org.apache.hudi.HoodieFileIndex.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.apache.hudi
import org.apache.hudi.BaseHoodieTableFileIndex.PartitionPath
import org.apache.hudi.DataSourceWriteOptions.{PARTITIONPATH_FIELD, PRECOMBINE_FIELD, RECORDKEY_FIELD}
import org.apache.hudi.HoodieFileIndex.{DataSkippingFailureMode, collectReferencedColumns, convertFilterForTimestampKeyGenerator, getConfigProperties}
import org.apache.hudi.HoodieSparkConfUtils.getConfigValue
import org.apache.hudi.common.config.TimestampKeyGeneratorConfig.{TIMESTAMP_INPUT_DATE_FORMAT, TIMESTAMP_OUTPUT_DATE_FORMAT}
import org.apache.hudi.common.config.{HoodieMetadataConfig, TypedProperties}
import org.apache.hudi.common.model.{FileSlice, HoodieBaseFile, HoodieLogFile}
import org.apache.hudi.common.table.{HoodieTableConfig, HoodieTableMetaClient}
import org.apache.hudi.common.util.StringUtils
import org.apache.hudi.exception.HoodieException
import org.apache.hudi.keygen.{TimestampBasedAvroKeyGenerator, TimestampBasedKeyGenerator}
import org.apache.hudi.storage.{StoragePath, StoragePathInfo}
import org.apache.hudi.util.JFunction
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileStatus, Path}
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Expression, Literal}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.{FileIndex, FileStatusCache, NoopCache, PartitionDirectory}
import org.apache.spark.sql.hudi.HoodieSqlCommonUtils
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.util.stream.Collectors
import javax.annotation.concurrent.NotThreadSafe
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
* A file index which support partition prune for hoodie snapshot and read-optimized query.
* Main steps to get the file list for query:
* 1、Load all files and partition values from the table path.
* 2、Do the partition prune by the partition filter condition.
* There are 3 cases for this:
* 1、If the partition columns size is equal to the actually partition path level, we
* read it as partitioned table.(e.g partition column is "dt", the partition path is "2021-03-10")
* 2、If the partition columns size is not equal to the partition path level, but the partition
* column size is "1" (e.g. partition column is "dt", but the partition path is "2021/03/10"
* who's directory level is 3).We can still read it as a partitioned table. We will mapping the
* partition path (e.g. 2021/03/10) to the only partition column (e.g. "dt").
* 3、Else the partition columns size is not equal to the partition directory level and the
* size is great than "1" (e.g. partition column is "dt,hh", the partition path is "2021/03/10/12")
* , we read it as a Non-Partitioned table because we cannot know how to mapping the partition
* path with the partition columns in this case.
* TODO rename to HoodieSparkSqlFileIndex
case class HoodieFileIndex(spark: SparkSession,
metaClient: HoodieTableMetaClient,
schemaSpec: Option[StructType],
options: Map[String, String],
@transient fileStatusCache: FileStatusCache = NoopCache,
includeLogFiles: Boolean = false,
shouldEmbedFileSlices: Boolean = false)
extends SparkHoodieTableFileIndex(
spark = spark,
metaClient = metaClient,
schemaSpec = schemaSpec,
configProperties = getConfigProperties(spark, options, metaClient.getTableConfig),
queryPaths = HoodieFileIndex.getQueryPaths(options),
specifiedQueryInstant = options.get(DataSourceReadOptions.TIME_TRAVEL_AS_OF_INSTANT.key).map(HoodieSqlCommonUtils.formatQueryInstant),
fileStatusCache = fileStatusCache,
beginInstantTime = options.get(DataSourceReadOptions.BEGIN_INSTANTTIME.key),
endInstantTime = options.get(DataSourceReadOptions.END_INSTANTTIME.key)
with FileIndex {
@transient protected var hasPushedDownPartitionPredicates: Boolean = false
* NOTE: [[indicesSupport]] is a transient state, since it's only relevant while logical plan
* is handled by the Spark's driver
* The order of elements is important as in this order indices will be applied
* during `lookupCandidateFilesInMetadataTable`
@transient private lazy val indicesSupport: List[SparkBaseIndexSupport] = List(
new RecordLevelIndexSupport(spark, metadataConfig, metaClient),
new BucketIndexSupport(spark, metadataConfig, metaClient),
new SecondaryIndexSupport(spark, metadataConfig, metaClient),
new FunctionalIndexSupport(spark, metadataConfig, metaClient),
new BloomFiltersIndexSupport(spark, metadataConfig, metaClient),
new ColumnStatsIndexSupport(spark, schema, metadataConfig, metaClient)
private val enableHoodieExtension = spark.sessionState.conf.getConfString("spark.sql.extensions", "")
override def rootPaths: Seq[Path] = getQueryPaths.asScala.map(e => new Path(e.toUri)).toSeq
* Returns the FileStatus for all the base files (excluding log files). This should be used only for
* cases where Spark directly fetches the list of files via HoodieFileIndex or for read optimized query logic
* implemented internally within Hudi like HoodieBootstrapRelation. This helps avoid the use of path filter
* to filter out log files within Spark.
