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ml.dmlc.xgboost4j.scala.rabit.handler.RabitWorkerHandler.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package ml.dmlc.xgboost4j.scala.rabit.handler

import java.nio.{ByteBuffer, ByteOrder}

import akka.util.ByteString
import ml.dmlc.xgboost4j.scala.rabit.util.{AssignedRank, RabitTrackerHelpers}

import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future}
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.util.Try

  * Actor to handle socket communication from worker node.
  * To handle fragmentation in received data, this class acts like a FSM
  * (finite-state machine) to keep track of the internal states.
  * @param host IP address of the remote worker
  * @param worldSize number of total workers
  * @param tracker the RabitTrackerHandler actor reference
private[scala] class RabitWorkerHandler(host: String, worldSize: Int, tracker: ActorRef,
                                        connection: ActorRef)
  extends FSM[RabitWorkerHandler.State, RabitWorkerHandler.DataStruct]
    with ActorLogging with Stash {

  import RabitWorkerHandler._
  import RabitTrackerHelpers._

  private[this] var rank: Int = 0
  private[this] var port: Int = 0

  // indicate if the connection is transient (like "print" or "shutdown")
  private[this] var transient: Boolean = false
  private[this] var peerClosed: Boolean = false

  // number of workers pending acceptance of current worker
  private[this] var awaitingAcceptance: Int = 0
  private[this] var neighboringWorkers = Set.empty[Int]

  // TODO: use a single memory allocation to host all buffers,
  // including the transient ones for writing.
  private[this] val readBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(4096)
  // in case the received message is longer than needed,
  // stash the spilled over part in this buffer, and send
  // to self when transition occurs.
  private[this] val spillOverBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(4096)
  // when setup is complete, need to notify peer handlers
  // to reduce the awaiting-connection counter.
  private[this] var pendingAcknowledgement: Option[AcknowledgeAcceptance] = None

  private def resetBuffers(): Unit = {
    if (spillOverBuffer.position() > 0) {
      self ! Tcp.Received(ByteString.fromByteBuffer(spillOverBuffer))

  private def stashSpillOver(buf: ByteBuffer): Unit = {
    if (buf.remaining() > 0) spillOverBuffer.put(buf)

  def getNeighboringWorkers: Set[Int] = neighboringWorkers

  def decodeCommand(buffer: ByteBuffer): TrackerCommand = {
    val readBuffer = buffer.duplicate().order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder())

    val rank = readBuffer.getInt()
    val worldSize = readBuffer.getInt()
    val jobId = readBuffer.getString

    val command = readBuffer.getString
    val trackerCommand = command match {
      case "start" => WorkerStart(rank, worldSize, jobId)
      case "shutdown" =>
        transient = true
        WorkerShutdown(rank, worldSize, jobId)
      case "recover" =>
        require(rank >= 0, "Invalid rank for recovering worker.")
        WorkerRecover(rank, worldSize, jobId)
      case "print" =>
        transient = true
        WorkerTrackerPrint(rank, worldSize, jobId, readBuffer.getString)


  startWith(AwaitingHandshake, DataStruct())

  when(AwaitingHandshake) {
    case Event(Tcp.Received(magic), _) =>
      assert(magic.length == 4)
      val purportedMagic = magic.asNativeOrderByteBuffer.getInt
      assert(purportedMagic == MAGIC_NUMBER, s"invalid magic number $purportedMagic from $host")

      // echo back the magic number
      connection ! Tcp.Write(magic)
      goto(AwaitingCommand) using StructTrackerCommand

  when(AwaitingCommand) {
    case Event(Tcp.Received(bytes), validator) =>
      bytes.asByteBuffers.foreach { buf => readBuffer.put(buf) }
      if (validator.verify(readBuffer)) {
        Try(decodeCommand(readBuffer)) match {
          case scala.util.Success(decodedCommand) =>
            tracker ! decodedCommand
          case scala.util.Failure(th: java.nio.BufferUnderflowException) =>
            // BufferUnderflowException would occur if the message to print has not arrived yet.
            // Do nothing, wait for next Tcp.Received event
          case scala.util.Failure(th: Throwable) => throw th

    // when rank for a worker is assigned, send encoded rank information
    // back to worker over Tcp socket.
    case Event(aRank @ AssignedRank(assignedRank, neighbors, ring, parent), _) =>
      log.debug(s"Assigned rank [$assignedRank] for $host, T: $neighbors, R: $ring, P: $parent")

      rank = assignedRank
      // ranks from the ring
      val ringRanks = List(
        // ringPrev
        if (ring._1 != -1 && ring._1 != rank) ring._1 else -1,
        // ringNext
        if (ring._2 != -1 && ring._2 != rank) ring._2 else -1

