org.apache.lucene.codecs.blocktree.SegmentTermsEnum Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.lucene.codecs.blocktree;
import org.apache.lucene.codecs.BlockTermState;
import org.apache.lucene.index.PostingsEnum;
import org.apache.lucene.index.TermState;
import org.apache.lucene.index.TermsEnum;
import org.apache.lucene.util.ArrayUtil;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRefBuilder;
import org.apache.lucene.util.RamUsageEstimator;
import org.apache.lucene.util.fst.FST;
import org.apache.lucene.util.fst.Util;
/** Iterates through terms in this field. This implementation skips
* any auto-prefix terms it encounters. */
final class SegmentTermsEnum extends TermsEnum {
// Lazy init:
IndexInput in;
private SegmentTermsEnumFrame[] stack;
private final SegmentTermsEnumFrame staticFrame;
SegmentTermsEnumFrame currentFrame;
boolean termExists;
final FieldReader fr;
private int targetBeforeCurrentLength;
//static boolean DEBUG = BlockTreeTermsWriter.DEBUG;
private final ByteArrayDataInput scratchReader = new ByteArrayDataInput();
// What prefix of the current term was present in the index; when we only next() through the index, this stays at 0. It's only set when
// we seekCeil/Exact:
private int validIndexPrefix;
// assert only:
private boolean eof;
final BytesRefBuilder term = new BytesRefBuilder();
private final FST.BytesReader fstReader;
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes","unchecked"}) private FST.Arc[] arcs = new FST.Arc[1];
public SegmentTermsEnum(FieldReader fr) throws IOException { = fr;
// if (DEBUG) {
// System.out.println("BTTR.init seg=" + fr.parent.segment);
// }
stack = new SegmentTermsEnumFrame[0];
// Used to hold seek by TermState, or cached seek
staticFrame = new SegmentTermsEnumFrame(this, -1);
if (fr.index == null) {
fstReader = null;
} else {
fstReader = fr.index.getBytesReader();
// Init w/ root block; don't use index since it may
// not (and need not) have been loaded
for(int arcIdx=0;arcIdx();
currentFrame = staticFrame;
final FST.Arc arc;
if (fr.index != null) {
arc = fr.index.getFirstArc(arcs[0]);
// Empty string prefix must have an output in the index!
assert arc.isFinal();
} else {
arc = null;
//currentFrame = pushFrame(arc, rootCode, 0);
validIndexPrefix = 0;
// if (DEBUG) {
// System.out.println("init frame state " + currentFrame.ord);
// printSeekState();
// }
// computeBlockStats().print(System.out);
// Not private to avoid synthetic access$NNN methods
void initIndexInput() {
if ( == null) { = fr.parent.termsIn.clone();
/** Runs next() through the entire terms dict,
* computing aggregate statistics. */
public Stats computeBlockStats() throws IOException {
// TODO: add total auto-prefix term count
Stats stats = new Stats(fr.parent.segment,;
if (fr.index != null) {
stats.indexNumBytes = fr.index.ramBytesUsed();
currentFrame = staticFrame;
FST.Arc arc;
if (fr.index != null) {
arc = fr.index.getFirstArc(arcs[0]);
// Empty string prefix must have an output in the index!
assert arc.isFinal();
} else {
arc = null;
// Empty string prefix must have an output in the
// index!
currentFrame = pushFrame(arc, fr.rootCode, 0);
currentFrame.fpOrig = currentFrame.fp;
validIndexPrefix = 0;
stats.startBlock(currentFrame, !currentFrame.isLastInFloor);
while (true) {
// Pop finished blocks
while (currentFrame.nextEnt == currentFrame.entCount) {
if (!currentFrame.isLastInFloor) {
// Advance to next floor block
stats.startBlock(currentFrame, true);
} else {
if (currentFrame.ord == 0) {
break allTerms;
final long lastFP = currentFrame.fpOrig;
currentFrame = stack[currentFrame.ord-1];
assert lastFP == currentFrame.lastSubFP;
// if (DEBUG) {
// System.out.println(" reset validIndexPrefix=" + validIndexPrefix);
// }
while(true) {
if ( {
// Push to new block:
currentFrame = pushFrame(null, currentFrame.lastSubFP, term.length());
currentFrame.fpOrig = currentFrame.fp;
// This is a "next" frame -- even if it's
// floor'd we must pretend it isn't so we don't
// try to scan to the right floor frame:
stats.startBlock(currentFrame, !currentFrame.isLastInFloor);
} else {
// Put root frame back:
currentFrame = staticFrame;
if (fr.index != null) {
arc = fr.index.getFirstArc(arcs[0]);
// Empty string prefix must have an output in the index!
