io.javalin.plugin.rendering.vue.VueHandler.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.javalin.plugin.rendering.vue
import io.javalin.core.util.Header
import io.javalin.http.Context
import io.javalin.http.Handler
import io.javalin.http.InternalServerErrorResponse
import io.javalin.plugin.json.jsonMapper
import io.javalin.plugin.rendering.vue.FileInliner.inlineFiles
import io.javalin.plugin.rendering.vue.JavalinVue.cacheControl
import io.javalin.plugin.rendering.vue.JavalinVue.cachedDependencyResolver
import io.javalin.plugin.rendering.vue.JavalinVue.cachedPaths
import io.javalin.plugin.rendering.vue.JavalinVue.isDev
import io.javalin.plugin.rendering.vue.JavalinVue.isDevFunction
import io.javalin.plugin.rendering.vue.JavalinVue.optimizeDependencies
import io.javalin.plugin.rendering.vue.JavalinVue.rootDirectory
import io.javalin.plugin.rendering.vue.JavalinVue.stateFunction
import io.javalin.plugin.rendering.vue.JavalinVue.walkPaths
import java.nio.file.Files
import java.nio.file.Path
import java.util.regex.Matcher
abstract class VueHandler(private val componentId: String) : Handler {
open fun state(ctx: Context): Any? = null
open fun preRender(layout: String, ctx: Context): String = layout
open fun postRender(layout: String, ctx: Context): String = layout
override fun handle(ctx: Context) {
isDev = isDev ?: isDevFunction(ctx)
rootDirectory = rootDirectory ?: PathMaster.defaultLocation(isDev)
val routeComponent = if (componentId.startsWith("<")) componentId else "<$componentId>$componentId>"
val allFiles = if (isDev == true) walkPaths() else cachedPaths
val resolver by lazy { if (isDev == true) VueDependencyResolver(allFiles, JavalinVue.vueAppName) else cachedDependencyResolver }
val componentId = routeComponent.removePrefix("<").takeWhile { it !in setOf('>', ' ') }
val dependencies = if (optimizeDependencies) resolver.resolve(componentId) else allFiles.joinVueFiles()
if (componentId !in dependencies) throw InternalServerErrorResponse("Route component not found: $routeComponent")
allFiles.find { it.endsWith("vue/layout.html") }!!.readText() // we start with the layout file
.inlineFiles(allFiles.filterNot { it.isVueFile() }) // we then inline css/js files
.replace("@componentRegistration", "@loadableData@componentRegistration@serverState") // add anchors for later
.replace("@loadableData", loadableDataScript) // add loadable data class
.replace("@componentRegistration", dependencies) // add all dependencies
.replace("@serverState", getState(ctx, state(ctx))) // add escaped params and state
.replace("@routeComponent", routeComponent) // finally, add the route component itself
.replace("@cdnWebjar/", if (isDev == true) "/webjars/" else "")
).header(Header.CACHE_CONTROL, cacheControl)
private fun String.preRenderHook(ctx: Context) = preRender(this, ctx);
private fun String.postRenderHook(ctx: Context) = postRender(this, ctx);
private fun Set.joinVueFiles() = this.filter { it.isVueFile() }.joinToString("") { "\n\n" + it.readText() }
object FileInliner {
private val newlineRegex = Regex("\\r?\\n")
private val unconditionalRegex = Regex("""@inlineFile\(".*"\)""")
private val devRegex = Regex("""@inlineFileDev\(".*"\)""")
private val notDevRegex = Regex("""@inlineFileNotDev\(".*"\)""")
fun String.inlineFiles(nonVueFiles: List): String {
val pathMap = nonVueFiles.associateBy { """"/vue/${it.toString().replace("\\", "/").substringAfter("/vue/")}"""" } // normalize keys
return this.split(newlineRegex).joinToString("\n") { line ->
if (!line.contains("@inlineFile")) return@joinToString line // nothing to inline
val matchingKey = pathMap.keys.find { line.contains(it) } ?: throw IllegalStateException("Invalid path found: $line")
val matchingFileContent by lazy { Matcher.quoteReplacement(pathMap[matchingKey]!!.readText()) }
when {
devRegex.containsMatchIn(line) -> if (isDev == true) line.replace(devRegex, matchingFileContent) else ""
notDevRegex.containsMatchIn(line) -> if (isDev == false) line.replace(notDevRegex, matchingFileContent) else ""
else -> line.replace(unconditionalRegex, matchingFileContent)
internal fun getState(ctx: Context, state: Any?) = "\n\n"
// Unfortunately, Java's URLEncoder does not encode the space character in the same way as Javascript.
// Javascript expects a space character to be encoded as "%20", whereas Java encodes it as "+".
// All other encodings are implemented correctly, therefore we can simply replace the character in the encoded String.
private fun urlEncodeForJavascript(string: String) = URLEncoder.encode(string,"+", "%20")
private fun prototypeOrGlobalConfig() = if (JavalinVue.vueVersion == VueVersion.VUE_3) "${JavalinVue.vueAppName}.config.globalProperties" else "${JavalinVue.vueAppName}.prototype"
internal fun Path.readText() = String(Files.readAllBytes(this))
internal fun Path.isVueFile() = this.toString().endsWith(".vue")
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