* @return List of FileStatus for base files
def allBaseFiles: Seq[StoragePathInfo] = {
.map(fs => fs.getBaseFile.orElse(null))
.filter(_ != null)
* Returns the FileStatus for all the base files and log files.
* @return List of FileStatus for base files and log files
private def allBaseFilesAndLogFiles: Seq[StoragePathInfo] = {
.flatMap(fs => {
val baseFileStatusOpt = getBaseFileInfo(Option.apply(fs.getBaseFile.orElse(null)))
val logFilesStatus = fs.getLogFiles.map[StoragePathInfo](JFunction.toJavaFunction[HoodieLogFile, StoragePathInfo](lf => lf.getPathInfo))
val files = logFilesStatus.collect(Collectors.toList[StoragePathInfo]).asScala
baseFileStatusOpt.foreach(f => files.append(f))
* Invoked by Spark to fetch list of latest base files per partition.
* @param partitionFilters partition column filters
* @param dataFilters data columns filters
* @return list of PartitionDirectory containing partition to base files mapping
override def listFiles(partitionFilters: Seq[Expression], dataFilters: Seq[Expression]): Seq[PartitionDirectory] = {
val prunedPartitionsAndFilteredFileSlices = filterFileSlices(dataFilters, partitionFilters).map {
case (partitionOpt, fileSlices) =>
if (shouldEmbedFileSlices) {
val baseFileStatusesAndLogFileOnly: Seq[FileStatus] = fileSlices.map(slice => {
if (slice.getBaseFile.isPresent) {
} else if (includeLogFiles && slice.getLogFiles.findAny().isPresent) {
} else {
}).filter(slice => slice != null)
.map(fileInfo => new FileStatus(fileInfo.getLength, fileInfo.isDirectory, 0, fileInfo.getBlockSize,
fileInfo.getModificationTime, new Path(fileInfo.getPath.toUri)))
val c = fileSlices.filter(f => (includeLogFiles && f.getLogFiles.findAny().isPresent)
|| (f.getBaseFile.isPresent && f.getBaseFile.get().getBootstrapBaseFile.isPresent)).
foldLeft(Map[String, FileSlice]()) { (m, f) => m + (f.getFileId -> f) }
if (c.nonEmpty) {
new HoodiePartitionFileSliceMapping(InternalRow.fromSeq(partitionOpt.get.values), c), baseFileStatusesAndLogFileOnly)
} else {
InternalRow.fromSeq(partitionOpt.get.values), baseFileStatusesAndLogFileOnly)
} else {
val allCandidateFiles: Seq[FileStatus] = fileSlices.flatMap(fs => {
val baseFileStatusOpt = getBaseFileInfo(Option.apply(fs.getBaseFile.orElse(null)))
val logPathInfoStream = if (includeLogFiles) {
fs.getLogFiles.map[StoragePathInfo](JFunction.toJavaFunction[HoodieLogFile, StoragePathInfo](lf => lf.getPathInfo))
} else {
val files = logPathInfoStream.collect(Collectors.toList[StoragePathInfo]).asScala
baseFileStatusOpt.foreach(f => files.append(f))
.map(fileInfo => new FileStatus(fileInfo.getLength, fileInfo.isDirectory, 0, fileInfo.getBlockSize,
fileInfo.getModificationTime, new Path(fileInfo.getPath.toUri)))
InternalRow.fromSeq(partitionOpt.get.values), allCandidateFiles)
hasPushedDownPartitionPredicates = true
if (shouldReadAsPartitionedTable()) {
} else if (shouldEmbedFileSlices) {
} else {
Seq(PartitionDirectory(InternalRow.empty, prunedPartitionsAndFilteredFileSlices.flatMap(_.files)))
* The functions prunes the partition paths based on the input partition filters. For every partition path, the file
* slices are further filtered after querying metadata table based on the data filters.
