ml.dmlc.xgboost4j.scala.rabit.handler.RabitTrackerHandler.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package ml.dmlc.xgboost4j.scala.rabit.handler
import java.util.UUID
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.concurrent.{Promise, TimeoutException}
import{IO, Tcp}
import ml.dmlc.xgboost4j.scala.rabit.util.{AssignedRank, LinkMap}
import scala.util.{Failure, Random, Success, Try}
/** The Akka actor for handling and coordinating Rabit worker connections.
* This is the main actor for handling socket connections, interacting with the synchronous
* tracker interface, and resolving tree/ring/parent dependencies between workers.
* @param numWorkers Number of workers to track.
private[scala] class RabitTrackerHandler(numWorkers: Int)
extends Actor with ActorLogging {
import context.system
import RabitWorkerHandler._
import RabitTrackerHandler._
private[this] val promisedWorkerEnvs = Promise[Map[String, String]]()
private[this] val promisedShutdownWorkers = Promise[Int]()
private[this] val tcpManager = IO(Tcp)
// resolves worker connection dependency.
val resolver = context.actorOf(Props(classOf[WorkerDependencyResolver], self), "Resolver")
// workers that have sent "shutdown" signal
private[this] val shutdownWorkers = mutable.Set.empty[Int]
private[this] val jobToRankMap = mutable.HashMap.empty[String, Int]
private[this] val actorRefToHost = mutable.HashMap.empty[ActorRef, String]
private[this] val ranksToAssign = mutable.ListBuffer(0 until numWorkers: _*)
private[this] var maxPortTrials = 0
private[this] var workerConnectionTimeout: Duration = Duration.Inf
private[this] var portTrials = 0
private[this] val startedWorkers = mutable.Set.empty[Int]
val linkMap = new LinkMap(numWorkers)
def decideRank(rank: Int, jobId: String = "NULL"): Option[Int] = {
rank match {
case r if r >= 0 => Some(r)
case _ =>
jobId match {
case "NULL" => None
case jid => jobToRankMap.get(jid)
* Handler for all Akka Tcp connection/binding events. Read/write over the socket is handled
* by the RabitWorkerHandler.
* @param event Generic Tcp.Event
private def handleTcpEvents(event: Tcp.Event): Unit = event match {
case Tcp.Bound(local) =>
// expect all workers to connect within timeout"Tracker listening @ ${local.getAddress.getHostAddress}:${local.getPort}")"Worker connection timeout is $workerConnectionTimeout.")
"DMLC_TRACKER_URI" -> local.getAddress.getHostAddress,
"DMLC_TRACKER_PORT" -> local.getPort.toString,
// not required because the world size will be communicated to the
// worker node after the rank is assigned.
"rabit_world_size" -> numWorkers.toString
case Tcp.CommandFailed(cmd: Tcp.Bind) =>
if (portTrials < maxPortTrials) {
portTrials += 1
tcpManager ! Tcp.Bind(self,
new InetSocketAddress(cmd.localAddress.getAddress, cmd.localAddress.getPort + 1),
backlog = 256)
case Tcp.Connected(remote, local) =>
log.debug(s"Incoming connection from worker @ ${remote.getAddress.getHostAddress}")
// revoke timeout if all workers have connected.
val workerHandler = context.actorOf(RabitWorkerHandler.props(
remote.getAddress.getHostAddress, numWorkers, self, sender()
), s"ConnectionHandler-${UUID.randomUUID().toString}")
val connection = sender()
connection ! Tcp.Register(workerHandler, keepOpenOnPeerClosed = true)
actorRefToHost.put(workerHandler, remote.getAddress.getHostName)
* Handles external tracker control messages sent by RabitTracker (usually in ask patterns)
* to interact with the tracker interface.
