org.apache.hudi.HoodieBootstrapRelation.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.hudi
import org.apache.hudi.HoodieBaseRelation.{BaseFileReader, convertToAvroSchema, projectReader}
import org.apache.hudi.HoodieBootstrapRelation.{createPartitionedFile, validate}
import org.apache.hudi.common.model.FileSlice
import org.apache.hudi.common.table.HoodieTableMetaClient
import org.apache.hudi.common.util.ValidationUtils.checkState
import org.apache.hudi.storage.StoragePath
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Expression
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.{HadoopFsRelation, PartitionedFile}
import org.apache.spark.sql.hudi.HoodieSqlCommonUtils.isMetaField
import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.Filter
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType
trait BaseHoodieBootstrapSplit extends HoodieFileSplit {
val dataFile: PartitionedFile
val skeletonFile: Option[PartitionedFile]
case class HoodieBootstrapSplit(dataFile: PartitionedFile,
skeletonFile: Option[PartitionedFile]) extends BaseHoodieBootstrapSplit
case class HoodieBootstrapRelation(override val sqlContext: SQLContext,
private val userSchema: Option[StructType],
private val globPaths: Seq[StoragePath],
override val metaClient: HoodieTableMetaClient,
override val optParams: Map[String, String],
private val prunedDataSchema: Option[StructType] = None)
extends BaseHoodieBootstrapRelation(sqlContext, userSchema, globPaths, metaClient, optParams, prunedDataSchema) {
override type Relation = HoodieBootstrapRelation
override protected def createFileSplit(fileSlice: FileSlice, dataFile: PartitionedFile, skeletonFile: Option[PartitionedFile]): FileSplit = {
HoodieBootstrapSplit(dataFile, skeletonFile)
override def updatePrunedDataSchema(prunedSchema: StructType): Relation =
this.copy(prunedDataSchema = Some(prunedSchema))
def toHadoopFsRelation: HadoopFsRelation = {
location = fileIndex,
partitionSchema = fileIndex.partitionSchema,
dataSchema = fileIndex.dataSchema,
bucketSpec = None,
fileFormat = fileFormat,
* This is Spark relation that can be used for querying metadata/fully bootstrapped query hoodie tables, as well as
* non-bootstrapped tables. It implements PrunedFilteredScan interface in order to support column pruning and filter
* push-down. For metadata bootstrapped files, if we query columns from both metadata and actual data then it will
* perform a merge of both to return the result.
* Caveat: Filter push-down does not work when querying both metadata and actual data columns over metadata
* bootstrapped files, because then the metadata file and data file can return different number of rows causing errors
* merging.
* @param sqlContext Spark SQL Context
* @param userSchema User specified schema in the datasource query
* @param globPaths The global paths to query. If it not none, read from the globPaths,
* else read data from tablePath using HoodieFileIndex.
* @param metaClient Hoodie table meta client
* @param optParams DataSource options passed by the user
abstract class BaseHoodieBootstrapRelation(override val sqlContext: SQLContext,
private val userSchema: Option[StructType],
private val globPaths: Seq[StoragePath],
override val metaClient: HoodieTableMetaClient,
override val optParams: Map[String, String],
private val prunedDataSchema: Option[StructType] = None)
extends HoodieBaseRelation(sqlContext, metaClient, optParams, userSchema, prunedDataSchema) {
override type FileSplit = BaseHoodieBootstrapSplit
private lazy val skeletonSchema = HoodieSparkUtils.getMetaSchema
override lazy val mandatoryFields: Seq[String] = Seq.empty
protected def getFileSlices(partitionFilters: Seq[Expression], dataFilters: Seq[Expression]): Seq[FileSlice] = {
listLatestFileSlices(globPaths, partitionFilters, dataFilters)
protected def createFileSplit(fileSlice: FileSlice, dataFile: PartitionedFile, skeletonFile: Option[PartitionedFile]): FileSplit
