org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.WebdavRequestImpl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav;
import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.security.Principal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher;
import javax.servlet.ServletInputStream;
import javax.servlet.http.Cookie;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.bind.BindInfo;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.bind.RebindInfo;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.bind.UnbindInfo;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.CodedUrlHeader;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.DepthHeader;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.IfHeader;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.LabelHeader;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.OverwriteHeader;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.PollTimeoutHeader;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.header.TimeoutHeader;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.LockInfo;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.Scope;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.Type;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.ObservationConstants;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.SubscriptionInfo;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderPatch;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderingConstants;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.Position;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavProperty;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertyName;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertyNameSet;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DavPropertySet;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.DefaultDavProperty;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.property.PropEntry;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TransactionConstants;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TransactionInfo;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.LabelInfo;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.MergeInfo;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.OptionsInfo;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.UpdateInfo;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.report.ReportInfo;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.DomUtil;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.ElementIterator;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
* WebdavRequestImpl
public class WebdavRequestImpl implements WebdavRequest, DavConstants {
private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WebdavRequestImpl.class);
private final HttpServletRequest httpRequest;
private final DavLocatorFactory factory;
private final IfHeader ifHeader;
private final String hrefPrefix;
private DavSession session;
private int propfindType = PROPFIND_ALL_PROP;
private DavPropertyNameSet propfindProps;
private DavPropertySet proppatchSet;
private List proppatchList;
* Creates a new DavServletRequest
with the given parameters.
public WebdavRequestImpl(HttpServletRequest httpRequest, DavLocatorFactory factory) {
this(httpRequest, factory, true);
* Creates a new DavServletRequest
with the given parameters.
* @param httpRequest
* @param factory
* @param createAbsoluteURI defines if we must create a absolute URI. if false a absolute path will be created
public WebdavRequestImpl(HttpServletRequest httpRequest, DavLocatorFactory factory, boolean createAbsoluteURI) {
this.httpRequest = httpRequest;
this.factory = factory;
this.ifHeader = new IfHeader(httpRequest);
String host = getHeader("Host");
String scheme = getScheme();
String uriPrefix = scheme + "://" + host + getContextPath();
this.hrefPrefix = createAbsoluteURI ? uriPrefix : getContextPath();
* Sets the session field and adds all lock tokens present with either the
* Lock-Token header or the If header to the given session object.
* @param session
* @see DavServletRequest#setDavSession(DavSession)
public void setDavSession(DavSession session) {
this.session = session;
// set lock-tokens from header to the current session
if (session != null) {
String lt = getLockToken();
if (lt != null) {
// add all token present in the the If header to the session as well.
Iterator it = ifHeader.getAllTokens();
while (it.hasNext()) {
String ifHeaderToken = it.next();
* @see DavServletRequest#getDavSession()
public DavSession getDavSession() {
return session;
* Return a DavResourceLocator
representing the request handle.
* @return locator of the requested resource
* @see DavServletRequest#getRequestLocator()
public DavResourceLocator getRequestLocator() {
String path = getRequestURI();
String ctx = getContextPath();
if (path.startsWith(ctx)) {
path = path.substring(ctx.length());
return factory.createResourceLocator(hrefPrefix, path);
* Parse the destination header field and return the path of the destination
* resource.
* @return path of the destination resource.
* @throws DavException
* @see DavServletRequest#getDestinationLocator
public DavResourceLocator getDestinationLocator() throws DavException {
return getHrefLocator(httpRequest.getHeader(HEADER_DESTINATION));
* Parse a href and return the path of the resource.
* @return path of the resource identified by the href.
* @see org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.bind.BindServletRequest#getHrefLocator
public DavResourceLocator getHrefLocator(String href) throws DavException {
String ref = href;
if (ref != null) {
//href should be a Simple-ref production as defined in RFC4918, so it is either an absolute URI
//or an absolute path
try {
URI uri = new URI(ref).normalize(); // normalize path (see JCR-3174)
String auth = uri.getAuthority();
ref = uri.getRawPath();
if (auth == null) {
//verify that href is an absolute path
if (ref.startsWith("//") || !ref.startsWith("/")) {
log.warn("expected absolute path but found " + ref);
throw new DavException(DavServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST);
} else if (!auth.equals(httpRequest.getHeader("Host"))) {
//this looks like an unsupported cross-server operation, but of course a reverse-proxy
//might have rewritten the Host header. Since we can't find out, we have to reject anyway.
