org.apache.hudi.index.bucket.ConsistentBucketIndexUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.hudi.index.bucket;
import org.apache.hudi.common.fs.FSUtils;
import org.apache.hudi.common.model.ConsistentHashingNode;
import org.apache.hudi.common.model.HoodieConsistentHashingMetadata;
import org.apache.hudi.common.table.HoodieTableMetaClient;
import org.apache.hudi.common.table.timeline.HoodieTimeline;
import org.apache.hudi.common.util.FileIOUtils;
import org.apache.hudi.common.util.Option;
import org.apache.hudi.common.util.StringUtils;
import org.apache.hudi.common.util.ValidationUtils;
import org.apache.hudi.exception.HoodieIOException;
import org.apache.hudi.exception.HoodieIndexException;
import org.apache.hudi.table.HoodieTable;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import static org.apache.hudi.common.model.HoodieConsistentHashingMetadata.HASHING_METADATA_COMMIT_FILE_SUFFIX;
import static org.apache.hudi.common.model.HoodieConsistentHashingMetadata.HASHING_METADATA_FILE_SUFFIX;
import static org.apache.hudi.common.model.HoodieConsistentHashingMetadata.getTimestampFromFile;
import static org.apache.hudi.common.util.StringUtils.getUTF8Bytes;
* Utilities class for consistent bucket index metadata management.
public class ConsistentBucketIndexUtils {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConsistentBucketIndexUtils.class);
* Loads hashing metadata of the given partition, if it does not exist, creates a new one (also persist it into storage).
* NOTE: When creating a new hashing metadata, the content will always be the same for the same partition.
* It means when multiple writer are trying to initialize metadata for the same partition,
* no lock or synchronization is necessary as they are creating the file with the same content.
* @param table Hoodie table
* @param partition Table partition
* @param numBuckets Default bucket number
* @return Consistent hashing metadata
public static HoodieConsistentHashingMetadata loadOrCreateMetadata(HoodieTable table, String partition, int numBuckets) {
Option metadataOption = loadMetadata(table, partition);
if (metadataOption.isPresent()) {
return metadataOption.get();
}"Failed to load metadata, try to create one. Partition: {}.", partition);
// There is no metadata, so try to create a new one and save it.
HoodieConsistentHashingMetadata metadata = new HoodieConsistentHashingMetadata(partition, numBuckets);
if (saveMetadata(table, metadata, false)) {
return metadata;
// The creation failed, so try load metadata again. Concurrent creation of metadata should have succeeded.
// Note: the consistent problem of cloud storage is handled internal in the HoodieWrapperFileSystem, i.e., ConsistentGuard
metadataOption = loadMetadata(table, partition);
ValidationUtils.checkState(metadataOption.isPresent(), "Failed to load or create metadata, partition: " + partition);
return metadataOption.get();
* Loads hashing metadata of the given partition, if it does not exist, returns empty.
