kotlin.random.Random.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package kotlin.random
import kotlin.math.nextDown
* An abstract class that is implemented by random number generator algorithms.
* The companion object [Random.Default] is the default instance of [Random].
* To get a seeded instance of random generator use [Random] function.
* @sample samples.random.Randoms.defaultRandom
public abstract class Random {
* Gets the next random [bitCount] number of bits.
* Generates an `Int` whose lower [bitCount] bits are filled with random values and the remaining upper bits are zero.
* @param bitCount number of bits to generate, must be in range 0..32, otherwise the behavior is unspecified.
* @sample samples.random.Randoms.nextBits
public abstract fun nextBits(bitCount: Int): Int
* Gets the next random `Int` from the random number generator.
* Generates an `Int` random value uniformly distributed between `Int.MIN_VALUE` and `Int.MAX_VALUE` (inclusive).
* @sample samples.random.Randoms.nextInt
public open fun nextInt(): Int = nextBits(32)
* Gets the next random non-negative `Int` from the random number generator less than the specified [until] bound.
* Generates an `Int` random value uniformly distributed between `0` (inclusive) and the specified [until] bound (exclusive).
* @param until must be positive.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if [until] is negative or zero.
* @sample samples.random.Randoms.nextIntFromUntil
public open fun nextInt(until: Int): Int = nextInt(0, until)
* Gets the next random `Int` from the random number generator in the specified range.
* Generates an `Int` random value uniformly distributed between the specified [from] (inclusive) and [until] (exclusive) bounds.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if [from] is greater than or equal to [until].
* @sample samples.random.Randoms.nextIntFromUntil
public open fun nextInt(from: Int, until: Int): Int {
checkRangeBounds(from, until)
val n = until - from
if (n > 0 || n == Int.MIN_VALUE) {
val rnd = if (n and -n == n) {
val bitCount = fastLog2(n)
} else {
var v: Int
do {
val bits = nextInt().ushr(1)
v = bits % n
} while (bits - v + (n - 1) < 0)
return from + rnd
} else {
while (true) {
val rnd = nextInt()
if (rnd in from until until) return rnd
* Gets the next random `Long` from the random number generator.
* Generates a `Long` random value uniformly distributed between `Long.MIN_VALUE` and `Long.MAX_VALUE` (inclusive).
* @sample samples.random.Randoms.nextLong
public open fun nextLong(): Long = nextInt().toLong().shl(32) + nextInt()
* Gets the next random non-negative `Long` from the random number generator less than the specified [until] bound.
* Generates a `Long` random value uniformly distributed between `0` (inclusive) and the specified [until] bound (exclusive).
* @param until must be positive.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if [until] is negative or zero.
* @sample samples.random.Randoms.nextLongFromUntil
public open fun nextLong(until: Long): Long = nextLong(0, until)
* Gets the next random `Long` from the random number generator in the specified range.
* Generates a `Long` random value uniformly distributed between the specified [from] (inclusive) and [until] (exclusive) bounds.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if [from] is greater than or equal to [until].
* @sample samples.random.Randoms.nextLongFromUntil
public open fun nextLong(from: Long, until: Long): Long {
checkRangeBounds(from, until)
val n = until - from
if (n > 0) {
val rnd: Long
if (n and -n == n) {
val nLow = n.toInt()
val nHigh = (n ushr 32).toInt()
rnd = when {
nLow != 0 -> {
val bitCount = fastLog2(nLow)
// toUInt().toLong()
nextBits(bitCount).toLong() and 0xFFFF_FFFF
nHigh == 1 ->
// toUInt().toLong()
nextInt().toLong() and 0xFFFF_FFFF
else -> {
val bitCount = fastLog2(nHigh)
nextBits(bitCount).toLong().shl(32) + nextInt()
} else {
var v: Long
do {
val bits = nextLong().ushr(1)
v = bits % n
} while (bits - v + (n - 1) < 0)
rnd = v
return from + rnd
} else {
while (true) {
val rnd = nextLong()
if (rnd in from until until) return rnd
* Gets the next random [Boolean] value.
