org.h2.mvstore.tx.TransactionMap Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2004-2019 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
* and the EPL 1.0 (
* Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.mvstore.tx;
import org.h2.engine.IsolationLevel;
import org.h2.mvstore.Cursor;
import org.h2.mvstore.DataUtils;
import org.h2.mvstore.MVMap;
import org.h2.mvstore.Page;
import org.h2.mvstore.RootReference;
import org.h2.mvstore.type.DataType;
import org.h2.value.VersionedValue;
import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.AbstractSet;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Set;
* A map that supports transactions.
* Methods of this class may be changed at any time without notice. If
* you use this class directly make sure that your application or library
* requires exactly the same version of MVStore or H2 jar as the version that
* you use during its development and build.
* @param the key type
* @param the value type
public class TransactionMap extends AbstractMap {
* The map used for writing (the latest version).
* Key: key the key of the data.
* Value: { transactionId, oldVersion, value }
public final MVMap map;
* The transaction which is used for this map.
private final Transaction transaction;
TransactionMap(Transaction transaction, MVMap map) {
this.transaction = transaction; = map;
* Get a clone of this map for the given transaction.
* @param transaction the transaction
* @return the map
public TransactionMap getInstance(Transaction transaction) {
return new TransactionMap<>(transaction, map);
* Get the number of entries, as a integer. {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE} is
* returned if there are more than this entries.
* @return the number of entries, as an integer
* @see #sizeAsLong()
public final int size() {
long size = sizeAsLong();
return size > Integer.MAX_VALUE ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : (int) size;
* Get the size of the raw map. This includes uncommitted entries, and
* transiently removed entries, so it is the maximum number of entries.
* @return the maximum size
public long sizeAsLongMax() {
return map.sizeAsLong();
* Get the size of the map as seen by this transaction.
* @return the size
public long sizeAsLong() {
if (transaction.isolationLevel != IsolationLevel.READ_COMMITTED) {
return sizeAsLongSlow();
// getting coherent picture of the map, committing transactions, and undo logs
// either from values stored in transaction (never loops in that case),
// or current values from the transaction store (loops until moment of silence)
Snapshot snapshot;
RootReference[] undoLogRootReferences;
do {
snapshot = getSnapshot();
undoLogRootReferences = getTransaction().getUndoLogRootReferences();
} while (!snapshot.equals(getSnapshot()));
RootReference mapRootReference = snapshot.root;
BitSet committingTransactions = snapshot.committingTransactions;
Page mapRootPage = mapRootReference.root;
long size = mapRootReference.getTotalCount();
long undoLogsTotalSize = undoLogRootReferences == null ? size
: TransactionStore.calculateUndoLogsTotalSize(undoLogRootReferences);
// if we are looking at the map without any uncommitted values
if (undoLogsTotalSize == 0) {
return size;
// Entries describing removals from the map by this transaction and all transactions,
// which are committed but not closed yet,
// and entries about additions to the map by other uncommitted transactions were counted,
// but they should not contribute into total count.
if (2 * undoLogsTotalSize > size) {
// the undo log is larger than half of the map - scan the entries of the map directly
Cursor cursor = new Cursor<>(mapRootPage, null);
while(cursor.hasNext()) {;
VersionedValue currentValue = cursor.getValue();
assert currentValue != null;
long operationId = currentValue.getOperationId();
if (operationId != 0 && // skip committed entries
isIrrelevant(operationId, currentValue, committingTransactions)) {
} else {
assert undoLogRootReferences != null;
// The undo logs are much smaller than the map - scan all undo logs,
// and then lookup relevant map entry.
for (RootReference undoLogRootReference : undoLogRootReferences) {
if (undoLogRootReference != null) {
Cursor cursor = new Cursor<>(undoLogRootReference.root, null);
while (cursor.hasNext()) {;
Object[] op = cursor.getValue();
if ((int) op[0] == map.getId()) {
VersionedValue currentValue = map.get(mapRootPage, op[1]);
// If map entry is not there, then we never counted
// it, in the first place, so skip it.
