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org.apache.inlong.sort.pulsar.withoutadmin.PulsarFetcher Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.inlong.sort.pulsar.withoutadmin;

import org.apache.flink.api.common.eventtime.WatermarkOutput;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.eventtime.WatermarkOutputMultiplexer;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.eventtime.WatermarkStrategy;
import org.apache.flink.metrics.Gauge;
import org.apache.flink.metrics.MetricGroup;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.source.SourceFunction.SourceContext;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.operators.StreamingRuntimeContext;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.pulsar.internal.ClosableBlockingQueue;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.pulsar.internal.ExceptionProxy;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.pulsar.internal.PoisonState;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.pulsar.internal.PulsarTopicPartitionStateWithWatermarkGenerator;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.pulsar.internal.PulsarTopicState;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.pulsar.internal.SourceContextWatermarkOutputAdapter;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.pulsar.internal.SourceSinkUtils;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.pulsar.internal.TopicRange;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.tasks.ProcessingTimeCallback;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.tasks.ProcessingTimeService;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.util.serialization.PulsarDeserializationSchema;
import org.apache.flink.util.SerializedValue;

import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.MessageId;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.conf.ClientConfigurationData;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;

import static org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.pulsar.internal.metrics.PulsarSourceMetrics.COMMITTED_OFFSETS_METRICS_GAUGE;
import static org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.pulsar.internal.metrics.PulsarSourceMetrics.CURRENT_OFFSETS_METRICS_GAUGE;
import static org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.pulsar.internal.metrics.PulsarSourceMetrics.OFFSETS_BY_TOPIC_METRICS_GROUP;
import static org.apache.flink.util.Preconditions.checkNotNull;

 * Copy from io.streamnative.connectors:pulsar-flink-connector_2.11:,
 * From {@link org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.pulsar.internal.PulsarFetcher}
 * Implements the logic around emitting records and tracking offsets,
 * as well as around the optional timestamp assignment and watermark generation.
 * @param  The type of elements deserialized from Pulsar messages, and emitted into
 *           the Flink data stream.
public class PulsarFetcher {

    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PulsarFetcher.class);
    private static final int NO_TIMESTAMPS_WATERMARKS = 0;
    private static final int WITH_WATERMARK_GENERATOR = 1;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    /** The source context to emit records and watermarks to. */
    protected final SourceContext sourceContext;

    protected final Map seedTopicsWithInitialOffsets;
    protected final Set excludeStartMessageIds;

    /** The lock that guarantees that record emission and state updates are atomic,
     * from the view of taking a checkpoint. */
    private final Object checkpointLock;

    /** All partitions (and their state) that this fetcher is subscribed to. */
    protected final List> subscribedPartitionStates;

     * Queue of partitions that are not yet assigned to any reader thread for consuming.

