io.javalin.Javalin Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Javalin -
* Copyright 2017 David Åse
* Licensed under Apache 2.0:
package io.javalin;
import io.javalin.apibuilder.ApiBuilder;
import io.javalin.apibuilder.EndpointGroup;
import io.javalin.core.ErrorMapper;
import io.javalin.core.EventManager;
import io.javalin.core.ExceptionMapper;
import io.javalin.core.HandlerEntry;
import io.javalin.core.HandlerType;
import io.javalin.core.JavalinServlet;
import io.javalin.core.PathMatcher;
import io.javalin.core.util.CorsBeforeHandler;
import io.javalin.core.util.CorsOptionsHandler;
import io.javalin.core.util.JettyServerUtil;
import io.javalin.core.util.LogUtil;
import io.javalin.core.util.RouteOverviewRenderer;
import io.javalin.core.util.SinglePageHandler;
import io.javalin.core.util.Util;
import io.javalin.metrics.JavalinMicrometer;
import io.javalin.serversentevent.SseClient;
import io.javalin.serversentevent.SseHandler;
import io.javalin.staticfiles.JettyResourceHandler;
import io.javalin.staticfiles.Location;
import io.javalin.staticfiles.StaticFileConfig;
import io.javalin.websocket.WsEntry;
import io.javalin.websocket.WsHandler;
import io.javalin.websocket.WsPathMatcher;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server;
import org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.SessionHandler;
import org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.servlet.WebSocketServletFactory;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import static;
public class Javalin {
private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Javalin.class);
protected Server jettyServer;
protected SessionHandler jettySessionHandler;
protected Set staticFileConfig = new HashSet<>();
protected boolean ignoreTrailingSlashes = true;
protected int port = 7000;
protected String contextPath = "/";
protected String defaultContentType = "text/plain";
protected long maxRequestCacheBodySize = 4096;
protected boolean debugLogging = false;
protected boolean dynamicGzipEnabled = true;
protected boolean autogeneratedEtagsEnabled = false;
protected boolean showStartupBanner = true;
protected boolean prefer405over404 = false;
protected boolean caseSensitiveUrls = false;
protected boolean started = false;
protected AccessManager accessManager = SecurityUtil::noopAccessManager;
protected RequestLogger requestLogger = null;
protected SinglePageHandler singlePageHandler = new SinglePageHandler();
protected PathMatcher pathMatcher = new PathMatcher();
protected WsPathMatcher wsPathMatcher = new WsPathMatcher();
protected ExceptionMapper exceptionMapper = new ExceptionMapper();
protected ErrorMapper errorMapper = new ErrorMapper();
protected EventManager eventManager = new EventManager();
protected List handlerMetaInfo = new ArrayList<>();
protected Map appAttributes = new HashMap<>();
protected Consumer wsFactoryConfig = WebSocketServletFactory::getPolicy;
protected Javalin(Server jettyServer, SessionHandler jettySessionHandler) {
this.jettyServer = jettyServer;
this.jettySessionHandler = jettySessionHandler;
protected Javalin() {
this(JettyServerUtil.defaultServer(), JettyServerUtil.defaultSessionHandler());
* Creates an instance of the application for further configuration.
* The server does not run until {@link Javalin#start()} is called.
* @return instance of application for configuration.
* @see Javalin#start()
* @see Javalin#start(int)
public static Javalin create() {
return new Javalin();
* Synchronously starts the application instance on the specified port.
* @param port to run on
* @return running application instance.
* @see Javalin#create()
* @see Javalin#start()
public Javalin start(int port) {
return port(port).start();
* Synchronously starts the application instance.
* @return running application instance.
* @see Javalin#create()
public Javalin start() {
long startupTimer = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (started) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot call start() again on a started server.");
if (showStartupBanner) {;
try {"Starting Javalin ...");
port = JettyServerUtil.initialize(
);"Javalin started in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startupTimer) + "ms \\o/");
started = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Failed to start Javalin");
if (e.getMessage() != null && e.getMessage().contains("Failed to bind to")) {
throw new RuntimeException("Port already in use. Make sure no other process is using port " + port + " and try again.", e);
} else if (e.getMessage() != null && e.getMessage().contains("Permission denied")) {
throw new RuntimeException("Port 1-1023 require elevated privileges (process must be started by admin).", e);
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return this;
public JavalinServlet createServlet() {
return new JavalinServlet(
new JettyResourceHandler(staticFileConfig, jettyServer, ignoreTrailingSlashes)
* Synchronously stops the application instance.
