kotlin.io.files.Utils.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2010-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package kotlin.io
import java.io.File
import java.io.IOException
* Creates an empty directory in the specified [directory], using the given [prefix] and [suffix] to generate its name.
* If [prefix] is not specified then some unspecified string will be used.
* If [suffix] is not specified then ".tmp" will be used.
* If [directory] is not specified then the default temporary-file directory will be used.
* The [prefix] argument, if specified, must be at least three characters long.
* It is recommended that the prefix be a short, meaningful string such as "job" or "mail".
* To create the new file, the [prefix] and the [suffix] may first be adjusted to fit the limitations of the underlying platform.
* **Note:** if the new directory is created in a directory that is shared with all users,
* it may get permissions allowing everyone to read it or its content, thus creating a risk of leaking
* sensitive information stored in this directory.
* To avoid this, it's recommended either to specify an explicit parent [directory] that is not shared widely,
* or to use alternative ways of creating temporary files,
* such as [java.nio.file.Files.createTempDirectory](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/nio/file/Files.html#createTempDirectory-java.lang.String-java.nio.file.attribute.FileAttribute...-)
* or the experimental `createTempDirectory` function in the `kotlin.io.path` package.
* @return a file object corresponding to a newly-created directory.
* @throws IOException in case of input/output error.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if [prefix] is shorter than three symbols.
"Avoid creating temporary directories in the default temp location with this function " +
"due to too wide permissions on the newly created directory. " +
"Use kotlin.io.path.createTempDirectory instead."
public fun createTempDir(prefix: String = "tmp", suffix: String? = null, directory: File? = null): File {
val dir = File.createTempFile(prefix, suffix, directory)
if (dir.mkdir()) {
return dir
} else {
throw IOException("Unable to create temporary directory $dir.")
* Creates a new empty file in the specified [directory], using the given [prefix] and [suffix] to generate its name.
* If [prefix] is not specified then some unspecified string will be used.
* If [suffix] is not specified then ".tmp" will be used.
* If [directory] is not specified then the default temporary-file directory will be used.
* The [prefix] argument, if specified, must be at least three characters long.
* It is recommended that the prefix be a short, meaningful string such as "job" or "mail".
* To create the new file, the [prefix] and the [suffix] may first be adjusted to fit the limitations of the underlying platform.
* **Note:** if the new file is created in a directory that is shared with all users,
* it may get permissions allowing everyone to read it, thus creating a risk of leaking
* sensitive information stored in this file.
* To avoid this, it's recommended either to specify an explicit parent [directory] that is not shared widely,
* or to use alternative ways of creating temporary files,
* such as [java.nio.file.Files.createTempFile](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/nio/file/Files.html#createTempFile-java.lang.String-java.lang.String-java.nio.file.attribute.FileAttribute...-)
* or the experimental `createTempFile` function in the `kotlin.io.path` package.
* @return a file object corresponding to a newly-created file.
* @throws IOException in case of input/output error.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if [prefix] is shorter than three symbols.
"Avoid creating temporary files in the default temp location with this function " +
"due to too wide permissions on the newly created file. " +
"Use kotlin.io.path.createTempFile instead or resort to java.io.File.createTempFile."
public fun createTempFile(prefix: String = "tmp", suffix: String? = null, directory: File? = null): File {
return File.createTempFile(prefix, suffix, directory)
* Returns the extension of this file (not including the dot), or an empty string if it doesn't have one.
public val File.extension: String
get() = name.substringAfterLast('.', "")
* Returns [path][File.path] of this File using the invariant separator '/' to
* separate the names in the name sequence.
public val File.invariantSeparatorsPath: String
get() = if (File.separatorChar != '/') path.replace(File.separatorChar, '/') else path
* Returns file's name without an extension.
public val File.nameWithoutExtension: String
get() = name.substringBeforeLast(".")
* Calculates the relative path for this file from [base] file.
* Note that the [base] file is treated as a directory.
* If this file matches the [base] file, then an empty string will be returned.
* @return relative path from [base] to this.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if this and base paths have different roots.
public fun File.toRelativeString(base: File): String =
toRelativeStringOrNull(base) ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("this and base files have different roots: $this and $base.")
* Calculates the relative path for this file from [base] file.
* Note that the [base] file is treated as a directory.
* If this file matches the [base] file, then a [File] with empty path will be returned.
* @return File with relative path from [base] to this.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if this and base paths have different roots.
public fun File.relativeTo(base: File): File = File(this.toRelativeString(base))
* Calculates the relative path for this file from [base] file.
* Note that the [base] file is treated as a directory.
* If this file matches the [base] file, then a [File] with empty path will be returned.
* @return File with relative path from [base] to this, or `this` if this and base paths have different roots.
public fun File.relativeToOrSelf(base: File): File =
toRelativeStringOrNull(base)?.let(::File) ?: this
* Calculates the relative path for this file from [base] file.
* Note that the [base] file is treated as a directory.
* If this file matches the [base] file, then a [File] with empty path will be returned.
