org.apache.hudi.configuration.FlinkOptions Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.hudi.configuration;
import org.apache.hudi.client.clustering.plan.strategy.FlinkSizeBasedClusteringPlanStrategy;
import org.apache.hudi.common.config.AdvancedConfig;
import org.apache.hudi.common.config.ConfigClassProperty;
import org.apache.hudi.common.config.ConfigGroups;
import org.apache.hudi.common.config.HoodieConfig;
import org.apache.hudi.common.config.HoodieMetadataConfig;
import org.apache.hudi.common.config.HoodieReaderConfig;
import org.apache.hudi.common.model.EventTimeAvroPayload;
import org.apache.hudi.common.model.HoodieAvroRecordMerger;
import org.apache.hudi.common.model.HoodieCleaningPolicy;
import org.apache.hudi.common.model.HoodieRecordMerger;
import org.apache.hudi.common.model.HoodieSyncTableStrategy;
import org.apache.hudi.common.model.HoodieTableType;
import org.apache.hudi.common.model.WriteOperationType;
import org.apache.hudi.common.table.HoodieTableConfig;
import org.apache.hudi.config.HoodieIndexConfig;
import org.apache.hudi.config.HoodieWriteConfig;
import org.apache.hudi.hive.MultiPartKeysValueExtractor;
import org.apache.hudi.hive.ddl.HiveSyncMode;
import org.apache.hudi.index.HoodieIndex;
import org.apache.hudi.keygen.constant.KeyGeneratorOptions;
import org.apache.hudi.keygen.constant.KeyGeneratorType;
import org.apache.hudi.sink.overwrite.PartitionOverwriteMode;
import org.apache.hudi.table.action.cluster.ClusteringPlanPartitionFilterMode;
import org.apache.hudi.util.ClientIds;
import org.apache.flink.configuration.ConfigOption;
import org.apache.flink.configuration.ConfigOptions;
import org.apache.flink.configuration.Configuration;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import static org.apache.flink.configuration.ConfigOptions.key;
import static org.apache.hudi.common.table.cdc.HoodieCDCSupplementalLoggingMode.DATA_BEFORE_AFTER;
import static org.apache.hudi.common.util.PartitionPathEncodeUtils.DEFAULT_PARTITION_PATH;
* Hoodie Flink config options.
* It has the options for Hoodie table read and write. It also defines some utilities.
@ConfigClassProperty(name = "Flink Options",
groupName = ConfigGroups.Names.FLINK_SQL,
description = "Flink jobs using the SQL can be configured through the options in WITH clause."
+ " The actual datasource level configs are listed below.")
public class FlinkOptions extends HoodieConfig {
private FlinkOptions() {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Base Options
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
public static final ConfigOption PATH = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Base path for the target hoodie table.\n"
+ "The path would be created if it does not exist,\n"
+ "otherwise a Hoodie table expects to be initialized successfully");
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Common Options
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
public static final ConfigOption DATABASE_NAME = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Database name to register to Hive metastore");
public static final ConfigOption TABLE_NAME = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Table name to register to Hive metastore");
public static final String TABLE_TYPE_COPY_ON_WRITE =;
public static final String TABLE_TYPE_MERGE_ON_READ =;
public static final ConfigOption TABLE_TYPE = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Type of table to write. COPY_ON_WRITE (or) MERGE_ON_READ");
public static final String NO_PRE_COMBINE = "no_precombine";
public static final ConfigOption PRECOMBINE_FIELD = ConfigOptions
.withFallbackKeys("write.precombine.field", HoodieWriteConfig.PRECOMBINE_FIELD_NAME.key())
.withDescription("Field used in preCombining before actual write. When two records have the same\n"
+ "key value, we will pick the one with the largest value for the precombine field,\n"
+ "determined by Object.compareTo(..)");
public static final ConfigOption PAYLOAD_CLASS_NAME = ConfigOptions
.withFallbackKeys("write.payload.class", HoodieWriteConfig.WRITE_PAYLOAD_CLASS_NAME.key())
.withDescription("Payload class used. Override this, if you like to roll your own merge logic, when upserting/inserting.\n"
+ "This will render any value set for the option in-effective");
public static final ConfigOption RECORD_MERGER_IMPLS = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("List of HoodieMerger implementations constituting Hudi's merging strategy -- based on the engine used. "
+ "These merger impls will filter by record.merger.strategy. "
