Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2005-2017 Sebastiano Vigna
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.bytes.ByteArrays;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.util.EnumSet;
/** Lightweight, unsynchronized, aligned input stream buffering class with
* {@linkplain #skip(long) true skipping},
* {@linkplain MeasurableStream measurability},
* {@linkplain RepositionableStream repositionability}
* and {@linkplain #readLine(byte[], int, int, EnumSet) line reading} support.
* This class provides buffering for input streams, but it does so with
* purposes and an internal logic that are radically different from the ones
* adopted in {@link}. The main features follow.
* There is no support for marking. All methods are unsychronized.
As an additional feature, this class implements the {@link
* RepositionableStream} and {@link MeasurableStream} interfaces.
* An instance of this class will try to cast
* the underlying byte stream to a {@link RepositionableStream} and to fetch by
* reflection the {@link java.nio.channels.FileChannel} underlying the given
* output stream, in this order. If either reference can be successfully
* fetched, you can use {@link #position(long)} to reposition the stream.
* Much in the same way, an instance of this class will try to cast the
* the underlying byte stream to a {@link MeasurableStream}, and if this
* operation is successful, or if a {@link java.nio.channels.FileChannel} can
* be detected, then {@link #position()} and {@link #length()} will work as expected.
Due to erratic and unpredictable behaviour of {@link InputStream#skip(long)},
* which does not correspond to its specification and which Sun refuses to fix
* (see bug 6222822;
* don't be fooled by the “closed, fixed” label),
* this class peeks at the underlying stream and if it is {@link System#in} it uses
* repeated reads instead of calling {@link InputStream#skip(long)} on the underlying stream; moreover,
* skips and reads are tried alternately, so to guarantee that skipping
* less bytes than requested can be caused only by reaching the end of file.
This class keeps also track of the number of bytes read so far, so
* to be able to implement {@link MeasurableStream#position()}
* independently of underlying input stream.
This class has limited support for
* {@linkplain #readLine(byte[], int, int, EnumSet) “reading a line”}
* (whatever that means) from the underlying input stream. You can choose the set of
* {@linkplain FastBufferedInputStream.LineTerminator line terminators} that
* delimit lines.
* Warning: Since fastutil
6.0.0, this class detects
* a implementations of {@link MeasurableStream} instead of subclasses MeasurableInputStream
(which is deprecated).
* @since 4.4
public class FastBufferedInputStream extends MeasurableInputStream implements RepositionableStream {
/** The default size of the internal buffer in bytes (8Ki). */
public final static int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 8 * 1024;
/** An enumeration of the supported line terminators. */
public static enum LineTerminator {
/** A carriage return (CR, ASCII 13). */
/** A line feed (LF, ASCII 10). */
/** A carriage return followed by a line feed (CR/LF, ASCII 13/10). */
/** A set containing all available line terminators. */
public final static EnumSet ALL_TERMINATORS = EnumSet.allOf(LineTerminator.class);
/** The underlying input stream. */
protected InputStream is;
/** The internal buffer. */
protected byte buffer[];
/** The current position in the buffer. */
protected int pos;
/** The number of bytes ever read (reset upon a call to {@link #position(long)}).
* In particular, this will always represent the index (in the underlying input stream)
* of the first available byte in the buffer. */
protected long readBytes;
/** The number of buffer bytes available starting from {@link #pos}. */
protected int avail;
/** The cached file channel underlying {@link #is}, if any. */
private FileChannel fileChannel;
/** {@link #is} cast to a positionable stream, if possible. */
private RepositionableStream repositionableStream;
/** {@link #is} cast to a measurable stream, if possible. */
private MeasurableStream measurableStream;
private static int ensureBufferSize(final int bufferSize) {
if (bufferSize <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal buffer size: " + bufferSize);
return bufferSize;
/** Creates a new fast buffered input stream by wrapping a given input stream with a given buffer.
* @param is an input stream to wrap.
* @param buffer a buffer of positive length.
public FastBufferedInputStream(final InputStream is, final byte[] buffer) { = is;
this.buffer = buffer;
if (is instanceof RepositionableStream) repositionableStream = (RepositionableStream)is;
if (is instanceof MeasurableStream) measurableStream = (MeasurableStream)is;
if (repositionableStream == null) {
try {
fileChannel = (FileChannel)(is.getClass().getMethod("getChannel", new Class[] {})).invoke(is, new Object[] {});
catch(IllegalAccessException e) {}
catch(IllegalArgumentException e) {}
catch(NoSuchMethodException e) {}
catch(java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException e) {}
catch(ClassCastException e) {}
/** Creates a new fast buffered input stream by wrapping a given input stream with a given buffer size.
* @param is an input stream to wrap.
* @param bufferSize the size in bytes of the internal buffer (greater than zero).
public FastBufferedInputStream(final InputStream is, final int bufferSize) {
this(is, new byte[ensureBufferSize(bufferSize)]);
/** Creates a new fast buffered input stream by wrapping a given input stream with a buffer of {@link #DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE} bytes.
