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org.apache.hudi.HoodieBaseRelation.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.hudi

import org.apache.hudi.AvroConversionUtils.getAvroSchemaWithDefaults
import org.apache.hudi.HoodieBaseRelation.{BaseFileReader, convertToAvroSchema, createHFileReader, isSchemaEvolutionEnabledOnRead, metaFieldNames, projectSchema, sparkAdapter}
import org.apache.hudi.HoodieConversionUtils.toScalaOption
import org.apache.hudi.avro.HoodieAvroUtils
import org.apache.hudi.client.utils.SparkInternalSchemaConverter
import org.apache.hudi.common.config.HoodieReaderConfig.USE_NATIVE_HFILE_READER
import org.apache.hudi.common.config.{ConfigProperty, HoodieConfig, HoodieMetadataConfig}
import org.apache.hudi.common.fs.FSUtils
import org.apache.hudi.common.fs.FSUtils.getRelativePartitionPath
import org.apache.hudi.common.model.HoodieFileFormat.HFILE
import org.apache.hudi.common.model.HoodieRecord.HoodieRecordType
import org.apache.hudi.common.model.{FileSlice, HoodieFileFormat, HoodieRecord}
import org.apache.hudi.common.table.timeline.HoodieTimeline
import org.apache.hudi.common.table.timeline.TimelineUtils.validateTimestampAsOf
import org.apache.hudi.common.table.view.HoodieTableFileSystemView
import org.apache.hudi.common.table.{HoodieTableConfig, HoodieTableMetaClient, TableSchemaResolver}
import org.apache.hudi.common.util.StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty
import org.apache.hudi.common.util.ValidationUtils.checkState
import org.apache.hudi.common.util.{ConfigUtils, StringUtils}
import org.apache.hudi.config.HoodieBootstrapConfig.DATA_QUERIES_ONLY
import org.apache.hudi.config.HoodieWriteConfig
import org.apache.hudi.exception.HoodieException
import org.apache.hudi.hadoop.fs.HadoopFSUtils
import org.apache.hudi.hadoop.fs.HadoopFSUtils.convertToStoragePath
import org.apache.hudi.internal.schema.InternalSchema
import org.apache.hudi.internal.schema.convert.AvroInternalSchemaConverter
import org.apache.hudi.internal.schema.utils.{InternalSchemaUtils, SerDeHelper}
import org.apache.hudi.metadata.HoodieTableMetadata
import{StoragePath, StoragePathInfo}

import org.apache.avro.Schema
import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericRecord
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileStatus, Path}
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf
import org.apache.spark.execution.datasources.HoodieInMemoryFileIndex
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.HoodieCatalystExpressionUtils.{convertToCatalystExpression, generateUnsafeProjection}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.Resolver
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Expression, SubqueryExpression}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.FileRelation
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources._
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.orc.OrcFileFormat
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet.{LegacyHoodieParquetFileFormat, ParquetFileFormat}
import org.apache.spark.sql.hudi.HoodieSqlCommonUtils
import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{BaseRelation, Filter, PrunedFilteredScan}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SQLContext, SparkSession}

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}

trait HoodieFileSplit {}

case class HoodieTableSchema(structTypeSchema: StructType, avroSchemaStr: String, internalSchema: Option[InternalSchema] = None)

case class HoodieTableState(tablePath: String,
                            latestCommitTimestamp: Option[String],
                            recordKeyField: String,
                            preCombineFieldOpt: Option[String],
                            usesVirtualKeys: Boolean,
                            recordPayloadClassName: String,
                            metadataConfig: HoodieMetadataConfig,
                            recordMergerImpls: List[String],
                            recordMergerStrategy: String)

 * Hoodie BaseRelation which extends [[PrunedFilteredScan]]
abstract class HoodieBaseRelation(val sqlContext: SQLContext,
                                  val metaClient: HoodieTableMetaClient,
                                  val optParams: Map[String, String],
                                  private val schemaSpec: Option[StructType],
                                  private val prunedDataSchema: Option[StructType])
  extends BaseRelation
    with FileRelation
    with PrunedFilteredScan
    with Logging {

  type FileSplit <: HoodieFileSplit
  type Relation <: HoodieBaseRelation


  protected val sparkSession: SparkSession = sqlContext.sparkSession

  protected lazy val resolver: Resolver = sparkSession.sessionState.analyzer.resolver

  protected def tableName: String = metaClient.getTableConfig.getTableName

  protected lazy val conf: Configuration = new Configuration(sqlContext.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration)
  protected lazy val jobConf = new JobConf(conf)

  protected lazy val tableConfig: HoodieTableConfig = metaClient.getTableConfig

  protected lazy val basePath: Path = new Path(metaClient.getBasePath.toUri)

