org.apache.iceberg.spark.SparkSessionCatalog Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.apache.iceberg.spark;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.NamespaceAlreadyExistsException;
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.NoSuchNamespaceException;
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.NoSuchTableException;
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.TableAlreadyExistsException;
import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog.CatalogExtension;
import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog.CatalogPlugin;
import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog.Identifier;
import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog.NamespaceChange;
import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog.StagedTable;
import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog.StagingTableCatalog;
import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog.SupportsNamespaces;
import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog.Table;
import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog.TableCatalog;
import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog.TableChange;
import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.expressions.Transform;
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType;
import org.apache.spark.sql.util.CaseInsensitiveStringMap;
* A Spark catalog that can also load non-Iceberg tables.
* @param CatalogPlugin class to avoid casting to TableCatalog and SupportsNamespaces.
public class SparkSessionCatalog
implements StagingTableCatalog, SupportsNamespaces, CatalogExtension {
private static final String[] DEFAULT_NAMESPACE = new String[] {"default"};
private String catalogName = null;
private TableCatalog icebergCatalog = null;
private StagingTableCatalog asStagingCatalog = null;
private T sessionCatalog = null;
private boolean createParquetAsIceberg = false;
private boolean createAvroAsIceberg = false;
private boolean createOrcAsIceberg = false;
* Build a {@link SparkCatalog} to be used for Iceberg operations.
* The default implementation creates a new SparkCatalog with the session catalog's name and options.
* @param name catalog name
* @param options catalog options
* @return a SparkCatalog to be used for Iceberg tables
protected TableCatalog buildSparkCatalog(String name, CaseInsensitiveStringMap options) {
SparkCatalog newCatalog = new SparkCatalog();
newCatalog.initialize(name, options);
return newCatalog;
public String[] defaultNamespace() {
public String[][] listNamespaces() throws NoSuchNamespaceException {
return sessionCatalog.listNamespaces();
public String[][] listNamespaces(String[] namespace) throws NoSuchNamespaceException {
return sessionCatalog.listNamespaces(namespace);
public Map loadNamespaceMetadata(String[] namespace) throws NoSuchNamespaceException {
return sessionCatalog.loadNamespaceMetadata(namespace);
public void createNamespace(String[] namespace, Map metadata) throws NamespaceAlreadyExistsException {
sessionCatalog.createNamespace(namespace, metadata);
public void alterNamespace(String[] namespace, NamespaceChange... changes) throws NoSuchNamespaceException {
sessionCatalog.alterNamespace(namespace, changes);
public boolean dropNamespace(String[] namespace) throws NoSuchNamespaceException {
return sessionCatalog.dropNamespace(namespace);
public Identifier[] listTables(String[] namespace) throws NoSuchNamespaceException {
// delegate to the session catalog because all tables share the same namespace
return sessionCatalog.listTables(namespace);
public Table loadTable(Identifier ident) throws NoSuchTableException {
try {
return icebergCatalog.loadTable(ident);
} catch (NoSuchTableException e) {
return sessionCatalog.loadTable(ident);
public Table createTable(Identifier ident, StructType schema, Transform[] partitions,
Map properties)
throws TableAlreadyExistsException, NoSuchNamespaceException {
String provider = properties.get("provider");
if (useIceberg(provider)) {
return icebergCatalog.createTable(ident, schema, partitions, properties);
} else {
// delegate to the session catalog
return sessionCatalog.createTable(ident, schema, partitions, properties);
public StagedTable stageCreate(Identifier ident, StructType schema, Transform[] partitions,
Map properties)
throws TableAlreadyExistsException, NoSuchNamespaceException {
String provider = properties.get("provider");
TableCatalog catalog;
if (useIceberg(provider)) {
if (asStagingCatalog != null) {
return asStagingCatalog.stageCreate(ident, schema, partitions, properties);
catalog = icebergCatalog;
} else {
catalog = sessionCatalog;
// create the table with the session catalog, then wrap it in a staged table that will delete to roll back
Table table = catalog.createTable(ident, schema, partitions, properties);
return new RollbackStagedTable(catalog, ident, table);
public StagedTable stageReplace(Identifier ident, StructType schema, Transform[] partitions,
Map properties)
throws NoSuchNamespaceException, NoSuchTableException {
String provider = properties.get("provider");
TableCatalog catalog;
if (useIceberg(provider)) {
if (asStagingCatalog != null) {
return asStagingCatalog.stageReplace(ident, schema, partitions, properties);
catalog = icebergCatalog;
} else {
catalog = sessionCatalog;
// attempt to drop the table and fail if it doesn't exist
if (!catalog.dropTable(ident)) {
throw new NoSuchTableException(ident);
try {
// create the table with the session catalog, then wrap it in a staged table that will delete to roll back
Table table = catalog.createTable(ident, schema, partitions, properties);
return new RollbackStagedTable(catalog, ident, table);
} catch (TableAlreadyExistsException e) {
// the table was deleted, but now already exists again. retry the replace.
