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org.h2.pagestore.db.PageStoreTable Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2004-2019 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
* and the EPL 1.0 (
* Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.pagestore.db;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.h2.api.DatabaseEventListener;
import org.h2.api.ErrorCode;
import org.h2.command.ddl.CreateTableData;
import org.h2.engine.Constants;
import org.h2.engine.DbObject;
import org.h2.engine.Session;
import org.h2.engine.SysProperties;
import org.h2.index.Cursor;
import org.h2.index.Index;
import org.h2.index.IndexType;
import org.h2.message.DbException;
import org.h2.message.Trace;
import org.h2.result.Row;
import org.h2.schema.SchemaObject;
import org.h2.table.Column;
import org.h2.table.IndexColumn;
import org.h2.table.RegularTable;
import org.h2.util.MathUtils;
import org.h2.util.Utils;
import org.h2.value.CompareMode;
* A table store in a PageStore.
public class PageStoreTable extends RegularTable {
private Index scanIndex;
private long rowCount;
* The queue of sessions waiting to lock the table. It is a FIFO queue to
* prevent starvation, since Java's synchronized locking is biased.
private final ArrayDeque waitingSessions = new ArrayDeque<>();
private final Trace traceLock;
private final ArrayList indexes = Utils.newSmallArrayList();
private long lastModificationId;
private final PageDataIndex mainIndex;
private int changesSinceAnalyze;
private int nextAnalyze;
public PageStoreTable(CreateTableData data) {
nextAnalyze = database.getSettings().analyzeAuto;
if (data.persistData && database.isPersistent()) {
mainIndex = new PageDataIndex(this,,
data.create, data.session);
scanIndex = mainIndex;
} else {
mainIndex = null;
scanIndex = new ScanIndex(this,,
IndexColumn.wrap(getColumns()), IndexType.createScan(data.persistData));
traceLock = database.getTrace(Trace.LOCK);
public void close(Session session) {
for (Index index : indexes) {
public Row getRow(Session session, long key) {
return scanIndex.getRow(session, key);
public void addRow(Session session, Row row) {
lastModificationId = database.getNextModificationDataId();
int i = 0;
try {
for (int size = indexes.size(); i < size; i++) {
Index index = indexes.get(i);
index.add(session, row);
checkRowCount(session, index, 1);
} catch (Throwable e) {
try {
while (--i >= 0) {
Index index = indexes.get(i);
index.remove(session, row);
checkRowCount(session, index, 0);
} catch (DbException e2) {
// this could happen, for example on failure in the storage
// but if that is not the case it means there is something wrong
// with the database
trace.error(e2, "could not undo operation");
throw e2;
throw DbException.convert(e);
private void checkRowCount(Session session, Index index, int offset) {
if (SysProperties.CHECK) {
if (!(index instanceof PageDelegateIndex)) {
long rc = index.getRowCount(session);
if (rc != rowCount + offset) {
"rowCount expected " + (rowCount + offset) +
" got " + rc + " " + getName() + "." + index.getName());
public Index getScanIndex(Session session) {
return indexes.get(0);
public Index getUniqueIndex() {
for (Index idx : indexes) {
if (idx.getIndexType().isUnique()) {
return idx;
return null;
public ArrayList getIndexes() {
return indexes;
public Index addIndex(Session session, String indexName, int indexId,
IndexColumn[] cols, IndexType indexType, boolean create,
String indexComment) {
if (indexType.isPrimaryKey()) {
for (IndexColumn c : cols) {
Column column = c.column;
if (column.isNullable()) {
throw DbException.get(
ErrorCode.COLUMN_MUST_NOT_BE_NULLABLE_1, column.getName());
boolean isSessionTemporary = isTemporary() && !isGlobalTemporary();
if (!isSessionTemporary) {
Index index;
if (isPersistIndexes() && indexType.isPersistent()) {
int mainIndexColumn;
if (database.isStarting() &&
database.getPageStore().getRootPageId(indexId) != 0) {
mainIndexColumn = -1;
