org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MetaTableAccessor Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase;
import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import com.google.protobuf.ServiceException;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ClusterConnection;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Connection;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ConnectionFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Delete;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Get;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTable;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Mutation;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RegionLocator;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RegionReplicaUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.ResultScanner;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Scan;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Table;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.CoprocessorRpcChannel;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.ProtobufUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.protobuf.generated.MultiRowMutationProtos;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.EnvironmentEdgeManager;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Pair;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.PairOfSameType;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.MetaTableLocator;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZooKeeperWatcher;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InterruptedIOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NavigableMap;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* Read/write operations on region and assignment information store in
* hbase:meta
* Some of the methods of this class take ZooKeeperWatcher as a param. The only reason
* for this is because when used on client-side (like from HBaseAdmin), we want to use
* short-living connection (opened before each operation, closed right after), while
* when used on HM or HRS (like in AssignmentManager) we want permanent connection.
public class MetaTableAccessor {
* HBASE-10070 adds a replicaId to HRI, meaning more than one HRI can be defined for the
* same table range (table, startKey, endKey). For every range, there will be at least one
* HRI defined which is called default replica.
* Meta layout (as of 0.98 + HBASE-10070) is like:
* For each table range, there is a single row, formatted like:
* ,,,. This row corresponds to the regionName
* of the default region replica.
* Columns are:
* info:regioninfo => contains serialized HRI for the default region replica
* info:server => contains hostname:port (in string form) for the server hosting
* the default regionInfo replica
* info:server_ => contains hostname:port (in string form) for the server hosting the
* regionInfo replica with replicaId
* info:serverstartcode => contains server start code (in binary long form) for the server
* hosting the default regionInfo replica
* info:serverstartcode_ => contains server start code (in binary long form) for the
* server hosting the regionInfo replica with replicaId
* info:seqnumDuringOpen => contains seqNum (in binary long form) for the region at the time
* the server opened the region with default replicaId
* info:seqnumDuringOpen_ => contains seqNum (in binary long form) for the region at
* the time the server opened the region with replicaId
* info:splitA => contains a serialized HRI for the first daughter region if the
* region is split
* info:splitB => contains a serialized HRI for the second daughter region if the
* region is split
* info:mergeA => contains a serialized HRI for the first parent region if the
* region is the result of a merge
* info:mergeB => contains a serialized HRI for the second parent region if the
* region is the result of a merge
* The actual layout of meta should be encapsulated inside MetaTableAccessor methods,
* and should not leak out of it (through Result objects, etc)
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(MetaTableAccessor.class);
static final byte [] META_REGION_PREFIX;
static {
// FIRST_META_REGIONINFO == 'hbase:meta,,1'. META_REGION_PREFIX == 'hbase:meta,'
int len = HRegionInfo.FIRST_META_REGIONINFO.getRegionName().length - 2;
META_REGION_PREFIX = new byte [len];
System.arraycopy(HRegionInfo.FIRST_META_REGIONINFO.getRegionName(), 0,
/** The delimiter for meta columns for replicaIds > 0 */
protected static final char META_REPLICA_ID_DELIMITER = '_';
/** A regex for parsing server columns from meta. See above javadoc for meta layout */
private static final Pattern SERVER_COLUMN_PATTERN
= Pattern.compile("^server(_[0-9a-fA-F]{4})?$");
// Reading operations //
* Performs a full scan of a hbase:meta
* @return List of {@link org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result}
* @throws IOException
public static List fullScanOfMeta(Connection connection)
throws IOException {
CollectAllVisitor v = new CollectAllVisitor();
fullScan(connection, v, null);
return v.getResults();
* Performs a full scan of hbase:meta
* @param connection connection we're using
* @param visitor Visitor invoked against each row.
* @throws IOException
public static void fullScan(Connection connection,
final Visitor visitor)
throws IOException {
fullScan(connection, visitor, null);
* Performs a full scan of hbase:meta
* @param connection connection we're using
* @return List of {@link Result}
* @throws IOException
public static List fullScan(Connection connection)
throws IOException {
CollectAllVisitor v = new CollectAllVisitor();
fullScan(connection, v, null);
return v.getResults();
* Callers should call close on the returned {@link Table} instance.
* @param connection connection we're using to access Meta
* @return An {@link Table} for hbase:meta
* @throws IOException
static Table getMetaHTable(final Connection connection)
throws IOException {
// We used to pass whole CatalogTracker in here, now we just pass in Connection
if (connection == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("No connection");
} else if (connection.isClosed()) {
throw new IOException("connection is closed");
// If the passed in 'connection' is 'managed' -- i.e. every second test uses
// a Table or an HBaseAdmin with managed connections -- then doing
// connection.getTable will throw an exception saying you are NOT to use
// managed connections getting tables. Leaving this as it is for now. Will
// revisit when inclined to change all tests. User code probaby makes use of
// managed connections too so don't change it till post hbase 1.0.
// There should still be a way to use this method with an unmanaged connection.
if (connection instanceof ClusterConnection) {
if (((ClusterConnection) connection).isManaged()) {
return new HTable(TableName.META_TABLE_NAME, (ClusterConnection) connection);
return connection.getTable(TableName.META_TABLE_NAME);
* @param t Table to use (will be closed when done).
* @param g Get to run
* @throws IOException
private static Result get(final Table t, final Get g) throws IOException {
try {
return t.get(g);
} finally {
* Gets the region info and assignment for the specified region.
* @param connection connection we're using
* @param regionName Region to lookup.