* @return stopped application instance.
public Javalin stop() {
eventManager.fireEvent(JavalinEvent.SERVER_STOPPING);"Stopping Javalin ...");
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Javalin failed to stop gracefully", e);
}"Javalin has stopped");
return this;
* Configure the instance to return 405 (Method Not Allowed) instead of 404 (Not Found) whenever a request method doesn't exists but there are handlers for other methods on the same requested path.
* The method must be called before {@link Javalin#start()}.
public Javalin prefer405over404() {
ensureActionIsPerformedBeforeServerStart("Telling Javalin to return 405 instead of 404 when applicable");
prefer405over404 = true;
return this;
* Configure the instance to not use lower-case paths for path matching and parsing.
* The method must be called before {@link Javalin#start()}.
public Javalin enableCaseSensitiveUrls() {
ensureActionIsPerformedBeforeServerStart("Enabling case sensitive urls");
caseSensitiveUrls = true;
return this;
* Configure instance to not show banner in logs.
* The method must be called before {@link Javalin#start()}.
public Javalin disableStartupBanner() {
ensureActionIsPerformedBeforeServerStart("Telling Javalin to not show banner in logs");
showStartupBanner = false;
return this;
* Configure instance to treat '/test/' and '/test' as different URLs.
* The method must be called before {@link Javalin#start()}.
public Javalin dontIgnoreTrailingSlashes() {
ensureActionIsPerformedBeforeServerStart("Telling Javalin to not ignore slashes");
ignoreTrailingSlashes = false;
return this;
* Configure instance to use a custom jetty Server.
* @see Documentation example
* The method must be called before {@link Javalin#start()}.
public Javalin server(@NotNull Supplier server) {
ensureActionIsPerformedBeforeServerStart("Setting a custom server");
jettyServer = server.get();
return this;
* Configure instance to use a custom jetty SessionHandler.
* The method must be called before {@link Javalin#start()}.
public Javalin sessionHandler(@NotNull Supplier sessionHandler) {
ensureActionIsPerformedBeforeServerStart("Setting a custom session handler");
jettySessionHandler = JettyServerUtil.INSTANCE.getSessionHandler(sessionHandler);
return this;
* Configure the WebSocketServletFactory of the instance
* The method must be called before {@link Javalin#start()}.
public Javalin wsFactoryConfig(@NotNull Consumer wsFactoryConfig) {
ensureActionIsPerformedBeforeServerStart("Setting a custom WebSocket factory config");
this.wsFactoryConfig = wsFactoryConfig;
return this;
* Configure instance to serve static files from path in classpath.
* The method can be called multiple times for different locations.
* The method must be called before {@link Javalin#start()}.
* @see Static files in docs
public Javalin enableStaticFiles(@NotNull String classpathPath) {
return enableStaticFiles(classpathPath, Location.CLASSPATH);
* Configure instance to serve static files from path in the specified location.
* The method can be called multiple times for different locations.
* The method must be called before {@link Javalin#start()}.
* @see Static files in docs
public Javalin enableStaticFiles(@NotNull String path, @NotNull Location location) {
ensureActionIsPerformedBeforeServerStart("Enabling static files");
staticFileConfig.add(new StaticFileConfig(path, location));
return this;
* Configure instance to serve WebJars.
* The method must be called before {@link Javalin#start()}.
public Javalin enableWebJars() {
return enableStaticFiles("/webjars", Location.CLASSPATH);
* Any request that would normally result in a 404 for the path and its subpaths
* instead results in a 200 with the file-content from path in classpath as response body.
* The method must be called before {@link Javalin#start()}.
public Javalin enableSinglePageMode(@NotNull String path, @NotNull String filePath) {
return enableSinglePageMode(path, filePath, Location.CLASSPATH);
* Any request that would normally result in a 404 for the path and its subpaths
* instead results in a 200 with the file-content as response body.