protected override def collectFileSplits(partitionFilters: Seq[Expression], dataFilters: Seq[Expression]): Seq[FileSplit] = {
val fileSlices = getFileSlices(partitionFilters, dataFilters)
val isPartitioned = metaClient.getTableConfig.isTablePartitioned
fileSlices.map { fileSlice =>
val baseFile = fileSlice.getBaseFile.get()
if (baseFile.getBootstrapBaseFile.isPresent) {
val partitionValues = getPartitionColumnsAsInternalRowInternal(baseFile.getPathInfo,
metaClient.getBasePath, extractPartitionValuesFromPartitionPath = isPartitioned)
val dataFile = createPartitionedFile(
partitionValues, baseFile.getBootstrapBaseFile.get.getPathInfo.getPath,
0, baseFile.getBootstrapBaseFile.get().getFileLen)
val skeletonFile = Option(createPartitionedFile(
InternalRow.empty, baseFile.getStoragePath, 0, baseFile.getFileLen))
createFileSplit(fileSlice, dataFile, skeletonFile)
} else {
val dataFile = createPartitionedFile(
getPartitionColumnsAsInternalRow(baseFile.getPathInfo), baseFile.getStoragePath, 0, baseFile.getFileLen)
createFileSplit(fileSlice, dataFile, Option.empty)
* get all the file readers required for composeRDD
protected def getFileReaders(tableSchema: HoodieTableSchema,
requiredSchema: HoodieTableSchema,
requestedColumns: Array[String],
filters: Array[Filter]): (BaseFileReader, BaseFileReader, BaseFileReader) = {
val requiredSkeletonFileSchema =
StructType(skeletonSchema.filter(f => requestedColumns.exists(col => resolver(f.name, col))))
val (bootstrapDataFileReader, bootstrapSkeletonFileReader) =
createBootstrapFileReaders(tableSchema, requiredSchema, requiredSkeletonFileSchema, filters)
val regularFileReader = createRegularFileReader(tableSchema, requiredSchema, filters)
(bootstrapDataFileReader, bootstrapSkeletonFileReader, regularFileReader)
protected override def composeRDD(fileSplits: Seq[FileSplit],
tableSchema: HoodieTableSchema,
requiredSchema: HoodieTableSchema,
requestedColumns: Array[String],
filters: Array[Filter]): RDD[InternalRow] = {
val (bootstrapDataFileReader, bootstrapSkeletonFileReader, regularFileReader) = getFileReaders(tableSchema,
requiredSchema, requestedColumns, filters)
new HoodieBootstrapRDD(sqlContext.sparkSession, bootstrapDataFileReader, bootstrapSkeletonFileReader, regularFileReader,
requiredSchema, fileSplits)
* Creates skeleton and base file reader
private def createBootstrapFileReaders(tableSchema: HoodieTableSchema,
requiredSchema: HoodieTableSchema,
requiredSkeletonFileSchema: StructType,
filters: Array[Filter]): (BaseFileReader, BaseFileReader) = {
// NOTE: "Data" schema in here refers to the whole table's schema that doesn't include only partition
// columns, as opposed to data file schema not including any meta-fields columns in case of
// Bootstrap relation
val (partitionSchema, dataSchema, requiredDataSchema) =
tryPrunePartitionColumnsInternal(tableSchema, requiredSchema, extractPartitionValuesFromPartitionPath = true)
val bootstrapDataFileSchema = StructType(dataSchema.structTypeSchema.filterNot(sf => isMetaField(sf.name)))
val requiredBootstrapDataFileSchema = StructType(requiredDataSchema.structTypeSchema.filterNot(sf => isMetaField(sf.name)))
validate(requiredDataSchema, requiredBootstrapDataFileSchema, requiredSkeletonFileSchema)
val bootstrapDataFileReader = createBaseFileReader(
spark = sqlContext.sparkSession,
dataSchema = new HoodieTableSchema(bootstrapDataFileSchema, convertToAvroSchema(bootstrapDataFileSchema, tableName).toString),
partitionSchema = partitionSchema,
requiredDataSchema = new HoodieTableSchema(requiredBootstrapDataFileSchema, convertToAvroSchema(requiredBootstrapDataFileSchema, tableName).toString),
// NOTE: For bootstrapped files we can't apply any filtering in case we'd need to merge it with
// a skeleton-file as we rely on matching ordering of the records across bootstrap- and skeleton-files
filters = if (requiredSkeletonFileSchema.isEmpty) filters else Seq(),
options = optParams,
hadoopConf = sqlContext.sparkSession.sessionState.newHadoopConf(),
// NOTE: Bootstrap relation have to always extract partition values from the partition-path as this is a