assert arc.isFinal();
} else {
arc = null;
currentFrame = pushFrame(arc, fr.rootCode, 0);
validIndexPrefix = 0;
return stats;
private SegmentTermsEnumFrame getFrame(int ord) throws IOException {
if (ord >= stack.length) {
final SegmentTermsEnumFrame[] next = new SegmentTermsEnumFrame[ArrayUtil.oversize(1+ord, RamUsageEstimator.NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_REF)];
System.arraycopy(stack, 0, next, 0, stack.length);
for(int stackOrd=stack.length;stackOrd getArc(int ord) {
if (ord >= arcs.length) {
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes","unchecked"}) final FST.Arc[] next =
new FST.Arc[ArrayUtil.oversize(1+ord, RamUsageEstimator.NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_REF)];
System.arraycopy(arcs, 0, next, 0, arcs.length);
for(int arcOrd=arcs.length;arcOrd();
arcs = next;
return arcs[ord];
// Pushes a frame we seek'd to
SegmentTermsEnumFrame pushFrame(FST.Arc arc, BytesRef frameData, int length) throws IOException {
scratchReader.reset(frameData.bytes, frameData.offset, frameData.length);
final long code = scratchReader.readVLong();
final long fpSeek = code >>> BlockTreeTermsReader.OUTPUT_FLAGS_NUM_BITS;
final SegmentTermsEnumFrame f = getFrame(1+currentFrame.ord);
f.hasTerms = (code & BlockTreeTermsReader.OUTPUT_FLAG_HAS_TERMS) != 0;
f.hasTermsOrig = f.hasTerms;
f.isFloor = (code & BlockTreeTermsReader.OUTPUT_FLAG_IS_FLOOR) != 0;
if (f.isFloor) {
f.setFloorData(scratchReader, frameData);
pushFrame(arc, fpSeek, length);
return f;
// Pushes next'd frame or seek'd frame; we later
// lazy-load the frame only when needed
SegmentTermsEnumFrame pushFrame(FST.Arc arc, long fp, int length) throws IOException {
final SegmentTermsEnumFrame f = getFrame(1+currentFrame.ord);
f.arc = arc;
if (f.fpOrig == fp && f.nextEnt != -1) {
//if (DEBUG) System.out.println(" push reused frame ord=" + f.ord + " fp=" + f.fp + " isFloor?=" + f.isFloor + " hasTerms=" + f.hasTerms + " pref=" + term + " nextEnt=" + f.nextEnt + " targetBeforeCurrentLength=" + targetBeforeCurrentLength + " term.length=" + term.length + " vs prefix=" + f.prefix);
//if (f.prefix > targetBeforeCurrentLength) {
if (f.ord > targetBeforeCurrentLength) {
} else {
// if (DEBUG) {
// System.out.println(" skip rewind!");
// }
assert length == f.prefix;
} else {
f.nextEnt = -1;
f.prefix = length;
f.state.termBlockOrd = 0;
f.fpOrig = f.fp = fp;
f.lastSubFP = -1;
// if (DEBUG) {
// final int sav = term.length;
// term.length = length;
// System.out.println(" push new frame ord=" + f.ord + " fp=" + f.fp + " hasTerms=" + f.hasTerms + " isFloor=" + f.isFloor + " pref=" + brToString(term));
// term.length = sav;
// }
return f;
// asserts only
private boolean clearEOF() {
eof = false;
return true;
// asserts only
private boolean setEOF() {
eof = true;
return true;
// for debugging
static String brToString(BytesRef b) {
try {
return b.utf8ToString() + " " + b;
} catch (Throwable t) {
// If BytesRef isn't actually UTF8, or it's eg a
// prefix of UTF8 that ends mid-unicode-char, we
// fallback to hex:
return b.toString();
// for debugging
static String brToString(BytesRefBuilder b) {
return brToString(b.get());
public boolean seekExact(BytesRef target) throws IOException {
if (fr.index == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("terms index was not loaded");
term.grow(1 + target.length);
assert clearEOF();
// if (DEBUG) {
// System.out.println("\nBTTR.seekExact seg=" + fr.parent.segment + " target=" + + ":" + brToString(target) + " current=" + brToString(term) + " (exists?=" + termExists + ") validIndexPrefix=" + validIndexPrefix);
// printSeekState(System.out);
// }
FST.Arc arc;
int targetUpto;
BytesRef output;
targetBeforeCurrentLength = currentFrame.ord;
if (currentFrame != staticFrame) {
// We are already seek'd; find the common
// prefix of new seek term vs current term and
// re-use the corresponding seek state. For
// example, if app first seeks to foobar, then
// seeks to foobaz, we can re-use the seek state
// for the first 5 bytes.
