com.twitter.bijection.Bufferable.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
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package com.twitter.bijection
import java.nio.{ByteBuffer, BufferOverflowException}
import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable.{Map => MMap, Set => MSet, Buffer => MBuffer}
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
import com.twitter.bijection.Inversion.attempt
* Bufferable[T] is a typeclass to work with java.nio.ByteBuffer for serialization/injections to
* Array[Byte]
* Always call .duplicate before using the ByteBuffer so the original is not modified
* (though obviously the backing array is)
@implicitNotFound(msg = "Cannot find Bufferable type class for ${T}")
trait Bufferable[T] extends Serializable {
def put(into: ByteBuffer, t: T): ByteBuffer
def get(from: ByteBuffer): Try[(ByteBuffer, T)]
/** Retrieve the value of get or throw an exception if the operation fails */
def unsafeGet(from: ByteBuffer): (ByteBuffer, T) =
get(from) match {
case Success(tup @ _) => tup
case Failure(InversionFailure(_, t)) => throw t
case Failure(t) => throw t
* For Java and avoiding trait bloat
abstract class AbstractBufferable[T] extends Bufferable[T]
/* TODO add a lowest priority where T <:
trait LowPriorityBufferable {
object Bufferable
extends BufferableVersionSpecific
with GeneratedTupleBufferable
with Serializable {
val DEFAULT_SIZE = 1024
// To enable: Bufferable.on[Int] syntax
def on[T](implicit buf: Bufferable[T]): Bufferable[T] = buf
// Type class methods:
* Serialize then deserialize
def deepCopy[T](t: T)(implicit buf: Bufferable[T]): T = {
val inj = injectionOf[T]
def put[T](into: ByteBuffer, t: T)(implicit buf: Bufferable[T]): ByteBuffer = buf.put(into, t)
def get[T](from: ByteBuffer)(implicit buf: Bufferable[T]): Try[(ByteBuffer, T)] = buf.get(from)
// get the bytes from a given position to the current position
def getBytes(from: ByteBuffer, start: Int = 0): Array[Byte] = {
val fromd = from.duplicate
// read position:
val current = fromd.position
// set the position:
val result = Array.ofDim[Byte](current - start)
// With Bijections:
def viaBijection[A, B](implicit buf: Bufferable[B], bij: ImplicitBijection[A, B]): Bufferable[A] =[A] { (bb, a) =>
buf.put(bb, bij(a))
} { bb =>
buf.get(bb).map { tup =>
(tup._1, bij.invert(tup._2))
// TODO Bufferable should integrate with injection
def viaInjection[A, B](implicit buf: Bufferable[B], inj: Injection[A, B]): Bufferable[A] =[A] { (bb, a) =>
buf.put(bb, inj(a))
} { bb =>
buf.get(bb).flatMap {
case (rbb, b) =>
inj.invert(b).map { a =>
(rbb, a)
def injectionOf[T](implicit buf: Bufferable[T]): Injection[T, Array[Byte]] =[T, Array[Byte]] { t =>
getBytes(put(ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(128), t))
} { bytes =>
get[T](ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes)).map { _._2 }
def reallocate(bb: ByteBuffer): ByteBuffer = {
// Double the buffer, copy the old one, and put:
val newCapacity = if (bb.capacity > (DEFAULT_SIZE / 2)) bb.capacity * 2 else DEFAULT_SIZE
val newBb = if (bb.isDirect) {
} else {
val tmpBb = bb.duplicate
val currentPos = tmpBb.position
// This automatically doubles the ByteBuffer if we get a buffer-overflow
def reallocatingPut(bb: ByteBuffer)(putfn: (ByteBuffer) => ByteBuffer): ByteBuffer = {
val init = bb.duplicate
try {
} catch {
case _: BufferOverflowException => reallocatingPut(reallocate(bb))(putfn)
* remember: putfn and getfn must call duplicate and not change the input ByteBuffer
* We are duplicating the ByteBuffer state, not the backing array (which IS mutated)
def build[T](
putfn: (ByteBuffer, T) => ByteBuffer
)(getfn: (ByteBuffer) => Try[(ByteBuffer, T)]): Bufferable[T] =
new AbstractBufferable[T] {
override def put(into: ByteBuffer, t: T) = putfn(into, t)
override def get(from: ByteBuffer) = getfn(from)
def buildCatchDuplicate[T](
putfn: (ByteBuffer, T) => ByteBuffer