* @return Location and HRegionInfo for regionName
* @throws IOException
* @deprecated use {@link #getRegionLocation(Connection, byte[])} instead
public static Pair getRegion(Connection connection, byte [] regionName)
throws IOException {
HRegionLocation location = getRegionLocation(connection, regionName);
return location == null
? null
: new Pair(location.getRegionInfo(), location.getServerName());
* Returns the HRegionLocation from meta for the given region
* @param connection connection we're using
* @param regionName region we're looking for
* @return HRegionLocation for the given region
* @throws IOException
public static HRegionLocation getRegionLocation(Connection connection,
byte[] regionName) throws IOException {
byte[] row = regionName;
HRegionInfo parsedInfo = null;
try {
parsedInfo = parseRegionInfoFromRegionName(regionName);
row = getMetaKeyForRegion(parsedInfo);
} catch (Exception parseEx) {
// Ignore. This is used with tableName passed as regionName.
Get get = new Get(row);
Result r = get(getMetaHTable(connection), get);
RegionLocations locations = getRegionLocations(r);
return locations == null
? null
: locations.getRegionLocation(parsedInfo == null ? 0 : parsedInfo.getReplicaId());
* Returns the HRegionLocation from meta for the given region
* @param connection connection we're using
* @param regionInfo region information
* @return HRegionLocation for the given region
* @throws IOException
public static HRegionLocation getRegionLocation(Connection connection,
HRegionInfo regionInfo) throws IOException {
byte[] row = getMetaKeyForRegion(regionInfo);
Get get = new Get(row);
Result r = get(getMetaHTable(connection), get);
return getRegionLocation(r, regionInfo, regionInfo.getReplicaId());
/** Returns the row key to use for this regionInfo */
public static byte[] getMetaKeyForRegion(HRegionInfo regionInfo) {
return RegionReplicaUtil.getRegionInfoForDefaultReplica(regionInfo).getRegionName();
/** Returns an HRI parsed from this regionName. Not all the fields of the HRI
* is stored in the name, so the returned object should only be used for the fields
* in the regionName.
protected static HRegionInfo parseRegionInfoFromRegionName(byte[] regionName)
throws IOException {
byte[][] fields = HRegionInfo.parseRegionName(regionName);
long regionId = Long.parseLong(Bytes.toString(fields[2]));
int replicaId = fields.length > 3 ? Integer.parseInt(Bytes.toString(fields[3]), 16) : 0;
return new HRegionInfo(
TableName.valueOf(fields[0]), fields[1], fields[1], false, regionId, replicaId);
* Gets the result in hbase:meta for the specified region.
* @param connection connection we're using
* @param regionName region we're looking for
* @return result of the specified region
* @throws IOException
public static Result getRegionResult(Connection connection,
byte[] regionName) throws IOException {
Get get = new Get(regionName);
return get(getMetaHTable(connection), get);
* Get regions from the merge qualifier of the specified merged region
* @return null if it doesn't contain merge qualifier, else two merge regions
* @throws IOException
public static Pair getRegionsFromMergeQualifier(
Connection connection, byte[] regionName) throws IOException {
Result result = getRegionResult(connection, regionName);
HRegionInfo mergeA = getHRegionInfo(result, HConstants.MERGEA_QUALIFIER);
HRegionInfo mergeB = getHRegionInfo(result, HConstants.MERGEB_QUALIFIER);
if (mergeA == null && mergeB == null) {
return null;
return new Pair(mergeA, mergeB);
* Checks if the specified table exists. Looks at the hbase:meta table hosted on
* the specified server.
* @param connection connection we're using
* @param tableName table to check
* @return true if the table exists in meta, false if not
* @throws IOException
public static boolean tableExists(Connection connection,
final TableName tableName)
throws IOException {
if (tableName.equals(TableName.META_TABLE_NAME)) {
// Catalog tables always exist.
return true;
// Make a version of ResultCollectingVisitor that only collects the first
CollectingVisitor visitor = new CollectingVisitor() {
private HRegionInfo current = null;
public boolean visit(Result r) throws IOException {
RegionLocations locations = getRegionLocations(r);
if (locations == null || locations.getRegionLocation().getRegionInfo() == null) {
LOG.warn("No serialized HRegionInfo in " + r);
return true;
this.current = locations.getRegionLocation().getRegionInfo();
if (this.current == null) {
LOG.warn("No serialized HRegionInfo in " + r);
return true;
if (!isInsideTable(this.current, tableName)) return false;
// Else call super and add this Result to the collection.
// Stop collecting regions from table after we get one.
return false;
void add(Result r) {
// Add the current HRI.
fullScan(connection, visitor, getTableStartRowForMeta(tableName));
// If visitor has results >= 1 then table exists.
return visitor.getResults().size() >= 1;
* Gets all of the regions of the specified table.
* @param zkw zookeeper connection to access meta table
* @param connection connection we're using
* @param tableName table we're looking for
* @return Ordered list of {@link HRegionInfo}.
* @throws IOException
public static List getTableRegions(ZooKeeperWatcher zkw,
Connection connection, TableName tableName)
throws IOException {
return getTableRegions(zkw, connection, tableName, false);
* Gets all of the regions of the specified table.
* @param zkw zookeeper connection to access meta table
* @param connection connection we're using
* @param tableName table we're looking for
* @param excludeOfflinedSplitParents If true, do not include offlined split
* parents in the return.
* @return Ordered list of {@link HRegionInfo}.