+ "Hudi will pick most efficient implementation to perform merging/combining of the records (during update, reading MOR table, etc)");
public static final ConfigOption RECORD_MERGER_STRATEGY_ID = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Id of merger strategy. Hudi will pick HoodieRecordMerger implementations in record.merger.impls which has the same merger strategy id");
public static final ConfigOption PARTITION_DEFAULT_NAME = ConfigOptions
.defaultValue(DEFAULT_PARTITION_PATH) // keep sync with hoodie style
.withDescription("The default partition name in case the dynamic partition"
+ " column value is null/empty string");
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Changelog Capture Options
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
public static final ConfigOption CHANGELOG_ENABLED = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Whether to keep all the intermediate changes, "
+ "we try to keep all the changes of a record when enabled:\n"
+ "1). The sink accept the UPDATE_BEFORE message;\n"
+ "2). The source try to emit every changes of a record.\n"
+ "The semantics is best effort because the compaction job would finally merge all changes of a record into one.\n"
+ " default false to have UPSERT semantics");
public static final ConfigOption CDC_ENABLED = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("When enable, persist the change data if necessary, and can be queried as a CDC query mode");
public static final ConfigOption SUPPLEMENTAL_LOGGING_MODE = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Setting 'op_key_only' persists the 'op' and the record key only, "
+ "setting 'data_before' persists the additional 'before' image, "
+ "and setting 'data_before_after' persists the additional 'before' and 'after' images.");
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Metadata table Options
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
public static final ConfigOption METADATA_ENABLED = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Enable the internal metadata table which serves table metadata like level file listings, default enabled");
public static final ConfigOption METADATA_COMPACTION_DELTA_COMMITS = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Max delta commits for metadata table to trigger compaction, default 10");
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Index Options
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
public static final ConfigOption INDEX_TYPE = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Index type of Flink write job, default is using state backed index.");
public static final ConfigOption INDEX_BOOTSTRAP_ENABLED = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Whether to bootstrap the index state from existing hoodie table, default false");
public static final ConfigOption INDEX_STATE_TTL = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Index state ttl in days, default stores the index permanently");
public static final ConfigOption INDEX_GLOBAL_ENABLED = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Whether to update index for the old partition path\n"
+ "if same key record with different partition path came in, default true");
public static final ConfigOption INDEX_PARTITION_REGEX = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Whether to load partitions in state if partition path matching, default `*`");
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Read Options
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
public static final ConfigOption READ_TASKS = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Parallelism of tasks that do actual read, default is the parallelism of the execution environment");
public static final ConfigOption SOURCE_AVRO_SCHEMA_PATH = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Source avro schema file path, the parsed schema is used for deserialization");
public static final ConfigOption SOURCE_AVRO_SCHEMA = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Source avro schema string, the parsed schema is used for deserialization");
public static final String QUERY_TYPE_SNAPSHOT = "snapshot";
public static final String QUERY_TYPE_READ_OPTIMIZED = "read_optimized";
public static final String QUERY_TYPE_INCREMENTAL = "incremental";
public static final ConfigOption QUERY_TYPE = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Decides how data files need to be read, in\n"
+ "1) Snapshot mode (obtain latest view, based on row & columnar data);\n"
+ "2) incremental mode (new data since an instantTime);\n"
+ "3) Read Optimized mode (obtain latest view, based on columnar data)\n."