  // NOTE: Record key-field is assumed singular here due to the either of
  //          - In case Hudi's meta fields are enabled: record key will be pre-materialized (stored) as part
  //          of the record's payload (as part of the Hudi's metadata)
  //          - In case Hudi's meta fields are disabled (virtual keys): in that case record has to bear _single field_
  //          identified as its (unique) primary key w/in its payload (this is a limitation of [[SimpleKeyGenerator]],
  //          which is the only [[KeyGenerator]] permitted for virtual-keys payloads)
  protected lazy val recordKeyField: String =
    if (tableConfig.populateMetaFields()) {
    } else {
      val keyFields = tableConfig.getRecordKeyFields.get()
      checkState(keyFields.length == 1)

  protected lazy val preCombineFieldOpt: Option[String] =
      .orElse(optParams.get(DataSourceWriteOptions.PRECOMBINE_FIELD.key)) match {
      // NOTE: This is required to compensate for cases when empty string is used to stub
      //       property value to avoid it being set with the default value
      // TODO(HUDI-3456) cleanup
      case Some(f) if !StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(f) => Some(f)
      case _ => None

  protected lazy val specifiedQueryTimestamp: Option[String] =

   * NOTE: Initialization of teh following members is coupled on purpose to minimize amount of I/O
   *       required to fetch table's Avro and Internal schemas
  protected lazy val (tableAvroSchema: Schema, internalSchemaOpt: Option[InternalSchema]) = {
    val schemaResolver = new TableSchemaResolver(metaClient)
    val internalSchemaOpt = if (!isSchemaEvolutionEnabledOnRead(optParams, sparkSession)) {
    } else {
      Try {
      } match {
        case Success(internalSchemaOpt) => toScalaOption(internalSchemaOpt)
        case Failure(e) =>
          logWarning("Failed to fetch internal-schema from the table", e)

    val (name, namespace) = AvroConversionUtils.getAvroRecordNameAndNamespace(tableName)
    val avroSchema = { is =>
      AvroInternalSchemaConverter.convert(is, namespace + "." + name)
    } orElse {
    } orElse { => convertToAvroSchema(s, tableName))
    } getOrElse {
      Try(schemaResolver.getTableAvroSchema) match {
        case Success(schema) => schema
        case Failure(e) => throw e

    (avroSchema, internalSchemaOpt)

  protected lazy val tableStructSchema: StructType = {
    val converted = AvroConversionUtils.convertAvroSchemaToStructType(tableAvroSchema)
    val metaFieldMetadata = sparkAdapter.createCatalystMetadataForMetaField

    // NOTE: Here we annotate meta-fields with corresponding metadata such that Spark (>= 3.2)
    //       is able to recognize such fields as meta-fields
    StructType( { field =>
      if (metaFieldNames.exists(metaFieldName => resolver(metaFieldName, {
        field.copy(metadata = metaFieldMetadata)
      } else {

  protected lazy val partitionColumns: Array[String] = tableConfig.getPartitionFields.orElse(Array.empty)