// if (DEBUG) {
// System.out.println(" re-use current seek state validIndexPrefix=" + validIndexPrefix);
// }
arc = arcs[0];
assert arc.isFinal();
output = arc.output;
targetUpto = 0;
SegmentTermsEnumFrame lastFrame = stack[0];
assert validIndexPrefix <= term.length();
final int targetLimit = Math.min(target.length, validIndexPrefix);
int cmp = 0;
// TODO: reverse vLong byte order for better FST
// prefix output sharing
// First compare up to valid seek frames:
while (targetUpto < targetLimit) {
cmp = (term.byteAt(targetUpto)&0xFF) - (target.bytes[target.offset + targetUpto]&0xFF);
// if (DEBUG) {
// System.out.println(" cycle targetUpto=" + targetUpto + " (vs limit=" + targetLimit + ") cmp=" + cmp + " (targetLabel=" + (char) (target.bytes[target.offset + targetUpto]) + " vs termLabel=" + (char) (term.bytes[targetUpto]) + ")" + " arc.output=" + arc.output + " output=" + output);
// }
if (cmp != 0) {
arc = arcs[1+targetUpto];
assert arc.label == (target.bytes[target.offset + targetUpto] & 0xFF): "arc.label=" + (char) arc.label + " targetLabel=" + (char) (target.bytes[target.offset + targetUpto] & 0xFF);
if (arc.output != BlockTreeTermsReader.NO_OUTPUT) {
output = BlockTreeTermsReader.FST_OUTPUTS.add(output, arc.output);
if (arc.isFinal()) {
lastFrame = stack[1+lastFrame.ord];
if (cmp == 0) {
final int targetUptoMid = targetUpto;
// Second compare the rest of the term, but
// don't save arc/output/frame; we only do this
// to find out if the target term is before,
// equal or after the current term
final int targetLimit2 = Math.min(target.length, term.length());
while (targetUpto < targetLimit2) {
cmp = (term.byteAt(targetUpto)&0xFF) - (target.bytes[target.offset + targetUpto]&0xFF);
// if (DEBUG) {
// System.out.println(" cycle2 targetUpto=" + targetUpto + " (vs limit=" + targetLimit + ") cmp=" + cmp + " (targetLabel=" + (char) (target.bytes[target.offset + targetUpto]) + " vs termLabel=" + (char) (term.bytes[targetUpto]) + ")");
// }
if (cmp != 0) {
if (cmp == 0) {
cmp = term.length() - target.length;
targetUpto = targetUptoMid;
if (cmp < 0) {
// Common case: target term is after current
// term, ie, app is seeking multiple terms
// in sorted order
// if (DEBUG) {
// System.out.println(" target is after current (shares prefixLen=" + targetUpto + "); frame.ord=" + lastFrame.ord);
// }
currentFrame = lastFrame;
} else if (cmp > 0) {
// Uncommon case: target term
// is before current term; this means we can
// keep the currentFrame but we must rewind it
// (so we scan from the start)
targetBeforeCurrentLength = lastFrame.ord;
// if (DEBUG) {
// System.out.println(" target is before current (shares prefixLen=" + targetUpto + "); rewind frame ord=" + lastFrame.ord);
// }
currentFrame = lastFrame;
} else {
// Target is exactly the same as current term
assert term.length() == target.length;
if (termExists) {
// if (DEBUG) {
// System.out.println(" target is same as current; return true");
// }
return true;
} else {
// if (DEBUG) {
// System.out.println(" target is same as current but term doesn't exist");
// }
//validIndexPrefix = currentFrame.depth;
//term.length = target.length;
//return termExists;
} else {
targetBeforeCurrentLength = -1;
arc = fr.index.getFirstArc(arcs[0]);
// Empty string prefix must have an output (block) in the index!
