org.apache.spark.sql.hudi.DataSkippingUtils.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.apache.spark.sql.hudi
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileStatus, Path}
import org.apache.hudi.index.zorder.ZOrderingIndexHelper.{getMaxColumnNameFor, getMinColumnNameFor, getNumNullsColumnNameFor}
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.UnresolvedAttribute
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Literal.TrueLiteral
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Alias, And, Attribute, AttributeReference, EqualNullSafe, EqualTo, Expression, ExtractValue, GetStructField, GreaterThan, GreaterThanOrEqual, In, IsNotNull, IsNull, LessThan, LessThanOrEqual, Literal, Not, Or, StartsWith}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.PartitionedFile
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet.ParquetFileFormat
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.col
import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.Filter
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StringType, StructType}
import org.apache.spark.sql.vectorized.ColumnarBatch
import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, SparkSession}
import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
object DataSkippingUtils extends Logging {
* Translates provided {@link filterExpr} into corresponding filter-expression for Z-index index table
* to filter out candidate files that would hold records matching the original filter
* @param sourceFilterExpr original filter from query
* @param indexSchema index table schema
* @return filter for Z-index table
def createZIndexLookupFilter(sourceFilterExpr: Expression, indexSchema: StructType): Expression = {
// Try to transform original Source Table's filter expression into
// Column-Stats Index filter expression
tryComposeIndexFilterExpr(sourceFilterExpr, indexSchema) match {
case Some(e) => e
// NOTE: In case we can't transform source filter expression, we fallback
// to {@code TrueLiteral}, to essentially avoid pruning any indexed files from scanning
case None => TrueLiteral
private def tryComposeIndexFilterExpr(sourceExpr: Expression, indexSchema: StructType): Option[Expression] = {
def minValue(colName: String) = col(getMinColumnNameFor(colName)).expr
def maxValue(colName: String) = col(getMaxColumnNameFor(colName)).expr
def numNulls(colName: String) = col(getNumNullsColumnNameFor(colName)).expr
def colContainsValuesEqualToLiteral(colName: String, value: Literal): Expression =
// Only case when column C contains value V is when min(C) <= V <= max(c)
And(LessThanOrEqual(minValue(colName), value), GreaterThanOrEqual(maxValue(colName), value))
def colContainsOnlyValuesEqualToLiteral(colName: String, value: Literal) =
// Only case when column C contains _only_ value V is when min(C) = V AND max(c) = V
And(EqualTo(minValue(colName), value), EqualTo(maxValue(colName), value))
sourceExpr match {
// Filter "colA = b"
// Translates to "colA_minValue <= b AND colA_maxValue >= b" condition for index lookup
case EqualTo(attribute: AttributeReference, value: Literal) =>
getTargetIndexedColName(attribute, indexSchema)
.map(colName => colContainsValuesEqualToLiteral(colName, value))
// Filter "b = colA"
// Translates to "colA_minValue <= b AND colA_maxValue >= b" condition for index lookup
case EqualTo(value: Literal, attribute: AttributeReference) =>
getTargetIndexedColName(attribute, indexSchema)
.map(colName => colContainsValuesEqualToLiteral(colName, value))
// Filter "colA != b"
// Translates to "NOT(colA_minValue = b AND colA_maxValue = b)"
// NOTE: This is NOT an inversion of `colA = b`
case Not(EqualTo(attribute: AttributeReference, value: Literal)) =>
getTargetIndexedColName(attribute, indexSchema)
.map(colName => Not(colContainsOnlyValuesEqualToLiteral(colName, value)))