* @param dataFilters data columns filters
* @param partitionFilters partition column filters
* @return A sequence of pruned partitions and corresponding filtered file slices
def filterFileSlices(dataFilters: Seq[Expression], partitionFilters: Seq[Expression])
: Seq[(Option[BaseHoodieTableFileIndex.PartitionPath], Seq[FileSlice])] = {
val (isPruned, prunedPartitionsAndFileSlices) =
prunePartitionsAndGetFileSlices(dataFilters, partitionFilters)
// If there are no data filters, return all the file slices.
// If there are no file slices, return empty list.
if (prunedPartitionsAndFileSlices.isEmpty || dataFilters.isEmpty) {
} else {
// Look up candidate files names in the col-stats or record level index, if all of the following conditions are true
// - Data-skipping is enabled
// - Col-Stats Index is present
// - Record-level Index is present
// - List of predicates (filters) is present
val candidateFilesNamesOpt: Option[Set[String]] =
lookupCandidateFilesInMetadataTable(dataFilters, prunedPartitionsAndFileSlices, isPruned) match {
case Success(opt) => opt
case Failure(e) =>
logError("Failed to lookup candidate files in File Index", e)
spark.sqlContext.getConf(DataSkippingFailureMode.configName, DataSkippingFailureMode.Fallback.value) match {
case DataSkippingFailureMode.Fallback.value => Option.empty
case DataSkippingFailureMode.Strict.value => throw new HoodieException(e);
logDebug(s"Overlapping candidate files from Column Stats or Record Level Index: ${candidateFilesNamesOpt.getOrElse(Set.empty)}")
var totalFileSliceSize = 0
var candidateFileSliceSize = 0
val prunedPartitionsAndFilteredFileSlices = prunedPartitionsAndFileSlices.map {
case (partitionOpt, fileSlices) =>
// Filter in candidate files based on the col-stats or record level index lookup
val candidateFileSlices: Seq[FileSlice] = {
fileSlices.filter(fs => {
val fileSliceFiles = fs.getLogFiles.map[String](JFunction.toJavaFunction[HoodieLogFile, String](lf => lf.getPath.getName))
val baseFileStatusOpt = getBaseFileInfo(Option.apply(fs.getBaseFile.orElse(null)))
baseFileStatusOpt.exists(f => fileSliceFiles.add(f.getPath.getName))
// NOTE: This predicate is true when {@code Option} is empty
candidateFilesNamesOpt.forall(files => files.exists(elem => fileSliceFiles.contains(elem)))
totalFileSliceSize += fileSlices.size
candidateFileSliceSize += candidateFileSlices.size
(partitionOpt, candidateFileSlices)
val skippingRatio =
if (!areAllFileSlicesCached) -1
else if (getAllFiles().nonEmpty && totalFileSliceSize > 0)
(totalFileSliceSize - candidateFileSliceSize) / totalFileSliceSize.toDouble
else 0
logInfo(s"Total file slices: $totalFileSliceSize; " +
s"candidate file slices after data skipping: $candidateFileSliceSize; " +
s"skipping percentage $skippingRatio")
hasPushedDownPartitionPredicates = true
* Prunes table partitions to list if possible.
