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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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cmd.addlocktoken                   = Add the given Lock token to the current Session
cmd.addlocktoken.token             = lock token
cmd.addlocktoken.token.desc        = the lock token
cmd.addmixin                       = Add a mixin to the given Node
cmd.addmixin.mixin                 = mixin name
cmd.addmixin.mixin.desc            = a mixin node type name
cmd.addmixin.path                  = path
cmd.addmixin.path.desc             = path to the given node
cmd.addnode                        = Add a node to the current working Node
cmd.addversionlabel                = Add a label to the given Version
cmd.addversionlabel.label          = label
cmd.addversionlabel.label.desc     = label to add
cmd.addversionlabel.moveLabel      = 
cmd.addversionlabel.moveLabel.desc = move label
cmd.addversionlabel.version        = version
cmd.addversionlabel.version.desc   = the version name on which the label will be applied                            = Display the content of a Property or a Node of type nt:file or nt:resource.
cmd.checkin                        = Check in the given versionable node
cmd.checkout                       = Checkout the given versionable Node
cmd.clearworkspace                 = Remove all the content from the current working Workspace
cmd.clone                          = Clone the given Node to another Workspace
cmd.clone.destAbsPath              = absolute path
cmd.clone.destAbsPath.desc         = absolute path to the destination node
cmd.clone.removeExisting           = boolean
cmd.clone.removeExisting.desc      = remove node if present at the destination path
cmd.clone.srcAbsPath               = absolute path
cmd.clone.srcAbsPath.desc          = source node
cmd.connect                        = Connect to a remote repository through jcr-rmi
cmd.connect.url                    = url
cmd.connect.url.desc               = String with the url where a jcr-rmi server instance is running
cmd.copy                           = Copy a Node.\r\nIf the source Workspace is unset it will create a copy of the given Node from the current working Workspace.
cmd.copy.destAbsPath               = path
cmd.copy.destAbsPath.desc          = absolute path to the destination
cmd.copy.fromWorkspace             = name
cmd.copy.fromWorkspace.desc        = workspace name
cmd.copy.srcAbsPath                = path
cmd.copy.srcAbsPath.desc           = absolute path to the source node
cmd.createworkspace                = Create a Workspace           = name      = workspace name
cmd.currentnode                    = Set the current working Node
cmd.dump                           = Dump stored data from the current working Node
cmd.exportdocview                  = Serialize the Node to the given file using the Document View Format
cmd.exportfilesystem               = Export a Node of type nt:file or nt:folder to the given file system path
cmd.exportproperty                 = Export a Property Value of the current working Node to the file system.
cmd.exportsysview                  = Serialize the Node to the given file using the System View Format                           = Show available Commands. If a Command is specified it will show its description, usage and parameters.                   = name              = name of the command to describe						   = Show status information, including repository, username, workspace and session status
cmd.importfilesystem               = Import data from the file system. If the given path refers to a file it's imported to a Node of type nt:file under the current working Node. If the given path refers to a folder, the given folder and all the subtree is imported.
cmd.importxml                      = Imports the xml view from the given file to the current working Node
cmd.jndi                           = Connect to a repository through jndi
cmd.lock                           = Lock the given Node
cmd.lock.deep.desc                 = A deep lock applies to its holding node and all its descendants.
cmd.lock.session.desc              = session scoped locks expire with the session
cmd.login                          = Login to the current working Repository
cmd.login.password.desc            = password  [default = anonymous]
cmd.login.user.desc                = registered user name [default=anonymous]
cmd.login.workspace.desc           = workspace
cmd.logout                         = Logout from the current working Repository
cmd.lscollect                      = List collected items under the current node
cmd.lscollectnodes                 = List collected nodes under the current working node
cmd.lscollectproperties            = List collected properties under the current working node
