META-INF.proguard.base.pro Maven / Gradle / Ivy
# Note: We intentionally don't add the flags we'd need to make Flags and Enums
# work. That's because the Proguard configuration required to make them work on
# optimized code would preclude lots of optimization, like converting enums
# into ints.
# Throwables uses internal APIs for lazy stack trace resolution
-dontnote sun.misc.SharedSecrets
-keep class sun.misc.SharedSecrets {
*** getJavaLangAccess(...);
-dontnote sun.misc.JavaLangAccess
-keep class sun.misc.JavaLangAccess {
*** getStackTraceElement(...);
*** getStackTraceDepth(...);
# FinalizableReferenceQueue calls this reflectively
# Proguard is intelligent enough to spot the use of reflection onto this, so we
# only need to keep the names, and allow it to be stripped out if
# FinalizableReferenceQueue is unused.
-keepnames class com.google.common.base.internal.Finalizer {
*** startFinalizer(...);
# However, it cannot "spot" that this method needs to be kept IF the class is.
-keepclassmembers class com.google.common.base.internal.Finalizer {
*** startFinalizer(...);
-keepnames class com.google.common.base.FinalizableReference {
void finalizeReferent();
-keepclassmembers class com.google.common.base.FinalizableReference {
void finalizeReferent();
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