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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.ServiceLoader;
import java.util.Set;
import org.json.simple.JSONArray;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters;
import static;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
* Abstract base class for {@link MicroKernel} integration tests.
public abstract class AbstractMicroKernelIT {
* Finds and returns all {@link MicroKernelFixture} services available
* in the current classpath.
* @return available {@link MicroKernelFixture} services
public static Collection loadFixtures() {
Collection fixtures = new ArrayList();
Class iface = MicroKernelFixture.class;
ServiceLoader loader =
ServiceLoader.load(iface, iface.getClassLoader());
for (MicroKernelFixture fixture : loader) {
if (fixture.isAvailable()) {
fixtures.add(new Object[] { fixture });
return fixtures;
* The {@link MicroKernelFixture} service used by this test case instance.
protected final MicroKernelFixture fixture;
* The {@link MicroKernel} cluster node instances used by this test case.
protected final MicroKernel[] mks;
* The {@link MicroKernel} instance used by this test case.
* In a clustered setup this is the first node of the cluster.
protected MicroKernel mk;
* A JSON parser instance that can be used for parsing JSON-format data;
* {@code JSONParser} instances are not not thread-safe.
* @see #getJSONParser()
private JSONParser parser;
* Creates a {@link MicroKernel} test case for a cluster of the given
* size created using the given {@link MicroKernelFixture} service.
* @param fixture {@link MicroKernelFixture} service
* @param nodeCount number of nodes that the test cluster should contain
protected AbstractMicroKernelIT(MicroKernelFixture fixture, int nodeCount) {
checkArgument(nodeCount > 0);
this.fixture = fixture;
this.mks = new MicroKernel[nodeCount];
* Prepares the test case by initializing the {@link #mks} and
* {@link #mk} variables with a new {@link MicroKernel} cluster
* from the {@link MicroKernelFixture} service associated with
* this test case.
public void setUp() throws Exception {
mk = mks[0];
* Adds initial content used by the test case. This method is
* called by the {@link #setUp()} method after the {@link MicroKernel}
* cluster has been set up and before the actual test is run.
* The default implementation does nothing, but subclasses can
* override this method to perform extra initialization.
protected void addInitialTestContent() {
* Releases the {@link MicroKernel} cluster used by this test case.
public void tearDown() {
// Clear fields to avoid consuming memory after the test has run.
// It looks like JUnit keeps references to all test instances until
// the entire test suite has been run.
Arrays.fill(mks, null);
mk = null;
parser = null;
//--------------------------------< utility methods for parsing json data >
* Returns a {@code JSONParser} instance for parsing JSON format data.
* This method returns a cached instance.
* {@code JSONParser} instances are not thread-safe. Multi-threaded
* unit tests should therefore override this method and return a fresh
* instance on every invocation.
* @return a {@code JSONParser} instance
protected synchronized JSONParser getJSONParser() {
if (parser == null) {
parser = new JSONParser();
return parser;
* Parses the provided string into a {@code JSONObject}.
* @param json string to be parsed
* @return a {@code JSONObject}
* @throws {@code AssertionError} if the string cannot be parsed into a {@code JSONObject}
protected JSONObject parseJSONObject(String json) throws AssertionError {
JSONParser parser = getJSONParser();
try {
Object obj = parser.parse(json);
assertTrue(obj instanceof JSONObject);
return (JSONObject) obj;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new AssertionError("not a valid JSON object: " + e.getMessage());
* Parses the provided string into a {@code JSONArray}.