* The method must be called before {@link Javalin#start()}.
public Javalin enableSinglePageMode(@NotNull String path, @NotNull String filePath, @NotNull Location location) {
ensureActionIsPerformedBeforeServerStart("Enabling single page mode");
singlePageHandler.add(path, filePath, location);
return this;
* Configure instance to run on specified context path (common prefix).
* The method must be called before {@link Javalin#start()}.
public Javalin contextPath(@NotNull String contextPath) {
ensureActionIsPerformedBeforeServerStart("Setting the context path");
this.contextPath = Util.INSTANCE.normalizeContextPath(contextPath);
return this;
* Get which port instance is running on
* Mostly useful if you start the instance with port(0) (random port)
public int port() {
return port;
* Configure instance to run on specified port.
* The method must be called before {@link Javalin#start()}.
public Javalin port(int port) {
ensureActionIsPerformedBeforeServerStart("Setting the port");
this.port = port;
return this;
* Configure instance to log debug information for each request.
* The method must be called before {@link Javalin#start()}.
public Javalin enableDebugLogging() {
ensureActionIsPerformedBeforeServerStart("Enabling debug-logging");
this.debugLogging = true;
return this;
* Configure instance use specified request-logger
* The method must be called before {@link Javalin#start()}.
* Will override the default logger of {@link Javalin#enableDebugLogging()}.
public Javalin requestLogger(@NotNull RequestLogger requestLogger) {
ensureActionIsPerformedBeforeServerStart("Setting a custom request logger");
this.requestLogger = requestLogger;
return this;
* Configure instance to enable application metrics via {@link JavalinMicrometer}
* The method must be called before {@link Javalin#start()}.
* Make sure you add the required dependencies (micrometer core + your preferred registry)
public Javalin enableMicrometer() {
return this;
* Configure instance to accept cross origin requests for specified origins.
* The method must be called before {@link Javalin#start()}.
public Javalin enableCorsForOrigin(@NotNull String... origin) {
ensureActionIsPerformedBeforeServerStart("Enabling CORS");
if (origin.length == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Origins cannot be empty.");
this.before("*", new CorsBeforeHandler(origin));
this.options("*", new CorsOptionsHandler(), roles(CoreRoles.NO_WRAP));
return this;
* Configure instance to accept cross origin requests for all origins.
* The method must be called before {@link Javalin#start()}.
public Javalin enableCorsForAllOrigins() {
return enableCorsForOrigin("*");
* Configure instance to not gzip dynamic responses.
* By default Javalin gzips all responses larger than 1500 bytes.
* The method must be called before {@link Javalin#start()}.
public Javalin disableDynamicGzip() {
ensureActionIsPerformedBeforeServerStart("Disabling dynamic GZIP");
this.dynamicGzipEnabled = false;
return this;
* Configure instance to automatically add ETags for GET requests.
* Static files already have ETags, this will calculate a checksum for
* dynamic GET responses and return 304 if the content has not changed.
* The method must be called before {@link Javalin#start()}.
public Javalin enableAutogeneratedEtags() {
ensureActionIsPerformedBeforeServerStart("Enabling autogenerated etags");
this.autogeneratedEtagsEnabled = true;
return this;
* Configure instance to display a visual overview of all its mapped routes
* on the specified path.
* The method must be called before {@link Javalin#start()}.
public Javalin enableRouteOverview(@NotNull String path) {
return enableRouteOverview(path, new HashSet<>());
* Configure instance to display a visual overview of all its mapped routes
* on the specified path with the specified roles
* The method must be called before {@link Javalin#start()}.
public Javalin enableRouteOverview(@NotNull String path, @NotNull Set permittedRoles) {
ensureActionIsPerformedBeforeServerStart("Enabling route overview");
return this.get(path, new RouteOverviewRenderer(this), permittedRoles);
* Configure instance to use the specified content-type as a default
* value for all responses. This can be overridden in any Handler.
* The method must be called before {@link Javalin#start()}.
public Javalin defaultContentType(@NotNull String contentType) {
ensureActionIsPerformedBeforeServerStart("Changing default content type");
this.defaultContentType = contentType;
return this;
* Configure instance to stop caching requests larger than the specified body size.
