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org.apache.hudi.metadata.HoodieMetadataPayload Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.hudi.metadata;

import org.apache.hudi.avro.model.BooleanWrapper;
import org.apache.hudi.avro.model.BytesWrapper;
import org.apache.hudi.avro.model.DateWrapper;
import org.apache.hudi.avro.model.DecimalWrapper;
import org.apache.hudi.avro.model.DoubleWrapper;
import org.apache.hudi.avro.model.FloatWrapper;
import org.apache.hudi.avro.model.HoodieMetadataBloomFilter;
import org.apache.hudi.avro.model.HoodieMetadataColumnStats;
import org.apache.hudi.avro.model.HoodieMetadataFileInfo;
import org.apache.hudi.avro.model.HoodieMetadataRecord;
import org.apache.hudi.avro.model.IntWrapper;
import org.apache.hudi.avro.model.LongWrapper;
import org.apache.hudi.avro.model.StringWrapper;
import org.apache.hudi.avro.model.TimestampMicrosWrapper;
import org.apache.hudi.common.fs.FSUtils;
import org.apache.hudi.common.model.HoodieAvroRecord;
import org.apache.hudi.common.model.HoodieColumnRangeMetadata;
import org.apache.hudi.common.model.HoodieKey;
import org.apache.hudi.common.model.HoodieRecord;
import org.apache.hudi.common.model.HoodieRecordPayload;
import org.apache.hudi.common.util.Option;
import org.apache.hudi.common.util.hash.ColumnIndexID;
import org.apache.hudi.common.util.hash.FileIndexID;
import org.apache.hudi.common.util.hash.PartitionIndexID;
import org.apache.hudi.exception.HoodieMetadataException;
import org.apache.hudi.hadoop.CachingPath;
import org.apache.hudi.util.Lazy;

import org.apache.avro.Conversions;
import org.apache.avro.LogicalTypes;
import org.apache.avro.Schema;
import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericRecord;
import org.apache.avro.generic.IndexedRecord;
import org.apache.avro.util.Utf8;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.sql.Date;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.function.Function;

import static org.apache.hudi.common.util.DateTimeUtils.instantToMicros;
import static org.apache.hudi.common.util.DateTimeUtils.microsToInstant;
import static org.apache.hudi.common.util.TypeUtils.unsafeCast;
import static org.apache.hudi.common.util.ValidationUtils.checkArgument;
import static org.apache.hudi.common.util.ValidationUtils.checkState;
import static org.apache.hudi.hadoop.CachingPath.createRelativePathUnsafe;
import static org.apache.hudi.metadata.HoodieTableMetadata.RECORDKEY_PARTITION_LIST;
import static org.apache.hudi.metadata.HoodieTableMetadataUtil.getPartitionIdentifier;
import static org.apache.hudi.metadata.HoodieTableMetadataUtil.tryUpcastDecimal;

 * MetadataTable records are persisted with the schema defined in HoodieMetadata.avsc.
 * This class represents the payload for the MetadataTable.

* This single metadata payload is shared by all the partitions under the metadata table. * The partition specific records are determined by the field "type" saved within the record. * The following types are supported: *

* METADATA_TYPE_PARTITION_LIST (1): * -- List of all partitions. There is a single such record * -- key = @{@link HoodieTableMetadata#RECORDKEY_PARTITION_LIST} *

* METADATA_TYPE_FILE_LIST (2): * -- List of all files in a partition. There is one such record for each partition * -- key = partition name *

* METADATA_TYPE_COLUMN_STATS (3): * -- This is an index for column stats in the table *

* METADATA_TYPE_BLOOM_FILTER (4): * -- This is an index for base file bloom filters. This is a map of FileID to its BloomFilter byte[]. *

* During compaction on the table, the deletions are merged with additions and hence records are pruned. */ public class HoodieMetadataPayload implements HoodieRecordPayload { // Type of the record. This can be an enum in the schema but Avro1.8 // has a bug - protected static final int METADATA_TYPE_PARTITION_LIST = 1; protected static final int METADATA_TYPE_FILE_LIST = 2; protected static final int METADATA_TYPE_COLUMN_STATS = 3; protected static final int METADATA_TYPE_BLOOM_FILTER = 4; // HoodieMetadata schema field ids public static final String KEY_FIELD_NAME = HoodieAvroHFileReader.KEY_FIELD_NAME; public static final String SCHEMA_FIELD_NAME_TYPE = "type"; public static final String SCHEMA_FIELD_NAME_METADATA = "filesystemMetadata"; public static final String SCHEMA_FIELD_ID_COLUMN_STATS = "ColumnStatsMetadata"; public static final String SCHEMA_FIELD_ID_BLOOM_FILTER = "BloomFilterMetadata"; // HoodieMetadata bloom filter payload field ids private static final String FIELD_IS_DELETED = "isDeleted"; private static final String BLOOM_FILTER_FIELD_TYPE = "type"; private static final String BLOOM_FILTER_FIELD_TIMESTAMP = "timestamp"; private static final String BLOOM_FILTER_FIELD_BLOOM_FILTER = "bloomFilter"; private static final String BLOOM_FILTER_FIELD_IS_DELETED = FIELD_IS_DELETED; // HoodieMetadata column stats payload field ids public static final String COLUMN_STATS_FIELD_MIN_VALUE = "minValue"; public static final String COLUMN_STATS_FIELD_MAX_VALUE = "maxValue"; public static final String COLUMN_STATS_FIELD_NULL_COUNT = "nullCount"; public static final String COLUMN_STATS_FIELD_VALUE_COUNT = "valueCount"; public static final String COLUMN_STATS_FIELD_TOTAL_SIZE = "totalSize"; public static final String COLUMN_STATS_FIELD_FILE_NAME = "fileName"; public static final String COLUMN_STATS_FIELD_COLUMN_NAME = "columnName"; public static final String COLUMN_STATS_FIELD_TOTAL_UNCOMPRESSED_SIZE = "totalUncompressedSize"; public static final String COLUMN_STATS_FIELD_IS_DELETED = FIELD_IS_DELETED; private static final Conversions.DecimalConversion AVRO_DECIMAL_CONVERSION = new Conversions.DecimalConversion(); // NOTE: PLEASE READ CAREFULLY // // In Avro 1.10 generated builders rely on {@code SpecificData.getForSchema} invocation that in turn // does use reflection to load the code-gen'd class corresponding to the Avro record model. This has // serious adverse effects in terms of performance when gets executed on the hot-path (both, in terms // of runtime and efficiency). // // To work this around instead of using default code-gen'd builder invoking {@code SpecificData.getForSchema}, // we instead rely on overloaded ctor accepting another instance of the builder: {@code Builder(Builder)}, // which bypasses such invocation. Following corresponding builder's stubs are statically initialized // to be used exactly for that purpose. // // You can find more details in HUDI-3834 private static final Lazy METADATA_COLUMN_STATS_BUILDER_STUB = Lazy.lazily(HoodieMetadataColumnStats::newBuilder); private static final Lazy STRING_WRAPPER_BUILDER_STUB = Lazy.lazily(StringWrapper::newBuilder); private static final Lazy BYTES_WRAPPER_BUILDER_STUB = Lazy.lazily(BytesWrapper::newBuilder); private static final Lazy DOUBLE_WRAPPER_BUILDER_STUB = Lazy.lazily(DoubleWrapper::newBuilder); private static final Lazy FLOAT_WRAPPER_BUILDER_STUB = Lazy.lazily(FloatWrapper::newBuilder); private static final Lazy LONG_WRAPPER_BUILDER_STUB = Lazy.lazily(LongWrapper::newBuilder); private static final Lazy INT_WRAPPER_BUILDER_STUB = Lazy.lazily(IntWrapper::newBuilder); private static final Lazy BOOLEAN_WRAPPER_BUILDER_STUB = Lazy.lazily(BooleanWrapper::newBuilder); private static final Lazy TIMESTAMP_MICROS_WRAPPER_BUILDER_STUB = Lazy.lazily(TimestampMicrosWrapper::newBuilder); private static final Lazy DECIMAL_WRAPPER_BUILDER_STUB = Lazy.lazily(DecimalWrapper::newBuilder); private static final Lazy DATE_WRAPPER_BUILDER_STUB = Lazy.lazily(DateWrapper::newBuilder); private String key = null; private int type = 0; private Map filesystemMetadata = null; private HoodieMetadataBloomFilter bloomFilterMetadata = null; private HoodieMetadataColumnStats columnStatMetadata = null; public HoodieMetadataPayload(GenericRecord record, Comparable orderingVal) { this(Option.of(record)); } public HoodieMetadataPayload(Option recordOpt) { if (recordOpt.isPresent()) { GenericRecord record = recordOpt.get(); // This can be simplified using SpecificData.deepcopy once this bug is fixed // // // NOTE: {@code HoodieMetadataRecord} has to always carry both "key" and "type" fields // for it to be handled appropriately, therefore these fields have to be reflected // in any (read-)projected schema key = record.get(KEY_FIELD_NAME).toString(); type = (int) record.get(SCHEMA_FIELD_NAME_TYPE); Map metadata = getNestedFieldValue(record, SCHEMA_FIELD_NAME_METADATA); if (metadata != null) { filesystemMetadata = metadata; filesystemMetadata.keySet().forEach(k -> { GenericRecord v = filesystemMetadata.get(k); filesystemMetadata.put(k, new HoodieMetadataFileInfo((Long) v.get("size"), (Boolean) v.get("isDeleted"))); }); } if (type == METADATA_TYPE_BLOOM_FILTER) { GenericRecord bloomFilterRecord = getNestedFieldValue(record, SCHEMA_FIELD_ID_BLOOM_FILTER); // NOTE: Only legitimate reason for {@code BloomFilterMetadata} to not be present is when // it's not been read from the storage (ie it's not been a part of projected schema). // Otherwise, it has to be present or the record would be considered invalid if (bloomFilterRecord == null) { checkArgument(record.getSchema().getField(SCHEMA_FIELD_ID_BLOOM_FILTER) == null, String.format("Valid %s record expected for type: %s", SCHEMA_FIELD_ID_BLOOM_FILTER, METADATA_TYPE_COLUMN_STATS)); } else { bloomFilterMetadata = new HoodieMetadataBloomFilter( (String) bloomFilterRecord.get(BLOOM_FILTER_FIELD_TYPE), (String) bloomFilterRecord.get(BLOOM_FILTER_FIELD_TIMESTAMP), (ByteBuffer) bloomFilterRecord.get(BLOOM_FILTER_FIELD_BLOOM_FILTER), (Boolean) bloomFilterRecord.get(BLOOM_FILTER_FIELD_IS_DELETED) ); } } if (type == METADATA_TYPE_COLUMN_STATS) { GenericRecord columnStatsRecord = getNestedFieldValue(record, SCHEMA_FIELD_ID_COLUMN_STATS); // NOTE: Only legitimate reason for {@code ColumnStatsMetadata} to not be present is when // it's not been read from the storage (ie it's not been a part of projected schema). // Otherwise, it has to be present or the record would be considered invalid if (columnStatsRecord == null) { checkArgument(record.getSchema().getField(SCHEMA_FIELD_ID_COLUMN_STATS) == null, String.format("Valid %s record expected for type: %s", SCHEMA_FIELD_ID_COLUMN_STATS, METADATA_TYPE_COLUMN_STATS)); } else { columnStatMetadata = HoodieMetadataColumnStats.newBuilder(METADATA_COLUMN_STATS_BUILDER_STUB.get()) .setFileName((String) columnStatsRecord.get(COLUMN_STATS_FIELD_FILE_NAME)) .setColumnName((String) columnStatsRecord.get(COLUMN_STATS_FIELD_COLUMN_NAME)) // AVRO-2377 1.9.2 Modified the type of org.apache.avro.Schema#FIELD_RESERVED to Collections.unmodifiableSet. // This causes Kryo to fail when deserializing a GenericRecord, See HUDI-5484. // We should avoid using GenericRecord and convert GenericRecord into a serializable type. .setMinValue(wrapStatisticValue(unwrapStatisticValueWrapper(columnStatsRecord.get(COLUMN_STATS_FIELD_MIN_VALUE)))) .setMaxValue(wrapStatisticValue(unwrapStatisticValueWrapper(columnStatsRecord.get(COLUMN_STATS_FIELD_MAX_VALUE)))) .setValueCount((Long) columnStatsRecord.get(COLUMN_STATS_FIELD_VALUE_COUNT)) .setNullCount((Long) columnStatsRecord.get(COLUMN_STATS_FIELD_NULL_COUNT)) .setTotalSize((Long) columnStatsRecord.get(COLUMN_STATS_FIELD_TOTAL_SIZE)) .setTotalUncompressedSize((Long) columnStatsRecord.get(COLUMN_STATS_FIELD_TOTAL_UNCOMPRESSED_SIZE)) .setIsDeleted((Boolean) columnStatsRecord.get(COLUMN_STATS_FIELD_IS_DELETED)) .build(); } } } } private HoodieMetadataPayload(String key, int type, Map filesystemMetadata) { this(key, type, filesystemMetadata, null, null); } private HoodieMetadataPayload(String key, HoodieMetadataBloomFilter metadataBloomFilter) { this(key, METADATA_TYPE_BLOOM_FILTER, null, metadataBloomFilter, null); } private HoodieMetadataPayload(String key, HoodieMetadataColumnStats columnStats) { this(key, METADATA_TYPE_COLUMN_STATS, null, null, columnStats); } protected HoodieMetadataPayload(String key, int type, Map filesystemMetadata, HoodieMetadataBloomFilter metadataBloomFilter, HoodieMetadataColumnStats columnStats) { this.key = key; this.type = type; this.filesystemMetadata = filesystemMetadata; this.bloomFilterMetadata = metadataBloomFilter; this.columnStatMetadata = columnStats; } /** * Create and return a {@code HoodieMetadataPayload} to save list of partitions. * * @param partitions The list of partitions */ public static HoodieRecord createPartitionListRecord(List partitions) { return createPartitionListRecord(partitions, false); } /** * Create and return a {@code HoodieMetadataPayload} to save list of partitions. * * @param partitions The list of partitions */ public static HoodieRecord createPartitionListRecord(List partitions, boolean isDeleted) { Map fileInfo = new HashMap<>(); partitions.forEach(partition -> fileInfo.put(getPartitionIdentifier(partition), new HoodieMetadataFileInfo(0L, isDeleted))); HoodieKey key = new HoodieKey(RECORDKEY_PARTITION_LIST, MetadataPartitionType.FILES.getPartitionPath()); HoodieMetadataPayload payload = new