// This is possible when undo entry exists because
// it belongs to a committed but not yet closed
// transaction, and it was later deleted by some
// other already committed and closed transaction.
if (currentValue != null) {
// only the last undo entry for any given map
// key should be considered
long operationId = cursor.getKey();
assert operationId != 0;
if (currentValue.getOperationId() == operationId &&
isIrrelevant(operationId, currentValue, committingTransactions)) {
return size;
private long sizeAsLongSlow() {
long count = 0L;
Iterator iterator = keyIterator(null, null);
while (iterator.hasNext()) {;
return count;
private boolean isIrrelevant(long operationId, VersionedValue currentValue, BitSet committingTransactions) {
int txId = TransactionStore.getTransactionId(operationId);
boolean isVisible = txId == transaction.transactionId || committingTransactions.get(txId);
Object v = isVisible ? currentValue.getCurrentValue() : currentValue.getCommittedValue();
return v == null;
* Remove an entry.
* If the row is locked, this method will retry until the row could be
* updated or until a lock timeout.
* @param key the key
* @throws IllegalStateException if a lock timeout occurs
* @throws ClassCastException if type of the specified key is not compatible with this map
public V remove(Object key) {
return set(key, (V)null);
* Update the value for the given key.
* If the row is locked, this method will retry until the row could be
* updated or until a lock timeout.
* @param key the key
* @param value the new value (not null)
* @return the old value
* @throws IllegalStateException if a lock timeout occurs
public V put(K key, V value) {
DataUtils.checkArgument(value != null, "The value may not be null");
return set(key, value);
* Put the value for the given key if entry for this key does not exist.
* It is atomic equivalent of the following expression:
* contains(key) ? get(k) : put(key, value);
* @param key the key
* @param value the new value (not null)
* @return the old value
// Do not add @Override, code should be compatible with Java 7
public V putIfAbsent(K key, V value) {
DataUtils.checkArgument(value != null, "The value may not be null");
TxDecisionMaker decisionMaker = new TxDecisionMaker.PutIfAbsentDecisionMaker(map.getId(), key, value,
return set(key, decisionMaker);
* Appends entry to underlying map. This method may be used concurrently,
* but latest appended values are not guaranteed to be visible.
* @param key should be higher in map's order than any existing key
* @param value to be appended
public void append(K key, V value) {
map.append(key, VersionedValueUncommitted.getInstance(transaction.log(map.getId(), key, null), value, null));
* Lock row for the given key.
* If the row is locked, this method will retry until the row could be
* updated or until a lock timeout.
* @param key the key
* @return the locked value
* @throws IllegalStateException if a lock timeout occurs
public V lock(K key) {
TxDecisionMaker decisionMaker = new TxDecisionMaker.LockDecisionMaker(map.getId(), key, transaction);
return set(key, decisionMaker);
* Update the value for the given key, without adding an undo log entry.
* @param key the key
* @param value the value
* @return the old value
public V putCommitted(K key, V value) {
DataUtils.checkArgument(value != null, "The value may not be null");
VersionedValue newValue = VersionedValueCommitted.getInstance(value);
VersionedValue oldValue = map.put(key, newValue);
V result = (V) (oldValue == null ? null : oldValue.getCurrentValue());
return result;
private V set(Object key, V value) {
TxDecisionMaker decisionMaker = new TxDecisionMaker(map.getId(), key, value, transaction);
return set(key, decisionMaker);
private V set(Object key, TxDecisionMaker decisionMaker) {
TransactionStore store =;
Transaction blockingTransaction;
long sequenceNumWhenStarted;
VersionedValue result;
do {
sequenceNumWhenStarted = store.openTransactions.get().getVersion();
assert transaction.getBlockerId() == 0;
// although second parameter (value) is not really used,
// since TxDecisionMaker has it embedded,
// MVRTreeMap has weird traversal logic based on it,
// and any non-null value will do
K k = (K) key;
result = map.operate(k, VersionedValue.DUMMY, decisionMaker);
MVMap.Decision decision = decisionMaker.getDecision();
assert decision != null;
assert decision != MVMap.Decision.REPEAT;
blockingTransaction = decisionMaker.getBlockingTransaction();
if (decision != MVMap.Decision.ABORT || blockingTransaction == null) {
V res = result == null ? null : (V) result.getCurrentValue();
return res;
} while (blockingTransaction.sequenceNum > sequenceNumWhenStarted
|| transaction.waitFor(blockingTransaction, map, key));
throw DataUtils.newIllegalStateException(DataUtils.ERROR_TRANSACTION_LOCKED,
"Map entry <{0}> with key <{1}> and value {2} is locked by tx {3} and can not be updated by tx {4}"
+ " within allocated time interval {5} ms.",
map.getName(), key, result, blockingTransaction.transactionId, transaction.transactionId,
* Try to remove the value for the given key.