* @param json string to be parsed
* @return a {@code JSONArray}
* @throws {@code AssertionError} if the string cannot be parsed into a {@code JSONArray}
protected JSONArray parseJSONArray(String json) throws AssertionError {
JSONParser parser = getJSONParser();
try {
Object obj = parser.parse(json);
assertTrue(obj instanceof JSONArray);
return (JSONArray) obj;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new AssertionError("not a valid JSON array: " + e.getMessage());
protected Set getNodeNames(JSONObject obj) {
Set names = new HashSet();
Set entries = obj.entrySet();
for (Map.Entry entry : entries) {
if (entry.getValue() instanceof JSONObject) {
names.add((String) entry.getKey());
return names;
protected Set getPropertyNames(JSONObject obj) {
Set names = new HashSet();
Set entries = obj.entrySet();
for (Map.Entry entry : entries) {
if (! (entry.getValue() instanceof JSONObject)) {
names.add((String) entry.getKey());
return names;
protected void assertPropertyExists(JSONObject obj, String relPath)
throws AssertionError {
Object val = resolveValue(obj, relPath);
assertNotNull("not found: " + relPath, val);
protected void assertPropertyNotExists(JSONObject obj, String relPath)
throws AssertionError {
Object val = resolveValue(obj, relPath);
protected void assertPropertyExists(JSONObject obj, String relPath, Class type)
throws AssertionError {
Object val = resolveValue(obj, relPath);
assertNotNull("not found: " + relPath, val);
protected void assertPropertyValue(JSONObject obj, String relPath, Double expected)
throws AssertionError {
Object val = resolveValue(obj, relPath);
assertNotNull("not found: " + relPath, val);
assertEquals(expected, val);
protected void assertPropertyValue(JSONObject obj, String relPath, Long expected)
throws AssertionError {
Object val = resolveValue(obj, relPath);
assertNotNull("not found: " + relPath, val);
assertEquals(expected, val);
protected void assertPropertyValue(JSONObject obj, String relPath, Boolean expected)
throws AssertionError {
Object val = resolveValue(obj, relPath);
assertNotNull("not found: " + relPath, val);
assertEquals(expected, val);
protected void assertPropertyValue(JSONObject obj, String relPath, String expected)
throws AssertionError {
Object val = resolveValue(obj, relPath);
assertNotNull("not found: " + relPath, val);
assertEquals(expected, val);
protected void assertPropertyValue(JSONObject obj, String relPath, Object[] expected)
throws AssertionError {
JSONArray array = resolveArrayValue(obj, relPath);
assertNotNull("not found: " + relPath, array);
assertEquals(expected.length, array.size());
// JSON numeric types: Double, Long
// convert types as necessary for comparison using equals method
for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) {
Object o1 = expected[i];
Object o2 = array.get(i);
if (o1 instanceof Number && o2 instanceof Number) {
if (o1 instanceof Integer) {
o1 = new Long((Integer) o1);
} else if (o1 instanceof Short) {
o1 = new Long((Short) o1);
} else if (o1 instanceof Float) {
o1 = new Double((Float) o1);
assertEquals(o1, o2);
protected JSONObject resolveObjectValue(JSONObject obj, String relPath) {
Object val = resolveValue(obj, relPath);
if (val instanceof JSONObject) {
return (JSONObject) val;
throw new AssertionError("failed to resolve JSONObject value at " + relPath + ": " + val);
protected JSONObject getObjectArrayEntry(JSONArray array, int pos) {
assertTrue(pos >= 0 && pos < array.size());
Object entry = array.get(pos);
if (entry instanceof JSONObject) {
return (JSONObject) entry;
throw new AssertionError("failed to resolve JSONObject array entry at pos " + pos + ": " + entry);
protected JSONArray resolveArrayValue(JSONObject obj, String relPath) {
Object val = resolveValue(obj, relPath);
if (val instanceof JSONArray) {
return (JSONArray) val;
throw new AssertionError("failed to resolve JSONArray value at " + relPath + ": " + val);
protected Object resolveValue(JSONObject obj, String relPath) {
String names[] = relPath.split("/");
Object val = obj;
for (String name : names) {
if (! (val instanceof JSONObject)) {
throw new AssertionError("not found: " + relPath);
val = ((JSONObject) val).get(name);
return val;
protected void assertPropExists(String rev, String path, String property) {
String nodes = mk.getNodes(path, rev, -1 /*depth*/, 0 /*offset*/, -1 /*maxChildNodes*/, null /*filter*/);
JSONObject obj = parseJSONObject(nodes);
assertPropertyExists(obj, property);
protected void assertPropNotExists(String rev, String path, String property) {
String nodes = mk.getNodes(path, rev, -1 /*depth*/, 0 /*offset*/, -1 /*maxChildNodes*/, null /*filter*/);
if (nodes == null) {
JSONObject obj = parseJSONObject(nodes);
assertPropertyNotExists(obj, property);
protected void assertPropValue(String rev, String path, String property, String value) {
String nodes = mk.getNodes(path, rev, -1 /*depth*/, 0 /*offset*/, -1 /*maxChildNodes*/, null /*filter*/);
JSONObject obj = parseJSONObject(nodes);
assertPropertyValue(obj, property, value);
protected String addNodes(String rev, String...nodes) {
String newRev = rev;
for (String node : nodes) {
newRev = mk.commit("", "+\"" + node + "\":{}", newRev, "");
return newRev;
protected String removeNodes(String rev, String...nodes) {
String newRev = rev;
for (String node : nodes) {
newRev = mk.commit("", "-\"" + node + "\"", newRev, "");
return newRev;
protected String setProp(String rev, String prop, Object value) {
value = value == null? null : "\"" + value + "\"";
return mk.commit("", "^\"" + prop + "\" : " + value, rev, "");
protected void assertNodesExist(String revision, String...paths) {
doAssertNodes(true, revision, paths);
protected void assertNodesNotExist(String revision, String...paths) {
doAssertNodes(false, revision, paths);
protected void doAssertNodes(boolean checkExists, String revision, String...paths) {
for (String path : paths) {
boolean exists = mk.nodeExists(path, revision);
if (checkExists) {
assertTrue(path + " does not exist", exists);
} else {
assertFalse(path + " should not exist", exists);