* @sample samples.random.Randoms.nextBoolean
public open fun nextBoolean(): Boolean = nextBits(1) != 0
* Gets the next random [Double] value uniformly distributed between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive).
* @sample samples.random.Randoms.nextDouble
public open fun nextDouble(): Double = doubleFromParts(nextBits(26), nextBits(27))
* Gets the next random non-negative `Double` from the random number generator less than the specified [until] bound.
* Generates a `Double` random value uniformly distributed between 0 (inclusive) and [until] (exclusive).
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if [until] is negative or zero.
* @sample samples.random.Randoms.nextDoubleFromUntil
public open fun nextDouble(until: Double): Double = nextDouble(0.0, until)
* Gets the next random `Double` from the random number generator in the specified range.
* Generates a `Double` random value uniformly distributed between the specified [from] (inclusive) and [until] (exclusive) bounds.
* [from] and [until] must be finite otherwise the behavior is unspecified.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if [from] is greater than or equal to [until].
* @sample samples.random.Randoms.nextDoubleFromUntil
public open fun nextDouble(from: Double, until: Double): Double {
checkRangeBounds(from, until)
val size = until - from
val r = if (size.isInfinite() && from.isFinite() && until.isFinite()) {
val r1 = nextDouble() * (until / 2 - from / 2)
from + r1 + r1
} else {
from + nextDouble() * size
return if (r >= until) until.nextDown() else r
* Gets the next random [Float] value uniformly distributed between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive).
* @sample samples.random.Randoms.nextFloat
public open fun nextFloat(): Float = nextBits(24) / (1 shl 24).toFloat()
* Fills a subrange of the specified byte [array] starting from [fromIndex] inclusive and ending [toIndex] exclusive
* with random bytes.
* @return [array] with the subrange filled with random bytes.
* @sample samples.random.Randoms.nextBytes
public open fun nextBytes(array: ByteArray, fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = array.size): ByteArray {
require(fromIndex in 0..array.size && toIndex in 0..array.size) { "fromIndex ($fromIndex) or toIndex ($toIndex) are out of range: 0..${array.size}." }
require(fromIndex <= toIndex) { "fromIndex ($fromIndex) must be not greater than toIndex ($toIndex)." }
val steps = (toIndex - fromIndex) / 4
var position = fromIndex
repeat(steps) {
val v = nextInt()
array[position] = v.toByte()
array[position + 1] = v.ushr(8).toByte()
array[position + 2] = v.ushr(16).toByte()
array[position + 3] = v.ushr(24).toByte()
position += 4
val remainder = toIndex - position
val vr = nextBits(remainder * 8)
for (i in 0 until remainder) {
array[position + i] = vr.ushr(i * 8).toByte()
return array
* Fills the specified byte [array] with random bytes and returns it.
* @return [array] filled with random bytes.
* @sample samples.random.Randoms.nextBytes
public open fun nextBytes(array: ByteArray): ByteArray = nextBytes(array, 0, array.size)
* Creates a byte array of the specified [size], filled with random bytes.
* @sample samples.random.Randoms.nextBytes
public open fun nextBytes(size: Int): ByteArray = nextBytes(ByteArray(size))
* The default random number generator.
* On JVM this generator is thread-safe, its methods can be invoked from multiple threads.