* @param dataFilters filters based on data columns
* @param partitionFilters filters based on partition columns
* @return a pair of elements, with the first element indicating whether the partition pruning
* is applied, and the second element as a list of partition paths and file slices
def prunePartitionsAndGetFileSlices(dataFilters: Seq[Expression],
partitionFilters: Seq[Expression]):
(Boolean, Seq[(Option[BaseHoodieTableFileIndex.PartitionPath], Seq[FileSlice])]) = {
val isPartitionedTable = getPartitionColumns.length > 0
val prunedPartitionsTuple: (Boolean, Seq[PartitionPath]) =
if (isPartitionedTable && partitionFilters.nonEmpty) {
// For partitioned table and partition filters, prune the partitions by the partition filters
if (shouldEmbedFileSlices) {
(true, listMatchingPartitionPaths(convertFilterForTimestampKeyGenerator(metaClient, partitionFilters)))
} else {
(true, listMatchingPartitionPaths(partitionFilters))
} else if (isPartitionedTable && isDataSkippingEnabled) {
// For partitioned table and no partition filters, if data skipping is enabled,
// try using the PARTITION_STATS index to prune the partitions
lazy val filterReferencedColumns = collectReferencedColumns(spark, dataFilters, schema)
val prunedPartitionPaths = new PartitionStatsIndexSupport(spark, schema, metadataConfig, metaClient)
.prunePartitions(this, dataFilters, filterReferencedColumns)
if (prunedPartitionPaths.nonEmpty) {
try {
(true, prunedPartitionPaths.get.map(e => convertToPartitionPath(e)).toSeq)
} catch {
// If the partition values cannot be parsed by [[convertToPartitionPath]],
// fall back to listing all partitions
case _: HoodieException => (false, listMatchingPartitionPaths(Seq.empty))
} else {
// Cannot use partition stats index (not available) for pruning partitions,
// fall back to listing all partitions
(false, listMatchingPartitionPaths(Seq.empty))
} else {
// Listing all partitions for non-partitioned table,
// or partitioned table without partition filter or data skipping or PARTITION_STATS index
(false, listMatchingPartitionPaths(Seq.empty))
(prunedPartitionsTuple._1, getInputFileSlices(prunedPartitionsTuple._2: _*).asScala.map(
{ case (partition, fileSlices) => (Option.apply(partition), fileSlices.asScala.toSeq) }).toSeq)
* In the fast bootstrap read code path, it gets the path info for the bootstrap base file instead of
* skeleton file. Returns path info for the base file if available.
protected def getBaseFileInfo(baseFileOpt: Option[HoodieBaseFile]): Option[StoragePathInfo] = {
baseFileOpt.map(baseFile => {
if (shouldFastBootstrap) {
if (baseFile.getBootstrapBaseFile.isPresent) {
} else {
} else {
* Computes pruned list of candidate base-files' names based on provided list of {@link dataFilters}
* conditions, by leveraging Metadata Table's Record Level Index and Column Statistics index (hereon referred as
* ColStats for brevity) bearing "min", "max", "num_nulls" statistics for all columns.
* NOTE: This method has to return complete set of candidate files, since only provided candidates will
* ultimately be scanned as part of query execution. Hence, this method has to maintain the
* invariant of conservatively including every base-file and log file's name, that is NOT referenced in its index.
* @param queryFilters list of original data filters passed down from querying engine
* @return list of pruned (data-skipped) candidate base-files and log files' names
// scalastyle:off return
private def lookupCandidateFilesInMetadataTable(queryFilters: Seq[Expression],
prunedPartitionsAndFileSlices: Seq[(Option[BaseHoodieTableFileIndex.PartitionPath], Seq[FileSlice])],
shouldPushDownFilesFilter: Boolean): Try[Option[Set[String]]] = Try {
// NOTE: For column stats, Data Skipping is only effective when it references columns that are indexed w/in
// the Column Stats Index (CSI). Following cases could not be effectively handled by Data Skipping:
// - Expressions on top-level column's fields (ie, for ex filters like "struct.field > 0", since
// CSI only contains stats for top-level columns, in this case for "struct")
// - Any expression not directly referencing top-level column (for ex, sub-queries, since there's
// nothing CSI in particular could be applied for)
// For record index, Data Skipping is only effective when one of the query filter is of type EqualTo
// or IN query on simple record keys. In such a case the record index is used to filter the file slices
// and candidate files are obtained from these file slices.