} else if (!database.isStarting() && mainIndex.getRowCount(session) != 0
|| mainIndex.getMainIndexColumn() != -1) {
mainIndexColumn = -1;
} else {
mainIndexColumn = getMainIndexColumn(indexType, cols);
if (mainIndexColumn != -1) {
index = new PageDelegateIndex(this, indexId, indexName,
indexType, mainIndex, create, session);
} else if (indexType.isSpatial()) {
index = new SpatialTreeIndex(this, indexId, indexName, cols,
indexType, true, create, session);
} else {
index = new PageBtreeIndex(this, indexId, indexName, cols,
indexType, create, session);
} else {
if (indexType.isHash()) {
if (cols.length != 1) {
throw DbException.getUnsupportedException(
"hash indexes may index only one column");
if (indexType.isUnique()) {
index = new HashIndex(this, indexId, indexName, cols,
} else {
index = new NonUniqueHashIndex(this, indexId, indexName,
cols, indexType);
} else if (indexType.isSpatial()) {
index = new SpatialTreeIndex(this, indexId, indexName, cols,
indexType, false, true, session);
} else {
index = new TreeIndex(this, indexId, indexName, cols, indexType);
if (index.needRebuild() && rowCount > 0) {
try {
Index scan = getScanIndex(session);
long remaining = scan.getRowCount(session);
long total = remaining;
Cursor cursor = scan.find(session, null, null);
long i = 0;
int bufferSize = (int) Math.min(rowCount, database.getMaxMemoryRows());
ArrayList buffer = new ArrayList<>(bufferSize);
String n = getName() + ":" + index.getName();
int t = MathUtils.convertLongToInt(total);
while ( {
database.setProgress(DatabaseEventListener.STATE_CREATE_INDEX, n,
MathUtils.convertLongToInt(i++), t);
Row row = cursor.get();
if (buffer.size() >= bufferSize) {
addRowsToIndex(session, buffer, index);
addRowsToIndex(session, buffer, index);
if (remaining != 0) {
DbException.throwInternalError("rowcount remaining=" +
remaining + " " + getName());
} catch (DbException e) {
try {
} catch (DbException e2) {
// this could happen, for example on failure in the storage
// but if that is not the case it means
// there is something wrong with the database
trace.error(e2, "could not remove index");
throw e2;
throw e;
if (index.getCreateSQL() != null) {
if (isSessionTemporary) {
} else {
database.addSchemaObject(session, index);
return index;
public long getRowCount(Session session) {
return rowCount;
public void removeRow(Session session, Row row) {
lastModificationId = database.getNextModificationDataId();
int i = indexes.size() - 1;
try {
for (; i >= 0; i--) {
Index index = indexes.get(i);
index.remove(session, row);
checkRowCount(session, index, -1);
} catch (Throwable e) {
try {
while (++i < indexes.size()) {
Index index = indexes.get(i);
index.add(session, row);
checkRowCount(session, index, 0);
} catch (DbException e2) {
// this could happen, for example on failure in the storage
// but if that is not the case it means there is something wrong
// with the database
trace.error(e2, "could not undo operation");
throw e2;
throw DbException.convert(e);
public void truncate(Session session) {
lastModificationId = database.getNextModificationDataId();
for (int i = indexes.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
Index index = indexes.get(i);
rowCount = 0;
changesSinceAnalyze = 0;
private void analyzeIfRequired(Session session) {
if (nextAnalyze == 0 || nextAnalyze > changesSinceAnalyze++) {
changesSinceAnalyze = 0;
int n = 2 * nextAnalyze;
if (n > 0) {
nextAnalyze = n;
public boolean lock(Session session, boolean exclusive,
boolean forceLockEvenInMvcc) {
int lockMode = database.getLockMode();
if (lockMode == Constants.LOCK_MODE_OFF) {
return lockExclusiveSession != null;
if (lockExclusiveSession == session) {
return true;
if (!exclusive && lockSharedSessions.containsKey(session)) {
return true;
synchronized (database) {
if (!exclusive && lockSharedSessions.contains(session)) {
return true;
session.setWaitForLock(this, Thread.currentThread());
try {
doLock1(session, lockMode, exclusive);
} finally {
session.setWaitForLock(null, null);
return false;
