
kotlin.collections.builders.MapBuilder.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package kotlin.collections.builders
internal class MapBuilder private constructor(
private var keysArray: Array,
private var valuesArray: Array?, // allocated only when actually used, always null in pure HashSet
private var presenceArray: IntArray,
private var hashArray: IntArray,
private var maxProbeDistance: Int,
private var length: Int
) : MutableMap {
private var hashShift: Int = computeShift(hashSize)
override var size: Int = 0
private set
private var keysView: MapBuilderKeys? = null
private var valuesView: MapBuilderValues? = null
private var entriesView: MapBuilderEntries? = null
private var isReadOnly: Boolean = false
// ---------------------------- functions ----------------------------
constructor() : this(INITIAL_CAPACITY)
constructor(initialCapacity: Int) : this(
fun build(): Map {
isReadOnly = true
return this
override fun isEmpty(): Boolean = size == 0
override fun containsKey(key: K): Boolean = findKey(key) >= 0
override fun containsValue(value: V): Boolean = findValue(value) >= 0
override operator fun get(key: K): V? {
val index = findKey(key)
if (index < 0) return null
return valuesArray!![index]
override fun put(key: K, value: V): V? {
val index = addKey(key)
val valuesArray = allocateValuesArray()
if (index < 0) {
val oldValue = valuesArray[-index - 1]
valuesArray[-index - 1] = value
return oldValue
} else {
valuesArray[index] = value
return null
override fun putAll(from: Map) {
override fun remove(key: K): V? {
val index = removeKey(key) // mutability gets checked here
if (index < 0) return null
val valuesArray = valuesArray!!
val oldValue = valuesArray[index]
return oldValue
override fun clear() {
// O(length) implementation for hashArray cleanup
for (i in 0..length - 1) {
val hash = presenceArray[i]
if (hash >= 0) {
hashArray[hash] = 0
presenceArray[i] = TOMBSTONE
keysArray.resetRange(0, length)
valuesArray?.resetRange(0, length)
size = 0
length = 0
override val keys: MutableSet get() {
val cur = keysView
return if (cur == null) {
val new = MapBuilderKeys(this)
keysView = new
} else cur
override val values: MutableCollection get() {
val cur = valuesView
return if (cur == null) {
val new = MapBuilderValues(this)
valuesView = new
} else cur
override val entries: MutableSet> get() {
val cur = entriesView
return if (cur == null) {
val new = MapBuilderEntries(this)
entriesView = new
return new
} else cur
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
return other === this ||
(other is Map<*, *>) &&
override fun hashCode(): Int {
var result = 0
val it = entriesIterator()
while (it.hasNext()) {
result += it.nextHashCode()
return result
override fun toString(): String {
val sb = StringBuilder(2 + size * 3)
var i = 0
val it = entriesIterator()
while (it.hasNext()) {
if (i > 0) sb.append(", ")
return sb.toString()
// ---------------------------- private ----------------------------
private val capacity: Int get() = keysArray.size
private val hashSize: Int get() = hashArray.size
internal fun checkIsMutable() {
if (isReadOnly) throw UnsupportedOperationException()
private fun ensureExtraCapacity(n: Int) {
ensureCapacity(length + n)
private fun ensureCapacity(capacity: Int) {
if (capacity > this.capacity) {
var newSize = this.capacity * 3 / 2
if (capacity > newSize) newSize = capacity
keysArray = keysArray.copyOfUninitializedElements(newSize)
valuesArray = valuesArray?.copyOfUninitializedElements(newSize)
presenceArray = presenceArray.copyOf(newSize)
val newHashSize = computeHashSize(newSize)
if (newHashSize > hashSize) rehash(newHashSize)
} else if (length + capacity - size > this.capacity) {
private fun allocateValuesArray(): Array {
val curValuesArray = valuesArray
if (curValuesArray != null) return curValuesArray
val newValuesArray = arrayOfUninitializedElements(capacity)
valuesArray = newValuesArray
return newValuesArray
private fun hash(key: K) = (key.hashCode() * MAGIC) ushr hashShift
private fun compact() {
var i = 0
var j = 0
val valuesArray = valuesArray
while (i < length) {
if (presenceArray[i] >= 0) {
keysArray[j] = keysArray[i]
if (valuesArray != null) valuesArray[j] = valuesArray[i]
keysArray.resetRange(j, length)
valuesArray?.resetRange(j, length)
length = j
//check(length == size) { "Internal invariant violated during compact: length=$length != size=$size" }
private fun rehash(newHashSize: Int) {
if (length > size) compact()
if (newHashSize != hashSize) {
hashArray = IntArray(newHashSize)
hashShift = computeShift(newHashSize)
} else {
hashArray.fill(0, 0, hashSize)
var i = 0
while (i < length) {
if (!putRehash(i++)) {
throw IllegalStateException("This cannot happen with fixed magic multiplier and grow-only hash array. " +
"Have object hashCodes changed?")
