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org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.VersionGarbageCollector Maven / Gradle / Ivy

There is a newer version: 1.62.0
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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

package org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document;

import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;


import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.commons.sort.StringSort;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.UpdateOp.Condition;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.UpdateOp.Key;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.util.TimeInterval;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.util.Utils;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.gc.DelegatingGCMonitor;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.gc.GCMonitor;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.stats.Clock;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.commons.TimeDurationFormatter;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.stats.StatisticsProvider;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static java.util.Collections.singletonMap;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.Collection.NODES;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.Collection.SETTINGS;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.NodeDocument.MODIFIED_IN_SECS;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.NodeDocument.SplitDocType.COMMIT_ROOT_ONLY;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.NodeDocument.SplitDocType.DEFAULT_LEAF;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.NodeDocument.SplitDocType.DEFAULT_NO_BRANCH;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.UpdateOp.Condition.newEqualsCondition;
import static org.slf4j.helpers.MessageFormatter.arrayFormat;

public class VersionGarbageCollector {

    //Kept less than MongoDocumentStore.IN_CLAUSE_BATCH_SIZE to avoid re-partitioning
    private static final int DELETE_BATCH_SIZE = 450;
    private static final int UPDATE_BATCH_SIZE = 450;
    private static final int PROGRESS_BATCH_SIZE = 10000;
    private static final Key KEY_MODIFIED = new Key(MODIFIED_IN_SECS, null);
    private static final String STATUS_IDLE = "IDLE";
    private static final String STATUS_INITIALIZING = "INITIALIZING";
    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(VersionGarbageCollector.class);

     * Split document types which can be safely garbage collected
    private static final Set GC_TYPES = EnumSet.of(

     * Document id stored in settings collection that keeps info about version gc
    private static final String SETTINGS_COLLECTION_ID = "versionGC";

     * Property name to timestamp when last gc run happened
    private static final String SETTINGS_COLLECTION_OLDEST_TIMESTAMP_PROP = "lastOldestTimeStamp";

     * Property name to recommended time interval for next collection run
    private static final String SETTINGS_COLLECTION_REC_INTERVAL_PROP = "recommendedIntervalMs";

    private final DocumentNodeStore nodeStore;
    private final DocumentStore ds;
    private final VersionGCSupport versionStore;
    private final AtomicReference collector = newReference();
    private VersionGCOptions options;
    private GCMonitor gcMonitor = GCMonitor.EMPTY;
    private RevisionGCStats gcStats = new RevisionGCStats(StatisticsProvider.NOOP);

    VersionGarbageCollector(DocumentNodeStore nodeStore,
                            VersionGCSupport gcSupport) {
        this.nodeStore = nodeStore;
        this.versionStore = gcSupport;
        this.ds = gcSupport.getDocumentStore();
        this.options = new VersionGCOptions();

    void setStatisticsProvider(StatisticsProvider provider) {
        this.gcStats = new RevisionGCStats(provider);

    RevisionGCStats getRevisionGCStats() {
        return gcStats;

    public VersionGCStats gc(long maxRevisionAge, TimeUnit unit) throws IOException {
        long maxRevisionAgeInMillis = unit.toMillis(maxRevisionAge);
        TimeInterval maxRunTime = new TimeInterval(nodeStore.getClock().getTime(), Long.MAX_VALUE);
        if (options.maxDurationMs > 0) {
            maxRunTime = maxRunTime.startAndDuration(options.maxDurationMs);
        GCJob job = new GCJob(maxRevisionAgeInMillis, options, gcMonitor);
        if (collector.compareAndSet(null, job)) {
            VersionGCStats overall = new VersionGCStats();
            try {
                long averageDurationMs = 0;
                while (maxRunTime.contains(nodeStore.getClock().getTime() + averageDurationMs)) {
          "Start {}. run (avg duration {} sec)",
                            overall.iterationCount + 1, averageDurationMs / 1000.0);
                    VersionGCStats stats =;

                    if (options.maxIterations > 0 && overall.iterationCount >= options.maxIterations) {
                    if (!overall.needRepeat) {
                    averageDurationMs = ((averageDurationMs * (overall.iterationCount - 1))
                            + / overall.iterationCount;
                return overall;
            } finally {
                if (overall.iterationCount > 1) {
          "Revision garbage collection finished after {} iterations - aggregate statistics: {}",
                            overall.iterationCount, overall);
        } else {
            throw new IOException("Revision garbage collection is already running");

    public void cancel() {
        GCJob job = collector.get();
        if (job != null) {

    public String getStatus() {
        GCJob job = collector.get();
        if (job == null) {
            return STATUS_IDLE;
        } else {
            return job.getStatus();

    public void setGCMonitor(@Nonnull GCMonitor gcMonitor) {
        this.gcMonitor = checkNotNull(gcMonitor);

    public VersionGCOptions getOptions() {
        return this.options;

