org.apache.hudi.keygen.KeyGenUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.apache.hudi.keygen;
import org.apache.hudi.avro.HoodieAvroUtils;
import org.apache.hudi.common.config.TypedProperties;
import org.apache.hudi.common.model.HoodieRecord;
import org.apache.hudi.common.util.Option;
import org.apache.hudi.common.util.PartitionPathEncodeUtils;
import org.apache.hudi.common.util.ReflectionUtils;
import org.apache.hudi.common.util.StringUtils;
import org.apache.hudi.config.HoodieWriteConfig;
import org.apache.hudi.exception.HoodieException;
import org.apache.hudi.exception.HoodieKeyException;
import org.apache.hudi.keygen.constant.KeyGeneratorOptions;
import org.apache.hudi.keygen.constant.KeyGeneratorType;
import org.apache.hudi.keygen.parser.BaseHoodieDateTimeParser;
import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericRecord;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
public class KeyGenUtils {
protected static final String NULL_RECORDKEY_PLACEHOLDER = "__null__";
protected static final String EMPTY_RECORDKEY_PLACEHOLDER = "__empty__";
protected static final String HUDI_DEFAULT_PARTITION_PATH = PartitionPathEncodeUtils.DEFAULT_PARTITION_PATH;
public static final String DEFAULT_PARTITION_PATH_SEPARATOR = "/";
public static final String DEFAULT_RECORD_KEY_PARTS_SEPARATOR = ",";
public static final String DEFAULT_COLUMN_VALUE_SEPARATOR = ":";
public static final String RECORD_KEY_GEN_PARTITION_ID_CONFIG = "";
public static final String RECORD_KEY_GEN_INSTANT_TIME_CONFIG = "_hoodie.record.key.gen.instant.time";
* Infers the key generator type based on the record key and partition fields.
* (1) partition field is empty: {@link KeyGeneratorType#NON_PARTITION};
* (2) Only one partition field and one record key field: {@link KeyGeneratorType#SIMPLE};
* (3) More than one partition and/or record key fields: {@link KeyGeneratorType#COMPLEX}.
* @param recordsKeyFields Record key field list.
* @param partitionFields Partition field list.
* @return Inferred key generator type.
public static KeyGeneratorType inferKeyGeneratorType(
Option recordsKeyFields, String partitionFields) {
int numRecordKeyFields = -> fields.split(",").length).orElse(0);
KeyGeneratorType partitionKeyGeneratorType = inferKeyGeneratorTypeFromPartitionFields(partitionFields);
if (numRecordKeyFields <= 1) {
return partitionKeyGeneratorType;
} else {
// More than one record key fields are configured
if (partitionKeyGeneratorType == KeyGeneratorType.SIMPLE) {
// if there is a single partition field configured but multiple record key fields, key generator type
// should be COMPLEX and not SIMPLE
return KeyGeneratorType.COMPLEX;
} else {
// partition generator type is COMPLEX, CUSTOM or NON_PARTITION. In all these cases, partition
// generator type determines the key generator type
return partitionKeyGeneratorType;
// When auto record key gen is enabled, our inference will be based on partition path only.
static KeyGeneratorType inferKeyGeneratorTypeFromPartitionFields(String partitionFields) {
if (!StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(partitionFields)) {
String[] partitonFields = partitionFields.split(",");
if (partitonFields[0].contains(BaseKeyGenerator.CUSTOM_KEY_GENERATOR_SPLIT_REGEX)) {
return KeyGeneratorType.CUSTOM;
} else if (partitonFields.length == 1) {
return KeyGeneratorType.SIMPLE;
} else {
return KeyGeneratorType.COMPLEX;
return KeyGeneratorType.NON_PARTITION;
* Fetches record key from the GenericRecord.
* @param genericRecord generic record of interest.
* @param keyGeneratorOpt Optional BaseKeyGenerator. If not, meta field will be used.
* @return the record key for the passed in generic record.
public static String getRecordKeyFromGenericRecord(GenericRecord genericRecord, Option keyGeneratorOpt) {
return keyGeneratorOpt.isPresent() ? keyGeneratorOpt.get().getRecordKey(genericRecord) : genericRecord.get(HoodieRecord.RECORD_KEY_METADATA_FIELD).toString();
* Fetches partition path from the GenericRecord.
* @param genericRecord generic record of interest.
* @param keyGeneratorOpt Optional BaseKeyGenerator. If not, meta field will be used.
