org.apache.ignite.scalar.pimps.ScalarCachePimp.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.ignite.scalar.pimps
import org.apache.ignite.cache.query._
import javax.cache.Cache
import org.apache.ignite._
import org.apache.ignite.lang.{IgnitePredicate, IgniteReducer}
import org.apache.ignite.scalar.scalar._
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable
import java.util.{List => JavaList, Set => JavaSet}
import scala.collection._
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
* Companion object.
object ScalarCachePimp {
* Creates new Scalar cache projection pimp with given Java-side implementation.
* @param impl Java-side implementation.
def apply[K, V](impl: IgniteCache[K, V]) = {
if (impl == null)
throw new NullPointerException("impl")
val pimp = new ScalarCachePimp[K, V]
pimp.impl = impl
* ==Overview==
* Defines Scalar "pimp" for `IgniteCache` on Java side.
* Essentially this class extends Java `IgniteCache` interface with Scala specific
* API adapters using primarily implicit conversions defined in `ScalarConversions` object. What
* it means is that you can use functions defined in this class on object
* of Java `IgniteCache` type. Scala will automatically (implicitly) convert it into
* Scalar's pimp and replace the original call with a call on that pimp.
* Note that Scalar provide extensive library of implicit conversion between Java and
* Scala Ignite counterparts in `ScalarConversions` object
* ==Suffix '$' In Names==
* Symbol `$` is used in names when they conflict with the names in the base Java class
* that Scala pimp is shadowing or with Java package name that your Scala code is importing.
* Instead of giving two different names to the same function we've decided to simply mark
* Scala's side method with `$` suffix.
class ScalarCachePimp[@specialized K, @specialized V] extends PimpedType[IgniteCache[K, V]]
with Iterable[Cache.Entry[K, V]] with Ordered[IgniteCache[K, V]] {
/** */
lazy val value: IgniteCache[K, V] = impl
/** */
protected var impl: IgniteCache[K, V] = _
/** Type alias. */
protected type EntryPred = (Cache.Entry[K, V]) => Boolean
/** Type alias. */
protected type KvPred = (K, V) => Boolean
protected def toJavaSet[T](it: Iterable[T]): JavaSet[T] = new java.util.HashSet[T](asJavaCollection(it))
* Compares this cache name to the given cache name.
* @param that Another cache instance to compare names with.
def compare(that: IgniteCache[K, V]): Int = that.getName.compareTo(value.getName)
* Gets iterator for cache entries.
def iterator = toScalaSeq(value.iterator).iterator
* Unwraps sequence of functions to sequence of Ignite predicates.
private def unwrap(@Nullable p: Seq[EntryPred]): Seq[IgnitePredicate[Cache.Entry[K, V]]] =
if (p == null)
p map ((f: EntryPred) => toPredicate(f))
* Converts reduce function to Grid Reducer that takes map entries.
* @param rdc Reduce function.
* @return Entry reducer.
private def toEntryReducer[R](rdc: Iterable[(K, V)] => R): IgniteReducer[java.util.Map.Entry[K, V], R] = {
new IgniteReducer[java.util.Map.Entry[K, V], R] {
private var seq = Seq.empty[(K, V)]
def collect(e: java.util.Map.Entry[K, V]): Boolean = {
seq +:= (e.getKey, e.getValue)
def reduce(): R = {
* Retrieves value mapped to the specified key from cache. The return value of `null`
* means entry did not pass the provided filter or cache has no mapping for the key.
* @param k Key to retrieve the value for.
* @return Value for the given key.
def apply(k: K): V =
* Returns the value associated with a key, or a default value if the key is not contained in the map.
* @param k The key.
* @param default A computation that yields a default value in case key is not in cache.
* @return The cache value associated with `key` if it exists, otherwise the result
* of the `default` computation.
def getOrElse(k: K, default: => V) = {
opt(k) match {
case Some(v) => v
case None => default
* Retrieves value mapped to the specified key from cache as an option. The return value
* of `null` means entry did not pass the provided filter or cache has no mapping for the key.
* @param k Key to retrieve the value for.
* @return Value for the given key.
* @see `IgniteCache.get(...)`
def opt(k: K): Option[V] =
* Converts given type of corresponding Java type, if Scala does
* auto-conversion for a given type. Only primitive types and Strings
* are supported.
* @param c Type to convert.
private def toJavaType(c: Class[_]) = {
assert(c != null)
// Hopefully if-else is faster here than a normal matching.
if (c == classOf[Int])
else if (c == classOf[Boolean])
else if (c == classOf[String])
else if (c == classOf[Char])
else if (c == classOf[Long])
else if (c == classOf[Double])
else if (c == classOf[Float])
else if (c == classOf[Short])
else if (c == classOf[Byte])
else if (c == classOf[Symbol])
throw new IgniteCheckedException("Cache type projeciton on 'scala.Symbol' are not supported.")