      // update the set of all linked workers to current worker.
      neighboringWorkers = neighbors.toSet ++ ringRanks.filterNot(_ == -1).toSet

      connection ! Tcp.Write(ByteString.fromByteBuffer(aRank.toByteBuffer(worldSize)))
      // to prevent reading before state transition
      connection ! Tcp.SuspendReading
      goto(BuildingLinkMap) using StructNodes

  when(BuildingLinkMap) {
    case Event(Tcp.Received(bytes), validator) =>
      bytes.asByteBuffers.foreach { buf =>

      if (validator.verify(readBuffer)) {
        // for a freshly started worker, numConnected should be 0.
        val numConnected = readBuffer.getInt()
        val toConnectSet = neighboringWorkers.diff(
          (0 until numConnected).map { index => readBuffer.getInt() }.toSet)

        // check which workers are currently awaiting connections
        tracker ! RequestAwaitConnWorkers(rank, toConnectSet)

    // got a Future from the tracker (resolver) about workers that are
    // currently awaiting connections (particularly from this node.)
    case Event(future: Future[_], _) =>
      // blocks execution until all dependencies for current worker is resolved.
      Await.result(future, 1 minute).asInstanceOf[AwaitingConnections] match {
        // numNotReachable is the number of workers that currently
        // cannot be connected to (pending connection or setup). Instead, this worker will AWAIT
        // connections from those currently non-reachable nodes in the future.
        case AwaitingConnections(waitConnNodes, numNotReachable) =>
          log.debug(s"Rank $rank needs to connect to: $waitConnNodes, # bad: $numNotReachable")
          val buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(8).order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder())

          // cache this message until the final state (SetupComplete)
          pendingAcknowledgement = Some(AcknowledgeAcceptance(
            waitConnNodes, numNotReachable))

          connection ! Tcp.Write(ByteString.fromByteBuffer(buf))
          if (waitConnNodes.isEmpty) {
            connection ! Tcp.SuspendReading
          else {
            waitConnNodes.foreach { case (peerRank, peerRef) =>
              peerRef ! RequestWorkerHostPort

            // a countdown for DivulgedHostPort messages.
            stay using DataStruct(Seq.empty[DataField], waitConnNodes.size - 1)

    case Event(DivulgedWorkerHostPort(peerRank, peerHost, peerPort), data) =>
      val hostBytes = peerHost.getBytes()
      val buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(4 * 3 + hostBytes.length)

      connection ! Tcp.Write(ByteString.fromByteBuffer(buffer))

      if (data.counter == 0) {
        // to prevent reading before state transition
        connection ! Tcp.SuspendReading
      else {
        stay using data.decrement()

  when(AwaitingErrorCount) {
    case Event(Tcp.Received(numErrors), _) =>
      val buf = numErrors.asNativeOrderByteBuffer

      buf.getInt match {
        case 0 =>
        case _ =>
          goto(BuildingLinkMap) using StructNodes

  when(AwaitingPortNumber) {
    case Event(Tcp.Received(assignedPort), _) =>
      assert(assignedPort.length == 4)
      port = assignedPort.asNativeOrderByteBuffer.getInt
      log.debug(s"Rank $rank listening @ $host:$port")
      // wait until the worker closes connection.
      if (peerClosed) goto(SetupComplete) else stay

    case Event(Tcp.PeerClosed, _) =>
      peerClosed = true
      if (port == 0) stay else goto(SetupComplete)

  when(SetupComplete) {
    case Event(ReduceWaitCount(count: Int), _) =>
      awaitingAcceptance -= count
      // check peerClosed to avoid prematurely stopping this actor (which sends RST to worker)
      if (awaitingAcceptance == 0 && peerClosed) {
        tracker ! DropFromWaitingList(rank)
        // no longer needed.

    case Event(AcknowledgeAcceptance(peers, numBad), _) =>
      awaitingAcceptance = numBad
      tracker ! WorkerStarted(host, rank, awaitingAcceptance)
      peers.values.foreach { peer =>
        peer ! ReduceWaitCount(1)

      if (awaitingAcceptance == 0 && peerClosed) self ! PoisonPill


    // can only divulge the complete host and port information
    // when this worker is declared fully connected (otherwise
    // port information is still missing.)
    case Event(RequestWorkerHostPort, _) =>
      sender() ! DivulgedWorkerHostPort(rank, host, port)

  onTransition {
    // reset buffer when state transitions as data becomes stale
    case _ -> SetupComplete =>
      connection ! Tcp.ResumeReading
      if (pendingAcknowledgement.isDefined) {
        self ! pendingAcknowledgement.get
    case _ =>
      connection ! Tcp.ResumeReading

  // default message handler
  whenUnhandled {
    case Event(Tcp.PeerClosed, _) =>
      peerClosed = true
      if (transient) context.stop(self)

private[scala] object RabitWorkerHandler {
  val MAGIC_NUMBER = 0xff99

  // Finite states of this actor, which acts like a FSM.
  // The following states are defined in order as the FSM progresses.
  sealed trait State

