org.apache.hudi.io.storage.HoodieNativeAvroHFileReader Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.hudi.io.storage;
import org.apache.hudi.common.bloom.BloomFilter;
import org.apache.hudi.common.bloom.BloomFilterFactory;
import org.apache.hudi.common.model.HoodieAvroIndexedRecord;
import org.apache.hudi.common.model.HoodieRecord;
import org.apache.hudi.common.model.HoodieRecordLocation;
import org.apache.hudi.common.util.Option;
import org.apache.hudi.common.util.ValidationUtils;
import org.apache.hudi.common.util.collection.ClosableIterator;
import org.apache.hudi.common.util.collection.CloseableMappingIterator;
import org.apache.hudi.common.util.collection.Pair;
import org.apache.hudi.common.util.io.ByteBufferBackedInputStream;
import org.apache.hudi.exception.HoodieException;
import org.apache.hudi.exception.HoodieIOException;
import org.apache.hudi.io.ByteArraySeekableDataInputStream;
import org.apache.hudi.io.SeekableDataInputStream;
import org.apache.hudi.io.hfile.HFileReader;
import org.apache.hudi.io.hfile.HFileReaderImpl;
import org.apache.hudi.io.hfile.KeyValue;
import org.apache.hudi.io.hfile.UTF8StringKey;
import org.apache.hudi.storage.HoodieStorage;
import org.apache.hudi.storage.StoragePath;
import org.apache.hudi.util.Lazy;
import org.apache.avro.Schema;
import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericRecord;
import org.apache.avro.generic.IndexedRecord;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import static org.apache.hudi.common.util.StringUtils.fromUTF8Bytes;
import static org.apache.hudi.common.util.TypeUtils.unsafeCast;
import static org.apache.hudi.io.hfile.HFileUtils.isPrefixOfKey;
* An implementation of {@link HoodieAvroHFileReaderImplBase} using native {@link HFileReader}.
public class HoodieNativeAvroHFileReader extends HoodieAvroHFileReaderImplBase {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HoodieNativeAvroHFileReader.class);
// Keys of the meta info that should be preloaded on demand from the HFile
private static final Set PRELOADED_META_INFO_KEYS = new HashSet<>(
private final HoodieStorage storage;
private final Option path;
private final Option bytesContent;
// In-memory cache for meta info
private final Map metaInfoMap;
private final Lazy schema;
private boolean isMetaInfoLoaded = false;
private long numKeyValueEntries = -1L;
public HoodieNativeAvroHFileReader(HoodieStorage storage, StoragePath path, Option schemaOption) {
this.storage = storage;
this.path = Option.of(path);
this.bytesContent = Option.empty();
this.metaInfoMap = new HashMap<>();
this.schema = schemaOption.map(Lazy::eagerly).orElseGet(() -> Lazy.lazily(this::fetchSchema));
public HoodieNativeAvroHFileReader(HoodieStorage storage, byte[] content, Option schemaOption) {
this.storage = storage;
this.path = Option.empty();
this.bytesContent = Option.of(content);
this.metaInfoMap = new HashMap<>();
this.schema = schemaOption.map(Lazy::eagerly).orElseGet(() -> Lazy.lazily(this::fetchSchema));
public ClosableIterator getIndexedRecordIterator(Schema readerSchema,
Schema requestedSchema)
throws IOException {
if (!Objects.equals(readerSchema, requestedSchema)) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Schema projections are not supported in HFile reader");
HFileReader reader = newHFileReader();
return new RecordIterator(reader, getSchema(), readerSchema);
public String[] readMinMaxRecordKeys() {
try {
return new String[] {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new HoodieIOException("Cannot read min and max record keys from HFile.", e);
public BloomFilter readBloomFilter() {
try (HFileReader reader = newHFileReader()) {
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = reader.getMetaBlock(KEY_BLOOM_FILTER_META_BLOCK).get();
return BloomFilterFactory.fromByteBuffer(byteBuffer,