HoodieMetadataPayload(key.getRecordKey(), METADATA_TYPE_PARTITION_LIST, fileInfo); return new HoodieAvroRecord<>(key, payload); } /** * Create and return a {@code HoodieMetadataPayload} to save list of partitions. * * @param partitionsAdded The list of added partitions * @param partitionsDeleted The list of deleted partitions */ public static HoodieRecord createPartitionListRecord(List partitionsAdded, List partitionsDeleted) { Map fileInfo = new HashMap<>(); partitionsAdded.forEach(partition -> fileInfo.put(partition, new HoodieMetadataFileInfo(0L, false))); partitionsDeleted.forEach(partition -> fileInfo.put(partition, new HoodieMetadataFileInfo(0L, true))); HoodieKey key = new HoodieKey(RECORDKEY_PARTITION_LIST, MetadataPartitionType.FILES.getPartitionPath()); HoodieMetadataPayload payload = new HoodieMetadataPayload(key.getRecordKey(), METADATA_TYPE_PARTITION_LIST, fileInfo); return new HoodieAvroRecord<>(key, payload); } /** * Create and return a {@code HoodieMetadataPayload} to save list of files within a partition. * * @param partition The name of the partition * @param filesAdded Mapping of files to their sizes for files which have been added to this partition * @param filesDeleted List of files which have been deleted from this partition */ public static HoodieRecord createPartitionFilesRecord(String partition, Option> filesAdded, Option> filesDeleted) { Map fileInfo = new HashMap<>(); filesAdded.ifPresent(filesMap -> fileInfo.putAll( filesMap.entrySet().stream().collect( Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, (entry) -> { long fileSize = entry.getValue(); // Assert that the file-size of the file being added is positive, since Hudi // should not be creating empty files checkState(fileSize > 0); return new HoodieMetadataFileInfo(fileSize, false); }))) ); filesDeleted.ifPresent(filesList -> fileInfo.putAll( Collectors.toMap(Function.identity(), (ignored) -> new HoodieMetadataFileInfo(0L, true)))) ); HoodieKey key = new HoodieKey(partition, MetadataPartitionType.FILES.getPartitionPath()); HoodieMetadataPayload payload = new HoodieMetadataPayload(key.getRecordKey(), METADATA_TYPE_FILE_LIST, fileInfo); return new HoodieAvroRecord<>(key, payload); } /** * Create bloom filter metadata record. * * @param partitionName - Partition name * @param baseFileName - Base file name for which the bloom filter needs to persisted * @param timestamp - Instant timestamp responsible for this record * @param bloomFilter - Bloom filter for the File * @param isDeleted - Is the bloom filter no more valid * @return Metadata payload containing the fileID and its bloom filter record */ public static HoodieRecord createBloomFilterMetadataRecord(final String partitionName, final String baseFileName, final String timestamp, final String bloomFilterType, final ByteBuffer bloomFilter, final boolean isDeleted) { checkArgument(!baseFileName.contains(Path.SEPARATOR) && FSUtils.isBaseFile(new Path(baseFileName)), "Invalid base file '" + baseFileName + "' for MetaIndexBloomFilter!"); final String bloomFilterIndexKey = new PartitionIndexID(partitionName).asBase64EncodedString() .concat(new FileIndexID(baseFileName).asBase64EncodedString()); HoodieKey key = new HoodieKey(bloomFilterIndexKey, MetadataPartitionType.BLOOM_FILTERS.getPartitionPath()); HoodieMetadataBloomFilter metadataBloomFilter = new HoodieMetadataBloomFilter(bloomFilterType, timestamp, bloomFilter, isDeleted); HoodieMetadataPayload metadataPayload = new HoodieMetadataPayload(key.getRecordKey(), metadataBloomFilter); return new HoodieAvroRecord<>(key, metadataPayload); } @Override public HoodieMetadataPayload preCombine(HoodieMetadataPayload previousRecord) { checkArgument(previousRecord.type == type, "Cannot combine " + previousRecord.type + " with " + type); switch (type) { case METADATA_TYPE_PARTITION_LIST: case METADATA_TYPE_FILE_LIST: Map combinedFileInfo = combineFileSystemMetadata(previousRecord); return new HoodieMetadataPayload(key, type, combinedFileInfo); case METADATA_TYPE_BLOOM_FILTER: HoodieMetadataBloomFilter combineBloomFilterMetadata = combineBloomFilterMetadata(previousRecord); return new HoodieMetadataPayload(key, combineBloomFilterMetadata); case METADATA_TYPE_COLUMN_STATS: return new HoodieMetadataPayload(key, combineColumnStatsMetadata(previousRecord)); default: throw new HoodieMetadataException("Unknown