org.apache.hudi.Iterators.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.hudi
import org.apache.hudi.HoodieBaseRelation.BaseFileReader
import org.apache.hudi.HoodieConversionUtils.{toJavaOption, toScalaOption}
import org.apache.hudi.HoodieDataSourceHelper.AvroDeserializerSupport
import org.apache.hudi.LogFileIterator.{getPartitionPath, scanLog}
import org.apache.hudi.common.config.{HoodieCommonConfig, HoodieMemoryConfig, HoodieMetadataConfig, TypedProperties}
import org.apache.hudi.common.engine.{EngineType, HoodieLocalEngineContext}
import org.apache.hudi.common.fs.FSUtils.getRelativePartitionPath
import org.apache.hudi.common.model.{HoodieAvroIndexedRecord, HoodieEmptyRecord, HoodieLogFile, HoodieOperation, HoodieRecord, HoodieSparkRecord}
import org.apache.hudi.common.model.HoodieRecord.HoodieRecordType
import org.apache.hudi.common.table.log.HoodieMergedLogRecordScanner
import org.apache.hudi.common.util.{FileIOUtils, HoodieRecordUtils}
import org.apache.hudi.config.HoodiePayloadConfig
import org.apache.hudi.hadoop.fs.HadoopFSUtils
import org.apache.hudi.hadoop.utils.HoodieRealtimeRecordReaderUtils.getMaxCompactionMemoryInBytes
import org.apache.hudi.internal.schema.InternalSchema
import org.apache.hudi.metadata.{HoodieBackedTableMetadata, HoodieTableMetadata}
import org.apache.hudi.metadata.HoodieTableMetadata.getDataTableBasePathFromMetadataTable
import org.apache.hudi.storage.{HoodieStorageUtils, StoragePath}
import org.apache.hudi.util.CachingIterator
import org.apache.avro.Schema
import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericRecord
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.HoodieCatalystExpressionUtils.generateUnsafeProjection
import org.apache.spark.sql.HoodieInternalRowUtils
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Projection
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType
import java.io.Closeable
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.mutable
* Provided w/ list of log files, iterates over all of the records stored in
* Delta Log files (represented as [[InternalRow]]s)
class LogFileIterator(logFiles: List[HoodieLogFile],
partitionPath: StoragePath,
tableSchema: HoodieTableSchema,
requiredStructTypeSchema: StructType,
requiredAvroSchema: Schema,
tableState: HoodieTableState,
config: Configuration)
extends CachingIterator[InternalRow] with AvroDeserializerSupport {
def this(logFiles: List[HoodieLogFile],
partitionPath: StoragePath,
tableSchema: HoodieTableSchema,
requiredSchema: HoodieTableSchema,
tableState: HoodieTableState,
config: Configuration) {
this(logFiles, partitionPath, tableSchema, requiredSchema.structTypeSchema,
new Schema.Parser().parse(requiredSchema.avroSchemaStr), tableState, config)
def this(split: HoodieMergeOnReadFileSplit,
tableSchema: HoodieTableSchema,
requiredSchema: HoodieTableSchema,
tableState: HoodieTableState,
config: Configuration) {
this(split.logFiles, getPartitionPath(split), tableSchema, requiredSchema, tableState, config)
private val maxCompactionMemoryInBytes: Long = getMaxCompactionMemoryInBytes(new JobConf(config))
protected val payloadProps: TypedProperties = tableState.preCombineFieldOpt
.map { preCombineField =>
.getOrElse(new TypedProperties())
protected override val avroSchema: Schema = requiredAvroSchema
protected override val structTypeSchema: StructType = requiredStructTypeSchema
protected val logFileReaderAvroSchema: Schema = new Schema.Parser().parse(tableSchema.avroSchemaStr)
protected val logFileReaderStructType: StructType = tableSchema.structTypeSchema
private val requiredSchemaAvroProjection: AvroProjection = AvroProjection.create(avroSchema)