+ "Default: snapshot");
public static final String REALTIME_SKIP_MERGE = HoodieReaderConfig.REALTIME_SKIP_MERGE;
public static final String REALTIME_PAYLOAD_COMBINE = HoodieReaderConfig.REALTIME_PAYLOAD_COMBINE;
public static final ConfigOption MERGE_TYPE = ConfigOptions
public static final ConfigOption READ_UTC_TIMEZONE = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Use UTC timezone or local timezone to the conversion between epoch"
+ " time and LocalDateTime. Hive 0.x/1.x/2.x use local timezone. But Hive 3.x"
+ " use UTC timezone, by default true");
public static final ConfigOption READ_AS_STREAMING = ConfigOptions
.defaultValue(false)// default read as batch
.withDescription("Whether to read as streaming source, default false");
public static final ConfigOption READ_STREAMING_CHECK_INTERVAL = ConfigOptions
.defaultValue(60)// default 1 minute
.withDescription("Check interval for streaming read of SECOND, default 1 minute");
// this option is experimental
public static final ConfigOption READ_STREAMING_SKIP_COMPACT = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Whether to skip compaction instants and avoid reading compacted base files for streaming read to improve read performance.\n"
+ "This option can be used to avoid reading duplicates when changelog mode is enabled, it is a solution to keep data integrity\n");
// this option is experimental
public static final ConfigOption READ_STREAMING_SKIP_CLUSTERING = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Whether to skip clustering instants to avoid reading base files of clustering operations for streaming read "
+ "to improve read performance.");
// this option is experimental
public static final ConfigOption READ_STREAMING_SKIP_INSERT_OVERWRITE = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Whether to skip insert overwrite instants to avoid reading base files of insert overwrite operations for streaming read. "
+ "In streaming scenarios, insert overwrite is usually used to repair data, here you can control the visibility of downstream streaming read.");
public static final String START_COMMIT_EARLIEST = "earliest";
public static final ConfigOption READ_START_COMMIT = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Start commit instant for reading, the commit time format should be 'yyyyMMddHHmmss', "
+ "by default reading from the latest instant for streaming read");
public static final ConfigOption READ_END_COMMIT = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("End commit instant for reading, the commit time format should be 'yyyyMMddHHmmss'");
public static final ConfigOption READ_COMMITS_LIMIT = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("The maximum number of commits allowed to read in each instant check, if it is streaming read, "
+ "the avg read instants number per-second would be 'read.commits.limit'/'read.streaming.check-interval', by "
+ "default no limit");
public static final ConfigOption READ_CDC_FROM_CHANGELOG = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Whether to consume the delta changes only from the cdc changelog files.\n"
+ "When CDC is enabled, i). for COW table, the changelog is generated on each file update;\n"
+ "ii). for MOR table, the changelog is generated on compaction.\n"
+ "By default, always read from the changelog file,\n"
+ "once it is disabled, the reader would infer the changes based on the file slice dependencies.");
public static final ConfigOption READ_DATA_SKIPPING_ENABLED = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Enables data-skipping allowing queries to leverage indexes to reduce the search space by "
+ "skipping over files");
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Write Options
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
public static final ConfigOption INSERT_CLUSTER = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Whether to merge small files for insert mode, "
+ "if true, the write throughput will decrease because the read/write of existing small file, "
+ "only valid for COW table, default false");
public static final ConfigOption OPERATION = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("The write operation, that this write should do");
public static final ConfigOption WRITE_TABLE_VERSION = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Table version produced by this writer.");
* Flag to indicate whether to drop duplicates before insert/upsert.
* By default false to gain extra performance.
