Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2004-2019 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
* and the EPL 1.0 (
* Initial Developer: Alessandro Ventura
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import org.h2.api.CredentialsValidator;
import org.h2.api.UserToRolesMapper;
import org.h2.engine.Database;
import org.h2.engine.Right;
import org.h2.engine.Role;
import org.h2.engine.SysProperties;
import org.h2.engine.User;
import org.h2.engine.UserBuilder;
import org.h2.message.Trace;
import org.h2.util.StringUtils;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
* Default authenticator implementation.
* When client connectionInfo contains property AUTHREALM={realName} credentials
* (typically user id and password) are validated by
* {@link org.h2.api.CredentialsValidator} configured for that realm.
* When client connectionInfo doesn't contains AUTHREALM property credentials
* are validated internally on the database
* Rights assignment can be managed through {@link org.h2.api.UserToRolesMapper}
* Default configuration has a realm H2 that validate credentials through JAAS
* api (appName=h2). To customize configuration set h2.authConfigFile system
* property to refer a valid h2auth.xml config file
public class DefaultAuthenticator implements Authenticator {
public static final String DEFAULT_REALMNAME = "H2";
private Map realms = new HashMap<>();
private List userToRolesMappers = new ArrayList<>();
private boolean allowUserRegistration;
private boolean persistUsers;
private boolean createMissingRoles;
private boolean skipDefaultInitialization;
private boolean initialized;
private static DefaultAuthenticator instance;
protected static final DefaultAuthenticator getInstance() {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new DefaultAuthenticator();
return instance;
* Create the Authenticator with default configurations
public DefaultAuthenticator() {
* Create authenticator and optionally skip the default configuration. This
* option is useful when the authenticator is configured at code level
* @param skipDefaultInitialization
* if true default initialization is skipped
public DefaultAuthenticator(boolean skipDefaultInitialization) {
this.skipDefaultInitialization = skipDefaultInitialization;
* If set save users externals defined during the authentication.
* @return {@code true} if user will be persisted,
* otherwise returns {@code false}
public boolean isPersistUsers() {
return persistUsers;
* If set to {@code true} saves users externals defined during the authentication.
* @param persistUsers {@code true} if user will be persisted,
* otherwise {@code false}.
public void setPersistUsers(boolean persistUsers) {
this.persistUsers = persistUsers;
* If set create external users in the database if not present.
* @return {@code true} if creation external user is allowed,
* otherwise returns {@code false}
public boolean isAllowUserRegistration() {
return allowUserRegistration;
* If set to{@code true} creates external users in the database if not present.
* @param allowUserRegistration {@code true} if creation external user is allowed,
* otherwise returns {@code false}
public void setAllowUserRegistration(boolean allowUserRegistration) {
this.allowUserRegistration = allowUserRegistration;
* When set create roles not found in the database. If not set roles not
* found in the database are silently skipped.
* @return {@code true} if not found roles will be created,
* {@code false} roles are silently skipped.
public boolean isCreateMissingRoles() {
return createMissingRoles;
* Sets the flag that define behavior in case external roles not found in the database.
* @param createMissingRoles when is {@code true} not found roles are created,
* when is {@code false} roles are silently skipped.
public void setCreateMissingRoles(boolean createMissingRoles) {
this.createMissingRoles = createMissingRoles;
* Add an authentication realm. Realms are case insensitive
* @param name
* realm name
* @param credentialsValidator
* credentials validator for realm
public void addRealm(String name, CredentialsValidator credentialsValidator) {
realms.put(StringUtils.toUpperEnglish(name), credentialsValidator);
* UserToRoleMappers assign roles to authenticated users
* @return current UserToRoleMappers active
public List getUserToRolesMappers() {
return userToRolesMappers;
public void setUserToRolesMappers(UserToRolesMapper... userToRolesMappers) {
List userToRolesMappersList = new ArrayList<>();
for (UserToRolesMapper current : userToRolesMappers) {
this.userToRolesMappers = userToRolesMappersList;
* Initializes the authenticator.
* this method is skipped if skipDefaultInitialization is set Order of
* initialization is
* - Check h2.authConfigFile system property.