assert arc.isFinal();
assert arc.output != null;
// if (DEBUG) {
// System.out.println(" no seek state; push root frame");
// }
output = arc.output;
currentFrame = staticFrame;
//term.length = 0;
targetUpto = 0;
currentFrame = pushFrame(arc, BlockTreeTermsReader.FST_OUTPUTS.add(output, arc.nextFinalOutput), 0);
// if (DEBUG) {
// System.out.println(" start index loop targetUpto=" + targetUpto + " output=" + output + " currentFrame.ord=" + currentFrame.ord + " targetBeforeCurrentLength=" + targetBeforeCurrentLength);
// }
// We are done sharing the common prefix with the incoming target and where we are currently seek'd; now continue walking the index:
while (targetUpto < target.length) {
final int targetLabel = target.bytes[target.offset + targetUpto] & 0xFF;
final FST.Arc nextArc = fr.index.findTargetArc(targetLabel, arc, getArc(1+targetUpto), fstReader);
if (nextArc == null) {
// Index is exhausted
// if (DEBUG) {
// System.out.println(" index: index exhausted label=" + ((char) targetLabel) + " " + toHex(targetLabel));
// }
validIndexPrefix = currentFrame.prefix;
//validIndexPrefix = targetUpto;
if (!currentFrame.hasTerms) {
termExists = false;
term.setByteAt(targetUpto, (byte) targetLabel);
// if (DEBUG) {
// System.out.println(" FAST NOT_FOUND term=" + brToString(term));
// }
return false;
final SeekStatus result = currentFrame.scanToTerm(target, true);
if (result == SeekStatus.FOUND) {
// if (DEBUG) {
// System.out.println(" return FOUND term=" + term.utf8ToString() + " " + term);
// }
return true;
} else {
// if (DEBUG) {
// System.out.println(" got " + result + "; return NOT_FOUND term=" + brToString(term));
// }
return false;
} else {
// Follow this arc
arc = nextArc;
term.setByteAt(targetUpto, (byte) targetLabel);
// Aggregate output as we go:
assert arc.output != null;
if (arc.output != BlockTreeTermsReader.NO_OUTPUT) {
output = BlockTreeTermsReader.FST_OUTPUTS.add(output, arc.output);
// if (DEBUG) {
// System.out.println(" index: follow label=" + toHex(target.bytes[target.offset + targetUpto]&0xff) + " arc.output=" + arc.output + " arc.nfo=" + arc.nextFinalOutput);
// }
if (arc.isFinal()) {
//if (DEBUG) System.out.println(" arc is final!");
currentFrame = pushFrame(arc, BlockTreeTermsReader.FST_OUTPUTS.add(output, arc.nextFinalOutput), targetUpto);
//if (DEBUG) System.out.println(" curFrame.ord=" + currentFrame.ord + " hasTerms=" + currentFrame.hasTerms);
//validIndexPrefix = targetUpto;
validIndexPrefix = currentFrame.prefix;
// Target term is entirely contained in the index:
if (!currentFrame.hasTerms) {
termExists = false;
// if (DEBUG) {
// System.out.println(" FAST NOT_FOUND term=" + brToString(term));
// }
return false;
final SeekStatus result = currentFrame.scanToTerm(target, true);
if (result == SeekStatus.FOUND) {
// if (DEBUG) {
// System.out.println(" return FOUND term=" + term.utf8ToString() + " " + term);
// }
return true;
} else {
// if (DEBUG) {
// System.out.println(" got result " + result + "; return NOT_FOUND term=" + term.utf8ToString());
// }
return false;
public SeekStatus seekCeil(BytesRef target) throws IOException {
if (fr.index == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("terms index was not loaded");
term.grow(1 + target.length);
assert clearEOF();
// if (DEBUG) {
// System.out.println("\nBTTR.seekCeil seg=" + fr.parent.segment + " target=" + + ":" + brToString(target) + " " + target + " current=" + brToString(term) + " (exists?=" + termExists + ") validIndexPrefix= " + validIndexPrefix);
// printSeekState(System.out);
// }
FST.Arc arc;
int targetUpto;
BytesRef output;
targetBeforeCurrentLength = currentFrame.ord;
if (currentFrame != staticFrame) {
// We are already seek'd; find the common
// prefix of new seek term vs current term and
// re-use the corresponding seek state. For
// example, if app first seeks to foobar, then
// seeks to foobaz, we can re-use the seek state
// for the first 5 bytes.
