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* Copyright (c) 2002, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, as published by the
* Free Software Foundation.
* This program is also distributed with certain software (including but not
* limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, as designated in a
* particular file or component or in included license documentation. The
* authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional permission to link the
* program and your derivative works with the separately licensed software that
* they have included with MySQL.
* Without limiting anything contained in the foregoing, this file, which is
* part of MySQL Connector/J, is also subject to the Universal FOSS Exception,
* version 1.0, a copy of which can be found at
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License, version 2.0,
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package com.mysql.cj.log;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* Logging functionality for JDK1.4
public class Jdk14Logger implements Log {
private static final Level DEBUG = Level.FINE;
private static final Level ERROR = Level.SEVERE;
private static final Level FATAL = Level.SEVERE;
private static final Level INFO = Level.INFO;
private static final Level TRACE = Level.FINEST;
private static final Level WARN = Level.WARNING;
* The underlying logger from JDK-1.4
protected Logger jdkLogger = null;
* Creates a new Jdk14Logger object.
* @param name
* logger name as per {@link Logger#getLogger(String)}
public Jdk14Logger(String name) {
this.jdkLogger = Logger.getLogger(name);
public boolean isDebugEnabled() {
return this.jdkLogger.isLoggable(Level.FINE);
public boolean isErrorEnabled() {
return this.jdkLogger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE);
public boolean isFatalEnabled() {
return this.jdkLogger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE);
public boolean isInfoEnabled() {
return this.jdkLogger.isLoggable(Level.INFO);
public boolean isTraceEnabled() {
return this.jdkLogger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST);
public boolean isWarnEnabled() {
return this.jdkLogger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING);
* Logs the given message instance using the 'debug' level
* @param message
* the message to log
public void logDebug(Object message) {
logInternal(DEBUG, message, null);
* Logs the given message and Throwable at the 'debug' level.
* @param message
* the message to log
* @param exception
* the throwable to log (may be null)
public void logDebug(Object message, Throwable exception) {
logInternal(DEBUG, message, exception);
* Logs the given message instance using the 'error' level
* @param message
* the message to log
public void logError(Object message) {
logInternal(ERROR, message, null);
* Logs the given message and Throwable at the 'error' level.
* @param message
* the message to log
* @param exception
* the throwable to log (may be null)
public void logError(Object message, Throwable exception) {
logInternal(ERROR, message, exception);
* Logs the given message instance using the 'fatal' level
* @param message
* the message to log
public void logFatal(Object message) {
logInternal(FATAL, message, null);
* Logs the given message and Throwable at the 'fatal' level.
* @param message
* the message to log
* @param exception
* the throwable to log (may be null)
public void logFatal(Object message, Throwable exception) {
logInternal(FATAL, message, exception);
* Logs the given message instance using the 'info' level
* @param message
* the message to log
public void logInfo(Object message) {
logInternal(INFO, message, null);
* Logs the given message and Throwable at the 'info' level.
* @param message
* the message to log
* @param exception
* the throwable to log (may be null)
public void logInfo(Object message, Throwable exception) {
logInternal(INFO, message, exception);
* Logs the given message instance using the 'trace' level
* @param message
* the message to log
public void logTrace(Object message) {
logInternal(TRACE, message, null);
* Logs the given message and Throwable at the 'trace' level.
* @param message
* the message to log
* @param exception
* the throwable to log (may be null)
public void logTrace(Object message, Throwable exception) {
logInternal(TRACE, message, exception);
* Logs the given message instance using the 'warn' level
* @param message
* the message to log
public void logWarn(Object message) {
logInternal(WARN, message, null);
* Logs the given message and Throwable at the 'warn' level.
* @param message
* the message to log
* @param exception
* the throwable to log (may be null)
public void logWarn(Object message, Throwable exception) {
logInternal(WARN, message, exception);
private static final int findCallerStackDepth(StackTraceElement[] stackTrace) {
int numFrames = stackTrace.length;
for (int i = 0; i < numFrames; i++) {
String callerClassName = stackTrace[i].getClassName();
if (!(callerClassName.startsWith("com.mysql.cj") || callerClassName.startsWith("com.mysql.cj.core")
|| callerClassName.startsWith("com.mysql.cj.jdbc"))) {
return i;
return 0;
private void logInternal(Level level, Object msg, Throwable exception) {
// only go through this exercise if the message will actually be logged.
if (this.jdkLogger.isLoggable(level)) {
String messageAsString = null;
String callerMethodName = "N/A";
String callerClassName = "N/A";
//int lineNumber = 0;
//String fileName = "N/A";
if (msg instanceof ProfilerEvent) {
messageAsString = msg.toString();
} else {
Throwable locationException = new Throwable();
StackTraceElement[] locations = locationException.getStackTrace();
int frameIdx = findCallerStackDepth(locations);
if (frameIdx != 0) {
callerClassName = locations[frameIdx].getClassName();
callerMethodName = locations[frameIdx].getMethodName();
//lineNumber = locations[frameIdx].getLineNumber();
//fileName = locations[frameIdx].getFileName();
messageAsString = String.valueOf(msg);
if (exception == null) {
this.jdkLogger.logp(level, callerClassName, callerMethodName, messageAsString);
} else {
this.jdkLogger.logp(level, callerClassName, callerMethodName, messageAsString, exception);