type of HoodieMetadataPayload: " + type); } } private HoodieMetadataBloomFilter combineBloomFilterMetadata(HoodieMetadataPayload previousRecord) { // Bloom filters are always additive. No need to merge with previous bloom filter return this.bloomFilterMetadata; } private HoodieMetadataColumnStats combineColumnStatsMetadata(HoodieMetadataPayload previousRecord) { checkArgument(previousRecord.getColumnStatMetadata().isPresent()); checkArgument(getColumnStatMetadata().isPresent()); HoodieMetadataColumnStats previousColStatsRecord = previousRecord.getColumnStatMetadata().get(); HoodieMetadataColumnStats newColumnStatsRecord = getColumnStatMetadata().get(); return mergeColumnStatsRecords(previousColStatsRecord, newColumnStatsRecord); } @Override public Option combineAndGetUpdateValue(IndexedRecord oldRecord, Schema schema, Properties properties) throws IOException { HoodieMetadataPayload anotherPayload = new HoodieMetadataPayload(Option.of((GenericRecord) oldRecord)); HoodieRecordPayload combinedPayload = preCombine(anotherPayload); return combinedPayload.getInsertValue(schema, properties); } @Override public Option combineAndGetUpdateValue(IndexedRecord oldRecord, Schema schema) throws IOException { return combineAndGetUpdateValue(oldRecord, schema, new Properties()); } @Override public Option getInsertValue(Schema schemaIgnored, Properties propertiesIgnored) throws IOException { if (key == null) { return Option.empty(); } HoodieMetadataRecord record = new HoodieMetadataRecord(key, type, filesystemMetadata, bloomFilterMetadata, columnStatMetadata); return Option.of(record); } @Override public Option getInsertValue(Schema schema) throws IOException { return getInsertValue(schema, new Properties()); } /** * Returns the list of filenames added as part of this record. */ public List getFilenames() { return filterFileInfoEntries(false).map(Map.Entry::getKey).sorted().collect(Collectors.toList()); } /** * Returns the list of filenames deleted as part of this record. */ public List getDeletions() { return filterFileInfoEntries(true).map(Map.Entry::getKey).sorted().collect(Collectors.toList()); } /** * Get the bloom filter metadata from this payload. */ public Option getBloomFilterMetadata() { if (bloomFilterMetadata == null) { return Option.empty(); } return Option.of(bloomFilterMetadata); } /** * Get the bloom filter metadata from this payload. */ public Option getColumnStatMetadata() { if (columnStatMetadata == null) { return Option.empty(); } return Option.of(columnStatMetadata); } /** * Returns the files added as part of this record. */ public FileStatus[] getFileStatuses(Configuration hadoopConf, Path partitionPath) throws IOException { FileSystem fs = partitionPath.getFileSystem(hadoopConf); return getFileStatuses(fs, partitionPath); } /** * Returns the files added as part of this record. */ public FileStatus[] getFileStatuses(FileSystem fs, Path partitionPath) { long blockSize = fs.getDefaultBlockSize(partitionPath); return filterFileInfoEntries(false) .map(e -> { // NOTE: Since we know that the Metadata Table's Payload is simply a file-name we're // creating Hadoop's Path using more performant unsafe variant CachingPath filePath = new CachingPath(partitionPath, createRelativePathUnsafe(e.getKey())); return new FileStatus(e.getValue().getSize(), false, 0, blockSize, 0, 0, null, null, null, filePath); }) .toArray(FileStatus[]::new); } private Stream> filterFileInfoEntries(boolean isDeleted) { if (filesystemMetadata == null) { return Stream.empty(); } return filesystemMetadata.entrySet().stream().filter(e -> e.getValue().getIsDeleted() == isDeleted); } private Map combineFileSystemMetadata(HoodieMetadataPayload previousRecord) { Map combinedFileInfo = new HashMap<>(); // First, add all files listed in the previous record if (previousRecord.filesystemMetadata != null) { combinedFileInfo.putAll(previousRecord.filesystemMetadata); } // Second, merge in the files listed in the new record if (filesystemMetadata != null) { validatePayload(type, filesystemMetadata); filesystemMetadata.forEach((key, fileInfo) -> { combinedFileInfo.merge(key, fileInfo, // Combine previous record w/ the new one, new records taking precedence over // the old one // // NOTE: That if previous listing contains the file that is being deleted by the tombstone // record (`IsDeleted` = true) in the new one, we simply delete the file from the resulting // listing as well as drop the tombstone itself. // However, if file is not present in the previous record we have to persist tombstone // record in the listing to make sure we carry forward information that this file // was deleted. This special case could occur since the merging flow is 2-stage: // - First we merge records from all of the delta log-files // - Then we merge records from base-files with the delta ones (coming as a result // of the previous step) (oldFileInfo, newFileInfo) -> // NOTE: We can’t assume that MT update records will be ordered the same way as actual // FS operations (since they are not atomic), therefore MT record merging should be a // _commutative_ & _associative_ operation (ie one that would work even in case records // will get re-ordered), which is // - Possible for file-sizes (since file-sizes will ever grow, we can simply // take max of the old and new records) // - Not possible for is-deleted flags* // // *However, we’re assuming that the case of concurrent write and deletion of the same // file is _impossible_ -- it would only be possible with concurrent upsert and // rollback operation (affecting the same log-file), which is implausible, b/c either // of the following have to be true: // - We’re appending to failed log-file (then the other writer is trying to // rollback it concurrently, before it’s own write) // - Rollback (of completed instant) is running concurrently with append (meaning // that restore is running concurrently with a write, which is also nut supported // currently) newFileInfo.getIsDeleted() ? null : new HoodieMetadataFileInfo(Math.max(newFileInfo.getSize(), oldFileInfo.getSize()), false)); }); } return combinedFileInfo; } /** * Get bloom filter index key. * * @param partitionIndexID - Partition index id * @param fileIndexID - File index id * @return Bloom filter index key */ public static String getBloomFilterIndexKey(PartitionIndexID partitionIndexID, FileIndexID fileIndexID) { return partitionIndexID.asBase64EncodedString() .concat(fileIndexID.asBase64EncodedString()); } /** * Get column stats index key. * * @param partitionIndexID - Partition index id * @param fileIndexID - File index id * @param columnIndexID - Column index id * @return Column stats index key */ public static String getColumnStatsIndexKey(PartitionIndexID partitionIndexID, FileIndexID fileIndexID, ColumnIndexID columnIndexID) { return columnIndexID.asBase64EncodedString() .concat(partitionIndexID.asBase64EncodedString()) .concat(fileIndexID.asBase64EncodedString()); } /** * Get column stats index key from the column range metadata. * * @param partitionName - Partition name * @param columnRangeMetadata - Column range metadata * @return Column stats index key */ public static String getColumnStatsIndexKey(String partitionName, HoodieColumnRangeMetadata columnRangeMetadata) { final PartitionIndexID partitionIndexID = new PartitionIndexID(partitionName); final FileIndexID fileIndexID = new FileIndexID(new Path(columnRangeMetadata.getFilePath()).getName()); final ColumnIndexID columnIndexID = new ColumnIndexID(columnRangeMetadata.getColumnName()); return getColumnStatsIndexKey(partitionIndexID, fileIndexID, columnIndexID); } public static Stream createColumnStatsRecords(String partitionName, Collection> columnRangeMetadataList, boolean isDeleted) { return -> { HoodieKey key = new HoodieKey(getColumnStatsIndexKey(partitionName, columnRangeMetadata), MetadataPartitionType.COLUMN_STATS.getPartitionPath()); HoodieMetadataPayload payload = new HoodieMetadataPayload(key.getRecordKey(), HoodieMetadataColumnStats.newBuilder() .setFileName(new Path(columnRangeMetadata.getFilePath()).getName()) .setColumnName(columnRangeMetadata.getColumnName()) .setMinValue(wrapStatisticValue(columnRangeMetadata.getMinValue())) .setMaxValue(wrapStatisticValue(columnRangeMetadata.getMaxValue())) .setNullCount(columnRangeMetadata.getNullCount()) .setValueCount(columnRangeMetadata.getValueCount()) .setTotalSize(columnRangeMetadata.getTotalSize()) .setTotalUncompressedSize(columnRangeMetadata.getTotalUncompressedSize()) .setIsDeleted(isDeleted) .build()); return new HoodieAvroRecord<>(key, payload); }); } @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) private static