private val requiredSchemaRowProjection: Projection = generateUnsafeProjection(logFileReaderStructType, structTypeSchema)
private val logRecords = {
val internalSchema = tableSchema.internalSchema.getOrElse(InternalSchema.getEmptyInternalSchema)
scanLog(logFiles, partitionPath, logFileReaderAvroSchema, tableState,
maxCompactionMemoryInBytes, config, internalSchema)
private val (hasOperationField, operationFieldPos) = {
val operationField = logFileReaderAvroSchema.getField(HoodieRecord.OPERATION_METADATA_FIELD)
if (operationField != null) {
(true, operationField.pos())
} else {
(false, -1)
protected def isDeleteOperation(r: InternalRow): Boolean = if (hasOperationField) {
val operation = r.getString(operationFieldPos)
HoodieOperation.fromName(operation) == HoodieOperation.DELETE
} else {
protected def isDeleteOperation(r: GenericRecord): Boolean = if (hasOperationField) {
val operation = r.get(operationFieldPos).toString
HoodieOperation.fromName(operation) == HoodieOperation.DELETE
} else {
def logRecordsPairIterator(): Iterator[(String, HoodieRecord[_])] = {
// NOTE: This have to stay lazy to make sure it's initialized only at the point where it's
// going to be used, since we modify `logRecords` before that and therefore can't do it any earlier
private lazy val logRecordsIterator: Iterator[Option[HoodieRecord[_]]] =
logRecords.iterator.map {
case (_, record: HoodieSparkRecord) => Option(record)
case (_, _: HoodieEmptyRecord[_]) => Option.empty
case (_, record) =>
toScalaOption(record.toIndexedRecord(logFileReaderAvroSchema, payloadProps))
protected def removeLogRecord(key: String): Option[HoodieRecord[_]] = logRecords.remove(key)
protected def doHasNext: Boolean = hasNextInternal
// NOTE: It's crucial for this method to be annotated w/ [[@tailrec]] to make sure
// that recursion is unfolded into a loop to avoid stack overflows while
// handling records
@tailrec private def hasNextInternal: Boolean = {
logRecordsIterator.hasNext && {
logRecordsIterator.next() match {
case Some(r: HoodieAvroIndexedRecord) =>
val data = r.getData.asInstanceOf[GenericRecord]
if (isDeleteOperation(data)) {
} else {
val projectedAvroRecord = requiredSchemaAvroProjection(data)
nextRecord = deserialize(projectedAvroRecord)
case Some(r: HoodieSparkRecord) =>
val data = r.getData
if (isDeleteOperation(data)) {
} else {
nextRecord = requiredSchemaRowProjection(data)
case None => this.hasNextInternal
* Provided w/ list of log files and base file iterator, provides an iterator over all of the records stored in
* Base file as well as all of the Delta Log files simply returning concatenation of these streams, while not
* performing any combination/merging of the records w/ the same primary keys (ie producing duplicates potentially)
class SkipMergeIterator(logFiles: List[HoodieLogFile],
partitionPath: StoragePath,
baseFileIterator: Iterator[InternalRow],
readerSchema: StructType,
dataSchema: HoodieTableSchema,
requiredStructTypeSchema: StructType,
requiredAvroSchema: Schema,
tableState: HoodieTableState,
config: Configuration)
extends LogFileIterator(logFiles, partitionPath, dataSchema, requiredStructTypeSchema, requiredAvroSchema, tableState, config) {
def this(split: HoodieMergeOnReadFileSplit, baseFileReader: BaseFileReader, dataSchema: HoodieTableSchema,
requiredSchema: HoodieTableSchema, tableState: HoodieTableState, config: Configuration) {
this(split.logFiles, getPartitionPath(split), baseFileReader(split.dataFile.get),
baseFileReader.schema, dataSchema, requiredSchema.structTypeSchema,
new Schema.Parser().parse(requiredSchema.avroSchemaStr), tableState, config)
private val requiredSchemaProjection = generateUnsafeProjection(readerSchema, structTypeSchema)