* @throws IOException
public static List getTableRegions(ZooKeeperWatcher zkw,
Connection connection, TableName tableName, final boolean excludeOfflinedSplitParents)
throws IOException {
List> result = null;
result = getTableRegionsAndLocations(zkw, connection, tableName,
return getListOfHRegionInfos(result);
static List getListOfHRegionInfos(final List> pairs) {
if (pairs == null || pairs.isEmpty()) return null;
List result = new ArrayList(pairs.size());
for (Pair pair: pairs) {
return result;
* @param current region of current table we're working with
* @param tableName table we're checking against
* @return True if current
tablename is equal to
* tableName
static boolean isInsideTable(final HRegionInfo current, final TableName tableName) {
return tableName.equals(current.getTable());
* @param tableName table we're working with
* @return Place to start Scan in hbase:meta
when passed a
* tableName
; returns <tableName&rt; <,&rt; <,&rt;
static byte [] getTableStartRowForMeta(TableName tableName) {
byte [] startRow = new byte[tableName.getName().length + 2];
System.arraycopy(tableName.getName(), 0, startRow, 0, tableName.getName().length);
startRow[startRow.length - 2] = HConstants.DELIMITER;
startRow[startRow.length - 1] = HConstants.DELIMITER;
return startRow;
* This method creates a Scan object that will only scan catalog rows that
* belong to the specified table. It doesn't specify any columns.
* This is a better alternative to just using a start row and scan until
* it hits a new table since that requires parsing the HRI to get the table
* name.
* @param tableName bytes of table's name
* @return configured Scan object
public static Scan getScanForTableName(TableName tableName) {
String strName = tableName.getNameAsString();
// Start key is just the table name with delimiters
byte[] startKey = Bytes.toBytes(strName + ",,");
// Stop key appends the smallest possible char to the table name
byte[] stopKey = Bytes.toBytes(strName + " ,,");
Scan scan = new Scan(startKey);
return scan;
* @param zkw zookeeper connection to access meta table
* @param connection connection we're using
* @param tableName table we're looking for
* @return Return list of regioninfos and server.
* @throws IOException
public static List>
getTableRegionsAndLocations(ZooKeeperWatcher zkw,
Connection connection, TableName tableName)
throws IOException {
return getTableRegionsAndLocations(zkw, connection, tableName, true);
* @param zkw ZooKeeperWatcher instance we're using to get hbase:meta location
* @param connection connection we're using
* @param tableName table to work with
* @return Return list of regioninfos and server addresses.
* @throws IOException
public static List> getTableRegionsAndLocations(
ZooKeeperWatcher zkw, Connection connection, final TableName tableName,
final boolean excludeOfflinedSplitParents) throws IOException {
if (tableName.equals(TableName.META_TABLE_NAME)) {
// If meta, do a bit of special handling.
ServerName serverName = new MetaTableLocator().getMetaRegionLocation(zkw);
List> list =
new ArrayList>();
list.add(new Pair(HRegionInfo.FIRST_META_REGIONINFO,
return list;
// Make a version of CollectingVisitor that collects HRegionInfo and ServerAddress
CollectingVisitor> visitor =
new CollectingVisitor>() {
private RegionLocations current = null;
public boolean visit(Result r) throws IOException {
current = getRegionLocations(r);
if (current == null || current.getRegionLocation().getRegionInfo() == null) {
LOG.warn("No serialized HRegionInfo in " + r);
return true;
HRegionInfo hri = current.getRegionLocation().getRegionInfo();
if (!isInsideTable(hri, tableName)) return false;
if (excludeOfflinedSplitParents && hri.isSplitParent()) return true;
// Else call super and add this Result to the collection.
return super.visit(r);
void add(Result r) {
if (current == null) {
for (HRegionLocation loc : current.getRegionLocations()) {
if (loc != null) {
this.results.add(new Pair(
loc.getRegionInfo(), loc.getServerName()));
fullScan(connection, visitor, getTableStartRowForMeta(tableName));
return visitor.getResults();
* @param connection connection we're using
* @param serverName server whose regions we're interested in
* @return List of user regions installed on this server (does not include
* catalog regions).
* @throws IOException
public static NavigableMap
getServerUserRegions(Connection connection, final ServerName serverName)
throws IOException {
final NavigableMap hris = new TreeMap();
// Fill the above hris map with entries from hbase:meta that have the passed
// servername.
CollectingVisitor v = new CollectingVisitor() {
void add(Result r) {
if (r == null || r.isEmpty()) return;
RegionLocations locations = getRegionLocations(r);
if (locations == null) return;
for (HRegionLocation loc : locations.getRegionLocations()) {
if (loc != null) {
if (loc.getServerName() != null && loc.getServerName().equals(serverName)) {
hris.put(loc.getRegionInfo(), r);
fullScan(connection, v);
return hris;
public static void fullScanMetaAndPrint(Connection connection)
throws IOException {
Visitor v = new Visitor() {
public boolean visit(Result r) throws IOException {
if (r == null || r.isEmpty()) return true;
LOG.info("fullScanMetaAndPrint.Current Meta Row: " + r);
RegionLocations locations = getRegionLocations(r);
if (locations == null) return true;
for (HRegionLocation loc : locations.getRegionLocations()) {
if (loc != null) {
LOG.info("fullScanMetaAndPrint.HRI Print= " + loc.getRegionInfo());
return true;
fullScan(connection, v);
* Performs a full scan of a catalog table.
* @param connection connection we're using
* @param visitor Visitor invoked against each row.
* @param startrow Where to start the scan. Pass null if want to begin scan
* at first row.