//Better use absolute paths in DAV:href elements!
throw new DavException(DavServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
log.warn("malformed uri: " + href, e);
throw new DavException(DavServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST);
// cut off the context path
String contextPath = httpRequest.getContextPath();
if (ref.startsWith(contextPath)) {
ref = ref.substring(contextPath.length());
} else {
//absolute path has to start with context path
throw new DavException(DavServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN);
return factory.createResourceLocator(hrefPrefix, ref);
* Returns the path of the member resource of the request resource which is identified by the segment parameter.
* @return path of internal member resource.
public DavResourceLocator getMemberLocator(String segment) {
String path = (this.getRequestLocator().getHref(true) + segment).substring(hrefPrefix.length());
return factory.createResourceLocator(hrefPrefix, path);
* Return true if the overwrite header does not inhibit overwriting.
* @return true if the overwrite header requests 'overwriting'
* @see DavServletRequest#isOverwrite()
public boolean isOverwrite() {
return new OverwriteHeader(httpRequest).isOverwrite();
* @see DavServletRequest#getDepth(int)
public int getDepth(int defaultValue) {
return DepthHeader.parse(httpRequest, defaultValue).getDepth();
* @see DavServletRequest#getDepth()
public int getDepth() {
return getDepth(DEPTH_INFINITY);
* Parse the Timeout header and return a long representing the value.
* {@link #UNDEFINED_TIMEOUT} is used as default value if no header
* is available or if the parsing fails.
* @return milliseconds indicating length of the timeout.
* @see DavServletRequest#getTimeout()
* @see TimeoutHeader#parse(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, long)
public long getTimeout() {
return TimeoutHeader.parse(httpRequest, UNDEFINED_TIMEOUT).getTimeout();
* Retrieve the lock token from the 'Lock-Token' header.
* @return String representing the lock token sent in the Lock-Token header.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the value has not the correct format.
* @see DavServletRequest#getLockToken()
public String getLockToken() {
return CodedUrlHeader.parse(httpRequest, HEADER_LOCK_TOKEN).getCodedUrl();
* @see DavServletRequest#getRequestDocument()
public Document getRequestDocument() throws DavException {
Document requestDocument = null;
Don't attempt to parse the body if the content length header is 0.
NOTE: a value of -1 indicates that the length is unknown, thus we have
to parse the body. Note that http1.1 request using chunked transfer
coding will therefore not be detected here.
if (httpRequest.getContentLength() == 0) {
return requestDocument;
// try to parse the request body
try {
InputStream in = httpRequest.getInputStream();
if (in != null) {
// use a buffered input stream to find out whether there actually
// is a request body
InputStream bin = new BufferedInputStream(in);
boolean isEmpty = -1 == bin.read();
if (!isEmpty) {
requestDocument = DomUtil.parseDocument(bin);
} catch (IOException e) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Unable to build an XML Document from the request body: " + e.getMessage());
throw new DavException(DavServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST);
} catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Unable to build an XML Document from the request body: " + e.getMessage());
throw new DavException(DavServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
} catch (SAXException e) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Unable to build an XML Document from the request body: " + e.getMessage());
throw new DavException(DavServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST);
return requestDocument;
* Returns the type of PROPFIND as indicated by the request body.
* @return type of the PROPFIND request. Default value is {@link #PROPFIND_ALL_PROP allprops}
* @see DavServletRequest#getPropFindType()
public int getPropFindType() throws DavException {
if (propfindProps == null) {
return propfindType;
* Returns the set of properties requested by the PROPFIND body or an
* empty set if the {@link #getPropFindType type} is either 'allprop' or
* 'propname'.
* @return set of properties requested by the PROPFIND body or an empty set.
* @see DavServletRequest#getPropFindProperties()
public DavPropertyNameSet getPropFindProperties() throws DavException {
if (propfindProps == null) {
return propfindProps;
* Parse the propfind request body in order to determine the type of the propfind
* and the set of requested property.