//if (DEBUG) {
//System.out.println(" re-use current seek state validIndexPrefix=" + validIndexPrefix);
arc = arcs[0];
assert arc.isFinal();
output = arc.output;
targetUpto = 0;
SegmentTermsEnumFrame lastFrame = stack[0];
assert validIndexPrefix <= term.length();
final int targetLimit = Math.min(target.length, validIndexPrefix);
int cmp = 0;
// TODO: we should write our vLong backwards (MSB
// first) to get better sharing from the FST
// First compare up to valid seek frames:
while (targetUpto < targetLimit) {
cmp = (term.byteAt(targetUpto)&0xFF) - (target.bytes[target.offset + targetUpto]&0xFF);
//if (DEBUG) {
//System.out.println(" cycle targetUpto=" + targetUpto + " (vs limit=" + targetLimit + ") cmp=" + cmp + " (targetLabel=" + (char) (target.bytes[target.offset + targetUpto]) + " vs termLabel=" + (char) (term.byteAt(targetUpto)) + ")" + " arc.output=" + arc.output + " output=" + output);
if (cmp != 0) {
arc = arcs[1+targetUpto];
assert arc.label == (target.bytes[target.offset + targetUpto] & 0xFF): "arc.label=" + (char) arc.label + " targetLabel=" + (char) (target.bytes[target.offset + targetUpto] & 0xFF);
// TODO: we could save the outputs in local
// byte[][] instead of making new objs ever
// seek; but, often the FST doesn't have any
// shared bytes (but this could change if we
// reverse vLong byte order)
if (arc.output != BlockTreeTermsReader.NO_OUTPUT) {
output = BlockTreeTermsReader.FST_OUTPUTS.add(output, arc.output);
if (arc.isFinal()) {
lastFrame = stack[1+lastFrame.ord];
if (cmp == 0) {
final int targetUptoMid = targetUpto;
// Second compare the rest of the term, but
// don't save arc/output/frame:
final int targetLimit2 = Math.min(target.length, term.length());
while (targetUpto < targetLimit2) {
cmp = (term.byteAt(targetUpto)&0xFF) - (target.bytes[target.offset + targetUpto]&0xFF);
//if (DEBUG) {
//System.out.println(" cycle2 targetUpto=" + targetUpto + " (vs limit=" + targetLimit + ") cmp=" + cmp + " (targetLabel=" + (char) (target.bytes[target.offset + targetUpto]) + " vs termLabel=" + (char) (term.byteAt(targetUpto)) + ")");
if (cmp != 0) {
if (cmp == 0) {
cmp = term.length() - target.length;
targetUpto = targetUptoMid;
if (cmp < 0) {
// Common case: target term is after current
// term, ie, app is seeking multiple terms
// in sorted order
//if (DEBUG) {
//System.out.println(" target is after current (shares prefixLen=" + targetUpto + "); clear frame.scanned ord=" + lastFrame.ord);
currentFrame = lastFrame;
} else if (cmp > 0) {
// Uncommon case: target term
// is before current term; this means we can
// keep the currentFrame but we must rewind it
// (so we scan from the start)
targetBeforeCurrentLength = 0;
//if (DEBUG) {
//System.out.println(" target is before current (shares prefixLen=" + targetUpto + "); rewind frame ord=" + lastFrame.ord);
currentFrame = lastFrame;
} else {
// Target is exactly the same as current term
assert term.length() == target.length;
if (termExists) {
//if (DEBUG) {
//System.out.println(" target is same as current; return FOUND");
return SeekStatus.FOUND;
} else {
//if (DEBUG) {
//System.out.println(" target is same as current but term doesn't exist");
} else {
targetBeforeCurrentLength = -1;
arc = fr.index.getFirstArc(arcs[0]);
// Empty string prefix must have an output (block) in the index!