* This will fail if the row is locked by another transaction (that
* means, if another open transaction changed the row).
* @param key the key
* @return whether the entry could be removed
public boolean tryRemove(K key) {
return trySet(key, null);
* Try to update the value for the given key.
* This will fail if the row is locked by another transaction (that
* means, if another open transaction changed the row).
* @param key the key
* @param value the new value
* @return whether the entry could be updated
public boolean tryPut(K key, V value) {
DataUtils.checkArgument(value != null, "The value may not be null");
return trySet(key, value);
* Try to set or remove the value. When updating only unchanged entries,
* then the value is only changed if it was not changed after opening
* the map.
* @param key the key
* @param value the new value (null to remove the value)
* @return true if the value was set, false if there was a concurrent
* update
public boolean trySet(K key, V value) {
try {
// TODO: effective transaction.timeoutMillis should be set to 0 here
// and restored before return
// TODO: eliminate exception usage as part of normal control flaw
set(key, value);
return true;
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
return false;
* Get the effective value for the given key.
* @param key the key
* @return the value or null
* @throws ClassCastException if type of the specified key is not compatible with this map
public V get(Object key) {
return getImmediate(key);
* Get the value for the given key from a snapshot, or null if not found.
* @param key the key
* @return the value, or null if not found
public V getFromSnapshot(Object key) {
switch (transaction.isolationLevel) {
Snapshot snapshot = getStatementSnapshot();
VersionedValue data = map.get(snapshot.root.root, key);
if (data != null) {
return (V) data.getCurrentValue();
return null;
if (transaction.hasChanges()) {
Snapshot snapshot = getStatementSnapshot();
VersionedValue data = map.get(snapshot.root.root, key);
if (data != null) {
long id = data.getOperationId();
if (id != 0L && transaction.transactionId == TransactionStore.getTransactionId(id)) {
return (V) data.getCurrentValue();
Snapshot snapshot = getSnapshot();
VersionedValue data = map.get(snapshot.root.root, key);
if (data == null) {
// doesn't exist or deleted by a committed transaction
return null;
long id = data.getOperationId();
if (id != 0) {
int tx = TransactionStore.getTransactionId(id);
if (tx != transaction.transactionId && !snapshot.committingTransactions.get(tx)) {
return (V) data.getCommittedValue();
// added by this transaction or another transaction which is committed by now
return (V) data.getCurrentValue();
* Get the value for the given key, or null if not found.
* @param key the key
* @return the value, or null if not found
public V getImmediate(Object key) {
VersionedValue data = map.get(key);
if (data == null) {
// doesn't exist or deleted by a committed transaction
return null;
long id = data.getOperationId();
if (id == 0) {
// it is committed
return (V)data.getCurrentValue();
int tx = TransactionStore.getTransactionId(id);
if (tx == transaction.transactionId || {
// added by this transaction or another transaction which is committed by now
return (V) data.getCurrentValue();
} else {
return (V) data.getCommittedValue();
Snapshot getSnapshot() {
return transaction.getSnapshot(map.getId());
Snapshot getStatementSnapshot() {
return transaction.getStatementSnapshot(map.getId());
* Create a new snapshot for this map.
* @return the snapshot
Snapshot createSnapshot() {
return transaction.createSnapshot(map.getId());
* Whether the map contains the key.
* @param key the key
* @return true if the map contains an entry for this key
* @throws ClassCastException if type of the specified key is not compatible with this map
public boolean containsKey(Object key) {
return getImmediate(key) != null;
* Whether the entry for this key was added or removed from this
* session.
* @param key the key
* @return true if yes
public boolean isSameTransaction(K key) {
VersionedValue data = map.get(key);
if (data == null) {
// doesn't exist or deleted by a committed transaction
return false;
int tx = TransactionStore.getTransactionId(data.getOperationId());
return tx == transaction.transactionId;
* Check whether this map is closed.
* @return true if closed
public boolean isClosed() {
return map.isClosed();
* Clear the map.
public void clear() {
// TODO truncate transactionally?
public Set> entrySet() {
return new AbstractSet>() {
public Iterator> iterator() {
return entryIterator(null, null);
public int size() {
return TransactionMap.this.size();
public boolean contains(Object o) {
return TransactionMap.this.containsKey(o);
* Get the first key.
