", high=" + high); } this.node = node; this.depth = depth; this.low = low; this.high = high; this.samples = samples; this.constFeatures = constFeatures; } @Override public int compareTo(final TrainNode a) { return (int) Math.signum(a.node.splitScore - node.splitScore); } /** * Calculate the node output for leaves. * * @param output the output calculate functor. */ public void calculateOutput(final NodeOutput output) { if (node.trueChild == null && node.falseChild == null) { int[] samples = getSamples(); node.output = output.calculate(samples); } else { if (trueChild != null) { trueChild.calculateOutput(output); } if (falseChild != null) { falseChild.calculateOutput(output); } } } @Nonnull private int[] getSamples() { int size = high - low; final IntArrayList result = new IntArrayList(size); final int[] sampleIndex = _sampleIndex; final int[] samples = _samples; for (int i = low, end = high; i < end; i++) { int index = sampleIndex[i]; int sample = samples[index]; if (sample > 0) { result.add(index); } } return result.toArray(true); } /** * Finds the best attribute to split on at the current node. Returns true if a split exists * to reduce squared error, false otherwise. */ public boolean findBestSplit() { // avoid split if tree depth is larger than threshold if (depth >= _maxDepth) { return false; } // avoid split if the number of samples is less than threshold if (samples <= _minSamplesSplit) { return false; } final int[] constFeatures_ = this.constFeatures; // Loop through features and compute the reduction of squared error, // which is trueCount * trueMean^2 + falseCount * falseMean^2 - count * parentMean^2 final double sum = node.output * samples; for (int varJ : variableIndex()) { if (ArrayUtils.contains(constFeatures_, varJ)) { continue; } final Node split = findBestSplit(samples, sum, varJ); if (split.splitScore > node.splitScore) { node.splitFeature = split.splitFeature; node.quantitativeFeature = split.quantitativeFeature; node.splitValue = split.splitValue; node.splitScore = split.splitScore; node.trueChildOutput = split.trueChildOutput; node.falseChildOutput = split.falseChildOutput; } } return node.splitFeature != -1; } @Nonnull private int[] variableIndex() { final Matrix X = _X; final IntReservoirSampler sampler = new IntReservoirSampler(_numVars, _rnd.nextLong()); if (X.isSparse()) { // sample columns from sampled examples final RoaringBitmap cols = new RoaringBitmap(); final VectorProcedure proc = new VectorProcedure() { public void apply(final int col) { cols.add(col); } }; final int[] sampleIndex = _sampleIndex; for (int i = low, end = high; i < end; i++) { int row = sampleIndex[i]; X.eachColumnIndexInRow(row, proc); } cols.forEach(new IntConsumer() { public void accept(final int k) { sampler.add(k); } }); } else { final int ncols = X.numColumns(); for (int i = 0; i < ncols; i++) { sampler.add(i); } } return sampler.getSample(); } /** * Finds the best split cutoff for attribute j at the current node. * * @param n the number instances in this node. * @param count the sample count in each class. * @param impurity the impurity of this node. * @param j the attribute to split on. */ private Node findBestSplit(final int n, final double sum, final int j) { final int[] samples = _samples; final int[] sampleIndex = _sampleIndex; final Matrix X = _X; final double[] y = _y; final Node split = new Node(0.d); if (_nominalAttrs.contains(j)) {// nominal final Int2DoubleOpenHashMap trueSum = new Int2DoubleOpenHashMap(); final Int2IntOpenHashMap trueCount = new Int2IntOpenHashMap(); int countNaN = 0; for (int i = low, end = high; i < end; i++) { final int index = sampleIndex[i]; final int numSamples = samples[index]; if (numSamples == 0) { continue; } // For each true feature of this datum increment the // sufficient statistics for the "true" branch to evaluate // splitting on this feature. final double v = X.get(i, j, Double.NaN); if (Double.isNaN(v)) { countNaN++; continue; } int x_ij = (int) v; trueSum.addTo(x_ij, y[i]); trueCount.addTo(x_ij, 1); } final int countDistinctX = trueCount.size() + (countNaN == 0 ? 