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* Copyright (c) 2015, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, as published by the
* Free Software Foundation.
* This program is also distributed with certain software (including but not
* limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, as designated in a
* particular file or component or in included license documentation. The
* authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional permission to link the
* program and your derivative works with the separately licensed software that
* they have included with MySQL.
* Without limiting anything contained in the foregoing, this file, which is
* part of MySQL Connector/J, is also subject to the Universal FOSS Exception,
* version 1.0, a copy of which can be found at
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License, version 2.0,
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package com.mysql.cj.protocol.a;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import com.mysql.cj.CharsetMapping;
import com.mysql.cj.Messages;
import com.mysql.cj.ServerVersion;
import com.mysql.cj.conf.PropertyKey;
import com.mysql.cj.conf.PropertySet;
import com.mysql.cj.conf.RuntimeProperty;
import com.mysql.cj.exceptions.ExceptionFactory;
import com.mysql.cj.exceptions.WrongArgumentException;
import com.mysql.cj.protocol.ServerCapabilities;
import com.mysql.cj.protocol.ServerSession;
import com.mysql.cj.util.StringUtils;
public class NativeServerSession implements ServerSession {
public static final int SERVER_STATUS_IN_TRANS = 1;
public static final int SERVER_STATUS_AUTOCOMMIT = 2; // Server in auto_commit mode
public static final int SERVER_MORE_RESULTS_EXISTS = 8; // Multi query - next query exists
public static final int SERVER_QUERY_NO_GOOD_INDEX_USED = 16;
public static final int SERVER_QUERY_NO_INDEX_USED = 32;
public static final int SERVER_STATUS_CURSOR_EXISTS = 64;
public static final int SERVER_STATUS_LAST_ROW_SENT = 128; // The server status for 'last-row-sent'
public static final int SERVER_QUERY_WAS_SLOW = 2048;
public static final int CLIENT_LONG_PASSWORD = 0x00000001; /* new more secure passwords */
public static final int CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS = 0x00000002;
public static final int CLIENT_LONG_FLAG = 0x00000004; /* Get all column flags */
public static final int CLIENT_CONNECT_WITH_DB = 0x00000008;
public static final int CLIENT_COMPRESS = 0x00000020; /* Can use compression protcol */
public static final int CLIENT_LOCAL_FILES = 0x00000080; /* Can use LOAD DATA LOCAL */
public static final int CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41 = 0x00000200; // for > 4.1.1
public static final int CLIENT_INTERACTIVE = 0x00000400;
public static final int CLIENT_SSL = 0x00000800;
public static final int CLIENT_TRANSACTIONS = 0x00002000; // Client knows about transactions
public static final int CLIENT_RESERVED = 0x00004000; // for 4.1.0 only
public static final int CLIENT_SECURE_CONNECTION = 0x00008000;
public static final int CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS = 0x00010000; // Enable/disable multiquery support
public static final int CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS = 0x00020000; // Enable/disable multi-results
public static final int CLIENT_PS_MULTI_RESULTS = 0x00040000; // Enable/disable multi-results for server prepared statements
public static final int CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH = 0x00080000;
public static final int CLIENT_CONNECT_ATTRS = 0x00100000;
public static final int CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH_LENENC_CLIENT_DATA = 0x00200000;
public static final int CLIENT_CAN_HANDLE_EXPIRED_PASSWORD = 0x00400000;
public static final int CLIENT_SESSION_TRACK = 0x00800000;
public static final int CLIENT_DEPRECATE_EOF = 0x01000000;
private PropertySet propertySet;
private NativeCapabilities capabilities;
private int oldStatusFlags = 0;
private int statusFlags = 0;
private int serverDefaultCollationIndex;
private long clientParam = 0;
/** The map of server variables that we retrieve at connection init. */
private Map serverVariables = new HashMap<>();
public Map indexToCustomMysqlCharset = null;
public Map mysqlCharsetToCustomMblen = null;
* What character set is the metadata returned in?
private String characterSetMetadata = null;
private int metadataCollationIndex;
* The character set we want results and result metadata returned in (null ==
* results in any charset, metadata in UTF-8).
private String characterSetResultsOnServer = null;
* The (Java) encoding used to interpret error messages received from the server.