    public void setOptions(VersionGCOptions options) {
        this.options = options;

    public void reset() {

    public VersionGCInfo getInfo(long maxRevisionAge, TimeUnit unit)
            throws IOException {
        long maxRevisionAgeInMillis = unit.toMillis(maxRevisionAge);
        long now = nodeStore.getClock().getTime();
        Recommendations rec = new Recommendations(maxRevisionAgeInMillis, options);
        int estimatedIterations = -1;
        if (rec.suggestedIntervalMs > 0) {
            estimatedIterations = (int)Math.ceil(
                    (now - rec.scope.toMs) / rec.suggestedIntervalMs);
        return new VersionGCInfo(rec.lastOldestTimestamp, rec.scope.fromMs,
                rec.deleteCandidateCount, rec.maxCollect,
                rec.suggestedIntervalMs, rec.scope.toMs, estimatedIterations);

    public static class VersionGCInfo {
        public final long lastSuccess;
        public final long oldestRevisionEstimate;
        public final long revisionsCandidateCount;
        public final long collectLimit;
        public final long recommendedCleanupInterval;
        public final long recommendedCleanupTimestamp;
        public final int estimatedIterations;

        VersionGCInfo(long lastSuccess,
                      long oldestRevisionEstimate,
                      long revisionsCandidateCount,
                      long collectLimit,
                      long recommendedCleanupInterval,
                      long recommendedCleanupTimestamp,
                      int estimatedIterations) {
            this.lastSuccess = lastSuccess;
            this.oldestRevisionEstimate = oldestRevisionEstimate;
            this.revisionsCandidateCount = revisionsCandidateCount;
            this.collectLimit = collectLimit;
            this.recommendedCleanupInterval = recommendedCleanupInterval;
            this.recommendedCleanupTimestamp = recommendedCleanupTimestamp;
            this.estimatedIterations = estimatedIterations;

    public static class VersionGCStats {
        boolean ignoredGCDueToCheckPoint;
        boolean canceled;
        boolean limitExceeded;
        boolean needRepeat;
        int iterationCount;
        int deletedDocGCCount;
        int deletedLeafDocGCCount;
        int splitDocGCCount;
        int intermediateSplitDocGCCount;
        int updateResurrectedGCCount;
        final TimeDurationFormatter df = TimeDurationFormatter.forLogging();
        final Stopwatch active = Stopwatch.createUnstarted();
        final Stopwatch collectDeletedDocs = Stopwatch.createUnstarted();
        final Stopwatch checkDeletedDocs = Stopwatch.createUnstarted();
        final Stopwatch deleteDeletedDocs = Stopwatch.createUnstarted();
        final Stopwatch collectAndDeleteSplitDocs = Stopwatch.createUnstarted();
        final Stopwatch sortDocIds = Stopwatch.createUnstarted();
        final Stopwatch updateResurrectedDocuments = Stopwatch.createUnstarted();
        long collectDeletedDocsElapsed, checkDeletedDocsElapsed, deleteDeletedDocsElapsed, collectAndDeleteSplitDocsElapsed,
                sortDocIdsElapsed, updateResurrectedDocumentsElapsed;

        public String toString() {
            String timings;
            String fmt = "timeToCollectDeletedDocs=%s, timeToCheckDeletedDocs=%s, timeToSortDocIds=%s, timeTakenToUpdateResurrectedDocs=%s, timeTakenToDeleteDeletedDocs=%s, timeTakenToCollectAndDeleteSplitDocs=%s";

            // aggregated timings?
            if (iterationCount > 0) {
                timings = String.format(fmt, df.format(collectDeletedDocsElapsed, MICROSECONDS),
                        df.format(checkDeletedDocsElapsed, MICROSECONDS), df.format(sortDocIdsElapsed, MICROSECONDS),
                        df.format(updateResurrectedDocumentsElapsed, MICROSECONDS),
                        df.format(deleteDeletedDocsElapsed, MICROSECONDS),
                        df.format(collectAndDeleteSplitDocsElapsed, MICROSECONDS));
            } else {
                timings = String.format(fmt, df.format(collectDeletedDocs.elapsed(MICROSECONDS), MICROSECONDS),
                        df.format(checkDeletedDocs.elapsed(MICROSECONDS), MICROSECONDS),
                        df.format(sortDocIds.elapsed(MICROSECONDS), MICROSECONDS),
                        df.format(updateResurrectedDocuments.elapsed(MICROSECONDS), MICROSECONDS),
                        df.format(deleteDeletedDocs.elapsed(MICROSECONDS), MICROSECONDS),
                        df.format(collectAndDeleteSplitDocs.elapsed(MICROSECONDS), MICROSECONDS));