   * Controls whether partition values (ie values of partition columns) should be
  1. Extracted from partition path and appended to individual rows read from the data file (we * delegate this to Spark's [[ParquetFileFormat]])
  2. *
  3. Read from the data-file as is (by default Hudi persists all columns including partition ones)
  4. *
* * This flag is only be relevant in conjunction with the usage of [["hoodie.datasource.write.drop.partition.columns"]] * config, when Hudi will NOT be persisting partition columns in the data file, and therefore values for * such partition columns (ie "partition values") will have to be parsed from the partition path, and appended * to every row only in the fetched dataset. * * NOTE: Partition values extracted from partition path might be deviating from the values of the original * partition columns: for ex, if originally as partition column was used column [[ts]] bearing epoch * timestamp, which was used by [[TimestampBasedKeyGenerator]] to generate partition path of the format * [["yyyy/mm/dd"]], appended partition value would bear the format verbatim as it was used in the * partition path, meaning that string value of "2022/01/01" will be appended, and not its original * representation */ protected val shouldExtractPartitionValuesFromPartitionPath: Boolean = { // Controls whether partition columns (which are the source for the partition path values) should // be omitted from persistence in the data files. On the read path it affects whether partition values (values // of partition columns) will be read from the data file or extracted from partition path val shouldOmitPartitionColumns = metaClient.getTableConfig.shouldDropPartitionColumns && partitionColumns.nonEmpty val shouldExtractPartitionValueFromPath = optParams.getOrElse(DataSourceReadOptions.EXTRACT_PARTITION_VALUES_FROM_PARTITION_PATH.key, DataSourceReadOptions.EXTRACT_PARTITION_VALUES_FROM_PARTITION_PATH.defaultValue.toString).toBoolean val shouldUseBootstrapFastRead = optParams.getOrElse(DATA_QUERIES_ONLY.key(), "false").toBoolean shouldOmitPartitionColumns || shouldExtractPartitionValueFromPath || shouldUseBootstrapFastRead } /** * NOTE: This fields are accessed by [[NestedSchemaPruning]] component which is only enabled for * Spark >= 3.1 */ protected lazy val (fileFormat: FileFormat, fileFormatClassName: String) = metaClient.getTableConfig.getBaseFileFormat match { case HoodieFileFormat.ORC => (new OrcFileFormat, "orc") case HoodieFileFormat.PARQUET => // We're delegating to Spark to append partition values to every row only in cases // when these corresponding partition-values are not persisted w/in the data file itself val parquetFileFormat = sparkAdapter.createLegacyHoodieParquetFileFormat(shouldExtractPartitionValuesFromPartitionPath).get (parquetFileFormat, LegacyHoodieParquetFileFormat.FILE_FORMAT_ID) } /** * NOTE: PLEASE READ THIS CAREFULLY * * Even though [[HoodieFileIndex]] initializes eagerly listing all of the files w/in the given Hudi table, * this variable itself is _lazy_ (and have to stay that way) which guarantees that it's not initialized, until * it's actually accessed */ lazy val fileIndex: HoodieFileIndex = HoodieFileIndex(sparkSession, metaClient, Some(tableStructSchema), optParams, FileStatusCache.getOrCreate(sparkSession), shouldIncludeLogFiles()) lazy val tableState: HoodieTableState = { val recordMergerImpls = ConfigUtils.split2List(getConfigValue(HoodieWriteConfig.RECORD_MERGER_IMPLS)).asScala.toList val recordMergerStrategy = getConfigValue(HoodieWriteConfig.RECORD_MERGER_STRATEGY, Option(metaClient.getTableConfig.getRecordMergerStrategy)) // Subset of the state of table's configuration as of at the time of the query HoodieTableState( tablePath = basePath.toString, latestCommitTimestamp = queryTimestamp, recordKeyField = recordKeyField, preCombineFieldOpt = preCombineFieldOpt, usesVirtualKeys = !tableConfig.populateMetaFields(), recordPayloadClassName = tableConfig.getPayloadClass, metadataConfig = fileIndex.metadataConfig, recordMergerImpls = recordMergerImpls, recordMergerStrategy = recordMergerStrategy ) } /** * Columns that relation has to read from the storage to properly execute on its semantic: for ex, * for Merge-on-Read tables key fields as well and pre-combine field comprise mandatory set of columns, * meaning that regardless of whether this columns are being requested by the query they will be fetched * regardless so that relation is able to combine records properly (if necessary) * * @VisibleInTests */ val mandatoryFields: Seq[String] protected def timeline: HoodieTimeline = // NOTE: We're including compaction here since it's not considering a "commit" operation metaClient.getCommitsAndCompactionTimeline.filterCompletedInstants private def queryTimestamp: Option[String] = specifiedQueryTimestamp.orElse(toScalaOption(timeline.lastInstant()).map(_.getTimestamp)) /** * Returns true in case table supports Schema on Read (Schema Evolution) */ def hasSchemaOnRead: Boolean = internalSchemaOpt.isDefined /** * Data schema is determined as the actual schema of the Table's Data Files (for ex, parquet/orc/etc); * * In cases when partition values are not persisted w/in the data files, data-schema is defined as *