* @param table Hoodie table
* @param partition Table partition
* @return Consistent hashing metadata or empty if it does not exist
public static Option loadMetadata(HoodieTable table, String partition) {
HoodieTableMetaClient metaClient = table.getMetaClient();
StoragePath metadataPath = FSUtils.constructAbsolutePath(metaClient.getHashingMetadataPath(), partition);
StoragePath partitionPath = FSUtils.constructAbsolutePath(metaClient.getBasePath(), partition);
try {
Predicate hashingMetaCommitFilePredicate = pathInfo -> {
String filename = pathInfo.getPath().getName();
return filename.contains(HoodieConsistentHashingMetadata.HASHING_METADATA_COMMIT_FILE_SUFFIX);
Predicate hashingMetadataFilePredicate = pathInfo -> {
String filename = pathInfo.getPath().getName();
return filename.contains(HASHING_METADATA_FILE_SUFFIX);
final List metaFiles = metaClient.getStorage().listDirectEntries(metadataPath);
final TreeSet commitMetaTss =
.map(commitFile -> HoodieConsistentHashingMetadata.getTimestampFromFile(commitFile.getPath().getName()))
final List hashingMetaFiles =
.sorted(Comparator.comparing(f -> f.getPath().getName()))
// max committed metadata file
final String maxCommitMetaFileTs = commitMetaTss.isEmpty() ? null : commitMetaTss.last();
// max updated metadata file
StoragePathInfo maxMetadataFile = hashingMetaFiles.isEmpty()
? null
: hashingMetaFiles.get(hashingMetaFiles.size() - 1);
// If single file present in metadata and if its default file return it
if (maxMetadataFile != null && HoodieConsistentHashingMetadata.getTimestampFromFile(maxMetadataFile.getPath().getName()).equals(HoodieTimeline.INIT_INSTANT_TS)) {
return loadMetadataFromGivenFile(table, maxMetadataFile);
// if max updated metadata file and committed metadata file are same then return
if (maxCommitMetaFileTs != null && maxMetadataFile != null
&& maxCommitMetaFileTs.equals(HoodieConsistentHashingMetadata.getTimestampFromFile(maxMetadataFile.getPath().getName()))) {
return loadMetadataFromGivenFile(table, maxMetadataFile);
HoodieTimeline completedCommits = metaClient.getActiveTimeline().getCommitAndReplaceTimeline().filterCompletedInstants();
// fix the in-consistency between un-committed and committed hashing metadata files.
List fixed = new ArrayList<>();
hashingMetaFiles.forEach(hashingMetaFile -> {
StoragePath path = hashingMetaFile.getPath();
String timestamp = HoodieConsistentHashingMetadata.getTimestampFromFile(path.getName());
if (maxCommitMetaFileTs != null && timestamp.compareTo(maxCommitMetaFileTs) <= 0) {
// only fix the metadata with greater timestamp than max committed timestamp
boolean isRehashingCommitted = completedCommits.containsInstant(timestamp) || timestamp.equals(HoodieTimeline.INIT_INSTANT_TS);
if (isRehashingCommitted) {
if (!commitMetaTss.contains(timestamp)) {
try {
createCommitMarker(table, path, partitionPath);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new HoodieIOException("Exception while creating marker file " + path.getName() + " for partition " + partition, e);
} else if (recommitMetadataFile(table, hashingMetaFile, partition)) {
return fixed.isEmpty() ? Option.empty() : loadMetadataFromGivenFile(table, fixed.get(fixed.size() - 1));
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
return Option.empty();
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Error when loading hashing metadata, partition: " + partition, e);
throw new HoodieIndexException("Error while loading hashing metadata", e);
* Saves the metadata into storage
* @param table Hoodie table
* @param metadata Hashing metadata to be saved
* @param overwrite Whether to overwrite existing metadata
* @return true if the metadata is saved successfully
public static boolean saveMetadata(HoodieTable table, HoodieConsistentHashingMetadata metadata, boolean overwrite) {
HoodieStorage storage = table.getStorage();
StoragePath dir = FSUtils.constructAbsolutePath(
table.getMetaClient().getHashingMetadataPath(), metadata.getPartitionPath());
StoragePath fullPath = new StoragePath(dir, metadata.getFilename());
try (OutputStream out = storage.create(fullPath, overwrite)) {
byte[] bytes = metadata.toBytes();
return true;
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.warn("Failed to update bucket metadata: " + metadata, e);
return false;
* Creates commit marker corresponding to hashing metadata file after post commit clustering operation.
