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com.mysql.cj.util.SaslPrep Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package com.mysql.cj.util;

import java.text.Normalizer;
import java.text.Normalizer.Form;

import com.mysql.cj.exceptions.ExceptionFactory;
import com.mysql.cj.exceptions.WrongArgumentException;

 * Implementation for SASLprep: Stringprep Profile for User Names and Passwords, as specified in RFC 4013.
 * @see RFC 3454
public class SaslPrep {
     * The type of string usage regarding the support for unassigned code points as described in RFC
     * 3454, Section 7.
    public enum StringType {
         * Stored strings using the profile MUST NOT contain any unassigned code points.
         * Queries for matching strings MAY contain unassigned code points.

     * Prepares the given string by applying the "SASLprep" profile of the "stringprep" algorithm.
     * @param str
     *            the string to prepare.
     * @param sType
     *            the type of preparation with regard to the support for unassigned code points.
     * @return
     *         the prepared version of the given string.
     * @see RFC 4013
     * @see RFC 3454
    public static String prepare(String str, StringType sType) {
        if (str.length() == 0) {
            return str;

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(str.length());

        // 2.1. Mapping.
        for (char chr : str.toCharArray()) {
            if (isNonAsciiSpaceChar(chr)) {
                sb.append(' ');
            } else if (!isMappeableToNothing(chr)) {

        // 2.2. Normalization.
        String preparedStr = normalizeKc(sb);

        // 2.3. Prohibited Output & 2.4. Bidirectional Characters & 2.5. Unassigned Code Points.
        boolean startsWithRAndAlCat = isBidiRAndAlCat(preparedStr.codePointAt(0));
        boolean endsWithRAndAlCat = isBidiRAndAlCat(
                preparedStr.codePointAt(preparedStr.length() - (Character.isLowSurrogate(preparedStr.charAt(preparedStr.length() - 1)) ? 2 : 1)));
        boolean containsRAndAlCat = startsWithRAndAlCat || endsWithRAndAlCat;
        boolean containsLCat = false;
        for (int i = 0, ni; i < preparedStr.length(); i = ni) {
            char chr = preparedStr.charAt(i);
            int cp = preparedStr.codePointAt(i);
            ni = i + Character.charCount(cp);

            // 2.3. Prohibited Output.
            if (isProhibited(chr, cp)) {
                throw ExceptionFactory.createException(WrongArgumentException.class, "Prohibited character at position " + i + ".");

            // 2.4. Bidirectional Characters.
            // (Already covered: MUST be prohibited - change display properties or are deprecated.)
            // RFC 3454, Section 5.8.
            if (!containsRAndAlCat) {
                containsRAndAlCat = isBidiRAndAlCat(cp);
            if (!containsLCat) {
                containsLCat = isBidiLCat(cp);
            if (containsRAndAlCat && containsLCat) {
                throw ExceptionFactory.createException(WrongArgumentException.class, "Cannot contain both RandALCat characters and LCat characters.");
            if (ni >= preparedStr.length() && containsRAndAlCat && (!startsWithRAndAlCat || !endsWithRAndAlCat)) {
                throw ExceptionFactory.createException(WrongArgumentException.class,
                        "Cannot contain RandALCat characters and not start and end with RandALCat characters.");

            // 2.5. Unassigned Code Points.
            if (sType == StringType.STORED && isUnassigned(cp)) {
                throw ExceptionFactory.createException(WrongArgumentException.class, "Unassigned character at position " + i + ".");

        return preparedStr;

     * Mapping: non-ASCII space characters [StringPrep, C.1.2] that can be mapped to SPACE
     * (U+0020).
     * @param chr
     *            the character to check.
     * @return
     *         true if the character is one of the non-ASCII space characters, false otherwise.
    private static boolean isNonAsciiSpaceChar(char chr) {
        return chr == '\u00A0' || chr == '\u1680' || chr >= '\u2000' && chr <= '\u200B' || chr == '\u202F' || chr == '\u205F' || chr == '\u3000';

