org.apache.hudi.BaseFileOnlyRelation.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.hudi
import org.apache.hudi.DataSourceReadOptions.ENABLE_HOODIE_FILE_INDEX
import org.apache.hudi.HoodieBaseRelation.projectReader
import org.apache.hudi.common.table.HoodieTableMetaClient
import org.apache.hudi.hadoop.HoodieROTablePathFilter
import org.apache.hudi.storage.{StoragePath, StoragePathInfo}
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Expression
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources._
import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{BaseRelation, Filter}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType
* [[BaseRelation]] implementation only reading Base files of Hudi tables, essentially supporting following querying
* modes:
* - For COW tables: Snapshot
* - For MOR tables: Read-optimized
* NOTE: The reason this Relation is used in-liue of Spark's default [[HadoopFsRelation]] is primarily due to the
* fact that it injects real partition's path as the value of the partition field, which Hudi ultimately persists
* as part of the record payload. In some cases, however, partition path might not necessarily be equal to the
* verbatim value of the partition path field (when custom [[KeyGenerator]] is used) therefore leading to incorrect
* partition field values being written
case class BaseFileOnlyRelation(override val sqlContext: SQLContext,
override val metaClient: HoodieTableMetaClient,
override val optParams: Map[String, String],
private val userSchema: Option[StructType],
private val globPaths: Seq[StoragePath],
private val prunedDataSchema: Option[StructType] = None)
extends HoodieBaseRelation(sqlContext, metaClient, optParams, userSchema, prunedDataSchema)
with SparkAdapterSupport {
case class HoodieBaseFileSplit(filePartition: FilePartition) extends HoodieFileSplit
override type FileSplit = HoodieBaseFileSplit
override type Relation = BaseFileOnlyRelation
// TODO(HUDI-3204) this is to override behavior (exclusively) for COW tables to always extract
// partition values from partition path
// For more details please check HUDI-4161
// NOTE: This override has to mirror semantic of whenever this Relation is converted into [[HadoopFsRelation]],
// which is currently done for all cases, except when Schema Evolution is enabled
override protected val shouldExtractPartitionValuesFromPartitionPath: Boolean =
override lazy val mandatoryFields: Seq[String] = Seq.empty
// Before Spark 3.4.0: PartitioningAwareFileIndex.BASE_PATH_PARAM
// Since Spark 3.4.0: FileIndexOptions.BASE_PATH_PARAM
val BASE_PATH_PARAM = "basePath"
override def updatePrunedDataSchema(prunedSchema: StructType): Relation =
this.copy(prunedDataSchema = Some(prunedSchema))
protected override def composeRDD(fileSplits: Seq[HoodieBaseFileSplit],
tableSchema: HoodieTableSchema,
requiredSchema: HoodieTableSchema,
requestedColumns: Array[String],
filters: Array[Filter]): RDD[InternalRow] = {
val (partitionSchema, dataSchema, requiredDataSchema) = tryPrunePartitionColumns(tableSchema, requiredSchema)
val baseFileReader = createBaseFileReader(
spark = sparkSession,
partitionSchema = partitionSchema,
dataSchema = dataSchema,
requiredDataSchema = requiredDataSchema,
filters = filters,
options = optParams,
// NOTE: We have to fork the Hadoop Config here as Spark will be modifying it
// to configure Parquet reader appropriately
hadoopConf = embedInternalSchema(new Configuration(conf), requiredSchema.internalSchema)
// NOTE: In some case schema of the reader's output (reader's schema) might not match the schema expected by the caller.