* - Use the default configuration hard coded
* @param database where authenticator is initialized
public void init(Database database) throws AuthConfigException {
if (skipDefaultInitialization) {
if (initialized) {
synchronized (this) {
if (initialized) {
Trace trace = database.getTrace(Trace.DATABASE);
URL h2AuthenticatorConfigurationUrl = null;
try {
String configFile = SysProperties.AUTH_CONFIG_FILE;
if (configFile != null) {
if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) {
trace.debug("DefaultAuthenticator.config: configuration read from system property"
+ " h2auth.configurationfile={0}", configFile);
h2AuthenticatorConfigurationUrl = new URL(configFile);
if (h2AuthenticatorConfigurationUrl == null) {
if (trace.isDebugEnabled()) {
trace.debug("DefaultAuthenticator.config: default configuration");
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
trace.error(e, "DefaultAuthenticator.config: an error occurred during configuration from {0} ",
throw new AuthConfigException(
"Failed to configure authentication from " + h2AuthenticatorConfigurationUrl, e);
initialized = true;
private void defaultConfiguration() {
createMissingRoles = false;
allowUserRegistration = true;
realms = new HashMap<>();
CredentialsValidator jaasCredentialsValidator = new JaasCredentialsValidator();
jaasCredentialsValidator.configure(new ConfigProperties());
realms.put(DEFAULT_REALMNAME, jaasCredentialsValidator);
UserToRolesMapper assignRealmNameRole = new AssignRealmNameRole();
assignRealmNameRole.configure(new ConfigProperties());
* Configure the authenticator from a configuration file
* @param configUrl URL of configuration file
public void configureFromUrl(URL configUrl) throws AuthenticationException,
SAXException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException {
H2AuthConfig config = H2AuthConfigXml.parseFrom(configUrl);
private void configureFrom(H2AuthConfig config) throws AuthenticationException {
allowUserRegistration = config.isAllowUserRegistration();
createMissingRoles = config.isCreateMissingRoles();
Map newRealms = new HashMap<>();
for (RealmConfig currentRealmConfig : config.getRealms()) {
String currentRealmName = currentRealmConfig.getName();
if (currentRealmName == null) {
throw new AuthenticationException("Missing realm name");
currentRealmName = currentRealmName.toUpperCase();
CredentialsValidator currentValidator = null;
try {
currentValidator = (CredentialsValidator) Class.forName(currentRealmConfig.getValidatorClass())
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new AuthenticationException("invalid validator class fo realm " + currentRealmName, e);
currentValidator.configure(new ConfigProperties(currentRealmConfig.getProperties()));
if (newRealms.put(currentRealmConfig.getName().toUpperCase(), currentValidator) != null) {
throw new AuthenticationException("Duplicate realm " + currentRealmConfig.getName());
this.realms = newRealms;
List newUserToRolesMapper = new ArrayList<>();
for (UserToRolesMapperConfig currentUserToRolesMapperConfig : config.getUserToRolesMappers()) {
UserToRolesMapper currentUserToRolesMapper = null;
try {
currentUserToRolesMapper = (UserToRolesMapper) Class
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new AuthenticationException("Invalid class in UserToRolesMapperConfig", e);
currentUserToRolesMapper.configure(new ConfigProperties(currentUserToRolesMapperConfig.getProperties()));
this.userToRolesMappers = newUserToRolesMapper;
private boolean updateRoles(AuthenticationInfo authenticationInfo, User user, Database database)
throws AuthenticationException {
boolean updatedDb = false;
Set roles = new HashSet<>();
for (UserToRolesMapper currentUserToRolesMapper : userToRolesMappers) {
Collection currentRoles = currentUserToRolesMapper.mapUserToRoles(authenticationInfo);
if (currentRoles != null && !currentRoles.isEmpty()) {
for (String currentRoleName : roles) {
if (currentRoleName == null || currentRoleName.isEmpty()) {
Role currentRole = database.findRole(currentRoleName);
if (currentRole == null && isCreateMissingRoles()) {
synchronized (database.getSystemSession()) {
currentRole = new Role(database, database.allocateObjectId(), currentRoleName, false);
database.addDatabaseObject(database.getSystemSession(), currentRole);
updatedDb = true;
if (currentRole == null) {
if (user.getRightForRole(currentRole) == null) {
Right currentRight = new Right(database, -1, user, currentRole);
user.grantRole(currentRole, currentRight);
return updatedDb;
public final User authenticate(AuthenticationInfo authenticationInfo, Database database)
throws AuthenticationException {
String userName = authenticationInfo.getFullyQualifiedName();
User user = database.findUser(userName);
if (user == null && !isAllowUserRegistration()) {
throw new AuthenticationException("User " + userName + " not found in db");
CredentialsValidator validator = realms.get(authenticationInfo.getRealm());
if (validator == null) {
throw new AuthenticationException("realm " + authenticationInfo.getRealm() + " not configured");
try {
if (!validator.validateCredentials(authenticationInfo)) {
return null;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new AuthenticationException(e);
if (user == null) {
synchronized (database.getSystemSession()) {
user = UserBuilder.buildUser(authenticationInfo, database, isPersistUsers());
database.addDatabaseObject(database.getSystemSession(), user);
updateRoles(authenticationInfo, user, database);
return user;