* hbase:meta
, the default (pass false to scan hbase:meta)
* @throws IOException
public static void fullScan(Connection connection,
final Visitor visitor, final byte [] startrow)
throws IOException {
Scan scan = new Scan();
if (startrow != null) scan.setStartRow(startrow);
if (startrow == null) {
int caching = connection.getConfiguration()
.getInt(HConstants.HBASE_META_SCANNER_CACHING, 100);
Table metaTable = getMetaHTable(connection);
ResultScanner scanner = null;
try {
scanner = metaTable.getScanner(scan);
Result data;
while((data = scanner.next()) != null) {
if (data.isEmpty()) continue;
// Break if visit returns false.
if (!visitor.visit(data)) break;
} finally {
if (scanner != null) scanner.close();
* Returns the column family used for meta columns.
* @return HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY.
protected static byte[] getFamily() {
return HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY;
* Returns the column qualifier for serialized region info
protected static byte[] getRegionInfoColumn() {
* Returns the column qualifier for server column for replicaId
* @param replicaId the replicaId of the region
* @return a byte[] for server column qualifier
public static byte[] getServerColumn(int replicaId) {
return replicaId == 0
+ String.format(HRegionInfo.REPLICA_ID_FORMAT, replicaId));
* Returns the column qualifier for server start code column for replicaId
* @param replicaId the replicaId of the region
* @return a byte[] for server start code column qualifier
public static byte[] getStartCodeColumn(int replicaId) {
return replicaId == 0
+ String.format(HRegionInfo.REPLICA_ID_FORMAT, replicaId));
* Returns the column qualifier for seqNum column for replicaId
* @param replicaId the replicaId of the region
* @return a byte[] for seqNum column qualifier
public static byte[] getSeqNumColumn(int replicaId) {
return replicaId == 0
+ String.format(HRegionInfo.REPLICA_ID_FORMAT, replicaId));
* Parses the replicaId from the server column qualifier. See top of the class javadoc
* for the actual meta layout
* @param serverColumn the column qualifier
* @return an int for the replicaId
static int parseReplicaIdFromServerColumn(byte[] serverColumn) {
String serverStr = Bytes.toString(serverColumn);
Matcher matcher = SERVER_COLUMN_PATTERN.matcher(serverStr);
if (matcher.matches() && matcher.groupCount() > 0) {
String group = matcher.group(1);
if (group != null && group.length() > 0) {
return Integer.parseInt(group.substring(1), 16);
} else {
return 0;
return -1;
* Returns a {@link ServerName} from catalog table {@link Result}.
* @param r Result to pull from
* @return A ServerName instance or null if necessary fields not found or empty.
private static ServerName getServerName(final Result r, final int replicaId) {
byte[] serverColumn = getServerColumn(replicaId);
Cell cell = r.getColumnLatestCell(getFamily(), serverColumn);
if (cell == null || cell.getValueLength() == 0) return null;
String hostAndPort = Bytes.toString(
cell.getValueArray(), cell.getValueOffset(), cell.getValueLength());
byte[] startcodeColumn = getStartCodeColumn(replicaId);
cell = r.getColumnLatestCell(getFamily(), startcodeColumn);
if (cell == null || cell.getValueLength() == 0) return null;
return ServerName.valueOf(hostAndPort,
Bytes.toLong(cell.getValueArray(), cell.getValueOffset(), cell.getValueLength()));
* The latest seqnum that the server writing to meta observed when opening the region.
* E.g. the seqNum when the result of {@link #getServerName(Result, int)} was written.
* @param r Result to pull the seqNum from
* @return SeqNum, or HConstants.NO_SEQNUM if there's no value written.
private static long getSeqNumDuringOpen(final Result r, final int replicaId) {
Cell cell = r.getColumnLatestCell(getFamily(), getSeqNumColumn(replicaId));
if (cell == null || cell.getValueLength() == 0) return HConstants.NO_SEQNUM;
return Bytes.toLong(cell.getValueArray(), cell.getValueOffset(), cell.getValueLength());
* Returns an HRegionLocationList extracted from the result.
* @return an HRegionLocationList containing all locations for the region range or null if
* we can't deserialize the result.
public static RegionLocations getRegionLocations(final Result r) {
if (r == null) return null;
HRegionInfo regionInfo = getHRegionInfo(r, getRegionInfoColumn());
if (regionInfo == null) return null;
List locations = new ArrayList(1);
NavigableMap> familyMap = r.getNoVersionMap();
locations.add(getRegionLocation(r, regionInfo, 0));
NavigableMap infoMap = familyMap.get(getFamily());
if (infoMap == null) return new RegionLocations(locations);
// iterate until all serverName columns are seen
int replicaId = 0;
byte[] serverColumn = getServerColumn(replicaId);
SortedMap serverMap = null;
serverMap = infoMap.tailMap(serverColumn, false);
if (serverMap.isEmpty()) return new RegionLocations(locations);
for (Map.Entry entry : serverMap.entrySet()) {
replicaId = parseReplicaIdFromServerColumn(entry.getKey());
if (replicaId < 0) {
HRegionLocation location = getRegionLocation(r, regionInfo, replicaId);
// In case the region replica is newly created, it's location might be null. We usually do not
// have HRL's in RegionLocations object with null ServerName. They are handled as null HRLs.
if (location == null || location.getServerName() == null) {
} else {
return new RegionLocations(locations);
* Returns the HRegionLocation parsed from the given meta row Result
* for the given regionInfo and replicaId. The regionInfo can be the default region info
* for the replica.
* @param r the meta row result
* @param regionInfo RegionInfo for default replica
* @param replicaId the replicaId for the HRegionLocation
* @return HRegionLocation parsed from the given meta row Result for the given replicaId
private static HRegionLocation getRegionLocation(final Result r, final HRegionInfo regionInfo,
final int replicaId) {
ServerName serverName = getServerName(r, replicaId);
long seqNum = getSeqNumDuringOpen(r, replicaId);
HRegionInfo replicaInfo = RegionReplicaUtil.getRegionInfoForReplica(regionInfo, replicaId);
return new HRegionLocation(replicaInfo, serverName, seqNum);
* Returns HRegionInfo object from the column
* HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY:HConstants.REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER of the catalog
* table Result.
