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lombok.launch.ShadowClassLoader Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright (C) 2014-2021 The Project Lombok Authors.
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
 * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
 * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
 * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
 * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
 * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
 * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package lombok.launch;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.jar.JarEntry;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;

 * The shadow classloader serves to completely hide almost all classes in a given jar file by using a different file ending.
 * The shadow classloader also serves to link in a project as it is being developed (a 'bin' dir from an IDE for example).

* Classes loaded by the shadowloader use ".SCL.sclSuffix" in addition to ".class". In other words, most of the class files in a given jar end in this suffix, which * serves to hide them from any tool that isn't aware of the suffix (such as IDEs generating auto-complete dialogs, and javac's classpath in general). Only shadowloader can actually * load these classes. *

* The shadowloader will pick up an alternate (priority) classpath, using normal class files, from the system property "shadow.override.sclSuffix". * This shadow classpath looks just like a normal java classpath; the path separator is applied (semi-colon on windows, colon elsewhere), and entries can consist of directories, * jar files, or directories ending in "/*" to pick up all jars inside it. *

* Load order is as follows if at least one override is present: *

  • First, if the resource is found in one of the paths stated in the shadow classpath, find that. *
  • Next, ask the parent loader, which is passed during construction of the ShadowClassLoader. *
  • Notably, this jar's contents are always skipped! (The idea of the shadow classpath is that this jar only functions as a launcher, not as a source of your actual application). * * * If no overrides are present, the load order is as follows: *
  • First, if the resource is found in our own jar (trying ".SCL.sclSuffix" first for any resource request ending in ".class"), return that. *
  • Next, check any jar files other than our own, loading them via this classloader, if they have a file META-INF/ShadowClassLoader that contains a line of text with sclSuffix. *
  • Next, ask the parent loader. * * * Use ShadowClassLoader to accomplish the following things:
    • Avoid contaminating the namespace of any project using an SCL-based jar. Autocompleters in IDEs will NOT suggest anything other than actual public API. *
    • Like jarjar, allows folding in dependencies such as ASM without foisting these dependencies on projects that use this jar. shadowloader obviates the need for jarjar. *
    • Allows an agent (which MUST be in jar form) to still load everything except this loader infrastructure from class files generated by the IDE, which should * considerably help debugging, as you can now rely on the IDE's built-in auto-recompile features instead of having to run a full build everytime, and it should help * with hot code replace and the like (this is what the {@code shadow.override} feature is for). *
    * * Implementation note: {@code lombok.eclipse.agent.EclipseLoaderPatcher} relies on this class having no dependencies on any other class except the JVM boot class, notably * including any other classes in this package, including inner classes. So, don't write closures, anonymous inner class literals, * enums, or anything else that could cause the compilation of this file to produce more than 1 class file. In general, actually passing load control to this loader is a bit tricky * so ensure that this class has zero dependencies on anything except java core classes. */ class ShadowClassLoader extends ClassLoader { private static final String SELF_NAME = "lombok/launch/ShadowClassLoader.class"; private static final ConcurrentMap> highlanderMap = new ConcurrentHashMap>(); private final String SELF_BASE; private final File SELF_BASE_FILE; private final int SELF_BASE_LENGTH; private final List override = new ArrayList(); private final String sclSuffix; private final List parentExclusion = new ArrayList(); private final List highlanders = new ArrayList(); private final Set prependedParentLoaders = Collections.newSetFromMap(new IdentityHashMap()); public void prependParent(ClassLoader loader) { if (loader == null) return; if (loader == getParent()) return; prependedParentLoaders.add(loader); } /** * @param source The 'parent' classloader. * @param sclSuffix The suffix of the shadowed class files in our own jar. For example, if this is {@code lombok}, then the class files in your jar should be {@code foo/Bar.SCL.lombok} and not {@code foo/Bar.class}. * @param selfBase The (preferably absolute) path to our own jar. This jar will be searched for class/SCL.sclSuffix files. * @param parentExclusion For example {@code "lombok."}; upon invocation of loadClass of this loader, the parent loader ({@code source}) will NOT be invoked if the class to be loaded begins with anything in the parent exclusion list. No exclusion is applied for getResource(s). * @param highlanders SCL will put in extra effort to ensure that these classes (in simple class spec, so {@code}) are only loaded once as a class, even if many different classloaders try to load classes, such as equinox/OSGi. */ ShadowClassLoader(ClassLoader source, String sclSuffix, String selfBase, List parentExclusion, List highlanders) { super(source); this.sclSuffix = sclSuffix; if (parentExclusion != null) for (String pe : parentExclusion) { pe = pe.replace(".", "/"); if (!pe.endsWith("/")) pe = pe + "/"; this.parentExclusion.add(pe); } if (highlanders != null) for (String hl : highlanders) this.highlanders.add(hl); if (selfBase != null) { SELF_BASE = selfBase; SELF_BASE_LENGTH = selfBase.length(); } else { URL sclClassUrl = ShadowClassLoader.class.getResource("ShadowClassLoader.class"); String sclClassStr = sclClassUrl == null ? null : sclClassUrl.toString(); if (sclClassStr == null || !sclClassStr.endsWith(SELF_NAME)) { ClassLoader cl = ShadowClassLoader.class.getClassLoader(); throw new RuntimeException("ShadowLoader can't find itself. SCL loader type: " + (cl == null ? "*NULL*" : cl.getClass().toString())); } SELF_BASE_LENGTH = sclClassStr.length() - SELF_NAME.length(); String decoded = urlDecode(sclClassStr.substring(0, SELF_BASE_LENGTH)); SELF_BASE = decoded; } if (SELF_BASE.startsWith("jar:file:") && SELF_BASE.endsWith("!/")) SELF_BASE_FILE = new File(SELF_BASE.substring(9, SELF_BASE.length() - 2)); else if (SELF_BASE.startsWith("file:")) SELF_BASE_FILE = new File(SELF_BASE.substring(5)); else SELF_BASE_FILE = new File(SELF_BASE); String scl = System.getProperty("shadow.override." + sclSuffix); if (scl != null && !scl.isEmpty()) { for (String part : scl.split("\\s*" + (File.pathSeparatorChar == ';' ? ";" : ":") + "\\s*")) { if (part.endsWith("/*") || part.endsWith(File.separator + "*")) { addOverrideJarDir(part.substring(0, part.length() - 2)); } else { addOverrideClasspathEntry(part); } } } } private final Map mapJarPathToTracker = new HashMap(); private static final Map mapTrackerToJarPath = new WeakHashMap(); private static final Map> mapTrackerToJarContents = new WeakHashMap>(); /** * This cache ensures that any given jar file is only opened once in order to determine the full contents of it. * We use 'trackers' to make sure that the bulk of the memory taken up by this cache (the list of strings representing the content of a jar file) * gets garbage collected if all ShadowClassLoaders that ever tried to request a listing of this jar file, are garbage collected. */ private Set getOrMakeJarListing(final String absolutePathToJar) { synchronized (mapTrackerToJarPath) { /* * 1) Check our private instance JarPath-to-Tracker Mappings: */ Object ourTracker = mapJarPathToTracker.get(absolutePathToJar); if (ourTracker != null) { /* * Yes, we are already tracking this Jar. Just return its contents... */ return mapTrackerToJarContents.get(ourTracker); } /* * 2) Not tracked by us as yet. Check statically whether others have tracked this JarPath: */ for (Entry entry : mapTrackerToJarPath.