public static final ConfigOption PRE_COMBINE = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Flag to indicate whether to drop duplicates before insert/upsert.\n"
+ "By default these cases will accept duplicates, to gain extra performance:\n"
+ "1) insert operation;\n"
+ "2) upsert for MOR table, the MOR table deduplicate on reading");
public static final ConfigOption RETRY_TIMES = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Flag to indicate how many times streaming job should retry for a failed checkpoint batch.\n"
+ "By default 3");
public static final ConfigOption RETRY_INTERVAL_MS = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Flag to indicate how long (by millisecond) before a retry should issued for failed checkpoint batch.\n"
+ "By default 2000 and it will be doubled by every retry");
public static final ConfigOption IGNORE_FAILED = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Flag to indicate whether to ignore any non exception error (e.g. writestatus error). within a checkpoint batch. \n"
+ "By default false. Turning this on, could hide the write status errors while the flink checkpoint moves ahead. \n"
+ "So, would recommend users to use this with caution.");
public static final ConfigOption RECORD_KEY_FIELD = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Record key field. Value to be used as the `recordKey` component of `HoodieKey`.\n"
+ "Actual value will be obtained by invoking .toString() on the field value. Nested fields can be specified using "
+ "the dot notation eg: `a.b.c`");
public static final ConfigOption INDEX_KEY_FIELD = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Index key field. Value to be used as hashing to find the bucket ID. Should be a subset of or equal to the recordKey fields.\n"
+ "Actual value will be obtained by invoking .toString() on the field value. Nested fields can be specified using "
+ "the dot notation eg: `a.b.c`");
public static final ConfigOption BUCKET_INDEX_ENGINE_TYPE = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Type of bucket index engine. Available options: [SIMPLE | CONSISTENT_HASHING]");
public static final ConfigOption BUCKET_INDEX_NUM_BUCKETS = ConfigOptions
.defaultValue(4) // default 4 buckets per partition
.withDescription("Hudi bucket number per partition. Only affected if using Hudi bucket index.");
public static final ConfigOption PARTITION_PATH_FIELD = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Partition path field. Value to be used at the `partitionPath` component of `HoodieKey`.\n"
+ "Actual value obtained by invoking .toString(), default ''");
public static final ConfigOption URL_ENCODE_PARTITIONING = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Whether to encode the partition path url, default false");
public static final ConfigOption HIVE_STYLE_PARTITIONING = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Whether to use Hive style partitioning.\n"
+ "If set true, the names of partition folders follow = format.\n"
+ "By default false (the names of partition folders are only partition values)");
public static final ConfigOption KEYGEN_CLASS_NAME = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Key generator class, that implements will extract the key out of incoming record");
public static final ConfigOption KEYGEN_TYPE = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Key generator type, that implements will extract the key out of incoming record. "
+ "**Note** This is being actively worked on. Please use "
+ "`hoodie.datasource.write.keygenerator.class` instead.");
public static final String PARTITION_FORMAT_HOUR = "yyyyMMddHH";
public static final String PARTITION_FORMAT_DAY = "yyyyMMdd";
public static final String PARTITION_FORMAT_DASHED_DAY = "yyyy-MM-dd";
public static final ConfigOption WRITE_UTC_TIMEZONE = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Use UTC timezone or local timezone to the conversion between epoch"
+ " time and LocalDateTime. Default value is utc timezone for forward compatibility.");
public static final ConfigOption PARTITION_FORMAT = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Partition path format, only valid when 'write.datetime.partitioning' is true, default is:\n"
+ "1) 'yyyyMMddHH' for timestamp(3) WITHOUT TIME ZONE, LONG, FLOAT, DOUBLE, DECIMAL;\n"
+ "2) 'yyyyMMdd' for DATE and INT.");
public static final ConfigOption INDEX_BOOTSTRAP_TASKS = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Parallelism of tasks that do index bootstrap, default same as the write task parallelism");
public static final ConfigOption BUCKET_ASSIGN_TASKS = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Parallelism of tasks that do bucket assign, default same as the write task parallelism");