* The default value is 4096 bytes.
* The method must be called before {@link Javalin#start()}.
public Javalin maxBodySizeForRequestCache(long bodySizeInBytes) {
ensureActionIsPerformedBeforeServerStart("Changing request cache body size");
this.maxRequestCacheBodySize = bodySizeInBytes;
return this;
* Registers an attribute on the instance.
* Instance is available on the {@link Context} through {@link Context#appAttribute}.
* Ex: app.attribute(MyExt.class, myExtInstance())
* The method must be called before {@link Javalin#start()}.
public Javalin attribute(Class clazz, Object obj) {
ensureActionIsPerformedBeforeServerStart("Registering app attributes");
appAttributes.put(clazz, obj);
return this;
* Retrieve an attribute stored on the instance.
* Available on the {@link Context} through {@link Context#appAttribute}.
* Ex: app.attribute(MyExt.class).myMethod()
* Ex: ctx.appAttribute(MyExt.class).myMethod()
public T attribute(Class clazz) {
return (T) appAttributes.get(clazz);
* Configure instance to not cache any requests.
* If you call this method you will not be able to log request-bodies.
* The method must be called before {@link Javalin#start()}.
public Javalin disableRequestCache() {
return maxBodySizeForRequestCache(0);
private void ensureActionIsPerformedBeforeServerStart(@NotNull String action) {
if (started) {
throw new IllegalStateException(action + " must be done before starting the server.");
* Sets the access manager for the instance. Secured endpoints require one to be set.
* The method must be called before {@link Javalin#start()}.
* @see Access manager in docs
* @see AccessManager
public Javalin accessManager(@NotNull AccessManager accessManager) {
ensureActionIsPerformedBeforeServerStart("Setting an AccessManager");
this.accessManager = accessManager;
return this;
* Adds an exception mapper to the instance.
* Useful for turning exceptions into standardized errors/messages/pages
* @see Exception mapping in docs
public Javalin exception(@NotNull Class exceptionClass, @NotNull ExceptionHandler super T> exceptionHandler) {
exceptionMapper.getExceptionMap().put(exceptionClass, (ExceptionHandler) exceptionHandler);
return this;
* Adds a lifecycle event listener.
* The method must be called before {@link Javalin#start()}.
* @see Events in docs
public Javalin event(@NotNull JavalinEvent javalinEvent, @NotNull EventListener eventListener) {
return this;
* Configures a web socket handler to be called after every web socket event
* The method must be called before {@link Javalin#start()}.
* Will override the default logger of {@link Javalin#enableDebugLogging()}.
public Javalin wsLogger(@NotNull Consumer ws) {
ensureActionIsPerformedBeforeServerStart("Adding a WebSocket logger");
WsHandler wsLogger = new WsHandler();
return this;
* Adds an error mapper to the instance.
* Useful for turning error-codes (404, 500) into standardized messages/pages
* @see Error mapping in docs
public Javalin error(int statusCode, @NotNull ErrorHandler errorHandler) {
errorMapper.getErrorHandlerMap().put(statusCode, errorHandler);
return this;
* Registers an {@link Extension} with the instance.
* You're free to implement the extension as a class or a lambda expression
public Javalin register(Extension extension) {
return this;
* Creates a temporary static instance in the scope of the endpointGroup.
* Allows you to call get(handler), post(handler), etc. without without using the instance prefix.
* @see Handler groups in documentation
* @see ApiBuilder
public Javalin routes(@NotNull EndpointGroup endpointGroup) {
return this;
* Adds a request handler for the specified handlerType and path to the instance.
* Requires an access manager to be set on the instance.
* This is the method that all the verb-methods (get/post/put/etc) call.
