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* Copyright 2004-2019 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
* and the EPL 1.0 (
* Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.expression.analysis;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.h2.api.ErrorCode;
import org.h2.command.dml.Select;
import org.h2.command.dml.SelectGroups;
import org.h2.command.dml.SelectOrderBy;
import org.h2.engine.Session;
import org.h2.expression.Expression;
import org.h2.expression.ExpressionVisitor;
import org.h2.message.DbException;
import org.h2.result.SortOrder;
import org.h2.table.ColumnResolver;
import org.h2.table.TableFilter;
import org.h2.value.Value;
import org.h2.value.ValueInt;
* A base class for data analysis operations such as aggregates and window
* functions.
public abstract class DataAnalysisOperation extends Expression {
* Reset stage. Used to reset internal data to its initial state.
public static final int STAGE_RESET = 0;
* Group stage, used for explicit or implicit GROUP BY operation.
public static final int STAGE_GROUP = 1;
* Window processing stage.
public static final int STAGE_WINDOW = 2;
protected final Select select;
* OVER clause
protected Window over;
* Sort order for OVER
protected SortOrder overOrderBySort;
private int numFrameExpressions;
private int lastGroupRowId;
* Create sort order.
* @param session
* database session
* @param orderBy
* array of order by expressions
* @param offset
* index offset
* @return the SortOrder
protected static SortOrder createOrder(Session session, ArrayList orderBy, int offset) {
int size = orderBy.size();
int[] index = new int[size];
int[] sortType = new int[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
SelectOrderBy o = orderBy.get(i);
index[i] = i + offset;
sortType[i] = o.sortType;
return new SortOrder(session.getDatabase(), index, sortType, null);
protected DataAnalysisOperation(Select select) { = select;
* Sets the OVER condition.
* @param over
* OVER condition
public void setOverCondition(Window over) {
this.over = over;
* Checks whether this expression is an aggregate function.
* @return true if this is an aggregate function (including aggregates with
* OVER clause), false if this is a window function
public abstract boolean isAggregate();
* Returns the sort order for OVER clause.
* @return the sort order for OVER clause
protected SortOrder getOverOrderBySort() {
return overOrderBySort;
public final void mapColumns(ColumnResolver resolver, int level, int state) {
if (over != null) {
if (state != MAP_INITIAL) {
throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.INVALID_USE_OF_AGGREGATE_FUNCTION_1, getSQL(false));
state = MAP_IN_WINDOW;
} else {
if (state == MAP_IN_AGGREGATE) {
throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.INVALID_USE_OF_AGGREGATE_FUNCTION_1, getSQL(false));
mapColumnsAnalysis(resolver, level, state);
* Map the columns of the resolver to expression columns.
* @param resolver
* the column resolver
* @param level
* the subquery nesting level
* @param innerState
* one of the Expression MAP_IN_* values
protected void mapColumnsAnalysis(ColumnResolver resolver, int level, int innerState) {
if (over != null) {
over.mapColumns(resolver, level);
public Expression optimize(Session session) {
if (over != null) {
ArrayList orderBy = over.getOrderBy();
if (orderBy != null) {
overOrderBySort = createOrder(session, orderBy, getNumExpressions());
} else if (!isAggregate()) {
overOrderBySort = new SortOrder(session.getDatabase(), new int[getNumExpressions()], new int[0], null);
WindowFrame frame = over.getWindowFrame();
if (frame != null) {
int index = getNumExpressions();
int orderBySize = 0;
if (orderBy != null) {
orderBySize = orderBy.size();
index += orderBySize;
int n = 0;
WindowFrameBound bound = frame.getStarting();
if (bound.isParameterized()) {
checkOrderBy(frame.getUnits(), orderBySize);
if (bound.isVariable()) {
bound = frame.getFollowing();
if (bound != null && bound.isParameterized()) {
checkOrderBy(frame.getUnits(), orderBySize);
if (bound.isVariable()) {
bound.setExpressionIndex(index + n);
numFrameExpressions = n;
return this;
private void checkOrderBy(WindowFrameUnits units, int orderBySize) {
switch (units) {
case RANGE:
if (orderBySize != 1) {
String sql = getSQL(false);
throw DbException.getSyntaxError(sql, sql.length() - 1,
"exactly one sort key is required for RANGE units");
case GROUPS:
if (orderBySize < 1) {
String sql = getSQL(false);