* @return the first key, or null if empty
public K firstKey() {
Iterator it = keyIterator(null);
return it.hasNext() ? : null;
* Get the last key.
* @return the last key, or null if empty
public K lastKey() {
RootReference rootReference = getSnapshot().root;
K k = map.lastKey(rootReference.root);
while (k != null && getFromSnapshot(k) == null) {
k = map.lowerKey(rootReference.root, k);
return k;
* Get the smallest key that is larger than the given key, or null if no
* such key exists.
* @param key the key (may not be null)
* @return the result
public K higherKey(K key) {
RootReference rootReference = getSnapshot().root;
do {
key = map.higherKey(rootReference.root, key);
} while (key != null && getFromSnapshot(key) == null);
return key;
* Get the smallest key that is larger than or equal to this key,
* or null if no such key exists.
* @param key the key (may not be null)
* @return the result
public K ceilingKey(K key) {
Iterator it = keyIterator(key);
return it.hasNext() ? : null;
* Get the largest key that is smaller than or equal to this key,
* or null if no such key exists.
* @param key the key (may not be null)
* @return the result
public K floorKey(K key) {
RootReference rootReference = getSnapshot().root;
key = map.floorKey(rootReference.root, key);
while (key != null && getFromSnapshot(key) == null) {
// Use lowerKey() for the next attempts, otherwise we'll get an infinite loop
key = map.lowerKey(rootReference.root, key);
return key;
* Get the largest key that is smaller than the given key, or null if no
* such key exists.
* @param key the key (may not be null)
* @return the result
public K lowerKey(K key) {
RootReference rootReference = getSnapshot().root;
do {
key = map.lowerKey(rootReference.root, key);
} while (key != null && getFromSnapshot(key) == null);
return key;
* Iterate over keys.
* @param from the first key to return
* @return the iterator
public Iterator keyIterator(K from) {
return keyIterator(from, null);
* Iterate over keys.
* @param from the first key to return
* @param to the last key to return or null if there is no limit
* @return the iterator
public Iterator keyIterator(K from, K to) {
return chooseIterator(from, to, false);
* Iterate over keys, including keys from uncommitted entries.
* @param from the first key to return
* @param to the last key to return or null if there is no limit
* @return the iterator
public Iterator keyIteratorUncommitted(K from, K to) {
return new ValidationIterator<>(this, from, to);
* Iterate over entries.
* @param from the first key to return
* @param to the last key to return
* @return the iterator
public Iterator> entryIterator(final K from, final K to) {
return chooseIterator(from, to, true);
private Iterator chooseIterator(K from, K to, boolean forEntries) {
switch (transaction.isolationLevel) {
return new UncommittedIterator<>(this, from, to, forEntries);
if (transaction.hasChanges()) {
return new RepeatableIterator<>(this, from, to, forEntries);
return new CommittedIterator<>(this, from, to, forEntries);
public Transaction getTransaction() {
return transaction;
public DataType getKeyType() {
return map.getKeyType();
* The iterator for read uncommitted isolation level. This iterator is also
* used for unique indexes.
* @param
* the type of keys
* @param
* the type of elements
private static class UncommittedIterator extends TMIterator {
UncommittedIterator(TransactionMap transactionMap, K from, K to, boolean forEntries) {
super(transactionMap, from, to, transactionMap.getStatementSnapshot(), forEntries);
UncommittedIterator(TransactionMap transactionMap, K from, K to, Snapshot snapshot,
boolean forEntries) {
super(transactionMap, from, to, snapshot, forEntries);
final void fetchNext() {
while (cursor.hasNext()) {
K key =;
VersionedValue data = cursor.getValue();
if (data != null) {
Object currentValue = data.getCurrentValue();
if (currentValue != null || isApplicable(data)) {
registerCurrent(key, currentValue);
current = null;
boolean isApplicable(VersionedValue data) {
return false;
private static final class ValidationIterator extends UncommittedIterator
ValidationIterator(TransactionMap transactionMap, K from, K to) {
super(transactionMap, from, to, transactionMap.createSnapshot(), false);
boolean isApplicable(VersionedValue data) {
// Include all uncommitted entries for unique index validation
long id = data.getOperationId();
if (id != 0) {
int tx = TransactionStore.getTransactionId(id);
return transactionId != tx && !committingTransactions.get(tx);
return false;
* The iterator for read committed isolation level. Can also be used on
* higher levels when the transaction doesn't have own changes.