lazy val queryReferencedColumns = collectReferencedColumns(spark, queryFilters, schema)
if (isDataSkippingEnabled) {
for(indexSupport: SparkBaseIndexSupport <- indicesSupport) {
if (indexSupport.isIndexAvailable) {
val prunedFileNames = indexSupport.computeCandidateIsStrict(spark, this, queryFilters, queryReferencedColumns,
prunedPartitionsAndFileSlices, shouldPushDownFilesFilter)
if (prunedFileNames.nonEmpty) {
return Try(prunedFileNames)
override def refresh(): Unit = {
indicesSupport.foreach(idx => idx.invalidateCaches())
hasPushedDownPartitionPredicates = false
private def getAllFiles(): Seq[StoragePathInfo] = {
if (includeLogFiles) allBaseFilesAndLogFiles else allBaseFiles
override def inputFiles: Array[String] =
override def sizeInBytes: Long = {
val size = getTotalCachedFilesSize
if (size == 0 && !enableHoodieExtension) {
// Avoid always broadcast the hudi table if not enable HoodieExtension
logWarning("Note: Please add 'org.apache.spark.sql.hudi.HoodieSparkSessionExtension' to the Spark SQL configuration property " +
"'spark.sql.extensions'.\n Multiple extensions can be set using a comma-separated list.")
} else {
def hasPredicatesPushedDown: Boolean =
private def isDataSkippingEnabled: Boolean = getConfigValue(options, spark.sessionState.conf,
DataSourceReadOptions.ENABLE_DATA_SKIPPING.key, DataSourceReadOptions.ENABLE_DATA_SKIPPING.defaultValue.toString).toBoolean
private def isMetadataTableEnabled: Boolean = metadataConfig.isEnabled()
private def isColumnStatsIndexEnabled: Boolean = metadataConfig.isColumnStatsIndexEnabled
private def isRecordIndexEnabled: Boolean = indicesSupport.exists(idx =>
idx.getIndexName == RecordLevelIndexSupport.INDEX_NAME && idx.isIndexAvailable)
private def isFunctionalIndexEnabled: Boolean = indicesSupport.exists(idx =>
idx.getIndexName == FunctionalIndexSupport.INDEX_NAME && idx.isIndexAvailable)
private def isBucketIndexEnabled: Boolean = indicesSupport.exists(idx =>
idx.getIndexName == BucketIndexSupport.INDEX_NAME && idx.isIndexAvailable)
private def isPartitionStatsIndexEnabled: Boolean = indicesSupport.exists(idx =>
idx.getIndexName == PartitionStatsIndexSupport.INDEX_NAME && idx.isIndexAvailable)
private def isBloomFiltersIndexEnabled: Boolean = indicesSupport.exists(idx =>
idx.getIndexName == BloomFiltersIndexSupport.INDEX_NAME && idx.isIndexAvailable)
private def isSecondaryIndexEnabled: Boolean = indicesSupport.exists(idx =>
idx.getIndexName == SecondaryIndexSupport.INDEX_NAME && idx.isIndexAvailable)
private def isIndexEnabled: Boolean = indicesSupport.exists(idx => idx.isIndexAvailable)
private def validateConfig(): Unit = {
if (isDataSkippingEnabled && (!isMetadataTableEnabled || !isIndexEnabled)) {
logWarning("Data skipping requires both Metadata Table and at least one of Column Stats Index, Record Level Index, or Functional Index" +
" to be enabled as well! " + s"(isMetadataTableEnabled = $isMetadataTableEnabled, isColumnStatsIndexEnabled = $isColumnStatsIndexEnabled"
+ s", isRecordIndexApplicable = $isRecordIndexEnabled, isFunctionalIndexEnabled = $isFunctionalIndexEnabled, " +
s"isBucketIndexEnable = $isBucketIndexEnabled, isPartitionStatsIndexEnabled = $isPartitionStatsIndexEnabled)"
+ s", isBloomFiltersIndexEnabled = $isBloomFiltersIndexEnabled)")
object HoodieFileIndex extends Logging {
object DataSkippingFailureMode extends Enumeration {
val configName = "hoodie.fileIndex.dataSkippingFailureMode"
type DataSkippingFailureMode = Value
case class Val(value: String) extends super.Val {
override def toString(): String = value
import scala.language.implicitConversions
implicit def valueToVal(x: Value): DataSkippingFailureMode = x.asInstanceOf[Val]
val Fallback: Val = Val("fallback")
val Strict: Val = Val("strict")
private def collectReferencedColumns(spark: SparkSession, queryFilters: Seq[Expression], schema: StructType): Seq[String] = {
val resolver = spark.sessionState.analyzer.resolver
val refs = queryFilters.flatMap(_.references)
schema.fieldNames.filter { colName => refs.exists(r => resolver.apply(colName, r.name)) }
def getConfigProperties(spark: SparkSession, options: Map[String, String], tableConfig: HoodieTableConfig) = {
val sqlConf: SQLConf = spark.sessionState.conf
val properties = TypedProperties.fromMap(options.filter(p => p._2 != null).asJava)
// TODO(HUDI-5361) clean up properties carry-over
// To support metadata listing via Spark SQL we allow users to pass the config via SQL Conf in spark session. Users
// would be able to run SET hoodie.metadata.enable=true in the spark sql session to enable metadata listing.