     * Mapping: the "commonly mapped to nothing" characters [StringPrep, B.1] that can be mapped
     * to nothing.
     * @param chr
     *            the character to check.
     * @return
     *         true if the character is one of the "commonly mapped to nothing" characters, false otherwise.
    private static boolean isMappeableToNothing(char chr) {
        return chr == '\u00AD' || chr == '\u034F' || chr == '\u1806' || chr >= '\u180B' && chr <= '\u180D' || chr >= '\u200B' && chr <= '\u200D'
                || chr == '\u2060' || chr >= '\uFE00' && chr <= '\uFE0F' || chr == '\uFEFF';

     * Normalization: Unicode normalization form KC.
     * @param str
     *            the string to be normalized.
     * @return
     *         a normalized version of the given string by the rules of the Unicode normalization form KC.
    private static String normalizeKc(CharSequence str) {
        return Normalizer.normalize(str, Form.NFKC);

     * Checks if the given character is one of the prohibited characters under the "SASLprep Profile" rules.
     * @param chr
     *            the character to check.
     * @param cp
     *            the code point of the character to check.
     * @return
     *         true if the character is prohibited according to the profile rules, false otherwise.
     * @see RFC 4013, Section 2.3
    private static boolean isProhibited(char chr, int cp) {
        return /* already covered: isNonAsciiSpaceChar(chr) || */ isAsciiControlCharacter(chr) || isNonAsciiControlCharacter(cp) || isPrivateUseCharacter(cp)
                || isNonCharacterCodePoint(cp) || isSurrogateCode(chr) || isInappropriateForPlainTextCharacter(chr)
                || isInappropriateForCanonicalRepresentationCharacter(chr) || isChangeDisplayPropertiesOrDeprecatedCharacter(chr) || isTaggingCharacter(cp);

     * Prohibited Output: ASCII control characters [StringPrep, C.2.1].
     * @param chr
     *            the character to check.
     * @return
     *         true if the character is one of the ASCII control characters, false otherwise.
    private static boolean isAsciiControlCharacter(char chr) {
        return chr <= '\u001F' || chr == '\u007F';

     * Prohibited Output: non-ASCII control characters [StringPrep, C.2.2].
     * @param cp
     *            the code point of the character to check.
     * @return
     *         true if the character is one of the non-ASCII control characters, false otherwise.
    private static boolean isNonAsciiControlCharacter(int cp) {
        return cp >= 0x0080 && cp <= 0x009F || cp == 0x06DD || cp == 0x070F || cp == 0x180E || cp == 0x200C || cp == 0x200D || cp == 0x2028 || cp == 0x2029
                || cp >= 0x2060 && cp <= 0x2063 || cp >= 0x206A && cp <= 0x206F || cp == 0xFEFF || cp >= 0xFFF9 && cp <= 0xFFFC
                || cp >= 0x1D173 && cp <= 0x1D17A;

     * Prohibited Output: private use characters [StringPrep, C.3].
     * @param cp
     *            the code point of the character to check.
     * @return
     *         true if the character is one of the private use characters, false otherwise.
    private static boolean isPrivateUseCharacter(int cp) {
        return cp >= 0xE000 && cp <= 0xF8FF || cp >= 0xF0000 && cp <= 0xFFFFD || cp >= 0x100000 && cp <= 0x10FFFD;

     * Prohibited Output: non-character code points [StringPrep, C.4].
     * @param cp
     *            the code point of the character to check.
     * @return
     *         true if the character is one of the non-character code points, false otherwise.
    private static boolean isNonCharacterCodePoint(int cp) {
        return cp >= 0xFDD0 && cp <= 0xFDEF || cp >= 0xFFFE && cp <= 0xFFFF || cp >= 0x1FFFE && cp <= 0x1FFFF || cp >= 0x2FFFE && cp <= 0x2FFFF
                || cp >= 0x3FFFE && cp <= 0x3FFFF || cp >= 0x4FFFE && cp <= 0x4FFFF || cp >= 0x5FFFE && cp <= 0x5FFFF || cp >= 0x6FFFE && cp <= 0x6FFFF
                || cp >= 0x7FFFE && cp <= 0x7FFFF || cp >= 0x8FFFE && cp <= 0x8FFFF || cp >= 0x9FFFE && cp <= 0x9FFFF || cp >= 0xAFFFE && cp <= 0xAFFFF
                || cp >= 0xBFFFE && cp <= 0xBFFFF || cp >= 0xCFFFE && cp <= 0xCFFFF || cp >= 0xDFFFE && cp <= 0xDFFFF || cp >= 0xEFFFE && cp <= 0xEFFFF
                || cp >= 0xFFFFE && cp <= 0xFFFFF || cp >= 0x10FFFE && cp <= 0x10FFFF;