* @param is an input stream to wrap.
public FastBufferedInputStream(final InputStream is) {
/** Checks whether no more bytes will be returned.
* This method will refill the internal buffer.
* @return true if there are no characters in the internal buffer and
* the underlying reader is exhausted.
protected boolean noMoreCharacters() throws IOException {
if (avail == 0) {
avail =;
if (avail <= 0) {
avail = 0;
return true;
pos = 0;
return false;
public int read() throws IOException {
if (noMoreCharacters()) return -1;
return buffer[pos++] & 0xFF;
public int read(final byte b[], final int offset, final int length) throws IOException {
if (length <= avail) {
System.arraycopy(buffer, pos, b, offset, length);
pos += length;
avail -= length;
readBytes += length;
return length;
final int head = avail;
System.arraycopy(buffer, pos, b, offset, head);
pos = avail = 0;
readBytes += head;
if (length > buffer.length) {
// We read directly into the destination
final int result =, offset + head, length - head);
if (result > 0) readBytes += result;
return result < 0 ? (head == 0 ? -1 : head) : result + head;
if (noMoreCharacters()) return head == 0 ? -1 : head;
final int toRead = Math.min(length - head, avail);
readBytes += toRead;
System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, b, offset + head, toRead);
pos = toRead;
avail -= toRead;
// Note that head >= 0, and necessarily toRead > 0
return toRead + head;
/** Reads a line into the given byte array using {@linkplain #ALL_TERMINATORS all terminators}.
* @param array byte array where the next line will be stored.
* @return the number of bytes actually placed in array
, or -1 at end of file.
* @see #readLine(byte[], int, int, EnumSet)
public int readLine(final byte[] array) throws IOException {
return readLine(array, 0, array.length, ALL_TERMINATORS);
/** Reads a line into the given byte array.
* @param array byte array where the next line will be stored.
* @param terminators a set containing the line termination sequences that we want
* to consider as valid.
* @return the number of bytes actually placed in array
, or -1 at end of file.
* @see #readLine(byte[], int, int, EnumSet)
public int readLine(final byte[] array, final EnumSet terminators) throws IOException {
return readLine(array, 0, array.length, terminators);
/** Reads a line into the given byte-array fragment using {@linkplain #ALL_TERMINATORS all terminators}.
* @param array byte array where the next line will be stored.
* @param off the first byte to use in array
* @param len the maximum number of bytes to read.
* @return the number of bytes actually placed in array
, or -1 at end of file.
* @see #readLine(byte[], int, int, EnumSet)
public int readLine(final byte[] array, final int off, final int len) throws IOException {
return readLine(array, off, len, ALL_TERMINATORS);
/** Reads a line into the given byte-array fragment.
* Reading lines (i.e., characters) out of a byte stream is not always sensible
* (methods available to that purpose in old versions of Java have been mercilessly deprecated).
* Nonetheless, in several situations, such as when decoding network protocols or headers
* known to be ASCII, it is very useful to be able to read a line from a byte stream.
This method will attempt to read the next line into array
starting at off
* reading at most len
bytes. The read, however, will be stopped by the end of file or
* when meeting a {@linkplain LineTerminator line terminator}. Of course, for this operation
* to be sensible the encoding of the text contained in the stream, if any, must not generate spurious
* carriage returns or line feeds. Note that the termination detection uses a maximisation
* criterion, so if you specify both {@link LineTerminator#CR} and
* {@link LineTerminator#CR_LF} meeting a pair CR/LF will consider the whole pair a terminator.
Terminators are not copied into array or included in the returned count. The
* returned integer can be used to check whether the line is complete: if it is smaller than
* len
, then more bytes might be available, but note that this method (contrarily
* to {@link #read(byte[], int, int)}) can legitimately return zero when len
* is nonzero just because a terminator was found as the first character. Thus, the intended
* usage of this method is to call it on a given array, check whether len
* have been read, and if so try again (possibly extending the array) until a number of read bytes
* strictly smaller than len
(possibly, -1) is returned.
If you need to guarantee that a full line is read, use the following idiom:
* int start = off, len;
* while((len = fbis.readLine(array, start, array.length - start, terminators)) == array.length - start) {
* start += len;
* array = ByteArrays.grow(array, array.length + 1);
* }
* At the end of the loop, the line will be placed in array
starting at
* off
(inclusive) and ending at start + Math.max(len, 0)
* @param array byte array where the next line will be stored.
* @param off the first byte to use in array
* @param len the maximum number of bytes to read.
* @param terminators a set containing the line termination sequences that we want
* to consider as valid.
* @return the number of bytes actually placed in array
, or -1 at end of file.