private fun putRehash(i: Int): Boolean {
var hash = hash(keysArray[i])
var probesLeft = maxProbeDistance
while (true) {
val index = hashArray[hash]
if (index == 0) {
hashArray[hash] = i + 1
presenceArray[i] = hash
return true
if (--probesLeft < 0) return false
if (hash-- == 0) hash = hashSize - 1
private fun findKey(key: K): Int {
var hash = hash(key)
var probesLeft = maxProbeDistance
while (true) {
val index = hashArray[hash]
if (index == 0) return TOMBSTONE
if (index > 0 && keysArray[index - 1] == key) return index - 1
if (--probesLeft < 0) return TOMBSTONE
if (hash-- == 0) hash = hashSize - 1
private fun findValue(value: V): Int {
var i = length
while (--i >= 0) {
if (presenceArray[i] >= 0 && valuesArray!![i] == value)
return i
internal fun addKey(key: K): Int {
retry@ while (true) {
var hash = hash(key)
// put is allowed to grow maxProbeDistance with some limits (resize hash on reaching limits)
val tentativeMaxProbeDistance = (maxProbeDistance * 2).coerceAtMost(hashSize / 2)
var probeDistance = 0
while (true) {
val index = hashArray[hash]
if (index <= 0) { // claim or reuse hash slot
if (length >= capacity) {
val putIndex = length++
keysArray[putIndex] = key
presenceArray[putIndex] = hash
hashArray[hash] = putIndex + 1
if (probeDistance > maxProbeDistance) maxProbeDistance = probeDistance
return putIndex
if (keysArray[index - 1] == key) {
return -index
if (++probeDistance > tentativeMaxProbeDistance) {
rehash(hashSize * 2) // cannot find room even with extra "tentativeMaxProbeDistance" -- grow hash
if (hash-- == 0) hash = hashSize - 1
internal fun removeKey(key: K): Int {
val index = findKey(key)
if (index < 0) return TOMBSTONE
return index
private fun removeKeyAt(index: Int) {
presenceArray[index] = TOMBSTONE
private fun removeHashAt(removedHash: Int) {
var hash = removedHash
var hole = removedHash // will try to patch the hole in hash array
var probeDistance = 0
var patchAttemptsLeft = (maxProbeDistance * 2).coerceAtMost(hashSize / 2) // don't spend too much effort
while (true) {
if (hash-- == 0) hash = hashSize - 1
if (++probeDistance > maxProbeDistance) {
// too far away -- can release the hole, bad case will not happen
hashArray[hole] = 0
val index = hashArray[hash]
if (index == 0) {
// end of chain -- can release the hole, bad case will not happen
hashArray[hole] = 0
if (index < 0) {
// - <--- [ TS ] ------ [hole] ---> +
// \------------/
// probeDistance
// move tombstone into the hole
hashArray[hole] = TOMBSTONE
hole = hash
probeDistance = 0
} else {
val otherHash = hash(keysArray[index - 1])
// Bad case:
// - <--- [hash] ------ [hole] ------ [otherHash] ---> +
// \------------/
// probeDistance
if ((otherHash - hash) and (hashSize - 1) >= probeDistance) {
// move otherHash into the hole, move the hole
hashArray[hole] = index
presenceArray[index - 1] = hole
hole = hash
probeDistance = 0
// check how long we're patching holes
if (--patchAttemptsLeft < 0) {
// just place tombstone into the hole
hashArray[hole] = TOMBSTONE
internal fun containsEntry(entry: Map.Entry): Boolean {
val index = findKey(entry.key)
if (index < 0) return false
return valuesArray!![index] == entry.value
private fun contentEquals(other: Map<*, *>): Boolean = size == other.size && containsAllEntries(other.entries)
internal fun containsAllEntries(m: Collection<*>): Boolean {
val it = m.iterator()
while (it.hasNext()) {
val entry = it.next()