HoodieMetadataColumnStats mergeColumnStatsRecords(HoodieMetadataColumnStats prevColumnStats, HoodieMetadataColumnStats newColumnStats) { checkArgument(Objects.equals(prevColumnStats.getFileName(), newColumnStats.getFileName())); checkArgument(Objects.equals(prevColumnStats.getColumnName(), newColumnStats.getColumnName())); // We're handling 2 cases in here // - New record is a tombstone: in this case it simply overwrites previous state // - Previous record is a tombstone: in that case new proper record would also // be simply overwriting previous state if (newColumnStats.getIsDeleted() || prevColumnStats.getIsDeleted()) { return newColumnStats; } Comparable minValue = (Comparable) Stream.of( (Comparable) unwrapStatisticValueWrapper(prevColumnStats.getMinValue()), (Comparable) unwrapStatisticValueWrapper(newColumnStats.getMinValue())) .filter(Objects::nonNull) .min(Comparator.naturalOrder()) .orElse(null); Comparable maxValue = (Comparable) Stream.of( (Comparable) unwrapStatisticValueWrapper(prevColumnStats.getMaxValue()), (Comparable) unwrapStatisticValueWrapper(newColumnStats.getMaxValue())) .filter(Objects::nonNull) .max(Comparator.naturalOrder()) .orElse(null); return HoodieMetadataColumnStats.newBuilder(METADATA_COLUMN_STATS_BUILDER_STUB.get()) .setFileName(newColumnStats.getFileName()) .setColumnName(newColumnStats.getColumnName()) .setMinValue(wrapStatisticValue(minValue)) .setMaxValue(wrapStatisticValue(maxValue)) .setValueCount(prevColumnStats.getValueCount() + newColumnStats.getValueCount()) .setNullCount(prevColumnStats.getNullCount() + newColumnStats.getNullCount()) .setTotalSize(prevColumnStats.getTotalSize() + newColumnStats.getTotalSize()) .setTotalUncompressedSize(prevColumnStats.getTotalUncompressedSize() + newColumnStats.getTotalUncompressedSize()) .setIsDeleted(newColumnStats.getIsDeleted()) .build(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (other == this) { return true; } else if (!(other instanceof HoodieMetadataPayload)) { return false; } HoodieMetadataPayload otherMetadataPayload = (HoodieMetadataPayload) other; return this.type == otherMetadataPayload.type && Objects.equals(this.key, otherMetadataPayload.key) && Objects.equals(this.filesystemMetadata, otherMetadataPayload.filesystemMetadata) && Objects.equals(this.bloomFilterMetadata, otherMetadataPayload.bloomFilterMetadata) && Objects.equals(this.columnStatMetadata, otherMetadataPayload.columnStatMetadata); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(key, type, filesystemMetadata, bloomFilterMetadata, columnStatMetadata); } @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("HoodieMetadataPayload {"); sb.append(KEY_FIELD_NAME + "=").append(key).append(", "); sb.append(SCHEMA_FIELD_NAME_TYPE + "=").append(type).append(", "); sb.append("creations=").append(Arrays.toString(getFilenames().toArray())).append(", "); sb.append("deletions=").append(Arrays.toString(getDeletions().toArray())).append(", "); if (type == METADATA_TYPE_BLOOM_FILTER) { checkState(getBloomFilterMetadata().isPresent()); sb.append("BloomFilter: {"); sb.append("bloom size: ").append(getBloomFilterMetadata().get().getBloomFilter().array().length).append(", "); sb.append("timestamp: ").append(getBloomFilterMetadata().get().getTimestamp()).append(", "); sb.append("deleted: ").append(getBloomFilterMetadata().get().getIsDeleted()); sb.append("}"); } if (type == METADATA_TYPE_COLUMN_STATS) { checkState(getColumnStatMetadata().isPresent()); sb.append("ColStats: {"); sb.append(getColumnStatMetadata().get()); sb.append("}"); } sb.append('}'); return sb.toString(); } private static Object wrapStatisticValue(Comparable statValue) { if (statValue == null) { return null; } else if (statValue instanceof Date || statValue instanceof LocalDate) { // NOTE: Due to breaking changes in code-gen b/w Avro 1.8.2 and 1.10, we can't // rely on logical types to do proper encoding of the native Java types, // and hereby have to encode statistic manually LocalDate localDate = statValue instanceof LocalDate ? (LocalDate) statValue : ((Date) statValue).toLocalDate(); return DateWrapper.newBuilder(DATE_WRAPPER_BUILDER_STUB.get()) .setValue((int) localDate.toEpochDay()) .build(); } else if (statValue instanceof BigDecimal) { Schema valueSchema = DecimalWrapper.SCHEMA$.getField("value").schema(); BigDecimal upcastDecimal = tryUpcastDecimal((BigDecimal) statValue, (LogicalTypes.Decimal) valueSchema.getLogicalType()); return DecimalWrapper.newBuilder(DECIMAL_WRAPPER_BUILDER_STUB.get()) .setValue(AVRO_DECIMAL_CONVERSION.toBytes(upcastDecimal, valueSchema, valueSchema.getLogicalType())) .build(); } else if (statValue instanceof Timestamp) { // NOTE: Due to breaking changes in code-gen b/w Avro 1.8.2 and 1.10, we can't // rely on logical types to do proper encoding of the native Java types, // and hereby have to encode statistic manually Instant instant = ((Timestamp) statValue).toInstant(); return TimestampMicrosWrapper.newBuilder(TIMESTAMP_MICROS_WRAPPER_BUILDER_STUB.get()) .setValue(instantToMicros(instant)) .build(); } else if (statValue instanceof Boolean) { return BooleanWrapper.newBuilder(BOOLEAN_WRAPPER_BUILDER_STUB.get()).setValue((Boolean) statValue).build(); } else if (statValue instanceof Integer) { return IntWrapper.newBuilder(INT_WRAPPER_BUILDER_STUB.get()).setValue((Integer) statValue).build(); } else if (statValue instanceof Long) { return LongWrapper.newBuilder(LONG_WRAPPER_BUILDER_STUB.get()).setValue((Long) statValue).build(); } else if (statValue instanceof Float) { return FloatWrapper.newBuilder(FLOAT_WRAPPER_BUILDER_STUB.get()).setValue((Float) statValue).build(); } else if (statValue instanceof Double) { return DoubleWrapper.newBuilder(DOUBLE_WRAPPER_BUILDER_STUB.get()).setValue((Double) statValue).build(); } else if (statValue instanceof ByteBuffer) { return BytesWrapper.newBuilder(BYTES_WRAPPER_BUILDER_STUB.get()).setValue((ByteBuffer) statValue).build(); } else if (statValue instanceof String || statValue instanceof Utf8) { return StringWrapper.newBuilder(STRING_WRAPPER_BUILDER_STUB.get()).setValue(statValue.toString()).build(); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format("Unsupported type of the statistic (%s)", statValue.getClass())); } } public static Comparable unwrapStatisticValueWrapper(Object statValueWrapper) { if (statValueWrapper == null) { return null; } else if (statValueWrapper instanceof DateWrapper) { return LocalDate.ofEpochDay(((DateWrapper) statValueWrapper).getValue()); } else if (statValueWrapper instanceof DecimalWrapper) { Schema valueSchema = DecimalWrapper.SCHEMA$.getField("value").schema(); return AVRO_DECIMAL_CONVERSION.fromBytes(((DecimalWrapper) statValueWrapper).getValue(), valueSchema, valueSchema.getLogicalType()); } else if (statValueWrapper instanceof TimestampMicrosWrapper) { return microsToInstant(((TimestampMicrosWrapper) statValueWrapper).getValue()); } else if (statValueWrapper instanceof BooleanWrapper) { return ((BooleanWrapper) statValueWrapper).getValue(); } else if (statValueWrapper instanceof IntWrapper) { return ((IntWrapper) statValueWrapper).getValue(); } else if (statValueWrapper instanceof LongWrapper) { return ((LongWrapper) statValueWrapper).getValue(); } else if (statValueWrapper instanceof FloatWrapper) { return ((FloatWrapper) statValueWrapper).getValue(); } else if (statValueWrapper instanceof DoubleWrapper) { return ((DoubleWrapper) statValueWrapper).getValue(); } else if (statValueWrapper instanceof BytesWrapper) { return ((BytesWrapper) statValueWrapper).getValue(); } else if (statValueWrapper instanceof StringWrapper) { return ((StringWrapper) statValueWrapper).getValue(); } else if (statValueWrapper instanceof GenericRecord) { // NOTE: This branch could be hit b/c Avro records could be reconstructed // as {@code GenericRecord) // TODO add logical type decoding GenericRecord record = (GenericRecord) statValueWrapper; return (Comparable) record.get("value"); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format("Unsupported type of the statistic (%s)", statValueWrapper.getClass())); } } private static void validatePayload(int type, Map filesystemMetadata) { if (type == METADATA_TYPE_FILE_LIST) { filesystemMetadata.forEach((fileName, fileInfo) -> { checkState(fileInfo.getIsDeleted() || fileInfo.getSize() > 0, "Existing files should have size > 0"); }); } } private static T getNestedFieldValue(GenericRecord record, String fieldName) { // NOTE: This routine is more lightweight than {@code HoodieAvroUtils.getNestedFieldVal} if (record.getSchema().getField(fieldName) == null) { return null; } return unsafeCast(record.get(fieldName)); } }

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