)(getfn: (ByteBuffer) => T): Bufferable[T] =
new AbstractBufferable[T] {
override def put(into: ByteBuffer, t: T) = putfn(into, t)
override def get(from: ByteBuffer) = attempt(from) { from =>
val dup = from.duplicate
(dup, getfn(dup))
// Primitives:
implicit val booleanBufferable: Bufferable[Boolean] =
buildCatchDuplicate[Boolean] { (bb, x) =>
val byte = if (x) 1: Byte else 0: Byte
reallocatingPut(bb) { _.put(byte) }
} { _.get == (1: Byte) }
implicit val byteBufferable: Bufferable[Byte] =
buildCatchDuplicate[Byte] { (bb, x) =>
reallocatingPut(bb) { _.put(x) }
} { _.get }
implicit val charBufferable: Bufferable[Char] =
buildCatchDuplicate[Char] { (bb, x) =>
reallocatingPut(bb) { _.putChar(x) }
} { _.getChar }
implicit val shortBufferable: Bufferable[Short] =
buildCatchDuplicate[Short] { (bb, x) =>
reallocatingPut(bb) { _.putShort(x) }
} { _.getShort }
implicit val intBufferable: Bufferable[Int] =
buildCatchDuplicate[Int] { (bb, x) =>
reallocatingPut(bb) { _.putInt(x) }
} { _.getInt }
implicit val longBufferable: Bufferable[Long] =
buildCatchDuplicate[Long] { (bb, x) =>
reallocatingPut(bb) { _.putLong(x) }
} { _.getLong }
implicit val floatBufferable: Bufferable[Float] =
buildCatchDuplicate[Float] { (bb, x) =>
reallocatingPut(bb) { _.putFloat(x) }
} { _.getFloat }
implicit val doubleBufferable: Bufferable[Double] =
buildCatchDuplicate[Double] { (bb, x) =>
reallocatingPut(bb) { _.putDouble(x) }
} { _.getDouble }
// Writes a length prefix, and then the bytes
implicit val byteArray: Bufferable[Array[Byte]] =
buildCatchDuplicate[Array[Byte]] { (bb, ary) =>
val nextBb = reallocatingPut(bb) { _.putInt(ary.size) }
reallocatingPut(nextBb) { _.put(ary) }
} { bb =>
val ary = Array.ofDim[Byte](bb.getInt)
implicit val stringBufferable: Bufferable[String] = viaInjection[String, Array[Byte]]
implicit val symbolBufferable: Bufferable[Symbol] = viaBijection[Symbol, String]
// Collections:
implicit def option[T](implicit buf: Bufferable[T]): Bufferable[Option[T]] =
build[Option[T]] { (bb, opt) =>
opt match {
case None => reallocatingPut(bb) { _.put(0: Byte) }
case Some(v) => {
val nextBb = reallocatingPut(bb) { _.put(1: Byte) }
reallocatingPut(nextBb) { buf.put(_, opt.get) }
} { bb =>
val dup = bb.duplicate
val byte0 = 0: Byte
if (dup.get == byte0) Success((dup, None))
else {
buf.get(dup).map { tup =>
(tup._1, Some(tup._2))
implicit def either[L, R](
implicit bufl: Bufferable[L],
bufr: Bufferable[R]
): Bufferable[Either[L, R]] =
build[Either[L, R]] { (bb, eith) =>
eith match {
case Left(l) => {
val nextBb = reallocatingPut(bb) { _.put(0: Byte) }
reallocatingPut(nextBb) { bufl.put(_, l) }
case Right(r) => {
val nextBb = reallocatingPut(bb) { _.put(1: Byte) }
reallocatingPut(nextBb) { bufr.put(_, r) }
} { bb =>
val dup = bb.duplicate
val byte0 = 0: Byte
if (dup.get == byte0) {
bufl.get(dup).map { tup =>
(tup._1, Left(tup._2))
} else {
bufr.get(dup).map { tup =>
(tup._1, Right(tup._2))
def putCollection[T](bb: ByteBuffer, l: Traversable[T])(
implicit buf: Bufferable[T]
): ByteBuffer = {
val size = l.size
val nextBb = reallocatingPut(bb) { _.putInt(size) }
l.foldLeft(nextBb) { (oldbb, t) =>
reallocatingPut(oldbb) { buf.put(_, t) }
implicit def list[T](implicit buf: Bufferable[T]) = collection[List[T], T]
implicit def set[T](implicit buf: Bufferable[T]) = collection[Set[T], T]
implicit def indexedSeq[T](implicit buf: Bufferable[T]) = collection[IndexedSeq[T], T]
implicit def vector[T](implicit buf: Bufferable[T]) = collection[Vector[T], T]
implicit def map[K, V](implicit bufk: Bufferable[K], bufv: Bufferable[V]) =
collection[Map[K, V], (K, V)]
// Mutable collections
implicit def mmap[K, V](implicit bufk: Bufferable[K], bufv: Bufferable[V]) =
collection[MMap[K, V], (K, V)]
implicit def buffer[T](implicit buf: Bufferable[T]) = collection[MBuffer[T], T]
implicit def mset[T](implicit buf: Bufferable[T]) = collection[MSet[T], T]
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