* @sample samples.random.Randoms.defaultRandom
companion object Default : Random(), Serializable {
private val defaultRandom: Random = defaultPlatformRandom()
private object Serialized : Serializable {
private const val serialVersionUID = 0L
private fun readResolve(): Any = Random
private fun writeReplace(): Any = Serialized
override fun nextBits(bitCount: Int): Int = defaultRandom.nextBits(bitCount)
override fun nextInt(): Int = defaultRandom.nextInt()
override fun nextInt(until: Int): Int = defaultRandom.nextInt(until)
override fun nextInt(from: Int, until: Int): Int = defaultRandom.nextInt(from, until)
override fun nextLong(): Long = defaultRandom.nextLong()
override fun nextLong(until: Long): Long = defaultRandom.nextLong(until)
override fun nextLong(from: Long, until: Long): Long = defaultRandom.nextLong(from, until)
override fun nextBoolean(): Boolean = defaultRandom.nextBoolean()
override fun nextDouble(): Double = defaultRandom.nextDouble()
override fun nextDouble(until: Double): Double = defaultRandom.nextDouble(until)
override fun nextDouble(from: Double, until: Double): Double = defaultRandom.nextDouble(from, until)
override fun nextFloat(): Float = defaultRandom.nextFloat()
override fun nextBytes(array: ByteArray): ByteArray = defaultRandom.nextBytes(array)
override fun nextBytes(size: Int): ByteArray = defaultRandom.nextBytes(size)
override fun nextBytes(array: ByteArray, fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): ByteArray =
defaultRandom.nextBytes(array, fromIndex, toIndex)
* Returns a repeatable random number generator seeded with the given [seed] `Int` value.
* Two generators with the same seed produce the same sequence of values within the same version of Kotlin runtime.
* *Note:* Future versions of Kotlin may change the algorithm of this seeded number generator so that it will return
* a sequence of values different from the current one for a given seed.
* On JVM the returned generator is NOT thread-safe. Do not invoke it from multiple threads without proper synchronization.
* @sample samples.random.Randoms.seededRandom
public fun Random(seed: Int): Random = XorWowRandom(seed, seed.shr(31))
* Returns a repeatable random number generator seeded with the given [seed] `Long` value.
* Two generators with the same seed produce the same sequence of values within the same version of Kotlin runtime.
* *Note:* Future versions of Kotlin may change the algorithm of this seeded number generator so that it will return
* a sequence of values different from the current one for a given seed.
* On JVM the returned generator is NOT thread-safe. Do not invoke it from multiple threads without proper synchronization.
* @sample samples.random.Randoms.seededRandom
public fun Random(seed: Long): Random = XorWowRandom(seed.toInt(), seed.shr(32).toInt())
* Gets the next random `Int` from the random number generator in the specified [range].
* Generates an `Int` random value uniformly distributed in the specified [range]:
* from `range.start` inclusive to `range.endInclusive` inclusive.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if [range] is empty.
public fun Random.nextInt(range: IntRange): Int = when {
range.isEmpty() -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Cannot get random in empty range: $range")
range.last < Int.MAX_VALUE -> nextInt(range.first, range.last + 1)
range.first > Int.MIN_VALUE -> nextInt(range.first - 1, range.last) + 1
else -> nextInt()
* Gets the next random `Long` from the random number generator in the specified [range].
* Generates a `Long` random value uniformly distributed in the specified [range]:
* from `range.start` inclusive to `range.endInclusive` inclusive.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if [range] is empty.
public fun Random.nextLong(range: LongRange): Long = when {
range.isEmpty() -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Cannot get random in empty range: $range")
range.last < Long.MAX_VALUE -> nextLong(range.first, range.last + 1)
range.first > Long.MIN_VALUE -> nextLong(range.first - 1, range.last) + 1
else -> nextLong()
internal expect fun defaultPlatformRandom(): Random
internal expect fun doubleFromParts(hi26: Int, low27: Int): Double
internal fun fastLog2(value: Int): Int = 31 - value.countLeadingZeroBits()
/** Takes upper [bitCount] bits (0..32) from this number. */
internal fun Int.takeUpperBits(bitCount: Int): Int =
this.ushr(32 - bitCount) and (-bitCount).shr(31)
internal fun checkRangeBounds(from: Int, until: Int) = require(until > from) { boundsErrorMessage(from, until) }
internal fun checkRangeBounds(from: Long, until: Long) = require(until > from) { boundsErrorMessage(from, until) }
internal fun checkRangeBounds(from: Double, until: Double) = require(until > from) { boundsErrorMessage(from, until) }
internal fun boundsErrorMessage(from: Any, until: Any) = "Random range is empty: [$from, $until)."
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