  // [1] Initial state, awaiting worker to send magic number per protocol.
  case object AwaitingHandshake extends State
  // [2] Awaiting worker to send command (start/print/recover/shutdown etc.)
  case object AwaitingCommand extends State
  // [3] Brokers connections between workers per ring/tree/parent link map.
  case object BuildingLinkMap extends State
  // [4] A transient state in which the worker reports the number of errors in establishing
  // connections to other peer workers. If no errors, transition to next state.
  case object AwaitingErrorCount extends State
  // [5] Awaiting the worker to report its port number for accepting connections from peer workers.
  // This port number information is later forwarded to linked workers.
  case object AwaitingPortNumber extends State
  // [6] Final state after completing the setup with the connecting worker. At this stage, the
  // worker will have closed the Tcp connection. The actor remains alive to handle messages from
  // peer actors representing workers with pending setups.
  case object SetupComplete extends State

  sealed trait DataField
  case object IntField extends DataField
  // an integer preceding the actual string
  case object StringField extends DataField
  case object IntSeqField extends DataField

  object DataStruct {
    def apply(): DataStruct = DataStruct(Seq.empty[DataField], 0)

  // Internal data pertaining to individual state, used to verify the validity of packets sent by
  // workers.
  case class DataStruct(fields: Seq[DataField], counter: Int) {
      * Validate whether the provided buffer is complete (i.e., contains
      * all data fields specified for this DataStruct.)
      * @param buf a byte buffer containing received data.
    def verify(buf: ByteBuffer): Boolean = {
      if (fields.isEmpty) return true

      val dupBuf = buf.duplicate().order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder())

      Try(fields.foldLeft(true) {
        case (complete, field) =>
          val remBytes = dupBuf.remaining()
          complete && (remBytes > 0) && (remBytes >= (field match {
            case IntField =>
              dupBuf.position(dupBuf.position() + 4)
            case StringField =>
              val strLen = dupBuf.getInt
              dupBuf.position(dupBuf.position() + strLen)
              4 + strLen
            case IntSeqField =>
              val seqLen = dupBuf.getInt
              dupBuf.position(dupBuf.position() + seqLen * 4)
              4 + seqLen * 4

    def increment(): DataStruct = DataStruct(fields, counter + 1)
    def decrement(): DataStruct = DataStruct(fields, counter - 1)

  val StructNodes = DataStruct(List(IntSeqField), 0)
  val StructTrackerCommand = DataStruct(List(
    IntField, IntField, StringField, StringField
  ), 0)

  // ---- Messages between RabitTrackerHandler and RabitTrackerConnectionHandler ----

  // RabitWorkerHandler --> RabitTrackerHandler
  sealed trait RabitWorkerRequest
  // RabitWorkerHandler <-- RabitTrackerHandler
  sealed trait RabitWorkerResponse

  // Representations of decoded worker commands.
  abstract class TrackerCommand(val command: String) extends RabitWorkerRequest {
    def rank: Int
    def worldSize: Int
    def jobId: String

    def encode: ByteString = {
      val buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(4 * 4 + jobId.length + command.length)



  case class WorkerStart(rank: Int, worldSize: Int, jobId: String)
    extends TrackerCommand("start")
  case class WorkerShutdown(rank: Int, worldSize: Int, jobId: String)
    extends TrackerCommand("shutdown")
  case class WorkerRecover(rank: Int, worldSize: Int, jobId: String)
    extends TrackerCommand("recover")
  case class WorkerTrackerPrint(rank: Int, worldSize: Int, jobId: String, msg: String)
    extends TrackerCommand("print") {

    override def encode: ByteString = {
      val buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(4 * 5 + jobId.length + command.length + msg.length)



  // Request to remove the worker of given rank from the list of workers awaiting peer connections.
  case class DropFromWaitingList(rank: Int) extends RabitWorkerRequest
  // Notify the tracker that the worker of given rank has finished setup and started.
  case class WorkerStarted(host: String, rank: Int, awaitingAcceptance: Int)
    extends RabitWorkerRequest
  // Request the set of workers to connect to, according to the LinkMap structure.
  case class RequestAwaitConnWorkers(rank: Int, toConnectSet: Set[Int])
    extends RabitWorkerRequest

  // Request, from the tracker, the set of nodes to connect.
  case class AwaitingConnections(workers: Map[Int, ActorRef], numBad: Int)
    extends RabitWorkerResponse

  // ---- Messages between ConnectionHandler actors ----
  sealed trait IntraWorkerMessage

  // Notify neighboring workers to decrease the counter of awaiting workers by `count`.
  case class ReduceWaitCount(count: Int) extends IntraWorkerMessage
  // Request host and port information from peer ConnectionHandler actors (acting on behave of
  // connecting workers.) This message will be brokered by RabitTrackerHandler.
  case object RequestWorkerHostPort extends IntraWorkerMessage
  // Response to the above request
  case class DivulgedWorkerHostPort(rank: Int, host: String, port: Int) extends IntraWorkerMessage
  // A reminder to send ReduceWaitCount messages once the actor is in state "SetupComplete".
  case class AcknowledgeAcceptance(peers: Map[Int, ActorRef], numBad: Int)
    extends IntraWorkerMessage

  // ---- End of message definitions ----

  def props(host: String, worldSize: Int, tracker: ActorRef, connection: ActorRef): Props = {
    Props(new RabitWorkerHandler(host, worldSize, tracker, connection))

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