* NOTE: An empty 'propfind' request body will be treated as request for all
* property according to the specification.
private void parsePropFindRequest() throws DavException {
propfindProps = new DavPropertyNameSet();
Document requestDocument = getRequestDocument();
// propfind httpRequest with empty body >> retrieve all property
if (requestDocument == null) {
// propfind httpRequest with invalid body
Element root = requestDocument.getDocumentElement();
if (!XML_PROPFIND.equals(root.getLocalName())) {
log.info("PropFind-Request has no tag.");
throw new DavException(DavServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "PropFind-Request has no tag.");
DavPropertyNameSet include = null;
ElementIterator it = DomUtil.getChildren(root);
int propfindTypeFound = 0;
while (it.hasNext()) {
Element child = it.nextElement();
String nodeName = child.getLocalName();
if (NAMESPACE.getURI().equals(child.getNamespaceURI())) {
if (XML_PROP.equals(nodeName)) {
propfindProps = new DavPropertyNameSet(child);
propfindTypeFound += 1;
else if (XML_PROPNAME.equals(nodeName)) {
propfindTypeFound += 1;
else if (XML_ALLPROP.equals(nodeName)) {
propfindType = PROPFIND_ALL_PROP;
propfindTypeFound += 1;
else if (XML_INCLUDE.equals(nodeName)) {
include = new DavPropertyNameSet();
ElementIterator pit = DomUtil.getChildren(child);
while (pit.hasNext()) {
if (propfindTypeFound > 1) {
log.info("Multiple top-level propfind instructions");
throw new DavException(DavServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Multiple top-level propfind instructions");
if (include != null) {
if (propfindType == PROPFIND_ALL_PROP) {
// special case: allprop with include extension
propfindProps = include;
else {
throw new DavException(DavServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, " goes only with ");
* Return a {@link List} of property change operations. Each entry
* is either of type {@link DavPropertyName}, indicating a <remove>
* operation, or of type {@link DavProperty}, indicating a <set>
* operation. Note that ordering is significant here.
* @return the list of change operations entries in the PROPPATCH request body
* @see DavServletRequest#getPropPatchChangeList()
public List extends PropEntry> getPropPatchChangeList() throws DavException {
if (proppatchList == null) {
return proppatchList;
* Parse the PROPPATCH request body.
private void parsePropPatchRequest() throws DavException {
proppatchSet = new DavPropertySet();
proppatchList = new ArrayList();
Document requestDocument = getRequestDocument();
if (requestDocument == null) {
throw new DavException(DavServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid request body.");
Element root = requestDocument.getDocumentElement();
if (!DomUtil.matches(root, XML_PROPERTYUPDATE, NAMESPACE)) {
log.warn("PropPatch-Request has no tag.");
throw new DavException(DavServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "PropPatch-Request has no tag.");
ElementIterator it = DomUtil.getChildren(root);
while (it.hasNext()) {
Element el = it.nextElement();
if (DomUtil.matches(el, XML_SET, NAMESPACE)) {
Element propEl = DomUtil.getChildElement(el, XML_PROP, NAMESPACE);
if (propEl != null) {
ElementIterator properties = DomUtil.getChildren(propEl);
while (properties.hasNext()) {
DavProperty> davProp = DefaultDavProperty.createFromXml(properties.nextElement());
} else if (DomUtil.matches(el, XML_REMOVE, NAMESPACE)) {
Element propEl = DomUtil.getChildElement(el, XML_PROP, NAMESPACE);
if (propEl != null) {
ElementIterator properties = DomUtil.getChildren(propEl);
while (properties.hasNext()) {
DavProperty> davProp = DefaultDavProperty.createFromXml(properties.nextElement());
} else {
log.debug("Unknown element in DAV:propertyupdate: " + el.getNodeName());
// unknown child elements are ignored
* {@link LockInfo} object encapsulating the information passed with a LOCK
* request if the LOCK request body was valid. If the request body is
* missing a 'refresh lock' request is assumed. The {@link LockInfo}
* then only provides timeout and isDeep property and returns true on
* {@link org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.LockInfo#isRefreshLock()}
* @return lock info object or null
if an error occurred while
* parsing the request body.