* Stores given key-value pair in cache. If filters are provided, then entries will
* be stored in cache only if they pass the filter. Note that filter check is atomic,
* so value stored in cache is guaranteed to be consistent with the filters.
* If write-through is enabled, the stored value will be persisted to `GridCacheStore`
* via `GridCacheStore#put(String, GridCacheTx, Object, Object)` method.
* ===Transactions===
* This method is transactional and will enlist the entry into ongoing transaction
* if there is one.
* @param kv Key-Value pair to store in cache.
* @return `True` if value was stored in cache, `false` otherwise.
* @see `IgniteCache#putx(...)`
def putx$(kv: (K, V)): Boolean = value.putIfAbsent(kv._1, kv._2)
* Stores given key-value pair in cache. If filters are provided, then entries will
* be stored in cache only if they pass the filter. Note that filter check is atomic,
* so value stored in cache is guaranteed to be consistent with the filters.
* If write-through is enabled, the stored value will be persisted to `GridCacheStore`
* via `GridCacheStore#put(String, GridCacheTx, Object, Object)` method.
* ===Transactions===
* This method is transactional and will enlist the entry into ongoing transaction
* if there is one.
* @param kv Key-Value pair to store in cache.
* @return Previous value associated with specified key, or `null`
* if entry did not pass the filter, or if there was no mapping for the key in swap
* or in persistent storage.
* @see `IgniteCache#put(...)`
def put$(kv: (K, V)): V = value.getAndReplace(kv._1, kv._2)
* Stores given key-value pair in cache. If filters are provided, then entries will
* be stored in cache only if they pass the filter. Note that filter check is atomic,
* so value stored in cache is guaranteed to be consistent with the filters.
* If write-through is enabled, the stored value will be persisted to `GridCacheStore`
* via `GridCacheStore#put(String, GridCacheTx, Object, Object)` method.
* ===Transactions===
* This method is transactional and will enlist the entry into ongoing transaction
* if there is one.
* @param kv Key-Value pair to store in cache.
* @return Previous value associated with specified key as an option.
* @see `IgniteCache#put(...)`
def putOpt$(kv: (K, V)): Option[V] = Option(value.getAndReplace(kv._1, kv._2))
* Operator alias for the same function `putx$`.
* @param kv Key-Value pair to store in cache.
* @return `True` if value was stored in cache, `false` otherwise.
* @see `IgniteCache#putx(...)`
def +=(kv: (K, V)): Boolean =
* Stores given key-value pairs in cache.
* If write-through is enabled, the stored values will be persisted to `GridCacheStore`
* via `GridCacheStore#putAll(String, GridCacheTx, Map)` method.
* ===Transactions===
* This method is transactional and will enlist the entry into ongoing transaction
* if there is one.
* @param kv1 Key-value pair to store in cache.
* @param kv2 Key-value pair to store in cache.
* @param kvs Optional key-value pairs to store in cache.
* @see `IgniteCache#putAll(...)`
def putAll$(kv1: (K, V), kv2: (K, V), @Nullable kvs: (K, V)*) {
var m = mutable.Map.empty[K, V]
m += (kv1, kv2)
if (kvs != null)
kvs foreach (m += _)
* Stores given key-value pairs from the sequence in cache.
* If write-through is enabled, the stored values will be persisted to `GridCacheStore`
* via `GridCacheStore#putAll(String, GridCacheTx, Map)` method.
* ===Transactions===
* This method is transactional and will enlist the entry into ongoing transaction
* if there is one.
* @param kvs Key-value pairs to store in cache. If `null` this function is no-op.
* @see `IgniteCache#putAll(...)`
def putAll$(@Nullable kvs: Seq[(K, V)]) {
if (kvs != null)
value.putAll(mutable.Map(kvs: _*))
* Removes given key mappings from cache.
* If write-through is enabled, the values will be removed from `GridCacheStore`
* via `GridCacheStore#removeAll(String, GridCacheTx, Collection)` method.
* ===Transactions===
* This method is transactional and will enlist the entry into ongoing transaction
* if there is one.
* @param ks Sequence of additional keys to remove. If `null` - this function is no-op.
* @see `IgniteCache#removeAll(...)`
def removeAll$(@Nullable ks: Seq[K]) {
if (ks != null)
* Operator alias for the same function `putAll$`.
* @param kv1 Key-value pair to store in cache.
* @param kv2 Key-value pair to store in cache.
* @param kvs Optional key-value pairs to store in cache.