* We use character_set_results (since MySQL 5.5) if it is not null or UTF-8 otherwise.
private String errorMessageEncoding = "Cp1252"; // to begin with, changes after we talk to the server
/** Are we in autoCommit mode? */
private boolean autoCommit = true;
/** The timezone of the server */
private TimeZone serverTimeZone = null;
private TimeZone defaultTimeZone = TimeZone.getDefault();
private RuntimeProperty cacheDefaultTimezone = null;
public NativeServerSession(PropertySet propertySet) {
this.propertySet = propertySet;
this.cacheDefaultTimezone = this.propertySet.getBooleanProperty(PropertyKey.cacheDefaultTimezone);
// preconfigure some server variables which are consulted before their initialization from server
this.serverVariables.put("character_set_server", "utf8");
public NativeCapabilities getCapabilities() {
return this.capabilities;
public void setCapabilities(ServerCapabilities capabilities) {
this.capabilities = (NativeCapabilities) capabilities;
public int getStatusFlags() {
return this.statusFlags;
public void setStatusFlags(int statusFlags) {
setStatusFlags(statusFlags, false);
public void setStatusFlags(int statusFlags, boolean saveOldStatus) {
if (saveOldStatus) {
this.oldStatusFlags = this.statusFlags;
this.statusFlags = statusFlags;
public int getOldStatusFlags() {
return this.oldStatusFlags;
public void setOldStatusFlags(int oldStatusFlags) {
this.oldStatusFlags = oldStatusFlags;
public int getTransactionState() {
if ((this.oldStatusFlags & SERVER_STATUS_IN_TRANS) == 0) {
if ((this.statusFlags & SERVER_STATUS_IN_TRANS) == 0) {
if ((this.statusFlags & SERVER_STATUS_IN_TRANS) == 0) {
public boolean inTransactionOnServer() {
return (this.statusFlags & SERVER_STATUS_IN_TRANS) != 0;
public boolean cursorExists() {
return (this.statusFlags & SERVER_STATUS_CURSOR_EXISTS) != 0;
public boolean isAutocommit() {
return (this.statusFlags & SERVER_STATUS_AUTOCOMMIT) != 0;
public boolean hasMoreResults() {
return (this.statusFlags & SERVER_MORE_RESULTS_EXISTS) != 0;
public boolean noGoodIndexUsed() {
return (this.statusFlags & SERVER_QUERY_NO_GOOD_INDEX_USED) != 0;
public boolean noIndexUsed() {
return (this.statusFlags & SERVER_QUERY_NO_INDEX_USED) != 0;
public boolean queryWasSlow() {
return (this.statusFlags & SERVER_QUERY_WAS_SLOW) != 0;
public boolean isLastRowSent() {
return (this.statusFlags & SERVER_STATUS_LAST_ROW_SENT) != 0;
public long getClientParam() {
return this.clientParam;
public void setClientParam(long clientParam) {
this.clientParam = clientParam;
public boolean useMultiResults() {
return (this.clientParam & CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS) != 0 || (this.clientParam & CLIENT_PS_MULTI_RESULTS) != 0;
public boolean isEOFDeprecated() {
return (this.clientParam & CLIENT_DEPRECATE_EOF) != 0;
public int getServerDefaultCollationIndex() {
return this.serverDefaultCollationIndex;
public void setServerDefaultCollationIndex(int serverDefaultCollationIndex) {
this.serverDefaultCollationIndex = serverDefaultCollationIndex;
public boolean hasLongColumnInfo() {
return (this.clientParam & CLIENT_LONG_FLAG) != 0;
public Map getServerVariables() {
return this.serverVariables;
public String getServerVariable(String name) {
return this.serverVariables.get(name);
public int getServerVariable(String variableName, int fallbackValue) {
try {
return Integer.valueOf(getServerVariable(variableName));
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
// Messages.getString("Connection.BadValueInServerVariables", new Object[] { variableName, getServerVariable(variableName), fallbackValue }));
return fallbackValue;
public void setServerVariables(Map serverVariables) {
this.serverVariables = serverVariables;
public boolean characterSetNamesMatches(String mysqlEncodingName) {
// set names is equivalent to character_set_client ..._results and ..._connection, but we set _results later, so don't check it here.