throw DbException.getSyntaxError(sql, sql.length() - 1,
"a sort key is required for GROUPS units");
public void setEvaluatable(TableFilter tableFilter, boolean b) {
if (over != null) {
over.setEvaluatable(tableFilter, b);
public final void updateAggregate(Session session, int stage) {
if (stage == STAGE_RESET) {
updateGroupAggregates(session, STAGE_RESET);
lastGroupRowId = 0;
boolean window = stage == STAGE_WINDOW;
if (window != (over != null)) {
if (!window && select.isWindowQuery()) {
updateGroupAggregates(session, stage);
SelectGroups groupData = select.getGroupDataIfCurrent(window);
if (groupData == null) {
// this is a different level (the enclosing query)
int groupRowId = groupData.getCurrentGroupRowId();
if (lastGroupRowId == groupRowId) {
// already visited
lastGroupRowId = groupRowId;
if (over != null) {
if (!select.isGroupQuery()) {
over.updateAggregate(session, stage);
updateAggregate(session, groupData, groupRowId);
* Update a row of an aggregate.
* @param session
* the database session
* @param groupData
* data for the aggregate group
* @param groupRowId
* row id of group
protected abstract void updateAggregate(Session session, SelectGroups groupData, int groupRowId);
* Invoked when processing group stage of grouped window queries to update
* arguments of this aggregate.
* @param session
* the session
* @param stage
* select stage
protected void updateGroupAggregates(Session session, int stage) {
if (over != null) {
over.updateAggregate(session, stage);
* Returns the number of expressions, excluding OVER clause.
* @return the number of expressions
protected abstract int getNumExpressions();
* Returns the number of window frame expressions.
* @return the number of window frame expressions
private int getNumFrameExpressions() {
return numFrameExpressions;
* Stores current values of expressions into the specified array.
* @param session
* the session
* @param array
* array to store values of expressions
protected abstract void rememberExpressions(Session session, Value[] array);
* Get the aggregate data for a window clause.
* @param session
* database session
* @param groupData
* aggregate group data
* @param forOrderBy
* true if this is for ORDER BY
* @return the aggregate data object, specific to each kind of aggregate.
protected Object getWindowData(Session session, SelectGroups groupData, boolean forOrderBy) {
Object data;
Value key = over.getCurrentKey(session);
PartitionData partition = groupData.getWindowExprData(this, key);
if (partition == null) {
data = forOrderBy ? new ArrayList<>() : createAggregateData();
groupData.setWindowExprData(this, key, new PartitionData(data));
} else {
data = partition.getData();
return data;
* Get the aggregate group data object from the collector object.
* @param groupData
* the collector object
* @param ifExists
* if true, return null if object not found, if false, return new
* object if nothing found
* @return group data object
protected Object getGroupData(SelectGroups groupData, boolean ifExists) {
Object data;
data = groupData.getCurrentGroupExprData(this);
if (data == null) {
if (ifExists) {
return null;
data = createAggregateData();
groupData.setCurrentGroupExprData(this, data);
return data;
* Create aggregate data object specific to the subclass.
* @return aggregate-specific data object.
protected abstract Object createAggregateData();
public boolean isEverything(ExpressionVisitor visitor) {
if (over == null) {
return true;
switch (visitor.getType()) {
case ExpressionVisitor.QUERY_COMPARABLE:
case ExpressionVisitor.OPTIMIZABLE_AGGREGATE:
case ExpressionVisitor.DETERMINISTIC:
case ExpressionVisitor.INDEPENDENT:
return false;
case ExpressionVisitor.EVALUATABLE:
case ExpressionVisitor.READONLY:
case ExpressionVisitor.NOT_FROM_RESOLVER:
case ExpressionVisitor.GET_DEPENDENCIES:
case ExpressionVisitor.SET_MAX_DATA_MODIFICATION_ID:
case ExpressionVisitor.GET_COLUMNS1:
case ExpressionVisitor.GET_COLUMNS2:
return true;
throw DbException.throwInternalError("type=" + visitor.getType());
public Value getValue(Session session) {
SelectGroups groupData = select.getGroupDataIfCurrent(over != null);
if (groupData == null) {
throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.INVALID_USE_OF_AGGREGATE_FUNCTION_1, getSQL(false));
return over == null ? getAggregatedValue(session, getGroupData(groupData, true))
: getWindowResult(session, groupData);
* Returns result of this window function or window aggregate. This method
* is not used for plain aggregates.