table's schema - partition columns
* * Check scala-doc for [[shouldExtractPartitionValuesFromPartitionPath]] for more details */ def dataSchema: StructType = if (shouldExtractPartitionValuesFromPartitionPath) { prunePartitionColumns(tableStructSchema) } else { tableStructSchema } /** * Determines whether relation's schema could be pruned by Spark's Optimizer */ def canPruneRelationSchema: Boolean = !HoodieTableMetadata.isMetadataTable(basePath.toString) && (fileFormat.isInstanceOf[ParquetFileFormat] || fileFormat.isInstanceOf[OrcFileFormat]) && // NOTE: In case this relation has already been pruned there's no point in pruning it again prunedDataSchema.isEmpty && // TODO(HUDI-5421) internal schema doesn't support nested schema pruning currently !hasSchemaOnRead override def sizeInBytes: Long = fileIndex.sizeInBytes override def schema: StructType = { // NOTE: Optimizer could prune the schema (applying for ex, [[NestedSchemaPruning]] rule) setting new updated // schema in-place (via [[setPrunedDataSchema]] method), therefore we have to make sure that we pick // pruned data schema (if present) over the standard table's one prunedDataSchema.getOrElse(tableStructSchema) } /** * This method controls whether relation will be producing *
  • [[Row]], when it's being equal to true
  • *
  • [[InternalRow]], when it's being equal to false
  • *
* * Returning [[InternalRow]] directly enables us to save on needless ser/de loop from [[InternalRow]] (being * produced by file-reader) to [[Row]] and back */ override final def needConversion: Boolean = false override def inputFiles: Array[String] = /** * NOTE: DO NOT OVERRIDE THIS METHOD */ override final def buildScan(requiredColumns: Array[String], filters: Array[Filter]): RDD[Row] = { // NOTE: PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE MAKING CHANGES // *Appending* additional columns to the ones requested by the caller is not a problem, as those // will be eliminated by the caller's projection; // (!) Please note, however, that it's critical to avoid _reordering_ of the requested columns as this // will break the upstream projection val targetColumns: Array[String] = appendMandatoryColumns(requiredColumns) // NOTE: We explicitly fallback to default table's Avro schema to make sure we avoid unnecessary Catalyst > Avro // schema conversion, which is lossy in nature (for ex, it doesn't preserve original Avro type-names) and // could have an effect on subsequent de-/serializing records in some exotic scenarios (when Avro unions // w/ more than 2 types are involved) val sourceSchema = => convertToAvroSchema(s, tableName)).getOrElse(tableAvroSchema) val (requiredAvroSchema, requiredStructSchema, requiredInternalSchema) = projectSchema(Either.cond(internalSchemaOpt.isDefined, internalSchemaOpt.get, sourceSchema), targetColumns) val filterExpressions = convertToExpressions(filters) val (partitionFilters, dataFilters) = filterExpressions.partition(isPartitionPredicate) val fileSplits = collectFileSplits(partitionFilters, dataFilters) val tableAvroSchemaStr = tableAvroSchema.toString val tableSchema = HoodieTableSchema(tableStructSchema, tableAvroSchemaStr, internalSchemaOpt) val requiredSchema = HoodieTableSchema(requiredStructSchema, requiredAvroSchema.toString, Some(requiredInternalSchema)) if (fileSplits.isEmpty) { sparkSession.sparkContext.emptyRDD } else { val rdd = composeRDD(fileSplits, tableSchema, requiredSchema, targetColumns, filters) // Here we rely on a type erasure, to workaround inherited API restriction and pass [[RDD[InternalRow]]] back as [[RDD[Row]]] // Please check [[needConversion]] scala-doc for more details rdd.asInstanceOf[RDD[Row]] } } /** * Composes RDD provided file splits to read from, table and partition schemas, data filters to be applied * * @param fileSplits file splits to be handled by the RDD * @param tableSchema target table's schema * @param requiredSchema projected schema required by the reader * @param requestedColumns columns requested by the query * @param filters data filters to be applied * @return instance of RDD (holding [[InternalRow]]s) */ protected def composeRDD(fileSplits: Seq[FileSplit], tableSchema: HoodieTableSchema, requiredSchema: HoodieTableSchema, requestedColumns: Array[String], filters: Array[Filter]): RDD[InternalRow] /** * Provided with partition and date filters collects target file splits to read records from, while * performing pruning if necessary * * @param partitionFilters partition filters to be applied * @param dataFilters data filters to be applied * @return list of [[FileSplit]] to fetch records from */ protected def collectFileSplits(partitionFilters: Seq[Expression], dataFilters: Seq[Expression]): Seq[FileSplit] protected def listLatestFileSlices(globPaths: Seq[StoragePath], partitionFilters: Seq[Expression], dataFilters: Seq[Expression]): Seq[FileSlice] = { queryTimestamp match { case Some(ts) => specifiedQueryTimestamp.foreach(t => validateTimestampAsOf(metaClient, t)) val partitionDirs = if (globPaths.isEmpty) { fileIndex.listFiles(partitionFilters, dataFilters) } else { val inMemoryFileIndex = HoodieInMemoryFileIndex.create(sparkSession, globPaths) inMemoryFileIndex.listFiles(partitionFilters, dataFilters) } val fsView = new HoodieTableFileSystemView( metaClient, timeline, sparkAdapter.getSparkPartitionedFileUtils.toFileStatuses(partitionDirs) .map(fileStatus => HadoopFSUtils.convertToStoragePathInfo(fileStatus)) .asJava) fsView.getPartitionPaths.asScala.flatMap { partitionPath => val relativePath = getRelativePartitionPath(convertToStoragePath(basePath), partitionPath) fsView.getLatestMergedFileSlicesBeforeOrOn(relativePath, ts).iterator().asScala }.toSeq case _ => Seq() } } private def convertToExpressions(filters: Array[Filter]): Array[Expression] = { val catalystExpressions = => convertToCatalystExpression(expr, tableStructSchema)) val failedExprs = catalystExpressions.zipWithIndex.filter { case (opt, _) => opt.isEmpty } if (failedExprs.nonEmpty) { val failedFilters = => filters(p._2)) logWarning(s"Failed to convert Filters into Catalyst expressions (${})") } catalystExpressions.filter(_.isDefined).map(_.get).toArray } /** * Checks whether given expression only references partition columns * (and involves no sub-query) */ private def isPartitionPredicate(condition: Expression): Boolean = { // Validates that the provided names both resolve to the same entity val resolvedNameEquals = sparkSession.sessionState.analyzer.resolver condition.references.forall { r => partitionColumns.exists(resolvedNameEquals(, _)) } && !SubqueryExpression.hasSubquery(condition) } private final def appendMandatoryColumns(requestedColumns: Array[String]): Array[String] = { // For a nested field in mandatory columns, we should first get the root-level field, and then // check for any missing column, as the requestedColumns should only contain root-level fields // We should only append root-level field as well val missing = => HoodieAvroUtils.getRootLevelFieldName(col)) .filter(rootField => !requestedColumns.contains(rootField)) requestedColumns ++ missing } def imbueConfigs(sqlContext: SQLContext): Unit = { sqlContext.sparkSession.sessionState.conf.setConfString("spark.sql.parquet.filterPushdown", "true") sqlContext.sparkSession.sessionState.conf.setConfString("spark.sql.parquet.recordLevelFilter.enabled", "true") } /** * For enable hoodie.datasource.write.drop.partition.columns, need to create an InternalRow on partition values * and pass this reader on parquet file. So that, we can query the partition columns. */ protected def getPartitionColumnsAsInternalRow(file: StoragePathInfo): InternalRow = getPartitionColumnsAsInternalRowInternal(file, metaClient.getBasePath, shouldExtractPartitionValuesFromPartitionPath) protected def getPartitionColumnValuesAsInternalRow(file: StoragePathInfo): InternalRow = getPartitionColumnsAsInternalRowInternal(file, metaClient.getBasePath, extractPartitionValuesFromPartitionPath = true) protected def getPartitionColumnsAsInternalRowInternal(file: StoragePathInfo, basePath: StoragePath, extractPartitionValuesFromPartitionPath: Boolean): InternalRow = { if (extractPartitionValuesFromPartitionPath) { val tablePathWithoutScheme = basePath.getPathWithoutSchemeAndAuthority val partitionPathWithoutScheme = file.getPath.getParent.getPathWithoutSchemeAndAuthority val relativePath = tablePathWithoutScheme.toUri.relativize(partitionPathWithoutScheme.toUri).toString val timeZoneId = conf.get("timeZone", sparkSession.sessionState.conf.sessionLocalTimeZone) val rowValues = HoodieSparkUtils.parsePartitionColumnValues( partitionColumns, relativePath, basePath, tableStructSchema, timeZoneId, sparkAdapter.getSparkParsePartitionUtil, conf.getBoolean("spark.sql.sources.validatePartitionColumns", true)) if(rowValues.length != partitionColumns.length) { throw new HoodieException("Failed to get partition column values from the partition-path:" + s"partition column size: ${partitionColumns.length}, parsed partition value size: ${rowValues.length}") } InternalRow.fromSeq(rowValues) } else { InternalRow.empty } } /** * Hook for Spark's Optimizer to update expected relation schema after pruning * * NOTE: Only limited number of optimizations in respect to schema pruning could be performed * internally w/in the relation itself w/o consideration for how the relation output is used. * Therefore more advanced optimizations (like [[NestedSchemaPruning]]) have to be carried out * by Spark's Optimizer holistically evaluating Spark's [[LogicalPlan]] */ def updatePrunedDataSchema(prunedSchema: StructType): Relation protected def createBaseFileReaders(tableSchema: HoodieTableSchema, requiredSchema: HoodieTableSchema, requestedColumns: Array[String], requiredFilters: Seq[Filter], optionalFilters: Seq[Filter] = Seq.empty, baseFileFormat: HoodieFileFormat = tableConfig.getBaseFileFormat): HoodieMergeOnReadBaseFileReaders = { val (partitionSchema, dataSchema, requiredDataSchema) = tryPrunePartitionColumns(tableSchema, requiredSchema) val fullSchemaReader = createBaseFileReader( spark = sqlContext.sparkSession, partitionSchema = partitionSchema, dataSchema = dataSchema, requiredDataSchema = dataSchema, // This file-reader is used to read base file records, subsequently merging them with the records // stored in delta-log files. As such, we have to read _all_ records from the base file, while avoiding // applying any filtering _before_ we complete combining them w/ delta-log records (to make sure that // we combine them correctly); // As such only required filters could be pushed-down to such reader filters = requiredFilters, options = optParams, // NOTE: We have to fork the Hadoop Config here as Spark will be modifying it // to configure Parquet reader appropriately hadoopConf = embedInternalSchema(new Configuration(conf), internalSchemaOpt), baseFileFormat = baseFileFormat ) val requiredSchemaReader = createBaseFileReader( spark = sqlContext.sparkSession, partitionSchema = partitionSchema, dataSchema = dataSchema, requiredDataSchema = requiredDataSchema, // This file-reader is used to read base file records, subsequently merging them with the records // stored in delta-log files. As such, we have to read _all_ records from the base file, while avoiding // applying any filtering _before_ we complete combining them w/ delta-log records (to make sure that // we combine them correctly); // As such only required filters could be pushed-down to such reader filters = requiredFilters, options = optParams, // NOTE: We have to fork the Hadoop Config here as Spark will be modifying it // to configure Parquet reader appropriately hadoopConf = embedInternalSchema(new Configuration(conf), requiredDataSchema.internalSchema), baseFileFormat = baseFileFormat ) // Check whether fields required for merging were also requested to be fetched // by the query: // - In case they were, there's no optimization we could apply here (we will have // to fetch such fields) // - In case they were not, we will provide 2 separate file-readers // a) One which would be applied to file-groups w/ delta-logs (merging) // b) One which would be applied to file-groups w/ no delta-logs or // in case query-mode is skipping merging val mandatoryColumns = if (mandatoryColumns.forall(requestedColumns.contains)) { HoodieMergeOnReadBaseFileReaders( fullSchemaReader = fullSchemaReader, requiredSchemaReader = requiredSchemaReader, requiredSchemaReaderSkipMerging = requiredSchemaReader ) } else { val prunedRequiredSchema = { val unusedMandatoryColumnNames = mandatoryColumns.filterNot(requestedColumns.contains) val prunedStructSchema = StructType(requiredDataSchema.structTypeSchema.fields .filterNot(f => unusedMandatoryColumnNames.contains( HoodieTableSchema(prunedStructSchema, convertToAvroSchema(prunedStructSchema, tableName).toString) } val requiredSchemaReaderSkipMerging = createBaseFileReader( spark = sqlContext.sparkSession, partitionSchema = partitionSchema, dataSchema = dataSchema, requiredDataSchema = prunedRequiredSchema, // This file-reader is only used in cases when no merging is performed, therefore it's safe to push // down these filters to the base file readers filters = requiredFilters ++ optionalFilters, options = optParams, // NOTE: We have to fork the Hadoop Config here as Spark will be modifying it // to configure Parquet reader appropriately hadoopConf = embedInternalSchema(new Configuration(conf), requiredDataSchema.internalSchema), baseFileFormat = baseFileFormat ) HoodieMergeOnReadBaseFileReaders( fullSchemaReader = fullSchemaReader, requiredSchemaReader = requiredSchemaReader, requiredSchemaReaderSkipMerging = requiredSchemaReaderSkipMerging ) } } /** * Returns file-reader routine accepting [[PartitionedFile]] and returning an [[Iterator]] * over [[InternalRow]] */ protected def createBaseFileReader(spark: SparkSession, partitionSchema: StructType, dataSchema: HoodieTableSchema, requiredDataSchema: HoodieTableSchema, filters: Seq[Filter], options: Map[String, String], hadoopConf: Configuration, shouldAppendPartitionValuesOverride: Option[Boolean] = None, baseFileFormat: HoodieFileFormat = tableConfig.getBaseFileFormat): BaseFileReader = { // NOTE: PLEASE READ CAREFULLY // Lambda returned from this method is going to be invoked on the executor, and therefore // we have to eagerly initialize all of the readers even though only one specific to the type // of the file being read will be used. This is required to avoid serialization of the whole // relation (containing file-index for ex) and passing it to the executor val (read: (PartitionedFile => Iterator[InternalRow]), schema: StructType) = baseFileFormat match { case HoodieFileFormat.PARQUET => val parquetReader = HoodieDataSourceHelper.buildHoodieParquetReader( sparkSession = spark, dataSchema = dataSchema.structTypeSchema, partitionSchema = partitionSchema, requiredSchema = requiredDataSchema.structTypeSchema, filters = filters, options = options, hadoopConf = hadoopConf, // We're delegating to Spark to append partition values to every row only in cases // when these corresponding partition-values are not persisted w/in the data file itself appendPartitionValues = shouldAppendPartitionValuesOverride.getOrElse(shouldExtractPartitionValuesFromPartitionPath) ) // Since partition values by