try {
@Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") // todo: get rid of unchecked cast here somehow
if (entry == null || !containsEntry(entry as Map.Entry))
return false
} catch (e: ClassCastException) {
return false
return true
private fun putEntry(entry: Map.Entry): Boolean {
val index = addKey(entry.key)
val valuesArray = allocateValuesArray()
if (index >= 0) {
valuesArray[index] = entry.value
return true
val oldValue = valuesArray[-index - 1]
if (entry.value != oldValue) {
valuesArray[-index - 1] = entry.value
return true
return false
private fun putAllEntries(from: Collection>): Boolean {
if (from.isEmpty()) return false
val it = from.iterator()
var updated = false
while (it.hasNext()) {
if (putEntry(it.next()))
updated = true
return updated
internal fun removeEntry(entry: Map.Entry): Boolean {
val index = findKey(entry.key)
if (index < 0) return false
if (valuesArray!![index] != entry.value) return false
return true
internal fun removeValue(element: V): Boolean {
val index = findValue(element)
if (index < 0) return false
return true
internal fun keysIterator() = KeysItr(this)
internal fun valuesIterator() = ValuesItr(this)
internal fun entriesIterator() = EntriesItr(this)
private companion object {
private const val MAGIC = -1640531527 // 2654435769L.toInt(), golden ratio
private const val INITIAL_CAPACITY = 8
private const val INITIAL_MAX_PROBE_DISTANCE = 2
private const val TOMBSTONE = -1
private fun computeHashSize(capacity: Int): Int = (capacity.coerceAtLeast(1) * 3).takeHighestOneBit()
private fun computeShift(hashSize: Int): Int = hashSize.countLeadingZeroBits() + 1
internal open class Itr(
internal val map: MapBuilder
) {
internal var index = 0
internal var lastIndex: Int = -1
init {
internal fun initNext() {
while (index < map.length && map.presenceArray[index] < 0)
fun hasNext(): Boolean = index < map.length
fun remove() {
check(lastIndex != -1) { "Call next() before removing element from the iterator." }
lastIndex = -1
internal class KeysItr(map: MapBuilder) : Itr(map), MutableIterator {
override fun next(): K {
if (index >= map.length) throw NoSuchElementException()
lastIndex = index++
val result = map.keysArray[lastIndex]
return result
internal class ValuesItr(map: MapBuilder) : Itr(map), MutableIterator {
override fun next(): V {
if (index >= map.length) throw NoSuchElementException()
lastIndex = index++
val result = map.valuesArray!![lastIndex]
return result
internal class EntriesItr(map: MapBuilder) : Itr(map),
MutableIterator> {
override fun next(): EntryRef {
if (index >= map.length) throw NoSuchElementException()
lastIndex = index++
val result = EntryRef(map, lastIndex)
return result
internal fun nextHashCode(): Int {
if (index >= map.length) throw NoSuchElementException()
lastIndex = index++
val result = map.keysArray[lastIndex].hashCode() xor map.valuesArray!![lastIndex].hashCode()
return result
fun nextAppendString(sb: StringBuilder) {
if (index >= map.length) throw NoSuchElementException()
lastIndex = index++
val key = map.keysArray[lastIndex]
if (key == map) sb.append("(this Map)") else sb.append(key)
val value = map.valuesArray!![lastIndex]
if (value == map) sb.append("(this Map)") else sb.append(value)
internal class EntryRef(
private val map: MapBuilder,
private val index: Int
) : MutableMap.MutableEntry {
override val key: K
get() = map.keysArray[index]
override val value: V