* @param data a Result object from the catalog table scan
* @return HRegionInfo or null
public static HRegionInfo getHRegionInfo(Result data) {
return getHRegionInfo(data, HConstants.REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER);
* Returns the HRegionInfo object from the column {@link HConstants#CATALOG_FAMILY} and
* qualifier
of the catalog table result.
* @param r a Result object from the catalog table scan
* @param qualifier Column family qualifier
* @return An HRegionInfo instance or null.
private static HRegionInfo getHRegionInfo(final Result r, byte [] qualifier) {
Cell cell = r.getColumnLatestCell(getFamily(), qualifier);
if (cell == null) return null;
return HRegionInfo.parseFromOrNull(cell.getValueArray(),
cell.getValueOffset(), cell.getValueLength());
* Returns the daughter regions by reading the corresponding columns of the catalog table
* Result.
* @param data a Result object from the catalog table scan
* @return a pair of HRegionInfo or PairOfSameType(null, null) if the region is not a split
* parent
public static PairOfSameType getDaughterRegions(Result data) {
HRegionInfo splitA = getHRegionInfo(data, HConstants.SPLITA_QUALIFIER);
HRegionInfo splitB = getHRegionInfo(data, HConstants.SPLITB_QUALIFIER);
return new PairOfSameType(splitA, splitB);
* Returns the merge regions by reading the corresponding columns of the catalog table
* Result.
* @param data a Result object from the catalog table scan
* @return a pair of HRegionInfo or PairOfSameType(null, null) if the region is not a split
* parent
public static PairOfSameType getMergeRegions(Result data) {
HRegionInfo mergeA = getHRegionInfo(data, HConstants.MERGEA_QUALIFIER);
HRegionInfo mergeB = getHRegionInfo(data, HConstants.MERGEB_QUALIFIER);
return new PairOfSameType(mergeA, mergeB);
* Implementations 'visit' a catalog table row.
public interface Visitor {
* Visit the catalog table row.
* @param r A row from catalog table
* @return True if we are to proceed scanning the table, else false if
* we are to stop now.
boolean visit(final Result r) throws IOException;
* A {@link Visitor} that collects content out of passed {@link Result}.
static abstract class CollectingVisitor implements Visitor {
final List results = new ArrayList();
public boolean visit(Result r) throws IOException {
if (r == null || r.isEmpty()) return true;
return true;
abstract void add(Result r);
* @return Collected results; wait till visits complete to collect all
* possible results
List getResults() {
return this.results;
* Collects all returned.
static class CollectAllVisitor extends CollectingVisitor {
void add(Result r) {
* Count regions in hbase:meta
for passed table.
* @param c Configuration object
* @param tableName table name to count regions for
* @return Count or regions in table tableName
* @throws IOException
public static int getRegionCount(final Configuration c, final String tableName)
throws IOException {
return getRegionCount(c, TableName.valueOf(tableName));
* Count regions in hbase:meta
for passed table.
* @param c Configuration object
* @param tableName table name to count regions for
* @return Count or regions in table tableName
* @throws IOException
public static int getRegionCount(final Configuration c, final TableName tableName)
throws IOException {
try (Connection connection = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(c)) {
return getRegionCount(connection, tableName);
* Count regions in hbase:meta
for passed table.
* @param connection Connection object
* @param tableName table name to count regions for
* @return Count or regions in table tableName
* @throws IOException
public static int getRegionCount(final Connection connection, final TableName tableName)
throws IOException {
try (RegionLocator locator = connection.getRegionLocator(tableName)) {
List locations = locator.getAllRegionLocations();
return locations == null? 0: locations.size();
// Editing operations //
* Generates and returns a Put containing the region into for the catalog table
public static Put makePutFromRegionInfo(HRegionInfo regionInfo)
throws IOException {
return makePutFromRegionInfo(regionInfo, HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP);
* Generates and returns a Put containing the region into for the catalog table
public static Put makePutFromRegionInfo(HRegionInfo regionInfo, long ts)
throws IOException {
Put put = new Put(regionInfo.getRegionName(), ts);
addRegionInfo(put, regionInfo);
return put;
* Generates and returns a Delete containing the region info for the catalog
* table
public static Delete makeDeleteFromRegionInfo(HRegionInfo regionInfo) {
return makeDeleteFromRegionInfo(regionInfo, HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP);
* Generates and returns a Delete containing the region info for the catalog
* table
public static Delete makeDeleteFromRegionInfo(HRegionInfo regionInfo, long ts) {
if (regionInfo == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't make a delete for null region");
Delete delete = new Delete(regionInfo.getRegionName(), ts);
return delete;
* Adds split daughters to the Put
public static Put addDaughtersToPut(Put put, HRegionInfo splitA, HRegionInfo splitB) {
if (splitA != null) {
HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.SPLITA_QUALIFIER, splitA.toByteArray());
if (splitB != null) {
HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.SPLITB_QUALIFIER, splitB.toByteArray());
return put;
* Put the passed p
to the hbase:meta
* @param connection connection we're using
* @param p Put to add to hbase:meta
* @throws IOException
static void putToMetaTable(final Connection connection, final Put p)
throws IOException {
put(getMetaHTable(connection), p);
* @param t Table to use (will be closed when done).