            return "VersionGCStats{" +
                    "ignoredGCDueToCheckPoint=" + ignoredGCDueToCheckPoint +
                    ", canceled=" + canceled +
                    ", deletedDocGCCount=" + deletedDocGCCount + " (of which leaf: " + deletedLeafDocGCCount + ")" +
                    ", updateResurrectedGCCount=" + updateResurrectedGCCount +
                    ", splitDocGCCount=" + splitDocGCCount +
                    ", intermediateSplitDocGCCount=" + intermediateSplitDocGCCount +
                    ", iterationCount=" + iterationCount +
                    ", timeActive=" + df.format(active.elapsed(MICROSECONDS), MICROSECONDS) +
                    ", " + timings + "}";

        void addRun(VersionGCStats run) {
            this.ignoredGCDueToCheckPoint = run.ignoredGCDueToCheckPoint;
            this.canceled = run.canceled;
            this.limitExceeded = run.limitExceeded;
            this.needRepeat = run.needRepeat;
            this.deletedDocGCCount += run.deletedDocGCCount;
            this.deletedLeafDocGCCount += run.deletedLeafDocGCCount;
            this.splitDocGCCount += run.splitDocGCCount;
            this.intermediateSplitDocGCCount += run.intermediateSplitDocGCCount;
            this.updateResurrectedGCCount += run.updateResurrectedGCCount;
            if (run.iterationCount > 0) {
                // run is cumulative with times in elapsed fields
                this.collectDeletedDocsElapsed += run.collectDeletedDocsElapsed;
                this.checkDeletedDocsElapsed += run.checkDeletedDocsElapsed;
                this.deleteDeletedDocsElapsed += run.deleteDeletedDocsElapsed;
                this.collectAndDeleteSplitDocsElapsed += run.collectAndDeleteSplitDocsElapsed;
                this.sortDocIdsElapsed += run.sortDocIdsElapsed;
                this.updateResurrectedDocumentsElapsed += run.updateResurrectedDocumentsElapsed;
            } else {
                // single run -> read from stop watches
                this.collectDeletedDocsElapsed += run.collectDeletedDocs.elapsed(MICROSECONDS);
                this.checkDeletedDocsElapsed += run.checkDeletedDocs.elapsed(MICROSECONDS);
                this.deleteDeletedDocsElapsed += run.deleteDeletedDocs.elapsed(MICROSECONDS);
                this.collectAndDeleteSplitDocsElapsed += run.collectAndDeleteSplitDocs.elapsed(MICROSECONDS);
                this.sortDocIdsElapsed += run.sortDocIds.elapsed(MICROSECONDS);
                this.updateResurrectedDocumentsElapsed += run.updateResurrectedDocuments.elapsed(MICROSECONDS);

    private enum GCPhase {

     * Keeps track of timers when switching GC phases.