* @return the partition path for the passed in generic record.
public static String getPartitionPathFromGenericRecord(GenericRecord genericRecord, Option keyGeneratorOpt) {
return keyGeneratorOpt.isPresent() ? keyGeneratorOpt.get().getPartitionPath(genericRecord) : genericRecord.get(HoodieRecord.PARTITION_PATH_METADATA_FIELD).toString();
* Extracts the record key fields in strings out of the given record key,
* this is the reverse operation of {@link #getRecordKey(GenericRecord, String, boolean)}.
* @see SimpleAvroKeyGenerator
* @see org.apache.hudi.keygen.ComplexAvroKeyGenerator
public static String[] extractRecordKeys(String recordKey) {
return extractRecordKeysByFields(recordKey, Collections.emptyList());
public static String[] extractRecordKeysByFields(String recordKey, List fields) {
// if there is no ',' and ':', then it's a key value
return new String[] {recordKey};
// complex key case
// Here we're reducing memory allocation for substrings and use index positions,
// because for bucket index this will be called for each record, which leads to GC overhead
int keyValueSep1;
int keyValueSep2;
int commaPosition;
String currentField;
String currentValue;
List values = new ArrayList<>();
int processed = 0;
while (processed < recordKey.length()) {
// note that keyValueSeps and commaPosition are absolute
keyValueSep1 = recordKey.indexOf(DEFAULT_COLUMN_VALUE_SEPARATOR, processed);
currentField = recordKey.substring(processed, keyValueSep1);
keyValueSep2 = recordKey.indexOf(DEFAULT_COLUMN_VALUE_SEPARATOR, keyValueSep1 + 1);
if (fields.isEmpty() || (fields.size() == 1 && fields.get(0).isEmpty()) || fields.contains(currentField)) {
if (keyValueSep2 < 0) {
// there is no next key value pair
currentValue = recordKey.substring(keyValueSep1 + 1);
processed = recordKey.length();
} else {
// looking for ',' in reverse order to support multiple ',' in key values by looking for the latest ','
commaPosition = recordKey.lastIndexOf(DEFAULT_RECORD_KEY_PARTS_SEPARATOR, keyValueSep2);
// commaPosition could be -1 if didn't find ',', or we could find ',' from previous key-value pair ('col1:val1,...')
// also we could have the last value with ':', so need to check if keyValueSep2 > 0
while (commaPosition < keyValueSep1 && keyValueSep2 > 0) {
// If we have key value as a timestamp with ':',
// then we continue to skip ':' until before the next ':' there is a ',' character.
// For instance, 'col1:val1,col2:2014-10-22 13:50:42,col3:val3'
// ^ ^ ^ ^
// 1) keyValueSep1 skip skip keyValueSep2
// ^
// commaPosition
// 2) | currentValue |
// ^
// 3) processed
keyValueSep2 = recordKey.indexOf(DEFAULT_COLUMN_VALUE_SEPARATOR, keyValueSep2 + 1);
commaPosition = recordKey.lastIndexOf(DEFAULT_RECORD_KEY_PARTS_SEPARATOR, keyValueSep2);
if (commaPosition > 0) {
currentValue = recordKey.substring(keyValueSep1 + 1, commaPosition);
processed = commaPosition + 1;
} else {
// it could be the last value with many ':', in this case we wouldn't find any ',' before
currentValue = recordKey.substring(keyValueSep1 + 1);
processed = recordKey.length();
// here could be any logic of conditional replacing of currentValue
if (currentValue.equals(NULL_RECORDKEY_PLACEHOLDER)) {
} else if (currentValue.equals(EMPTY_RECORDKEY_PLACEHOLDER)) {
} else {
} else {
if (keyValueSep2 < 0) {
processed = recordKey.length();
} else {
commaPosition = recordKey.lastIndexOf(DEFAULT_RECORD_KEY_PARTS_SEPARATOR, keyValueSep2);
while (commaPosition < keyValueSep1) {
// described above
keyValueSep2 = recordKey.indexOf(DEFAULT_COLUMN_VALUE_SEPARATOR, keyValueSep2 + 1);
commaPosition = recordKey.lastIndexOf(DEFAULT_RECORD_KEY_PARTS_SEPARATOR, keyValueSep2);
if (commaPosition < 0) {
// if something went wrong, and there is no ',', we should stop here, and pass the whole recordKey,
// otherwise processed = commaPosition + 1 would lead to infinite loop
processed = recordKey.length();
} else {
processed = commaPosition + 1;
return values.isEmpty() ? new String[] {recordKey} : values.toArray(new String[0]);
public static String getRecordKey(GenericRecord record, List recordKeyFields, boolean consistentLogicalTimestampEnabled) {
boolean keyIsNullEmpty = true;
StringBuilder recordKey = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < recordKeyFields.size(); i++) {
String recordKeyField = recordKeyFields.get(i);
String recordKeyValue;
try {
recordKeyValue = HoodieAvroUtils.getNestedFieldValAsString(record, recordKeyField, false, consistentLogicalTimestampEnabled);