* @param p put to make
* @throws IOException
private static void put(final Table t, final Put p) throws IOException {
try {
} finally {
* Put the passed ps
to the hbase:meta
* @param connection connection we're using
* @param ps Put to add to hbase:meta
* @throws IOException
public static void putsToMetaTable(final Connection connection, final List ps)
throws IOException {
Table t = getMetaHTable(connection);
try {
} finally {
* Delete the passed d
from the hbase:meta
* @param connection connection we're using
* @param d Delete to add to hbase:meta
* @throws IOException
static void deleteFromMetaTable(final Connection connection, final Delete d)
throws IOException {
List dels = new ArrayList(1);
deleteFromMetaTable(connection, dels);
* Delete the passed deletes
from the hbase:meta
* @param connection connection we're using
* @param deletes Deletes to add to hbase:meta This list should support #remove.
* @throws IOException
public static void deleteFromMetaTable(final Connection connection, final List deletes)
throws IOException {
Table t = getMetaHTable(connection);
try {
} finally {
* Deletes some replica columns corresponding to replicas for the passed rows
* @param metaRows rows in hbase:meta
* @param replicaIndexToDeleteFrom the replica ID we would start deleting from
* @param numReplicasToRemove how many replicas to remove
* @param connection connection we're using to access meta table
* @throws IOException
public static void removeRegionReplicasFromMeta(Set metaRows,
int replicaIndexToDeleteFrom, int numReplicasToRemove, Connection connection)
throws IOException {
int absoluteIndex = replicaIndexToDeleteFrom + numReplicasToRemove;
for (byte[] row : metaRows) {
Delete deleteReplicaLocations = new Delete(row);
for (int i = replicaIndexToDeleteFrom; i < absoluteIndex; i++) {
deleteFromMetaTable(connection, deleteReplicaLocations);
* Execute the passed mutations
against hbase:meta
* @param connection connection we're using
* @param mutations Puts and Deletes to execute on hbase:meta
* @throws IOException
public static void mutateMetaTable(final Connection connection,
final List mutations)
throws IOException {
Table t = getMetaHTable(connection);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
InterruptedIOException ie = new InterruptedIOException(e.getMessage());
throw ie;
} finally {
* Adds a hbase:meta row for the specified new region.
* @param connection connection we're using
* @param regionInfo region information
* @throws IOException if problem connecting or updating meta
public static void addRegionToMeta(Connection connection,
HRegionInfo regionInfo)
throws IOException {
putToMetaTable(connection, makePutFromRegionInfo(regionInfo));
LOG.info("Added " + regionInfo.getRegionNameAsString());
* Adds a hbase:meta row for the specified new region to the given catalog table. The
* Table is not flushed or closed.
* @param meta the Table for META
* @param regionInfo region information
* @throws IOException if problem connecting or updating meta
public static void addRegionToMeta(Table meta, HRegionInfo regionInfo) throws IOException {
addRegionToMeta(meta, regionInfo, null, null);
* Adds a (single) hbase:meta row for the specified new region and its daughters. Note that this
* does not add its daughter's as different rows, but adds information about the daughters
* in the same row as the parent. Use
* {@link #splitRegion(Connection, HRegionInfo, HRegionInfo, HRegionInfo, ServerName, int)}
* if you want to do that.
* @param meta the Table for META
* @param regionInfo region information
* @param splitA first split daughter of the parent regionInfo
* @param splitB second split daughter of the parent regionInfo
* @throws IOException if problem connecting or updating meta
public static void addRegionToMeta(Table meta, HRegionInfo regionInfo,
HRegionInfo splitA, HRegionInfo splitB) throws IOException {
Put put = makePutFromRegionInfo(regionInfo);
addDaughtersToPut(put, splitA, splitB);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Added " + regionInfo.getRegionNameAsString());
* Adds a (single) hbase:meta row for the specified new region and its daughters. Note that this
* does not add its daughter's as different rows, but adds information about the daughters
* in the same row as the parent. Use
* {@link #splitRegion(Connection, HRegionInfo, HRegionInfo, HRegionInfo, ServerName, int)}
* if you want to do that.
* @param connection connection we're using
* @param regionInfo region information
* @param splitA first split daughter of the parent regionInfo
* @param splitB second split daughter of the parent regionInfo
* @throws IOException if problem connecting or updating meta
public static void addRegionToMeta(Connection connection, HRegionInfo regionInfo,
HRegionInfo splitA, HRegionInfo splitB) throws IOException {
Table meta = getMetaHTable(connection);
try {
addRegionToMeta(meta, regionInfo, splitA, splitB);
} finally {
* Adds a hbase:meta row for each of the specified new regions.
* @param connection connection we're using
* @param regionInfos region information list
* @throws IOException if problem connecting or updating meta
public static void addRegionsToMeta(Connection connection,
List regionInfos, int regionReplication)
throws IOException {
addRegionsToMeta(connection, regionInfos, regionReplication, HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP);
* Adds a hbase:meta row for each of the specified new regions.
* @param connection connection we're using
* @param regionInfos region information list
* @param regionReplication
* @param ts desired timestamp
* @throws IOException if problem connecting or updating meta
public static void addRegionsToMeta(Connection connection,
List regionInfos, int regionReplication, long ts)
throws IOException {
List puts = new ArrayList();
for (HRegionInfo regionInfo : regionInfos) {
if (RegionReplicaUtil.isDefaultReplica(regionInfo)) {
Put put = makePutFromRegionInfo(regionInfo, ts);
// Add empty locations for region replicas so that number of replicas can be cached
// whenever the primary region is looked up from meta
for (int i = 1; i < regionReplication; i++) {
addEmptyLocation(put, i);
putsToMetaTable(connection, puts);
LOG.info("Added " + puts.size());
* Adds a daughter region entry to meta.