// This could occur for ex, when requested schema contains partition columns which might not be persisted w/in the
// data file, but instead would be parsed from the partition path. In that case output of the file-reader will have
// different ordering of the fields than the original required schema (for more details please check out
// [[ParquetFileFormat]] impl). In that case we have to project the rows from the file-reader's schema
// back into the one expected by the caller
val projectedReader = projectReader(baseFileReader, requiredSchema.structTypeSchema)
// SPARK-37273 FileScanRDD constructor changed in SPARK 3.3
sparkAdapter.createHoodieFileScanRDD(sparkSession, projectedReader.apply, fileSplits.map(_.filePartition), requiredSchema.structTypeSchema)
protected def collectFileSplits(partitionFilters: Seq[Expression], dataFilters: Seq[Expression]): Seq[HoodieBaseFileSplit] = {
val fileSlices = listLatestFileSlices(globPaths, partitionFilters, dataFilters)
val fileSplits = fileSlices.flatMap { fileSlice =>
// TODO fix, currently assuming parquet as underlying format
val pathInfo: StoragePathInfo = fileSlice.getBaseFile.get.getPathInfo
sparkSession = sparkSession,
file = pathInfo,
partitionValues = getPartitionColumnsAsInternalRow(pathInfo)
// NOTE: It's important to order the splits in the reverse order of their
// size so that we can subsequently bucket them in an efficient manner
val maxSplitBytes = sparkSession.sessionState.conf.filesMaxPartitionBytes
sparkAdapter.getFilePartitions(sparkSession, fileSplits, maxSplitBytes)
* NOTE: We have to fallback to [[HadoopFsRelation]] to make sure that all of the Spark optimizations could be
* equally applied to Hudi tables, since some of those are predicated on the usage of [[HadoopFsRelation]],
* and won't be applicable in case of us using our own custom relations (one of such optimizations is [[SchemaPruning]]
* rule; you can find more details in HUDI-3896)
def toHadoopFsRelation: HadoopFsRelation = {
val enableFileIndex = HoodieSparkConfUtils.getConfigValue(optParams, sparkSession.sessionState.conf,
if (enableFileIndex && globPaths.isEmpty) {
// NOTE: There are currently 2 ways partition values could be fetched:
// - Source columns (producing the values used for physical partitioning) will be read
// from the data file
// - Values parsed from the actual partition path would be appended to the final dataset
// In the former case, we don't need to provide the partition-schema to the relation,
// therefore we simply stub it w/ empty schema and use full table-schema as the one being
// read from the data file.
// In the latter, we have to specify proper partition schema as well as "data"-schema, essentially
// being a table-schema with all partition columns stripped out
val (partitionSchema, dataSchema) = if (shouldExtractPartitionValuesFromPartitionPath) {
(fileIndex.partitionSchema, fileIndex.dataSchema)
} else {
(StructType(Nil), tableStructSchema)
location = fileIndex,
partitionSchema = partitionSchema,
dataSchema = dataSchema,
bucketSpec = None,
fileFormat = fileFormat,
} else {
val readPathsStr = optParams.get(DataSourceReadOptions.READ_PATHS.key)
val extraReadPaths = readPathsStr.map(p => p.split(",").toSeq).getOrElse(Seq())
// NOTE: Spark is able to infer partitioning values from partition path only when Hive-style partitioning
// scheme is used. Therefore, we fallback to reading the table as non-partitioned (specifying
// partitionColumns = Seq.empty) whenever Hive-style partitioning is not involved
val partitionColumns: Seq[String] = if (tableConfig.getHiveStylePartitioningEnable.toBoolean) {
} else {
sparkSession = sparkSession,
paths = extraReadPaths,
// Here we should specify the schema to the latest commit schema since
// the table schema evolution.
userSpecifiedSchema = userSchema.orElse(Some(tableStructSchema)),
className = fileFormatClassName,
options = optParams ++ Map(
// Since we're reading the table as just collection of files we have to make sure
// we only read the latest version of every Hudi's file-group, which might be compacted, clustered, etc.
// while keeping previous versions of the files around as well.
// We rely on [[HoodieROTablePathFilter]], to do proper filtering to assure that
"mapreduce.input.pathFilter.class" -> classOf[HoodieROTablePathFilter].getName,
// We have to override [[EXTRACT_PARTITION_VALUES_FROM_PARTITION_PATH]] setting, since
// the relation might have this setting overridden
DataSourceReadOptions.EXTRACT_PARTITION_VALUES_FROM_PARTITION_PATH.key -> shouldExtractPartitionValuesFromPartitionPath.toString,
// NOTE: We have to specify table's base-path explicitly, since we're requesting Spark to read it as a
// list of globbed paths which complicates partitioning discovery for Spark.
// Please check [[PartitioningAwareFileIndex#basePaths]] comment for more details.
BASE_PATH_PARAM -> metaClient.getBasePath.toString
partitionColumns = partitionColumns
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