* @param trackerMsg control messages sent by RabitTracker class.
private def handleTrackerControlMessage(trackerMsg: TrackerControlMessage): Unit =
trackerMsg match {
case msg: StartTracker =>
maxPortTrials = msg.maxPortTrials
workerConnectionTimeout = msg.connectionTimeout
// if the port number is missing, try binding to a random ephemeral port.
if (msg.addr.getPort == 0) {
tcpManager ! Tcp.Bind(self,
new InetSocketAddress(msg.addr.getAddress, new Random().nextInt(61000 - 32768) + 32768),
backlog = 256)
} else {
tcpManager ! Tcp.Bind(self, msg.addr, backlog = 256)
sender() ! true
case RequestBoundFuture =>
sender() ! promisedWorkerEnvs.future
case RequestCompletionFuture =>
sender() ! promisedShutdownWorkers.future
case InterruptTracker(e) =>
log.error(e, "Uncaught exception thrown by worker.")
// make sure that waitFor() does not hang indefinitely.
* Handles messages sent by child actors representing connecting Rabit workers, by brokering
* messages to the dependency resolver, and processing worker commands.
* @param workerMsg Message sent by RabitWorkerHandler actors.
private def handleRabitWorkerMessage(workerMsg: RabitWorkerRequest): Unit = workerMsg match {
case req @ RequestAwaitConnWorkers(_, _) =>
// since the requester may request to connect to other workers
// that have not fully set up, delegate this request to the
// dependency resolver which handles the dependencies properly.
resolver forward req
// ---- Rabit worker commands: start/recover/shutdown/print ----
case WorkerTrackerPrint(_, _, _, msg) =>
case WorkerShutdown(rank, _, _) =>
assert(rank >= 0, "Invalid rank.")
shutdownWorkers.add(rank)"Received shutdown signal from $rank")
if (shutdownWorkers.size == numWorkers) {
case WorkerRecover(prevRank, worldSize, jobId) =>
assert(prevRank >= 0)
sender() ! linkMap.assignRank(prevRank)
case WorkerStart(rank, worldSize, jobId) =>
assert(worldSize == numWorkers || worldSize == -1,
s"Purported worldSize ($worldSize) does not match worker count ($numWorkers)."
Try(decideRank(rank, jobId).getOrElse(ranksToAssign.remove(0))) match {
case Success(wkRank) =>
if (jobId != "NULL") {
jobToRankMap.put(jobId, wkRank)
val assignedRank = linkMap.assignRank(wkRank)
sender() ! assignedRank
resolver ! assignedRank"Received start signal from " +
s"${actorRefToHost.getOrElse(sender(), "")} [rank: $wkRank]")
case Failure(ex: IndexOutOfBoundsException) =>
// More than worldSize workers have connected, likely due to executor loss.
// Since Rabit currently does not support crash recovery (because the Allreduce results
// are not cached by the tracker, and because existing workers cannot reestablish
// connections to newly spawned executor/worker), the most reasonble action here is to
// interrupt the tracker immediate with failure state.
log.error("Received invalid start signal from " +
s"${actorRefToHost.getOrElse(sender(), "")}: all $worldSize workers have started."
promisedShutdownWorkers.failure(new XGBoostError("Invalid start signal" +
" received from worker, likely due to executor loss."))
case Failure(ex) =>
log.error(ex, "Unexpected error")
// ---- Dependency resolving related messages ----
case msg @ WorkerStarted(host, rank, awaitingAcceptance) =>"Worker $host (rank: $rank) has started.")
resolver forward msg
if (startedWorkers.size == numWorkers) {"All workers have started.")
case req @ DropFromWaitingList(_) =>
// all peer workers in dependency link map have connected;
// forward message to resolver to update dependencies.
resolver forward req
case _ =>
def receive: Actor.Receive = {
case tcpEvent: Tcp.Event => handleTcpEvents(tcpEvent)
case trackerMsg: TrackerControlMessage => handleTrackerControlMessage(trackerMsg)
case workerMsg: RabitWorkerRequest => handleRabitWorkerMessage(workerMsg)
case =>
if (startedWorkers.size < numWorkers) {
new TimeoutException("Timed out waiting for workers to connect: " +
s"${numWorkers - startedWorkers.size} of $numWorkers did not start/connect.")