override def doHasNext: Boolean = {
if (baseFileIterator.hasNext) {
// No merge is required, simply load current row and project into required schema
nextRecord = requiredSchemaProjection(baseFileIterator.next())
} else {
* Provided w/ list of log files and base file iterator, provides an iterator over all of the records stored in
* a) Base file and all of the b) Delta Log files combining records with the same primary key from both of these
* streams
class RecordMergingFileIterator(logFiles: List[HoodieLogFile],
partitionPath: StoragePath,
baseFileIterator: Iterator[InternalRow],
readerSchema: StructType,
dataSchema: HoodieTableSchema,
requiredStructTypeSchema: StructType,
requiredAvroSchema: Schema,
tableState: HoodieTableState,
config: Configuration)
extends LogFileIterator(logFiles, partitionPath, dataSchema, requiredStructTypeSchema, requiredAvroSchema, tableState, config) {
def this(logFiles: List[HoodieLogFile],
partitionPath: StoragePath,
baseFileIterator: Iterator[InternalRow],
readerSchema: StructType,
dataSchema: HoodieTableSchema,
requiredSchema: HoodieTableSchema,
tableState: HoodieTableState,
config: Configuration) {
this(logFiles, partitionPath, baseFileIterator, readerSchema, dataSchema, requiredSchema.structTypeSchema,
new Schema.Parser().parse(requiredSchema.avroSchemaStr), tableState, config)
def this(split: HoodieMergeOnReadFileSplit, baseFileReader: BaseFileReader, dataSchema: HoodieTableSchema,
requiredSchema: HoodieTableSchema, tableState: HoodieTableState, config: Configuration) {
this(split.logFiles, getPartitionPath(split), baseFileReader(split.dataFile.get),
baseFileReader.schema, dataSchema, requiredSchema, tableState, config)
// NOTE: Record-merging iterator supports 2 modes of operation merging records bearing either
// - Full table's schema
// - Projected schema
// As such, no particular schema could be assumed, and therefore we rely on the caller
// to correspondingly set the schema of the expected output of base-file reader
private val baseFileReaderAvroSchema = sparkAdapter.getAvroSchemaConverters.toAvroType(readerSchema, nullable = false, "record")
private val serializer = sparkAdapter.createAvroSerializer(readerSchema, baseFileReaderAvroSchema, nullable = false)
private val recordKeyOrdinal = readerSchema.fieldIndex(tableState.recordKeyField)
private val requiredSchemaProjection = generateUnsafeProjection(readerSchema, structTypeSchema)
private val requiredSchemaAvroProjection = AvroProjection.create(avroSchema)
private val recordMerger = HoodieRecordUtils.createRecordMerger(tableState.tablePath, EngineType.SPARK,
tableState.recordMergeImplClasses.asJava, tableState.recordMergeStrategyId)
override def doHasNext: Boolean = hasNextInternal
// NOTE: It's crucial for this method to be annotated w/ [[@tailrec]] to make sure
// that recursion is unfolded into a loop to avoid stack overflows while
// handling records
@tailrec private def hasNextInternal: Boolean = {
if (baseFileIterator.hasNext) {
val curRow = baseFileIterator.next()
val curKey = curRow.getString(recordKeyOrdinal)
val updatedRecordOpt = removeLogRecord(curKey)
if (updatedRecordOpt.isEmpty) {
// No merge is required, simply load current row and project into required schema
nextRecord = requiredSchemaProjection(curRow)
} else {
val mergedRecordOpt = merge(curRow, updatedRecordOpt.get)
if (mergedRecordOpt.isEmpty) {
// Record has been deleted, skipping
} else {
nextRecord = mergedRecordOpt.get
} else {
private def serialize(curRowRecord: InternalRow): GenericRecord =
private def merge(curRow: InternalRow, newRecord: HoodieRecord[_]): Option[InternalRow] = {