* @see `IgniteCache#putAll(...)`
def +=(kv1: (K, V), kv2: (K, V), @Nullable kvs: (K, V)*) {
putAll$(kv1, kv2, kvs: _*)
* Removes given key mapping from cache. If cache previously contained value for the given key,
* then this value is returned. Otherwise, in case of `CacheMode#REPLICATED` caches,
* the value will be loaded from swap and, if it's not there, and read-through is allowed,
* from the underlying `GridCacheStore` storage. In case of `CacheMode#PARTITIONED`
* caches, the value will be loaded from the primary node, which in its turn may load the value
* from the swap storage, and consecutively, if it's not in swap and read-through is allowed,
* from the underlying persistent storage. If value has to be loaded from persistent
* storage, `GridCacheStore#load(String, GridCacheTx, Object)` method will be used.
* If the returned value is not needed, method `removex$(...)` should
* always be used instead of this one to avoid the overhead associated with returning of the
* previous value.
* If write-through is enabled, the value will be removed from 'GridCacheStore'
* via `GridCacheStore#remove(String, GridCacheTx, Object)` method.
* ===Transactions===
* This method is transactional and will enlist the entry into ongoing transaction
* if there is one.
* @param k Key whose mapping is to be removed from cache.
* @return Previous value associated with specified key, or `null`
* if there was no value for this key.
* @see `IgniteCache#remove(...)`
def remove$(k: K): V = value.getAndRemove(k)
* Removes given key mapping from cache. If cache previously contained value for the given key,
* then this value is returned. Otherwise, in case of `CacheMode#REPLICATED` caches,
* the value will be loaded from swap and, if it's not there, and read-through is allowed,
* from the underlying `GridCacheStore` storage. In case of `CacheMode#PARTITIONED`
* caches, the value will be loaded from the primary node, which in its turn may load the value
* from the swap storage, and consecutively, if it's not in swap and read-through is allowed,
* from the underlying persistent storage. If value has to be loaded from persistent
* storage, `GridCacheStore#load(String, GridCacheTx, Object)` method will be used.
* If the returned value is not needed, method `removex$(...)` should
* always be used instead of this one to avoid the overhead associated with returning of the
* previous value.
* If write-through is enabled, the value will be removed from 'GridCacheStore'
* via `GridCacheStore#remove(String, GridCacheTx, Object)` method.
* ===Transactions===
* This method is transactional and will enlist the entry into ongoing transaction
* if there is one.
* @param k Key whose mapping is to be removed from cache.
* @return Previous value associated with specified key as an option.
* @see `IgniteCache#remove(...)`
def removeOpt$(k: K): Option[V] =
* Operator alias for the same function `remove$`.
* @param k Key whose mapping is to be removed from cache.
* @return Previous value associated with specified key, or `null`
* if there was no value for this key.
* @see `IgniteCache#remove(...)`
def -=(k: K): V = remove$(k)
* Removes given key mappings from cache.
* If write-through is enabled, the values will be removed from `GridCacheStore`
* via `GridCacheStore#removeAll(String, GridCacheTx, Collection)` method.
* ===Transactions===
* This method is transactional and will enlist the entry into ongoing transaction
* if there is one.
* @param k1 1st key to remove.
* @param k2 2nd key to remove.
* @param ks Optional sequence of additional keys to remove.
* @see `IgniteCache#removeAll(...)`
def removeAll$(k1: K, k2: K, @Nullable ks: K*) {
val s = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[K](2 + (if (ks == null) 0 else ks.length))
s += k1
s += k2
if (ks != null)
ks foreach (s += _)
* Operator alias for the same function `remove$`.
* @param k1 1st key to remove.
* @param k2 2nd key to remove.
* @param ks Optional sequence of additional keys to remove.
* @see `IgniteCache#removeAll(...)`
def -=(k1: K, k2: K, @Nullable ks: K*) {
removeAll$(k1, k2, ks: _*)
* Creates and executes ad-hoc `SCAN` query returning its result.
* Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different
* arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism
* and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is
* similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return
* all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be
* taken into account.
* @param cls Query values class. Since cache can, in general, contain values of any subtype of `V`
* query needs to know the exact type it should operate on.
* @param kvp Filter to be used prior to returning key-value pairs to user. See `CacheQuery` for more details.
* @return Collection of cache key-value pairs.
def scan(cls: Class[_ <: V], kvp: KvPred): QueryCursor[Cache.Entry[K, V]] = {
assert(cls != null)
assert(kvp != null)
value.query(new ScanQuery(kvp))
* Creates and executes ad-hoc `SCAN` query returning its result.
* Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different
* arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism
* and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is
* similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return
* all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be
* taken into account.