assert arc.isFinal();
assert arc.output != null;
//if (DEBUG) {
//System.out.println(" no seek state; push root frame");
output = arc.output;
currentFrame = staticFrame;
//term.length = 0;
targetUpto = 0;
currentFrame = pushFrame(arc, BlockTreeTermsReader.FST_OUTPUTS.add(output, arc.nextFinalOutput), 0);
//if (DEBUG) {
//System.out.println(" start index loop targetUpto=" + targetUpto + " output=" + output + " currentFrame.ord+1=" + currentFrame.ord + " targetBeforeCurrentLength=" + targetBeforeCurrentLength);
// We are done sharing the common prefix with the incoming target and where we are currently seek'd; now continue walking the index:
while (targetUpto < target.length) {
final int targetLabel = target.bytes[target.offset + targetUpto] & 0xFF;
final FST.Arc nextArc = fr.index.findTargetArc(targetLabel, arc, getArc(1+targetUpto), fstReader);
if (nextArc == null) {
// Index is exhausted
// if (DEBUG) {
// System.out.println(" index: index exhausted label=" + ((char) targetLabel) + " " + targetLabel);
// }
validIndexPrefix = currentFrame.prefix;
//validIndexPrefix = targetUpto;
//if (DEBUG) System.out.println(" now scanToTerm");
final SeekStatus result = currentFrame.scanToTerm(target, false);
if (result == SeekStatus.END) {
termExists = false;
if (next() != null) {
//if (DEBUG) {
//System.out.println(" return NOT_FOUND term=" + brToString(term));
return SeekStatus.NOT_FOUND;
} else {
//if (DEBUG) {
//System.out.println(" return END");
return SeekStatus.END;
} else {
//if (DEBUG) {
//System.out.println(" return " + result + " term=" + brToString(term));
return result;
} else {
// Follow this arc
term.setByteAt(targetUpto, (byte) targetLabel);
arc = nextArc;
// Aggregate output as we go:
assert arc.output != null;
if (arc.output != BlockTreeTermsReader.NO_OUTPUT) {
output = BlockTreeTermsReader.FST_OUTPUTS.add(output, arc.output);
//if (DEBUG) {
//System.out.println(" index: follow label=" + (target.bytes[target.offset + targetUpto]&0xff) + " arc.output=" + arc.output + " arc.nfo=" + arc.nextFinalOutput);
if (arc.isFinal()) {
//if (DEBUG) System.out.println(" arc is final!");
currentFrame = pushFrame(arc, BlockTreeTermsReader.FST_OUTPUTS.add(output, arc.nextFinalOutput), targetUpto);
//if (DEBUG) System.out.println(" curFrame.ord=" + currentFrame.ord + " hasTerms=" + currentFrame.hasTerms);
//validIndexPrefix = targetUpto;
validIndexPrefix = currentFrame.prefix;
final SeekStatus result = currentFrame.scanToTerm(target, false);
if (result == SeekStatus.END) {
termExists = false;
if (next() != null) {
//if (DEBUG) {
//System.out.println(" return NOT_FOUND term=" + term.get().utf8ToString() + " " + term);
return SeekStatus.NOT_FOUND;
} else {
//if (DEBUG) {
//System.out.println(" return END");
return SeekStatus.END;
} else {
return result;
private void printSeekState(PrintStream out) throws IOException {
if (currentFrame == staticFrame) {
out.println(" no prior seek");
} else {
out.println(" prior seek state:");
int ord = 0;
boolean isSeekFrame = true;
while(true) {