* @return File with relative path from [base] to this, or `null` if this and base paths have different roots.
public fun File.relativeToOrNull(base: File): File? =
private fun File.toRelativeStringOrNull(base: File): String? {
// Check roots
val thisComponents = this.toComponents().normalize()
val baseComponents = base.toComponents().normalize()
if (thisComponents.root != baseComponents.root) {
return null
val baseCount = baseComponents.size
val thisCount = thisComponents.size
val sameCount = run countSame@{
var i = 0
val maxSameCount = minOf(thisCount, baseCount)
while (i < maxSameCount && thisComponents.segments[i] == baseComponents.segments[i])
return@countSame i
// Annihilate differing base components by adding required number of .. parts
val res = StringBuilder()
for (i in baseCount - 1 downTo sameCount) {
if (baseComponents.segments[i].name == "..") {
return null
if (i != sameCount) {
// Add remaining this components
if (sameCount < thisCount) {
// If some .. were appended
if (sameCount < baseCount)
thisComponents.segments.drop(sameCount).joinTo(res, File.separator)
return res.toString()
* Copies this file to the given [target] file.
* If some directories on a way to the [target] are missing, then they will be created.
* If the [target] file already exists, this function will fail unless [overwrite] argument is set to `true`.
* When [overwrite] is `true` and [target] is a directory, it is replaced only if it is empty.
* If this file is a directory, it is copied without its content, i.e. an empty [target] directory is created.
* If you want to copy directory including its contents, use [copyRecursively].
* The operation doesn't preserve copied file attributes such as creation/modification date, permissions, etc.
* @param overwrite `true` if destination overwrite is allowed.
* @param bufferSize the buffer size to use when copying.
* @return the [target] file.
* @throws NoSuchFileException if the source file doesn't exist.
* @throws FileAlreadyExistsException if the destination file already exists and [overwrite] argument is set to `false`.
* @throws IOException if any errors occur while copying.
public fun File.copyTo(target: File, overwrite: Boolean = false, bufferSize: Int = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE): File {
if (!this.exists()) {
throw NoSuchFileException(file = this, reason = "The source file doesn't exist.")
if (target.exists()) {
if (!overwrite)
throw FileAlreadyExistsException(file = this, other = target, reason = "The destination file already exists.")
else if (!target.delete())
throw FileAlreadyExistsException(file = this, other = target, reason = "Tried to overwrite the destination, but failed to delete it.")
if (this.isDirectory) {
if (!target.mkdirs())
throw FileSystemException(file = this, other = target, reason = "Failed to create target directory.")
} else {
this.inputStream().use { input ->
target.outputStream().use { output ->
input.copyTo(output, bufferSize)
return target
* Enum that can be used to specify behaviour of the `copyRecursively()` function
* in exceptional conditions.
public enum class OnErrorAction {
/** Skip this file and go to the next. */
/** Terminate the evaluation of the function. */
/** Private exception class, used to terminate recursive copying. */
private class TerminateException(file: File) : FileSystemException(file) {}
* Copies this file with all its children to the specified destination [target] path.
* If some directories on the way to the destination are missing, then they will be created.
* If this file path points to a single file, then it will be copied to a file with the path [target].
* If this file path points to a directory, then its children will be copied to a directory with the path [target].
* If the [target] already exists, it will be deleted before copying when the [overwrite] parameter permits so.
* The operation doesn't preserve copied file attributes such as creation/modification date, permissions, etc.
* If any errors occur during the copying, then further actions will depend on the result of the call
* to `onError(File, IOException)` function, that will be called with arguments,
* specifying the file that caused the error and the exception itself.
* By default this function rethrows exceptions.
* Exceptions that can be passed to the `onError` function:
* - [NoSuchFileException] - if there was an attempt to copy a non-existent file
* - [FileAlreadyExistsException] - if there is a conflict
* - [AccessDeniedException] - if there was an attempt to open a directory that didn't succeed.
* - [IOException] - if some problems occur when copying.
* Note that if this function fails, then partial copying may have taken place.
* @param overwrite `true` if it is allowed to overwrite existing destination files and directories.
* @return `false` if the copying was terminated, `true` otherwise.
public fun File.copyRecursively(
target: File,
overwrite: Boolean = false,
onError: (File, IOException) -> OnErrorAction = { _, exception -> throw exception }
): Boolean {
if (!exists()) {
return onError(this, NoSuchFileException(file = this, reason = "The source file doesn't exist.")) !=
try {
// We cannot break for loop from inside a lambda, so we have to use an exception here
for (src in walkTopDown().onFail { f, e -> if (onError(f, e) == OnErrorAction.TERMINATE) throw TerminateException(f) }) {
if (!src.exists()) {
if (onError(src, NoSuchFileException(file = src, reason = "The source file doesn't exist.")) ==
return false
} else {
val relPath = src.toRelativeString(this)
val dstFile = File(target, relPath)
if (dstFile.exists() && !(src.isDirectory && dstFile.isDirectory)) {
val stillExists = if (!overwrite) true else {
if (dstFile.isDirectory)
if (stillExists) {
if (onError(dstFile, FileAlreadyExistsException(file = src,
other = dstFile,
reason = "The destination file already exists.")) == OnErrorAction.TERMINATE)
return false
if (src.isDirectory) {
} else {
if (src.copyTo(dstFile, overwrite).length() != src.length()) {
if (onError(src, IOException("Source file wasn't copied completely, length of destination file differs.")) == OnErrorAction.TERMINATE)
return false
return true
} catch (e: TerminateException) {
return false
* Delete this file with all its children.
