it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntArrayIndirectPriorityQueueTest Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import java.util.Random;
import org.junit.Test;
public class IntArrayIndirectPriorityQueueTest {
public void testFront() {
int refArray[] = { 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 3, 2, 1, 0, 2, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0 };
int tops[] = new int[refArray.length];
final IntArrayIndirectPriorityQueue queue = new IntArrayIndirectPriorityQueue(refArray);
for (int i = refArray.length; i-- != 0;)
assertEquals(5, queue.front(tops));
assertEquals(new IntOpenHashSet(new int[] { 4, 8, 11, 13, 14 }), new IntOpenHashSet(tops, 0, 5));
for (int i = 4; i-- != 0;) {
assertEquals(i + 1, queue.front(tops));
assertEquals(4, queue.front(tops));
assertEquals(new IntOpenHashSet(new int[] { 3, 7, 10, 12 }), new IntOpenHashSet(tops, 0, 4));
for (int i = 3; i-- != 0;) {
assertEquals(i + 1, queue.front(tops));
assertEquals(3, queue.front(tops));
assertEquals(new IntOpenHashSet(new int[] { 2, 6, 9 }), new IntOpenHashSet(tops, 0, 3));
for (int i = 2; i-- != 0;) {
assertEquals(i + 1, queue.front(tops));
assertEquals(2, queue.front(tops));
assertEquals(new IntOpenHashSet(new int[] { 1, 5 }), new IntOpenHashSet(tops, 0, 2));
assertEquals(1, queue.front(tops));
assertEquals(1, queue.front(tops));
private int[] ref;
private boolean heapEqual(int[] a, int[] b, int sizea, int sizeb) {
if (sizea != sizeb) return false;
int[] aa = new int[sizea];
int[] bb = new int[sizea];
for (int i = 0; i < sizea; i++) {
aa[i] = ref[a[i]];
bb[i] = ref[b[i]];
while (sizea-- != 0)
if (!((aa[sizea]) == (bb[sizea]))) return false;
return true;
public void test(int n, IntComparator comparator) {
Exception mThrowsIllegal, tThrowsIllegal, mThrowsOutOfBounds, tThrowsOutOfBounds, mThrowsNoElement, tThrowsNoElement;
int rm = 0, rt = 0;
Random r = new Random(0);
ref = new int[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) ref[i] = r.nextInt();
IntArrayIndirectPriorityQueue m = new IntArrayIndirectPriorityQueue(ref, comparator);
IntHeapIndirectPriorityQueue t = new IntHeapIndirectPriorityQueue(ref, comparator);
/* We add pairs to t. */
for (int i = 0; i < n / 2; i++) {
assertTrue("Error: m and t differ after creation (" + m + ", " + t + ")", heapEqual(m.array, t.heap, m.size(), t.size()));
/* Now we add and remove random data in m and t, checking that the result is the same. */
for (int i = 0; i < 2 * n; i++) {
if (r.nextDouble() < 0.01) {
for (int j = 0; j < n / 2; j++) {
int T = r.nextInt(2 * n);
mThrowsNoElement = tThrowsNoElement = mThrowsOutOfBounds = tThrowsOutOfBounds = mThrowsIllegal = tThrowsIllegal = null;
try {
catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
tThrowsOutOfBounds = e;
catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
tThrowsIllegal = e;
if (tThrowsIllegal == null) { // To skip duplicates
try {
catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
mThrowsOutOfBounds = e;
catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
mThrowsIllegal = e;
mThrowsIllegal = tThrowsIllegal = null; // To skip duplicates
assertTrue("Error: enqueue() divergence in IndexOutOfBoundsException for " + T + " (" + mThrowsOutOfBounds + ", " + tThrowsOutOfBounds + ")",
(mThrowsOutOfBounds == null) == (tThrowsOutOfBounds == null));
assertTrue("Error: enqueue() divergence in IllegalArgumentException for " + T + " (" + mThrowsIllegal + ", " + tThrowsIllegal + ")",