public static final ConfigOption WRITE_TASKS = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Parallelism of tasks that do actual write, default is the parallelism of the execution environment");
public static final ConfigOption WRITE_TASK_MAX_SIZE = ConfigOptions
.defaultValue(1024D) // 1GB
.withDescription("Maximum memory in MB for a write task, when the threshold hits,\n"
+ "it flushes the max size data bucket to avoid OOM, default 1GB");
public static final ConfigOption WRITE_RATE_LIMIT = ConfigOptions
.defaultValue(0L) // default no limit
.withDescription("Write record rate limit per second to prevent traffic jitter and improve stability, default 0 (no limit)");
public static final ConfigOption WRITE_BATCH_SIZE = ConfigOptions
.defaultValue(256D) // 256MB
.withDescription("Batch buffer size in MB to flush data into the underneath filesystem, default 256MB");
public static final ConfigOption WRITE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Max log block size in MB for log file, default 128MB");
public static final ConfigOption WRITE_LOG_MAX_SIZE = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Maximum size allowed in MB for a log file before it is rolled over to the next version, default 1GB");
public static final ConfigOption WRITE_PARQUET_BLOCK_SIZE = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Parquet RowGroup size. It's recommended to make this large enough that scan costs can be"
+ " amortized by packing enough column values into a single row group.");
public static final ConfigOption WRITE_PARQUET_MAX_FILE_SIZE = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Target size for parquet files produced by Hudi write phases. "
+ "For DFS, this needs to be aligned with the underlying filesystem block size for optimal performance.");
public static final ConfigOption WRITE_PARQUET_PAGE_SIZE = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Parquet page size. Page is the unit of read within a parquet file. "
+ "Within a block, pages are compressed separately.");
public static final ConfigOption WRITE_MERGE_MAX_MEMORY = ConfigOptions
.defaultValue(100) // default 100 MB
.withDescription("Max memory in MB for merge, default 100MB");
// this is only for internal use
public static final ConfigOption WRITE_COMMIT_ACK_TIMEOUT = ConfigOptions
.defaultValue(-1L) // default at least once
.withDescription("Timeout limit for a writer task after it finishes a checkpoint and\n"
+ "waits for the instant commit success, only for internal use");
public static final ConfigOption WRITE_BULK_INSERT_SHUFFLE_INPUT = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Whether to shuffle the inputs by specific fields for bulk insert tasks, default true");
public static final ConfigOption WRITE_BULK_INSERT_SORT_INPUT = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Whether to sort the inputs by specific fields for bulk insert tasks, default true");
public static final ConfigOption WRITE_BULK_INSERT_SORT_INPUT_BY_RECORD_KEY = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Whether to sort the inputs by record keys for bulk insert tasks, default false");
public static final ConfigOption WRITE_SORT_MEMORY = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Sort memory in MB, default 128MB");
public static final ConfigOption WRITE_PARTITION_OVERWRITE_MODE = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("When INSERT OVERWRITE a partitioned data source table, we currently support 2 modes: static and dynamic. "
+ "Static mode deletes all the partitions that match the partition specification(e.g. PARTITION(a=1,b)) in the INSERT statement, before overwriting. "
+ "Dynamic mode doesn't delete partitions ahead, and only overwrite those partitions that have data written into it at runtime. "
+ "By default we use static mode to keep the same behavior of previous version.");
// this is only for internal use
public static final ConfigOption WRITE_CLIENT_ID = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Unique identifier used to distinguish different writer pipelines for concurrent mode");
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Compaction Options
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
public static final ConfigOption COMPACTION_SCHEDULE_ENABLED = ConfigOptions
.defaultValue(true) // default true for MOR write
.withDescription("Schedule the compaction plan, enabled by default for MOR");
public static final ConfigOption COMPACTION_ASYNC_ENABLED = ConfigOptions
.defaultValue(true) // default true for MOR write
.withDescription("Async Compaction, enabled by default for MOR");
public static final ConfigOption COMPACTION_TASKS = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Parallelism of tasks that do actual compaction, default same as the write task parallelism");