// Filter "b != colA"
// Translates to "NOT(colA_minValue = b AND colA_maxValue = b)"
// NOTE: This is NOT an inversion of `colA = b`
case Not(EqualTo(value: Literal, attribute: AttributeReference)) =>
getTargetIndexedColName(attribute, indexSchema)
.map(colName => Not(colContainsOnlyValuesEqualToLiteral(colName, value)))
// Filter "colA = null"
// Translates to "colA_num_nulls = null" for index lookup
case equalNullSafe @ EqualNullSafe(_: AttributeReference, _ @ Literal(null, _)) =>
getTargetIndexedColName(equalNullSafe.left, indexSchema)
.map(colName => EqualTo(numNulls(colName), equalNullSafe.right))
// Filter "colA < b"
// Translates to "colA_minValue < b" for index lookup
case LessThan(attribute: AttributeReference, value: Literal) =>
getTargetIndexedColName(attribute, indexSchema)
.map(colName => LessThan(minValue(colName), value))
// Filter "b > colA"
// Translates to "b > colA_minValue" for index lookup
case GreaterThan(value: Literal, attribute: AttributeReference) =>
getTargetIndexedColName(attribute, indexSchema)
.map(colName => LessThan(minValue(colName), value))
// Filter "b < colA"
// Translates to "b < colA_maxValue" for index lookup
case LessThan(value: Literal, attribute: AttributeReference) =>
getTargetIndexedColName(attribute, indexSchema)
.map(colName => GreaterThan(maxValue(colName), value))
// Filter "colA > b"
// Translates to "colA_maxValue > b" for index lookup
case GreaterThan(attribute: AttributeReference, value: Literal) =>
getTargetIndexedColName(attribute, indexSchema)
.map(colName => GreaterThan(maxValue(colName), value))
// Filter "colA <= b"
// Translates to "colA_minValue <= b" for index lookup
case LessThanOrEqual(attribute: AttributeReference, value: Literal) =>
getTargetIndexedColName(attribute, indexSchema)
.map(colName => LessThanOrEqual(minValue(colName), value))
// Filter "b >= colA"
// Translates to "b >= colA_minValue" for index lookup
case GreaterThanOrEqual(value: Literal, attribute: AttributeReference) =>
getTargetIndexedColName(attribute, indexSchema)
.map(colName => LessThanOrEqual(minValue(colName), value))
// Filter "b <= colA"
// Translates to "b <= colA_maxValue" for index lookup
case LessThanOrEqual(value: Literal, attribute: AttributeReference) =>
getTargetIndexedColName(attribute, indexSchema)
.map(colName => GreaterThanOrEqual(maxValue(colName), value))
// Filter "colA >= b"
// Translates to "colA_maxValue >= b" for index lookup
case GreaterThanOrEqual(attribute: AttributeReference, right: Literal) =>
getTargetIndexedColName(attribute, indexSchema)
.map(colName => GreaterThanOrEqual(maxValue(colName), right))
// Filter "colA is null"
// Translates to "colA_num_nulls > 0" for index lookup
case IsNull(attribute: AttributeReference) =>
getTargetIndexedColName(attribute, indexSchema)
.map(colName => GreaterThan(numNulls(colName), Literal(0)))
// Filter "colA is not null"
// Translates to "colA_num_nulls = 0" for index lookup
case IsNotNull(attribute: AttributeReference) =>
getTargetIndexedColName(attribute, indexSchema)
.map(colName => EqualTo(numNulls(colName), Literal(0)))
// Filter "colA in (a, b, ...)"
// Translates to "(colA_minValue <= a AND colA_maxValue >= a) OR (colA_minValue <= b AND colA_maxValue >= b)" for index lookup
// NOTE: This is equivalent to "colA = a OR colA = b OR ..."
case In(attribute: AttributeReference, list: Seq[Literal]) =>
getTargetIndexedColName(attribute, indexSchema)
.map(colName => { lit => colContainsValuesEqualToLiteral(colName, lit) }.reduce(Or)
// Filter "colA not in (a, b, ...)"
// Translates to "NOT((colA_minValue = a AND colA_maxValue = a) OR (colA_minValue = b AND colA_maxValue = b))" for index lookup
// NOTE: This is NOT an inversion of `in (a, b, ...)` expr, this is equivalent to "colA != a AND colA != b AND ..."