// default Spark behavior: Spark by default strips partition-columns from the data schema and does
// NOT persist them in the data files, instead parsing them from partition-paths (on the fly) whenever
// table is queried
shouldAppendPartitionValuesOverride = Some(true)
val boostrapSkeletonFileReader = createBaseFileReader(
spark = sqlContext.sparkSession,
dataSchema = new HoodieTableSchema(skeletonSchema, convertToAvroSchema(skeletonSchema, tableName).toString),
// NOTE: Here we specify partition-schema as empty since we don't need Spark to inject partition-values
// parsed from the partition-path
partitionSchema = StructType(Seq.empty),
requiredDataSchema = new HoodieTableSchema(requiredSkeletonFileSchema, convertToAvroSchema(requiredSkeletonFileSchema, tableName).toString),
// NOTE: For bootstrapped files we can't apply any filtering in case we'd need to merge it with
// a skeleton-file as we rely on matching ordering of the records across bootstrap- and skeleton-files
filters = if (requiredBootstrapDataFileSchema.isEmpty) filters else Seq(),
options = optParams,
hadoopConf = sqlContext.sparkSession.sessionState.newHadoopConf(),
// NOTE: We override Spark to avoid injecting partition values into the records read from
// skeleton-file
shouldAppendPartitionValuesOverride = Some(false)
(bootstrapDataFileReader, boostrapSkeletonFileReader)
* create reader for hudi base files
private def createRegularFileReader(tableSchema: HoodieTableSchema,
requiredSchema: HoodieTableSchema,
filters: Array[Filter]): BaseFileReader = {
// NOTE: "Data" schema in here refers to the whole table's schema that doesn't include only partition
// columns, as opposed to data file schema not including any meta-fields columns in case of
// Bootstrap relation
val (partitionSchema, dataSchema, requiredDataSchema) =
tryPrunePartitionColumns(tableSchema, requiredSchema)
// NOTE: Bootstrapped table allows Hudi created file-slices to be co-located w/ the "bootstrapped"
// ones (ie persisted by Spark). Therefore to be able to read the data from Bootstrapped
// table we also need to create regular file-reader to read file-slices created by Hudi
val regularFileReader = createBaseFileReader(
spark = sqlContext.sparkSession,
dataSchema = dataSchema,
partitionSchema = partitionSchema,
requiredDataSchema = requiredDataSchema,
filters = filters,
options = optParams,
hadoopConf = sqlContext.sparkSession.sessionState.newHadoopConf()
// NOTE: In some case schema of the reader's output (reader's schema) might not match the schema expected by the caller.
// This could occur for ex, when requested schema contains partition columns which might not be persisted w/in the
// data file, but instead would be parsed from the partition path. In that case output of the file-reader will have
// different ordering of the fields than the original required schema (for more details please check out
// [[ParquetFileFormat]] impl). In that case we have to project the rows from the file-reader's schema
// back into the one expected by the caller
projectReader(regularFileReader, requiredSchema.structTypeSchema)
object HoodieBootstrapRelation extends SparkAdapterSupport {
def validate(requiredDataSchema: HoodieTableSchema, requiredDataFileSchema: StructType, requiredSkeletonFileSchema: StructType): Unit = {
val requiredDataColumns: Seq[String] = requiredDataSchema.structTypeSchema.fieldNames.toSeq
val combinedColumns = (requiredSkeletonFileSchema.fieldNames ++ requiredDataFileSchema.fieldNames).toSeq
// NOTE: Here we validate that all required data columns are covered by the combination of the columns
// from both skeleton file and the corresponding data file
checkState(combinedColumns.sorted == requiredDataColumns.sorted)
def createPartitionedFile(partitionValues: InternalRow,
filePath: StoragePath,
start: Long,
length: Long): PartitionedFile = {
partitionValues, filePath, start, length)
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