* @throws DavException throws a 400 (Bad Request) DavException if a request
* body is present but does not start with a DAV:lockinfo element. Note however,
* that a non-existing request body is a valid request used to refresh
* an existing lock.
* @see DavServletRequest#getLockInfo()
public LockInfo getLockInfo() throws DavException {
LockInfo lockInfo;
boolean isDeep = (getDepth(DEPTH_INFINITY) == DEPTH_INFINITY);
Document requestDocument = getRequestDocument();
// check if XML request body is present. It SHOULD have one for
// 'create Lock' request and missing for a 'refresh Lock' request
if (requestDocument != null) {
Element root = requestDocument.getDocumentElement();
if (root.getLocalName().equals(XML_LOCKINFO)) {
lockInfo = new LockInfo(root, getTimeout(), isDeep);
} else {
log.debug("Lock request body must start with a DAV:lockinfo element.");
throw new DavException(DavServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST);
} else {
lockInfo = new LockInfo(null, getTimeout(), isDeep);
return lockInfo;
* Test if the if header matches the given resource. The comparison is
* made with the {@link DavResource#getHref()
* resource href} and the token returned from an exclusive write lock present on
* the resource.
* NOTE: If either the If header or the resource is null
or if
* the resource has not applied an exclusive write lock the preconditions are met.
* If in contrast the lock applied to the given resource returns a
* null
lock token (e.g. for security reasons) or a lock token
* that does not match, the method will return false.
* @param resource Webdav resources being operated on
* @return true if the test is successful and the preconditions for the
* request processing are fulfilled.
* @see DavServletRequest#matchesIfHeader(DavResource)
* @see IfHeader#matches(String, String, String)
* @see DavResource#hasLock(org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.Type, org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.Scope)
* @see org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock.ActiveLock#getToken()
public boolean matchesIfHeader(DavResource resource) {
// no ifheader, no resource or no write lock on resource
// >> preconditions ok so far
if (!ifHeader.hasValue() || resource == null || !resource.hasLock(Type.WRITE, Scope.EXCLUSIVE)) {
return true;
boolean isMatching = false;
String lockToken = resource.getLock(Type.WRITE, Scope.EXCLUSIVE).getToken();
if (lockToken != null) {
isMatching = matchesIfHeader(resource.getHref(), lockToken, getStrongETag(resource));
} // else: lockToken is null >> the if-header will not match.
return isMatching;
* @see DavServletRequest#matchesIfHeader(String, String, String)
* @see IfHeader#matches(String, String, String)
public boolean matchesIfHeader(String href, String token, String eTag) {
return ifHeader.matches(href, token, isStrongETag(eTag) ? eTag : "");
* Returns the strong etag present on the given resource or empty string
* if either the resource does not provide any etag or if the etag is weak.
* @param resource
* @return strong etag or empty string.
private String getStrongETag(DavResource resource) {
DavProperty> prop = resource.getProperty(DavPropertyName.GETETAG);
if (prop != null && prop.getValue() != null) {
String etag = prop.getValue().toString();
if (isStrongETag(etag)) {
return etag;
// no strong etag available
return "";
* Returns true if the given string represents a strong etag.