* Resolve the dependency between nodes as they connect to the tracker.
* The dependency is enforced that a worker of rank K depends on its neighbors (from the treeMap
* and ringMap) whose ranks are smaller than K. Since ranks are assigned in the order of
* connections by workers, this dependency constraint assumes that a worker node connects first
* is likely to finish setup first.
private[rabit] class WorkerDependencyResolver(handler: ActorRef) extends Actor with ActorLogging {
import RabitWorkerHandler._
case class Fulfillment(toConnectSet: Set[Int], promise: Promise[AwaitingConnections])
// worker nodes that have connected, but have not send WorkerStarted message.
private val dependencyMap = mutable.Map.empty[Int, Set[Int]]
private val startedWorkers = mutable.Set.empty[Int]
// worker nodes that have started, and await for connections.
private val awaitConnWorkers = mutable.Map.empty[Int, ActorRef]
private val pendingFulfillment = mutable.Map.empty[Int, Fulfillment]
def awaitingWorkers(linkSet: Set[Int]): AwaitingConnections = {
val connSet = awaitConnWorkers.toMap
.filterKeys(k => linkSet.contains(k))
AwaitingConnections(connSet, linkSet.size - connSet.size)
def receive: Actor.Receive = {
// a copy of the AssignedRank message that is also sent to the worker
case AssignedRank(rank, tree_neighbors, ring, parent) =>
// the workers that the worker of given `rank` depends on:
// worker of rank K only depends on workers with rank smaller than K.
val dependentWorkers = (tree_neighbors.toSet ++ Set(ring._1, ring._2))
.filter{ r => r != -1 && r < rank}
log.debug(s"Rank $rank connected, dependencies: $dependentWorkers")
dependencyMap.put(rank, dependentWorkers)
case RequestAwaitConnWorkers(rank, toConnectSet) =>
val promise = Promise[AwaitingConnections]()
val updatedDependency = dependencyMap(rank) diff startedWorkers
if (updatedDependency.isEmpty) {
// all dependencies are satisfied
log.debug(s"Rank $rank has all dependencies satisfied.")
} else {
log.debug(s"Rank $rank's request for AwaitConnWorkers is pending fulfillment.")
// promise is pending fulfillment due to unresolved dependency
pendingFulfillment.put(rank, Fulfillment(toConnectSet, promise))
sender() ! promise.future
case WorkerStarted(_, started, awaitingAcceptance) =>
if (awaitingAcceptance > 0) {
awaitConnWorkers.put(started, sender())
// remove the started rank from all dependencies.
dependencyMap.foreach { case (r, dset) =>
val updatedDependency = dset diff startedWorkers
// fulfill the future if all dependencies are met (started.)
if (updatedDependency.isEmpty) {
log.debug(s"Rank $r has all dependencies satisfied.")
case Fulfillment(toConnectSet, promise) =>
dependencyMap.update(r, updatedDependency)
case DropFromWaitingList(rank) =>
case Terminated(ref) =>
if (ref.equals(handler)) {
private[scala] object RabitTrackerHandler {
// Messages sent by RabitTracker to this RabitTrackerHandler actor
trait TrackerControlMessage
case object RequestCompletionFuture extends TrackerControlMessage
case object RequestBoundFuture extends TrackerControlMessage
// Start the Rabit tracker at given socket address awaiting worker connections.
// All workers must connect to the tracker before connectionTimeout, otherwise the tracker will
// shut down due to timeout.
case class StartTracker(addr: InetSocketAddress,
maxPortTrials: Int,
connectionTimeout: Duration) extends TrackerControlMessage
// To interrupt the tracker handler due to uncaught exception thrown by the thread acting as
// driver for the distributed training.
case class InterruptTracker(e: Throwable) extends TrackerControlMessage
def props(numWorkers: Int): Props =
Props(new RabitTrackerHandler(numWorkers))
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