kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.DebugMetadata.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2018 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal
import java.lang.reflect.Method
internal annotation class DebugMetadata(
val version: Int = 1,
val sourceFile: String = "",
val lineNumbers: IntArray = [],
val localNames: Array = [],
val spilled: Array = [],
val indexToLabel: IntArray = [],
val methodName: String = "",
val className: String = ""
* Returns [StackTraceElement] containing file name and line number of current coroutine's suspension point.
* The coroutine can be either running coroutine, that calls the function on its continuation and obtaining
* the information about current file and line number, or, more likely, the function is called to produce accurate stack traces of
* suspended coroutine.
* The result is `null` when debug metadata is not available.
internal fun BaseContinuationImpl.getStackTraceElementImpl(): StackTraceElement? {
val debugMetadata = getDebugMetadataAnnotation() ?: return null
checkDebugMetadataVersion(COROUTINES_DEBUG_METADATA_VERSION, debugMetadata.version)
val label = getLabel()
val lineNumber = if (label < 0) -1 else debugMetadata.lineNumbers[label]
val moduleName = ModuleNameRetriever.getModuleName(this)
val moduleAndClass = if (moduleName == null) debugMetadata.className else "$moduleName/${debugMetadata.className}"
return StackTraceElement(moduleAndClass, debugMetadata.methodName, debugMetadata.sourceFile, lineNumber)
private object ModuleNameRetriever {
private class Cache(
val getModuleMethod: Method?,
val getDescriptorMethod: Method?,
val nameMethod: Method?
private val notOnJava9 = Cache(null, null, null)
private var cache: Cache? = null
fun getModuleName(continuation: BaseContinuationImpl): String? {
val cache = this.cache ?: buildCache(continuation)
if (cache === notOnJava9) {
return null
val module = cache.getModuleMethod?.invoke(continuation.javaClass) ?: return null
val descriptor = cache.getDescriptorMethod?.invoke(module) ?: return null
return cache.nameMethod?.invoke(descriptor) as? String
private fun buildCache(continuation: BaseContinuationImpl): Cache {
try {
val getModuleMethod = Class::class.java.getDeclaredMethod("getModule")
val methodClass = continuation.javaClass.classLoader.loadClass("java.lang.Module")
val getDescriptorMethod = methodClass.getDeclaredMethod("getDescriptor")
val moduleDescriptorClass = continuation.javaClass.classLoader.loadClass("java.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor")
val nameMethod = moduleDescriptorClass.getDeclaredMethod("name")
return Cache(getModuleMethod, getDescriptorMethod, nameMethod).also { cache = it }
} catch (ignored: Exception) {
return notOnJava9.also { cache = it }
private fun BaseContinuationImpl.getDebugMetadataAnnotation(): DebugMetadata? =
private fun BaseContinuationImpl.getLabel(): Int =
try {
val field = javaClass.getDeclaredField("label")
field.isAccessible = true
(field.get(this) as? Int ?: 0) - 1
} catch (e: Exception) { // NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException, or IllegalAccessException
private fun checkDebugMetadataVersion(expected: Int, actual: Int) {
if (actual > expected) {
error("Debug metadata version mismatch. Expected: $expected, got $actual. Please update the Kotlin standard library.")
* Returns an array of spilled variable names and continuation's field names where the variable has been spilled.
* The structure is the following:
* - field names take 2*k'th indices
* - corresponding variable names take (2*k + 1)'th indices.
* The function is for debugger to use, thus it returns simplest data type possible.
* This function should only be called on suspended coroutines to get accurate mapping.
* The result is `null` when debug metadata is not available.
internal fun BaseContinuationImpl.getSpilledVariableFieldMapping(): Array? {
val debugMetadata = getDebugMetadataAnnotation() ?: return null
checkDebugMetadataVersion(COROUTINES_DEBUG_METADATA_VERSION, debugMetadata.version)
val res = arrayListOf()
val label = getLabel()
for ((i, labelOfIndex) in debugMetadata.indexToLabel.withIndex()) {
if (labelOfIndex == label) {
return res.toTypedArray()
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