* @param table Hoodie table
* @param path File for which commit marker should be created
* @param partitionPath Partition path the file belongs to
* @throws IOException
private static void createCommitMarker(HoodieTable table, StoragePath path, StoragePath partitionPath) throws IOException {
HoodieStorage storage = table.getStorage();
StoragePath fullPath = new StoragePath(partitionPath,
getTimestampFromFile(path.getName()) + HASHING_METADATA_COMMIT_FILE_SUFFIX);
if (storage.exists(fullPath)) {
//prevent exception from race condition. We are ok with the file being created in another thread, so we should
// check for the marker after catching the exception and we don't need to fail if the file exists
try {
FileIOUtils.createFileInPath(storage, fullPath, Option.of(getUTF8Bytes(StringUtils.EMPTY_STRING)));
} catch (HoodieIOException e) {
if (!storage.exists(fullPath)) {
throw e;
LOG.warn("Failed to create marker but " + fullPath + " exists", e);
* Loads consistent hashing metadata of table from the given meta file
* @param table Hoodie table
* @param metaFile Hashing metadata file
* @return HoodieConsistentHashingMetadata object
private static Option loadMetadataFromGivenFile(HoodieTable table, StoragePathInfo metaFile) {
if (metaFile == null) {
return Option.empty();
try (InputStream is = table.getStorage().open(metaFile.getPath())) {
byte[] content = FileIOUtils.readAsByteArray(is);
return Option.of(HoodieConsistentHashingMetadata.fromBytes(content));
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
return Option.empty();
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Error when loading hashing metadata, for path: " + metaFile.getPath().getName(), e);
throw new HoodieIndexException("Error while loading hashing metadata", e);
* If particular hashing metadata file doesn't have commit marker then there could be a case where clustering is done but post commit marker
* creation operation failed. In this case this method will check file group id from consistent hashing metadata against storage base file group ids.
* if one of the file group matches then we can conclude that this is the latest metadata file.
Note : we will end up calling this method if there is no marker file and no replace commit on active timeline, if replace commit is not present on
* active timeline that means old file group id's before clustering operation got cleaned and only new file group id's of current clustering operation
* are present on the disk.
* @param table Hoodie table
* @param metaFile Metadata file on which sync check needs to be performed
* @param partition Partition metadata file belongs to
* @return true if hashing metadata file is latest else false
private static boolean recommitMetadataFile(HoodieTable table, StoragePathInfo metaFile, String partition) {
StoragePath partitionPath = FSUtils.constructAbsolutePath(table.getMetaClient().getBasePath(), partition);
String timestamp = getTimestampFromFile(metaFile.getPath().getName());
if (table.getPendingCommitsTimeline().containsInstant(timestamp)) {
return false;
Option hoodieConsistentHashingMetadataOption = loadMetadataFromGivenFile(table, metaFile);
if (!hoodieConsistentHashingMetadataOption.isPresent()) {
return false;
HoodieConsistentHashingMetadata hoodieConsistentHashingMetadata = hoodieConsistentHashingMetadataOption.get();
Predicate hoodieFileGroupIdPredicate = hoodieBaseFile ->
.anyMatch(node -> node.getFileIdPrefix().equals(hoodieBaseFile));
if (table.getBaseFileOnlyView().getLatestBaseFiles(partition)
.map(fileIdPrefix -> FSUtils.getFileIdPfxFromFileId(fileIdPrefix.getFileId())).anyMatch(hoodieFileGroupIdPredicate)) {
try {
createCommitMarker(table, metaFile.getPath(), partitionPath);
return true;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new HoodieIOException("Exception while creating marker file " + metaFile.getPath().getName() + " for partition " + partition, e);
return false;
* Initialize fileIdPfx for each data partition. Specifically, the following fields is constructed:
* - fileIdPfxList: the Nth element corresponds to the Nth data partition, indicating its fileIdPfx
* - partitionToFileIdPfxIdxMap (return value): (table partition) -> (fileIdPfx -> idx) mapping
* @param partitionToIdentifier Mapping from table partition to bucket identifier
public static Map> generatePartitionToFileIdPfxIdxMap(Map partitionToIdentifier) {
Map> partitionToFileIdPfxIdxMap = new HashMap(partitionToIdentifier.size() * 2);
int count = 0;
for (ConsistentBucketIdentifier identifier : partitionToIdentifier.values()) {
Map fileIdPfxToIdx = new HashMap();
for (ConsistentHashingNode node : identifier.getNodes()) {
fileIdPfxToIdx.put(node.getFileIdPrefix(), count++);
partitionToFileIdPfxIdxMap.put(identifier.getMetadata().getPartitionPath(), fileIdPfxToIdx);
return partitionToFileIdPfxIdxMap;