return (mysqlEncodingName != null && mysqlEncodingName.equalsIgnoreCase(getServerVariable("character_set_client"))
&& mysqlEncodingName.equalsIgnoreCase(getServerVariable("character_set_connection")));
public final ServerVersion getServerVersion() {
return this.capabilities.getServerVersion();
public boolean isVersion(ServerVersion version) {
return this.getServerVersion().equals(version);
* Should SET AUTOCOMMIT be sent to server if we are going to set autoCommitFlag in driver
* @param autoCommitFlag
* autocommit status we are going to set in driver
* @param elideSetAutoCommitsFlag
* 'elideSetAutoCommits' property value
* @return true if SET AUTOCOMMIT to be sent
public boolean isSetNeededForAutoCommitMode(boolean autoCommitFlag, boolean elideSetAutoCommitsFlag) {
if (elideSetAutoCommitsFlag) {
boolean autoCommitModeOnServer = isAutocommit();
if (autoCommitModeOnServer && !autoCommitFlag) {
// When trying to set autoCommit == false and SERVER_STATUS_AUTOCOMMIT = true we need to check
// SERVER_STATUS_IN_TRANS flag, because SERVER_STATUS_AUTOCOMMIT isn't always correct.
// If a transaction is in progress on the server, then we must be already in autoCommit == false
// therefore return the opposite of transaction status
return !inTransactionOnServer();
return autoCommitModeOnServer != autoCommitFlag;
return true;
public String getErrorMessageEncoding() {
return this.errorMessageEncoding;
public void setErrorMessageEncoding(String errorMessageEncoding) {
this.errorMessageEncoding = errorMessageEncoding;
public String getServerDefaultCharset() {
String charset = null;
if (this.indexToCustomMysqlCharset != null) {
charset = this.indexToCustomMysqlCharset.get(getServerDefaultCollationIndex());
if (charset == null) {
charset = CharsetMapping.getMysqlCharsetNameForCollationIndex(getServerDefaultCollationIndex());
return charset != null ? charset : getServerVariable("character_set_server");
public int getMaxBytesPerChar(String javaCharsetName) {
return getMaxBytesPerChar(null, javaCharsetName);
public int getMaxBytesPerChar(Integer charsetIndex, String javaCharsetName) {
String charset = null;
int res = 1;
// if we can get it by charsetIndex just doing it
// getting charset name from dynamic maps in connection; we do it before checking against static maps because custom charset on server can be mapped
// to index from our static map key's diapason
if (this.indexToCustomMysqlCharset != null) {
charset = this.indexToCustomMysqlCharset.get(charsetIndex);
// checking against static maps if no custom charset found
if (charset == null) {
charset = CharsetMapping.getMysqlCharsetNameForCollationIndex(charsetIndex);
// if we didn't find charset name by index
if (charset == null) {
charset = CharsetMapping.getMysqlCharsetForJavaEncoding(javaCharsetName, getServerVersion());
// checking against dynamic maps in connection
Integer mblen = null;
if (this.mysqlCharsetToCustomMblen != null) {
mblen = this.mysqlCharsetToCustomMblen.get(charset);
// checking against static maps
if (mblen == null) {
mblen = CharsetMapping.getMblen(charset);
if (mblen != null) {
res = mblen.intValue();
return res; // we don't know
public String getEncodingForIndex(int charsetIndex) {
String javaEncoding = null;
String characterEncoding = this.propertySet.getStringProperty(PropertyKey.characterEncoding).getValue();
if (charsetIndex != NativeConstants.NO_CHARSET_INFO) {
try {
// getting charset name from dynamic maps in connection; we do it before checking against static maps because custom charset on server can be mapped
// to index from our static map key's diapason
if (this.indexToCustomMysqlCharset != null) {
String cs = this.indexToCustomMysqlCharset.get(charsetIndex);
if (cs != null) {
javaEncoding = CharsetMapping.getJavaEncodingForMysqlCharset(cs, characterEncoding);
// checking against static maps if no custom charset found
if (javaEncoding == null) {
javaEncoding = CharsetMapping.getJavaEncodingForCollationIndex(charsetIndex, characterEncoding);
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException outOfBoundsEx) {
throw ExceptionFactory.createException(WrongArgumentException.class, Messages.getString("Connection.11", new Object[] { charsetIndex }));