* Could be merged with VersionGCStats, however this way the public class is kept unchanged. */ private static class GCPhases { final VersionGCStats stats; final Stopwatch elapsed; private final GCMonitor monitor; private final List phases = Lists.newArrayList(); private final Map watches = Maps.newHashMap(); private final AtomicBoolean canceled; GCPhases(AtomicBoolean canceled, VersionGCStats stats, GCMonitor monitor) { this.stats = stats; this.monitor = monitor; this.elapsed = Stopwatch.createStarted();, Stopwatch.createStarted());, stats.collectDeletedDocs);, stats.checkDeletedDocs);, stats.deleteDeletedDocs);, stats.sortDocIds);, stats.collectAndDeleteSplitDocs);, stats.updateResurrectedDocuments); this.canceled = canceled; } /** * Attempts to start a GC phase and tracks the time spent in this phase * until {@link #stop(GCPhase)} is called. * * @param started the GC phase. * @return {@code true} if the phase was started or {@code false} if the * revision GC was canceled and the phase should not start. */ public boolean start(GCPhase started) { if (canceled.get()) { return false; } suspend(currentWatch()); this.phases.add(started); updateStatus(); resume(currentWatch()); return true; } public void stop(GCPhase phase) { if (!phases.isEmpty() && phase == phases.get(phases.size() - 1)) { suspend(currentWatch()); phases.remove(phases.size() - 1); updateStatus(); resume(currentWatch()); } } public void close() { while (!phases.isEmpty()) { suspend(currentWatch()); phases.remove(phases.size() - 1); updateStatus(); } this.elapsed.stop(); } private GCPhase current() { return phases.isEmpty() ? GCPhase.NONE : phases.get(phases.size() - 1); } private Stopwatch currentWatch() { return watches.get(current()); } private void resume(Stopwatch w) { if (!w.isRunning()) { w.start(); } } private void suspend(Stopwatch w) { if (w.isRunning()) { w.stop(); } } private void updateStatus() { GCPhase p = current(); if (p != GCPhase.NONE) { monitor.updateStatus(; } } } private class GCJob { private final long maxRevisionAgeMillis; private final VersionGCOptions options; private final AtomicBoolean cancel = new AtomicBoolean(); private final GCMonitor monitor; private final Supplier status; GCJob(long maxRevisionAgeMillis, VersionGCOptions options, GCMonitor gcMonitor) { this.maxRevisionAgeMillis = maxRevisionAgeMillis; this.options = options; GCMessageTracker vgcm = new GCMessageTracker(); this.status = vgcm; this.monitor = new DelegatingGCMonitor(Lists.newArrayList(vgcm, gcMonitor)); this.monitor.updateStatus(STATUS_INITIALIZING); } VersionGCStats run() throws IOException { try { return gc(maxRevisionAgeMillis); } finally { monitor.updateStatus(STATUS_IDLE); } } void cancel() {"Canceling revision garbage collection."); cancel.set(true); } String getStatus() { return status.get(); } private VersionGCStats gc(long maxRevisionAgeInMillis) throws IOException { VersionGCStats stats = new VersionGCStats();; Recommendations rec = new Recommendations(maxRevisionAgeInMillis, options); GCPhases phases = new GCPhases(cancel, stats, gcMonitor); try { if (rec.ignoreDueToCheckPoint) { phases.stats.ignoredGCDueToCheckPoint = true; monitor.skipped("Checkpoint prevented revision garbage collection"); cancel.set(true); } else { final RevisionVector headRevision = nodeStore.getHeadRevision(); final RevisionVector sweepRevisions = nodeStore.getSweepRevisions();"Looking at revisions in {}", rec.scope); collectDeletedDocuments(phases, headRevision, rec); collectSplitDocuments(phases, sweepRevisions, rec); } } catch (LimitExceededException ex) { stats.limitExceeded = true; } finally { phases.close(); stats.canceled = cancel.get(); } rec.evaluate(stats);"Revision garbage collection finished in {}. {}", TimeDurationFormatter.forLogging().format(phases.elapsed.elapsed(MICROSECONDS), MICROSECONDS), stats);; return stats; } private void collectSplitDocuments(GCPhases phases, RevisionVector sweepRevisions, Recommendations rec) { if (phases.start(GCPhase.SPLITS_CLEANUP)) { int splitDocGCCount = phases.stats.splitDocGCCount; int intermediateSplitDocGCCount = phases.stats.intermediateSplitDocGCCount; versionStore.deleteSplitDocuments(GC_TYPES, sweepRevisions, rec.scope.toMs, phases.stats); gcStats.splitDocumentsDeleted(phases.stats.splitDocGCCount - splitDocGCCount); gcStats.intermediateSplitDocumentsDeleted(phases.stats.intermediateSplitDocGCCount - intermediateSplitDocGCCount); phases.stop(GCPhase.SPLITS_CLEANUP); } } private void collectDeletedDocuments(GCPhases phases, RevisionVector headRevision, Recommendations rec) throws IOException, LimitExceededException { int docsTraversed = 0; DeletedDocsGC gc = new DeletedDocsGC(headRevision, cancel, options, monitor); try { if (phases.start(GCPhase.COLLECTING)) { Iterable itr = versionStore.getPossiblyDeletedDocs(rec.scope.fromMs, rec.scope.toMs); try { for (NodeDocument doc : itr) { // continue with GC? if (cancel.get()) { break; } // Check if node is actually deleted at current revision // As node is not modified since oldestRevTimeStamp then // this node has not be revived again in past maxRevisionAge // So deleting it is safe docsTraversed++; if (docsTraversed % PROGRESS_BATCH_SIZE == 0) {"Iterated through {} documents so far. {} found to be deleted", docsTraversed, gc.getNumDocuments()); } if (phases.start(GCPhase.CHECKING)) { gc.possiblyDeleted(doc); phases.stop(GCPhase.CHECKING); } if (rec.maxCollect > 0 && gc.docIdsToDelete.getSize() > rec.maxCollect) { throw new LimitExceededException(); } if (gc.hasLeafBatch()) { if (phases.start(GCPhase.DELETING)) { gc.removeLeafDocuments(phases.stats); phases.stop(GCPhase.DELETING); } } if (gc.hasRescurrectUpdateBatch()) { if (phases.start(GCPhase.UPDATING)) { gc.updateResurrectedDocuments(phases.stats); phases.stop(GCPhase.UPDATING); } } } } finally { Utils.closeIfCloseable(itr); } phases.stop(GCPhase.COLLECTING); } if (gc.getNumDocuments() != 0) { if (phases.start(GCPhase.DELETING)) { gc.removeLeafDocuments(phases.stats); phases.stop(GCPhase.DELETING); } if (phases.start(GCPhase.SORTING)) { gc.ensureSorted(); phases.stop(GCPhase.SORTING); } if (phases.start(GCPhase.DELETING)) { gc.removeDocuments(phases.stats); phases.stop(GCPhase.DELETING); } } if (phases.start(GCPhase.UPDATING)) { gc.updateResurrectedDocuments(phases.stats); phases.stop(GCPhase.UPDATING); } } finally { gc.close(); } } } /** * A helper class to remove document for deleted nodes. */ private class DeletedDocsGC implements Closeable { private final RevisionVector headRevision; private final AtomicBoolean cancel; private final List leafDocIdsToDelete = Lists.newArrayList(); private final List resurrectedIds = Lists.newArrayList(); private final StringSort docIdsToDelete; private final StringSort prevDocIdsToDelete; private final Set exclude = Sets.newHashSet(); private boolean sorted = false; private final Stopwatch timer; private final VersionGCOptions options; private final GCMonitor monitor; public DeletedDocsGC(@Nonnull RevisionVector headRevision, @Nonnull AtomicBoolean cancel, @Nonnull VersionGCOptions options, @Nonnull GCMonitor monitor) { this.headRevision = checkNotNull(headRevision); this.cancel = checkNotNull(cancel); this.timer = Stopwatch.createUnstarted(); this.options = options; this.monitor = monitor; this.docIdsToDelete = newStringSort(options); this.prevDocIdsToDelete = newStringSort(options); } /** * @return the number of documents gathers so far that have been * identified as garbage via {@link #possiblyDeleted(NodeDocument)}. * This number does not include the previous documents. */ long getNumDocuments() { return docIdsToDelete.getSize() + leafDocIdsToDelete.size(); } /** * Informs the GC that the given document is possibly deleted. The * implementation will check if the node still exists at the head * revision passed to the constructor to this GC. The implementation * will keep track of documents representing deleted nodes and remove * them together with associated previous document * * @param doc the candidate document. * @return true iff document is scheduled for deletion */ boolean possiblyDeleted(NodeDocument doc) throws IOException { gcStats.documentRead(); // construct an id that also contains // the _modified time of the document String id = doc.getId() + "/" + doc.getModified(); // check if id is valid try { Utils.getDepthFromId(id); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { monitor.warn("Invalid GC id {} for document {}", id, doc); return false; } if (doc.getNodeAtRevision(nodeStore, headRevision, null) == null) { // Collect id of all previous docs also Iterator previousDocs = previousDocIdsFor(doc); if (!doc.hasChildren() && !previousDocs.hasNext()) { addLeafDocument(id); } else { addDocument(id); addPreviousDocuments(previousDocs); } return true; } else { addNonDeletedDocument(id); } return false; } /** * Removes the documents that have been identified as garbage. This * also includes previous documents. This method will only remove * documents that have not been modified since they were passed to * {@link #possiblyDeleted(NodeDocument)}. * * @param stats to track the number of removed documents. */ void removeDocuments(VersionGCStats stats) throws IOException { removeLeafDocuments(stats); stats.deletedDocGCCount += removeDeletedDocuments( getDocIdsToDelete(), getDocIdsToDeleteSize(), false, "(other)"); // FIXME: this is incorrect because that method also removes intermediate docs stats.splitDocGCCount += removeDeletedPreviousDocuments(); } boolean hasLeafBatch() { return leafDocIdsToDelete.size() >= DELETE_BATCH_SIZE; } boolean hasRescurrectUpdateBatch() { return resurrectedIds.size() >= UPDATE_BATCH_SIZE; } void removeLeafDocuments(VersionGCStats stats) throws IOException { int removeCount = removeDeletedDocuments( getLeafDocIdsToDelete(), getLeafDocIdsToDeleteSize(), true, "(leaf)"); leafDocIdsToDelete.clear(); stats.deletedLeafDocGCCount += removeCount; stats.deletedDocGCCount += removeCount; } void updateResurrectedDocuments(VersionGCStats stats) throws IOException { if (resurrectedIds.isEmpty()) { return; } int updateCount = resetDeletedOnce(resurrectedIds); resurrectedIds.clear(); stats.updateResurrectedGCCount += updateCount; } public void close() { try { docIdsToDelete.close(); } catch (IOException e) { monitor.warn("Failed to close docIdsToDelete: {}", e); } try { prevDocIdsToDelete.close(); } catch (IOException e) { monitor.warn("Failed to close prevDocIdsToDelete: {}", e); } } //------------------------------< internal >---------------------------- private void delayOnModifications(long durationMs) { long delayMs = Math.round(durationMs * options.delayFactor); if (!cancel.get() && delayMs > 0) { try { Clock clock = nodeStore.getClock(); clock.waitUntil(clock.getTime() + delayMs); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { /* ignore */ } } } private Iterator previousDocIdsFor(NodeDocument doc) { Map prevRanges = doc.getPreviousRanges(true); if (prevRanges.isEmpty()) { return Iterators.emptyIterator(); } else if (all(prevRanges.values(), FIRST_LEVEL)) { // all previous document ids can be constructed from the // previous ranges map. this works for first level previous // documents only. final String path = doc.getPath(); return Iterators.transform(prevRanges.entrySet().iterator(), new Function, String>() { @Override public String apply(Map.Entry input) { int h = input.getValue().getHeight(); return Utils.getPreviousIdFor(path, input.getKey(), h); } }); } else { // need to fetch the previous documents to get their ids return Iterators.transform(doc.getAllPreviousDocs(), new Function() { @Override public String apply(NodeDocument input) { return input.getId(); } }); } } private void addDocument(String id) throws IOException { docIdsToDelete.add(id); } private void addLeafDocument(String id) throws IOException { leafDocIdsToDelete.add(id); } private void addNonDeletedDocument(String id) throws IOException { resurrectedIds.add(id); } private long getNumPreviousDocuments() { return prevDocIdsToDelete.getSize() - exclude.size(); } private void addPreviousDocuments(Iterator ids) throws IOException { while (ids.hasNext()) { prevDocIdsToDelete.add(; } } private Iterator getDocIdsToDelete() throws IOException { ensureSorted(); return docIdsToDelete.getIds(); } private long getDocIdsToDeleteSize() { return docIdsToDelete.getSize(); } private Iterator getLeafDocIdsToDelete() throws IOException { return leafDocIdsToDelete.iterator(); } private long getLeafDocIdsToDeleteSize() { return leafDocIdsToDelete.size(); } private void concurrentModification(NodeDocument doc) { Iterator it = doc.getAllPreviousDocs(); while (it.hasNext()) { exclude.add(; } } private Iterator getPrevDocIdsToDelete() throws IOException { ensureSorted(); return Iterators.filter(prevDocIdsToDelete.getIds(), new Predicate() { @Override public boolean apply(String input) { return !exclude.contains(input); } }); } private int removeDeletedDocuments(Iterator docIdsToDelete, long numDocuments, boolean leaves, String label) throws IOException { if (numDocuments == 0) { return 0; }"Proceeding to delete [{}] documents [{}]", numDocuments, label); Iterator> idListItr = partition(docIdsToDelete, DELETE_BATCH_SIZE); int deletedCount = 0; int lastLoggedCount = 0; int recreatedCount = 0; while (idListItr.hasNext() && !cancel.get()) { Map> deletionBatch = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); for (String s : { Map.Entry parsed; try { parsed = parseEntry(s); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { monitor.warn("Invalid _modified suffix for {}", s); continue; } deletionBatch.put(parsed.getKey(), singletonMap(KEY_MODIFIED, newEqualsCondition(parsed.getValue()))); } if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Performing batch deletion of documents with following