return stageReplace(ident, schema, partitions, properties);
public StagedTable stageCreateOrReplace(Identifier ident, StructType schema, Transform[] partitions,
Map properties) throws NoSuchNamespaceException {
String provider = properties.get("provider");
TableCatalog catalog;
if (useIceberg(provider)) {
if (asStagingCatalog != null) {
return asStagingCatalog.stageCreateOrReplace(ident, schema, partitions, properties);
catalog = icebergCatalog;
} else {
catalog = sessionCatalog;
// drop the table if it exists
try {
// create the table with the session catalog, then wrap it in a staged table that will delete to roll back
Table sessionCatalogTable = catalog.createTable(ident, schema, partitions, properties);
return new RollbackStagedTable(catalog, ident, sessionCatalogTable);
} catch (TableAlreadyExistsException e) {
// the table was deleted, but now already exists again. retry the replace.
return stageCreateOrReplace(ident, schema, partitions, properties);
public Table alterTable(Identifier ident, TableChange... changes) throws NoSuchTableException {
if (icebergCatalog.tableExists(ident)) {
return icebergCatalog.alterTable(ident, changes);
} else {
return sessionCatalog.alterTable(ident, changes);
public boolean dropTable(Identifier ident) {
// no need to check table existence to determine which catalog to use. if a table doesn't exist then both are
// required to return false.
return icebergCatalog.dropTable(ident) || sessionCatalog.dropTable(ident);
public void renameTable(Identifier from, Identifier to) throws NoSuchTableException, TableAlreadyExistsException {
// rename is not supported by HadoopCatalog. to avoid UnsupportedOperationException for session catalog tables,
// check table existence first to ensure that the table belongs to the Iceberg catalog.
if (icebergCatalog.tableExists(from)) {
icebergCatalog.renameTable(from, to);
} else {
sessionCatalog.renameTable(from, to);
public final void initialize(String name, CaseInsensitiveStringMap options) {
this.catalogName = name;
this.icebergCatalog = buildSparkCatalog(name, options);
if (icebergCatalog instanceof StagingTableCatalog) {
this.asStagingCatalog = (StagingTableCatalog) icebergCatalog;
this.createParquetAsIceberg = options.getBoolean("parquet-enabled", createParquetAsIceberg);
this.createAvroAsIceberg = options.getBoolean("avro-enabled", createAvroAsIceberg);
this.createOrcAsIceberg = options.getBoolean("orc-enabled", createOrcAsIceberg);
public void setDelegateCatalog(CatalogPlugin sparkSessionCatalog) {
if (sparkSessionCatalog instanceof TableCatalog && sparkSessionCatalog instanceof SupportsNamespaces) {
this.sessionCatalog = (T) sparkSessionCatalog;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid session catalog: " + sparkSessionCatalog);
public String name() {
return catalogName;
private boolean useIceberg(String provider) {
if (provider == null || "iceberg".equalsIgnoreCase(provider)) {
return true;
} else if (createParquetAsIceberg && "parquet".equalsIgnoreCase(provider)) {
return true;
} else if (createAvroAsIceberg && "avro".equalsIgnoreCase(provider)) {
return true;
} else if (createOrcAsIceberg && "orc".equalsIgnoreCase(provider)) {
return true;
return false;