* Note that if this operation fails then partial deletion may have taken place.
* @return `true` if the file or directory is successfully deleted, `false` otherwise.
public fun File.deleteRecursively(): Boolean = walkBottomUp().fold(true, { res, it -> (it.delete() || !it.exists()) && res })
* Determines whether this file belongs to the same root as [other]
* and starts with all components of [other] in the same order.
* So if [other] has N components, first N components of `this` must be the same as in [other].
* @return `true` if this path starts with [other] path, `false` otherwise.
public fun File.startsWith(other: File): Boolean {
val components = toComponents()
val otherComponents = other.toComponents()
if (components.root != otherComponents.root)
return false
return if (components.size < otherComponents.size) false
else components.segments.subList(0, otherComponents.size).equals(otherComponents.segments)
* Determines whether this file belongs to the same root as [other]
* and starts with all components of [other] in the same order.
* So if [other] has N components, first N components of `this` must be the same as in [other].
* @return `true` if this path starts with [other] path, `false` otherwise.
public fun File.startsWith(other: String): Boolean = startsWith(File(other))
* Determines whether this file path ends with the path of [other] file.
* If [other] is rooted path it must be equal to this.
* If [other] is relative path then last N components of `this` must be the same as all components in [other],
* where N is the number of components in [other].
* @return `true` if this path ends with [other] path, `false` otherwise.
public fun File.endsWith(other: File): Boolean {
val components = toComponents()
val otherComponents = other.toComponents()
if (otherComponents.isRooted)
return this == other
val shift = components.size - otherComponents.size
return if (shift < 0) false
else components.segments.subList(shift, components.size).equals(otherComponents.segments)
* Determines whether this file belongs to the same root as [other]
* and ends with all components of [other] in the same order.
* So if [other] has N components, last N components of `this` must be the same as in [other].
* For relative [other], `this` can belong to any root.
* @return `true` if this path ends with [other] path, `false` otherwise.
public fun File.endsWith(other: String): Boolean = endsWith(File(other))
* Removes all . and resolves all possible .. in this file name.
* For instance, `File("/foo/./bar/gav/../baaz").normalize()` is `File("/foo/bar/baaz")`.
* @return normalized pathname with . and possibly .. removed.
public fun File.normalize(): File =
with(toComponents()) { root.resolve(segments.normalize().joinToString(File.separator)) }
private fun FilePathComponents.normalize(): FilePathComponents =
FilePathComponents(root, segments.normalize())
private fun List.normalize(): List {
val list: MutableList = ArrayList(this.size)
for (file in this) {
when (file.name) {
"." -> {}
".." -> if (!list.isEmpty() && list.last().name != "..") list.removeAt(list.size - 1) else list.add(file)
else -> list.add(file)
return list
* Adds [relative] file to this, considering this as a directory.
* If [relative] has a root, [relative] is returned back.
* For instance, `File("/foo/bar").resolve(File("gav"))` is `File("/foo/bar/gav")`.
* This function is complementary with [relativeTo],
* so `f.resolve(g.relativeTo(f)) == g` should be always `true` except for different roots case.
* @return concatenated this and [relative] paths, or just [relative] if it's absolute.
public fun File.resolve(relative: File): File {
if (relative.isRooted)
return relative
val baseName = this.toString()
return if (baseName.isEmpty() || baseName.endsWith(File.separatorChar)) File(baseName + relative) else File(baseName + File.separatorChar + relative)
* Adds [relative] name to this, considering this as a directory.
* If [relative] has a root, [relative] is returned back.
* For instance, `File("/foo/bar").resolve("gav")` is `File("/foo/bar/gav")`.
* @return concatenated this and [relative] paths, or just [relative] if it's absolute.
public fun File.resolve(relative: String): File = resolve(File(relative))
* Adds [relative] file to this parent directory.
* If [relative] has a root or this has no parent directory, [relative] is returned back.
* For instance, `File("/foo/bar").resolveSibling(File("gav"))` is `File("/foo/gav")`.
* @return concatenated this.parent and [relative] paths, or just [relative] if it's absolute or this has no parent.
public fun File.resolveSibling(relative: File): File {
val components = this.toComponents()
val parentSubPath = if (components.size == 0) File("..") else components.subPath(0, components.size - 1)
return components.root.resolve(parentSubPath).resolve(relative)
* Adds [relative] name to this parent directory.
* If [relative] has a root or this has no parent directory, [relative] is returned back.
* For instance, `File("/foo/bar").resolveSibling("gav")` is `File("/foo/gav")`.
* @return concatenated this.parent and [relative] paths, or just [relative] if it's absolute or this has no parent.
public fun File.resolveSibling(relative: String): File = resolveSibling(File(relative))
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