* @param session
* the session
* @param groupData
* the group data
* @return result of this function
private Value getWindowResult(Session session, SelectGroups groupData) {
PartitionData partition;
Object data;
boolean isOrdered = over.isOrdered();
Value key = over.getCurrentKey(session);
partition = groupData.getWindowExprData(this, key);
if (partition == null) {
// Window aggregates with FILTER clause may have no collected values
data = isOrdered ? new ArrayList<>() : createAggregateData();
partition = new PartitionData(data);
groupData.setWindowExprData(this, key, partition);
} else {
data = partition.getData();
if (isOrdered || !isAggregate()) {
Value result = getOrderedResult(session, groupData, partition, data);
if (result == null) {
return getAggregatedValue(session, null);
return result;
// Window aggregate without ORDER BY clause in window specification
Value result = partition.getResult();
if (result == null) {
result = getAggregatedValue(session, data);
return result;
* Returns aggregated value.
* @param session
* the session
* @param aggregateData
* the aggregate data
* @return aggregated value.
protected abstract Value getAggregatedValue(Session session, Object aggregateData);
* Update a row of an ordered aggregate.
* @param session
* the database session
* @param groupData
* data for the aggregate group
* @param groupRowId
* row id of group
* @param orderBy
* list of order by expressions
protected void updateOrderedAggregate(Session session, SelectGroups groupData, int groupRowId,
ArrayList orderBy) {
int ne = getNumExpressions();
int size = orderBy != null ? orderBy.size() : 0;
int frameSize = getNumFrameExpressions();
Value[] array = new Value[ne + size + frameSize + 1];
rememberExpressions(session, array);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
SelectOrderBy o = orderBy.get(i);
array[ne++] = o.expression.getValue(session);
if (frameSize > 0) {
WindowFrame frame = over.getWindowFrame();
WindowFrameBound bound = frame.getStarting();
if (bound.isVariable()) {
array[ne++] = bound.getValue().getValue(session);
bound = frame.getFollowing();
if (bound != null && bound.isVariable()) {
array[ne++] = bound.getValue().getValue(session);
array[ne] = ValueInt.get(groupRowId);
ArrayList data = (ArrayList) getWindowData(session, groupData, true);
private Value getOrderedResult(Session session, SelectGroups groupData, PartitionData partition, Object data) {
HashMap result = partition.getOrderedResult();
if (result == null) {
result = new HashMap<>();
ArrayList orderedData = (ArrayList) data;
int rowIdColumn = getNumExpressions();
ArrayList orderBy = over.getOrderBy();
if (orderBy != null) {
rowIdColumn += orderBy.size();
Collections.sort(orderedData, overOrderBySort);
rowIdColumn += getNumFrameExpressions();
getOrderedResultLoop(session, result, orderedData, rowIdColumn);
return result.get(groupData.getCurrentGroupRowId());
* Returns result of this window function or window aggregate. This method
* may not be called on window aggregate without window order clause.
* @param session
* the session
* @param result
* the map to append result to
* @param ordered
* ordered data
* @param rowIdColumn
* the index of row id value
protected abstract void getOrderedResultLoop(Session session, HashMap result,
ArrayList ordered, int rowIdColumn);
* Used to create SQL for the OVER and FILTER clauses.
* @param builder
* string builder
* @param alwaysQuote
* quote all identifiers
* @return the builder object
protected StringBuilder appendTailConditions(StringBuilder builder, boolean alwaysQuote) {
if (over != null) {
builder.append(' ');
over.getSQL(builder, alwaysQuote);
return builder;