0 : 1); if (countDistinctX <= 1) { // mark as a constant feature this.constFeatures = ArrayUtils.sortedArraySet(constFeatures, j); } for (Entry e : trueCount.int2IntEntrySet()) { final int k = e.getIntKey(); final double tc = e.getIntValue(); final double fc = n - tc; // skip splitting if (tc < _minSamplesSplit || fc < _minSamplesSplit) { continue; } // compute penalized means double trueSum_k = trueSum.get(k); final double trueMean = trueSum_k / tc; final double falseMean = (sum - trueSum_k) / fc; final double gain = (tc * trueMean * trueMean + fc * falseMean * falseMean) - n * split.output * split.output; if (gain > split.splitScore) { // new best split split.splitFeature = j; split.quantitativeFeature = false; split.splitValue = k; split.splitScore = gain; split.trueChildOutput = trueMean; split.falseChildOutput = falseMean; } } } else { final MutableInt countNaN = new MutableInt(0); final MutableInt replaceCount = new MutableInt(0); _order.eachNonNullInColumn(j, low, high, new Consumer() { double trueSum = 0.0; int trueCount = 0; double prevx = Double.NaN, lastx = Double.NaN; public void accept(int pos, final int i) { final int numSamples = samples[i]; if (numSamples == 0) { return; } final double x_ij = _X.get(i, j, Double.NaN); if (Double.isNaN(x_ij)) { countNaN.incr(); return; } if (lastx != x_ij) { lastx = x_ij; replaceCount.incr(); } final double y_i = _y[i]; if (Double.isNaN(prevx) || x_ij == prevx) { prevx = x_ij; trueSum += numSamples * y_i; trueCount += numSamples; return; } final double falseCount = n - trueCount; // If either side is empty, skip this feature. if (trueCount < _minSamplesSplit || falseCount < _minSamplesSplit) { prevx = x_ij; trueSum += numSamples * y_i; trueCount += numSamples; return; } // compute penalized means final double trueMean = trueSum / trueCount; final double falseMean = (sum - trueSum) / falseCount; // The gain is actually -(reduction in squared error) for // sorting in priority queue, which treats smaller number with // higher priority. final double gain = (trueCount * trueMean * trueMean + falseCount * falseMean * falseMean) - n * split.output * split.output; if (gain > split.splitScore) { // new best split split.splitFeature = j; split.quantitativeFeature = true; split.splitValue = (x_ij + prevx) / 2; split.splitScore = gain; split.trueChildOutput = trueMean; split.falseChildOutput = falseMean; } prevx = x_ij; trueSum += numSamples * y_i; trueCount += numSamples; }//apply }); final int countDistinctX = replaceCount.get() + (countNaN.get() == 0 ? 0 : 1); if (countDistinctX <= 1) { // mark as a constant feature this.constFeatures = ArrayUtils.sortedArraySet(constFeatures, j); } } return split; } /** * Split the node into two children nodes. Returns true if split success. */ public boolean split(@Nullable final PriorityQueue nextSplits) { if (node.splitFeature < 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("Split a node with invalid feature."); } final IntPredicate goesLeft = getPredicate(); // split samples final int tc, fc, pivot; { MutableInt tc_ = new MutableInt(0); MutableInt fc_ = new MutableInt(0); pivot = splitSamples(tc_, fc_, goesLeft); tc = tc_.get(); fc = fc_.get(); } if (tc < _minSamplesLeaf || fc < _minSamplesLeaf) { node.markAsLeaf(); return false; } partitionOrder(low, pivot, high, goesLeft); int leaves = 0; node.trueChild = new Node(node.trueChildOutput); this.trueChild = new TrainNode(node.trueChild, depth + 1, low, pivot, tc, constFeatures.clone()); node.falseChild = new Node(node.falseChildOutput); this.falseChild = new TrainNode(node.falseChild, depth + 1, pivot, high, fc, constFeatures); this.constFeatures = null; if (tc >= _minSamplesSplit && trueChild.findBestSplit()) { if (nextSplits != null) { nextSplits.add(trueChild); } else { if (trueChild.split(null) == false) { leaves++; } } } else { leaves++; } if (fc >= _minSamplesSplit && falseChild.findBestSplit()) { if (nextSplits != null) { nextSplits.add(falseChild); } else { if (falseChild.split(null) == false) { leaves++; } } } else { leaves++; } // Prune meaningless branches if (leaves == 2) {// both left and right child is leaf node if (node.trueChild.output == node.falseChild.output) {// found meaningless branch node.markAsLeaf(); return false; } } _importance.incr(node.splitFeature, node.splitScore); return true; } /** * @return Pivot to split