All partitions added to this queue are guaranteed to have been added * to {@link #subscribedPartitionStates} already. */ protected final ClosableBlockingQueue> unassignedPartitionsQueue; /** The mode describing whether the fetcher also generates timestamps and watermarks. */ private final int timestampWatermarkMode; /** * Optional watermark strategy that will be run per pulsar partition, to exploit per-partition * timestamp characteristics. The watermark strategy is kept in serialized form, to deserialize * it into multiple copies. */ private final SerializedValue> watermarkStrategy; /** User class loader used to deserialize watermark assigners. */ private final ClassLoader userCodeClassLoader; private final StreamingRuntimeContext runtimeContext; protected final ClientConfigurationData clientConf; protected final Map readerConf; protected final PulsarDeserializationSchema deserializer; protected final int pollTimeoutMs; private final int commitMaxRetries; protected final PulsarMetadataReader metadataReader; /** * Wrapper around our SourceContext for allowing the * {@link org.apache.flink.api.common.eventtime.WatermarkGenerator} * to emit watermarks and mark idleness. */ protected final WatermarkOutput watermarkOutput; /** * {@link WatermarkOutputMultiplexer} for supporting per-partition watermark generation. */ private final WatermarkOutputMultiplexer watermarkOutputMultiplexer; /** Flag to mark the main work loop as alive. */ private volatile boolean running = true; /** The threads that runs the actual reading and hand the records to this fetcher. */ private Map> topicToThread; /** Failed or not when data loss. **/ private boolean failOnDataLoss = true; private boolean useEarliestWhenDataLoss; /** topic poison state */ private PoisonState poisonState; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Metrics // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Flag indicating whether or not metrics should be exposed. * If {@code true}, offset metrics (e.g. current offset, committed offset) and * pulsar-shipped metrics will be registered. */ private final boolean useMetrics; /** * The metric group which all metrics for the source should be registered to. */ private final MetricGroup consumerMetricGroup; public PulsarFetcher( SourceContext sourceContext, Map seedTopicsWithInitialOffsets, SerializedValue> watermarkStrategy, ProcessingTimeService processingTimeProvider, long autoWatermarkInterval, ClassLoader userCodeClassLoader, StreamingRuntimeContext runtimeContext, ClientConfigurationData clientConf, Map readerConf, int pollTimeoutMs, PulsarDeserializationSchema deserializer, PulsarMetadataReader metadataReader, MetricGroup consumerMetricGroup, boolean useMetrics) throws Exception { this( sourceContext, seedTopicsWithInitialOffsets, Collections.emptySet(), watermarkStrategy, processingTimeProvider, autoWatermarkInterval, userCodeClassLoader, runtimeContext, clientConf, readerConf, pollTimeoutMs, 3, // commit retries before fail deserializer, metadataReader, consumerMetricGroup, useMetrics); } public PulsarFetcher( SourceContext sourceContext, Map seedTopicsWithInitialOffsets, Set excludeStartMessageIds, SerializedValue> watermarkStrategy, ProcessingTimeService processingTimeProvider, long autoWatermarkInterval, ClassLoader userCodeClassLoader, StreamingRuntimeContext runtimeContext, ClientConfigurationData clientConf, Map readerConf, int pollTimeoutMs, int commitMaxRetries, PulsarDeserializationSchema deserializer, PulsarMetadataReader metadataReader, MetricGroup consumerMetricGroup, boolean useMetrics) throws Exception { this.sourceContext = sourceContext; this.watermarkOutput = new SourceContextWatermarkOutputAdapter<>(sourceContext); this.watermarkOutputMultiplexer = new WatermarkOutputMultiplexer(watermarkOutput); this.useMetrics = useMetrics; this.consumerMetricGroup = checkNotNull(consumerMetricGroup); this.seedTopicsWithInitialOffsets = seedTopicsWithInitialOffsets; this.excludeStartMessageIds = excludeStartMessageIds; this.checkpointLock = sourceContext.getCheckpointLock(); this.userCodeClassLoader = userCodeClassLoader; this.runtimeContext = runtimeContext; this.clientConf = clientConf; this.readerConf = readerConf == null ? new HashMap<>() : readerConf; this.failOnDataLoss = SourceSinkUtils.getFailOnDataLossAndRemoveKey(this.readerConf); this.useEarliestWhenDataLoss = SourceSinkUtils.getUseEarliestWhenDataLossAndRemoveKey(this.readerConf); this.pollTimeoutMs = pollTimeoutMs; this.commitMaxRetries = commitMaxRetries; this.deserializer = deserializer; this.metadataReader = metadataReader; // figure out what we watermark mode we will be using this.watermarkStrategy = watermarkStrategy; if (watermarkStrategy == null) { timestampWatermarkMode = NO_TIMESTAMPS_WATERMARKS; } else { timestampWatermarkMode = WITH_WATERMARK_GENERATOR; } this.unassignedPartitionsQueue = new ClosableBlockingQueue<>(); // initialize subscribed partition states with seed partitions this.subscribedPartitionStates = createPartitionStateHolders( seedTopicsWithInitialOffsets, timestampWatermarkMode, watermarkStrategy, userCodeClassLoader); // check that all seed partition states have a defined offset for (PulsarTopicState state : subscribedPartitionStates) { if (!state.isOffsetDefined()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The fetcher was assigned seed partitions with undefined initial offsets."); } } // all seed partitions are not assigned yet, so should be added to the unassigned partitions queue for (PulsarTopicState state : subscribedPartitionStates) { unassignedPartitionsQueue.add(state); } // register metrics for the initial seed partitions if (useMetrics) { registerOffsetMetrics(consumerMetricGroup, subscribedPartitionStates); } // if we have periodic