// Punt
if (javaEncoding == null) {
javaEncoding = characterEncoding;
} else {
javaEncoding = characterEncoding;
return javaEncoding;
public void configureCharacterSets() {
// We need to figure out what character set metadata and error messages will be returned in, and then map them to Java encoding names
// We've already set it, and it might be different than what was originally on the server, which is why we use the "special" key to retrieve it
String characterSetResultsOnServerMysql = getServerVariable(LOCAL_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS);
if (characterSetResultsOnServerMysql == null || StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCaseAndWs(characterSetResultsOnServerMysql, "NULL")
|| characterSetResultsOnServerMysql.length() == 0) {
String defaultMetadataCharsetMysql = getServerVariable("character_set_system");
String defaultMetadataCharset = null;
if (defaultMetadataCharsetMysql != null) {
defaultMetadataCharset = CharsetMapping.getJavaEncodingForMysqlCharset(defaultMetadataCharsetMysql);
} else {
defaultMetadataCharset = "UTF-8";
this.characterSetMetadata = defaultMetadataCharset;
} else {
this.characterSetResultsOnServer = CharsetMapping.getJavaEncodingForMysqlCharset(characterSetResultsOnServerMysql);
this.characterSetMetadata = this.characterSetResultsOnServer;
this.metadataCollationIndex = CharsetMapping.getCollationIndexForJavaEncoding(this.characterSetMetadata, getServerVersion());
public String getCharacterSetMetadata() {
return this.characterSetMetadata;
public void setCharacterSetMetadata(String characterSetMetadata) {
this.characterSetMetadata = characterSetMetadata;
public int getMetadataCollationIndex() {
return this.metadataCollationIndex;
public void setMetadataCollationIndex(int metadataCollationIndex) {
this.metadataCollationIndex = metadataCollationIndex;
public String getCharacterSetResultsOnServer() {
return this.characterSetResultsOnServer;
public void setCharacterSetResultsOnServer(String characterSetResultsOnServer) {
this.characterSetResultsOnServer = characterSetResultsOnServer;
public void preserveOldTransactionState() {
this.statusFlags |= this.oldStatusFlags & SERVER_STATUS_IN_TRANS;
public boolean isLowerCaseTableNames() {
String lowerCaseTables = this.serverVariables.get("lower_case_table_names");
return "on".equalsIgnoreCase(lowerCaseTables) || "1".equalsIgnoreCase(lowerCaseTables) || "2".equalsIgnoreCase(lowerCaseTables);
public boolean storesLowerCaseTableNames() {
String lowerCaseTables = this.serverVariables.get("lower_case_table_names");
return "1".equalsIgnoreCase(lowerCaseTables) || "on".equalsIgnoreCase(lowerCaseTables);
public boolean isQueryCacheEnabled() {
return "ON".equalsIgnoreCase(this.serverVariables.get("query_cache_type")) && !"0".equalsIgnoreCase(this.serverVariables.get("query_cache_size"));
* Is the server in a sql_mode that does not allow us to use \\ to escape things?
* @return Returns the noBackslashEscapes.
public boolean isNoBackslashEscapesSet() {
String sqlModeAsString = this.serverVariables.get("sql_mode");
return sqlModeAsString != null && sqlModeAsString.indexOf("NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES") != -1;
public boolean useAnsiQuotedIdentifiers() {
String sqlModeAsString = this.serverVariables.get("sql_mode");
return sqlModeAsString != null && sqlModeAsString.indexOf("ANSI_QUOTES") != -1;
public boolean isServerTruncatesFracSecs() {
String sqlModeAsString = this.serverVariables.get("sql_mode");
return sqlModeAsString != null && sqlModeAsString.indexOf("TIME_TRUNCATE_FRACTIONAL") != -1;
public long getThreadId() {
return this.capabilities.getThreadId();
public void setThreadId(long threadId) {
public boolean isAutoCommit() {
return this.autoCommit;
public void setAutoCommit(boolean autoCommit) {
this.autoCommit = autoCommit;
public TimeZone getServerTimeZone() {
return this.serverTimeZone;
public void setServerTimeZone(TimeZone serverTimeZone) {
this.serverTimeZone = serverTimeZone;
public TimeZone getDefaultTimeZone() {
if (this.cacheDefaultTimezone.getValue()) {
return this.defaultTimeZone;
return TimeZone.getDefault();