* @param eTag
* @return true, if its a strong etag
private static boolean isStrongETag(String eTag) {
return eTag != null && eTag.length() > 0 && !eTag.startsWith("W\\");
//-----------------------------< TransactionDavServletRequest Interface >---
* @see org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TransactionDavServletRequest#getTransactionId()
public String getTransactionId() {
return CodedUrlHeader.parse(httpRequest, TransactionConstants.HEADER_TRANSACTIONID).getCodedUrl();
* @see org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction.TransactionDavServletRequest#getTransactionInfo()
public TransactionInfo getTransactionInfo() throws DavException {
Document requestDocument = getRequestDocument();
if (requestDocument != null) {
return new TransactionInfo(requestDocument.getDocumentElement());
return null;
//-----------------------------< ObservationDavServletRequest Interface >---
* @see org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.ObservationDavServletRequest#getSubscriptionId()
public String getSubscriptionId() {
return CodedUrlHeader.parse(httpRequest, ObservationConstants.HEADER_SUBSCRIPTIONID).getCodedUrl();
* @see org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.ObservationDavServletRequest#getPollTimeout()
public long getPollTimeout() {
return PollTimeoutHeader.parseHeader(httpRequest, 0).getTimeout();
* @see org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation.ObservationDavServletRequest#getSubscriptionInfo()
public SubscriptionInfo getSubscriptionInfo() throws DavException {
Document requestDocument = getRequestDocument();
if (requestDocument != null) {
Element root = requestDocument.getDocumentElement();
if (ObservationConstants.XML_SUBSCRIPTIONINFO.equals(root.getLocalName())) {
int depth = getDepth(DEPTH_0);
return new SubscriptionInfo(root, getTimeout(), depth == DEPTH_INFINITY);
return null;
//--------------------------------< OrderingDavServletRequest Interface >---
* @see org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderingDavServletRequest#getOrderingType()
public String getOrderingType() {
return getHeader(OrderingConstants.HEADER_ORDERING_TYPE);
* @see org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderingDavServletRequest#getPosition()
public Position getPosition() {
String h = getHeader(OrderingConstants.HEADER_POSITION);
Position pos = null;
if (h != null) {
String[] typeNSegment = h.split("\\s");
if (typeNSegment.length == 2) {
try {
pos = new Position(typeNSegment[0], typeNSegment[1]);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
log.error("Cannot parse Position header: " + e.getMessage());
return pos;
* @return OrderPatch
object representing the orderpatch request
* body or null
if the
* @see org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering.OrderingDavServletRequest#getOrderPatch()
public OrderPatch getOrderPatch() throws DavException {
OrderPatch op = null;
Document requestDocument = getRequestDocument();
if (requestDocument != null) {
Element root = requestDocument.getDocumentElement();
op = OrderPatch.createFromXml(root);
} else {
log.error("Error while building xml document from ORDERPATH request body.");
return op;
//-------------------------------------< DeltaVServletRequest interface >---
* @see org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVServletRequest#getLabel()
public String getLabel() {
LabelHeader label = LabelHeader.parse(this);
if (label != null) {
return label.getLabel();
return null;
* @see org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVServletRequest#getLabelInfo()
public LabelInfo getLabelInfo() throws DavException {
LabelInfo lInfo = null;
Document requestDocument = getRequestDocument();
if (requestDocument != null) {
Element root = requestDocument.getDocumentElement();
int depth = getDepth(DEPTH_0);
lInfo = new LabelInfo(root, depth);
return lInfo;
* @see org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVServletRequest#getMergeInfo()
public MergeInfo getMergeInfo() throws DavException {
MergeInfo mInfo = null;
Document requestDocument = getRequestDocument();
if (requestDocument != null) {
mInfo = new MergeInfo(requestDocument.getDocumentElement());
return mInfo;
* @see org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVServletRequest#getUpdateInfo()
public UpdateInfo getUpdateInfo() throws DavException {
UpdateInfo uInfo = null;
Document requestDocument = getRequestDocument();
if (requestDocument != null) {
uInfo = new UpdateInfo(requestDocument.getDocumentElement());
return uInfo;
* @see org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVServletRequest#getReportInfo()
public ReportInfo getReportInfo() throws DavException {
ReportInfo rInfo = null;
Document requestDocument = getRequestDocument();
if (requestDocument != null) {
rInfo = new ReportInfo(requestDocument.getDocumentElement(), getDepth(DEPTH_0));
return rInfo;
* @see org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVServletRequest#getOptionsInfo()
public OptionsInfo getOptionsInfo() throws DavException {
OptionsInfo info = null;
Document requestDocument = getRequestDocument();