public static final String NUM_COMMITS = "num_commits";
public static final String TIME_ELAPSED = "time_elapsed";
public static final String NUM_AND_TIME = "num_and_time";
public static final String NUM_OR_TIME = "num_or_time";
public static final ConfigOption COMPACTION_TRIGGER_STRATEGY = ConfigOptions
.defaultValue(NUM_COMMITS) // default true for MOR write
.withDescription("Strategy to trigger compaction, options are "
+ "'num_commits': trigger compaction when there are at least N delta commits after last completed compaction;\n"
+ "'num_commits_after_last_request': trigger compaction when there are at least N delta commits after last completed/requested compaction;\n"
+ "'time_elapsed': trigger compaction when time elapsed > N seconds since last compaction;\n"
+ "'num_and_time': trigger compaction when both NUM_COMMITS and TIME_ELAPSED are satisfied;\n"
+ "'num_or_time': trigger compaction when NUM_COMMITS or TIME_ELAPSED is satisfied.\n"
+ "Default is 'num_commits'");
public static final ConfigOption COMPACTION_DELTA_COMMITS = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Max delta commits needed to trigger compaction, default 5 commits");
public static final ConfigOption COMPACTION_DELTA_SECONDS = ConfigOptions
.defaultValue(3600) // default 1 hour
.withDescription("Max delta seconds time needed to trigger compaction, default 1 hour");
public static final ConfigOption COMPACTION_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = ConfigOptions
.defaultValue(1200) // default 20 minutes
.withDescription("Max timeout time in seconds for online compaction to rollback, default 20 minutes");
public static final ConfigOption COMPACTION_MAX_MEMORY = ConfigOptions
.defaultValue(100) // default 100 MB
.withDescription("Max memory in MB for compaction spillable map, default 100MB");
public static final ConfigOption COMPACTION_TARGET_IO = ConfigOptions
.defaultValue(500 * 1024L) // default 500 GB
.withDescription("Target IO in MB for per compaction (both read and write), default 500 GB");
public static final ConfigOption CLEAN_ASYNC_ENABLED = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Whether to cleanup the old commits immediately on new commits, enabled by default");
public static final ConfigOption CLEAN_POLICY = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Clean policy to manage the Hudi table. Available option: KEEP_LATEST_COMMITS, KEEP_LATEST_FILE_VERSIONS, KEEP_LATEST_BY_HOURS."
+ "Default is KEEP_LATEST_COMMITS.");
public static final ConfigOption CLEAN_RETAIN_COMMITS = ConfigOptions
.defaultValue(30)// default 30 commits
.withDescription("Number of commits to retain. So data will be retained for num_of_commits * time_between_commits (scheduled).\n"
+ "This also directly translates into how much you can incrementally pull on this table, default 30");
public static final ConfigOption CLEAN_RETAIN_HOURS = ConfigOptions
.defaultValue(24)// default 24 hours
.withDescription("Number of hours for which commits need to be retained. This config provides a more flexible option as"
+ "compared to number of commits retained for cleaning service. Setting this property ensures all the files, but the latest in a file group,"
+ " corresponding to commits with commit times older than the configured number of hours to be retained are cleaned.");
public static final ConfigOption CLEAN_RETAIN_FILE_VERSIONS = ConfigOptions
.defaultValue(5)// default 5 version
.withDescription("Number of file versions to retain. default 5");
public static final ConfigOption ARCHIVE_MAX_COMMITS = ConfigOptions
.defaultValue(50)// default max 50 commits
.withDescription("Max number of commits to keep before archiving older commits into a sequential log, default 50");
public static final ConfigOption ARCHIVE_MIN_COMMITS = ConfigOptions
.defaultValue(40)// default min 40 commits
.withDescription("Min number of commits to keep before archiving older commits into a sequential log, default 40");
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Clustering Options
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
public static final ConfigOption CLUSTERING_SCHEDULE_ENABLED = ConfigOptions
.defaultValue(false) // default false for pipeline
.withDescription("Schedule the cluster plan, default false");
public static final ConfigOption CLUSTERING_ASYNC_ENABLED = ConfigOptions
.defaultValue(false) // default false for pipeline
.withDescription("Async Clustering, default false");
public static final ConfigOption CLUSTERING_DELTA_COMMITS = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Max delta commits needed to trigger clustering, default 4 commits");
public static final ConfigOption CLUSTERING_TASKS = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Parallelism of tasks that do actual clustering, default same as the write task parallelism");
