org.apache.iceberg.BaseDistributedDataScan Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
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package org.apache.iceberg;
import static org.apache.iceberg.PlanningMode.AUTO;
import static org.apache.iceberg.TableProperties.DATA_PLANNING_MODE;
import static org.apache.iceberg.TableProperties.DELETE_PLANNING_MODE;
import static org.apache.iceberg.TableProperties.PLANNING_MODE_DEFAULT;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.apache.iceberg.expressions.Expression;
import org.apache.iceberg.expressions.ManifestEvaluator;
import org.apache.iceberg.expressions.Projections;
import org.apache.iceberg.expressions.ResidualEvaluator;
import org.apache.iceberg.metrics.ScanMetricsUtil;
import org.apache.iceberg.util.ContentFileUtil;
import org.apache.iceberg.util.ParallelIterable;
import org.apache.iceberg.util.TableScanUtil;
import org.apache.iceberg.util.ThreadPools;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* An abstract class for batch data scans that can utilize cluster resources for planning.
* This class provides common logic to create data scans that are capable of reading and
* filtering manifests remotely when the metadata size exceeds the threshold for local processing.
* Also, it takes care of planning tasks locally if remote planning is not considered beneficial.
Note that this class is evolving and is subject to change even in minor releases.
abstract class BaseDistributedDataScan
extends DataScan> implements BatchScan {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BaseDistributedDataScan.class);
private static final long LOCAL_PLANNING_MAX_SLOT_SIZE = 128L * 1024 * 1024; // 128 MB
private static final int MONITOR_POOL_SIZE = 2;
private final int localParallelism;
private final long localPlanningSizeThreshold;
protected BaseDistributedDataScan(Table table, Schema schema, TableScanContext context) {
super(table, schema, context);
this.localParallelism = PLAN_SCANS_WITH_WORKER_POOL ? ThreadPools.WORKER_THREAD_POOL_SIZE : 1;
this.localPlanningSizeThreshold = localParallelism * LOCAL_PLANNING_MAX_SLOT_SIZE;
* Returns the cluster parallelism.
* This value indicates the maximum number of manifests that can be processed concurrently by
* the cluster. Implementations should take into account both the currently available processing
* slots and potential dynamic allocation, if applicable.
The remote parallelism is compared against the size of the thread pool available locally to
* determine the feasibility of remote planning. This value is ignored if the planning mode is set
* explicitly as local or distributed.
protected abstract int remoteParallelism();
/** Returns which planning mode to use for data. */
protected PlanningMode dataPlanningMode() {
Map properties = table().properties();
String modeName = properties.getOrDefault(DATA_PLANNING_MODE, PLANNING_MODE_DEFAULT);
return PlanningMode.fromName(modeName);
* Controls whether defensive copies are created for remotely planned data files.
* By default, this class creates defensive copies for each data file that is planned remotely,
* assuming the provided iterable can be lazy and may reuse objects. If unnecessary and data file
* objects can be safely added into a collection, implementations can override this behavior.
protected boolean shouldCopyRemotelyPlannedDataFiles() {
return true;
* Plans data remotely.
Implementations are encouraged to return groups of matching data files, enabling this class
* to process multiple groups concurrently to speed up the remaining work. This is particularly
* useful when dealing with equality deletes, as delete index lookups with such delete files
* require comparing bounds and typically benefit from parallelization.
If the result iterable reuses objects, {@link #shouldCopyRemotelyPlannedDataFiles()} must
* return true.
The input data manifests have been already filtered to include only potential matches based
* on the scan filter. Implementations are expected to further filter these manifests and only
* return files that may hold data matching the scan filter.
* @param dataManifests data manifests that may contain files matching the scan filter
* @param withColumnStats a flag whether to load column stats
* @return groups of data files planned remotely
protected abstract Iterable> planDataRemotely(
List dataManifests, boolean withColumnStats);
/** Returns which planning mode to use for deletes. */
protected PlanningMode deletePlanningMode() {
Map properties = table().properties();
String modeName = properties.getOrDefault(DELETE_PLANNING_MODE, PLANNING_MODE_DEFAULT);
return PlanningMode.fromName(modeName);
* Plans deletes remotely.