* @param regionInfo the region to put
* @param sn the location of the region
* @param openSeqNum the latest sequence number obtained when the region was open
public static void addDaughter(final Connection connection,
final HRegionInfo regionInfo, final ServerName sn, final long openSeqNum)
throws NotAllMetaRegionsOnlineException, IOException {
Put put = new Put(regionInfo.getRegionName());
addRegionInfo(put, regionInfo);
if (sn != null) {
addLocation(put, sn, openSeqNum, -1, regionInfo.getReplicaId());
putToMetaTable(connection, put);
LOG.info("Added daughter " + regionInfo.getEncodedName() +
(sn == null? ", serverName=null": ", serverName=" + sn.toString()));
* Merge the two regions into one in an atomic operation. Deletes the two
* merging regions in hbase:meta and adds the merged region with the information of
* two merging regions.
* @param connection connection we're using
* @param mergedRegion the merged region
* @param regionA
* @param regionB
* @param sn the location of the region
* @param masterSystemTime
* @throws IOException
public static void mergeRegions(final Connection connection, HRegionInfo mergedRegion,
HRegionInfo regionA, HRegionInfo regionB, ServerName sn, int regionReplication,
long masterSystemTime)
throws IOException {
Table meta = getMetaHTable(connection);
try {
HRegionInfo copyOfMerged = new HRegionInfo(mergedRegion);
// use the maximum of what master passed us vs local time.
long time = Math.max(EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime(), masterSystemTime);
// Put for parent
Put putOfMerged = makePutFromRegionInfo(copyOfMerged, time);
putOfMerged.addImmutable(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.MERGEA_QUALIFIER,
putOfMerged.addImmutable(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.MERGEB_QUALIFIER,
// Deletes for merging regions
Delete deleteA = makeDeleteFromRegionInfo(regionA, time);
Delete deleteB = makeDeleteFromRegionInfo(regionB, time);
// The merged is a new region, openSeqNum = 1 is fine.
addLocation(putOfMerged, sn, 1, -1, mergedRegion.getReplicaId());
// Add empty locations for region replicas of the merged region so that number of replicas can
// be cached whenever the primary region is looked up from meta
for (int i = 1; i < regionReplication; i++) {
addEmptyLocation(putOfMerged, i);
byte[] tableRow = Bytes.toBytes(mergedRegion.getRegionNameAsString()
+ HConstants.DELIMITER);
multiMutate(meta, tableRow, putOfMerged, deleteA, deleteB);
} finally {
* Splits the region into two in an atomic operation. Offlines the parent
* region with the information that it is split into two, and also adds
* the daughter regions. Does not add the location information to the daughter
* regions since they are not open yet.
* @param connection connection we're using
* @param parent the parent region which is split
* @param splitA Split daughter region A
* @param splitB Split daughter region A
* @param sn the location of the region
public static void splitRegion(final Connection connection,
HRegionInfo parent, HRegionInfo splitA, HRegionInfo splitB,
ServerName sn, int regionReplication) throws IOException {
Table meta = getMetaHTable(connection);
try {
HRegionInfo copyOfParent = new HRegionInfo(parent);
//Put for parent
Put putParent = makePutFromRegionInfo(copyOfParent);
addDaughtersToPut(putParent, splitA, splitB);
//Puts for daughters
Put putA = makePutFromRegionInfo(splitA);
Put putB = makePutFromRegionInfo(splitB);
addLocation(putA, sn, 1, -1, splitA.getReplicaId()); //new regions, openSeqNum = 1 is fine.
addLocation(putB, sn, 1, -1, splitB.getReplicaId());
// Add empty locations for region replicas of daughters so that number of replicas can be
// cached whenever the primary region is looked up from meta
for (int i = 1; i < regionReplication; i++) {
addEmptyLocation(putA, i);
addEmptyLocation(putB, i);
byte[] tableRow = Bytes.toBytes(parent.getRegionNameAsString() + HConstants.DELIMITER);
multiMutate(meta, tableRow, putParent, putA, putB);
} finally {
* Performs an atomic multi-Mutate operation against the given table.
private static void multiMutate(Table table, byte[] row, Mutation... mutations)
throws IOException {
CoprocessorRpcChannel channel = table.coprocessorService(row);
MultiRowMutationProtos.MutateRowsRequest.Builder mmrBuilder
= MultiRowMutationProtos.MutateRowsRequest.newBuilder();
for (Mutation mutation : mutations) {
if (mutation instanceof Put) {
ClientProtos.MutationProto.MutationType.PUT, mutation));
} else if (mutation instanceof Delete) {
ClientProtos.MutationProto.MutationType.DELETE, mutation));
} else {
throw new DoNotRetryIOException("multi in MetaEditor doesn't support "
+ mutation.getClass().getName());
MultiRowMutationProtos.MultiRowMutationService.BlockingInterface service =
try {
service.mutateRows(null, mmrBuilder.build());
} catch (ServiceException ex) {
* Updates the location of the specified region in hbase:meta to be the specified
* server hostname and startcode.
* Uses passed catalog tracker to get a connection to the server hosting
* hbase:meta and makes edits to that region.
* @param connection connection we're using
* @param regionInfo region to update location of
* @param openSeqNum the latest sequence number obtained when the region was open
* @param sn Server name
* @param masterSystemTime wall clock time from master if passed in the open region RPC or -1
* @throws IOException
public static void updateRegionLocation(Connection connection,
HRegionInfo regionInfo, ServerName sn, long openSeqNum,
long masterSystemTime)
throws IOException {
updateLocation(connection, regionInfo, sn, openSeqNum, masterSystemTime);
* Updates the location of the specified region to be the specified server.