if (requestDocument != null) {
info = OptionsInfo.createFromXml(requestDocument.getDocumentElement());
return info;
* @see org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.bind.BindServletRequest#getRebindInfo()
public RebindInfo getRebindInfo() throws DavException {
RebindInfo info = null;
Document requestDocument = getRequestDocument();
if (requestDocument != null) {
info = RebindInfo.createFromXml(requestDocument.getDocumentElement());
return info;
* @see org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.bind.BindServletRequest#getUnbindInfo()
public UnbindInfo getUnbindInfo() throws DavException {
UnbindInfo info = null;
Document requestDocument = getRequestDocument();
if (requestDocument != null) {
info = UnbindInfo.createFromXml(requestDocument.getDocumentElement());
return info;
* @see org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.bind.BindServletRequest#getBindInfo()
public BindInfo getBindInfo() throws DavException {
BindInfo info = null;
Document requestDocument = getRequestDocument();
if (requestDocument != null) {
info = BindInfo.createFromXml(requestDocument.getDocumentElement());
return info;
//---------------------------------------< HttpServletRequest interface >---
public String getAuthType() {
return httpRequest.getAuthType();
public Cookie[] getCookies() {
return httpRequest.getCookies();
public long getDateHeader(String s) {
return httpRequest.getDateHeader(s);
public String getHeader(String s) {
return httpRequest.getHeader(s);
public Enumeration> getHeaders(String s) {
return httpRequest.getHeaders(s);
public Enumeration> getHeaderNames() {
return httpRequest.getHeaderNames();
public int getIntHeader(String s) {
return httpRequest.getIntHeader(s);
public String getMethod() {
return httpRequest.getMethod();
public String getPathInfo() {
return httpRequest.getPathInfo();
public String getPathTranslated() {
return httpRequest.getPathTranslated();
public String getContextPath() {
return httpRequest.getContextPath();
public String getQueryString() {
return httpRequest.getQueryString();
public String getRemoteUser() {
return httpRequest.getRemoteUser();
public boolean isUserInRole(String s) {
return httpRequest.isUserInRole(s);
public Principal getUserPrincipal() {
return httpRequest.getUserPrincipal();
public String getRequestedSessionId() {
return httpRequest.getRequestedSessionId();
public String getRequestURI() {
return httpRequest.getRequestURI();
public StringBuffer getRequestURL() {
return httpRequest.getRequestURL();
public String getServletPath() {
return httpRequest.getServletPath();
public HttpSession getSession(boolean b) {
return httpRequest.getSession(b);
public HttpSession getSession() {
return httpRequest.getSession();
public boolean isRequestedSessionIdValid() {
return httpRequest.isRequestedSessionIdValid();
public boolean isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie() {
return httpRequest.isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie();
public boolean isRequestedSessionIdFromURL() {
return httpRequest.isRequestedSessionIdFromURL();
public boolean isRequestedSessionIdFromUrl() {
return httpRequest.isRequestedSessionIdFromUrl();
public Object getAttribute(String s) {
return httpRequest.getAttribute(s);
public Enumeration> getAttributeNames() {
return httpRequest.getAttributeNames();
public String getCharacterEncoding() {
return httpRequest.getCharacterEncoding();
public void setCharacterEncoding(String s) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
public int getContentLength() {
return httpRequest.getContentLength();
public String getContentType() {
return httpRequest.getContentType();
public ServletInputStream getInputStream() throws IOException {
return httpRequest.getInputStream();
public String getParameter(String s) {
return httpRequest.getParameter(s);
public Enumeration> getParameterNames() {
return httpRequest.getParameterNames();
public String[] getParameterValues(String s) {
return httpRequest.getParameterValues(s);
public Map,?> getParameterMap() {
return httpRequest.getParameterMap();
public String getProtocol() {
return httpRequest.getProtocol();
public String getScheme() {
return httpRequest.getScheme();
public String getServerName() {
return httpRequest.getServerName();
public int getServerPort() {
return httpRequest.getServerPort();
public BufferedReader getReader() throws IOException {
return httpRequest.getReader();
public String getRemoteAddr() {
return httpRequest.getRemoteAddr();
public String getRemoteHost() {
return httpRequest.getRemoteHost();
public void setAttribute(String s, Object o) {
httpRequest.setAttribute(s, o);
public void removeAttribute(String s) {
public Locale getLocale() {
return httpRequest.getLocale();
public Enumeration> getLocales() {
return httpRequest.getLocales();
public boolean isSecure() {
return httpRequest.isSecure();
public RequestDispatcher getRequestDispatcher(String s) {
return httpRequest.getRequestDispatcher(s);
public String getRealPath(String s) {
return httpRequest.getRealPath(s);
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