default are omitted, and not persisted w/in data-files by Spark, // data-file readers (such as [[ParquetFileFormat]]) have to inject partition values while reading // the data. As such, actual full schema produced by such reader is composed of // a) Data-file schema (projected or not) // b) Appended partition column values val readerSchema = StructType(requiredDataSchema.structTypeSchema.fields ++ partitionSchema.fields) (parquetReader, readerSchema) case HoodieFileFormat.HFILE => val hfileReader = createHFileReader( spark = spark, dataSchema = dataSchema, requiredDataSchema = requiredDataSchema, filters = filters, options = options, hadoopConf = hadoopConf ) (hfileReader, requiredDataSchema.structTypeSchema) case _ => throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"Base file format is not currently supported ($baseFileFormat)") } BaseFileReader( read = partitionedFile => { val filePathString = sparkAdapter.getSparkPartitionedFileUtils.getStringPathFromPartitionedFile(partitionedFile) val extension = FSUtils.getFileExtension(filePathString) if (baseFileFormat.getFileExtension.equals(extension)) { read(partitionedFile) } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"Invalid base-file format ($extension), expected ($baseFileFormat)") } }, schema = schema ) } protected def embedInternalSchema(conf: Configuration, internalSchemaOpt: Option[InternalSchema]): Configuration = { val internalSchema = internalSchemaOpt.getOrElse(InternalSchema.getEmptyInternalSchema) val querySchemaString = SerDeHelper.toJson(internalSchema) if (!isNullOrEmpty(querySchemaString)) { val validCommits =",") conf.set(SparkInternalSchemaConverter.HOODIE_QUERY_SCHEMA, SerDeHelper.toJson(internalSchema)) conf.set(SparkInternalSchemaConverter.HOODIE_TABLE_PATH, metaClient.getBasePath.toString) conf.set(SparkInternalSchemaConverter.HOODIE_VALID_COMMITS_LIST, validCommits) } conf } protected def tryPrunePartitionColumns(tableSchema: HoodieTableSchema, requiredSchema: HoodieTableSchema): (StructType, HoodieTableSchema, HoodieTableSchema) = { tryPrunePartitionColumnsInternal(tableSchema, requiredSchema, shouldExtractPartitionValuesFromPartitionPath) } protected def tryPrunePartitionColumnsInternal(tableSchema: HoodieTableSchema, requiredSchema: HoodieTableSchema, extractPartitionValuesFromPartitionPath: Boolean): (StructType, HoodieTableSchema, HoodieTableSchema) = { // Since schema requested by the caller might contain partition columns, we might need to // prune it, removing all partition columns from it in case these columns are not persisted // in the data files // // NOTE: This partition schema is only relevant to file reader to be able to embed // values of partition columns (hereafter referred to as partition values) encoded into // the partition path, and omitted from the data file, back into fetched rows; // Note that, by default, partition columns are not omitted therefore specifying // partition schema for reader is not required if (extractPartitionValuesFromPartitionPath) { val partitionSchema = filterInPartitionColumns(tableSchema.structTypeSchema) val prunedDataStructSchema = prunePartitionColumns(tableSchema.structTypeSchema) val prunedDataInternalSchema = pruneInternalSchema(tableSchema, prunedDataStructSchema) val prunedRequiredStructSchema = prunePartitionColumns(requiredSchema.structTypeSchema) val prunedRequiredInternalSchema = pruneInternalSchema(requiredSchema, prunedRequiredStructSchema) (partitionSchema, HoodieTableSchema(prunedDataStructSchema, convertToAvroSchema(prunedDataStructSchema, tableName).toString, prunedDataInternalSchema), HoodieTableSchema(prunedRequiredStructSchema, convertToAvroSchema(prunedRequiredStructSchema, tableName).toString, prunedRequiredInternalSchema)) } else { (StructType(Nil), tableSchema, requiredSchema) } } private def pruneInternalSchema(hoodieTableSchema: HoodieTableSchema, prunedStructSchema: StructType): Option[InternalSchema] = { if (hoodieTableSchema.internalSchema.isEmpty || hoodieTableSchema.internalSchema.get.isEmptySchema) { Option.empty[InternalSchema] } else { Some(InternalSchemaUtils.pruneInternalSchema(hoodieTableSchema.internalSchema.get, } } private def filterInPartitionColumns(structType: StructType): StructType = StructType(structType.filter(f => partitionColumns.exists(col => resolver(, col)))) private def prunePartitionColumns(structType: StructType): StructType = StructType(structType.filterNot(f => partitionColumns.exists(pc => resolver(, pc)))) private def getConfigValue(config: ConfigProperty[String], defaultValueOption: Option[String]=Option.empty): String = { optParams.getOrElse(config.key(), sqlContext.getConf(config.key(), defaultValueOption.getOrElse(config.defaultValue()))) } /** * Determines if fileIndex should consider log files when filtering file slices. Defaults to false. * The subclass can have their own implementation based on the table or relation type. */ protected def shouldIncludeLogFiles(): Boolean = { false } } object HoodieBaseRelation extends SparkAdapterSupport { private lazy val metaFieldNames = HoodieRecord.HOODIE_META_COLUMNS.asScala.toSet case class