* @see AccessManager
* @see Javalin#accessManager(AccessManager)
* @see Handlers in docs
public Javalin addHandler(@NotNull HandlerType handlerType, @NotNull String path, @NotNull Handler handler, @NotNull Set roles) {
boolean shouldWrap = handlerType.isHttpMethod() && !roles.contains(CoreRoles.NO_WRAP); // don't wrap CORS options
String prefixedPath = Util.prefixContextPath(contextPath, path);
Handler protectedHandler = shouldWrap ? ctx -> accessManager.manage(handler, ctx, roles) : handler;
pathMatcher.add(new HandlerEntry(handlerType, prefixedPath, protectedHandler, handler, caseSensitiveUrls));
handlerMetaInfo.add(new HandlerMetaInfo(handlerType, prefixedPath, handler, roles));
return this;
* Adds a request handler for the specified handlerType and path to the instance.
* This is the method that all the verb-methods (get/post/put/etc) call.
* @see Handlers in docs
public Javalin addHandler(@NotNull HandlerType httpMethod, @NotNull String path, @NotNull Handler handler) {
return addHandler(httpMethod, path, handler, new HashSet<>()); // no roles set for this route (open to everyone)
// HTTP verbs
* Adds a GET request handler for the specified path to the instance.
* @see Handlers in docs
public Javalin get(@NotNull String path, @NotNull Handler handler) {
return addHandler(HandlerType.GET, path, handler);
* Adds a POST request handler for the specified path to the instance.
* @see Handlers in docs
public Javalin post(@NotNull String path, @NotNull Handler handler) {
return addHandler(HandlerType.POST, path, handler);
* Adds a PUT request handler for the specified path to the instance.
* @see Handlers in docs
public Javalin put(@NotNull String path, @NotNull Handler handler) {
return addHandler(HandlerType.PUT, path, handler);
* Adds a PATCH request handler for the specified path to the instance.
* @see Handlers in docs
public Javalin patch(@NotNull String path, @NotNull Handler handler) {
return addHandler(HandlerType.PATCH, path, handler);
* Adds a DELETE request handler for the specified path to the instance.
* @see Handlers in docs
public Javalin delete(@NotNull String path, @NotNull Handler handler) {
return addHandler(HandlerType.DELETE, path, handler);
* Adds a HEAD request handler for the specified path to the instance.
* @see Handlers in docs
public Javalin head(@NotNull String path, @NotNull Handler handler) {
return addHandler(HandlerType.HEAD, path, handler);
* Adds a TRACE request handler for the specified path to the instance.
* @see Handlers in docs
public Javalin trace(@NotNull String path, @NotNull Handler handler) {
return addHandler(HandlerType.TRACE, path, handler);
* Adds a CONNECT request handler for the specified path to the instance.
* @see Handlers in docs
public Javalin connect(@NotNull String path, @NotNull Handler handler) {
return addHandler(HandlerType.CONNECT, path, handler);
* Adds a OPTIONS request handler for the specified path to the instance.
* @see Handlers in docs
public Javalin options(@NotNull String path, @NotNull Handler handler) {
return addHandler(HandlerType.OPTIONS, path, handler);
// Secured HTTP verbs
* Adds a GET request handler with the given roles for the specified path to the instance.
* Requires an access manager to be set on the instance.
* @see AccessManager
* @see Javalin#accessManager(AccessManager)
* @see Handlers in docs
public Javalin get(@NotNull String path, @NotNull Handler handler, @NotNull Set permittedRoles) {
return addHandler(HandlerType.GET, path, handler, permittedRoles);
* Adds a POST request handler with the given roles for the specified path to the instance.
* Requires an access manager to be set on the instance.
* @see AccessManager
* @see Javalin#accessManager(AccessManager)
* @see Handlers in docs
public Javalin post(@NotNull String path, @NotNull Handler handler, @NotNull Set permittedRoles) {
return addHandler(HandlerType.POST, path, handler, permittedRoles);
* Adds a PUT request handler with the given roles for the specified path to the instance.
* Requires an access manager to be set on the instance.
* @see AccessManager
* @see Javalin#accessManager(AccessManager)
* @see Handlers in docs
public Javalin put(@NotNull String path, @NotNull Handler handler, @NotNull Set permittedRoles) {
return addHandler(HandlerType.PUT, path, handler, permittedRoles);
* Adds a PATCH request handler with the given roles for the specified path to the instance.
* Requires an access manager to be set on the instance.
