org.apache.hudi.common.model.HoodieFileGroup Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.hudi.common.model;
import org.apache.hudi.common.table.timeline.CompletionTimeQueryView;
import org.apache.hudi.common.table.timeline.HoodieInstant;
import org.apache.hudi.common.table.timeline.HoodieTimeline;
import org.apache.hudi.common.util.Option;
import org.apache.hudi.common.util.VisibleForTesting;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import static org.apache.hudi.common.table.timeline.InstantComparison.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALS;
import static org.apache.hudi.common.table.timeline.InstantComparison.LESSER_THAN;
import static org.apache.hudi.common.table.timeline.InstantComparison.LESSER_THAN_OR_EQUALS;
import static org.apache.hudi.common.table.timeline.InstantComparison.compareTimestamps;
* A set of data/base files + set of log files, that make up a unit for all operations.
public class HoodieFileGroup implements Serializable {
public static Comparator getReverseCommitTimeComparator() {
return Comparator.reverseOrder();
* file group id.
private final HoodieFileGroupId fileGroupId;
* Slices of files in this group, sorted with greater commit first.
private final TreeMap fileSlices;
* Timeline, based on which all getter work.
private final HoodieTimeline timeline;
* The last completed instant, that acts as a high watermark for all getters.
private final Option lastInstant;
public HoodieFileGroup(HoodieFileGroup fileGroup) {
this.timeline = fileGroup.timeline;
this.fileGroupId = fileGroup.fileGroupId;
this.fileSlices = new TreeMap<>(fileGroup.fileSlices);
this.lastInstant = fileGroup.lastInstant;
public HoodieFileGroup(String partitionPath, String id, HoodieTimeline timeline) {
this(new HoodieFileGroupId(partitionPath, id), timeline);
public HoodieFileGroup(HoodieFileGroupId fileGroupId, HoodieTimeline timeline) {
this.fileGroupId = fileGroupId;
this.fileSlices = new TreeMap<>(HoodieFileGroup.getReverseCommitTimeComparator());
this.timeline = timeline;
this.lastInstant = timeline.lastInstant();
* Potentially add a new file-slice by adding base-instant time A file-slice without any data-file and log-files can
* exist (if a compaction just got requested).
public void addNewFileSliceAtInstant(String baseInstantTime) {
if (!fileSlices.containsKey(baseInstantTime)) {
fileSlices.put(baseInstantTime, new FileSlice(fileGroupId, baseInstantTime));
* Add a new datafile into the file group.
public void addBaseFile(HoodieBaseFile dataFile) {
if (!fileSlices.containsKey(dataFile.getCommitTime())) {
fileSlices.put(dataFile.getCommitTime(), new FileSlice(fileGroupId, dataFile.getCommitTime()));
* Add a new log file into the group.
* CAUTION: the log file must be added in sequence of the delta commit time.
public void addLogFile(CompletionTimeQueryView completionTimeQueryView, HoodieLogFile logFile) {
String baseInstantTime = getBaseInstantTime(completionTimeQueryView, logFile);
if (!fileSlices.containsKey(baseInstantTime)) {
fileSlices.put(baseInstantTime, new FileSlice(fileGroupId, baseInstantTime));
public String getBaseInstantTime(CompletionTimeQueryView completionTimeQueryView, HoodieLogFile logFile) {
if (fileSlices.isEmpty()) {
// no base file in the file group, use the log file delta commit time.
return logFile.getDeltaCommitTime();
Option completionTimeOpt = completionTimeQueryView.getCompletionTime(fileSlices.firstKey(), logFile.getDeltaCommitTime());
if (completionTimeOpt.isPresent()) {
for (String commitTime : fileSlices.keySet()) {
// find the largest commit time that is smaller than the log delta commit completion time
if (compareTimestamps(completionTimeOpt.get(), GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALS, commitTime)) {
return commitTime;
// no base file that starts earlier than the log delta commit completion time,
// use the log file delta commit time.
return logFile.getDeltaCommitTime();
// the log file is still pending, it always belongs to the latest file slice.
return fileSlices.firstKey();
public String getPartitionPath() {
return fileGroupId.getPartitionPath();
public HoodieFileGroupId getFileGroupId() {
return fileGroupId;
* A FileSlice is considered committed, if one of the following is true - There is a committed data file - There are
* some log files, that are based off a commit or delta commit.
private boolean isFileSliceCommitted(FileSlice slice) {
if (!compareTimestamps(slice.getBaseInstantTime(), LESSER_THAN_OR_EQUALS, lastInstant.get().requestedTime())) {
return false;
return timeline.containsOrBeforeTimelineStarts(slice.getBaseInstantTime());
* Get all the file slices including in-flight ones as seen in underlying file system.
public Stream getAllFileSlicesIncludingInflight() {
return fileSlices.values().stream();
* Get the latest file slices including inflight ones.
public Option getLatestFileSlicesIncludingInflight() {
return Option.fromJavaOptional(getAllFileSlicesIncludingInflight().findFirst());
* Provides a stream of committed file slices, sorted reverse base commit time.
public Stream getAllFileSlices() {
if (!timeline.empty()) {
return fileSlices.values().stream().filter(this::isFileSliceCommitted);
return Stream.empty();
public Stream getAllFileSlicesBeforeOn(String maxInstantTime) {
return fileSlices.values().stream().filter(slice -> compareTimestamps(slice.getBaseInstantTime(), LESSER_THAN_OR_EQUALS, maxInstantTime));
* Gets the latest slice - this can contain either.
* - just the log files without data file - (or) data file with 0 or more log files
public Option getLatestFileSlice() {
// there should always be one
return Option.fromJavaOptional(getAllFileSlices().findFirst());
* Gets the latest data file.
public Option getLatestDataFile() {
return Option.fromJavaOptional(getAllBaseFiles().findFirst());
* Obtain the latest file slice, upto a instantTime i.e <= maxInstantTime.
public Option getLatestFileSliceBeforeOrOn(String maxInstantTime) {
return Option.fromJavaOptional(getAllFileSlices().filter(slice -> compareTimestamps(slice.getBaseInstantTime(), LESSER_THAN_OR_EQUALS, maxInstantTime)).findFirst());
* Obtain the latest file slice, upto an instantTime i.e < maxInstantTime.
* @param maxInstantTime Max Instant Time
* @return the latest file slice
public Option getLatestFileSliceBefore(String maxInstantTime) {
return Option.fromJavaOptional(getAllFileSlices().filter(
slice -> compareTimestamps(slice.getBaseInstantTime(), LESSER_THAN, maxInstantTime))
public Option getLatestFileSliceInRange(List commitRange) {
return Option.fromJavaOptional(
getAllFileSlices().filter(slice -> commitRange.contains(slice.getBaseInstantTime())).findFirst());
* Stream of committed data files, sorted reverse commit time.
public Stream getAllBaseFiles() {
return getAllFileSlices().filter(slice -> slice.getBaseFile().isPresent()).map(slice -> slice.getBaseFile().get());
public String toString() {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("HoodieFileGroup {");
sb.append(", fileSlices='").append(fileSlices).append('\'');
sb.append(", lastInstant='").append(lastInstant).append('\'');
return sb.toString();
public void addFileSlice(FileSlice slice) {
fileSlices.put(slice.getBaseInstantTime(), slice);
public Stream getAllRawFileSlices() {
return fileSlices.values().stream();
public HoodieTimeline getTimeline() {
return timeline;