BaseFileReader(read: PartitionedFile => Iterator[InternalRow], val schema: StructType) { def apply(file: PartitionedFile): Iterator[InternalRow] = read.apply(file) } def convertToAvroSchema(structSchema: StructType, tableName: String ): Schema = { val (recordName, namespace) = AvroConversionUtils.getAvroRecordNameAndNamespace(tableName) val avroSchema = sparkAdapter.getAvroSchemaConverters.toAvroType(structSchema, nullable = false, recordName, namespace) getAvroSchemaWithDefaults(avroSchema, structSchema) } def getPartitionPath(fileStatus: FileStatus): Path = fileStatus.getPath.getParent /** * Projects provided file reader's output from its original schema, into a [[requiredSchema]] * * NOTE: [[requiredSchema]] has to be a proper subset of the file reader's schema * * @param reader file reader to be projected * @param requiredSchema target schema for the output of the provided file reader */ def projectReader(reader: BaseFileReader, requiredSchema: StructType): BaseFileReader = { checkState(reader.schema.fields.toSet.intersect(requiredSchema.fields.toSet).size == requiredSchema.size) if (reader.schema == requiredSchema) { reader } else { val read = reader.apply(_) val projectedRead: PartitionedFile => Iterator[InternalRow] = (file: PartitionedFile) => { // NOTE: Projection is not a serializable object, hence it creation should only happen w/in // the executor process val unsafeProjection = generateUnsafeProjection(reader.schema, requiredSchema) read(file).map(unsafeProjection) } BaseFileReader(projectedRead, requiredSchema) } } /** * Projects provided schema by picking only required (projected) top-level columns from it * * @param tableSchema schema to project (either of [[InternalSchema]] or Avro's [[Schema]]) * @param requiredColumns required top-level columns to be projected */ def projectSchema(tableSchema: Either[Schema, InternalSchema], requiredColumns: Array[String]): (Schema, StructType, InternalSchema) = { tableSchema match { case Right(internalSchema) => checkState(!internalSchema.isEmptySchema) val prunedInternalSchema = InternalSchemaUtils.pruneInternalSchema(internalSchema, requiredColumns.toList.asJava) val requiredAvroSchema = AvroInternalSchemaConverter.convert(prunedInternalSchema, "schema") val requiredStructSchema = AvroConversionUtils.convertAvroSchemaToStructType(requiredAvroSchema) (requiredAvroSchema, requiredStructSchema, prunedInternalSchema) case Left(avroSchema) => val fieldMap = => -> f).toMap val requiredFields = { col => val f = fieldMap(col) // We have to create a new [[Schema.Field]] since Avro schemas can't share field // instances (and will throw "org.apache.avro.AvroRuntimeException: Field already used") new Schema.Field(, f.schema(), f.doc(), f.defaultVal(), f.order()) }.toList val requiredAvroSchema = Schema.createRecord(avroSchema.getName, avroSchema.getDoc, avroSchema.getNamespace, avroSchema.isError, requiredFields.asJava) val requiredStructSchema = AvroConversionUtils.convertAvroSchemaToStructType(requiredAvroSchema) (requiredAvroSchema, requiredStructSchema, InternalSchema.getEmptyInternalSchema) } } private def createHFileReader(spark: SparkSession, dataSchema: HoodieTableSchema, requiredDataSchema: HoodieTableSchema, filters: Seq[Filter], options: Map[String, String], hadoopConf: Configuration): PartitionedFile => Iterator[InternalRow] = { val storageConfBroadcast = spark.sparkContext.broadcast(HadoopFSUtils.getStorageConf(hadoopConf)) partitionedFile => { val storageConf = storageConfBroadcast.value val filePath = sparkAdapter.getSparkPartitionedFileUtils.getPathFromPartitionedFile(partitionedFile) val hoodieConfig = new HoodieConfig() hoodieConfig.setValue(USE_NATIVE_HFILE_READER, options.getOrElse(USE_NATIVE_HFILE_READER.key(), USE_NATIVE_HFILE_READER.defaultValue().toString)) val reader = new HoodieSparkIOFactory(new HoodieHadoopStorage(filePath, storageConf)) .getReaderFactory(HoodieRecordType.AVRO) .getFileReader(hoodieConfig, filePath, HFILE) val requiredRowSchema = requiredDataSchema.structTypeSchema // NOTE: Schema has to be parsed at this point, since Avro's [[Schema]] aren't serializable // to be passed from driver to executor val requiredAvroSchema = new Schema.Parser().parse(requiredDataSchema.avroSchemaStr) val avroToRowConverter = AvroConversionUtils.createAvroToInternalRowConverter(requiredAvroSchema, requiredRowSchema) reader.getRecordIterator(requiredAvroSchema).asScala .map(record => { avroToRowConverter.apply(record.getData.asInstanceOf[GenericRecord]).get }) } } def isSchemaEvolutionEnabledOnRead(optParams: Map[String, String], sparkSession: SparkSession): Boolean = { // NOTE: Schema evolution could be configured both t/h optional parameters vehicle as well as // t/h Spark Session configuration (for ex, for Spark SQL) optParams.getOrElse(DataSourceReadOptions.SCHEMA_EVOLUTION_ENABLED.key, DataSourceReadOptions.SCHEMA_EVOLUTION_ENABLED.defaultValue.toString).toBoolean || sparkSession.conf.get(DataSourceReadOptions.SCHEMA_EVOLUTION_ENABLED.key, DataSourceReadOptions.SCHEMA_EVOLUTION_ENABLED.defaultValue.toString).toBoolean } }

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