* Note that query value class will be taken implicitly as exact type `V` of this
* cache projection.
* @param kvp Filter to be used prior to returning key-value pairs to user. See `CacheQuery` for more details.
* @return Collection of cache key-value pairs.
def scan(kvp: KvPred)(implicit m: Manifest[V]): QueryCursor[Cache.Entry[K, V]] = {
assert(kvp != null)
scan(m.erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[V]], kvp)
* Creates and executes ad-hoc `SQL` query returning its result.
* Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different
* arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism
* and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is
* similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return
* all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be
* taken into account.
* @param cls Query values class. Since cache can, in general, contain values of any subtype of `V`
* query needs to know the exact type it should operate on.
* @param clause Query SQL clause. See `CacheQuery` for more details.
* @param args Optional list of query arguments.
* @return Collection of cache key-value pairs.
def sql(cls: Class[_ <: V], clause: String, args: Any*): QueryCursor[Cache.Entry[K, V]] = {
assert(cls != null)
assert(clause != null)
assert(args != null)
val query = new SqlQuery[K, V](cls, clause)
if (args != null && args.size > 0)
query.setArgs([AnyRef]) : _*)
* Creates and executes ad-hoc `SQL` query returning its result.
* Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different
* arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism
* and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is
* similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return
* all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be
* taken into account.
* @param cls Query values class. Since cache can, in general, contain values of any subtype of `V`
* query needs to know the exact type it should operate on.
* @param clause Query SQL clause. See `CacheQuery` for more details.
* @return Collection of cache key-value pairs.
def sql(cls: Class[_ <: V], clause: String): QueryCursor[Cache.Entry[K, V]] = {
assert(cls != null)
assert(clause != null)
sql(cls, clause, Nil:_*)
* Creates and executes ad-hoc `SQL` query returning its result.
* Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different
* arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism
* and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is
* similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return
* all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be
* taken into account.
* Note that query value class will be taken implicitly as exact type `V` of this
* cache projection.
* @param clause Query SQL clause. See `CacheQuery` for more details.
* @param args Optional list of query arguments.
* @return Collection of cache key-value pairs.
def sql(clause: String, args: Any*)
(implicit m: Manifest[V]): QueryCursor[Cache.Entry[K, V]] = {
assert(clause != null)
assert(args != null)
sql(m.erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[V]], clause, args:_*)
* Creates and executes ad-hoc `TEXT` query returning its result.
* Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different
* arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism
* and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is
* similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return
* all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be
* taken into account.
* @param cls Query values class. Since cache can, in general, contain values of any subtype of `V`
* query needs to know the exact type it should operate on.
* @param clause Query text clause. See `CacheQuery` for more details.
* @return Collection of cache key-value pairs.
def text(cls: Class[_ <: V], clause: String): QueryCursor[Cache.Entry[K, V]] = {
assert(cls != null)
assert(clause != null)
value.query(new TextQuery(cls, clause))
* Creates and executes ad-hoc `TEXT` query returning its result.
* Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different
* arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism
* and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is
* similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return
* all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be
* taken into account.
* Note that query value class will be taken implicitly as exact type `V` of this
* cache projection.
* @param clause Query text clause. See `CacheQuery` for more details.
* @return Collection of cache key-value pairs.
def text(clause: String)(implicit m: Manifest[V]): QueryCursor[Cache.Entry[K, V]] = {
assert(clause != null)
text(m.erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[V]], clause)
* Creates and executes ad-hoc `SQL` fields query returning its result.
* Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different
* arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism
* and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is
* similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return
* all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be
* taken into account.
* @param clause Query SQL clause. See `CacheQuery` for more details.
* @param args Optional list of query arguments.
* @return Sequence of sequences of field values.
def sqlFields(clause: String, args: Any*): QueryCursor[JavaList[_]] = {
assert(clause != null)
assert(args != null)
val query = new SqlFieldsQuery(clause)
if (args != null && args.nonEmpty)
query.setArgs([AnyRef]) : _*)
* Creates and executes ad-hoc `SQL` no-arg fields query returning its result.
* Note that if query is executed more than once (potentially with different
* arguments) it is more performant to create query via standard mechanism
* and execute it multiple times with different arguments. The analogy is
* similar to JDBC `PreparedStatement`. Note also that this function will return
* all results at once without pagination and therefore memory limits should be
* taken into account.
* @param clause Query SQL clause. See `CacheQuery` for more details.
* @return Sequence of sequences of field values.
def sqlFields(clause: String): QueryCursor[JavaList[_]] = {
assert(clause != null)
sqlFields(clause, Nil:_*)