* The input delete manifests have been already filtered to include only potential matches
* based on the scan filter. Implementations are expected to further filter these manifests and
* return files that may hold deletes matching the scan filter.
* @param deleteManifests delete manifests that may contain files matching the scan filter
* @return a delete file index planned remotely
protected abstract DeleteFileIndex planDeletesRemotely(List deleteManifests);
protected CloseableIterable doPlanFiles() {
Snapshot snapshot = snapshot();
List deleteManifests = findMatchingDeleteManifests(snapshot);
boolean mayHaveEqualityDeletes = !deleteManifests.isEmpty() && mayHaveEqualityDeletes(snapshot);
boolean planDeletesLocally = shouldPlanDeletesLocally(deleteManifests, mayHaveEqualityDeletes);
List dataManifests = findMatchingDataManifests(snapshot);
boolean loadColumnStats = mayHaveEqualityDeletes || shouldReturnColumnStats();
boolean planDataLocally = shouldPlanDataLocally(dataManifests, loadColumnStats);
boolean copyDataFiles = shouldCopyDataFiles(planDataLocally, loadColumnStats);
if (planDataLocally && planDeletesLocally) {
return planFileTasksLocally(dataManifests, deleteManifests);
ExecutorService monitorPool = newMonitorPool();
CompletableFuture deletesFuture =
newDeletesFuture(deleteManifests, planDeletesLocally, monitorPool);
CompletableFuture>> dataFuture =
newDataFuture(dataManifests, planDataLocally, loadColumnStats, monitorPool);
try {
Iterable> fileTasks =
toFileTasks(dataFuture, deletesFuture, copyDataFiles);
if (shouldPlanWithExecutor() && (planDataLocally || mayHaveEqualityDeletes)) {
return new ParallelIterable<>(fileTasks, planExecutor());
} else {
return CloseableIterable.concat(fileTasks);
} catch (CompletionException e) {
deletesFuture.cancel(true /* may interrupt */);
dataFuture.cancel(true /* may interrupt */);
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to plan files", e);
} finally {
public CloseableIterable> planTasks() {
return TableScanUtil.planTaskGroups(
planFiles(), targetSplitSize(), splitLookback(), splitOpenFileCost());
private List findMatchingDataManifests(Snapshot snapshot) {
List dataManifests = snapshot.dataManifests(io());
List matchingDataManifests = filterManifests(dataManifests);
int skippedDataManifestsCount = dataManifests.size() - matchingDataManifests.size();
return matchingDataManifests;
private List findMatchingDeleteManifests(Snapshot snapshot) {
List deleteManifests = snapshot.deleteManifests(io());
List matchingDeleteManifests = filterManifests(deleteManifests);
int skippedDeleteManifestsCount = deleteManifests.size() - matchingDeleteManifests.size();
return matchingDeleteManifests;
private List filterManifests(List manifests) {
Map evalCache = specCache(this::newManifestEvaluator);
.filter(manifest -> manifest.hasAddedFiles() || manifest.hasExistingFiles())
.filter(manifest -> evalCache.get(manifest.partitionSpecId()).eval(manifest))
private boolean shouldPlanDeletesLocally(
List deleteManifests, boolean mayHaveEqualityDeletes) {
PlanningMode mode = deletePlanningMode();
return (mode == AUTO && mayHaveEqualityDeletes) || shouldPlanLocally(mode, deleteManifests);
private boolean shouldPlanDataLocally(List dataManifests, boolean loadColumnStats) {
PlanningMode mode = dataPlanningMode();
return (mode == AUTO && loadColumnStats) || shouldPlanLocally(mode, dataManifests);
private boolean shouldPlanLocally(PlanningMode mode, List manifests) {
if (context().planWithCustomizedExecutor()) {
return true;
switch (mode) {
case LOCAL:
return true;
return manifests.isEmpty();
case AUTO:
return remoteParallelism() <= localParallelism
|| manifests.size() <= 2 * localParallelism
|| totalSize(manifests) <= localPlanningSizeThreshold;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown planning mode: " + mode);
