hivemall.utils.math.FastMath Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2012-2015 Jeff Hain
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* Notice of fdlibm package this program is partially derived from:
* Copyright (C) 1993 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
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// This file contains a modified version of Jafama's FastMath:
package hivemall.utils.math;
import hivemall.annotations.Experimental;
public final class FastMath {
private FastMath() {}
public static float sqrt(final float x) {
return x * invSqrt(x);
public static double sqrt(final double x) {
return x * invSqrt(x);
public static float invSqrt(final float x) {
final float hx = 0.5f * x;
int i = 0x5f375a86 - (Float.floatToRawIntBits(x) >>> 1);
float y = Float.intBitsToFloat(i);
y *= (1.5f - hx * y * y); // pass 1
y *= (1.5f - hx * y * y); // pass 2
y *= (1.5f - hx * y * y); // pass 3
//y *= (1.5f - hx * y * y); // pass 4
// more pass for more accuracy
return y;
public static double invSqrt(final double x) {
final double hx = 0.5d * x;
long i = 0x5fe6eb50c7b537a9L - (Double.doubleToRawLongBits(x) >>> 1);
double y = Double.longBitsToDouble(i);
y *= (1.5d - hx * y * y); // pass 1
y *= (1.5d - hx * y * y); // pass 2
y *= (1.5d - hx * y * y); // pass 3
y *= (1.5d - hx * y * y); // pass 4
// more pass for more accuracy
return y;
public static double log(final double x) {
return JafamaMath.log(x);
* @return log(1+x)
public static double log1p(final double x) {
return JafamaMath.log1p(x);
* @return e^x
public static double exp(final double x) {
return JafamaMath.exp(x);
* @return exp(x)-1
public static double expm1(final double x) {
return JafamaMath.expm1(x);
public static double sigmoid(final double x) {
return 1 / (1 + exp(-x));
* Based on Jafama ( version 2.2.
private static final class JafamaMath {
static final double TWO_POW_52 = twoPow(52);
* Double.MIN_NORMAL since Java 6.
static final double DOUBLE_MIN_NORMAL = Double.longBitsToDouble(0x0010000000000000L); // 2.2250738585072014E-308
// Not storing float/double mantissa size in constants,
// for 23 and 52 are shorter to read and more
// bitwise-explicit than some constant's name.
static final int MIN_DOUBLE_EXPONENT = -1074;
static final int MAX_DOUBLE_EXPONENT = 1023;
static final double LOG_2 = StrictMath.log(2.0);
static final double EXP_OVERFLOW_LIMIT = Double.longBitsToDouble(0x40862E42FEFA39EFL); // 7.09782712893383973096e+02
static final double EXP_UNDERFLOW_LIMIT = Double.longBitsToDouble(0xC0874910D52D3051L); // -7.45133219101941108420e+02
static final int EXP_LO_DISTANCE_TO_ZERO_POT = 0;
static final int EXP_LO_TAB_SIZE_POT = 11;
static final int EXP_LO_TAB_SIZE = (1 << EXP_LO_TAB_SIZE_POT) + 1;
static final int EXP_LO_TAB_MID_INDEX = ((EXP_LO_TAB_SIZE - 1) / 2);
static final int EXP_LO_INDEXING_DIV_SHIFT =
static final class MyTExp {
static final double[] expHiTab =
new double[1 + (int) EXP_OVERFLOW_LIMIT - (int) EXP_UNDERFLOW_LIMIT];
static final double[] expLoPosTab = new double[EXP_LO_TAB_SIZE];
static final double[] expLoNegTab = new double[EXP_LO_TAB_SIZE];
static {
private static strictfp void init() {
for (int i = (int) EXP_UNDERFLOW_LIMIT; i <= (int) EXP_OVERFLOW_LIMIT; i++) {
expHiTab[i - (int) EXP_UNDERFLOW_LIMIT] = StrictMath.exp(i);
for (int i = 0; i < EXP_LO_TAB_SIZE; i++) {
double x = -EXP_LO_DISTANCE_TO_ZERO + i / (double) EXP_LO_INDEXING;
// exp(x)
expLoPosTab[i] = StrictMath.exp(x);
// 1-exp(-x), accurately computed
expLoNegTab[i] = -StrictMath.expm1(-x);
static final int LOG_BITS = 12;
static final int LOG_TAB_SIZE = (1 << LOG_BITS);
static final class MyTLog {
static final double[] logXLogTab = new double[LOG_TAB_SIZE];
static final double[] logXTab = new double[LOG_TAB_SIZE];
static final double[] logXInvTab = new double[LOG_TAB_SIZE];
static {
private static strictfp void init() {
for (int i = 0; i < LOG_TAB_SIZE; i++) {
// Exact to use inverse of tab size, since it is a power of two.
double x = 1 + i * (1.0 / LOG_TAB_SIZE);
logXLogTab[i] = StrictMath.log(x);
logXTab[i] = x;
logXInvTab[i] = 1 / x;
* @param value A double value.