(mThrowsIllegal == null) == (tThrowsIllegal == null));
assertTrue("Error: m and t differ after enqueue (" + m + ", " + t + ")", heapEqual(m.array, t.heap, m.size(), t.size()));
if (m.size() != 0) {
assertTrue("Error: m and t differ in first element after enqueue (" + m.first() + "->" + ref[m.first()] + ", " + t.first() + "->" + ref[t.first()] + ")",
((ref[m.first()]) == (ref[t.first()])));
mThrowsNoElement = tThrowsNoElement = mThrowsOutOfBounds = tThrowsOutOfBounds = mThrowsIllegal = tThrowsIllegal = null;
try {
rm = m.dequeue();
while (!m.isEmpty() && ((ref[m.first()]) == (ref[rm]))) m.dequeue();
catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
mThrowsOutOfBounds = e;
catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
mThrowsIllegal = e;
catch (java.util.NoSuchElementException e) {
mThrowsNoElement = e;
try {
rt = t.dequeue();
while (!t.isEmpty() && ((ref[t.first()]) == (ref[rt])))
catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
tThrowsOutOfBounds = e;
catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
tThrowsIllegal = e;
catch (java.util.NoSuchElementException e) {
tThrowsNoElement = e;
assertTrue("Error: dequeue() divergence in IndexOutOfBoundsException (" + mThrowsOutOfBounds + ", " + tThrowsOutOfBounds + ")",
(mThrowsOutOfBounds == null) == (tThrowsOutOfBounds == null));
assertTrue("Error: dequeue() divergence in IllegalArgumentException (" + mThrowsIllegal + ", " + tThrowsIllegal + ")", (mThrowsIllegal == null) == (tThrowsIllegal == null));
assertTrue("Error: dequeue() divergence in java.util.NoSuchElementException (" + mThrowsNoElement + ", " + tThrowsNoElement + ")",
(mThrowsNoElement == null) == (tThrowsNoElement == null));
if (mThrowsOutOfBounds == null) assertTrue("Error: divergence in dequeue() between m and t (" + rm + "->" + ref[rm] + ", " + rt + "->" + ref[rt] + ")",
((ref[rt]) == (ref[rm])));
assertTrue("Error: m and t differ after dequeue (" + m + ", " + t + ")", heapEqual(m.array, t.heap, m.size(), t.size()));
if (m.size() != 0) {
assertTrue("Error: m and t differ in first element after dequeue (" + m.first() + "->" + ref[m.first()] + ", " + t.first() + "->" + ref[t.first()] + ")",
((ref[m.first()]) == (ref[t.first()])));
mThrowsNoElement = tThrowsNoElement = mThrowsOutOfBounds = tThrowsOutOfBounds = mThrowsIllegal = tThrowsIllegal = null;
int pos = r.nextInt(n * 2);
try {
catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
mThrowsOutOfBounds = e;
catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
mThrowsIllegal = e;
catch (java.util.NoSuchElementException e) {
mThrowsNoElement = e;
try {
catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
tThrowsOutOfBounds = e;
catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
tThrowsIllegal = e;
catch (java.util.NoSuchElementException e) {
tThrowsNoElement = e;
assertTrue("Error: remove(int) divergence in IndexOutOfBoundsException (" + mThrowsOutOfBounds + ", " + tThrowsOutOfBounds + ")",
(mThrowsOutOfBounds == null) == (tThrowsOutOfBounds == null));
assertTrue("Error: remove(int) divergence in IllegalArgumentException (" + mThrowsIllegal + ", " + tThrowsIllegal + ")", (mThrowsIllegal == null) == (tThrowsIllegal == null));
assertTrue("Error: remove(int) divergence in java.util.NoSuchElementException (" + mThrowsNoElement + ", " + tThrowsNoElement + ")",
(mThrowsNoElement == null) == (tThrowsNoElement == null));
assertTrue("Error: m and t differ after remove(int) (" + m + ", " + t + ")", heapEqual(m.array, t.heap, m.size(), t.size()));