* Connects to the specified server which should be hosting the specified
* catalog region name to perform the edit.
* @param connection connection we're using
* @param regionInfo region to update location of
* @param sn Server name
* @param openSeqNum the latest sequence number obtained when the region was open
* @param masterSystemTime wall clock time from master if passed in the open region RPC or -1
* @throws IOException In particular could throw {@link java.net.ConnectException}
* if the server is down on other end.
private static void updateLocation(final Connection connection,
HRegionInfo regionInfo, ServerName sn, long openSeqNum,
long masterSystemTime)
throws IOException {
// use the maximum of what master passed us vs local time.
long time = Math.max(EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime(), masterSystemTime);
// region replicas are kept in the primary region's row
Put put = new Put(getMetaKeyForRegion(regionInfo), time);
addLocation(put, sn, openSeqNum, time, regionInfo.getReplicaId());
putToMetaTable(connection, put);
LOG.info("Updated row " + regionInfo.getRegionNameAsString() +
" with server=" + sn);
* Deletes the specified region from META.
* @param connection connection we're using
* @param regionInfo region to be deleted from META
* @throws IOException
public static void deleteRegion(Connection connection,
HRegionInfo regionInfo)
throws IOException {
Delete delete = new Delete(regionInfo.getRegionName());
deleteFromMetaTable(connection, delete);
LOG.info("Deleted " + regionInfo.getRegionNameAsString());
* Deletes the specified regions from META.
* @param connection connection we're using
* @param regionsInfo list of regions to be deleted from META
* @param ts desired timestamp
* @throws IOException
public static void deleteRegions(Connection connection,
List regionsInfo, long ts) throws IOException {
List deletes = new ArrayList(regionsInfo.size());
for (HRegionInfo hri: regionsInfo) {
deletes.add(new Delete(hri.getRegionName(), ts));
deleteFromMetaTable(connection, deletes);
LOG.info("Deleted " + regionsInfo);
* Deletes the specified regions from META.
* @param connection connection we're using
* @param regionsInfo list of regions to be deleted from META
* @throws IOException
public static void deleteRegions(Connection connection,
List regionsInfo) throws IOException {
deleteRegions(connection, regionsInfo, HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP);
* Adds and Removes the specified regions from hbase:meta
* @param connection connection we're using
* @param regionsToRemove list of regions to be deleted from META
* @param regionsToAdd list of regions to be added to META
* @throws IOException
public static void mutateRegions(Connection connection,
final List regionsToRemove,
final List regionsToAdd)
throws IOException {
List mutation = new ArrayList();
if (regionsToRemove != null) {
for (HRegionInfo hri: regionsToRemove) {
mutation.add(new Delete(hri.getRegionName()));
if (regionsToAdd != null) {
for (HRegionInfo hri: regionsToAdd) {
mutateMetaTable(connection, mutation);
if (regionsToRemove != null && regionsToRemove.size() > 0) {
LOG.debug("Deleted " + regionsToRemove);
if (regionsToAdd != null && regionsToAdd.size() > 0) {
LOG.debug("Added " + regionsToAdd);
* Overwrites the specified regions from hbase:meta
* @param connection connection we're using
* @param regionInfos list of regions to be added to META
* @throws IOException
public static void overwriteRegions(Connection connection,
List regionInfos, int regionReplication) throws IOException {
// use master time for delete marker and the Put
long now = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime();
deleteRegions(connection, regionInfos, now);
// Why sleep? This is the easiest way to ensure that the previous deletes does not
// eclipse the following puts, that might happen in the same ts from the server.
// See HBASE-9906, and HBASE-9879. Once either HBASE-9879, HBASE-8770 is fixed,
// or HBASE-9905 is fixed and meta uses seqIds, we do not need the sleep.
// HBASE-13875 uses master timestamp for the mutations. The 20ms sleep is not needed
addRegionsToMeta(connection, regionInfos, regionReplication, now+1);
LOG.info("Overwritten " + regionInfos);
* Deletes merge qualifiers for the specified merged region.
* @param connection connection we're using
* @param mergedRegion
* @throws IOException
public static void deleteMergeQualifiers(Connection connection,
final HRegionInfo mergedRegion) throws IOException {
Delete delete = new Delete(mergedRegion.getRegionName());
delete.deleteColumns(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.MERGEA_QUALIFIER);
delete.deleteColumns(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.MERGEB_QUALIFIER);
deleteFromMetaTable(connection, delete);
LOG.info("Deleted references in merged region "
+ mergedRegion.getRegionNameAsString() + ", qualifier="
+ Bytes.toStringBinary(HConstants.MERGEA_QUALIFIER) + " and qualifier="
+ Bytes.toStringBinary(HConstants.MERGEB_QUALIFIER));
private static Put addRegionInfo(final Put p, final HRegionInfo hri)
throws IOException {
p.addImmutable(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, HConstants.REGIONINFO_QUALIFIER,
return p;
public static Put addLocation(final Put p, final ServerName sn, long openSeqNum,
long time, int replicaId){
if (time <= 0) {
time = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime();
p.addImmutable(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, getServerColumn(replicaId), time,
p.addImmutable(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, getStartCodeColumn(replicaId), time,
p.addImmutable(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, getSeqNumColumn(replicaId), time,
return p;
public static Put addEmptyLocation(final Put p, int replicaId) {
long now = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime();
p.addImmutable(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, getServerColumn(replicaId), now, null);
p.addImmutable(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, getStartCodeColumn(replicaId), now, null);
p.addImmutable(HConstants.CATALOG_FAMILY, getSeqNumColumn(replicaId), now, null);
return p;