watermarks, kick off the interval scheduler if (timestampWatermarkMode == WITH_WATERMARK_GENERATOR && autoWatermarkInterval > 0) { PeriodicWatermarkEmitter periodicEmitter = new PeriodicWatermarkEmitter<>( checkpointLock, subscribedPartitionStates, watermarkOutputMultiplexer, processingTimeProvider, autoWatermarkInterval); periodicEmitter.start(); } // get position state Field poisonInstance = PoisonState.class.getDeclaredField("INSTANCE"); poisonInstance.setAccessible(true); poisonState = (PoisonState) poisonInstance.get(PoisonState.class); } public void runFetchLoop() throws Exception { topicToThread = new HashMap<>(); ExceptionProxy exceptionProxy = new ExceptionProxy(Thread.currentThread()); try { while (running) { // re-throw any exception from the concurrent fetcher threads exceptionProxy.checkAndThrowException(); // wait for max 5 seconds trying to get partitions to assign // if threads shut down, this poll returns earlier, because the threads inject the // special marker into the queue List> topicsToAssign = unassignedPartitionsQueue.getBatchBlocking(5000); // if there are more markers, remove them all topicsToAssign.removeIf(s -> s.equals(poisonState)); if (!topicsToAssign.isEmpty()) { if (!running) { throw BreakingException.INSTANCE; } topicToThread.putAll( createAndStartReaderThread(topicsToAssign, exceptionProxy)); } else { // there were no partitions to assign. Check if any consumer threads shut down. // we get into this section of the code, if either the poll timed out, or the // blocking poll was woken up by the marker element topicToThread.values().removeIf(t -> !t.isRunning()); } if (topicToThread.size() == 0 && unassignedPartitionsQueue.isEmpty()) { PulsarTopicState topicForBlocking = unassignedPartitionsQueue.getElementBlocking(); if (topicForBlocking.equals(poisonState)) { throw BreakingException.INSTANCE; } topicToThread.putAll( createAndStartReaderThread(ImmutableList.of(topicForBlocking), exceptionProxy)); } } } catch (BreakingException b) { // do nothing } catch (InterruptedException e) { // this may be thrown because an exception on one of the concurrent fetcher threads // woke this thread up. make sure we throw the root exception instead in that case exceptionProxy.checkAndThrowException(); // no other root exception, throw the interrupted exception throw e; } finally { running = false; // clear the interruption flag // this allows the joining on reader threads (on best effort) to happen in // case the initial interrupt already Thread.interrupted(); // make sure that in any case (completion, abort, error), all spawned threads are stopped try { int runningThreads = 0; do { // check whether threads are alive and cancel them runningThreads = 0; topicToThread.values().removeIf(s -> !s.isAlive()); for (ReaderThread t : topicToThread.values()) { t.cancel(); runningThreads++; } if (runningThreads > 0) { for (ReaderThread t : topicToThread.values()) { t.join(500 / runningThreads + 1); } } } while (runningThreads > 0); } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { // waiting for the thread shutdown apparently got interrupted // restore interrupted state and continue Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } catch (Throwable t) { // we catch all here to preserve the original exception log.error("Exception while shutting down reader threads", t); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // emitting records // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Emits a record attaching a timestamp to it. * @param record The record to emit * @param partitionState The state of the pulsar partition from which the record was fetched * @param offset The offset of the corresponding pulsar record * @param pulsarEventTimestamp The timestamp of the pulsar record */ protected void emitRecordsWithTimestamps( Queue records, PulsarTopicState partitionState, MessageId offset, long pulsarEventTimestamp) { // emit the records, using the checkpoint lock to guarantee // atomicity of record emission and offset state update synchronized (checkpointLock) { T record; while ((record = records.poll()) != null) { long timestamp = partitionState.extractTimestamp(record, pulsarEventTimestamp); sourceContext.collectWithTimestamp(record, timestamp); // this might emit a watermark, so do it after emitting the record partitionState.onEvent(record, timestamp); } partitionState.setOffset(offset); } } public void cancel() throws Exception { // single the main thread to exit running = false; // make sure the main thread wakes up soon unassignedPartitionsQueue.addIfOpen(poisonState); } public void commitOffsetToState(Map offset) { for (PulsarTopicState state : subscribedPartitionStates) { MessageId off = offset.get(state.getTopicRange()); if (off != null) { state.setCommittedOffset(off); } } } public Map removeEarliestAndLatest(Map offset) { Map result = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry entry : offset.entrySet()) { MessageId mid = entry.getValue(); if (!mid.equals(MessageId.earliest) && !mid.equals(MessageId.latest)) { result.put(entry.getKey(), mid); } } return result; } public void addDiscoveredTopics(Set newTopics) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { List> newStates = createPartitionStateHolders( -> t, t -> MessageId.earliest)), timestampWatermarkMode, watermarkStrategy, userCodeClassLoader); for (PulsarTopicState state : newStates) { // the ordering is crucial here; first register the state holder, then // push it to the partitions queue to be read subscribedPartitionStates.add(state); unassignedPartitionsQueue.add(state); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // snapshot and restore the state // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Takes a snapshot of the partition offsets. * *