* @return e^value.
static double exp(final double value) {
// exp(x) = exp([x])*exp(y)
// with [x] the integer part of x, and y = x-[x]
// ===>
// We find an approximation of y, called z.
// ===>
// exp(x) = exp([x])*(exp(z)*exp(epsilon))
// with epsilon = y - z
// ===>
// We have exp([x]) and exp(z) pre-computed in tables, we "just" have to compute exp(epsilon).
// We use the same indexing (cast to int) to compute x integer part and the
// table index corresponding to z, to avoid two int casts.
// Also, to optimize index multiplication and division, we use powers of two,
// so that we can do it with bits shifts.
if (value > EXP_OVERFLOW_LIMIT) {
} else if (!(value >= EXP_UNDERFLOW_LIMIT)) {
return (value != value) ? Double.NaN : 0.0;
final int indexes = (int) (value * EXP_LO_INDEXING);
final int valueInt;
if (indexes >= 0) {
valueInt = (indexes >> EXP_LO_INDEXING_DIV_SHIFT);
} else {
valueInt = -((-indexes) >> EXP_LO_INDEXING_DIV_SHIFT);
final double hiTerm = MyTExp.expHiTab[valueInt - (int) EXP_UNDERFLOW_LIMIT];
final int zIndex = indexes - (valueInt << EXP_LO_INDEXING_DIV_SHIFT);
final double y = (value - valueInt);
final double z = zIndex * (1.0 / EXP_LO_INDEXING);
final double eps = y - z;
final double expZ = MyTExp.expLoPosTab[zIndex + EXP_LO_TAB_MID_INDEX];
final double expEps =
(1 + eps * (1 + eps * (1.0 / 2 + eps * (1.0 / 6 + eps * (1.0 / 24)))));
final double loTerm = expZ * expEps;
return hiTerm * loTerm;
* Much more accurate than exp(value)-1, for arguments (and results) close to zero.
* @param value A double value.
* @return e^value-1.
static double expm1(final double value) {
// If value is far from zero, we use exp(value)-1.
// If value is close to zero, we use the following formula:
// exp(value)-1
// = exp(valueApprox)*exp(epsilon)-1
// = exp(valueApprox)*(exp(epsilon)-exp(-valueApprox))
// = exp(valueApprox)*(1+epsilon+epsilon^2/2!+...-exp(-valueApprox))
// = exp(valueApprox)*((1-exp(-valueApprox))+epsilon+epsilon^2/2!+...)
// exp(valueApprox) and exp(-valueApprox) being stored in tables.
if (Math.abs(value) < EXP_LO_DISTANCE_TO_ZERO) {
// Taking int part instead of rounding, which takes too long.
int i = (int) (value * EXP_LO_INDEXING);
double delta = value - i * (1.0 / EXP_LO_INDEXING);
return MyTExp.expLoPosTab[i + EXP_LO_TAB_MID_INDEX] * (MyTExp.expLoNegTab[i
+ delta * (1 + delta * (1.0 / 2
+ delta * (1.0 / 6 + delta * (1.0 / 24 + delta * (1.0 / 120))))));
} else {
return exp(value) - 1;
* @param value A double value.
* @return Value logarithm (base e).
static double log(double value) {
if (value > 0.0) {
if (value == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
// For normal values not close to 1.0, we use the following formula:
// log(value)
// = log(2^exponent*1.mantissa)
// = log(2^exponent) + log(1.mantissa)
// = exponent * log(2) + log(1.mantissa)
// = exponent * log(2) + log(1.mantissaApprox) + log(1.mantissa/1.mantissaApprox)
// = exponent * log(2) + log(1.mantissaApprox) + log(1+epsilon)
// = exponent * log(2) + log(1.mantissaApprox) + epsilon-epsilon^2/2+epsilon^3/3-epsilon^4/4+...
// with:
// 1.mantissaApprox <= 1.mantissa,
// log(1.mantissaApprox) in table,
// epsilon = (1.mantissa/1.mantissaApprox)-1
// To avoid bad relative error for small results,
// values close to 1.0 are treated aside, with the formula:
// log(x) = z*(2+z^2*((2.0/3)+z^2*((2.0/5))+z^2*((2.0/7))+...)))
