kotlin.collections.Arrays.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2010-2018 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package kotlin.collections
import kotlin.contracts.*
* Returns a single list of all elements from all arrays in the given array.
* @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.flattenArray
public fun Array>.flatten(): List {
val result = ArrayList(sumOf { it.size })
for (element in this) {
return result
* Returns a pair of lists, where
* *first* list is built from the first values of each pair from this array,
* *second* list is built from the second values of each pair from this array.
* @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.unzipArray
public fun Array>.unzip(): Pair, List> {
val listT = ArrayList(size)
val listR = ArrayList(size)
for (pair in this) {
return listT to listR
* Returns `true` if this nullable array is either null or empty.
* @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Usage.arrayIsNullOrEmpty
public inline fun Array<*>?.isNullOrEmpty(): Boolean {
contract {
returns(false) implies (this@isNullOrEmpty != null)
return this == null || this.isEmpty()
* Returns this array if it's not empty
* or the result of calling [defaultValue] function if the array is empty.
* @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Usage.arrayIfEmpty
public inline fun C.ifEmpty(defaultValue: () -> R): R where C : Array<*>, C : R =
if (isEmpty()) defaultValue() else this
internal fun Array?.contentDeepEqualsImpl(other: Array?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (this == null || other == null || this.size != other.size) return false
for (i in indices) {
val v1 = this[i]
val v2 = other[i]
if (v1 === v2) {
} else if (v1 == null || v2 == null) {
return false
when {
v1 is Array<*> && v2 is Array<*> -> if (!v1.contentDeepEquals(v2)) return false
v1 is ByteArray && v2 is ByteArray -> if (!v1.contentEquals(v2)) return false
v1 is ShortArray && v2 is ShortArray -> if (!v1.contentEquals(v2)) return false
v1 is IntArray && v2 is IntArray -> if (!v1.contentEquals(v2)) return false
v1 is LongArray && v2 is LongArray -> if (!v1.contentEquals(v2)) return false
v1 is FloatArray && v2 is FloatArray -> if (!v1.contentEquals(v2)) return false
v1 is DoubleArray && v2 is DoubleArray -> if (!v1.contentEquals(v2)) return false
v1 is CharArray && v2 is CharArray -> if (!v1.contentEquals(v2)) return false
v1 is BooleanArray && v2 is BooleanArray -> if (!v1.contentEquals(v2)) return false
v1 is UByteArray && v2 is UByteArray -> if (!v1.contentEquals(v2)) return false
v1 is UShortArray && v2 is UShortArray -> if (!v1.contentEquals(v2)) return false
v1 is UIntArray && v2 is UIntArray -> if (!v1.contentEquals(v2)) return false
v1 is ULongArray && v2 is ULongArray -> if (!v1.contentEquals(v2)) return false
else -> if (v1 != v2) return false
return true
internal fun Array?.contentDeepToStringImpl(): String {
if (this == null) return "null"
val length = size.coerceAtMost((Int.MAX_VALUE - 2) / 5) * 5 + 2 // in order not to overflow Int.MAX_VALUE
return buildString(length) {
contentDeepToStringInternal(this, mutableListOf())
private fun Array.contentDeepToStringInternal(result: StringBuilder, processed: MutableList>) {
if (this in processed) {
for (i in indices) {
if (i != 0) {
result.append(", ")
val element = this[i]
when (element) {
null -> result.append("null")
is Array<*> -> element.contentDeepToStringInternal(result, processed)
is ByteArray -> result.append(element.contentToString())
is ShortArray -> result.append(element.contentToString())
is IntArray -> result.append(element.contentToString())
is LongArray -> result.append(element.contentToString())
is FloatArray -> result.append(element.contentToString())
is DoubleArray -> result.append(element.contentToString())
is CharArray -> result.append(element.contentToString())
is BooleanArray -> result.append(element.contentToString())
is UByteArray -> result.append(element.contentToString())
is UShortArray -> result.append(element.contentToString())
is UIntArray -> result.append(element.contentToString())
is ULongArray -> result.append(element.contentToString())
else -> result.append(element.toString())
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