case Not(In(attribute: AttributeReference, list: Seq[Literal])) =>
getTargetIndexedColName(attribute, indexSchema)
.map(colName =>
Not( { lit => colContainsOnlyValuesEqualToLiteral(colName, lit) }.reduce(Or)
// Filter "colA like 'xxx%'"
// Translates to "colA_minValue <= xxx AND colA_maxValue >= xxx" for index lookup
// NOTE: That this operator only matches string prefixes, and this is
// essentially equivalent to "colA = b" expression
case StartsWith(attribute, v @ Literal(_: UTF8String, _)) =>
getTargetIndexedColName(attribute, indexSchema)
.map(colName => colContainsValuesEqualToLiteral(colName, v))
// Filter "colA not like 'xxx%'"
// Translates to "NOT(colA_minValue like 'xxx%' AND colA_maxValue like 'xxx%')" for index lookup
// NOTE: This is NOT an inversion of "colA like xxx"
case Not(StartsWith(attribute, value @ Literal(_: UTF8String, _))) =>
getTargetIndexedColName(attribute, indexSchema)
.map(colName =>
Not(And(StartsWith(minValue(colName), value), StartsWith(maxValue(colName), value)))
case or: Or =>
val resLeft = createZIndexLookupFilter(or.left, indexSchema)
val resRight = createZIndexLookupFilter(or.right, indexSchema)
Option(Or(resLeft, resRight))
case and: And =>
val resLeft = createZIndexLookupFilter(and.left, indexSchema)
val resRight = createZIndexLookupFilter(and.right, indexSchema)
Option(And(resLeft, resRight))
// Pushing Logical NOT inside the AND/OR expressions
// NOTE: This is required to make sure we're properly handling negations in
// cases like {@code NOT(colA = 0)}, {@code NOT(colA in (a, b, ...)}
case Not(And(left: Expression, right: Expression)) =>
Option(createZIndexLookupFilter(Or(Not(left), Not(right)), indexSchema))
case Not(Or(left: Expression, right: Expression)) =>
Option(createZIndexLookupFilter(And(Not(left), Not(right)), indexSchema))
case _: Expression => None
private def checkColIsIndexed(colName: String, indexSchema: StructType): Boolean = {
.forall(stat => indexSchema.exists( == stat))
private def getTargetIndexedColName(resolvedExpr: Expression, indexSchema: StructType): Option[String] = {
val colName = UnresolvedAttribute(getTargetColNameParts(resolvedExpr)).name
// Verify that the column is indexed
if (checkColIsIndexed(colName, indexSchema)) {
} else {
private def getTargetColNameParts(resolvedTargetCol: Expression): Seq[String] = {
resolvedTargetCol match {
case attr: Attribute => Seq(
case Alias(c, _) => getTargetColNameParts(c)
case GetStructField(c, _, Some(name)) => getTargetColNameParts(c) :+ name
case ex: ExtractValue =>
throw new AnalysisException(s"convert reference to name failed, Updating nested fields is only supported for StructType: ${ex}.")
case other =>
throw new AnalysisException(s"convert reference to name failed, Found unsupported expression ${other}")
def getIndexFiles(conf: Configuration, indexPath: String): Seq[FileStatus] = {
val basePath = new Path(indexPath)
.listStatus(basePath).filter(f => f.getPath.getName.endsWith(".parquet"))
* read parquet files concurrently by local.
* this method is mush faster than spark
def readParquetFile(spark: SparkSession, indexFiles: Seq[FileStatus], filters: Seq[Filter] = Nil, schemaOpts: Option[StructType] = None): Set[String] = {
val hadoopConf = spark.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration
val partitionedFiles = => PartitionedFile(InternalRow.empty, f.getPath.toString, 0, f.getLen))
val requiredSchema = new StructType().add("file", StringType, true)
val schema = schemaOpts.getOrElse(requiredSchema)
val parquetReader = new ParquetFileFormat().buildReaderWithPartitionValues(spark
, schema , StructType(Nil), requiredSchema, filters, Map.empty, hadoopConf)
val results = new Array[Iterator[String]](partitionedFiles.size)
partitionedFiles.zipWithIndex.par.foreach { case (pf, index) =>
val fileIterator = parquetReader(pf).asInstanceOf[Iterator[Any]]
val rows = fileIterator.flatMap(_ match {
case r: InternalRow => Seq(r)
case b: ColumnarBatch => b.rowIterator().asScala
}).map(r => r.getString(0))
results(index) = rows
results.flatMap(f => f).toSet
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