     * Prohibited Output: surrogate code points [StringPrep, C.5].
     * @param chr
     *            the character to check.
     * @return
     *         true if the character is one of the surrogate code points, false otherwise.
    private static boolean isSurrogateCode(char chr) {
        return chr >= '\uD800' && chr <= '\uDFFF';

     * Prohibited Output: inappropriate for plain text characters [StringPrep, C.6].
     * @param chr
     *            the character to check.
     * @return
     *         true if the character is one of the inappropriate for plain text characters, false otherwise.
    private static boolean isInappropriateForPlainTextCharacter(char chr) {
        return chr == '\uFFF9' || chr >= '\uFFFA' && chr <= '\uFFFD';

     * Prohibited Output: inappropriate for canonical representation characters [StringPrep,
     * C.7].
     * @param chr
     *            the character to check.
     * @return
     *         true if the character is one of the inappropriate for canonical representation characters, false otherwise.
    private static boolean isInappropriateForCanonicalRepresentationCharacter(char chr) {
        return chr >= '\u2FF0' && chr <= '\u2FFB';

     * Prohibited Output: change display properties or deprecated characters [StringPrep, C.8].
     * @param chr
     *            the character to check.
     * @return
     *         true if the character is one of the change display properties or deprecated characters, false otherwise.
    private static boolean isChangeDisplayPropertiesOrDeprecatedCharacter(char chr) {
        return chr == '\u0340' || chr == '\u0341' || chr == '\u200E' || chr == '\u200F' || chr >= '\u202A' && chr <= '\u202E'
                || chr >= '\u206A' && chr <= '\u206F';

     * Prohibited Output: tagging characters [StringPrep, C.9].
     * @param cp
     *            the code point of the character to check.
     * @return
     *         true if the character is one of the tagging characters, false otherwise.
    private static boolean isTaggingCharacter(int cp) {
        return cp == 0xE0001 || cp >= 0xE0020 && cp <= 0xE007F;

     * Bidirectional Characters: RandALCat characters.
     * See also RFC 3454, Section 6
     * @param cp
     *            the code point of the character to check.
     * @return
     *         true if the character is one of the RandALCat characters, false otherwise.
    private static boolean isBidiRAndAlCat(int cp) {
        byte dir = Character.getDirectionality(cp);
        return dir == Character.DIRECTIONALITY_RIGHT_TO_LEFT || dir == Character.DIRECTIONALITY_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_ARABIC;

     * Bidirectional Characters: LCat characters.
     * See also RFC 3454, Section 6
     * @param cp
     *            the code point of the character to check.
     * @return
     *         true if the character is one of the LCat characters, false otherwise.
    private static boolean isBidiLCat(int cp) {
        byte dir = Character.getDirectionality(cp);
        return dir == Character.DIRECTIONALITY_LEFT_TO_RIGHT;

     * Unassigned Code Points: list of unassigned code points.
     * See also RFC 3454, Section 7.

* Note that this implementation does not check exactly the unassigned code points as specified in the RFC since it is based on Java's Unicode support, * which is updated regularly while the specification is based on a static list of code points. This should have no major impact, though. * * @param cp * the code point of the character to check. * @return * true if the character is unassigned, false otherwise. */ private static boolean isUnassigned(int cp) { return !Character.isDefined(cp); } }

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