get() = map.valuesArray!![index]
override fun setValue(newValue: V): V {
val valuesArray = map.allocateValuesArray()
val oldValue = valuesArray[index]
valuesArray[index] = newValue
return oldValue
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean =
other is Map.Entry<*, *> &&
other.key == key &&
other.value == value
override fun hashCode(): Int = key.hashCode() xor value.hashCode()
override fun toString(): String = "$key=$value"
internal class MapBuilderKeys internal constructor(
private val backing: MapBuilder
) : MutableSet, AbstractMutableSet() {
override val size: Int get() = backing.size
override fun isEmpty(): Boolean = backing.isEmpty()
override fun contains(element: E): Boolean = backing.containsKey(element)
override fun clear() = backing.clear()
override fun add(element: E): Boolean = throw UnsupportedOperationException()
override fun addAll(elements: Collection): Boolean = throw UnsupportedOperationException()
override fun remove(element: E): Boolean = backing.removeKey(element) >= 0
override fun iterator(): MutableIterator = backing.keysIterator()
override fun removeAll(elements: Collection): Boolean {
return super.removeAll(elements)
override fun retainAll(elements: Collection): Boolean {
return super.retainAll(elements)
internal class MapBuilderValues internal constructor(
val backing: MapBuilder<*, V>
) : MutableCollection, AbstractMutableCollection() {
override val size: Int get() = backing.size
override fun isEmpty(): Boolean = backing.isEmpty()
override fun contains(element: V): Boolean = backing.containsValue(element)
override fun add(element: V): Boolean = throw UnsupportedOperationException()
override fun addAll(elements: Collection): Boolean = throw UnsupportedOperationException()
override fun clear() = backing.clear()
override fun iterator(): MutableIterator = backing.valuesIterator()
override fun remove(element: V): Boolean = backing.removeValue(element)
override fun removeAll(elements: Collection): Boolean {
return super.removeAll(elements)
override fun retainAll(elements: Collection): Boolean {
return super.retainAll(elements)
// intermediate abstract class to workaround KT-43321
internal abstract class AbstractMapBuilderEntrySet, K, V> : AbstractMutableSet() {
final override fun contains(element: E): Boolean = containsEntry(element)
abstract fun containsEntry(element: Map.Entry): Boolean
internal class MapBuilderEntries internal constructor(
val backing: MapBuilder
) : AbstractMapBuilderEntrySet, K, V>() {
override val size: Int get() = backing.size
override fun isEmpty(): Boolean = backing.isEmpty()
override fun containsEntry(element: Map.Entry): Boolean = backing.containsEntry(element)
override fun clear() = backing.clear()
override fun add(element: MutableMap.MutableEntry): Boolean = throw UnsupportedOperationException()
override fun addAll(elements: Collection>): Boolean = throw UnsupportedOperationException()
override fun remove(element: MutableMap.MutableEntry): Boolean = backing.removeEntry(element)
override fun iterator(): MutableIterator> = backing.entriesIterator()
override fun containsAll(elements: Collection>): Boolean = backing.containsAllEntries(elements)
override fun removeAll(elements: Collection>): Boolean {
return super.removeAll(elements)
override fun retainAll(elements: Collection>): Boolean {
return super.retainAll(elements)
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