} catch (HoodieException e) {
throw new HoodieKeyException("Record key field '" + recordKeyField + "' does not exist in the input record");
if (recordKeyValue == null) {
} else if (recordKeyValue.isEmpty()) {
} else {
keyIsNullEmpty = false;
if (i != recordKeyFields.size() - 1) {
if (keyIsNullEmpty) {
throw new HoodieKeyException("recordKey values: \"" + recordKey + "\" for fields: "
+ recordKeyFields + " cannot be entirely null or empty.");
return recordKey.toString();
public static String getRecordPartitionPath(GenericRecord record, List partitionPathFields,
boolean hiveStylePartitioning, boolean encodePartitionPath, boolean consistentLogicalTimestampEnabled) {
if (partitionPathFields.isEmpty()) {
return "";
StringBuilder partitionPath = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < partitionPathFields.size(); i++) {
String partitionPathField = partitionPathFields.get(i);
String fieldVal = HoodieAvroUtils.getNestedFieldValAsString(record, partitionPathField, true, consistentLogicalTimestampEnabled);
if (fieldVal == null || fieldVal.isEmpty()) {
if (hiveStylePartitioning) {
} else {
if (encodePartitionPath) {
fieldVal = PartitionPathEncodeUtils.escapePathName(fieldVal);
if (hiveStylePartitioning) {
if (i != partitionPathFields.size() - 1) {
return partitionPath.toString();
public static String getRecordKey(GenericRecord record, String recordKeyField, boolean consistentLogicalTimestampEnabled) {
String recordKey = HoodieAvroUtils.getNestedFieldValAsString(record, recordKeyField, true, consistentLogicalTimestampEnabled);
if (recordKey == null || recordKey.isEmpty()) {
throw new HoodieKeyException("recordKey value: \"" + recordKey + "\" for field: \"" + recordKeyField + "\" cannot be null or empty.");
return recordKey;
public static String getPartitionPath(GenericRecord record, String partitionPathField,
boolean hiveStylePartitioning, boolean encodePartitionPath, boolean consistentLogicalTimestampEnabled) {
String partitionPath = HoodieAvroUtils.getNestedFieldValAsString(record, partitionPathField, true, consistentLogicalTimestampEnabled);
if (partitionPath == null || partitionPath.isEmpty()) {
if (encodePartitionPath) {
partitionPath = PartitionPathEncodeUtils.escapePathName(partitionPath);
if (hiveStylePartitioning) {
partitionPath = partitionPathField + "=" + partitionPath;
return partitionPath;
* Create a date time parser class for TimestampBasedKeyGenerator, passing in any configs needed.
public static BaseHoodieDateTimeParser createDateTimeParser(TypedProperties props, String parserClass) throws IOException {
try {
return (BaseHoodieDateTimeParser) ReflectionUtils.loadClass(parserClass, props);
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new IOException("Could not load date time parser class " + parserClass, e);
* Create a key generator class via reflection, passing in any configs needed.
* This method is for user-defined classes. To create hudi's built-in key generators, please set proper
* {@link org.apache.hudi.keygen.constant.KeyGeneratorType} conf, and use the relevant factory, see
* {@link org.apache.hudi.keygen.factory.HoodieAvroKeyGeneratorFactory}.
public static KeyGenerator createKeyGeneratorByClassName(TypedProperties props) throws IOException {
KeyGenerator keyGenerator = null;
String keyGeneratorClass = props.getString(HoodieWriteConfig.KEYGENERATOR_CLASS_NAME.key(), null);
if (!StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(keyGeneratorClass)) {
try {
keyGenerator = (KeyGenerator) ReflectionUtils.loadClass(keyGeneratorClass, props);
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new IOException("Could not load key generator class " + keyGeneratorClass, e);
return keyGenerator;
public static List getRecordKeyFields(TypedProperties props) {
return Option.ofNullable(props.getString(KeyGeneratorOptions.RECORDKEY_FIELD_NAME.key(), null))
.map(recordKeyConfigValue ->","))
.filter(s -> !s.isEmpty())
* @param props props of interest.
* @return true if record keys need to be auto generated. false otherwise.
public static boolean isAutoGeneratedRecordKeysEnabled(TypedProperties props) {
return !props.containsKey(KeyGeneratorOptions.RECORDKEY_FIELD_NAME.key())
|| props.getProperty(KeyGeneratorOptions.RECORDKEY_FIELD_NAME.key()).equals(StringUtils.EMPTY_STRING);
// spark-sql sets record key config to empty string for update, and couple of other statements.