Important: This method must be called under the checkpoint lock. * * @return A map from partition to current offset. */ public Map snapshotCurrentState() { // this method assumes that the checkpoint lock is held assert Thread.holdsLock(checkpointLock); Map state = new HashMap<>(subscribedPartitionStates.size()); for (PulsarTopicState pa : subscribedPartitionStates) { state.put(pa.getTopicRange(), pa.getOffset()); } return state; } public Map> createAndStartReaderThread( List> states, ExceptionProxy exceptionProxy) { Map> topic2Threads = new HashMap<>(); for (PulsarTopicState state : states) { ReaderThread readerT = createReaderThread(exceptionProxy, state); readerT.setName(String.format( "Pulsar Reader for %s in task %s", state.getTopicRange(), runtimeContext.getTaskName())); readerT.setDaemon(true); readerT.start();"Starting Thread {}", readerT.getName()); topic2Threads.put(state.getTopicRange(), readerT); } return topic2Threads; } protected List> getSubscribedTopicStates() { return subscribedPartitionStates; } protected ReaderThread createReaderThread(ExceptionProxy exceptionProxy, PulsarTopicState state) { return new ReaderThread<>( this, state, clientConf, readerConf, deserializer, pollTimeoutMs, exceptionProxy, failOnDataLoss, useEarliestWhenDataLoss, excludeStartMessageIds.contains(state.getTopicRange())); } /** * Utility method that takes the topic partitions and creates the topic partition state * holders, depending on the timestamp / watermark mode. */ private List> createPartitionStateHolders( Map partitionsToInitialOffsets, int timestampWatermarkMode, SerializedValue> watermarkStrategy, ClassLoader userCodeClassLoader) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { // CopyOnWrite as adding discovered partitions could happen in parallel // while different threads iterate the partitions list List> partitionStates = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); switch (timestampWatermarkMode) { case NO_TIMESTAMPS_WATERMARKS: { for (Map.Entry partitionEntry : partitionsToInitialOffsets.entrySet()) { PulsarTopicState state = new PulsarTopicState(partitionEntry.getKey()); state.setOffset(partitionEntry.getValue()); partitionStates.add(state); } return partitionStates; } case WITH_WATERMARK_GENERATOR: { for (Map.Entry partitionEntry : partitionsToInitialOffsets.entrySet()) { final TopicRange topicRange = partitionEntry.getKey(); PulsarTopicState state = new PulsarTopicState(partitionEntry.getKey()); WatermarkStrategy deserializedWatermarkStrategy = watermarkStrategy.deserializeValue( userCodeClassLoader); // the format of the ID does not matter, as long as it is unique final String partitionId = state.getTopicRange().toString(); watermarkOutputMultiplexer.registerNewOutput(partitionId); WatermarkOutput immediateOutput = watermarkOutputMultiplexer.getImmediateOutput(partitionId); WatermarkOutput deferredOutput = watermarkOutputMultiplexer.getDeferredOutput(partitionId); PulsarTopicPartitionStateWithWatermarkGenerator partitionState = new PulsarTopicPartitionStateWithWatermarkGenerator<>( topicRange, state, deserializedWatermarkStrategy.createTimestampAssigner(() -> consumerMetricGroup), deserializedWatermarkStrategy.createWatermarkGenerator(() -> consumerMetricGroup), immediateOutput, deferredOutput); partitionState.setOffset(partitionEntry.getValue()); partitionStates.add(partitionState); } return partitionStates; } default: // cannot happen, add this as a guard for the future throw new RuntimeException(); } } // ------------------------- Metrics ---------------------------------- /** * For each partition, register a new metric group to expose current offsets and committed offsets. * Per-partition metric groups can be scoped by user variables. * *