SegmentTermsEnumFrame f = getFrame(ord);
assert f != null;
final BytesRef prefix = new BytesRef(term.get().bytes, 0, f.prefix);
if (f.nextEnt == -1) {
out.println(" frame " + (isSeekFrame ? "(seek)" : "(next)") + " ord=" + ord + " fp=" + f.fp + (f.isFloor ? (" (fpOrig=" + f.fpOrig + ")") : "") + " prefixLen=" + f.prefix + " prefix=" + prefix + (f.nextEnt == -1 ? "" : (" (of " + f.entCount + ")")) + " hasTerms=" + f.hasTerms + " isFloor=" + f.isFloor + " code=" + ((f.fp<< BlockTreeTermsReader.OUTPUT_FLAGS_NUM_BITS) + (f.hasTerms ? BlockTreeTermsReader.OUTPUT_FLAG_HAS_TERMS:0) + (f.isFloor ? BlockTreeTermsReader.OUTPUT_FLAG_IS_FLOOR:0)) + " isLastInFloor=" + f.isLastInFloor + " mdUpto=" + f.metaDataUpto + " tbOrd=" + f.getTermBlockOrd());
} else {
out.println(" frame " + (isSeekFrame ? "(seek, loaded)" : "(next, loaded)") + " ord=" + ord + " fp=" + f.fp + (f.isFloor ? (" (fpOrig=" + f.fpOrig + ")") : "") + " prefixLen=" + f.prefix + " prefix=" + prefix + " nextEnt=" + f.nextEnt + (f.nextEnt == -1 ? "" : (" (of " + f.entCount + ")")) + " hasTerms=" + f.hasTerms + " isFloor=" + f.isFloor + " code=" + ((f.fp<< BlockTreeTermsReader.OUTPUT_FLAGS_NUM_BITS) + (f.hasTerms ? BlockTreeTermsReader.OUTPUT_FLAG_HAS_TERMS:0) + (f.isFloor ? BlockTreeTermsReader.OUTPUT_FLAG_IS_FLOOR:0)) + " lastSubFP=" + f.lastSubFP + " isLastInFloor=" + f.isLastInFloor + " mdUpto=" + f.metaDataUpto + " tbOrd=" + f.getTermBlockOrd());
if (fr.index != null) {
assert !isSeekFrame || f.arc != null: "isSeekFrame=" + isSeekFrame + " f.arc=" + f.arc;
if (f.prefix > 0 && isSeekFrame && f.arc.label != (term.byteAt(f.prefix-1)&0xFF)) {
out.println(" broken seek state: arc.label=" + (char) f.arc.label + " vs term byte=" + (char) (term.byteAt(f.prefix-1)&0xFF));
throw new RuntimeException("seek state is broken");
BytesRef output = Util.get(fr.index, prefix);
if (output == null) {
out.println(" broken seek state: prefix is not final in index");
throw new RuntimeException("seek state is broken");
} else if (isSeekFrame && !f.isFloor) {
final ByteArrayDataInput reader = new ByteArrayDataInput(output.bytes, output.offset, output.length);
final long codeOrig = reader.readVLong();
final long code = (f.fp << BlockTreeTermsReader.OUTPUT_FLAGS_NUM_BITS) | (f.hasTerms ? BlockTreeTermsReader.OUTPUT_FLAG_HAS_TERMS:0) | (f.isFloor ? BlockTreeTermsReader.OUTPUT_FLAG_IS_FLOOR:0);
if (codeOrig != code) {
out.println(" broken seek state: output code=" + codeOrig + " doesn't match frame code=" + code);
throw new RuntimeException("seek state is broken");
if (f == currentFrame) {
if (f.prefix == validIndexPrefix) {
isSeekFrame = false;
/* Decodes only the term bytes of the next term. If caller then asks for
metadata, ie docFreq, totalTermFreq or pulls a D/&PEnum, we then (lazily)
decode all metadata up to the current term. */
public BytesRef next() throws IOException {
if (in == null) {
// Fresh TermsEnum; seek to first term:
final FST.Arc arc;
if (fr.index != null) {
arc = fr.index.getFirstArc(arcs[0]);
// Empty string prefix must have an output in the index!