* @param
* the type of keys
* @param
* the type of elements
private static final class CommittedIterator extends TMIterator
CommittedIterator(TransactionMap transactionMap, K from, K to, boolean forEntries) {
super(transactionMap, from, to, transactionMap.getSnapshot(), forEntries);
void fetchNext() {
while (cursor.hasNext()) {
K key =;
VersionedValue data = cursor.getValue();
// If value doesn't exist or it was deleted by a committed transaction,
// or if value is a committed one, just return it.
if (data != null) {
long id = data.getOperationId();
if (id != 0) {
int tx = TransactionStore.getTransactionId(id);
if (tx != transactionId && !committingTransactions.get(tx)) {
// current value comes from another uncommitted transaction
// take committed value instead
Object committedValue = data.getCommittedValue();
if (committedValue == null) {
registerCurrent(key, committedValue);
Object currentValue = data.getCurrentValue();
if (currentValue != null) {
registerCurrent(key, currentValue);
current = null;
* The iterator for repeatable read and serializable isolation levels.
* @param
* the type of keys
* @param
* the type of elements
private static final class RepeatableIterator extends TMIterator
private final DataType keyType;
private K snapshotKey;
private Object snapshotValue;
private final Cursor uncommittedCursor;
private K uncommittedKey;
private Object uncommittedValue;
RepeatableIterator(TransactionMap transactionMap, K from, K to, boolean forEntries) {
super(transactionMap, from, to, transactionMap.getSnapshot(), forEntries);
keyType =;
Snapshot snapshot = transactionMap.getStatementSnapshot();
uncommittedCursor = new Cursor<>(snapshot.root.root, from, to);
void fetchNext() {
current = null;
do {
if (snapshotKey == null) {
if (uncommittedKey == null) {
if (snapshotKey == null && uncommittedKey == null) {
int cmp = snapshotKey == null ? 1 :
uncommittedKey == null ? -1 :, uncommittedKey);
if (cmp < 0) {
registerCurrent(snapshotKey, snapshotValue);
snapshotKey = null;
if (uncommittedValue != null) {
// This entry was added / updated by this transaction, use the new value
registerCurrent(uncommittedKey, uncommittedValue);
if (cmp == 0) { // This entry was updated / deleted
snapshotKey = null;
uncommittedKey = null;
} while (current == null);
private void fetchSnapshot() {
while (cursor.hasNext()) {
K key =;
VersionedValue data = cursor.getValue();
// If value doesn't exist or it was deleted by a committed transaction,
// or if value is a committed one, just return it.
if (data != null) {
Object value = data.getCommittedValue();
long id = data.getOperationId();
if (id != 0) {
int tx = TransactionStore.getTransactionId(id);
if (tx == transactionId || committingTransactions.get(tx)) {
// value comes from this transaction or another committed transaction
// take current value instead instead of committed one
value = data.getCurrentValue();
if (value != null) {
snapshotKey = key;
snapshotValue = value;
private void fetchUncommitted() {
while (uncommittedCursor.hasNext()) {
K key =;
VersionedValue data = uncommittedCursor.getValue();
if (data != null) {
long id = data.getOperationId();
if (id != 0L && transactionId == TransactionStore.getTransactionId(id)) {
uncommittedKey = key;
uncommittedValue = data.getCurrentValue();
private abstract static class TMIterator implements Iterator
final int transactionId;
final BitSet committingTransactions;
protected final Cursor cursor;
private final boolean forEntries;
X current;
TMIterator(TransactionMap transactionMap, K from, K to, Snapshot snapshot, boolean forEntries) {
Transaction transaction = transactionMap.getTransaction();
this.transactionId = transaction.transactionId;
this.forEntries = forEntries;
this.cursor = new Cursor<>(snapshot.root.root, from, to);
this.committingTransactions = snapshot.committingTransactions;
final void registerCurrent(K key, Object value) {
current = (X) (forEntries ? new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<>(key, value) : key);
abstract void fetchNext();
public final boolean hasNext() {
return current != null;
public final X next() {
if (current == null) {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
X result = current;
return result;
public final void remove() {
throw DataUtils.newUnsupportedOperationException(
"Removal is not supported");