samples */ private int splitSamples(@Nonnull final MutableInt tc, @Nonnull final MutableInt fc, @Nonnull final IntPredicate goesLeft) { final int[] sampleIndex = _sampleIndex; final int[] samples = _samples; int pivot = low; for (int k = low, end = high; k < end; k++) { final int i = sampleIndex[k]; final int numSamples = samples[i]; if (goesLeft.test(i)) { tc.addValue(numSamples); pivot++; } else { fc.addValue(numSamples); } } return pivot; } /** * Modifies {@link #_order} and {@link #_sampleIndex} by partitioning the range from low * (inclusive) to high (exclusive) so that all elements i for which goesLeft(i) is true come * before all elements for which it is false, but element ordering is otherwise preserved. * The number of true values returned by goesLeft must equal split-low. * * @param low the low bound of the segment of the order arrays which will be partitioned. * @param split where the partition's split point will end up. * @param high the high bound of the segment of the order arrays which will be partitioned. * @param goesLeft whether an element goes to the left side or the right side of the * partition. */ private void partitionOrder(final int low, final int pivot, final int high, @Nonnull final IntPredicate goesLeft) { final int[] buf = new int[high - pivot]; _order.eachRow(new Consumer() { @Override public void accept(int col, @Nonnull final SparseIntArray row) { partitionArray(row, low, pivot, high, goesLeft, buf); } }); partitionArray(_sampleIndex, low, pivot, high, goesLeft, buf); } @Nonnull private IntPredicate getPredicate() { if (node.quantitativeFeature) { return new IntPredicate() { @Override public boolean test(int i) { return _X.get(i, node.splitFeature, Double.NaN) <= node.splitValue; } }; } else { return new IntPredicate() { @Override public boolean test(int i) { return _X.get(i, node.splitFeature, Double.NaN) == node.splitValue; } }; } } } private static void partitionArray(@Nonnull final SparseIntArray a, final int low, final int pivot, final int high, @Nonnull final IntPredicate goesLeft, @Nonnull final int[] buf) { final int[] keys = a.keys(); final int[] values = a.values(); final int size = a.size(); final int startPos = ArrayUtils.insertionPoint(keys, size, low); final int endPos = ArrayUtils.insertionPoint(keys, size, high); int pos = startPos, k = 0; for (int i = startPos, j = 0; i < endPos; i++) { final int a_i = values[i]; if (goesLeft.test(a_i)) { keys[pos] = low + j; values[pos] = a_i; pos++; j++; } else { if (k >= buf.length) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(String.format( "low=%d, pivot=%d, high=%d, a.size()=%d, buf.length=%d, i=%d, j=%d, k=%d", low, pivot, high, a.size(), buf.length, i, j, k)); } buf[k++] = a_i; } } for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { keys[pos] = pivot + i; values[pos] = buf[i]; pos++; } if (pos != endPos) { throw new IllegalStateException( String.format("pos=%d, startPos=%d, endPos=%d, k=%d", pos, startPos, endPos, k)); } } /** * Modifies an array in-place by partitioning the range from low (inclusive) to high (exclusive) * so that all elements i for which goesLeft(i) is true come before all elements for which it is * false, but element ordering is otherwise preserved. The number of true values returned by * goesLeft must equal split-low. buf is scratch space large enough (i.e., at least high-split * long) to hold all elements for which goesLeft is false. */ private static void partitionArray(@Nonnull final int[] a, final int low, final int pivot, final int high, @Nonnull final IntPredicate goesLeft, @Nonnull final int[] buf) { int j = low; int k = 0; for (int i = low; i < high; i++) { if (i >= a.length) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(String.format( "low=%d, pivot=%d, high=%d, a.length=%d, buf.length=%d, i=%d, j=%d, k=%d", low, pivot, high, a.length, buf.length, i, j, k)); } final int a_i = a[i]; if (goesLeft.test(a_i)) { a[j++] = a_i; } else { if (k >= buf.length) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(String.format( "low=%d, pivot=%d, high=%d, a.length=%d, buf.length=%d, i=%d, j=%d, k=%d", low, pivot, high, a.length, buf.length, i, j, k)); } buf[k++] = a_i; } } if (k != high - pivot || j != pivot) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException( String.format("low=%d, pivot=%d, high=%d, a.length=%d, buf.length=%d, j=%d, k=%d", low, pivot, high, a.length, buf.length, j, k)); } System.arraycopy(buf, 0, a, pivot, k); } /** * Prunes redundant leaves from the tree. In some cases, a node is split into two leaves that * get assigned the same label, so this recursively combines leaves when it notices this * situation. */ private static void pruneRedundantLeaves(@Nonnull final Node node, @Nonnull Vector importance) { if (node.isLeaf()) { return; } // The children might not be leaves now, but might collapse into leaves given the chance. pruneRedundantLeaves(node.trueChild, importance); pruneRedundantLeaves(node.falseChild, importance); if (node.trueChild.isLeaf() && node.falseChild.isLeaf() && node.trueChild.output == node.falseChild.output) { node.trueChild = null; node.falseChild = null; importance.decr(node.splitFeature, node.splitScore); } } public RegressionTree(@Nullable RoaringBitmap nominalAttrs, @Nonnull Matrix x, @Nonnull double[] y, int maxLeafs) { this(nominalAttrs, x, y, x.numColumns(), Integer.MAX_VALUE, maxLeafs, 5, 1, null, null); } public RegressionTree(@Nullable RoaringBitmap nominalAttrs, @Nonnull Matrix x, @Nonnull double[] y, int maxLeafs, @Nullable PRNG rand) { this(nominalAttrs, x, y, x.numColumns(), Integer.MAX_VALUE, maxLeafs, 5, 1, null, rand); } public RegressionTree(@Nullable RoaringBitmap nominalAttrs, @Nonnull Matrix x, @Nonnull double[] y, int numVars, int maxDepth, int maxLeafNodes, int minSamplesSplit, int minSamplesLeaf, @Nullable int[] samples, @Nullable PRNG rand) { this(nominalAttrs, x, y, numVars, maxDepth, maxLeafNodes, minSamplesSplit, minSamplesLeaf, samples, null, rand); } /** * Constructor. Learns a regression tree for gradient tree boosting. * * @param nominalAttrs the attribute properties. * @param x the training instances. * @param y the response variable. * @param numVars the number of input variables to pick to split on at each node. It seems that * dim/3 give generally good performance, where dim is the number of variables. * @param maxLeafNodes the maximum number of leaf nodes in the tree. * @param minSamplesLeaf number of instances in a node below which the tree will not split, * setting 5 generally gives good results. * @param samples the sample set of instances for stochastic learning. * @param output An interface to calculate node output. */ public RegressionTree(@Nullable RoaringBitmap nominalAttrs, @Nonnull Matrix x, @Nonnull double[] y, int numVars, int maxDepth, int maxLeafNodes, int minSamplesSplit, int minSamplesLeaf, @Nullable int[] samples, @Nullable NodeOutput output, @Nullable PRNG rand) { checkArgument(x, y, numVars, maxDepth, maxLeafNodes, minSamplesSplit, minSamplesLeaf); this._X = x; this._y = y; if (nominalAttrs == null) { nominalAttrs = new RoaringBitmap(); } this._nominalAttrs = nominalAttrs; this._numVars = numVars; this._maxDepth = maxDepth; // min_sample_leaf >= 2 is satisfied iff min_sample_split >= 4 // So, split only happens when samples in intermediate nodes has >= 2 * min_sample_leaf nodes. if (minSamplesSplit < minSamplesLeaf * 2) { if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) { "min_sample_leaf = %d replaces min_sample_split = %d with min_sample_split = %d", minSamplesLeaf, minSamplesSplit, minSamplesLeaf * 2)); } minSamplesSplit = minSamplesLeaf * 2; } this._minSamplesSplit = minSamplesSplit; this._minSamplesLeaf = minSamplesLeaf; this._importance = x.isSparse() ? new SparseVector() : new DenseVector(x.numColumns()); this._rnd = (rand == null) ? RandomNumberGeneratorFactory.createPRNG() : rand; int n = 0; double sum = 0.0; final int[] sampleIndex; if (samples == null) { n = y.length; samples = new int[n]; sampleIndex = new int[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { samples[i] = 1; sum += y[i]; sampleIndex[i] = i; } } else { final IntArrayList positions = new IntArrayList(n); for (int i = 0, end = y.length; i < end; i++) { final int sample = samples[i]; if (sample != 0) { n += sample; sum += sample * y[i]; positions.add(i); } } sampleIndex = positions.toArray(true); } this._samples = samples; this._order = SmileExtUtils.sort(nominalAttrs, x, samples); this._sampleIndex = sampleIndex; this._root = new Node(sum / n); TrainNode trainRoot = new TrainNode(_root, 1, 0, _sampleIndex.length, n); if (maxLeafNodes == Integer.MAX_VALUE) { if (trainRoot.findBestSplit()) { trainRoot.split(null); } } else { // Priority queue for best-first tree growing. PriorityQueue nextSplits = new PriorityQueue(); // Now add splits to the tree until max tree size is reached if (trainRoot.findBestSplit()) { nextSplits.add(trainRoot); } // Pop best leaf from priority queue, split it, and push // children nodes into the queue if possible. for (int leaves = 1; leaves < maxLeafNodes; leaves++) { // parent is the leaf to split TrainNode node = nextSplits.poll(); if (node == null) { break; } if (!node.split(nextSplits)) { // Split the parent node into two children nodes leaves--; } } pruneRedundantLeaves(_root, _importance); } if (output != null) { trainRoot.calculateOutput(output); } } private static void checkArgument(@Nonnull Matrix x, @Nonnull double[] y, int numVars, int maxDepth, int maxLeafNodes, int minSamplesSplit, int minSamplesLeaf) { if (x.numRows() != y.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("The sizes of X and Y don't match: %d != %d", x.numRows(), y.length)); } if (y.length == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No training example given"); } if (numVars <= 0 || numVars > x.numColumns()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid number of variables to split on at a node of the tree: " + numVars); } if (maxDepth < 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxDepth should be greater than 1: " + maxDepth); } if (maxLeafNodes < 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid maximum leaves: " + maxLeafNodes); } if (minSamplesSplit < 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid minimum number of samples required to split an internal node: " + minSamplesSplit); } if (minSamplesLeaf < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid minimum size of leaf nodes: " + minSamplesLeaf); } } /** * Returns the variable importance. Every time a split of a node is made on variable the * impurity criterion for the two descendent nodes is less than the parent node. Adding up the * decreases for each individual variable over the tree gives a simple measure of variable * importance. * * @return the variable importance */ public Vector importance() { return _importance; } @VisibleForTesting public double predict(@Nonnull final double[] x) { return predict(new DenseVector(x)); } @Override public double predict(@Nonnull final Vector x) { return _root.predict(x); } @Nonnull public String predictJsCodegen(@Nonnull final String[] featureNames) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(1024); _root.exportJavascript(buf, featureNames, 0); return buf.toString(); } @Deprecated @Nonnull public String predictOpCodegen(@Nonnull String sep) { List opslist = new ArrayList(); _root.opCodegen(opslist, 0); opslist.add("call end"); String scripts = StringUtils.concat(opslist, sep); return scripts; } @Nonnull public byte[] serialize(boolean compress) throws HiveException { try { if (compress) { return ObjectUtils.toCompressedBytes(_root); } else { return ObjectUtils.toBytes(_root); } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new HiveException("IOException cause while serializing DecisionTree object", ioe); } catch (Exception e) { throw new HiveException("Exception cause while serializing DecisionTree object", e); } } @Nonnull public static Node deserialize(@Nonnull final byte[] serializedObj, final int length, final boolean compressed) throws HiveException { final Node root = new Node(); try { if (compressed) { ObjectUtils.readCompressedObject(serializedObj, 0, length, root); } else { ObjectUtils.readObject(serializedObj, length, root); } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new HiveException("IOException cause while deserializing DecisionTree object", ioe); } catch (Exception e) { throw new HiveException("Exception cause while deserializing DecisionTree object", e); } return root; } @Override public String toString() { return _root == null ? "" : predictJsCodegen(null); } }

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