assert arc.isFinal();
} else {
arc = null;
currentFrame = pushFrame(arc, fr.rootCode, 0);
targetBeforeCurrentLength = currentFrame.ord;
assert !eof;
// if (DEBUG) {
// System.out.println("\ seg=" + fr.parent.segment + " term=" + brToString(term) + " termExists?=" + termExists + " field=" + + " termBlockOrd=" + currentFrame.state.termBlockOrd + " validIndexPrefix=" + validIndexPrefix);
// printSeekState(System.out);
// }
if (currentFrame == staticFrame) {
// If seek was previously called and the term was
// cached, or seek(TermState) was called, usually
// caller is just going to pull a D/&PEnum or get
// docFreq, etc. But, if they then call next(),
// this method catches up all internal state so next()
// works properly:
//if (DEBUG) System.out.println(" re-seek to pending term=" + term.utf8ToString() + " " + term);
final boolean result = seekExact(term.get());
assert result;
// Pop finished blocks
while (currentFrame.nextEnt == currentFrame.entCount) {
if (!currentFrame.isLastInFloor) {
// Advance to next floor block
} else {
//if (DEBUG) System.out.println(" pop frame");
if (currentFrame.ord == 0) {
//if (DEBUG) System.out.println(" return null");
assert setEOF();
validIndexPrefix = 0;
termExists = false;
return null;
final long lastFP = currentFrame.fpOrig;
currentFrame = stack[currentFrame.ord-1];
if (currentFrame.nextEnt == -1 || currentFrame.lastSubFP != lastFP) {
// We popped into a frame that's not loaded
// yet or not scan'd to the right entry
// Note that the seek state (last seek) has been
// invalidated beyond this depth
validIndexPrefix = Math.min(validIndexPrefix, currentFrame.prefix);
//if (DEBUG) {
//System.out.println(" reset validIndexPrefix=" + validIndexPrefix);
while(true) {
if ( {
// Push to new block:
//if (DEBUG) System.out.println(" push frame");
currentFrame = pushFrame(null, currentFrame.lastSubFP, term.length());
// This is a "next" frame -- even if it's
// floor'd we must pretend it isn't so we don't
// try to scan to the right floor frame:
} else {
//if (DEBUG) System.out.println(" return term=" + brToString(term) + " currentFrame.ord=" + currentFrame.ord);
return term.get();
public BytesRef term() {
assert !eof;
return term.get();
public int docFreq() throws IOException {
assert !eof;
//if (DEBUG) System.out.println("BTR.docFreq");
//if (DEBUG) System.out.println(" return " + currentFrame.state.docFreq);
return currentFrame.state.docFreq;
public long totalTermFreq() throws IOException {
assert !eof;
return currentFrame.state.totalTermFreq;
public PostingsEnum postings(PostingsEnum reuse, int flags) throws IOException {
assert !eof;
//if (DEBUG) {
//System.out.println(" seg=" + segment);
//if (DEBUG) {
//System.out.println(" state=" + currentFrame.state);
return fr.parent.postingsReader.postings(fr.fieldInfo, currentFrame.state, reuse, flags);
public void seekExact(BytesRef target, TermState otherState) {
// if (DEBUG) {
// System.out.println("BTTR.seekExact termState seg=" + segment + " target=" + target.utf8ToString() + " " + target + " state=" + otherState);
// }
assert clearEOF();
if (target.compareTo(term.get()) != 0 || !termExists) {
assert otherState != null && otherState instanceof BlockTermState;
currentFrame = staticFrame;
currentFrame.metaDataUpto = currentFrame.getTermBlockOrd();
assert currentFrame.metaDataUpto > 0;
validIndexPrefix = 0;
} else {
// if (DEBUG) {
// System.out.println(" skip seek: already on target state=" + currentFrame.state);
// }
public TermState termState() throws IOException {
assert !eof;
TermState ts = currentFrame.state.clone();
//if (DEBUG) System.out.println("BTTR.termState seg=" + segment + " state=" + ts);
return ts;
public void seekExact(long ord) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public long ord() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
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