public static final ConfigOption CLUSTERING_TARGET_PARTITIONS = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Number of partitions to list to create ClusteringPlan, default is 2");
public static final ConfigOption CLUSTERING_PLAN_STRATEGY_SKIP_PARTITIONS_FROM_LATEST = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Number of partitions to skip from latest when choosing partitions to create ClusteringPlan");
public static final ConfigOption CLUSTERING_PLAN_STRATEGY_CLUSTER_BEGIN_PARTITION = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Begin partition used to filter partition (inclusive)");
public static final ConfigOption CLUSTERING_PLAN_STRATEGY_CLUSTER_END_PARTITION = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("End partition used to filter partition (inclusive)");
public static final ConfigOption CLUSTERING_PLAN_STRATEGY_PARTITION_REGEX_PATTERN = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Filter clustering partitions that matched regex pattern");
public static final ConfigOption CLUSTERING_PLAN_STRATEGY_PARTITION_SELECTED = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Partitions to run clustering");
public static final ConfigOption CLUSTERING_PLAN_STRATEGY_CLASS = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Config to provide a strategy class (subclass of ClusteringPlanStrategy) to create clustering plan "
+ "i.e select what file groups are being clustered. Default strategy, looks at the last N (determined by "
+ CLUSTERING_TARGET_PARTITIONS.key() + ") day based partitions picks the small file slices within those partitions.");
public static final ConfigOption CLUSTERING_PLAN_PARTITION_FILTER_MODE_NAME = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Partition filter mode used in the creation of clustering plan. Available values are - "
+ "NONE: do not filter table partition and thus the clustering plan will include all partitions that have clustering candidate."
+ "RECENT_DAYS: keep a continuous range of partitions, worked together with configs '" + CLUSTERING_TARGET_PARTITIONS.key() + "' and '"
+ "SELECTED_PARTITIONS: keep partitions that are in the specified range ['" + CLUSTERING_PLAN_STRATEGY_CLUSTER_BEGIN_PARTITION.key() + "', '"
+ "DAY_ROLLING: clustering partitions on a rolling basis by the hour to avoid clustering all partitions each time, "
+ "which strategy sorts the partitions asc and chooses the partition of which index is divided by 24 and the remainder is equal to the current hour.");
public static final ConfigOption CLUSTERING_PLAN_STRATEGY_TARGET_FILE_MAX_BYTES = ConfigOptions
.defaultValue(1024 * 1024 * 1024L) // default 1 GB
.withDescription("Each group can produce 'N' (CLUSTERING_MAX_GROUP_SIZE/CLUSTERING_TARGET_FILE_SIZE) output file groups, default 1 GB");
public static final ConfigOption CLUSTERING_PLAN_STRATEGY_SMALL_FILE_LIMIT = ConfigOptions
.defaultValue(600L) // default 600 MB
.withDescription("Files smaller than the size specified here are candidates for clustering, default 600 MB");
public static final ConfigOption CLUSTERING_SORT_COLUMNS = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Columns to sort the data by when clustering");
public static final ConfigOption CLUSTERING_MAX_NUM_GROUPS = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Maximum number of groups to create as part of ClusteringPlan. Increasing groups will increase parallelism, default is 30");
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Hive Sync Options
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
public static final ConfigOption HIVE_SYNC_ENABLED = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Asynchronously sync Hive meta to HMS, default false");
public static final ConfigOption HIVE_SYNC_DB = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Database name for hive sync, default 'default'");
public static final ConfigOption HIVE_SYNC_TABLE = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Table name for hive sync, default 'unknown'");
public static final ConfigOption HIVE_SYNC_FILE_FORMAT = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("File format for hive sync, default 'PARQUET'");
public static final ConfigOption HIVE_SYNC_MODE = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Mode to choose for Hive ops. Valid values are hms, jdbc and hiveql, default 'hms'");
public static final ConfigOption HIVE_SYNC_USERNAME = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Username for hive sync, default 'hive'");
public static final ConfigOption HIVE_SYNC_PASSWORD = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Password for hive sync, default 'hive'");
public static final ConfigOption HIVE_SYNC_JDBC_URL = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Jdbc URL for hive sync, default 'jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000'");