private void doLock1(Session session, int lockMode, boolean exclusive) {
traceLock(session, exclusive, "requesting for");
// don't get the current time unless necessary
long max = 0;
boolean checkDeadlock = false;
while (true) {
// if I'm the next one in the queue
if (waitingSessions.getFirst() == session) {
if (doLock2(session, lockMode, exclusive)) {
if (checkDeadlock) {
ArrayList sessions = checkDeadlock(session, null, null);
if (sessions != null) {
throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DEADLOCK_1,
getDeadlockDetails(sessions, exclusive));
} else {
// check for deadlocks from now on
checkDeadlock = true;
long now = System.nanoTime();
if (max == 0) {
// try at least one more time
max = now + TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(session.getLockTimeout());
} else if (now >= max) {
traceLock(session, exclusive, "timeout after " + session.getLockTimeout());
throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.LOCK_TIMEOUT_1, getName());
try {
traceLock(session, exclusive, "waiting for");
if (database.getLockMode() == Constants.LOCK_MODE_TABLE_GC) {
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
long free = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();
long free2 = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();
if (free == free2) {
// don't wait too long so that deadlocks are detected early
long sleep = Math.min(Constants.DEADLOCK_CHECK,
TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(max - now));
if (sleep == 0) {
sleep = 1;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// ignore
private boolean doLock2(Session session, int lockMode, boolean exclusive) {
if (exclusive) {
if (lockExclusiveSession == null) {
if (lockSharedSessions.isEmpty()) {
traceLock(session, exclusive, "added for");
lockExclusiveSession = session;
return true;
} else if (lockSharedSessions.size() == 1 &&
lockSharedSessions.containsKey(session)) {
traceLock(session, exclusive, "add (upgraded) for ");
lockExclusiveSession = session;
return true;
} else {
if (lockExclusiveSession == null) {
if (lockMode == Constants.LOCK_MODE_READ_COMMITTED) {
// PageStore is single-threaded, no lock is required
return true;
if (!lockSharedSessions.containsKey(session)) {
traceLock(session, exclusive, "ok");
lockSharedSessions.put(session, session);
return true;
return false;
private void traceLock(Session session, boolean exclusive, String s) {
if (traceLock.isDebugEnabled()) {
traceLock.debug("{0} {1} {2} {3}", session.getId(),
exclusive ? "exclusive write lock" : "shared read lock", s, getName());
public void unlock(Session s) {
if (database != null) {
traceLock(s, lockExclusiveSession == s, "unlock");
if (lockExclusiveSession == s) {
lockExclusiveSession = null;
synchronized (database) {
if (!lockSharedSessions.isEmpty()) {
if (!waitingSessions.isEmpty()) {
* Set the row count of this table.
* @param count the row count
public void setRowCount(long count) {
this.rowCount = count;
public void removeChildrenAndResources(Session session) {
if (containsLargeObject) {
// unfortunately, the data is gone on rollback
// go backwards because database.removeIndex will call table.removeIndex
while (indexes.size() > 1) {
Index index = indexes.get(1);
if (index.getName() != null) {
database.removeSchemaObject(session, index);
// needed for session temporary indexes
if (SysProperties.CHECK) {
for (SchemaObject obj : database.getAllSchemaObjects(DbObject.INDEX)) {
Index index = (Index) obj;
if (index.getTable() == this) {
DbException.throwInternalError("index not dropped: " + index.getName());
database.removeMeta(session, getId());
scanIndex = null;
lockExclusiveSession = null;
public long getMaxDataModificationId() {
return lastModificationId;
public long getRowCountApproximation() {
return scanIndex.getRowCountApproximation();
public long getDiskSpaceUsed() {
return scanIndex.getDiskSpaceUsed();
public void setCompareMode(CompareMode compareMode) {
this.compareMode = compareMode;