ids. \n"); Joiner.on(LINE_SEPARATOR.value()).appendTo(sb, deletionBatch.keySet()); log.trace(sb.toString()); } timer.reset().start(); try { int nRemoved = ds.remove(NODES, deletionBatch); if (nRemoved < deletionBatch.size()) { // some nodes were re-created while GC was running // find the document that still exist for (String id : deletionBatch.keySet()) { NodeDocument d = ds.find(NODES, id); if (d != null) { concurrentModification(d); } } recreatedCount += (deletionBatch.size() - nRemoved); } deletedCount += nRemoved; log.debug("Deleted [{}] documents so far", deletedCount); if (leaves) { gcStats.leafDocumentsDeleted(deletedCount); } else { gcStats.documentsDeleted(deletedCount); } if (deletedCount + recreatedCount - lastLoggedCount >= PROGRESS_BATCH_SIZE) { lastLoggedCount = deletedCount + recreatedCount; double progress = lastLoggedCount * 1.0 / getNumDocuments() * 100; String msg = String.format("Deleted %d (%1.2f%%) documents so far", deletedCount, progress);; } } finally { delayOnModifications(timer.stop().elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)); } } return deletedCount; } private int resetDeletedOnce(List resurrectedDocuments) throws IOException {"Proceeding to reset [{}] _deletedOnce flags", resurrectedDocuments.size()); int updateCount = 0; timer.reset().start(); try { for (String s : resurrectedDocuments) { if (!cancel.get()) { try { Map.Entry parsed = parseEntry(s); UpdateOp up = new UpdateOp(parsed.getKey(), false); up.equals(MODIFIED_IN_SECS, parsed.getValue()); up.remove(NodeDocument.DELETED_ONCE); NodeDocument r = ds.findAndUpdate(Collection.NODES, up); if (r != null) { updateCount += 1; gcStats.deletedOnceFlagReset(); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { monitor.warn("Invalid _modified suffix for {}", s); } catch (DocumentStoreException ex) { monitor.warn("updating {}: {}", s, ex.getMessage()); } } } } finally { delayOnModifications(timer.stop().elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)); } return updateCount; } private int removeDeletedPreviousDocuments() throws IOException { long num = getNumPreviousDocuments(); if (num == 0) { return 0; }"Proceeding to delete [{}] previous documents", num); int deletedCount = 0; int lastLoggedCount = 0; Iterator> idListItr = partition(getPrevDocIdsToDelete(), DELETE_BATCH_SIZE); while (idListItr.hasNext() && !cancel.get()) { List deletionBatch =; deletedCount += deletionBatch.size(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Performing batch deletion of previous documents with following ids. \n"); Joiner.on(LINE_SEPARATOR.value()).appendTo(sb, deletionBatch); log.debug(sb.toString()); } ds.remove(NODES, deletionBatch); log.debug("Deleted [{}] previous documents so far", deletedCount); gcStats.splitDocumentsDeleted(deletedCount); if (deletedCount - lastLoggedCount >= PROGRESS_BATCH_SIZE) { lastLoggedCount = deletedCount; double progress = deletedCount * 1.0 / (prevDocIdsToDelete.getSize() - exclude.size()) * 100; String msg = String.format("Deleted %d (%1.2f%%) previous documents so far", deletedCount, progress);; } } return deletedCount; } private void ensureSorted() throws IOException { if (!sorted) { docIdsToDelete.sort(); prevDocIdsToDelete.sort(); sorted = true; } } /** * Parses an id/modified entry and returns the two components as a * Map.Entry. * * @param entry the id/modified String. * @return the parsed components. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the entry is malformed. */ private Map.Entry parseEntry(String entry) throws IllegalArgumentException { int idx = entry.lastIndexOf('/'); if (idx == -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(entry); } String id = entry.substring(0, idx); long modified; try { modified = Long.parseLong(entry.substring(idx + 1)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(entry); } return Maps.immutableEntry(id, modified); } } @Nonnull private StringSort newStringSort(VersionGCOptions options) { return new StringSort(options.overflowToDiskThreshold, NodeDocumentIdComparator.INSTANCE); } private static final Predicate FIRST_LEVEL = new Predicate() { @Override public boolean apply(@Nullable Range input) { return input != null && input.height == 0; } }; private class Recommendations { final boolean ignoreDueToCheckPoint; final TimeInterval scope; final long maxCollect; final long deleteCandidateCount; final long lastOldestTimestamp; private final long precisionMs; private final long suggestedIntervalMs; private final boolean scopeIsComplete; /** * Gives a recommendation about parameters for the next revision garbage collection run. *