fromUTF8Bytes(reader.getMetaInfo(new UTF8StringKey(KEY_BLOOM_FILTER_TYPE_CODE)).get()));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new HoodieException("Could not read bloom filter from " + path, e);
public Set> filterRowKeys(Set candidateRowKeys) {
try (HFileReader reader = newHFileReader()) {
// candidateRowKeys must be sorted
return new TreeSet<>(candidateRowKeys).stream()
.filter(k -> {
try {
return reader.seekTo(new UTF8StringKey(k)) == HFileReader.SEEK_TO_FOUND;
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Failed to check key availability: " + k);
return false;
// Record position is not supported for HFile
.map(key -> Pair.of(key, HoodieRecordLocation.INVALID_POSITION))
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new HoodieIOException("Unable to filter row keys in HFiles", e);
public ClosableIterator getRecordKeyIterator() throws IOException {
HFileReader reader = newHFileReader();
return new ClosableIterator() {
public boolean hasNext() {
try {
return reader.next();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new HoodieException("Error while scanning for keys", e);
public String next() {
try {
return reader.getKeyValue().get().getKey().getContentInString();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void close() {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new HoodieIOException("Error closing the HFile reader", e);
public Schema getSchema() {
return schema.get();
public void close() {
isMetaInfoLoaded = false;
public long getTotalRecords() {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new HoodieIOException("Cannot get the number of entries from HFile", e);
numKeyValueEntries >= 0, "Number of entries in HFile must be >= 0");
return numKeyValueEntries;
public ClosableIterator> getRecordsByKeysIterator(
List sortedKeys, Schema schema) throws IOException {
HFileReader reader = newHFileReader();
ClosableIterator iterator =
new RecordByKeyIterator(reader, sortedKeys, getSchema(), schema);
return new CloseableMappingIterator<>(
iterator, data -> unsafeCast(new HoodieAvroIndexedRecord(data)));
public ClosableIterator> getRecordsByKeyPrefixIterator(
List sortedKeyPrefixes, Schema schema) throws IOException {
HFileReader reader = newHFileReader();
ClosableIterator iterator =
new RecordByKeyPrefixIterator(reader, sortedKeyPrefixes, getSchema(), schema);
return new CloseableMappingIterator<>(
iterator, data -> unsafeCast(new HoodieAvroIndexedRecord(data)));
private Schema fetchSchema() {
try {
return new Schema.Parser().parse(
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new HoodieIOException("Unable to read schema from HFile", e);
private static GenericRecord getRecordFromKeyValue(KeyValue keyValue,
Schema writerSchema,
Schema readerSchema) throws IOException {
byte[] bytes = keyValue.getBytes();
return deserialize(
bytes, keyValue.getKeyContentOffset(), keyValue.getKeyContentLength(),
bytes, keyValue.getValueOffset(), keyValue.getValueLength(),
private byte[] getHFileMetaInfoFromCache(String key) throws IOException {
if (!PRELOADED_META_INFO_KEYS.contains(key)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("HoodieNativeAvroHFileReader#getHFileMetaInfoFromCache"
+ " should only be called on supported meta info keys; this key is not supported: "
+ key);
return metaInfoMap.get(key);
private synchronized void loadAllMetaInfoIntoCacheIfNeeded() throws IOException {
if (!isMetaInfoLoaded) {
// Load all meta info that are small into cache
try (HFileReader reader = newHFileReader()) {
this.numKeyValueEntries = reader.getNumKeyValueEntries();
for (String metaInfoKey : PRELOADED_META_INFO_KEYS) {
Option metaInfo = reader.getMetaInfo(new UTF8StringKey(metaInfoKey));
if (metaInfo.isPresent()) {
metaInfoMap.put(metaInfoKey, metaInfo.get());
isMetaInfoLoaded = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IOException("Unable to construct HFile reader", e);