val isMetadataTableEnabled = getConfigValue(options, sqlConf, HoodieMetadataConfig.ENABLE.key, null)
if (isMetadataTableEnabled != null) {
properties.setProperty(HoodieMetadataConfig.ENABLE.key(), String.valueOf(isMetadataTableEnabled))
val listingModeOverride = getConfigValue(options, sqlConf,
DataSourceReadOptions.FILE_INDEX_LISTING_MODE_OVERRIDE.key, null)
if (listingModeOverride != null) {
properties.setProperty(DataSourceReadOptions.FILE_INDEX_LISTING_MODE_OVERRIDE.key, listingModeOverride)
if (tableConfig != null) {
properties.setProperty(RECORDKEY_FIELD.key, tableConfig.getRecordKeyFields.orElse(Array.empty).mkString(","))
properties.setProperty(PRECOMBINE_FIELD.key, Option(tableConfig.getPreCombineField).getOrElse(""))
properties.setProperty(PARTITIONPATH_FIELD.key, tableConfig.getPartitionFields.orElse(Array.apply("")).mkString(","))
def convertFilterForTimestampKeyGenerator(metaClient: HoodieTableMetaClient,
partitionFilters: Seq[Expression]): Seq[Expression] = {
val tableConfig = metaClient.getTableConfig
val keyGenerator = tableConfig.getKeyGeneratorClassName
if (keyGenerator != null && (keyGenerator.equals(classOf[TimestampBasedKeyGenerator].getCanonicalName) ||
keyGenerator.equals(classOf[TimestampBasedAvroKeyGenerator].getCanonicalName))) {
val inputFormat = tableConfig.getString(TIMESTAMP_INPUT_DATE_FORMAT)
val outputFormat = tableConfig.getString(TIMESTAMP_OUTPUT_DATE_FORMAT)
if (StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(inputFormat) || StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(outputFormat) ||
inputFormat.equals(outputFormat)) {
} else {
try {
val inDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(inputFormat)
val outDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(outputFormat)
partitionFilters.toArray.map {
_.transformDown {
case Literal(value, dataType) if dataType.isInstanceOf[StringType] =>
try {
val converted = outDateFormat.format(inDateFormat.parse(value.toString))
Literal(UTF8String.fromString(converted), StringType)
} catch {
case _: java.text.ParseException =>
try {
} catch {
case e: Exception => throw new HoodieException("Partition filter for TimestampKeyGenerator cannot be converted to format " + outDateFormat.toString, e)
Literal(UTF8String.fromString(value.toString), StringType)
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) =>
logWarning("Fail to convert filters for TimestampBaseAvroKeyGenerator", e)
} else {
private def getQueryPaths(options: Map[String, String]): Seq[StoragePath] = {
// NOTE: To make sure that globbing is appropriately handled w/in the
// `path`, we need to:
// - First, probe whether requested globbed paths has been resolved (and `glob.paths` was provided
// in options); otherwise
// - Treat `path` as fully-qualified (ie non-globbed) path
val paths = options.get("glob.paths") match {
case Some(globbed) =>
case None =>
val path = options.getOrElse("path",
throw new IllegalArgumentException("'path' or 'glob paths' option required"))
paths.map(new StoragePath(_))
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