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().equals(absolutePathToJar)) { /* * Yes, 3rd party is tracking this jar. We must track too, then return its contents. */ Object otherTracker = entry.getKey(); mapJarPathToTracker.put(absolutePathToJar, otherTracker); return mapTrackerToJarContents.get(otherTracker); } } /* * 3) Not tracked by anyone so far. Build, publish, track & return Jar contents... */ Object newTracker = new Object(); Set jarMembers = getJarMemberSet(absolutePathToJar); mapTrackerToJarContents.put(newTracker, jarMembers); mapTrackerToJarPath.put(newTracker, absolutePathToJar); mapJarPathToTracker.put(absolutePathToJar, newTracker); return jarMembers; } } /** * Return a {@link Set} of members in the Jar identified by {@code absolutePathToJar}. * * @param absolutePathToJar Cache key * @return a Set with the Jar member-names */ private Set getJarMemberSet(String absolutePathToJar) { /* * Note: * Our implementation returns a HashSet. initialCapacity and loadFactor are carefully tweaked for speed and RAM optimization purposes. * * Benchmark: * The HashSet implementation is about 10% slower to build (only happens once) than the ArrayList. * The HashSet with shiftBits = 1 was about 33 times(!) faster than the ArrayList for retrievals. */ try { int shiftBits = 1; // (fast, but big) 0 <= shiftBits <= 5, say (slower & compact) JarFile jar = new JarFile(absolutePathToJar); /* * Find the first power of 2 >= JarSize (as calculated in HashSet constructor) */ int jarSizePower2 = Integer.highestOneBit(jar.size()); if (jarSizePower2 != jar.size()) jarSizePower2 <<= 1; if (jarSizePower2 == 0) jarSizePower2 = 1; Set jarMembers = new HashSet(jarSizePower2 >> shiftBits, 1 << shiftBits); try { Enumeration entries = jar.entries(); while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { JarEntry jarEntry = entries.nextElement(); if (jarEntry.isDirectory()) continue; jarMembers.add(jarEntry.getName()); } } catch (Exception ignore) { // ignored; if the jar can't be read, treating it as if the jar contains no classes is just what we want. } finally { jar.close(); } return jarMembers; } catch (Exception newJarFileException) { return Collections.emptySet(); } } /** * Looks up {@code altName} in {@code location}, and if that isn't found, looks up {@code name}; {@code altName} can be null in which case it is skipped. */ private URL getResourceFromLocation(String name, String altName, File location) { if (location.isDirectory()) { try { if (altName != null) { File f = new File(location, altName); if (f.isFile() && f.canRead()) return f.toURI().toURL(); } File f = new File(location, name); if (f.isFile() && f.canRead()) return f.toURI().toURL(); return null; } catch (MalformedURLException e) { return null; } } if (!location.isFile() || !location.canRead()) return null; File absoluteFile; { try { absoluteFile = location.getCanonicalFile(); } catch (Exception e) { absoluteFile = location.getAbsoluteFile(); } } Set jarContents = getOrMakeJarListing(absoluteFile.getAbsolutePath()); String absoluteUri = absoluteFile.toURI().toString(); try { if (jarContents.contains(altName)) { return new URI("jar:" + absoluteUri + "!/" + altName).toURL(); } } catch (Exception ignore) { // intentional fallthrough } try { if (jarContents.contains(name)) { return new URI("jar:" + absoluteUri + "!/" + name).toURL(); } } catch(Exception ignore) { // intentional fallthrough } return null; } private boolean partOfShadow(String item, String name) { return !name.startsWith("java/") && !name.startsWith("sun/") && (inOwnBase(item, name) || isPartOfShadowSuffix(item, name, sclSuffix)); } /** * Checks if the stated item is located inside the same classpath root as the jar that hosts ShadowClassLoader.class. {@code item} and {@code name} refer to the same thing. */ private boolean inOwnBase(String item, String name) { if (item == null) return false; return (item.length() == SELF_BASE_LENGTH + name.length()) && SELF_BASE.regionMatches(0, item, 0, SELF_BASE_LENGTH); } private static boolean sclFileContainsSuffix(InputStream