private long totalSize(List manifests) {
private boolean shouldCopyDataFiles(boolean planDataLocally, boolean loadColumnStats) {
return planDataLocally
|| shouldCopyRemotelyPlannedDataFiles()
|| (loadColumnStats && !shouldReturnColumnStats());
private CloseableIterable planFileTasksLocally(
List dataManifests, List deleteManifests) {"Planning file tasks locally for table {}", table().name());
ManifestGroup manifestGroup = newManifestGroup(dataManifests, deleteManifests);
CloseableIterable extends ScanTask> fileTasks = manifestGroup.planFiles();
return (CloseableIterable) fileTasks;
private CompletableFuture newDeletesFuture(
List deleteManifests, boolean planLocally, ExecutorService monitorPool) {
return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(
() -> {
if (planLocally) {"Planning deletes locally for table {}", table().name());
return planDeletesLocally(deleteManifests);
} else {"Planning deletes remotely for table {}", table().name());
return planDeletesRemotely(deleteManifests);
private DeleteFileIndex planDeletesLocally(List deleteManifests) {
DeleteFileIndex.Builder builder = DeleteFileIndex.builderFor(io(), deleteManifests);
if (shouldPlanWithExecutor() && deleteManifests.size() > 1) {
return builder
private CompletableFuture>> newDataFuture(
List dataManifests,
boolean planLocally,
boolean withColumnStats,
ExecutorService monitorPool) {
return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(
() -> {
if (planLocally) {"Planning data locally for table {}", table().name());
ManifestGroup manifestGroup = newManifestGroup(dataManifests, withColumnStats);
return manifestGroup.fileGroups();
} else {"Planning data remotely for table {}", table().name());
return planDataRemotely(dataManifests, withColumnStats);
private Iterable> toFileTasks(
CompletableFuture>> dataFuture,
CompletableFuture deletesFuture,
boolean copyDataFiles) {
String schemaString = SchemaParser.toJson(tableSchema());
Map specStringCache = specCache(PartitionSpecParser::toJson);
Map residualCache = specCache(this::newResidualEvaluator);
Iterable> dataFileGroups = dataFuture.join();
return Iterables.transform(
dataFiles ->
private CloseableIterable toFileTasks(
CloseableIterable dataFiles,
CompletableFuture deletesFuture,
boolean copyDataFiles,
String schemaString,
Map specStringCache,
Map residualCache) {
return CloseableIterable.transform(
dataFile -> {
DeleteFile[] deleteFiles = deletesFuture.join().forDataFile(dataFile);
String specString = specStringCache.get(dataFile.specId());
ResidualEvaluator residuals = residualCache.get(dataFile.specId());
ScanMetricsUtil.fileTask(scanMetrics(), dataFile, deleteFiles);
return new BaseFileScanTask(
copyDataFiles ? copy(dataFile) : dataFile,
private > F copy(F file) {
return ContentFileUtil.copy(file, shouldReturnColumnStats(), columnsToKeepStats());
private ManifestEvaluator newManifestEvaluator(PartitionSpec spec) {
Expression projection = Projections.inclusive(spec, isCaseSensitive()).project(filter());
return ManifestEvaluator.forPartitionFilter(projection, spec, isCaseSensitive());
private ResidualEvaluator newResidualEvaluator(PartitionSpec spec) {
return ResidualEvaluator.of(spec, residualFilter(), isCaseSensitive());
private Map specCache(Function load) {
Map cache = Maps.newHashMap();
table().specs().forEach((specId, spec) -> cache.put(specId, load.apply(spec)));
return cache;
private boolean mayHaveEqualityDeletes(Snapshot snapshot) {
String count = snapshot.summary().get(SnapshotSummary.TOTAL_EQ_DELETES_PROP);
return count == null || !count.equals("0");
// a monitor pool that enables planing data and deletes concurrently if remote planning is used
private ExecutorService newMonitorPool() {
return ThreadPools.newWorkerPool("iceberg-planning-monitor-service", MONITOR_POOL_SIZE);