// NOTE: We have to pass in Avro Schema used to read from Delta Log file since we invoke combining API
// on the record from the Delta Log
recordMerger.getRecordType match {
case HoodieRecordType.SPARK =>
val curRecord = new HoodieSparkRecord(curRow, readerSchema)
val result = recordMerger.merge(curRecord, baseFileReaderAvroSchema, newRecord, logFileReaderAvroSchema, payloadProps)
.flatMap { r =>
val data = r.getLeft.getData.asInstanceOf[InternalRow]
if (isDeleteOperation(data)) {
} else {
val schema = HoodieInternalRowUtils.getCachedSchema(r.getRight)
val projection = HoodieInternalRowUtils.getCachedUnsafeProjection(schema, structTypeSchema)
case _ =>
val curRecord = new HoodieAvroIndexedRecord(serialize(curRow))
val result = recordMerger.merge(curRecord, baseFileReaderAvroSchema, newRecord, logFileReaderAvroSchema, payloadProps)
.flatMap { r =>
val avroRecord = r.getLeft.toIndexedRecord(r.getRight, payloadProps).get.getData.asInstanceOf[GenericRecord]
if (isDeleteOperation(avroRecord)) {
} else {
object LogFileIterator extends SparkAdapterSupport {
def scanLog(logFiles: List[HoodieLogFile],
partitionPath: StoragePath,
logSchema: Schema,
tableState: HoodieTableState,
maxCompactionMemoryInBytes: Long,
hadoopConf: Configuration,
internalSchema: InternalSchema = InternalSchema.getEmptyInternalSchema): mutable.Map[String, HoodieRecord[_]] = {
val tablePath = tableState.tablePath
val storage = HoodieStorageUtils.getStorage(tablePath, HadoopFSUtils.getStorageConf(hadoopConf))
if (HoodieTableMetadata.isMetadataTable(tablePath)) {
val metadataConfig = HoodieMetadataConfig.newBuilder()
val dataTableBasePath = getDataTableBasePathFromMetadataTable(tablePath)
val metadataTable = new HoodieBackedTableMetadata(
new HoodieLocalEngineContext(HadoopFSUtils.getStorageConf(hadoopConf)), storage, metadataConfig,
// We have to force full-scan for the MT log record reader, to make sure
// we can iterate over all of the partitions, since by default some of the partitions (Column Stats,
// Bloom Filter) are in "point-lookup" mode
val forceFullScan = true
// NOTE: In case of Metadata Table partition path equates to partition name (since there's just one level
// of indirection among MT partitions)
val relativePartitionPath = getRelativePartitionPath(
new StoragePath(tablePath), partitionPath)
val logRecordReader =
metadataTable.getLogRecordScanner(logFiles.asJava, relativePartitionPath, toJavaOption(Some(forceFullScan)), toJavaOption(Some(tableState.latestCommitTimestamp.get)))
val recordList = closing(logRecordReader) {
mutable.HashMap(recordList.asScala.map(r => (r.getRecordKey, r)).toSeq: _*)
} else {
val logRecordScannerBuilder = HoodieMergedLogRecordScanner.newBuilder()
.withLogFilePaths(logFiles.map(logFile => logFile.getPath.toString).asJava)
// NOTE: This part shall only be reached when at least one log is present in the file-group
// entailing that table has to have at least one commit
if (logFiles.nonEmpty) {
new StoragePath(tableState.tablePath), logFiles.head.getPath.getParent))
HoodieRecordUtils.createRecordMerger(tableState.tablePath, EngineType.SPARK, tableState.recordMergeImplClasses.asJava, tableState.recordMergeStrategyId))
val scanner = logRecordScannerBuilder.build()
closing(scanner) {
// NOTE: We have to copy record-map (by default immutable copy is exposed)
mutable.HashMap(scanner.getRecords.asScala.toSeq: _*)
def closing[T](c: Closeable)(f: => T): T = {
try { f } finally {
def getPartitionPath(split: HoodieMergeOnReadFileSplit): StoragePath = {
// Determine partition path as an immediate parent folder of either
// - The base file
// - Some log file
split.dataFile.map(baseFile =>
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