// with z=(x-1)/(x+1)
double h;
if (value > 0.95) {
if (value < 1.14) {
double z = (value - 1.0) / (value + 1.0);
double z2 = z * z;
return z * (2 + z2 * ((2.0 / 3) + z2 * ((2.0 / 5)
+ z2 * ((2.0 / 7) + z2 * ((2.0 / 9) + z2 * ((2.0 / 11)))))));
h = 0.0;
} else if (value < DOUBLE_MIN_NORMAL) {
// Ensuring value is normal.
value *= TWO_POW_52;
// log(x*2^52)
// = log(x)-ln(2^52)
// = log(x)-52*ln(2)
h = -52 * LOG_2;
} else {
h = 0.0;
int valueBitsHi = (int) (Double.doubleToRawLongBits(value) >> 32);
int valueExp = (valueBitsHi >> 20) - MAX_DOUBLE_EXPONENT;
// Getting the first LOG_BITS bits of the mantissa.
int xIndex = ((valueBitsHi << 12) >>> (32 - LOG_BITS));
// 1.mantissa/1.mantissaApprox - 1
double z = (value * twoPowNormalOrSubnormal(-valueExp)) * MyTLog.logXInvTab[xIndex]
- 1;
z *= (1 - z * ((1.0 / 2) - z * ((1.0 / 3))));
return h + valueExp * LOG_2 + (MyTLog.logXLogTab[xIndex] + z);
} else if (value == 0.0) {
} else { // value < 0.0, or value is NaN
return Double.NaN;
* Much more accurate than log(1+value), for arguments (and results) close to zero.
* @param value A double value.
* @return Logarithm (base e) of (1+value).
static double log1p(final double value) {
if (value > -1.0) {
if (value == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
// ln'(x) = 1/x
// so
// log(x+epsilon) ~= log(x) + epsilon/x
// Let u be 1+value rounded:
// 1+value = u+epsilon
// log(1+value)
// = log(u+epsilon)
// ~= log(u) + epsilon/value
// We compute log(u) as done in log(double), and then add the corrective term.
double valuePlusOne = 1.0 + value;
if (valuePlusOne == 1.0) {
return value;
} else if (Math.abs(value) < 0.15) {
double z = value / (value + 2.0);
double z2 = z * z;
return z * (2 + z2 * ((2.0 / 3) + z2 * ((2.0 / 5)
+ z2 * ((2.0 / 7) + z2 * ((2.0 / 9) + z2 * ((2.0 / 11)))))));
int valuePlusOneBitsHi =
(int) (Double.doubleToRawLongBits(valuePlusOne) >> 32) & 0x7FFFFFFF;
int valuePlusOneExp = (valuePlusOneBitsHi >> 20) - MAX_DOUBLE_EXPONENT;
// Getting the first LOG_BITS bits of the mantissa.
int xIndex = ((valuePlusOneBitsHi << 12) >>> (32 - LOG_BITS));
// 1.mantissa/1.mantissaApprox - 1
double z = (valuePlusOne * twoPowNormalOrSubnormal(-valuePlusOneExp))
* MyTLog.logXInvTab[xIndex] - 1;
z *= (1 - z * ((1.0 / 2) - z * (1.0 / 3)));
// Adding epsilon/valuePlusOne to z,
// with
// epsilon = value - (valuePlusOne-1)
// (valuePlusOne + epsilon ~= 1+value (not rounded))
return valuePlusOneExp * LOG_2 + MyTLog.logXLogTab[xIndex]
+ (z + (value - (valuePlusOne - 1)) / valuePlusOne);
} else if (value == -1.0) {
} else { // value < -1.0, or value is NaN
return Double.NaN;
* @param power Must be in normal or subnormal values range.
private static double twoPowNormalOrSubnormal(final int power) {
if (power <= -MAX_DOUBLE_EXPONENT) { // Not normal.
return Double.longBitsToDouble(
0x0008000000000000L >> (-(power + MAX_DOUBLE_EXPONENT)));
} else { // Normal.
return Double.longBitsToDouble(((long) (power + MAX_DOUBLE_EXPONENT)) << 52);
* Returns the exact result, provided it's in double range, i.e. if power is in
* [-1074,1023].
* @param power An int power.
* @return 2^power as a double, or +-Infinity in case of overflow.
private static double twoPow(final int power) {
if (power <= -MAX_DOUBLE_EXPONENT) { // Not normal.
if (power >= MIN_DOUBLE_EXPONENT) { // Subnormal.
return Double.longBitsToDouble(
0x0008000000000000L >> (-(power + MAX_DOUBLE_EXPONENT)));
} else { // Underflow.
return 0.0;
} else if (power > MAX_DOUBLE_EXPONENT) { // Overflow.
} else { // Normal.
return Double.longBitsToDouble(((long) (power + MAX_DOUBLE_EXPONENT)) << 52);
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