* With the given maximum age of revisions to keep (earliest time in the past to collect), * the desired precision in which times shall be sliced and the given limit on the number * of collected documents in one run, calculate

  1. if gc shall run at all (ignoreDueToCheckPoint)
  2. *
  3. in which time interval documents shall be collected (scope)
  4. *
  5. if collection should fail if it reaches maxCollect documents, maxCollect will specify * the limit or be 0 if no limit shall be enforced.
  6. *
* After a run, recommendations evaluate the result of the gc to update its persisted recommendations * for future runs. *

* In the settings collection, recommendations keeps "revisionsOlderThan" from the last successful run. * It also updates the time interval recommended for the next run. * * @param maxRevisionAgeMs the minimum age for revisions to be collected * @param options options for running the gc */ Recommendations(long maxRevisionAgeMs, VersionGCOptions options) { TimeInterval keep = new TimeInterval(nodeStore.getClock().getTime() - maxRevisionAgeMs, Long.MAX_VALUE); boolean ignoreDueToCheckPoint = false; long deletedOnceCount = 0; long suggestedIntervalMs; long oldestPossible; long collectLimit = options.collectLimit; lastOldestTimestamp = getLongSetting(SETTINGS_COLLECTION_OLDEST_TIMESTAMP_PROP); if (lastOldestTimestamp == 0) { log.debug("No lastOldestTimestamp found, querying for the oldest deletedOnce candidate"); oldestPossible = versionStore.getOldestDeletedOnceTimestamp(nodeStore.getClock(), options.precisionMs) - 1; log.debug("lastOldestTimestamp found: {}", Utils.timestampToString(oldestPossible)); } else { oldestPossible = lastOldestTimestamp - 1; } TimeInterval scope = new TimeInterval(oldestPossible, Long.MAX_VALUE); scope = scope.notLaterThan(keep.fromMs); suggestedIntervalMs = getLongSetting(SETTINGS_COLLECTION_REC_INTERVAL_PROP); if (suggestedIntervalMs > 0) { suggestedIntervalMs = Math.max(suggestedIntervalMs, options.precisionMs); if (suggestedIntervalMs < scope.getDurationMs()) { scope = scope.startAndDuration(suggestedIntervalMs); log.debug("previous runs recommend a {} sec duration, scope now {}", TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(suggestedIntervalMs), scope); } } else { /* Need to guess. Count the overall number of _deletedOnce documents. If those * are more than we want to collect in a single run, reduce the time scope so * that we likely see a fitting fraction of those documents. */ try { long preferredLimit = Math.min(collectLimit, (long)Math.ceil(options.overflowToDiskThreshold * 0.95)); deletedOnceCount = versionStore.getDeletedOnceCount(); if (deletedOnceCount > preferredLimit) { double chunks = ((double) deletedOnceCount) / preferredLimit; suggestedIntervalMs = (long) Math.floor((scope.getDurationMs() + maxRevisionAgeMs) / chunks); if (suggestedIntervalMs < scope.getDurationMs()) { scope = scope.startAndDuration(suggestedIntervalMs); log.debug("deletedOnce candidates: {} found, {} preferred, scope now {}", deletedOnceCount, preferredLimit, scope); } } } catch (UnsupportedOperationException ex) { log.debug("check on upper bounds of delete candidates not supported, skipped"); } } //Check for any registered checkpoint which prevent the GC from running Revision checkpoint = nodeStore.getCheckpoints().getOldestRevisionToKeep(); if (checkpoint != null && scope.endsAfter(checkpoint.getTimestamp())) { TimeInterval minimalScope = scope.startAndDuration(options.precisionMs); if (minimalScope.endsAfter(checkpoint.getTimestamp())) { log.warn("Ignoring RGC run because a valid checkpoint [{}] exists inside minimal scope {}.", checkpoint.toReadableString(), minimalScope); ignoreDueToCheckPoint = true; } else { scope = scope.notLaterThan(checkpoint.getTimestamp() - 1); log.debug("checkpoint at [{}] found, scope now {}", Utils.timestampToString(checkpoint.getTimestamp()), scope); } } if (scope.getDurationMs() <= options.precisionMs) { // If we have narrowed the collect time interval down as much as we can, no // longer enforce a limit. We need to get through this. collectLimit = 0; log.debug("time interval <= precision ({} ms), disabling collection limits", options.precisionMs); } this.precisionMs = options.precisionMs; this.ignoreDueToCheckPoint = ignoreDueToCheckPoint; this.scope = scope; this.scopeIsComplete = scope.toMs >= keep.fromMs; this.maxCollect = collectLimit; this.suggestedIntervalMs = suggestedIntervalMs; this.deleteCandidateCount = deletedOnceCount; } /** * Evaluate the results of the last run. Update recommendations for future runs. * Will set {@link VersionGCStats#needRepeat} if collection needs to run another * iteration for collecting documents up to "now". * * @param stats the statistics from the last run */ public void evaluate(VersionGCStats stats) { if (stats.limitExceeded) { // if the limit was exceeded, slash the recommended interval in half. long nextDuration = Math.max(precisionMs, scope.getDurationMs() / 2);"Limit {} documents exceeded, reducing next collection interval to {} seconds", this.maxCollect, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(nextDuration)); setLongSetting(SETTINGS_COLLECTION_REC_INTERVAL_PROP, nextDuration); stats.needRepeat = true; } else if (!stats.canceled && !stats.ignoredGCDueToCheckPoint) { // success, we would not expect to encounter revisions older than this in the future setLongSetting(SETTINGS_COLLECTION_OLDEST_TIMESTAMP_PROP, scope.toMs); if (maxCollect <= 0) { log.debug("successful run without effective limit, keeping recommendations"); } else if (scope.getDurationMs() == suggestedIntervalMs) { int count = stats.deletedDocGCCount - stats.deletedLeafDocGCCount; double used = count / (double) maxCollect; if (used < 0.66) { long nextDuration = (long) Math.ceil(suggestedIntervalMs * 1.5); log.debug("successful run using {}% of limit, raising recommended interval to {} seconds", Math.round(used*1000)/10.0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(nextDuration)); setLongSetting(SETTINGS_COLLECTION_REC_INTERVAL_PROP, nextDuration); } } else { log.debug("successful run not following recommendations, keeping them"); } stats.needRepeat = !scopeIsComplete; } } private long getLongSetting(String propName) { Document versionGCDoc = ds.find(Collection.SETTINGS, SETTINGS_COLLECTION_ID, 0); if (versionGCDoc != null) { Long l = (Long) versionGCDoc.get(propName); if (l != null) { return l; } } return 0; } private void setLongSetting(String propName, long val) { UpdateOp updateOp = new UpdateOp(SETTINGS_COLLECTION_ID, (ds.find(Collection.SETTINGS, SETTINGS_COLLECTION_ID) == null)); updateOp.set(propName, val); ds.createOrUpdate(Collection.SETTINGS, updateOp); } } /** * GCMessageTracker is a partial implementation of GCMonitor. We use it to * keep track of the last message issued by the GC job. */ private static class GCMessageTracker extends GCMonitor.Empty implements Supplier { private volatile String lastMessage = STATUS_INITIALIZING; @Override public void info(String message, Object... arguments) { lastMessage = arrayFormat(message, arguments).getMessage(); } @Override public void warn(String message, Object... arguments) { lastMessage = arrayFormat(message, arguments).getMessage(); } @Override public void error(String message, Exception e) { lastMessage = message + " (" + e.getMessage() + ")"; } @Override public String get() { return lastMessage; } } private static final class LimitExceededException extends Exception { private static final long serialVersionUID = 6578586397629516408L; } }

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