* Note that the returned number will be len
if no line termination sequence
* specified in terminators
has been met before scanning len
* and if also we did not meet the end of file.
public int readLine(final byte[] array, final int off, final int len, final EnumSet terminators) throws IOException {
ByteArrays.ensureOffsetLength(array ,off, len);
if (len == 0) return 0; // 0-length reads always return 0
if (noMoreCharacters()) return -1;
int i, k = 0, remaining = len, read = 0; // The number of bytes still to be read
for(;;) {
for(i = 0; i < avail && i < remaining && (k = buffer[pos + i]) != '\n' && k != '\r' ; i++);
System.arraycopy(buffer, pos, array, off + read, i);
pos += i;
avail -= i;
read += i;
remaining -= i;
if (remaining == 0) {
readBytes += read;
return read; // We did not stop because of a terminator
if (avail > 0) { // We met a terminator
if (k == '\n') { // LF first
if (terminators.contains(LineTerminator.LF)) {
readBytes += read + 1;
return read;
else {
array[off + read++] = '\n';
else if (k == '\r') { // CR first
if (terminators.contains(LineTerminator.CR_LF)) {
if (avail > 0) {
if (buffer[pos] == '\n') { // CR/LF with LF already in the buffer.
pos ++;
readBytes += read + 2;
return read;
else { // We must search for the LF.
if (noMoreCharacters()) {
// Not found a matching LF because of end of file, will return CR in buffer if not a terminator
if (! terminators.contains(LineTerminator.CR)) {
array[off + read++] = '\r';
readBytes += read;
else readBytes += read + 1;
return read;
if (buffer[0] == '\n') {
// Found matching LF, won't return terminators in the buffer
readBytes += read + 2;
return read;
if (terminators.contains(LineTerminator.CR)) {
readBytes += read + 1;
return read;
array[off + read++] = '\r';
else if (noMoreCharacters()) {
readBytes += read;
return read;
public void position(long newPosition) throws IOException {
final long position = readBytes;
/** Note that this check will succeed also in the case of
* an empty buffer and position == newPosition. This behaviour is
* intentional, as it delays buffering to when it is actually
* necessary and avoids useless class the underlying stream. */
if (newPosition <= position + avail && newPosition >= position - pos) {
pos += newPosition - position;
avail -= newPosition - position;
readBytes = newPosition;
if (repositionableStream != null) repositionableStream.position(newPosition);
else if (fileChannel != null) fileChannel.position(newPosition);
else throw new UnsupportedOperationException("position() can only be called if the underlying byte stream implements the RepositionableStream interface or if the getChannel() method of the underlying byte stream exists and returns a FileChannel");
readBytes = newPosition;
avail = pos = 0;
public long position() throws IOException {
return readBytes;
/** Returns the length of the underlying input stream, if it is {@linkplain MeasurableStream measurable}.
* @return the length of the underlying input stream.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the underlying input stream is not {@linkplain MeasurableStream measurable} and
* cannot provide a {@link FileChannel}.
public long length() throws IOException {
if (measurableStream != null) return measurableStream.length();
if (fileChannel != null) return fileChannel.size();
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
/** Skips the given amount of bytes by repeated reads.
* Warning: this method uses destructively the internal buffer.
* @param n the number of bytes to skip.
* @return the number of bytes actually skipped.
* @see InputStream#skip(long)
private long skipByReading(final long n) throws IOException {
long toSkip = n;
int len;
while(toSkip > 0) {
len =, 0, (int)Math.min(buffer.length, toSkip));
if (len > 0) toSkip -= len;
else break;
return n - toSkip;
/** Skips over and discards the given number of bytes of data from this fast buffered input stream.
* As explained in the {@linkplain FastBufferedInputStream class documentation}, the semantics
* of {@link InputStream#skip(long)} is fatally flawed. This method provides additional semantics as follows:
* it will skip the provided number of bytes, unless the end of file has been reached.
Additionally, if the underlying input stream is {@link System#in} this method will use
* repeated reads instead of invoking {@link InputStream#skip(long)}.
* @param n the number of bytes to skip.
* @return the number of bytes actually skipped; it can be smaller than n
* only if the end of file has been reached.
* @see InputStream#skip(long)
public long skip(final long n) throws IOException {
if (n <= avail) {
final int m = (int)n;
pos += m;
avail -= m;
readBytes += n;
return n;
long toSkip = n - avail, result = 0;
avail = 0;
while (toSkip != 0 && (result = is == ? skipByReading(toSkip) : is.skip(toSkip)) < toSkip) {
if (result == 0) {
if ( == -1) break;
else toSkip -= result;
final long t = n - (toSkip - result);
readBytes += t;
return t;
public int available() throws IOException {
return (int)Math.min(is.available() + (long)avail, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
public void close() throws IOException {
if (is == null) return;
if (is != is.close();
is = null;
buffer = null;
/** Resets the internal logic of this fast buffered input stream, clearing the buffer.
All buffering information is discarded, and the number of bytes read so far
* (and thus, also the {@linkplain #position() current position})
* is adjusted to reflect this fact.
This method is mainly useful for re-reading
* files that have been overwritten externally.
public void flush() {
if (is == null) return;
readBytes += avail;
avail = pos = 0;
/** Resets the internal logic of this fast buffered input stream.
* @deprecated As of fastutil
5.0.4, replaced by {@link #flush()}. The old
* semantics of this method does not contradict {@link InputStream}'s contract, as
* the semantics of {@link #reset()} is undefined if {@link InputStream#markSupported()}
* returns false. On the other hand, the name was really a poor choice.
public void reset() {