in, String suffix) throws IOException { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in, "UTF-8")); for (String line = br.readLine(); line != null; line = br.readLine()) { line = line.trim(); if (line.isEmpty() || line.charAt(0) == '#') continue; if (line.equals(suffix)) return true; } return false; } private static String urlDecode(String in) { final String plusFixed = in.replaceAll("\\+", "%2B"); try { return URLDecoder.decode(plusFixed, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new InternalError("UTF-8 not supported"); } } private Map fileRootCache = new HashMap(); private boolean isPartOfShadowSuffixFileBased(String fileRoot, String suffix) { String key = fileRoot + "::" + suffix; Boolean existing = fileRootCache.get(key); if (existing != null) return existing.booleanValue(); File f = new File(fileRoot + "/META-INF/ShadowClassLoader"); try { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(f); try { boolean v = sclFileContainsSuffix(fis, suffix); fileRootCache.put(key, v); return v; } finally { fis.close(); } } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfEx) { fileRootCache.put(key, false); return false; } catch (IOException e) { fileRootCache.put(key, false); return false; // *unexpected* } } private Map jarLocCache = new HashMap(); private boolean isPartOfShadowSuffixJarBased(String jarLoc, String suffix) { String key = jarLoc + "::" + suffix; Boolean existing = jarLocCache.get(key); if (existing != null) return existing.booleanValue(); if (jarLoc.startsWith("file:/")) jarLoc = urlDecode(jarLoc.substring(5)); try { FileInputStream jar = new FileInputStream(jarLoc); try { ZipInputStream zip = new ZipInputStream(jar); try { while (true) { ZipEntry entry = zip.getNextEntry(); if (entry == null) { jarLocCache.put(key, false); return false; } if (!"META-INF/ShadowClassLoader".equals(entry.getName())) continue; boolean v = sclFileContainsSuffix(zip, suffix); jarLocCache.put(key, v); return v; } } finally { zip.close(); } } finally { jar.close(); } } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfEx) { jarLocCache.put(key, false); return false; } catch (IOException ex) { jarLocCache.put(key, false); return false; // *unexpected* } } private boolean isPartOfShadowSuffix(String url, String name, String suffix) { // Instead of throwing an exception or logging, weird, unexpected cases just return false. // This is better than throwing an exception, because exceptions would make your build tools unusable. // Such cases are marked with the comment: // *unexpected* if (url == null) return false; if (url.startsWith("file:/")) { url = urlDecode(url.substring(5)); if (url.length() <= name.length() || !url.endsWith(name) || url.charAt(url.length() - name.length() - 1) != '/') { return false; // *unexpected* } String fileRoot = url.substring(0, url.length() - name.length() - 1); return isPartOfShadowSuffixFileBased(fileRoot, suffix); } else if (url.startsWith("jar:")) { int sep = url.indexOf('!'); if (sep == -1) { return false; // *unexpected* } String jarLoc = url.substring(4, sep); return isPartOfShadowSuffixJarBased(jarLoc, suffix); } return false; } @Override public Enumeration getResources(String name) throws IOException { String altName = null; if (name.endsWith(".class")) altName = name.substring(0, name.length() - 6) + ".SCL." + sclSuffix; // Vector? Yes, we need one: // * We can NOT make inner classes here (this class is loaded with special voodoo magic in eclipse, as a one off, it's not a full loader. // * We need to return an enumeration. // * We can't make one on the fly. // * ArrayList can't make these. Vector vector = new Vector(); for (File ce : override) { URL url = getResourceFromLocation(name, altName, ce); if (url != null) vector.add(url); } if (override.isEmpty()) { URL fromSelf = getResourceFromLocation(name, altName, SELF_BASE_FILE); if (fromSelf != null) vector.add(fromSelf); } Enumeration sec = super.getResources(name); while (sec.hasMoreElements()) { URL item = sec.nextElement(); if (isPartOfShadowSuffix(item.toString(), name, sclSuffix)) vector.add(item); } if (altName != null) { Enumeration tern = super.getResources(altName); while (tern.hasMoreElements()) { URL