cmd.lsitems                        = Lists nodes and properties under the current working node
cmd.lsnodes                        = List nodes under the current working node
cmd.lsnodes.hasLock                = Show whether the current working node has a lock
cmd.lsnodes.l                      = Show whether the current working node is lockable
cmd.lsnodes.locked                 = Show whether the current working node is locked
cmd.lsnodes.locktoken              = token
cmd.lsnodes.locktoken.desc         = lock token
cmd.lsnodes.m                      = Show the full list o mixin that apply to the current working node
cmd.lsnodes.mod                    = Show whether the current working node is modified                    = Show whether the current working node is new
cmd.lsnodes.nsize                  = Show the number of nodes under the current working node
cmd.lsnodes.path                   = Show the full path to the node
cmd.lsnodes.psize                  = Show the number of properties under the current working node
cmd.lsnodes.r                      = Show whether the current working node is referenceable
cmd.lsnodes.rsize                  = Show the number of references that point to the current working node
cmd.lsnodes.uuid                   = uuid
cmd.lsnodes.v                      = Show whether the current working node is versionable
cmd.lsproperties                   = List properties under the current working node
cmd.lsreferences                   = List references to the given node
cmd.lsversions                     = list versions of the given node
cmd.merge                          = merge versions
cmd.merge.bestEffort.desc          = merge best effort
cmd.move                           = Move a Node
cmd.move.from                      = source, absolute or relative path                        = destination, only absolute path
cmd.orderbefore                    = Set the order of the given Node
cmd.refresh                        = Refresh the Item if specified or the Session to reflect the current saved state
cmd.refresh.keepChanges            = keep or discard the changes flag
cmd.refreshlock                    = Reset the Lock timer
cmd.registernamespace              = Register a namespace
cmd.registernodetype               = Register node types from a cnd file
cmd.removeitem                     = Remove the item at the given path
cmd.removeitems                    = Remove any Item under the given Node that match the given name pattern
cmd.removelocktoken                = Remove the given Lock token to the current Session
cmd.removemixin                    = Remove a mixin from the given Node
cmd.removeversion                  = Remove a Version from the VersionHistory
cmd.removeversionbylabel           = Remove the Version from the VersionHistory that match the given label
cmd.removeversionlabel             = Remove a label from the VersionHistory
cmd.rename                         = Rename a Node
cmd.rename.from                    = source node                      = destination node
cmd.restore                        = Restore a Node to the state of the given Version
cmd.restorebylabel                 = Restore a Node to the state of the Version with the specified label                           = Save the current working Node if specified, or the current working Session
cmd.setmultivalueproperty          = Set a multivalue Property to the current working Node. The default regular expression is ",".
cmd.setmultivalueproperty.regExp   = Regular expression used to split the value into tokens.
cmd.setnamespaceprefix             = Sets a namespace prefix
cmd.setproperty                    = Set a Property Value to the current working Node               = property name
cmd.setproperty.type               = property type. Default is String.
cmd.setproperty.value              = property value
cmd.setpropertyfromfile            = Set a Property Value with the content of the given file.
cmd.setpropertyfromfile.path       = path to the file
cmd.source                         = Executes a script from the given file
cmd.sqlquery                       = SQL query
cmd.sqlquery.statement             = SQL statement                = target variables to store the nodes included in te query result
cmd.startjackrabbit                = Start a Jackrabbit instance and set it as the current working Repository
cmd.startjackrabbit.config         = Repository config file, usually called repository.xml
cmd.startjackrabbit.home           = Repository location
cmd.stopjackrabbit                 = Stop Jackrabbit
cmd.unlock                         = Unlock the current working Node
cmd.xpathquery                     = XPath query
cmd.xpathquery.statement           = statement

