com.mysql.cj.protocol.x.Notice Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2018, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
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package com.mysql.cj.protocol.x;
import java.util.List;
import com.mysql.cj.exceptions.CJCommunicationsException;
import com.mysql.cj.protocol.ProtocolEntity;
import com.mysql.cj.protocol.Warning;
import com.mysql.cj.x.protobuf.MysqlxDatatypes.Scalar;
import com.mysql.cj.x.protobuf.MysqlxNotice.Frame;
import com.mysql.cj.x.protobuf.MysqlxNotice.SessionStateChanged;
import com.mysql.cj.x.protobuf.MysqlxNotice.SessionVariableChanged;
* ProtocolEntity representing a {@link Notice} message.
public class Notice implements ProtocolEntity {
public static Notice getInstance(XMessage message) {
Frame notice = (Frame) message.getMessage();
if (notice.getScope() != Frame.Scope.GLOBAL) { // TODO should we handle global notices somehow? What frame types are applicable there?
switch (notice.getType()) {
case Frame.Type.WARNING_VALUE:
return new XWarning(notice);
return new XSessionVariableChanged(notice);
return new XSessionStateChanged(notice);
return new Notice(notice);
public static final int NoticeScope_Global = 1;
public static final int NoticeScope_Local = 2;
public static final int NoticeType_WARNING = 1;
public static final int NoticeType_SESSION_VARIABLE_CHANGED = 2;
public static final int NoticeType_SESSION_STATE_CHANGED = 3;
public static final int NoticeType_GROUP_REPLICATION_STATE_CHANGED = 4;
public static final int SessionStateChanged_CURRENT_SCHEMA = 1;
public static final int SessionStateChanged_ACCOUNT_EXPIRED = 2;
public static final int SessionStateChanged_GENERATED_INSERT_ID = 3;
public static final int SessionStateChanged_ROWS_AFFECTED = 4;
public static final int SessionStateChanged_ROWS_FOUND = 5;
public static final int SessionStateChanged_ROWS_MATCHED = 6;
public static final int SessionStateChanged_TRX_COMMITTED = 7;
public static final int SessionStateChanged_TRX_ROLLEDBACK = 9;
public static final int SessionStateChanged_PRODUCED_MESSAGE = 10;
public static final int SessionStateChanged_CLIENT_ID_ASSIGNED = 11;
public static final int SessionStateChanged_GENERATED_DOCUMENT_IDS = 12;
protected int scope = 0;
protected int type = 0;
public Notice(Frame frm) {
this.scope = frm.getScope().getNumber();
this.type = frm.getType();
public int getType() {
return this.type;
public int getScope() {
return this.scope;
static T parseNotice(ByteString payload, Class noticeClass) {
try {
Parser parser = (Parser) MessageConstants.MESSAGE_CLASS_TO_PARSER.get(noticeClass);
return parser.parseFrom(payload);
} catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException ex) {
throw new CJCommunicationsException(ex);
public static class XWarning extends Notice implements Warning {
private int level;
private long code;
private String message;
public XWarning(Frame frm) {
com.mysql.cj.x.protobuf.MysqlxNotice.Warning warn = parseNotice(frm.getPayload(), com.mysql.cj.x.protobuf.MysqlxNotice.Warning.class);
this.level = warn.getLevel().getNumber();
this.code = Integer.toUnsignedLong(warn.getCode());
this.message = warn.getMsg();
public int getLevel() {
return this.level;
public long getCode() {
return this.code;
public String getMessage() {
return this.message;
public static class XSessionVariableChanged extends Notice {
private String paramName = null;
private Scalar value = null;
public XSessionVariableChanged(Frame frm) {
SessionVariableChanged svmsg = parseNotice(frm.getPayload(), SessionVariableChanged.class);
this.paramName = svmsg.getParam();
this.value = svmsg.getValue();
public String getParamName() {
return this.paramName;
public Scalar getValue() {
return this.value;
public static class XSessionStateChanged extends Notice {
private Integer paramType = null;
private List valueList = null;
public XSessionStateChanged(Frame frm) {
SessionStateChanged ssmsg = parseNotice(frm.getPayload(), SessionStateChanged.class);
this.paramType = ssmsg.getParam().getNumber();
this.valueList = ssmsg.getValueList();
public Integer getParamType() {
return this.paramType;
public List getValueList() {
return this.valueList;
public Scalar getValue() {
if (this.valueList != null && !this.valueList.isEmpty()) {
return this.valueList.get(0);
return null;