private HFileReader newHFileReader() throws IOException {
SeekableDataInputStream inputStream;
long fileSize;
if (path.isPresent()) {
fileSize = storage.getPathInfo(path.get()).getLength();
inputStream = storage.openSeekable(path.get(), false);
} else {
fileSize = bytesContent.get().length;
inputStream = new ByteArraySeekableDataInputStream(new ByteBufferBackedInputStream(bytesContent.get()));
return new HFileReaderImpl(inputStream, fileSize);
public ClosableIterator getIndexedRecordsByKeysIterator(List sortedKeys,
Schema readerSchema)
throws IOException {
HFileReader reader = newHFileReader();
return new RecordByKeyIterator(reader, sortedKeys, getSchema(), schema.get());
public ClosableIterator getIndexedRecordsByKeyPrefixIterator(
List sortedKeyPrefixes, Schema readerSchema) throws IOException {
HFileReader reader = newHFileReader();
return new RecordByKeyPrefixIterator(reader, sortedKeyPrefixes, getSchema(), readerSchema);
private static class RecordIterator implements ClosableIterator {
private final HFileReader reader;
private final Schema writerSchema;
private final Schema readerSchema;
private IndexedRecord next = null;
private boolean eof = false;
RecordIterator(HFileReader reader, Schema writerSchema, Schema readerSchema) {
this.reader = reader;
this.writerSchema = writerSchema;
this.readerSchema = readerSchema;
public boolean hasNext() {
try {
// NOTE: This is required for idempotency
if (eof) {
return false;
if (next != null) {
return true;
boolean hasRecords;
if (!reader.isSeeked()) {
hasRecords = reader.seekTo();
} else {
hasRecords = reader.next();
if (!hasRecords) {
eof = true;
return false;
this.next = getRecordFromKeyValue(reader.getKeyValue().get(), writerSchema, readerSchema);
return true;
} catch (IOException io) {
throw new HoodieIOException("unable to read next record from hfile ", io);
public IndexedRecord next() {
IndexedRecord next = this.next;
this.next = null;
return next;
public void close() {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new HoodieIOException("Error closing the HFile reader", e);
private static class RecordByKeyIterator implements ClosableIterator {
private final Iterator sortedKeyIterator;
private final HFileReader reader;
private final Schema readerSchema;
private final Schema writerSchema;
private IndexedRecord next = null;
RecordByKeyIterator(HFileReader reader, List sortedKeys, Schema writerSchema,
Schema readerSchema) throws IOException {
this.sortedKeyIterator = sortedKeys.iterator();
this.reader = reader;
this.reader.seekTo(); // position at the beginning of the file
this.writerSchema = writerSchema;
this.readerSchema = readerSchema;
public boolean hasNext() {
try {
// NOTE: This is required for idempotency
if (next != null) {
return true;
while (sortedKeyIterator.hasNext()) {
UTF8StringKey key = new UTF8StringKey(sortedKeyIterator.next());
if (reader.seekTo(key) == HFileReader.SEEK_TO_FOUND) {
// Key is found
KeyValue keyValue = reader.getKeyValue().get();
next = deserialize(
key.getBytes(), key.getContentOffset(), key.getContentLength(),
keyValue.getBytes(), keyValue.getValueOffset(), keyValue.getValueLength(),
writerSchema, readerSchema);
return true;
return false;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new HoodieIOException("Unable to read next record from HFile ", e);
public IndexedRecord next() {
IndexedRecord next = this.next;
this.next = null;
return next;
public void close() {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new HoodieIOException("Error closing the HFile reader", e);
private static class RecordByKeyPrefixIterator implements ClosableIterator {
private final Iterator sortedKeyPrefixesIterator;
private Iterator recordsIterator;
private final HFileReader reader;
private final Schema writerSchema;
private final Schema readerSchema;
private IndexedRecord next = null;