common.encoding              = Encoding
common.encoding.desc         = see
common.exportview.from       = Source node
common.exportview.noRecurse  = if it's true it doesn't include the child nodes
common.exportview.skipBinary = if it's true the binary properties will be serialized as if they are empty         = Target file where the xml view will be stored
common.fspath                = path
common.fspath.desc           = file system path
common.index                 = index of the value to show
common.index.desc            = The indexing
common.jcrabspath            = jcr absolute path
common.jcrabspath.desc       = a path string representing the absolute path in the current workspace.
common.jcrname               = jcr name
common.jcrname.desc          = a valid jcr item name
common.jcrpath               = jcr path
common.jcrpath.desc          = a path string representing either a relative or absolute path in the current workspace.
common.jcrrelpath            = jcr relative path
common.jcrrelpath.desc       = a path string representing the relative path in the current workspace.
common.namepattern           = pattern
common.namepattern.desc      = name pattern
common.nodetype              = node type
common.nodetype.desc         = valid node type name
common.source                = source
common.uuidBehaviour         = int
common.uuidBehaviour.desc    = The flag uuidBehavior.

exception = exception              = Alias "{0}" already in use.                 = You are already logged in. Please logout.              = Unsupported type to display contents "{0}".
exception.file.exists                       = File already exists. {0}.
exception.file.not.created                  = The file was not created. {0}.
exception.file.not.found                    = File not found. {0}.
exception.folder.not.created                = The folder was not created. {0}.                    = The file system path is unset.
exception.illegalargument                   = illegal argument = Illegal argument. There is no iterator under {0}.
exception.illegalargument.not.a.command     = Illegal argument. "{0}" is not a command.
exception.illegalargument.null              = Null arguments are illegal.
exception.jackrabbit.command                = jackrabbit specific command
exception.missing.paramater                 = missing parameter "{0}"
exception.more.arguments.than.expected      = more arguments than expected               = No Command for name "{0}".                   = The current working node isn't set. Please start a jcr implementation before trying to get the current working node.             = the current working repository is unset                = the current working session is unset                  = no flag for name "{0}"                        = there is not a Node at "{0}".                   = no option for name "{0}"
exception.not.file.or.folder                = The given node is not nt:file nor nt:folder. {0}.
exception.occurred                          = an exception occurred
exception.only.absolute.path                = only absolute paths are allowed
exception.parse.input.empty                 = input is empty         = The repository can't be found in the application context. You need to start a jcr implementation before trying to login.
exception.unabletoinit                      = Unable to init

importxml.uuidBehaviour = uuid creation behaviour

phrase.commandlist        = command list
phrase.commandreference   = command reference
phrase.display.stacktrace = display stack trace
phrase.elapsedtime        = elapsed time
phrase.haslock            = has lock
phrase.jackrabbit.command = jackrabbit specific command
phrase.keepchanges        = keep changes
phrase.locktoken          = lock token
phrase.maxitems           = max number of items to show
phrase.not.available      = not available
phrase.not.connected      = not connected      = not logged in
phrase.regexp             = regular expression
phrase.removeExisting     = remove existing

word.alias         = alias
word.argument      = argument
word.arguments     = arguments
word.boolean       = boolean
word.classname     = class name
word.commandname   = command name
word.commands      = commands
word.default       = default
word.depth         = depth
word.description   = description
word.destination   = destination
word.elapsedtime   = elapsed time
word.flag          = flag
word.flags         = flags
word.folder        = folder
word.from          = from            = in           = int
word.label         = label
word.labels        = labels
word.length        = length
word.listed        = listed
word.lockable      = lockable
word.locked        = locked
word.locktoken     = lock token
word.message       = message
word.mixin         = mixin
word.modified      = modified
word.multiple      = multiple          = name           = new
word.node          = node
word.nodes         = nodes
word.nodetype      = node type
word.options       = options
word.overview      = overview
word.overwrite     = overwrite
word.password      = password
word.path          = path
word.pattern       = pattern
word.prefix        = prefix
word.preview       = preview    = properties      = property
word.referenceable = referenceable
word.references    = references
word.required      = required
word.running       = running
word.savenode      = Save the current working node
word.source        = source
word.stmt          = statement         = total
word.type          = type
word.uri           = uri
word.usage         = usage
word.user          = user
word.value         = value
word.version       = version
word.versionable   = versionable
word.versions      = versions
word.welcome       = welcome

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