item = tern.nextElement(); if (isPartOfShadowSuffix(item.toString(), altName, sclSuffix)) vector.add(item); } } return vector.elements(); } @Override public URL getResource(String name) { return getResource_(name, false); } private URL getResource_(String name, boolean noSuper) { String altName = null; if (name.endsWith(".class")) altName = name.substring(0, name.length() - 6) + ".SCL." + sclSuffix; for (File ce : override) { URL url = getResourceFromLocation(name, altName, ce); if (url != null) return url; } if (!override.isEmpty()) { if (noSuper) return null; if (altName != null) { try { URL res = getResourceSkippingSelf(altName); if (res != null) return res; } catch (IOException ignore) {} } try { return getResourceSkippingSelf(name); } catch (IOException e) { return null; } } URL url = getResourceFromLocation(name, altName, SELF_BASE_FILE); if (url != null) return url; if (altName != null) { URL res = super.getResource(altName); if (res != null && (!noSuper || partOfShadow(res.toString(), altName))) return res; } URL res = super.getResource(name); if (res != null && (!noSuper || partOfShadow(res.toString(), name))) return res; return null; } private boolean exclusionListMatch(String name) { for (String pe : parentExclusion) { if (name.startsWith(pe)) return true; } return false; } private URL getResourceSkippingSelf(String name) throws IOException { URL candidate = super.getResource(name); if (candidate == null) return null; if (!partOfShadow(candidate.toString(), name)) return candidate; Enumeration en = super.getResources(name); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { candidate = en.nextElement(); if (!partOfShadow(candidate.toString(), name)) return candidate; } return null; } @Override public Class loadClass(String name, boolean resolve) throws ClassNotFoundException { { Class alreadyLoaded = findLoadedClass(name); if (alreadyLoaded != null) return alreadyLoaded; } if (highlanders.contains(name)) { Class c = highlanderMap.get(name); if (c != null) return c; } String fileNameOfClass = name.replace(".", "/") + ".class"; URL res = getResource_(fileNameOfClass, true); if (res == null) { if (!exclusionListMatch(fileNameOfClass)) { try { // First search in the prepended classloaders, the class might be their already for (ClassLoader pre : prependedParentLoaders) { try { Class loadClass = pre.loadClass(name); if (loadClass != null) return loadClass; } catch (Throwable e) { continue; } } return super.loadClass(name, resolve); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { res = getResource_("secondaryLoading.SCL." + sclSuffix + "/" + name.replace(".", "/") + ".SCL." + sclSuffix, true); if (res == null) throw cnfe; } } } if (res == null) throw new ClassNotFoundException(name); return urlToDefineClass(name, res, resolve); } private Class urlToDefineClass(String name, URL res, boolean resolve) throws ClassNotFoundException { byte[] b; int p = 0; try { InputStream in = res.openStream(); try { b = new byte[65536]; while (true) { int r =, p, b.length - p); if (r == -1) break; p += r; if (p == b.length) { byte[] nb = new byte[b.length * 2]; System.arraycopy(b, 0, nb, 0, p); b = nb; } } } finally { in.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new ClassNotFoundException("I/O exception reading class " + name, e); } Class c; try { c = defineClass(name, b, 0, p); } catch (LinkageError e) { if (highlanders.contains(name)) { Class alreadyDefined = highlanderMap.get(name); if (alreadyDefined != null) return alreadyDefined; } try { c = this.findLoadedClass(name); } catch (LinkageError e2) { throw e; } if (c == null) throw e; } if (highlanders.contains(name)) { Class alreadyDefined = highlanderMap.putIfAbsent(name, c); if (alreadyDefined != null) c = alreadyDefined; } if (resolve) resolveClass(c); return c; } public void addOverrideJarDir(String dir) { File f = new File(dir); for (File j : f.listFiles()) { if (j.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".jar") && j.canRead() && j.isFile()) override.add(j); } } public void addOverrideClasspathEntry(String entry) { override.add(new File(entry)); } }

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