private boolean isFirstKeyPrefix = true;
RecordByKeyPrefixIterator(HFileReader reader, List sortedKeyPrefixes,
Schema writerSchema, Schema readerSchema) throws IOException {
this.sortedKeyPrefixesIterator = sortedKeyPrefixes.iterator();
this.reader = reader;
this.reader.seekTo(); // position at the beginning of the file
this.writerSchema = writerSchema;
this.readerSchema = readerSchema;
public boolean hasNext() {
try {
while (true) {
// NOTE: This is required for idempotency
if (next != null) {
return true;
} else if (recordsIterator != null && recordsIterator.hasNext()) {
next = recordsIterator.next();
return true;
} else if (sortedKeyPrefixesIterator.hasNext()) {
recordsIterator = getRecordByKeyPrefixIteratorInternal(
reader, isFirstKeyPrefix, sortedKeyPrefixesIterator.next(), writerSchema, readerSchema);
isFirstKeyPrefix = false;
} else {
return false;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new HoodieIOException("Unable to read next record from HFile", e);
public IndexedRecord next() {
IndexedRecord next = this.next;
this.next = null;
return next;
public void close() {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new HoodieIOException("Error closing the HFile reader and scanner", e);
private static Iterator getRecordByKeyPrefixIteratorInternal(HFileReader reader,
boolean isFirstKeyPrefix,
String keyPrefix,
Schema writerSchema,
Schema readerSchema)
throws IOException {
UTF8StringKey lookUpKeyPrefix = new UTF8StringKey(keyPrefix);
if (!isFirstKeyPrefix) {
// For the subsequent key prefixes after the first, do special handling to
// avoid potential backward seeks.
Option keyValue = reader.getKeyValue();
if (!keyValue.isPresent()) {
return Collections.emptyIterator();
if (!isPrefixOfKey(lookUpKeyPrefix, keyValue.get().getKey())) {
// If the key at current cursor does not start with the lookup prefix.
if (lookUpKeyPrefix.compareTo(keyValue.get().getKey()) < 0) {
// Prefix is less than the current key, no key found for the prefix.
return Collections.emptyIterator();
} else {
// Prefix is greater than the current key. Call seekTo to move the cursor.
int val = reader.seekTo(lookUpKeyPrefix);
if (val >= 1) {
// Try moving to next entry, matching the prefix key; if we're at the EOF,
// `next()` will return false
if (!reader.next()) {
return Collections.emptyIterator();
// If the key current cursor starts with the lookup prefix,
// do not call seekTo. Continue with reading the keys with the prefix.
} else {
// For the first key prefix, directly do seekTo.
int val = reader.seekTo(lookUpKeyPrefix);
if (val >= 1) {
// Try moving to next entry, matching the prefix key; if we're at the EOF,
// `next()` will return false
if (!reader.next()) {
return Collections.emptyIterator();
class KeyPrefixIterator implements Iterator {
private IndexedRecord next = null;
private boolean eof = false;
public boolean hasNext() {
if (next != null) {
return true;
} else if (eof) {
return false;
// Extract the byte value before releasing the lock since we cannot hold on to the returned cell afterwards
try {
KeyValue keyValue = reader.getKeyValue().get();
// Check whether we're still reading records corresponding to the key-prefix
if (!isPrefixOfKey(lookUpKeyPrefix, keyValue.getKey())) {
return false;
byte[] bytes = keyValue.getBytes();
next =
bytes, keyValue.getKeyContentOffset(), keyValue.getKeyContentLength(),
bytes, keyValue.getValueOffset(), keyValue.getValueLength(),
writerSchema, readerSchema);
// In case scanner is not able to advance, it means we reached EOF
eof = !reader.next();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new HoodieIOException("Failed to deserialize payload", e);
return true;
public IndexedRecord next() {
IndexedRecord next = this.next;
this.next = null;
return next;
return new KeyPrefixIterator();
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