* @see AccessManager
* @see Javalin#accessManager(AccessManager)
* @see Handlers in docs
public Javalin patch(@NotNull String path, @NotNull Handler handler, @NotNull Set permittedRoles) {
return addHandler(HandlerType.PATCH, path, handler, permittedRoles);
* Adds a DELETE request handler with the given roles for the specified path to the instance.
* Requires an access manager to be set on the instance.
* @see AccessManager
* @see Javalin#accessManager(AccessManager)
* @see Handlers in docs
public Javalin delete(@NotNull String path, @NotNull Handler handler, @NotNull Set permittedRoles) {
return addHandler(HandlerType.DELETE, path, handler, permittedRoles);
* Adds a HEAD request handler with the given roles for the specified path to the instance.
* Requires an access manager to be set on the instance.
* @see AccessManager
* @see Javalin#accessManager(AccessManager)
* @see Handlers in docs
public Javalin head(@NotNull String path, @NotNull Handler handler, @NotNull Set permittedRoles) {
return addHandler(HandlerType.HEAD, path, handler, permittedRoles);
* Adds a TRACE request handler with the given roles for the specified path to the instance.
* Requires an access manager to be set on the instance.
* @see AccessManager
* @see Javalin#accessManager(AccessManager)
* @see Handlers in docs
public Javalin trace(@NotNull String path, @NotNull Handler handler, @NotNull Set permittedRoles) {
return addHandler(HandlerType.TRACE, path, handler, permittedRoles);
* Adds a CONNECT request handler with the given roles for the specified path to the instance.
* Requires an access manager to be set on the instance.
* @see AccessManager
* @see Javalin#accessManager(AccessManager)
* @see Handlers in docs
public Javalin connect(@NotNull String path, @NotNull Handler handler, @NotNull Set permittedRoles) {
return addHandler(HandlerType.CONNECT, path, handler, permittedRoles);
* Adds a OPTIONS request handler with the given roles for the specified path to the instance.
* Requires an access manager to be set on the instance.
* @see AccessManager
* @see Javalin#accessManager(AccessManager)
* @see Handlers in docs
public Javalin options(@NotNull String path, @NotNull Handler handler, @NotNull Set permittedRoles) {
return addHandler(HandlerType.OPTIONS, path, handler, permittedRoles);
// Filters
* Adds a BEFORE request handler for the specified path to the instance.
* @see Handlers in docs
public Javalin before(@NotNull String path, @NotNull Handler handler) {
return addHandler(HandlerType.BEFORE, path, handler);
* Adds a BEFORE request handler for all routes in the instance.
* @see Handlers in docs
public Javalin before(@NotNull Handler handler) {
return before("*", handler);
* Adds an AFTER request handler for the specified path to the instance.
* @see Handlers in docs
public Javalin after(@NotNull String path, @NotNull Handler handler) {
return addHandler(HandlerType.AFTER, path, handler);
* Adds an AFTER request handler for all routes in the instance.
* @see Handlers in docs
public Javalin after(@NotNull Handler handler) {
return after("*", handler);
* Adds a WebSocket handler on the specified path.
* @see WebSockets in docs
public Javalin ws(@NotNull String path, @NotNull Consumer ws) {
String prefixedPath = Util.prefixContextPath(contextPath, path);
WsHandler configuredWebSocket = new WsHandler();
wsPathMatcher.add(new WsEntry(prefixedPath, configuredWebSocket, caseSensitiveUrls));
handlerMetaInfo.add(new HandlerMetaInfo(HandlerType.WEBSOCKET, prefixedPath, ws, new HashSet<>()));
return this;
* Gets the list of HandlerMetaInfo-objects
public List getHandlerMetaInfo() {
return new ArrayList<>(handlerMetaInfo);
* Adds a lambda handler for a Server Sent Event connection on the specified path.
public Javalin sse(@NotNull String path, @NotNull Consumer client) {
return sse(path, client, new HashSet<>());
* Adds a lambda handler for a Server Sent Event connection on the specified path.
* Requires an access manager to be set on the instance.
public Javalin sse(@NotNull String path, @NotNull Consumer client, @NotNull Set permittedRoles) {
return get(path, new SseHandler(client), permittedRoles);
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