Note: this method also registers gauges for deprecated offset metrics, to maintain backwards compatibility. * * @param consumerMetricGroup The consumer metric group * @param partitionOffsetStates The partition offset state holders, whose values will be used to update metrics */ private void registerOffsetMetrics( MetricGroup consumerMetricGroup, List> partitionOffsetStates) { for (PulsarTopicState pts : partitionOffsetStates) { MetricGroup topicPartitionGroup = consumerMetricGroup .addGroup(OFFSETS_BY_TOPIC_METRICS_GROUP, pts.getTopicRange().getTopic()); topicPartitionGroup.gauge( CURRENT_OFFSETS_METRICS_GAUGE, new OffsetGauge(pts, OffsetGaugeType.CURRENT_OFFSET)); topicPartitionGroup.gauge( COMMITTED_OFFSETS_METRICS_GAUGE, new OffsetGauge(pts, OffsetGaugeType.COMMITTED_OFFSET)); } } /** * Gauge types. */ private enum OffsetGaugeType { CURRENT_OFFSET, COMMITTED_OFFSET } /** * Gauge for getting the offset of a PulsarTopicState. */ private static class OffsetGauge implements Gauge { private final PulsarTopicState pts; private final OffsetGaugeType gaugeType; OffsetGauge(PulsarTopicState pts, OffsetGaugeType gaugeType) { this.pts = pts; this.gaugeType = gaugeType; } @Override public MessageId getValue() { switch (gaugeType) { case COMMITTED_OFFSET: return pts.getCommittedOffset(); case CURRENT_OFFSET: return pts.getOffset(); default: throw new RuntimeException("Unknown gauge type: " + gaugeType); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * The periodic watermark emitter. In its given interval, it checks all partitions for * the current event time watermark, and possibly emits the next watermark. */ private static class PeriodicWatermarkEmitter implements ProcessingTimeCallback { private final Object checkpointLock; private final List> allPartitions; private final WatermarkOutputMultiplexer watermarkOutputMultiplexer; private final ProcessingTimeService timerService; private final long interval; // ------------------------------------------------- PeriodicWatermarkEmitter( Object checkpointLock, List> allPartitions, WatermarkOutputMultiplexer watermarkOutputMultiplexer, ProcessingTimeService timerService, long autoWatermarkInterval) { this.checkpointLock = checkpointLock; this.allPartitions = checkNotNull(allPartitions); this.watermarkOutputMultiplexer = watermarkOutputMultiplexer; this.timerService = checkNotNull(timerService); this.interval = autoWatermarkInterval; } // ------------------------------------------------- public void start() { timerService.registerTimer(timerService.getCurrentProcessingTime() + interval, this); } @Override public void onProcessingTime(long timestamp) throws Exception { synchronized (checkpointLock) { for (PulsarTopicState state : allPartitions) { state.onPeriodicEmit(); } watermarkOutputMultiplexer.onPeriodicEmit(); } // schedule the next watermark timerService.registerTimer(timerService.getCurrentProcessingTime() + interval, this); } } private static class BreakingException extends Exception { static final BreakingException INSTANCE = new BreakingException(); private BreakingException() { } } public PulsarMetadataReader getMetaDataReader() { return this.metadataReader; } }

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