public static final ConfigOption HIVE_SYNC_METASTORE_URIS = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Metastore uris for hive sync, default ''");
public static final ConfigOption HIVE_SYNC_PARTITION_FIELDS = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Partition fields for hive sync, default ''");
public static final ConfigOption HIVE_SYNC_PARTITION_EXTRACTOR_CLASS_NAME = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Tool to extract the partition value from HDFS path, "
+ "default 'MultiPartKeysValueExtractor'");
public static final ConfigOption HIVE_SYNC_ASSUME_DATE_PARTITION = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Assume partitioning is yyyy/mm/dd, default false");
public static final ConfigOption HIVE_SYNC_USE_JDBC = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Use JDBC when hive synchronization is enabled, default true");
public static final ConfigOption HIVE_SYNC_AUTO_CREATE_DB = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Auto create hive database if it does not exists, default true");
public static final ConfigOption HIVE_SYNC_IGNORE_EXCEPTIONS = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Ignore exceptions during hive synchronization, default false");
public static final ConfigOption HIVE_SYNC_SKIP_RO_SUFFIX = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Skip the _ro suffix for Read optimized table when registering, default false");
public static final ConfigOption HIVE_SYNC_SUPPORT_TIMESTAMP = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("INT64 with original type TIMESTAMP_MICROS is converted to hive timestamp type.\n"
+ "Disabled by default for backward compatibility.");
public static final ConfigOption HIVE_SYNC_TABLE_PROPERTIES = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Additional properties to store with table, the data format is k1=v1\nk2=v2");
public static final ConfigOption HIVE_SYNC_TABLE_SERDE_PROPERTIES = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Serde properties to hive table, the data format is k1=v1\nk2=v2");
public static final ConfigOption HIVE_SYNC_CONF_DIR = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("The hive configuration directory, where the hive-site.xml lies in, the file should be put on the client machine");
public static final ConfigOption HIVE_SYNC_TABLE_STRATEGY = ConfigOptions
.withDescription("Hive table synchronization strategy. Available option: RO, RT, ALL.");
public static final ConfigOption LOOKUP_JOIN_CACHE_TTL =
"The cache TTL (e.g. 10min) for the build table in lookup join.");
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Utilities
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Prefix for Hoodie specific properties.
private static final String PROPERTIES_PREFIX = "properties.";
* Collects the config options that start with specified prefix {@code prefix} into a 'key'='value' list.
public static Map getPropertiesWithPrefix(Map options, String prefix) {
final Map hoodieProperties = new HashMap<>();
if (hasPropertyOptions(options, prefix)) {
.filter(key -> key.startsWith(prefix))
.forEach(key -> {
final String value = options.get(key);
final String subKey = key.substring(prefix.length());
hoodieProperties.put(subKey, value);
return hoodieProperties;
* Collects all the config options, the 'properties.' prefix would be removed if the option key starts with it.
public static Configuration flatOptions(Configuration conf) {
final Map propsMap = new HashMap<>();
conf.toMap().forEach((key, value) -> {
final String subKey = key.startsWith(PROPERTIES_PREFIX)
? key.substring((PROPERTIES_PREFIX).length())
: key;
propsMap.put(subKey, value);
return fromMap(propsMap);
private static boolean hasPropertyOptions(Map options, String prefix) {
return options.keySet().stream().anyMatch(k -> k.startsWith(prefix));
* Creates a new configuration that is initialized with the options of the given map.
public static Configuration fromMap(Map map) {
final Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
for (Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet()) {
configuration.setString(entry.getKey().trim(), entry.getValue());
return configuration;
* Returns whether the given conf defines default value for the option {@code option}.
public static boolean isDefaultValueDefined(Configuration conf, ConfigOption option) {
return !conf.getOptional(option).isPresent()
|| conf.get(option).equals(option.defaultValue());
* Returns all the optional config options.
public static Set> optionalOptions() {
Set> options = new HashSet<>(allOptions());
return options;
* Returns all the config options.
public static List> allOptions() {
return OptionsResolver.allOptions(FlinkOptions.class);