if (m.size() != 0) {
assertTrue("Error: m and t differ in first element after remove(int) (" + m.first() + "->" + ref[m.first()] + ", " + t.first() + "->" + ref[t.first()] + ")",
((ref[m.first()]) == (ref[t.first()])));
mThrowsNoElement = tThrowsNoElement = mThrowsOutOfBounds = tThrowsOutOfBounds = mThrowsIllegal = tThrowsIllegal = null;
pos = r.nextInt(n);
try {
catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
tThrowsOutOfBounds = e;
catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
tThrowsIllegal = e;
catch (java.util.NoSuchElementException e) {
tThrowsNoElement = e;
if (tThrowsIllegal == null) {
try {
catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
mThrowsOutOfBounds = e;
catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
mThrowsIllegal = e;
catch (java.util.NoSuchElementException e) {
mThrowsNoElement = e;
assertTrue("Error: change(int) divergence in IndexOutOfBoundsException (" + mThrowsOutOfBounds + ", " + tThrowsOutOfBounds + ")",
(mThrowsOutOfBounds == null) == (tThrowsOutOfBounds == null));
// assertTrue("Error: change(int) divergence in IllegalArgumentException (" +
// mThrowsIllegal + ", " + tThrowsIllegal + ")" , (mThrowsIllegal == null) == (
// tThrowsIllegal == null));
assertTrue("Error: change(int) divergence in java.util.NoSuchElementException (" + mThrowsNoElement + ", " + tThrowsNoElement + ")",
(mThrowsNoElement == null) == (tThrowsNoElement == null));
assertTrue("Error: m and t differ after change(int) (" + m + ", " + t + ")", heapEqual(m.array, t.heap, m.size(), t.size()));
if (m.size() != 0) {
assertTrue("Error: m and t differ in first element after change(int) (" + m.first() + "->" + ref[m.first()] + ", " + t.first() + "->" + ref[t.first()] + ")",
((ref[m.first()]) == (ref[t.first()])));
int[] temp = t.heap.clone();
IntArrays.quickSort(temp, 0, t.size()); // To scramble a bit
m = new IntArrayIndirectPriorityQueue(m.refArray, temp, t.size(), comparator);
assertTrue("Error: m and t differ after wrap (" + m + ", " + t + ")", heapEqual(m.array, t.heap, m.size(), t.size()));
if (m.size() != 0) {
assertTrue("Error: m and t differ in first element after wrap (" + m.first() + "->" + ref[m.first()] + ", " + t.first() + "->" + ref[t.first()] + ")",
((ref[m.first()]) == (ref[t.first()])));
if (m.size() != 0 && ((new it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntOpenHashSet(m.array, 0, m.size)).size() == m.size())) {
int first = m.first();
ref[first] = r.nextInt();
// System.err.println("Pre-change m: " +m);
// System.err.println("Pre-change t: " +t);
// System.err.println("Post-change m: " +m);
// System.err.println("Post-change t: " +t);
assertTrue("Error: m and t differ after change (" + m + ", " + t + ")", heapEqual(m.array, t.heap, m.size(), t.size()));
if (m.size() != 0) {
assertTrue("Error: m and t differ in first element after change (" + m.first() + "->" + ref[m.first()] + ", " + t.first() + "->" + ref[t.first()] + ")",
((ref[m.first()]) == (ref[t.first()])));
/* Now we check that m actually holds the same data. */
assertTrue("Error: m is not empty after clear()", m.isEmpty());
public void test1() {
test(1, null);
test(1, IntComparators.OPPOSITE_COMPARATOR);
public void test10() {
test(10, null);
test(10, IntComparators.OPPOSITE_COMPARATOR);
public void test100() {
test(100, null);
test(100, IntComparators.OPPOSITE_COMPARATOR);
public void test1000() {
test(1000, null);
test(1000, IntComparators.OPPOSITE_COMPARATOR);
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